Tim eba Friday Morning AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GIVE UK T1IK TO TO iTTFJt AND TO FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHEtt XXNo NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY SEPT 1 1871 Terms 150 in Advance THE ERA Book and Job Establishment If ITEW LATEST STYLES PLAIN FANCY TYPE ORDERS TEETH Dr Robinson CABINET ROOMS MARBLE WORKS itmm iaM Corner of Main- and Timothy milks i I loll My good nun said be I do not wish to censure you for the words you have just spoken allow them character before a dea on lite subject Hunk more favorably of me tban Yea assented a muttered something about being a free country where one liirly to speak be pleaded IUldespitr lbi be teemed lo feel cla Streets Mi He DRESS MAKING I His Jas Barry DRESSMAKER Street Harness Establishment I ALL r- aMatoied I Dresses Cut Fitted IN 1870 EON One year elapsed and the ion bad prevailed og been ftili strength nod of William I Malm I residence MR IA Bui Mid Ttmr Mock Harness and WHIPS Dentistry HASH PHYSICIAN EOS Accoucheur Atom Blevins MOKE TO LOAN J of Un- lUHltnlcnnl A I I ADAMS fitrrel Last MM til hJ tkr VbIcuil1 jiit1o uJ Itutbrr Md tint Twth alt or Vdkeuiwj with fc Buggies for Sale Style At A J Ju n CAKHOoT DENTIST Stop and Read Musical Instruments PRICE FINISH Watches Clocks ANT JEWELLERY Moauu H THOMPSON A mi Trimmer rv Silwr VomimJ Md ft fctUn M Ik J MM ij ifl of c Chemist Druggist BELL DRUGS MEDICINES Perfumery m IB FOE SALE for CASH Or WAGONS Carriage A NEW TINWARE reapectfiiHy And a f if aPl MAIN Stove Pipes c la eayMMoewl mm of Acpoiriajj I at Nan A Short aw iy Horse Infirmary LLOYD VETERINARY SURGEON of mi Ud or mum 1 IOHBES C o- Every or en m was out of place and entered the whit tier Willie followed bin be entered wan full of in group of tbreee I did lier as you did J too never her Willie realh know in what take your word Lord would jbo an a lady would be none titer two claueMof know belong- tolte I ladv a uhI claimed uuicciv on tball il Iwluro looked at firl and then brokt immoderate lit of difticulty iliimid yo fuiwd to answer at be plied Indeed I do I it on your for- ftfulnvH waa for 1 you for a moment one day but your I niwd you bo I do of your therefore cam to tin- conclusion that yon did not know me tbt yon never knew who it waa rescued yea I remember the occasion you to welt too pavsvd by oar window and enough I It only after you went that I began to think who it could be that to know and at last the troth dawned and then I rvaolvod not to be dull agau when bad the good fortune to yon irprie to bo partisans What a remarkable alio of 1 never thought yon knew who it of Mackenzie young man you said till yon wbaL cried one tin jilaiw when you addrww in you were MMlbta when you were a fraud Ill look over it for the brought board and remained very uo1 tools who area- blind premnt bull would advjso you to ill during the real of lb bate and cant what is taking control your at and in fact and no bAra Ihoir very parucnlariy in a matter that ought one km allowed to you with the It is pretty clear aaid another nut and in fact not j of the doctor that any government answered whan allow alburn of nature to come to long drawling ton in which I did return to you may such a not lit to rulo a wordh war uttered Willie be sure I made some enquiries about tr peculiarly insulting and forced from my I was told it ww yon Its not that alone said the first him a reply Yon lower and to have seen yoa speaker its the old governor him- meanest of cure he to before the accident occurred self tbat should come in for tin- blame but I suppoee be had for bis chief two noblemen out from you shall not repeat them again England hist year Lord and my Lord cried Ijord Hep- bow have fared yourself nee time You have a place in my mind and in Willie started on hearing Ha In li id with my he would said but still remained in hi- whip ho dealt Willie a blow word failed him and titer his Select the shoulder of sentence ended th-i- catching bin on cheek and But Edith did ce sing a of flush from which the abrupt blood started With a yell of rage gaily Oh for I though I WILLIE MORTON fact be had ho met on board the MmaiI and sccrosly over bestowed and Willie sprang from bh i a thought upon them Meanwhile upon the nobleman and tho next in- ad trial or tbe the convaraalion went on between both fell to the ground I landed in Canada bat now I the men in Montgomerys Almoat be am living with a nice agreeable tavern party in favor of grappled Lord Ileum by the throat having undertaken the tuition of I Mackenzie becoming each preparatory to contest their two and am as happy I moment stronger until nearly every but immediately relaxed his hold for the day If long man in room spoke in tarn bin adversary Lay and Is it the place alill great political agitator At on the ground quired Willie indeed she answered Bat All raised with the h- of one Willie Morton owner A hoarse murmur of ran through crowd when this was observed and cries of pal him out wen- raised immediately after At tood above the rest if It be no It sm T that horrid braise on your Yoa must suffer great pain the leader that of At s in the habit meet bove the rest pans of the country as William ARer a lew for the parpose of drilling began to act it waa time for hut and stared vacantly wanoetbvcly known to be a fact and them to act also and taken by the propriety of ejecting 1 to now ttidLotd Government for their suppression house anv one who did not close by his alone the inability of Sir with them was and anxiotu I do not Heed fill the position of now turned upon the di- fault y governor was clearly manifested It and he not feci- I wat not however until the month of in bis Ilw PT- hutrsmoant- Lecember that any decisive position did not wait to bo forcibly his horse ho pursued his way to taken by either Lected leaving bis seat be town It was not until