By Atlantic Cable Sept The Queen united with Vice- Admiral in let ter of condolence to widows nod or phans of who in Gap- lain addressed each one of them personally in sympathetic terms acutely the loss of po many of her gallant seamen Sept 19Tua late despatches from China ore unfavourable to peace A Nan kin despatch dated Aug elates that the Governor of the city was assassinated y Instructions lit fleet stationed in China to cooper- ate with the French fleet in Avenging American San Ad from to lOthinst state General at tho head of a party of volunteers had taken Quid against th Indians in South Arisono A war of Iniiiniition has or he liigher officers of tho Russian Marine Artillery has been ordered to Engineers who bad taken service with the Odessa Steam Navigation Company have been recalled to tho Bal tic A camp of two hundred thousand men has been ordered to bo formed i frontier of Poland toward Prussia A tqxjciol telegraphs it is reported that a regiment of occupied the park and palace Versailles The headquarters of King William will be fixed in tho palace raillca during tho operations before Paris LATEST REPORTS Advices from up to yesterday that of the garrison is quiets Gen commander is badly wounded at headquarters been to the cellar of tho Prefect of vote been taken by the itboeubjcctof surrendering by a largo majority to inside tho fortifications Lyons In of defence and many troops ore post ed there Colonel Seymour and of tho British army who are with tho armies operating in Franco attest to the hor- violated and outraged children are famished Prussia citing precedent the first Terrible Disaster quiet village of Toms River which is on tho railroad below Long Branch was as it never was before day morning by an of that name about six miles from mouth It become of late a summer resort and a large hotel has been built there It is also much fre quented by tho pcoplo of neighbour hood for picnicking purposes The de pot of the Southern New Jersey Railroad is on the opposite side of the river and is connected with the village by two bridges one a waggon bridge and tho other a foot bridge on trestles about fifteen feet apart This structure was attached to the depot side of river by wood There been skirmishing near nd on the outskirts of Paris Tlie Prussians now occupy and a the with r powers the correspondent writing on Monday from Saarbniek says On Mon- day a From Mots was ordered but was subsequently countermanded The French peasants in the neighbourhood contiuuo to murder German officers by picking them off with their rifles Thai have also cut other damage near bearer of despatches from Karl iVille to Lord Lyons was obliged to travel from Rouen mail service from I and tho street ten ml n- OFFICE Mails made up for Wert dally at Mails up for Mails made up for th dally a pm r Holt Mount Keswick and daily nlngCareirom Toronto 11 and Mails t I Old to be admits of no description call for remarks Before ten stroke- taken rbowed in front and had cleared their length in first quar ter of a mile their opponents water and clockwork lathis policy hue very clip ping on the after of the thwart thoy brought their lull strength against the strctchor and rowlocks men kept up of being bustled or hurried Fultons ion have been work there It on ago that their oars out of water while Iho owing made notion of heir crew appear continuous Rcnforth kept up his long vengeance sweep without any exertion while half way up Fultons crow had lost much of their form and evidently flurried The Tyno were leading three lengths at Isle turned buoy than that ahead of St John well within themselves Several times Fulton and his men spurted hut without likening tho gap between boats The and mist prevented ac curate watching at tho points Half way home the- must have been Olio hundred yardi grand uniformity of tho mechanical tlnldktingiihHUinSL John boat iu its easier contests had gone before this taking chase of six miles vtj hall iiortl Ijii I he gap sweetness out and indeed the race doubt minute New Brunswick crew fairly distanced and the T won a before six in one second minutes No weal could have rovcreed the issue of the but the short stroke of the Sabbath school attached to the Methodist Centenary Church of Long Branch The party left the depot at a quarter post oclock There was eleven cars tilled with excursionists Of course as is usual on such occasions the children were all The railroad track runs parallel with the river The grove where was to be held lay across the river over which is or rather was the fatal bridge This bridge is a sort of double bridge that is the main part is for vehicles with a addition for foot passengers Its length is about sixty feet and the part used for foot passengers was some six feel wide Upon latter thoso of the ex leaving the first and theii teachers and other attendants hurriedly rushed The bridge was nearly compact with them A number had passed over and others came crowding on Suddenly their was croak then a giving way and down this side of the bridge with a terrible crash It was but tho work of a moment Down into seven feet bridge and thirty feet deep went of human beings fearful failing mil with wild human shrieks The wide but sluggish stream was filled with floating chil dren and grown persons and the air with their maddened cries for help There was all possible promptness in rendering assist ance Men who could swim anything that would those in water People in the who heard the shrieks ran to render their t for this prompt eight Scouring river occupied several hours after the casualty It is said that four are still missing but it is hardly be lieved possible any more were drowned so thoroughly was the bed of river scoured with grappling irons Columns might be filled with detailing incidents connected with A young man named Peter jump into the water to rescue a young Miss Styles to whom he was affianced and was to be married in two weeks He reached her she threw her arms about bis and both drowned together