Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 May 1871, p. 1

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Hit Every Friday Morning AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol XXNo 12 G1VK ME TJU LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVB LIBERTY NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY MAY 1871 Terms lBO in Advance Till NEWMARKET ERA Book and Jet Establishment TUB LATEST STILES PLAIN FANCY TIPS ORDERS TO CottBEStUK an V krt AM iHcrU lii ami HENRY VETERINARY SURGEON Satmta 1 1 1 1 I From to LOUNT CvSK IT tit THOiU Provincial Land Surveyor I a foUuwliNf Physician surgeon Accoucheur Office St Newmarket B levin ft Sever In Uil Aurora MONEY TO LOAN aw par an Juoa 1V tfU ROYAL HOT I MAIS market by aril In J nWbUiis BIBLE L j Llr J U iJriMitnrr In Chan mxmUsuuL JTaftWw ML 1MB SCOTT PHYSICIAN SURGEON MANSION HOUSE XT Money Jan a that ham jTacticing Jarute will I to all and all aorl Shown If FIRST PRIZE TEETH Feck the will IM Standi I Thorn bill Jo do Aurora Unset 17 Buggies for Sale Of Superior Style A Finish At A J Davison House TUB in forms lhs lUt he filtel up M Wain as an la for nf Guests And that nlUntioo to ths nad Mafcrt of IboM nay him their to ud a sAaro of Dentistry A SUBOBOX King Street East Toronto of Ttrth ConnlUUoa Fin all id Tl nod on Hold Votcuued to onUrs MtislKtioB ToroaU MFkfVJelUMOXMi uJ Jin Stop and Read A Oproiin DAVISON HOUSE A Conductor I i Ml tf kiwi S U Work I MMDflae4lNVBUrtbAAaramiM DRESS MAKING I Mrs Jan Barry DRESS MAKER Simooe Street MARKET aatiaactioa rill Dresses Cut Fitted Wanted RESIDENCE S CAB INET MAKER And Undertaker J S HUGHES 8CKOMBBRO I of hand and nil kinds or COFriNSOrVAIlOUSXIHUASmSIIUDYUDC food Boars kept for bin or r Coffin on Hand and for 1170- VU FIRST PRIZE IN 1870 Musical Instruments Itirynr oqoml PRICE iJl im OUT in thank for th lo that now to all for Stones SHARON MARBLE r WORKS Tombs Tablets Heed Stones Posts Crosses Ac ire On Short ft Termt Tbe of ijn I Photography I JONES Photographic Studio MAIN Enamelling Process Ho much In moat from New York nod only In S0LAE CAMERA LIFE LIKENESSES Large Cabinet or Stereo- tropic Pictures Cortege Ambrotypes and NEW TIN WARE ESTABLISHMENT mm rojpoctiUIly inti- nBrMtwodoowtrliio ROYAL HOTEL MAIN STREET Tinware Stove Pipes Repairing Done on Short Notice i CALL IS RESPECT FULLY SOLICITED J SM UtrorSrUtel TSlCHKRof Will te 1 Poetry Going Up and Coming Down bat a araly itilnj a Ami ibouah lb Select THE OAK CLOSET Margaret Grey in some sort an in ihe household of Wallace judge lived in a I in the of the little of Margaret was loft an orphan at an I early age and the judge and wife obeying i his wife with him leaving in the house After tboy were seated the judge stopped to nay the t It is barely that wo may remain all night Itloolts very much like- a storm and in that case we abjUl certainly stay And if so you had better get Turner to come over and stay with yon for company Hut though Margaret would liked company well enough she at once decided not to ask for it if did so ah knew that Sallies brother Willis would bo sure to come along and the less she saw of Willis Turner why the better she waa pleased Willis was an honest indus trious sort of follow and he was Mar garets most devoted admirer but with tin usual inconsistency of her ex sho utterly refused to ace what was best for her The long afternoon slowly away Margaret read a little and drummed a few listlessly on the oldfasbioned piano with the black and white kitten and held the old cat curled up in lap liko a sleepy caterpillar and at last it was Time to milk tho cows and shut the barn door for the night It was evident enough that there waa going to bo a storm for north and weal dark and gloomy with ominous black clouds and tho cast wind sighed drearily in tho pine woods back of the bouse And in deed before Margaret bad done op the odd Jobs at the barn the great drops of frozen rain began to fall and by time sho hod eaten her supper and strained the milk the storm had set in in deadly She closed and barred doors the windows woro already fastened drew the shutters and piled the kitch en full of dry hickory Tho kitten had gone to sleep in too had hereto Iboirhouso to her from being thrown on charity black cat at on hearth of the town Winking her at Thar their part well for cheeifbl bin They had two children uf their Margaret read a little and dreamed and Algernon I of J and Margaret had every ad J She made vantage of in common wilt I pretty if only had brother and aitjr 0 one to her A he grew and began to J brown her a real how 1 owed the Mi and hi wife ho fell a in eoml to make them for J of a hell her brown ware dreamy and full of languor and her red were sweet and w manly enough for any lover to find rarest in very useful about the domestic affaire the household Mm Wallace fccMo woman and willingly care and harden to Margaret until by lb other human habitation weald bo pausing by from horq she could thought of to by tho other and trusting- to and her intimate the way