NEWMARKET ERA FEB 1871 AJveillion1 P at In tin morning lie llttlfl 1111 iilly vs thi -in- hi work with tor jl li nirit I 111 1 in i 1 in lii JHirtinlly ill link III will or ill nail Imp corinin Ma lore apply I ng a anil mi market Hioc will tain to apply and for I npulo Willi jnl lie anaMit lain railway accommodation and by petition from Tbe last clause which at low was taken up but it then near i oclock the com mi cen reported progress and leave to puny it aiiin Fatal Accident A ratal accid I linuilie1 it nil the rem Hair price I iylDHlv I nil I the Mr Smith I- I FRIDAY FEO Our Toronto Despatch A V he a former few produce they roqui From pal mrnhants we would be relieved of the j doco altogether but do want market in our midst of necessity it upon them Tho producer fancies the merchant place an extra price upon his goods because of the kind of pay ho in receiving henfur while the local on tdo other hand labor under j the merchant pay more ihon irjlho article in to sell goods Hie real truth being that I establishments are largo losers yearly by their pro trade who imagine therefore that our to tbe establishment a market labor Under a mistaken while tho farmer must necessarily bo by ob- n cash for hi- produce can where he pleases the local consumer is also know when- ho can supply hi want loa of lime at a fcnii will MM MiM kBd 111- In to tin WAT t olilmtikuwere then nMimiiitii ihettoir be able value the j J for consumption and another anthem from the i with our princi- they In a position to lay down r tain If presen dot lined to do Tlio molion opjmetl by Cumberland Trow Lyon appointed of County t and other who held that fc current year MIoaJHMiaMajr had already been fully tils Council then adjourned Vi l NjrW oclock out which hail tlio nolL evekiko si into and that Mum Id guide the Council resumed at House The other of question 0 I wi on anil imiMtrtw Mr who adverted to bad of repair in which tli belied Serious Accident regret Mechanics Institute oople who fancied thi- vaaaaaaaaaBjjjBBBBBBjjj were free from In view of tho lxnofiLii therefore around in the jko lo from irlni ii en refuel to eon with the and regular market enable requests of the authorities to r and tho farming mi tho tinmen who immunity generally will give their till to the now being madoN result to only altogether theyare law but a those of porformiffg duty Should wo uiilirtrtiiaiely he by another fin there Bible SOc Meeting of A lecture by T al jr is win to take in the Hull this tll under tin auspice of the Tl Newmarket Ilia rabject is of tie duty of Canadians to Canada the and he lector bring ihiuiiit inumo the encouragement of a Canadian l- sentiment Surgical Mrs her and jmlIie generally will attend lh It ho boon stated that lickeHiol1ehi of Initiluto were making enquiry her why more were not being held Tho answer I obvious Tho or iin last announced waa so meagre- Jjff ly as to place in embarrassing position of not Tin tho innrwim lecturer to proceed and itwaadoemed 1 ttkni advisable defer a time Prof who was beginning of the season hits been to comply with the rejtiesl of Lecture Committed in present track kept Mr waa of tho opinion that application for in creased facilities should boon made to the City Council and then if no action were taken the UOOM could bo to legislate tho Mr Cameron in mitleo of whole of tho committee on and in firnt blank in hi last inserted name of J Wheeler and in the blank of William Thorn Tho report then adopted and rose and reported moved that reply mated that company Wheeler be struck out of the neorporauon merely to tot and tho name of it the present Robinson Inserted in lieu thereof amendment was and the report was refused to do so after thirty days notice from Corporation The motion was defeated a vote to MO I of respecting Mr lands for taxes On ho motion to concur in sixteenth report of Committee Mr pnsontcd an that pan of the A the rendered in connection with the meeting of the Coanty Codocil Mr a law to dr- family having lost of his child ran by typhus fever and others are labor ing under tho malady Wo have entered into this explanation to show that the committee is not chargeable with in this matter Wo the lectnro this evening will be largely attended and If so the mooting of tho will Brandt wa held to m for Mechanics Hall on Monday j is cctupcr and one of the I with large audiences at Cobourg Hamilton and has again been the io destructive which the jmmises wnu Itobford old and ncra 1 they have an open d and present Province I apprehend is not calculated held forany years ASmith occupied the chair and the were seated ReTS Ceo Miller A limit and J temley Agent Secretary of the Society in Canada also Mr J hile local and Jackson ion Hall was pretty well with an attentive auditory ill Ilceedinga by tho reading tho fllst Psalm the iaod then sang an tj led by an choir em m Wesley collection Ontario Parliament at eleven oclock and the ltalso d Feb till three ide1 to hold I Tuesday j 1 J a After which Mr Hunt engaged In prayer A opening remarks I followed President in refer- adjoining buildings were Tho tin about four Saturday morning last election that portion of the corner instead of balding occupied by MrTimothy fi a a saddler but whether it la originated in the Thl adjoining premises in rear is difficult to detcp mi immediate ilToTW of could ho flnmes lo the objects anddesiins of the the fire made such progress as to Much loour and what had combined exertions to ex- doubt