after the Mackenzie then published in Toronto walked quickly out and his excitement caused by such a conflict a hit of nineteen successful strikes mounted had somewhat cooled down that he for freedom on record in the history the direction of Toronto lie hall PP of the wound- of world and in plain words DO proceeded far however when ho cross hie shoulders and called his followers to rise in coming toward- him at a mud lid imposeibleto concert wilb him and strike a blow lwo who when they without striving in some way for the liberty of Canada A warrant approached nearer ho recognized to to Accordingly he reined tow issued for his arrest bat too be Lord and his companion lhc had fled from the town and Lo whograduallv slacken mlle oat- ilready preparing for a descent pace approached our the town in it ho bathed head of some hundreds to a halt when Allhoagh it eased the pain One morning in met lll face a little he part of November a number of you tell my good man ftnnd at in fron inn Mid how l lh known by the nam- of Montgomerys f wear from a Utile delay and holding a on are ws pro- nsalalion with himself he deter- Street about four miles from Toronto ceding in right direction Pifo of discussing the look of affairs in Can- Keep on this answers fi dra that present time of Willie and you cannot possibly happened Certainly you may enquire rebellion the It is but a mile distant from anting important subject While they Bat I would to thus engaged one of the party back for your life would not bo a til he came opposite a window three large colored decried advancing rapidly there now The farmers around there bottle and quantity of satin towards them Man were the have just declared for and dtsmoanting again been his bos faeoid your names mentioned by forehand made the man In- in ll other You know as then Lord i they argued to for at that period when the ment caused by the spreading disaf fection and near approach of open height news of gazing vary plied confusedly though smil ing tho while still am ty to answer at least not will at some future time Edith looked surprised What a mystery yoa she a perfect enigma living in Toronto she asked sudden- la t sto of hunter and visit th town weekly for the parpose of bar tering the skins of the animals I cap tors and sometimes the flash There was a company of us roe and three others bat they have gone fur ther weal in se of bettor hunting grounds and I am left by myself Here they were interrupted by the druggist exclaiming One dollar awl fifty two cents Edith the money and waa bidding Willis goodbye with a hops to see him when be asked trem ulously May I go to see yon some when I am in town again Of course said she shall be so happy to see you at the house and introduce you to Mr and Mrs Stan- field and the rest of the household as the gentleman who saved my life at the risk of his own I often told about that narrow escape from death 1 had and it will be audi a for them to sec you I lire Queen East yes to take down the address for should forget ft Goodbye And she was gone leaving Willie lear yo exclaimed Most decidedly he does pted Lord bad been perfectly was momentarily ex- course Why Herbert this is 0 w as inscription on It was Willie Morton brave young fellow who saved and yirs around a post that sweet young ladvs life when to on she fell overboard from boulders and afterwards prcpar- naked fly the by it is exclaimed erv confused of mind deal of jialavcrabout the length hardly rsaliro fact that bo and breadth of the wontid on bis fare bad ssen and spoke to Edith while bpnl aflairn genera the pcrnihaion that had been granted to visit her filled his cup of joy to and after he left rand put togs ting he his horse front of bouse Whats friend words in which be should do- answered Willie tonally enured and after boundless love to Edith and i companions con- Perhaps sir can give us wmo heme took ft seat to l be hie wife to forget informal regarding that said voung again when IhebruiM thus engaged Nothing now Mackenzie and to bold their ad it is supposed that all has are at an end and that the worst jr lost soon come i on beholding long ugly rod man I SFTZ w lli why aij Lord was S curiously at sir bits niter in M faohf tone such her prouy face for the treasonable words completely as- 1 i know A tb for thy towards Willie ly lovers incoherent and broken of expressive of but indicating months Perhaps you know she vidcntially as it asks i lion had given all who bad with courage to as they pleased Willie though bo fully that which Perry and others wished to attain would be of a beneficial character to country be shrank from word Bebollioo To be a rebel devoutly believed in the words of Sir John Harrington And therefore though one aide had bis sympathies he determined other should have bis in of need And taken vie of lie so framed hi ply to man who addressed him Pray do tell urged Lord Mel- the hedges shoot is the ford earnestly I am really quite nccWtd defending her char- the naer interested in her though in a differ What that which when sat manner entirely to my fnond and peer of brought to labia is bat never salon Herbert I imagine that my only fo hc pack of cards sister who had she lived ng young remarkable wouuIbeherpectcountorparL Mm oblivious to hi and sincerity oi W be- prance tbJ public iT oondhebad floding that he could not vrhorTTwar When IbrUW assured ssasbissssks to family in To- 1 To his infinite surprise she stood by way of apology I S I gir oh 1 putty he itoiliii him if that all to be Mr Morton per- rgiv Urate who had wrong htm information Ton can lire we night tor a he me the well a year ago in ring my lib at example a hoy who bad a moment Lord of own Ilot I noluxl or Too her el aldoj forgot air replied lad I I 10 to Willie I mo pretormyottMnl gbe wl that be that examination the tending him her white hand teacher a boy whether ho coold roioilect think 1 coold if he