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Newmarket Era, 8 Dec 1871, p. 1

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nil SI mm kit ERA Friday Morning TVS JACKSON AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER A 1th 1 PLAIN FANCY ORDERS ME THE LIBERTY TV KNOW TO UTTER AND TO FREELY TO ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY Vol NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY DEC 8 1871 Terms 150 in Advance I TO HORSEMEN I me Insurance Co No Humbug I voice will rd in word of comfort or remained He not speak nipt All brother continued I know the bitterness of hi hare men called to drink know that you have Iwen railed to pan timing the darkest place in the valley of 1 knoir that the floodi have arisen on son I and threaten la D But fear not the portion I be sweet light will break upon you the water will la nd the imit preacher his theme continued I know rnv dear brother the party were Mr or one show that it the notation of of his agent and justly too shall the principle end not the extent of it HOI thai void- election A bribe aa leave the area fid will do it A throat by a and refer again to the treating of date ever would do so Willoughby and Morgan they treat jit not within the of the peruana aavon went to court to a to what the effort of jtoll would be the corrupt LordnhipI think not nerd not proved on reference to the note- it appeared A- to question the tlie Perrnolts who were trotted were mm on did not apply in treated after voting these I refer the Taunton Mr concluded tin part and by stating the Lordship I think am with to that question on next page point and by referring the South case He concluded 1 refer to the Gum Swamp Lordship Toaoveyou trouble I hull hud that there no meeting Gom Swamp I find that IJurk and another were driving through and afternoon a The War on Tammany 1 for ailed out to some and four and Garrey of a bottle Cad order called out to some persons and lbs dreadfully your heart boon bar who bar- been mniim fiir w many yeani I Mr McKonxie to the accused to l held in a terrible Rut 1 know that meet- and ixt f M bail each Mr Inpm4lit at your heart w I will in the lection that She lie aiiid I next lav it lnmaelf to ftntllat abe paed down that on the ShrnfT who WJ the ll 17W the Statute vd will offer He till of England aaying at Orange New and inlay at Tar a Hotel of the the law of the of a da and ia the law or Ontario in ha- been al arLirvait To in land ami i in Gamble jKngland The Judge lttle II be called home I to home extent it force a Province refer to the Act and William III In lelS lb de clared to be in form in England W LonlabiplJo you to hi brow knit and com lr tlie law rclcr to CM of I nil I in fore of Tu UI rfr affidavit mad Mill LEE A Davison House Horse Infirmary MonnmentsTomb Stones that bound them of the old folly reaiixe the through had eii nad not felt i the heart a anffering In proof of U we appealed to poetry and the preened- I panned to reflect a and theu began again know jj MeKenzie I it the door after hi he left the young preacher aghaal witli It I r the law ia in forte down trait ore more of the art than of exact inrli to nature one thing to imagine a ml of and feel in quite another thing to the circumstance An illustration of what here act forth will be aeon in the following sketch the main of which are taken from life A preacher named of rather hl toiiihmoL Mr m dot of rally nnn miimto rfmi tread of on the j for the whole of that below feeling deeply Mr followed on the same le He said If the act of 18til stood alone I descending hare been a practice l after he opened the door nhr Jg in ered ex- lrUrv and kind tended hand and in a humble quiet and had the misfortune to lone hie wife with whom he had lived for the apace of twenty fire years No one but knew tbe greatness of the lose for no one knew so well the bean that had grown cold death had been to him a second elf and there a abort period after the freed spirit bad gone home if the cords not ja the band by which be had been laatencd It happened a few days after the dust ot dear one bad been to its kindred dual ig preacher named into town where he was atutioood How brother be uked at whose house be waa sojourning after his arrival Sister is dead I exclaimed young preacher Only red things would void the election voice Forgive me my aadaa Poor human nature weak and hare done airt common suffers too deep even for lmw Tbe aympalby he day may com when lWQ you will me though I objects lalj down in pray Heaven mercy to pare you to provide a new method or that jdp away still wondering could not comprehend the lLe strange he bad at we would expect any but thai the rather stunned tare the of three aria U landed expect the deflni- intallbfoaoand But nothing we it there to any one of what bad occurred art- baa that the It be did not loexpo his brothers weaknesa and partly in toiwd tiial light flow into Ins mind which gave him to that he had been perbapa too forwanl and wordy in his efforts to bring olation to a afflicted heart North York Eleolion TrtaL C or and of the section won rendcrod riecoaaary to declare illegal it am a of that law I further the words illegal and prohibited mean the thing The fact that this is a harsh law because of the difficulty of restrain mo and no for not en fore NrwMAatCET So They were effect bow my heart aches for him Bister dead And aa the preacher said this in a tone of deep do aoe him returned lady and what you can the way of comfort may be he needa it I am glad you have come No one can talk to him you can preacher full of kind inten tions called his afflicted brother Ha