an Itoneat I Mr J then It or prevent il extending to of rcsoluiinna would Import imng premises occupied by most every projected lino in conn- aSlllcry and try but to rival lines centering A P a Mar- given point the intimate Factory buildings were all they will only one and wooden structures ami so rapidly that one ihcy will not determine till were consumed that the after the elections thereby virtually pants were unable to save to any x- bribing all tho interests lo giro support to tho Covcrnment its candidale tn tho immediate neigh thnnigh which the various projected lines of the Province will run Tbe scheme is just like the Premier very deceptive very clas tic and places a premium in way of those who work the hardest to the of the day goods and personal ef fects contained therein In an ad joining tenement in rear a billiard had recently been up which was also consumed together with Billiard Tables valued at or The fire then spread Barber Shop occupied by Mr A Wallace and also to thc dwelling Ion- anted by MrV Butcher Wallace saved of his effect Mr lost a portion of his goods wearing ap parel Ac A t one t imp it was though impossible to save and pram lee belonging to Smith Kay as a strong north wind prevailed fortunately however by the combined efforts of th Brigade and citizen Orally lha flame were confined ibvofcuildings In tbe abort space of hours nearly rent of the block between and Timothystreet was IsSd wate making a desolating blank Mainstreet How the fire originated still veiled in mystery some think it accidental othors entertain a diflet oat notion On thing is certain could have bad no in to incendiarism as Ihoy bad to loose and wo to especially tbcro in prospect thai the fire milled by design near as can he a- as follows T saddler on stock Will saddler no insurai Messrs A A insured for Vine loss 900 insured for 400 on furniture and on piano Smiths los in consequence of re- of goods about fully Tho loss of Bouford lily destruction of building mated from 1800 to 2530 and on whole of which only building by was insured fur had tbe excitement quenl upon the morning disaster bo- come allayed nil another alarm given Shortly after nine clock in dry gods afire of Smith the shout j ire wa through our aireais ltUiug early in Market of establishing a mar ket in this place has long been talked of and acting expressed the people Council two years purchased a market plot and during year com pleted a market house upon it to enter upon the dis cussion of question as to whether the structure erected was just tho kind of building required or its locu tion the most advantageous furpublk convenience we offering remarks regarding dcsirabili ly of a market in the village and its anticipated results First then one of principal ad vantages by ibo establishing of a market is the opportunity it affords to buyer seller and consumer to moot together At the present limo farmers from tin surrounding country desirous bringing to tbo village an compelled to find purchasers before bringing tho samo for or else are obliged lo from door to door burning customer there by tailing loss of valuable time to say nothing of other inconvenience By haring stated days and a fixed place the farmor or gardener will know ex actly where Jo go to find a customer and those in want will be equally ad- by having a of where supplied producer will bo ity of bartering at th stores White our merchants will be advan taged by being relieved of dealing especially through certain period of year in perishable articles of Besides farmer will obtain cash for bis produce and the be enabled to trade where be pleases while oar mechanics and tradesmen Kill not be under tho of members Branch during the year and that through its agency Sabbath Schools a well as private member had been supplied with Word it alludes to finances as follows Donations to collectors 4T3tt col lection at previous annual meeting received from Sharon auxil sales at Depository in the purchase of Bibles and including a debt the sum of 9799 other expenses Free Grant to British and Foreign Bible Society leaving a in hand of 43 els Tho Depository shows that Testament and Bihles had been dispewed of since April of 1870 On of Mr Jackson second by Mr Miller tbese reporli were adopted Tho latter made very clover speech as a faithful preacher doing its work calling sin by its proper name accomplishing great good Some of his be tween Bible and clergy Treach er were pointed and truthful ant ing subject thought to minds amid applause The report were then adopted Choir Anthem Glory Mr Hunt then following resolution passed through C ported with certain amendment The resolutions respecting tho Bock- wood Asylum were considered in committee and reported without amendment Bills resecting Com- of Police and Asylums for tho were road a second time On of tho AtlornoyCienend tho again in committee struck out the clause respecting the salaries of clerks of the Court of Queens Bench in connection with the The House then went into commit- on tho School Mr Leant in chair clause dixit- being under consideration discussion continued until recess and during the evening until adjournment al 15 The clause passed without de bate but the elicited considera- controversy as it proposed lo alter liio day for tho election of school HtI trustees from January as at present lo July After a number of member whad a division was taken and Difficulties presented themselves as the practical working