to attempt to reach Mr and seek protection the man seamed to divine her thoughts for bo stepped between her and the door my beauty yon dont play game on mo ho with a anion io smile And now Ill give you just three minutes to decido what null do If you will show only mo here tho money is I will swear to do you no harm if you refuse I do swear to kill you and trust to luck for finding it help Ho took out natch and stood it and Margaret alternate ly As she Stood there faint and gid dy with fear a now idea penetrated Margarets brain and she was in just And befc that state of desperation wbicb stops riBce however great Come on km key of oak ho exclaimed ho where I lofl ly fear thru evil baa befallen Margaret They found the door locked and to their repeat knocking there came no from within Algernon then applied key opened door Huh a life or death sho must save for which her kind friends had toiled mi long and earnestly and the loss of which would involve them in ruin And thought aha saw a way to do it although it would com pass her doslructia Thats sensible my dear aint often that sense and a pretty go together Rut an Come yon bo lively now She took a catdlo from the table selected key from a bunch in basket hanging from tho wall and bade him follow Sho led him up stairs to the door of oak closer applied tho key and opening door to Sho stepped back fur him to enter but he ber by the wrist and pulled her along with him know your game said he you would get me Into this cursed close hole and lock door on me Take out key and fling it i and come in along She obeyed him literally and as they stood together in the stifling place which was large enough to contain them Margaret with tho hand which she had left free seized i the door and closed it It shut with sharp click shut Slowly at length the old coffin shaded clock in the corner struck ton tod and depended I no she twenty lt a really at the head of W off much more quickly I ikraaatl ttlla ho had expected it would dreadful to stay alone oiler all Do as you please said Margaret id to herself defiantly too door has a spring opened a shutter and peered lock and can be opened only from she establishment thoogh still did tho honors in her quiet lady- way and poured the coffee and a the head of table Alice bad married early and gone far West with her husband Algernon finishing bis medical at a German university and the judgo and Margaret and bis tho man and woman-eer- who had boon with them for years were loft at homo Some unfortunate largely indulged in judge waa quite a young man had encum bered the old estate with a mortgage and judges ambition discharge Ho wanted to leave the place totally free and clear from debt his eon Algernon strictest- economy had been practiced for years in household th this end in view and at last the judge held In his hand money th which to tho claim Saturday night Into when he brought it homo lus wife ho the little black leather trunk containing it before her eves Well Annie at last we are to be free from debit There are thousand dollars In that trunk and Monday I shall pay Jones in full on Monday wo will barn that abominable mortgage together you and I Annie It will be the happiest day of my whole life Rut if anything should happen Will Wallace Do put money in some safe place It baa coat na just dear lough to scrape it together judge bent down and patted anxious little woman on head I am going to put it in little oak closet Annie It has a spring lock and if by chance any burglar fW a tjwifrn Vocal a- light heart tho judge Off to deposit treasure Wan sitting In room darning judges stockings when nvoraation took place and of she board where the money waa to be placed though at the time she gar little heed to It The next day John and Sarah servants had a holiday to visit a married daughter of theirs who resid ed fiflcon or twenty miles away and and the days m were shirt ihev wjjd not return tot I tint Monday night I And some after they set out bis only sister saying tho What do you mean he cried Hell and furiosi I shall suffocate than here I Open that door or I will shoot wo shall here until we die Judge would not think of such a night Well Tommy said to j this cat I guosa you and I will go to bed Wo must bo op betimes in the morning you know since therell bo but us to do up the chores As Margaret to without doubt stroke old Tommy but to her SKi Si I JLhrrvi The oaths and throats and curse lhofS of the man were fearfulbut Mar ked changed to glossy of rage Something above and terror and with f liko tread ah toward tho door which tbo cellar ft iwy And while she gazed Margaret saw distorted purple face tho robber lay the floor dead and a little removed from him palo and quiet lay Margaret Algernon boro her down stairs and to the open air but it wos very lor she gave any sign or token of And it waa a week she able to a detailed account of hud happened during tbat of in the oak closet But had saved the money and o son undertook to pay the debt of owed hor the father garet and to gether they dwell in old