Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 24 Nov 1871, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA NOV 1871 Local S Montreal Iltili I parsing of ihrUtrluiiiM i Hi- Bin lly the ratted for mill vole i kiiiMin ll llondrii Millard Vivs mil iKII Hoove Law look sir Monday I Hit general weal wo say thin iii Humble to sell any ilcM-rip- if firm innliinill oft in t under regulations liquor for the crowd at lintel said it war anna of my business if ho money at tlio door gt there Wi-n- friends got 5U fallivr thurc Hirer or four or To Mr Bolhana mot the Mr Your ir four or live drink- brought in mud two or three after cine- did not oil a rent 1 only drank I think Mr ho volunteered tire Well there Hi gan a drink I Hunk raid to til ml voting for little only rents Mr It hard MrUughlin did hat all arserrsrijy rcnici they about knew the I up at the time and led it belter than 1 do lb the ill- li whin I had WIvrAr he the no arrangement by for I gut paid any one men J for it 1 money for It their dinner 1 imlsai J iary him how ho rail it was none he had liquor that day gut no moioy unlay last id mv Imines if ho Jot I wan ill connection with llio Hie has sl ltd luggy he snsa on tool liioor Unit table may have been feel long fax wilh Ct NOV Our Toronto Despatch it line illefora botcher to prcv 1 am the thin mpelling to I they ll1i doon hut t It ill it ended IV ill lnwait rtcturn after of official of I lam full renin of at Apr To 1 hut Win I WW day than one dont know any one omenta bit he Is very ho that volo fur lliutgol hit anything and I thought they would Bear a liillo out of one flu- I dinner there cant My there or iiiwii to of the liavolu ilouhl ho me 1 not my javo mo no thouj I inliiv 1 him am Hiiro I did not charge him rottitm to kit tin- in drink not with and that ho did not My father a than one drink I dont rvtoltoct tell mo that lie did not pel pay n there but she me no direction from l I had to it the old man wc koptno cheek of that II In in ing will bo brought and hi of Mr Hot lithe and MMno be it not tookdinner llioooil that the ihorc no their dinners pay for ilium with Mr To Mr did not or I I in Sharon friend would for it I at the Jbijal Hotel at the but I voted for MeMurnch Mr That my Lord at took no in it dont know if Mi not no nor anything for I can on now witlraut tinre 1 think i wan a volitog loUgtiby and Mclaydon whom I have con net- led with Mr repeated ftalciptit lor and wo knew it when I wont there and akcd wit new of J I becattno 1 lookon nlervl in Mr lloult- the liutli ft I Ilia 1 cannot come bock J VJ w election that I wont into Tho wan very and again merely to again t t Ialkid to a great there Hated I him to mo Mr It is plum that the iU bout ibe election If I had money in my pocket Mi- evidence of mate Imuniu Vm Mr I elhune tocall to my place Sun rial and tho adopted by j i Andrew the operator afternoon the election and Judge- in England is to adjourn if a produce telegram cent by Mr mo to for Mr Booltbee cannot bo found and that it practice followed by Mown HrlNNfhhhwto iiwjhaj i ii William tsVnjstiDin mm Mr called Bel Millie Chimes A choice id In the lljuur liKcMoCltrilite another roron the arkol on polling day lliipior on Kflling day except at friend To McMiehnclI went to Aurora ir I Id take mo to in tho Grey and back What do yoi Friday when To Mr a alrnngor Mr Itotbnne I would go on i nun no was in a no how ho came on with and bo flopped he I to some of that did whether it li ivTvf f lie or of respondent with lo prenl I to Bale tht moved that the word grain with the view to amending the ByLaw at to allow alt of grfin to bo In M that if the il the I ly- 1 aw as it tood could thai tbc lWllbl who had grain to nil be le by cereal to be I from Head- were obliged Taking their lead While Mr irmnmanrii at ordered itllhliiMr led to leavo meeting of hi for Mr from did i Hi each thing were goineoniiilii I I not friendly to Mr to Icavo before I ordered in the liqoor I none hot Mr friends veert juCMint when liquor tin was not a meeting for ihdi raid I North York Co hut for hi llvantngMobeg Is fiaiits vegetable vc and the- lit to be brought to the did not apply to grain ititcretcdi much in I and by 1 favorable impress liberality Meg in South the custom or the lit a and be did not ace bow the Vice Chancellor Could have done other Hold the election void if it I bad been to have on that branch of tho evidence Had his Julgc mere compelling them to deal only on the market with grain Tbe principal argument of pnpoiiion of the fteeve that by compelling to come to market I there I I no chance to evade the proviaionaof be r cover of contract- Ac and il would add to general apcaraucc point J out that to gain thin appearance for market the an increased lax Upon the grain dea era compelling them to employ oil one to buy and another and led n largo lite mown of farmcra rolling at ivry Swanipthc mur then draw back again to the put for the OUl voted yen nnd the of Council the American running of the ton help voniiug Biding But it i know ho did rule In- m defeated not all coal down or will 1 he Reform Party rexcrtion on nil or oclock no at to enable r m Sow it i over for lime we W village opportunily of buying for ivli By refer arc not among tbe who ate going cry about pilt milk V BocLiar1 not from anypcronal much of Jl 1Ue man bat we bin J It opponent Party Jj l employment Jmwing most a 1 u lh bo have ever been the 6 of the parly ho bout a advantage to