of 34B provides for teaching Latin trench and in the Schools henceforth to be called High an extending tdo term to both male and female schol ars was the only alteration diet led A proposal of Mr that in required for high schools wr villages consider the preamble Blake said that port hail been carried in the when some of sent by a majority of one and ho argued against grouping of ships by which injustice would bo dono Mr Sinclair the amendmont but thought oven go far enough in preventing benefit After a discussion House divided and Mr Blakes amendment was carried by a v to of 30 to A number of Hills were road third lime and pa York County Council Council resumed at two oclock Mr Stephenson submitted tho first port of Committee on County Property and Council went of whole thereon Ono clause of report recom mended leasing of northern and eastern portions of old Jail grounds off an accompanying plan lo Hamilton A Sons for the period of years tho lessee to give op peaceable possession of the property to the county tho tailor ring six month notice and per annum tho right of way to tho jail rod in width to be re in an animated discussion that took place on this clause il appeared that a Mr Homer- He residing in the county bad offered as much money for property a Messrs Hamilton Sons and bad agreed to give it up receiving three montln the that did hod over looked Mr Somorvilli Tho clnnso was by striking 1 1 tho word six and three it was Tho next clause recommending the of Property to for witnessed the court as soon as can be obtained in tho Court House was then The next clause to effect that locommilleo could not recommend the Council to allow refreshment in the Court House was adopted During the discussion of tho las named resolution a stormy scene which threatened for a whit to stop progress of bill Sam verbal alterations in tbe language for the purpose of securing harmony paragraphs constituting clause wo suggested by Mr Bla whereupon Attorn ml made a most offensive attack upon the Opposition generally for presum ing to criticise handiwork of the venerable and alluding inci dentally in a taunting manner lo tho lulling letters- addressed to Mr Blake and published over ibo signa ture Of the Chief Superintendent The offender was severely rebuked by Mr Boyd who Deprecated in strongest language offence of which Dr as a paid officer of Government had been guilty ipt on the part of tho Minis terialist to prevent an Opposition from being heard was re buked by Mr Blake and for a time a f great excitement prevailed loTy after a words from Mr tho members settled down lo work once more minimum allowance to gram mar schools was increased from to 100 grant beyond thai sum being contingent upon the average attendance and proficiency An attempt to expunge clause 3d establishing Collegiate Institutes was defeated as also waa a resolution proposed by Mr Perry to omit clause on teacher a tax of 4 a superannuation fund Tho latter clause was however so far ameliorated a to make it optional with female teachers to contribute to the fond not The holiday in public common school were to a month instead of lasting for six weeks a proposed by clause hour the committee rose ported the Bill and a whole budget being threatened fortunate measure enters tageof its storm toaaod Mosdat Feb In the House loday Hon Mr that tho Bill to incorporate Toronto Street Railway Company Han be referred back to the Railway following ooWbearers for itoaTo7i TJloi tau year wer si in the bill would bottec iiiirr tor In moving this resolution tbe gentleman alluded to tbe Bible Word of Truth pointing Saviour of world a light feet and a lamp to his heaven Ho was listened to marked attention and concluded applause Choir Anthem Happy Man Ac J seconded reso- and in doing so mode an ex ceedingly interesting speech of con siderable length Instead of dealing in the usual stereotyped fact and to be foind in the porta of Society and which can be read by anyone who desires ho upon the grand objects the society ha in view what it bad done in other countries what it now doing in Spain Rome and more recently in France He was frequently applauded daring his at conclusion of which resolution was adopted clause Ion of J Gordon and 4 the section i the I b l on tbe county rordl was adopted The noxlclanso recommending ttl granting by of now order to P Clancy Treasurer being instructed not to pay old one was adopted The noxt clause recommending grant any reduction of By the Atlantic apwiaH J ssrswcMScaJ I J Jul TbsUcEDoosiniikB Council the Commissioners of th allowing force to Interfere with farmers and other exhibiting insult to the matter of loss to tho lessee and Mr Bull in introducing his asserted that the police officer market had conducted himself highly objectionable manner to- 1 bringing produce to the mar Tho result of such unwarranted by the poll hat trade would bo driven away from the city Mi Jackson thought that the bet and most becoming course for tho Council to take the matter would sond a to represent the grievance lo the Police Com ask it be corrected Mr Tyrrell thought that the re ference to Commissioners should bo struck out of Was one of Mr Bull said that I alluding to the Police that the City ling ll evil complained of bo remedied but that the Police Commissioner refused to take any action towards carrying out their Boyle in reference to the lessee Of market said that bo thought it part of the suggestions Council rent to the 