There light ShoWB scattered v Ml Where Jiild In dinr lull And viae creep I Ho down to slcop fry loving will awhile An J Anothers be I mliiwnl oily Jlu Ii Ok I I I- ill When I neglected tin Then weeds I Suhlilljilai first insight I cot into mis- cries of young mudlarks J obtained from a quaint Irio of them whom I took Illegal possession iloy trotting past tho one day wlion had i brothers find heir little Bister undo all very but here was just a hint of childhood pretty in tlio curly bended lit to A litflo Daughter of he looked nidging an old figdrum the younger t pan little girl seemed to bo about fivo years tier brothers eight When I took of ho Tit tle girls baud she raised a piercing scream and brothers who way instantly dashed back to bo rescue Up to their went tbeirlidlcclencbed right fists and forwards their little clenched fists Kick Sally bin ihuiult Hull shouted They danced around with menacing gestures and looks and words of defiance and then putting down llieir heads rushed in assaulted in thomost vigorous maun I- lliu kicking liUnlil contrived to cutoff the enemy from th river and then extending my flunks in them before mo int tlio schoolroom after a lime I I a by clock hunting for something hey without I boldly them an unprincipled creatures J wont bo disturbed by them when energetically earned my beloved hours if peace I wont bo asked where and if I know I wont tell I want them to reap the reward of their and go to their own placo when IV If Me creatures iti Ihciumnn menagerie They arc too In different to an opinion or having loo cowardly to express it They dont want to make and so rimming hypocrites never any Thats what they arc and I and I dont care who knows it I like a person who can take hold out mm When ho forfeited it I like- person who can knock another when it is evidently good for the constitution I liko a person who sticks to opinion or to a friend though be blown from the mouth of cannon for doing it Of course this is I know that too a wornin ias a right to love anil hate and things as well etrongly a man and why baa not like him to resent a manifest in justice mid why her individualism in mat- i hi equally Willi fop I have yot to learn Feuk Tito Irish One of the principal attractions was ft litflo Irishman whom I engaged in Dublin rejoiced in the name of Vildciioi one best posture musters the theatrical world ever produced I en him for yary understanding tint shave bead and convert him into a Chinaman for bis small eyes pug high cheek and heavy mouth shaved all but a tuft on the top to which a saddler with waxed firmly attached bis celestial pig- tail were shaved off and his face neck and dyed after tbamost as- Thus announced on the walls at Fan mor about twenty whole Variegated lamp gongs drurnij Uiborcd the into the and its success extraordinary the entire was bo well carried out that it occasioned annoyance TJiro were tea in Glaa- and each of them had wHl l Virtl18 lose llclr ind will not bear too familiar tp muturJiyuvdpttpi ive In the bosom of youth Is if of I MSI Hi Chin Wo and the Mo doubt Jack the chief speaker puti exaggerated on the earn I hot kept them their work but after all tbo which I to pay advance to ray young friends Jack stand ing out for that before be would give- riic or allow bis brother or sister to give mo any information was no great task even upon my scantily furnished puree They were in the habit of selling half a quarter of a hundred weight of coal picked up a time for a penny a shilling to be divided amongst them for doing nothing but talk won derful bargain to them I found that they bad no father or mother Not as wo knows on Jack remembered his father fancied he must been a sailor and bo gave money for their keep to the old woman with whom bo left them when bo went to sea Neither of the other chil dren bad any recollection of their parents and Jack could not remember bis mother if We on the old cat still Jack went on pays her for our and grubs ourselves Shes an old witch to when wo is cos till shes fit to bust don Jack But dp you live with her if sho isnt kind to you I didnt about her not be kind answered Jack She game to whop me and Bill and when pitches into Sally how May as well 1 THEKEWMA THURSDAY JULY il flea of tile Mcb grows bright future r i is by Hi- orrujtionsof those lubkis man ex ct fv who Iim- ii When our lodgin she turns out and we sleeps just were weve got the browns Bill and- me could but its cold for little Sally out is though we puts her in the mid dle and cuddles her up I asked him in what kind of plages they slept when deprived of their regular lodgings aboard the coal- barges and under a boat if its Theres the pipes too when the ia up they aint bad if you get one as the wind cant cut through it There was an old chap once when the toads was up gave us a warm by bis ire and a to us up Down by the Sun ton bad place where they throw the be hind Stairs theyd be snug if they wasnt quite eo mucky an theres rats there an Sally dont like rate All of places we could dose in if it for little Sunday a floor escape from their groceries they to the circus to an interview their compatriot After being denied nights in they perempto- demanded to Being again refused they determined to movo for the writ of habeas corpus that to say they applied to magistrates stating believed their countryman be depri of liberty except during bis performance We then compelled to produce our celestial actor who proved worthy magistrate that he was a free Irishman from Wat- hits Life Benefit of by good medical authority that there is not remotest corner or little inlet of the minute bloodvessels of be human body that does not feel wavelet from convulsion occasioned by hearty laughter and that tbc central man life principle i- to its innermost depths Bending now tides of life strength to the surface and bus material ly fending to insure good health o the pereon who indulges therein The blood moves more rapidly probably caused by some chemical or electric modification oc casioned by the