home stead and on stormy nights they tell their children the story of the old oak American News April Joint High Commission terminated Its la bors at an early hour yesterday after noon and after a lunch at the Department adjourned The mem bers will however meet again on th 3rd of May to consider minor matters preparatory to the final dis solution as a Commission The result of Commissioners labors has not been formally turned over to State Department but everything will bo finished and ready tor consid eration at tbo Cabinet meeting on of May at which nil the mem bers are expected to be present members of the Commission still refuso to indicato any of the points of tho treaty but it is staled that or two Senators hare been informed of certain agreements and arc already looking up facts and pr- speeches opposition to treaty of English members of Commission will go to New York in a day or two as also will Gen Schonck Judgo Hoar will leave to morrow for Massachusetts April A dispatch from Now Orleans last night says Tonight throe crevasses are reported under control leaving the break at Bonnet Carre alono to Here danger is great and immi waters of groat rivor are rushing through an opening wide with a rushing roaring sound for miles ploughing a chan nel fifty feet deep far into the vacant banks while the rapidly crum bles No efforts can now close crevasse and as soon as flood has cut its way into the latter will overflow the wholo rear portion of the city of New Orleans WaintXQToir April Spanish Minister will entertain the Joint High Commission together with Secretary and I Lady Thornton ana Secretary at a dinner party is evening at hid residence Boston April Judgo Hoar is extended an urgent invitation to tho British High Commission to visit Boston before returning to but they bare been compelled to do- sjbw f her way opened upon a old home for her kind benefactors lit if I ihodoor already bad tho wretch t wos companion sank opened with an ominous ereak and toth floor came up before her she things long ago forgotten she saw stepped into tbe a short thickset fellow with sandy hair and and a fero cious looking eye sot tor back in bis bead So ho my dear said he you are solo proprietor it appears For an instant Margarets heart stood still but she was naturally a brave girl and she was proud as well and would not allow this man to see that she feared him I have that honor she replied coolly Who are you And what do you you will if I neglect to introduce myself said the man with much courtesy as for my business I am quite happy to in form you about that I want that thousand dollsrs that judge indignant blood rushed fiery to Margarets face and answered I will die before I will do as you ask You shall your choice Ho produced a revolver whioh he cocked deliberately and pointed at Like lightning a varied thought rushed through the head of tbe girl In tbat one instant of time she thought of a score of plans to evade the rascal and simultaneously discarded them as impracticable There was alone a weak and helpless girl almost a mile from any faces dead and buried heard voices long mute beneath the grave clods and then life and faded out and know more Judge Wallace found bis sister bet ter but the storm coming on it deemed beat to remain all night but early the next morning ho set out for home accompanied by his wife Arrived In sight of the house hi Columbia is stated tbe Joint High Commissioners have determined on a basis of settlement and tbo United States Senate will be called for session on tbo 10th of May Fuze to The Great Western Railway Company are luing Return Tickets from Gait to Toronto at a of tho round trip good for three days from Fergus to Toronto Mr J Edgar of Toronto on Saturday filed against return of Mr nv with the Clerk of Queens Bench He and the chimney giving out no smoke of welcome Halifax papers state that the total amount of capital requir ed for the construction of mile line of railway between Cow Bay and mistaking has been sub- home than we in Loudon and tbo work is to be commenced forthwith A country subscriber who tails to comprehend propriety of taking a paper writes thus I think folks to spend there for pay pom mi daddy drddent and sed be we in tell igen test man in tbe country and had the smartest family of bole that I Theres month tar i expected him But I greatly fear hipped op his horse and soon he had long absent son by the Tbo first rapped at fastened door but greetings ho fastened Mponso his all w reply with Algoi be burnt open the back door and entered the kitchen All was as had left it the night previous the fire bad burned down and black brands covered hearth door stood suggestively dug ti STEAMKas mi or nil Woods We are informed that to Captain Perry of the baa been accorded contract fcr building the two large steamers for service on Red route Captain Perry is now in town making necessary preparation to undertake the work and proceeds Fort William will the ou her first trip- BullettA

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