At five oclock the train brought them and the sorrowful excursionists home It was truly tearful termination of a day of ex pected pleasure After being brought the bodies were all taken to their late bogies they all having been residents of Long Branch It would be impossible to describe ihi gloom prevailing there in- The and A special to Herald from Orleans In the engagement which took place at 25000 French were mossed near northerly part of the i and were attacked by los3 they tb retreated in order and fell back on another army corps The Prussians have a large armed police force throughout Alsace and September Advices from Paris up to tho evening of the inst report that the Prussians made a near An en- occurred with the French posted on the opposite bank of the Maine in which the Prussians were de feated and driven off At midnight firing was heard near for two Versailles has been occupied by the German Uhlans The Chateau which rotary in writing within ten after show Premiums will not bo after this meeting Cattle end Poul try will not bo Exhibited or Judged till second day and for will to be on Ground by oclock morning of the 28tb Every other article or thiog for exhibition must bo in its place by oclock flrBt day and remain until on day Riding for will place on first day at oclock COUNCIL Council met at on AH the members in chair Minutes of read and confirmed iber of communications petitions and bills were preeentcd Moved by A Barber seconded by T Glove- THE CHEAT BOAT BACK great event in boating so anxious ly looked forward to for some months was decided on Thursday last at a short from Montreal between iho champion oarsmen of England and America few of particulars iu con nection with which we gather from the special correspondents reports to the Globe and Telegraph Tho men to this country with the object of proving themselves the champions of the world and they have succeeded j and from the day they arrived here their action plainly showed they had not the slightest doubt They trained secretly allowed a chance of comparison to be between them and their opponents They understood their business perfectly and how to shape things bo aa to gain a their supporters All of reports were in circulation about their drinking whiskey and that could be of a betting against the- tho army at African recruits The is progressing rapidly This army designed to operate tho department of the cast Detachments have already gone forward to and the The Prussians have threatened with death ail who attempt to repair railways they destroy The gives the following history of the late diplomatic movement England took the initiative by the Prussian Minister at London with cei propositions The Minister trans mittcd these to the headquarters of King i Some days passed without Lord Lyons the English Mil France then interposed which time the answer of Kiug Willi reached London The answer was to effect that whereas the Great did succeed in preventing France fromde- war against Prussia the latter now lands her right to treat directly with France for peace but as France has in be fulfilled To settle thii point Jul himself has gone to King WilHan headquarters The postal service with Paris is performed entirely by It is reported as a result of the inter view between and King William the hope of speedy peace is not abandoned Prussia is not disposed to consent to an armistice If there is to be peace at all ust be immediately a fact turo to turn the tid and the result at were freely offered on for a day or two before the How miserably sold must these stakers of odds hove felt when they the crew come from their boat house to the place of starling they felt at once of course that there had been a mistake made and it was now too late to remedy it Thousands upon thousands of specta tors continued to arrive from early till late the afternoon The race was to have been rowed in calm water and so the time was continued to be put off for convenience of the Paris crew who were sure that a dead calm would take place about five oclock The result how ever was the reverse the water grew FALL SHOW annual Fall Show will be held here on Tuesday and Wednesday next tho and in the Agricultural Hall and Grounds For the information of ex hibitors our readers wo regulations governing the it will be well for parties to pay particular attention thereto In former it has been a matter of great the Secretary Board to exhibitors making their entries on the day of the show when they could have ttended to just as well at an date causing delays that arc felt through the whole proceedings Entries cat as well be made by post as otherwise believe it is the intention of th Board to have the rules of the Society and the public will do well to govern themselves accordingly 1st Members who have paid their subscription of not lees than one liir are entitled 16 exhibit without an tra charge will be charged two dollars 2nd Nonmembers will be charged 10c admission to tho Exhibition Grounds Persons driving on the grounds in car riages will be charged and in buggies sulkies extra tor passengers if not members No person will be allowed to drive faster than i walk on the grounds on pain of expulsion except by directions of the Judges while on exhibition Any person violating these rules will bo dealt as the law directs 3rd Every article or thing for must be entered and on the grounds in its proper place iu the Agricultural Hall before 10 oclock am on the first day and remain till pm of the day All must be entered on or before the 1st day Exhibition and in its proper place on the grounds by oclock am on the second day of 430 pm Thorough- form Carried Moved by A Barber seconded by Glover the bill from Sutherland of Arbitrator between this and T Wiflson bo paid Moved by Pressor seconded by Glover that William McNeill receive to bo expended on Road between Lots and in the 3rd Concession Carried Moved by Prober by J that Barnard receive to be expended on the Side between Lota and in tho Concession Carried