bo identified with Bui new wa opposed for fear declared tho of would Induce Biding while wo to Mn grain than with rare hit and acts mttrkBt lbu It far from to render him at the Depot of If tie the raicpny the bis reform w lh claim have received wo shall be I lbe ready lo our mistaken market to compel oatimation of tho man and give him I lh Tillage tor sale duo credit The will parohatod on the market plot abortty meet and by his i wt mean to judge led the great object aimed at under may obtain tick benthip for eta for the coarse The declared emphatically bin fur market and maintained but be contend- they may While on point we take aimply to enable buyer and heller opportnniiy to ray to that to meet together and residing in Biding tain on one hand and dispose on tbo otber produce required domtn- who may to be- lio to both Uptolhe Go Up Head MirslonsTle i ifi iijiii Fatal Wo regret on i are to notice the of North have selected Ir formerly of this and now editor and iii nominee of theparly His opponent Mr of it an old Conetnralive and was unseated for contravening tbo statute last election We also glad to learn both the who opposed Mr last election are unitedly tup- porting Dr We trust electors will send him up head at ho goes to the poUa opponent of tho Patent Combination I North York Election Trial The Institute Pgft j n f bim I took no great am Will bo observed Mat of interest n llU election I wa ha boon secured by the Insiitulo for anxious to see him elected Mr a with Experiment my legal business on Friday craning the 1st of Decern- 1ai in ventures I did This will be opening jioojlo for i- i klr I spending my time in lure ami shortly after un g I asked a will follow We believe very few to vote for Mr llev Mr a gentle- bat asked thorq bow thoy were man of high repute in Toronto as a to vote j they pulpit orator has been for a lecture on The for auprtrifcuiwli Mi he had boo ftJSLjWfe Tickets for the We trust general public will that I committee that tnonl they bave a right reasonably peel full to tbcse- f talked to the parties there eluding use of library may bo bad any committee will be charged at approaching bat ladies and young men ho I did and about of the not tell them in I remember it that th per I spoko lo wore all strong wo put up at an hole in this meeting come bat however the it I era to follow their eiampli by handbills and ad wtMOla think Dr Hunter the time tor those road to chairman about were i sent the re not ireatnl that fault to do tick- M eta themselves and alto induce or not I treated To Mr telegram shown to me Mnreh in 1 believe on it in directed to and reads Send Michael down at once the telegnini ot March relation to dititl handbills of tho election Mr Morgan asked mo to see to as Mr lioultbce was away I I I I Miih whom telegram was the el Sunday ho hand Mr name It til know why he my fin1 time I know of it acting a- lor lor bun but might have To Dr Mr Michael- 1 received no bill of from Hewitt to pay lor more than one treat I did not I ho room and did not know it wan I should not a ihat any St worth of there were only or six and I dont suppono ail took them never to ji or for meeting that night ordered all but friends to leave that night To Mr I dont remem ber word lor word what said but I tid it was a meeting of Mr friends and that otbort wore to leave left door was open and could come in if did the 1 told thorn to go out before I mated because I did not want lo in fluence their vote I moan this seri ously Mr Jolly was only friendly one there ho is the only one I rcmomber I did not treat for any reason it was not to keep sip- port cm in good humour ItoBiRL- aworn To Mr I live in Whitchurch proposed Mr lloultbee at last elec tion wont to three meetings with Mr first was ville Mr waa there and addressed the it was half over when I got there I did speak the mooting wat in a belonging to tavern I did treat there no more drinking if I bad any- money 1 did nut owe him any said I money of my own in my pocket And thought be meant that he asked mo if I and I said it didnt matter if I had in my pocket mi to v the money I wheat none of Mr McM friends paid it me nobody paid it to mo John Graham went with mo to the polls never lold my wifo to keep her mouth shut about my gelling Pole Waslet recalled I at bouse on the Sunday 1 went to see bis wife who to ma about the election- iiil on that Sunday offer to Saw wood at my own house election but aald lint on of I used these J wanted lo bo caution I swear 1 did of tho wood to bo he should attend do i imply that Mr knows any thing or him but I- find that a him from a witness own aide will often batten him in his attendance I ft- If Witloughby hat any regard for Mr character he will attend Mis stated that he could proclaimed l lie and would tit until the case finished was not finishod by the of December when the Parliament met he might to adjourn from that to March or April Rebellion In I dure 9 Mr Beth voted I deal of in Ira Ulster two in Mr took lerett in the election waa at a ing the were chosen in the hall of the hotel and was in and naked what was likely to le I Whitchurch said I could not toll and was at three other meeting two in Whitchurch mid one in Aurora when Aurora hud not made up my mind whom I upKirt sUv ltoullHe Citt or Mtxtco rim IIa- Nor 19 The testimony in the case of the American seirel by tbe Mexican authorities Tabasco is to conflicting that he tohl sat week ho hall kept but the wa