THE NEWMARKET COURIER THURSDAY JUNE By Atlantic Coble Juno In of drought tlio of have Advanced in on alarming manner London June bo grave of Dick is entirely covered with flowers cast time by visitors since tho burial Iron Trade- in England la just now extremely active jourr lain under of his oldest Standard is sorry to hear that owners of tho American to compete for of Wales Cup It Bays their objection to tho time allow- On of slaves in tho Cuban Colonics Queen authorizes a disclaimer of the unfriendly remarks ascribed to her tho worlds Evangelical Conference to held in New York next autumn Later Sidney confirm I report of total low of London Walter Hood The Directors of tho Monarch Djs i Company which failed Liverpool- Juno ship sailed from Guinea ninny ago for this port unexpect edly arrived hero yesterday film had been given up for lost and part of lljo in surance money had been claimed captain of a vessel which hero yesterday reports having fallen in with abandoned hark of about tons in latitude north and long 21 west could not bo out London Juno IT Tin Dublin Free man approves of treating Fenian raiders on Canada with all legal severity American jury can bo found lo convict them they should bo punished to ut most severity of tho law A threo months imprisonment is practically nothing Juno 18 Mr admits ho has given up all of the City of Jioiton and takes occasion to reiterate his disbelief iu tho stories set afloat that she was overladen and ascribes her loss to collision with an iceberg Paris Juno 18 The strike of iron throughout country is sus tained in good part by money contributed by tlio English trade unions Full details of the Upton expedition are received from and who went out on the Upton and all of whom were captured and afterwards executed by Spaniards is hardly a doubt left of the complete failure of tlio expedition Madrid Juno 18 Tbe debate on the proposed abolition of slavery in the Span ish Colonies monopolized todays session of the Cortes During discussion a quarrel occurred between the Deputy from Porto and A duel is expected tomorrow London Juno The ship Sea Queei from Sunderland for Quebec took fire at sea on tho 17th instant Damage Paris Juno 19 A meeting of eminent agriculturists was held her today to con sider measures of relief for the anticipated failure of crops which causes so much anxiety M Lourct Minister of Agri culture and Commerce presided re moval of tho duties on grain imported into Franco was discussed and provision for submitting tho views of meeting to the Chambers before the qnes comes up thero for debate J ill in of people sympathizing with the Fenian movement followed the remains t Part of the last will of Charles Dickens wasjead In that he declines a monu ment but rests his fame on his works He also urges his children to practice American Hews this city was hi Bank this even ing when two men entered of them placing to log him with death word and other saturated with chloroform brow It Ida face throw a shawl over his head robbers as soou as tho had taken effect carried Pope to tho back part of Iho building locked in and then proceeded with work Sixty thousanil in money led off and twelve or thirteen thousand left scattered over tho floor A clerk returning at halfpast eight oclock tho bank doors open and called in two policeman who hearing jroana from tho rear discovered and re leased Pope who was still unconscious and it was time before ho recovered No to tho robbers Juno An to tho Post Bill to provide for cent letter was to Vow New York Juno At meeting of Union last night Coolie question was introduced and was called to importation of Chi ne into New England It agreed to tho subject to meeting Havana Juno Upton effected landing Cuban coast following particulars given in tho official reports from Puerto Principe The Upton left the lost and on tho reached tbo on Cuban alio landed Colonel with men and entire cargo of 1000 Bland of arms a largo quantity of ammunition a French correspond en be tween and which fell into tho hands of the Spaniards shows that this cargo consisted of material left board at first landing supplement ed with fresh supplies embarked at New York Juno 20 Yesterday was hottest day of tho season Tho tlio shade Very little air was stirring Travel on railroads was almost en tirely suspended the heat being unbear able to both horses and men Several sun- trokes occurred June 20 The Secretary of Treasury lias issued dally at lul- v Victoria i1il ijf shore fishing in Canadian difying masters of fishing relation waters of system by the of the license v ithiu which by treaty stip ulations American fishermen may take Bravery On the morning of the rout as a gentleman named Win was walk ing along tho railway track on the Espla nade he stepped off traokto allow the Northern train back up but ho only got out of way of in the way of another He had stepped on track and would inevit ably have lost bis bad it not been for bravery of a switchman employed behind him but he was so intently watch ing tho Northern train that the express was close behind when Mr Byrne at the risk of his own life jumped into the mid- dlo of the track and succeeded in dragging him off just as the train rushed by witbi eighteen inches of them Mr Smell very promptly acknowledged this the next day when accompanied by tw