Moved by Glover seconded by J Fnirburn that tho Clerk receive the Reeve and Assessor for pre paring Jurors Lists Carried Moved by A Barber seconded by E that Evans receive for CO loads of gravel furnished Road No Carried Moved by A Barber Glover that the Reeve on behalf of this enter an action in the Court against being for days unperformed statute labour for 1869 provided the not paid before Oct 1st Carried On this resolution the yeas and Days ordered to be recorded by Mr Fair- burn Yeas Barber Glover and the Nays Moved by J seconded by E that the received from the Clergy Reserve fundbe apportioned to the several School Sections being 1435 to each Section payable to the Section Treasurer on the order of the Trustees presented to the Reeve give his order on the Treasurer Carried Moved by J seconded by E that per month be paid to Hugh Martin towards during the remainder of the present year The Tribune correspondent Thiers declares himself highly ratlsfied his late mieaion to London and ex- equal in Russia Ho affirms ho opinion in England was much more to Franco on his departure than when ho first arrived there Ah attempt has been made upon life of Emperor by a young German apprentice The wouldbe was arrested before thodecd could oroplighctl A loaded pistol found on Ms person and he boldly asserts tho bullet was designed for The Bufferings in eastern of France which have been made the tro of war arc said to bo fearful Every thing has been destroyed and starvation and stalk forth side by side Au appeal is to bo made for aid to all neutral nations especially England and black cuffs bracelets niton lot of rubber bands for the balr to- with a largo variety of miscellaneous at Mr list of this place has returned trip and mar he found at i petite during Tut annual conference connection with the Chriettan of Canada was held in this place on last ami all the bargain Atle that something thcBi to tiyaasuality HALE here this morning after an interview with It is asserted that England favourably received Thiers explana tions and is prepared to act jointly with Russia and Austria if they also accept the of Thiers Advices from Orleans attribute great importance to the engagement which oc curred at yesterday The Prus sians Buffered much from tho French ar tillery bidden in the woods The battle ThePrui length forced to retreat All telegraphic communication with ceased yesterday The wife of Marshal is in Tours She received a letter from her husband few days ago It was sent out of by a balloon which fortunately fell outside the Prussian lines t been made Sept 20 Tho Eastern Bud get Count London organ this evening contains a despatch from St Pe tersburg which says The report that Russia has protested against any tion of French territory is untrue I positively state that there are no sign extraordinary activity in the military de partments here Troops in the usual garrisons iue in Poland has increased No one believes Russia will take on active part in the present war The feeling towards France however is very favourable The submarine cable between Prussia and Sweden has been cut by the French lib board and the boat swept upon the stream Gliding midstream they paddled form swinging like a piece Their time perfect to the eye and ear their blades just covered while that vigorous clip so destitute id the sullen cadence of the he tholepins made music success in the ears of their ad- The St Johns men did not them waiting long and both crews lay be- the long line of vessels bounding the The Canadians brown dresses and tho i the white The by Canada and she took the off shore side to get the protection of the Is- way up Then off came Mil A Barber seconded by E Moved osser that It II f writing done by order of Mr Commissioner for building the the Town Line of North Gwil- limbury Carried Moved by A Barber seconded by that when this Council adjourn it do stand adjourned to meet on the 13th of October next at this place Carried Moved by J seconded by 4 per month be paid tc rues for the support of Mrs city of Rome is Italian The Pope resistance Despatches from that troop3 took quiet posses sion after desultory topped by the Pope The great bell of the lower was rung and the city is honour of the event Oh Monday last a tad accident occurred the little village of Mark- in It appears that at little dis tance from the mill on creek which passes through the pi e the action of the water has worn out a hole some feet deep with banks so steep that any person falling in would find great difficulty in getting out Between the mill and this dangerous hole the water is shallow and here it is customary for parties coming to the mill or passing through the village to drive down and water their horses Be three and four oclock on Monday afternoon Mr John Mil- 1 returning with bis daughter from a vi his brotherinlaw where he had been bis birthday In accordai the prevailing custom ho turned his horse down the creek to get water but it is supposed finding the water too for bis horse to drink with ease drove the hole not knowing it The bank being steep of the horses feet once over they II gone Unfortunately no one was t at the time and the of the and the mill prevented any cries being heard Nearly an hour afterwards Her while passing from his house to mill heard a noise and on going down aw the horses head just above the water the hats of the man the young ig on the water He at the church be considered too for the The Hall and numbers Kill be allowed to pedigree or rill not be paid 5th Competitors have reg- within eight miles of arc required to make entries persooally at the Era office by letter postpaid previous to the fli A of l distance will bo allowed to make them be fore the hour of 10 oclock am on the day Persona who give themselves rouble to do so will find It to their ad- vantage to make by post No person or persons will be al lowed to interfere with the Judges while it the discharge of their duties by conver sation or otherwise At oclock noon precisely each day