il held in r had any drinking or not a nnmaer wore in bar I also spoke at wa- present moot was furnihed I rcdlect I may lute had but dont re mum bur poke Vivian dont know that there was any drinking saw no evidence of any- treated a crowd dont remember treating any individual at meeting I nm pretty did not get cent for elec tion got from Dr he owed mo but had no relation to the election I know Daniel Murphy Jont recollect treat ing him villi- ha no liquor oain my pocket but gave no any of it got no other liquor may have offered a lady a bonnet to got tome one to vote in a joke I did not the offer to Mies Mary Gra ham know no of that name To Mr I did not vote Geo Walker came and asked mo to vote for lloult boa he said ho had got the Thomp sons and Perranlta to for bee lold him didnt think Id role ho said Id belter go Id mi than if I stayed home shingles he said what one roan got all would get and all would be paid I did made for floull- James IIauhctt To Mr fiethuno I had conversation with Allan iridium lie did not me to vole for he did irented mo wo had no committee in command me to for him dont know who treated did not intimidate me am not a it there did not see Mr treat to bo intimidated by a man like did not see ham we are good friends got money and no inducement to voi Mr was the Mr US Minitcr has deter mined to send his secretary of lega tion to a thorough investigation A charge in the existing govern ment is expected before the Now Year the country never was in such an unsettled condition theState of pronounced in favor of the revolution- ami General Diiu at the head of a formidable army The Stales of and Clainiln al pronounced and are Stint Ittr prim mneimen-oo- I is exit in the army at I ie Colonels with their command- re joining the revolutionist- The other are Mm paralyzed TheTn-v- ury it bankrupt and lbe people are going over to the revolutionist The ha- Itilherto that Juarez could sustain himself and yet supporting htm that a revolution it inevitable is denouncing Santa Sanchez another son law ha- been and placed in litnry confinement The Prevalent is at work trying lo re lease him in direct violation of law Custom House has boon to Gen Alatorru is irching against insurgents in State m is reported thatVGen is i ing men in Puebfa for tbe purpose of organizing a revolutionary army withe to resign the of San Luis York Assizes qlkem vs John Watson placed in dock on Saturday on a charge of forgery The evidence wat ly a repetition of thai taken at the tin of berof gentlemen were called to testify hit former good charactor- waa that he bad on the 3rd April forged the lice in Mr wbro there Mr examined Ilurks team took Mr there I chairman vat no I know Mi there no resolution ion Mr Morton did not como to Mr Hamilton Hunter addressed the or ask me to vote for waa mooting Mr also I away couple of hours from work saw ilio drinking there 1 when I waa voting waa drawing treated I took something toft I rail- I asked Aaron Woodward to do not know who treated roe I did work for me I away be not treat wat at a meeting at Hog- came along the road with gardt in Newmarket saw no drink- Morton Morton came to me to ing there dont know who treated jne to the polls I think be said received no money to expend on the Woodward could work I wat election and spent none in any gone if I would go to vote had told or form Mr present at my man in the morning I heck on the Bank of to The counsel for the Crown and alto tor the addressed tho jury briefly after which His not cross fully explained case to the jury land bo then intimated that it bad not To Mr I been proved in evidence that tbe Mr Km- rlri with til i I tlarW 72UBJM l a raiMtr rtakr VrSffrSilllsi Newmarket Market Ttk it It Toronto Markets ch for il Cow Lost RED COW four NOTICE T no- or is ih Is of tin Tit ttStm Ysik LStbrr v t Harris lids IStli herd Morlhnd been by m to c After about ten minutes acquitted Grand Duke Alexis New Nor The Russian frigate Soetland with the Grand Duke Alexis on board arrived last night and anchored off lightship All It well on board The is afraid offic he tteamc David called did not Morton offered Woodward Up work land pear for me I asked if ho would and of tquad frigate Soot Micrael Waslet tworn To Mr he hi know David talked lar whether ho did to about tho election did my work ft offered hi lend hi if It in- told in 3000 tons of 350 horse- have power from Madiera October 10th bad experienced strong head and be wold along without heavy teat nearly wholw pataage the NEWMARKET Mechanics Institute THKCwsltUesf i ll st t IMrH mat Of la Opening Lectors On Friday Magic of Science KXPERlJlBSfl In Clxmtury tut rrlitif Tbe officer on Jaty made Jii inn wornto Mr inquiry if the other owl of lbe litgotany Bothone I in of my falli lent had yol reached Id the other at Uarn for little and when infsmsed they hart To Mr Boollboe I after while on polling day saw David immediately communicated intel lection Mr was wilh then did not tiger se be I nppoe you will with hint or taste it had charge of land and raw wood with mo now tlo bar no liquor was cheer lection over raid I would not day or kept In any other pari and military to 31 any dtltVrrnce with a neighbor the hotel no wadninlcloor the Grand still take place to- ST flt AT s r llotl he raid he got paid for hi vote for bad charge of the dining ordered in I I bow be part of the time that day got lormy

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