Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 May 1871, p. 4

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THE RUSH STILL CONTINUES FOR RUMSET BROS NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK of LADIES MISSES AND CHILDRENS HOSIERY AT MANCHESTER No 2 CALDWELLS BLOCK BRO NEWMARKET ERA MAY 1871 Amusement Boy where thin road ftp to knows on It here What striking mace Mid the to pliant when ho hit him a clip with A colons boasting olhcr tiny of tho mads by lb Mid I An inventor applied to the Poke of Wellington for adoption of hi of Pat on said tba Puke and ordered up v with a rifle Hut the trial told of Pick a darky who was a notorious in Kentucky thief he was so vicious in respect that all the theft in try m to him On occasion Mr Jones a neighbour of Dicks master called tod that Pick be sold out of that part of for ho had stolen all his Mr Jones turkeys Picks roaster could not think MX two how- went into the field whore Deck work and him of tho theft Yon Mr Jones turkeys Mid tho So but I didnt mass Pick Tht roaster Well at said Pick tell you I didnt toll dem turkey lilt night when I went across to Mr Jones on one of fence so I brought boj confound it I come to look on rail ISA- In Missouri a hud ard has nod another man for 2O0 ilam- for wickedly contriving and wrongfully depriving hira of the com fort of tho society of his wife and alienating her affections for the space of days This makes value of the wifes a little Offer A tragedy has been enacted at Arenas a port of Costa on tho of where tho captain and the boats crew belonging to the British brutally murdered by Indians Proper measures are to bo taken to punish those engaged in murder Host SrirHES Richards The Kingion gives currency to a rumor that Hon Stephen Bit h- arde Commissioner of Crown Lands in Ontario is to retire from his posi tion and accept the County Attorney ship of York in of lalo Mr His re tirement no doubt greatly strength Ministry ten Tippo lb huge elephant belonging to died of disease of the heart at days ago lie mil about sixty years old and was in ported to this from Asia about thirty years measured about ten fact in 10000 pounds CERTAIN Preservation of the Sight SIMPSON Chemist Druggist I t Celebrated SPECTACLES EYEOLAS5IS mLamwwtWUOl Hard J 0 la Ij ill of I MOST PERFECT SPECTACLES Til MUST iim inn out OP THE So lit ibel41 aa11 LAZARUS MORRIS CO no CURE OF BRONCHITIS I i la lint Hi Mi Cheap Building Lots D DO AN Drugs Chemicals MT1T PERFUMERY Oil I SCHOOL GENERAL GROCERIES uoud Ml lb At lake 11 11 p lb rail Oct for lb 1 BROWN bit ibodUt alhUT 1S Aurora Still Ahead NEW I TO nock GOODS ReadyMade Clothing Garment Static to and Satisfac tion LIFE LIKENESSES MR J RE D Til lootr lb Aid for the liberal rapport dariag the atooibi to be baa Urn Li BTOCJC OF APPARATUS And icaU LifeSized A aai IH tt or LIFE SIZE Or other uit Ioom Mew tod for Hides TRlNberrtbtt rj k far ttb WalUV Sued bud a etoek of LEATHER Of ell eU iffiCDlt for at to Jk I Iwp from jr Cunntjof VoiUioHrirJ fur boat ft ft ut l I I I I to I setter l bate JOHN J J P Rooms Enlarged S MainSt Stock of Furniture fr1 Cm In rror Cat Tablet Are Ac Abo b it mM at Prices to Salt the Times First Class Instrument PUMPS PUMPS THE Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Tl en of ib newt I Iu an O170O50 Ita Daily DOT IU Lift art inn raUa afford to the aad 1 balder Head Office Canada Breach Montreal P C SMITH CUtf LOOTTMATT SEWING MACHINE TOOK THE FIRST PRIZE At the Provincial Exhibition RECENTLY HELD IN TORONTO A How OS germ only a of lj and coaclaalfflj laa to all otbrrm at CmdIj Sl Tana ClbariMa PRICE OF MACHINE nBBxr V Bidder riSlryi I- lnb Half Lock and Kr to addrna a lboroob of Mackia WILSON BOWMAN ft Co Wholesale Agent Aurora Ell IT IS J J HODGE Cooking Parlor Hall Bedroom Steves LOWER THAN TORONTO PRICES ii your flat your and Stmt COPPER TIN SHEET IRON JAPAN WARE At prices that will yon la EAVE t farm Produce Sheep Skins Ac in Exchange for Goods Parcel I Brick Store Office J ft J ft BAKER SEWING MACHINE STILL AHEAD Hat baa ail Tuckers ft Qui Iters All Styles of Qroter Baker Machines If band All Machines for Tear BOND Afl 11 1IT0 NEW Harness mill udaraleed an MB JOHN DA of all Harness and Trunks WHIPS Km 187 CABINETROOMS To