found engaged in writing Aa be looked up and recognised him brother that over nan ally grave face waa thrown a deeper of sobriety and that ought ful eye bad a dreamier aspect Brother be aaid in a tone of sympathy grasping hand than wonted And I am glad and aaid Glad to meet bat grieved at heart for deep affliction Lord a mi a at lor Druggist bare Wltothefloor BELL i take up the Had I agree wit all to the extremity that the meeting with your argument You wish me most be a public one and held to say that these three gentle- with a view to promote the clocUon men took a of liquor on their Hewitt such Mi one It no way borne I am to declare the dec- a committee meeting In England it void ban been held that giving of the law Tuw however bad any larger quantity I rvfct a public meeting and held with In to what ha been decided on list of promoting the election The clause in the Prince Edward case provision to the section of the Act he Lordahip Aa that now stands wax now treating of and which would not consider a decision at tbe house beariiig on any the entertainer showed bow aaajd other sec The section comes atrong tbe Legislature thought after to and not to other of section ware It be construed in same way was evident intention to put an I now understand end to treating and entertainment in how that construction can be givcu It the object to prevent meetings of people in places where drnnkenneea would result law under nee did result at thia meeting a which I ait baa altered the law to violation of tbe spirit well as the corrupt practices or baa it merely of tbe Act provided machinery to carry out the violation by a third of law formerly existing Ia there any i the section under discussion would new legislation not affect any one bat himself At to I think Tour the treating on poling day LordshLp that the wards illegal and 1st are wished to provide lor a total prohibited introduces new disuse of liquor on that day Not it la not need in English only but in Act or in Canada before tbU time liquor was sold in quantity ware to be Lordahip Ho ii- It waa not to ha sold legal and prohibited apply fact more comprehensive language to 74 incluaive could not bo need Independent of ibis I think when however wilful violation of Legislature introduces now general sutirte by a candidate will void an Hoot one of Tweeds lawn wherein the deponent de larce that defendant Tweed had been advised by bis counsel to for a redaction of bail or to eacato the order of arrest The property of A J Garvey for at per of what waa paid for it finds no buyers owing to the supposed insecurity of the Sheriff of the order of arrest department waited upon Connolly at II oclock today and arrested him on a charge of fraud similar to that of Tweed Tbe hail required i- a million dollars and Connolly is now in aultati with bin fur the par- poto of the amount Mr nnnollv had jUft appeared in the new which be Aathaydid want on But I need not that light afflictions i but for a momaotwork out mora e and eter nal weight of glory I need a aUs orally to law on the of which legislation taken ph lends to apply them gen- election I refer to Salford 1 and and if by acandidate than by an agent I refer the ac tion of Morgan Tlie intent makes as to ihis seviimi aa toother secliona violated the killed in law He a wear be knew law and be chooses deliberately received by Woodward clerk of tba or suporrUora Tbe to hare obtained by Wood- wtrd and shared alleged with Con- noil was and it made portions Ingersofli aad a It is claimed that and Garrey obtained fottr millions of dollar and having lodge on million to Tweed a credit divide the remainder with Connolly The charge against Connolly is substanti ally same aa that against Tweed The ex trailer waa in the gmtes when bo met by Jar vis who htm that be under arrest Ho was then tahen to the ShorifTa office and ball waa fixed Tlie arrest baa great excitement in political pectod In- any person those who made the complaint and a few other mem ben of com mittee The friends of Mr Dollr are now looking for bail Up to evening itinolly baa not obtained bail and cat- tody of Deputy Sheriff It The Striker will have a largo majority Prince Edward ear Tinrnahip ban voted a to Tut onto Gray and Hail way atT Mr White of the Montreal Gazette it ii said goes shortly to Eu rope on immigration Quantum will be enlarged done in an eight page printed on type and pub lished at par annom all to happen at New Year Tba IT cen sus has been grievously muddled Our contemporary might hare added that liorcrnment med dle everything it touches James Fleming hong Lanark yeaUsiay He aixty- years of age old to know tier if he bad not bean under he influence of liquor at time sea Chicago lost a considerable atrip of in tbe lata fire over a hundred and twentytwo miles valued by pen of aid walks at a little abort of a million or Ma GoiLta Tbo GltU of Wednesday says deeply re gret to have to record the death Mr John fur several year connected with Editorial Staff at Grate He waa pos of very ability a journalist sice to bis prineiplea- Lordship There only I wish to point oat one illegal ami in hibited act under the statute that is hiring leamv 71at and in a high ly general act it is not to ex tend it Suppose a stranger came in to a townahtji during part of the elec tion day armed with an offensive on that void the election Tea my Lord it break it submit thai void for that alone It mar be aaid at it or Nov la Hav ana Nov A stale of throngho journals are of are greering baa and hacked ley the which baa decided to return to own The greater part the bit

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