convulsion and conveys a different impression to all the organs of body as it visits them on that particu lar journey when the man is laugh ing from what it does at other times For this reason every good hearty laugh in which a person indulges tends to length en their lifo conveying as it does new and distinct stimulus to the vital forces We doubt not the time will come when physician a conceding more importance than they now do to the influence of the mind upon the vital forces of the body prescribe to the torpid and melancholy all tank and iJirtifttiaiirtlc in to supply i INDUE or l- Block of wealth and ffitScor ijOi NliWMAHKjr BINNS lyhioic Given Or of Moats for of boy ft which faintly afford for by copy a Five Dollars Music by surh as Hoys Thorns FANCY GOODS only on receipt supplied ml phnty I llatly mi IQO aftcrour limit lvlll hive to j our copies thit a In form Therefore or p lib for tlon of It and circulation utlc every form and at full price No matter where you see piece of Music r advertised it can ah of postage on receipt of the alkdprieo Ko Broad ay How smnll t it ho Monthly Ed Founders Hoop Rod and Bar OP HEAVY AND SHELF FOUNDRY STATION Prices of goods will be found more to he public than any other a your Favour Out E a certain number of be- that they will One adds to th l il SELECT ITEMS reason drawn promptly on have best of the fiport Poodles The genie of hi die- pnl thus to iyil the and never iy l find the best and most effective method of producing the required effect upon their patient Our advice to all is indulge in good hearty soulful laughter whenever the offers and if you do not need to body leasure and have us with i iivAioi are all of them tricky lawyers Inordinary timC3 you cannot go into any court bear theHtatcmcnts of the counsel without feeling there is great deal ingen uity to cover up unduly otho- thin things and An Explosive Buret Dont people who come craw ling downof a morning holding the balustrade and looking as if it were terrific to lift a- cup of to their lips I not of real in valids whom Heaven help but your dawdling lazy creeping creatures who bear to get up or to sit down who want every thing banded to them and who vise everybody to take things easy and not be so horribly energetic That would be all very well if these people wbcu energetic element has done its work and down I from its labour put else did sing catechism for lo laid articles It would he all very well for these easy people when about to accompany you out didnt keep you standing one leg the best possible case for the side whose interest it is the desire of the special to advance But tberoelts the old stupid judge stupid because be will be just he puts the lawyer right justice least in theory or jr- bis conscience And there are m hose consciences are bribed and when presiding over the court which ia constantly in the heart they are all the while that- el giving thai things that a And this the experience of to be reminded appeal taken to a judgments are dee to get visions of ay that they shall bold thei but li to be icir always jelled the fallow udwhat I have done ho hi- Letter Paper Foolscap Paper Haled llain AliiJt Bono Wood and Steel Knitting and Sewing Needles Dominoes Tatting Shuttles Pocket Knives Pocket Dressing and Pine Combs Hair Hat and Clothes Brushes Button Fasteners Pins Ladies Portfolios Work Hair Oil Perfumery Toilet Soap Marbles Glass Stone and China Toys Dolls Tops Fishhooks Lines and Floats Belt and Dressing Pins Concertinas Aecordcons Card Cases Fifes Whistles Mouth Organs Drums Musical Tops Paint Boxes Pencils Beads all Sizes and Colours I Baskets Ledgers Journals and Day Blank Books School Books Note Copy Books Exercise and Books Diaries and Time Books Blotting Paper Bill Paper All sorts of Plain Fancy and Coloured Paper Cards Pasteboard o Perforated Cardboard Bookmarks Letter Files Sealing War Pens Fine and Broad Pencils Penholders Blue Purple and Black Inkstands Several kinds Pocket Books Purses Needle Books Wafers Mucilage Seals Bands Pencil Erasers Albums in Great Variety And a large lis BOOKS AND MAGAZINES CANADIAN- Reading Books at on Strongly bound MRS BONDS AND rooms ABE NOW OPEN And embrace all ihe LATEST NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON 111- BE BEST YET- J HODGE FJIOM THE INCREASE OF THEIR BUSINESS THAT TUB need that they keep the Best and Cheapest COOKING PARLOUR AND BEDROOM STOVES Reeling as do all the Gloves from the best r no by any other lLro oil iron d in manufacture of STOVE Is the beet you can get anywhere They keep the Best Tin Copper Sheet Iron Japanned PRESSED WARES PLAIN FANCY SUCH AS Jelly Moulds Planished Double i el ini ied Tea wis Gal fib i d itlrniii ISeibr rid LubricatiBg and Coal Oils Lamps Lanterns Burners CHIMNEYS WICKS AH of They Copper Brasd Ie I and in piid for Fnrs A CALL SPECIALLY SOLICITED AKD SATISFY YOURSELVES STORE NO post THE ONTARIO MUTUAL 1URANGE GO Inspection Invited FANCY GOODS Fancy Goods Fancy Goods A NEW Supply of Fancy Goods PARLOR ORNAMENTS LADIES COMPANIONS- NEWLY DESIGNED VASES their itches and enabled them to toll with unerring accuracy ho hour of the day leniiitJ ireful that really the case for ho noticed that pupil of every cat he though opn in the wen Id will dilate to their Supplied at Lowest Rates Dont Ea Forsyths Hotel Main St COURIER VARIETY STORE MONEY TO LOAN A m Money to Lend ONE TO LEND at I J W COLLINS TOOKS A largo lot of New Livery Stable THE to announce to the inhabitants of Newmarket and the ng public that he has started a LIVERY STABLE Where will be everjihing G LADIES JOURNAL BOW BELLS PETERS MUSICAL WEEKLY Y LEDGER to for Sale In Newmarket T710E SALE THE ROYAL HOTEL In the of Newmarket A trix i 1 TtHhIiXx SPEAKERS COUGHS COLDS ASTHMA And Light Consumptive CoughiT for All both Young and Old d- SON LYMAN ELLIOT CO THE COMPANYS WORKS Ask for thay are firs per ckage and arc the best and cheapest BROWN The European Mail ernrvr Reports Medical Mario Drama Natural tic- ts Notes Sporting Shares Notes ffiW AUCTION holla