Lately occupied am an Auction Boom by Mr Thomas Atkinson HUGHES EST ARC MOST Immense Stock BOOTS AND SHOES LADIES PRUNELLAS from zero COMMERCIAL BLOCK March Save Rennets it GARDEN SEEDS FRESH IMPORTATION DRUG STORE SIGH OF THE BRONZE MORTAR ih port Office Mais Street Nswxasxxt Seed by the Ounce Pound Onion em ib of Bed Flat Patch and Lettuce All beat Slat tun I mi- aat Tomato Red Lars Bad aad Peas Dabaraa Ckaeielee of Ac Bean Dwarf Aiparapu Pelt alao Lai Turnip Meed 8ade niroupa InfmvH Top Pax Carrot LoegOraa and etc AU of tho Best Quality I PRICE LOW HAIR lor Daadrnff lb kia Dr Feumarket of CRAHESSIU AND For CoatpUinU Insect Poison A aara Bed Plica Boaceaa tic Prepared I j TRICE TWKNTYFIVE CENTS Ague Cure And Tonic Wat la hl luieraal from CoofMtioa Cora ft Chilt Fever Agaa al 1eaT tba f a cents per Bottle POWELLS VEGETABLE PULMONARY BALSAM For Whooping ladplral Coaiunptlae e A pared by 1rioa per BENTLEYS Botanical AntiBilious Fills r car with Cotoplaiau are and la altofttbrr the Cathartic Pill M BOTANICAL WORM SYRUP Went and Wotn It ii to tbi la aad for an length I BENTUVS BELIEVER all other pain Apothecarys Hall I DRUGSTORE JAMES and Apothecary wniTri -I- Ijliju CARRY ON BUSINESS FUTURE ON HIS OWN ACCOUNT The Stock Drugs Chemicals PERFUMES COMBS FANCY GOODS Patent Medicines HORSE A CATTLE MEDICINES DyeStuffs Of all James Genuine White Lead OILS PAINTS VARNISHES BRUSHES And Artists Materials Finest Tobaccos CIGARS IN LAMPS NEW STAR SHADE nun the Vo Commer cial Black Mai Street LITTLE Sewing The Little lb mi lb nriM Mk it Leu Liable to Oct Out of Order And lb ANY OTHER SHUTTLE MACHINE Beer Maculae IITINU SCREW Spool of it to dm and keep faaoriu FAMILY SEWING MACHINE of tolag an Tbeaa art patroaiacd all Uujbier to Tbraa Duori of toe CEO BACIIE If NO STOCK LIKE IT NEWMARKET TBB baa oat a large choir aaaorUacat of Jewellery Goods Of lb BOLD A SILVER WATCHES ElectroPlated Goods TABtC ND CUTLERY Fancy Goods I Hi it ul mjIIh mi QUALITY AND PRICE UNSUfPASSE Childrens Toys Iku Ma 1 J WELL BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN Watches Clocks and Jewellery Repaired lb Hi MwHc rf niUbl tot nddU d S7KES Founders Engineers Steam Engines St SKEINS Ac BAND HOOP ROD AMD HEAVY AND HARDWARE Kiia HARDWARE ESTABLISHMENT Mill mIJ Mllcll a STUBS A A 1 A 1 SEE Vtj lf1 Pumps Pumps I TDK ralanilwr la ntraiaf tbasb for tic data it la 111 all dm far WELL or CISTERN PUMPS All Pumps Warranted REPAIRED Ordm 1 hi In TiaMtby Strcat ail tUad MEW Furniture Store BELL EJVARTI BRAKE Grocery Dry Goods HARDWARE BUSINESS Ha aa addltloeal Mara la abba la- brad roealaaU band a Stock of Furniture STOVES a ha to pah- Sharon Looking Cheap Goods SHARON Aad la doing ao to to Ida iHeade the pabllc la ao la of a Largo Stock a SEASONABLE GOODS Of Lata too lee CLOTHING DEPARTMENT ftSBl IMA I QkH tad r all til diaa Bread Ctotha by Yard r to Order la the Beat to hand a DRY GOODS and at Ln Groceries Of lb Beat ad Cbaap a GEO P SMITH KERMOTT Chemist Druggist DELL A TTISPS eaoataailj heed DRUGS MEDICINES 1NKH Chemicals Perfumery Toilet Soaps it a IS Tease 10 in NEW Boot and Shoe MANUFACTORY Opposite the Forth American now prepared to Hat BOOTS AND SHOESI Work Warranted A Provincial Land Surveyors A LAND OFHCE 2 Curt Toroala Oat UaatUw paid Sum af MiaMal Baa I aad lipirlma1 Draaia Had for Taraala la Caart Cbrk CARD J GiTAHAM SHARON ONT Practical Piano Tuner aall to lb Terava Oct 15lh ia to that Mr J ha aad ajaatl Lima Signed jobs npsiLtm TUOTirMOlT HOUSE TUB proprietor teg to and tba kept Sir toada to harp a Iloaaa The Bar and Larder Tilt be ith tU beat lea aaaaU paid to Coaiaairdal other Ttatellera a4 krgeltiag CHAEOES Lata trae tiling Agcat for A a Western Assurance Go BAD OFFICE TORONTO efl0000 Pre si t- J c at lrrnian and at adeanla- adjaatod Tba ato XT rtSSOHTION OF CO-PABT- fiataarUad J Reta il bare tbi dUaoleel partoataVlp All IkbiWIaa will cede Dated of Dacca bar AD J Horse Infirmary T VETERINARY SURGEON total ruined Ihepeantaea on ataloAt C Ao Medicines of Every Description fit Cattle always on Hand from the all J at TWO FARMS FOR BALE FOB North of Lota eel totbaitadCBOieaiaefWatQwtllia- Acraa ISO aad farm a etaaaraT aataeal ilea 100 a I Cedar apply Ten

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