the Judges will duties of inspection and of the com petitors the premiums awarded to them id for what adjudged will be publicly id by the Secretary immediately the close of the white flannels and ly shone in their naked buff Unadorned adorned the most All their faces glistened with determination and cor fidenee tho muscles in their arms backs and the sinews of their flank showing marvellously against the of their rivals Mr Potter in a skiff held the stern of his boat one of the committee officiated in for the Englishmen The great Babel was hushed in a pause of suspense that was painful to sensitive nerves There sat the great and illustrious repre sentatives of two hemispheres in one of the manliest sports of old England They each seemed too grand to bo saddled with infamy of defeat long muscular arms flat backs and powerful shoulders of the St John men their blades and bony wrists looked incapable of defeat but so did English Doubts and conjectures not to last any longer At the word Go I they got off to an even start at the first attempt and no amount of knowledge or experience dictate an account of this race which shall be more instructive than the brief record that the Tyne took lead kept it creased it and won as they liked Members are required to present their tickets of hip Milking entries and also to on enter ing the grounds 8th All Stock must be the bona property of Exhibitor and all Imple ments and articles of manufacture must be either by the maker or their duly authorized Agents 9th Grain and Seeds Clover Seed must be the growth of thepres year and all produce must be grown the exhibitor 10th No animal or article entered competition shall necessarily entitle owner to a premium unless deemed of a prize by the Judges and bo awarded neither shall two separate prixea be award- 1I riol him he I I he Moved by A Barber seconded by Glover that the petition of J Winch and others for an alteration in the boundaries of the School Sections be laid over until next meeting Carried Moved by Glover seconded by E josser that ByLaw No the Side Road between Lots No id in the 2nd and 3rd Concessions as by be repeal- be the northern line of the A road Carried Moved by J seconded by E that William Covcrdale receive 50 for days extra labour as r of highways Carried ByLaws were passed appointing Joseph A Huntley Collector and levying mills the dollar of the Rateable Property raise the amount required for County purposes the payment of School Teachers id Superintendents salaries and for the spot The horse was dragged alive and after a brief search the bodies of the unfortunate man and his daugli were recovered Coroner Eckardt held an inquest and the jury returneda verdiel of accidental drowning Mr was 51 years of age and his SMALL TALK IS following littteycupfalV rep that cert on the second evening of the Show Newmarket always affords a appreciative musical audience but before we believe have they had the pleas of listening to Mrs Beard whose ser vices have been secured for this occasion She has always stood in tho very van our Canadian amateurs and we late the on their good fortune in securing such a musical luxury for out neighbourhood Many others very fa vourably knopn here will assist at the concert which bids fair to be the riven in Newmarket be allowed 11th Suitable pens will be provided for ieep and Swine for the use of which a charge of 10c will be made tickets for Which must bo procured from the before occupying Bulls must bo properly secured a ring in the preventaccidentjor tbo grounds No person to allowed to as Judge in the class in which ho is an ex hibitor manufacturer or agent of such or any way aided in the manufacture of the article exhibited The Board of Directors will meet at the Royal Hotel Newmarket on the let Sat urday in November at oclock pm when all appeal All appeals however must bo made to the Sec- raciJ The Four Best in the World There are four breechloading rifles in the world which are proven by repeated experiments to be far ahead of any other en made viz the the needlegun of Prussia and the pot of France the best round every two ffiuraey that theim fire at the rate of on Its ball is lipulation is Jht Suijiir needlegun friendly contests in the Mediterranean between English and Prus sian soldiers resulted in favour of the ra pidity and accuracy of the Snider as to 5 over the needlegun A party of six English sailors fired shots in ten min utes at a target feet by feet and made point where under the same circum stances six Prussian soldiers fired only shots and made but points in both instances being yards The Snider rifle has likewise been compared th the and came out many degrees in advance Both the English celebrated The New Brunswick crew arrived at their homes on Tuesday the were accorded a most enthusiastic recep tion had they been winners instead of losers it could not have been warmer The whole city was decorated with flags the volunteer band played Rale as the boat touched the wharf and then beaded a long procession through the principal streets The volunteer artillery fired a salute Each of the men will be presented with a of money of giving them a dinner as at first contem plated The feeling is general that men did thB best they could and that was no disgrace to have been beaten by such opponents politics I don give a rap Municipal 1 1 tlie day one re when II to do In the matter A It there is o a Reeve each five scc- heavier and lly more simple the of accuracy depth flatness of the trajectory pene trative power safety trth i and rapidity of fire bullet of the Mart Henry smashes to powder the bones of its victim making necessary and it is absolutely with En range of The bullet of trie Snider is as deadly shell its peculiar At the the wound is small tho insert a large rifle style making it open out like a in passing through the flesh point of the claimed for it by its proprietor When the mb its one and vigor the in consequence j not up frequently soma one organ suffers more tho the rest the