1 Street of No tollgate adopted In clause committee rotam monded the leasing of tho south ern and western portion of jail Sounds aalfown on the plans to r Wis Somervillo for the term of four years said lessee to up posv session of the on six month notice and to pay annually 50 The clause was amended by strik ing out the word six and substitut ing three and another clause was added and adopted recommending commissioner county property to have leasee prepared in re fere new both pay Ibo The next importance in which said that could not recommend the granting of any reduction In rent to the loasevs of tho tollgate held by James and Hunt wore Tho next clause was to effect that the committee had carefully con sidered report of Superintendent of York roads and found it satisfac tory recommended that tbo Don and Rouge bridges which were represented by report a being in an unsafe condition be repaired while Tbe clause was adopted In reference to tbo petition of and olhors the coran Id not recommend that any a be taken in the matter of 1 tollgate on tho Kingston road to Smalls corner until special committee appointed to confer with tho City Council reported the city were prepared Mr Bull altered his rosoli that it read That in the opinion Of tint Council iho purs nod by interfering Ac was then carried Council adjourned until to nrow morning at oclock Fob Council resumed at oclock Saturday the Warden in the chair Mr Cane moved seconded by Mr that Tyrrell and bo appointed to act in conjunction with Ihe Wanton and County in the matter now ponding ten City of Toronto and this County fir use of the Court House Carried Stephenson re port of standing committee on the equalization of assessment as follow Thc committee examined the aaess- rolls and collector rolls of Several and find that ihoy are and the whole Usui hells tire- lbs Mwdsaai watch ram Is lbs lhrili win New special correspondent- telegraph that it is al Washington and stated explanatory of delay in leaving for that a British Agent is on way to Washington with authority to point of dispute between Eng land and America relative not only to Alabama claims but to the nab cry question If this proposition is accepted by our Government it believed will remain In Washington and conduct on part of United State The fiyVTj Washington telegraphs It Is understood that General who was to have sailed from York last Wednesday has boon summoned at the urgent request of Minister I Thornton and Sir John who sctory t assured Fish that they are au- by British Government pared good fooling Dominion bare roll is leanatj peremptorily at Ml last year that there has w restore the license our fieurmo so as to give them small increase in taxable of 2133 and a decreaso in the per sonal property of and on the real estate thero Is a large increase in equalising the land the committee made no change from assessed value a by the assessors as to the equalisation village property the committee have no order to got an equalized rain added to ibo capitalized value which follow per and Holland Landing percent the committee have laKen he assessed value at and the as demonstrated in accompanying tho report pacing out what ir and just of pla be taken in mi ng a floodgate in tbl Severn brought under the this Council of was adopted valuation between all pah tie and have to best of their judgment equalised all mended that the clerks of different municipalities in car ry out blanks for taxes separately so as to ihe committee more readily to arrive at the amount levied for county purposes they would also urge necessity of of different municipalities bringing thc collectors roll with so as to enable committee to report earli er in the season The Council wont into committee on this report and a lengthy discus sion ensued touching meet just way equalizing assessment as be tween village and township and porting having agreed lo allow the matter to stand over till June session Council then adjourned until Monday the of Juno next at oclock in afternoon tear Tho Globe seems to think an early dissolution of Local likely The Bomber of French prieon- hts and privilege flahorioe of coast of British rt America is to bo condition and evidently 5 no that it may lead to sain cable a will more pare way for a satisfactory re opening of Alabama quealion upon Gen advent in order to gel the forced i era iu Germany on the let of January l officer nod departure has been asked- by the British agent here As a Canadian official organ at Ottawa fiercely righuof to interfere in the flsberies in lo lb wishes of Canadians lhcmelve and declare that freedom to the fish eries will never bo assented to oat by an act equivalent in the shape of a reciprocity treaty Some doubt are expressed in official circle here as to the ability of Thornton and Rose to keep ihoir promise- In the mean lime tho Committee on Foreign Relation of both Houses are taking no action in the fishery question pending the promised settlement The positively that the mission of Rose was to assist Thornton in settling ami ibot Schonoka departure was delayed at request of the British Govornsnen antil In were tendering the United the fisheries and tho roe navigation the St Law- renoo without or favor Mr bill to reduca re foe was yesterday defeated MT An loo bridge has formed over Niagara river below farts and ft I said to be froaon so hard thai remain fttr week Canada has expend- Secret Service How it to electioneering sa the d 233000 I