other gentlemen ho waited on Mr Byrne and presented him with a valuable watch and chain c with a suitable engraved on the inside of the whole being enclosed in a handsome Mo rocco case Mr employ of the and has whom he has fLVil attcntiva to his The inscription on the watch is ted to Valentine Byrne by A violent earthquake had occurred Japan It is the severe since that of 1855 and it is said several villages were destroyed The captain of the barque Benefactress reports having observed an active volcano at sea miles from Yokohama Some portions of the crater were above the sea and clouds of steam were issuing there from From the deck of the vessel the water around the volcano appeared in a boiling condition Washington June ru mour is that Fish has been requested to resign ibafc a more liberal policy towards Cuba will be adopted The ex citement in the Capital has not been The Cost of War The Pall Mall Gazelle sup very curious statistics about war It is really surprising much money is spent for every Trains leave Jlrock street Station ten later OFFICE NEWMARKET and up for tho dally Mails Up for the and way pm i for flharon Holt Mount Malls up for Pino Orchard Malls made up and If I ii Ho Monday Countries on of this as held it Forsyths Hotel on Monday evening last present N Esq anil Caldwell and of provlouB meeting read approved over following communications being tenders for work advertised for by tho Council For framing on Huron street- Johnson Joieph John Crone 17200 market building Dyer Johnson John Croon On motion by A J by J Caldwell tender from Joseph for building and raising bridgo On motion by A J seconded by J Caldwell tho tender from Johnson for erec tion of market ljuildinge was accepted A communication from tho Secretary of Company that a tank may bo procured for by tho Com pany an being considered by tho Company my to successful working at a where it would bo incon- to get tho engine to water on ac count of proximity to firo or other A J moved se conded by J Caldwell thai the commu nication from tho Fire Company bo re ceived and referred to the and Water Committee A bill from for amounting to was ordered to be paid after which the Council adjourned that our pointed a commissioner in person of the Hon Mr Campbell who proceeded to England on Saturday last on of tl important missions this country hi tho answers from the British Government to the questions he has been authorised to put forth will seal the future destiny of Dominion Of it is not publicly known all these questions are but they will be published iu due form at the proper time Great dissatisfaction baa been felt the decree was issued by imperial authority to withdraw British troops from Canada when there was no ipparcnt cause for such withdraw and when such troops could have been main tained at a less cost hero than at believe to bo of the matters that requires to be properly understood by and people we believe demand is to bo made for such troops lo bo brought so that British may bo ready to do British when a of necessity may requi if wo are to remain every loyal Canadian hopes we shall a part of thi glorious old empire we have always looked up to tho fairest in the world Volunteers have shown their mettle and willingness on different occasions and it ill lion 111 I Friday last between Holland postponed to coming Friday to bo pitched at am tno hundred fifty people assem bled In the Agricultural Hall on Wednesday Inst ball was decorated with lantern c The Hon band performed excellent ted to the advertisement by Co and bating a largo lot of new goods respectfully an Inspection thereof raonthi llttlo l subscription been by tho treasurer si our last ssue a d by reference to advertising column further particulars match been seen ures in the all com era prizes could not bo put in resent as the list is yet open and known what the sums will to be awarded From for year Jackson the Era for year Dr Dr Ham valued at Simpson sundries Major Peel gives an extra valued at for the man that makes tho most Bulls eyes in all classes all comers excepted SUMMARY has been agreed J for com pen ration for from him ho nltegei by County for on Bote Itutcfter enquiry they rcwon to believe In position tin to by nnd that atly Mr Kills claim on County request of the Coun ty of tho him toeiara- over branch of Holland River County lino between this County nnd County of and Ihoy agreed In ordering certain repairs to be made by the Mi- at of which sum was directed Treasurer of this County The Council adjourned when it again work and no J1085 bo paid by tin a deaf mute- rl from amounting to and toffl expenses of the a for oil tho halfyear ending Juno From Education Office with tho appropriation of Government giant to j sin the Co reference- to tbo communication your committee do not ft liLrty Hi- by Council February Indigent deaf and the of Junes circus and animal show deter mined to novel in way of ft band chariot and conceived idea of mounting band upon colos sal den of performing Nnmidian lions and which would form of and moat imposing features of Although repeatedly warned by that ho deemed cage im- and dangerous in the extreme anagers persisted in compelling tho band to rido upon it Nothing however occurred until morning of The band took their places and the pre commenced to of the of who had to witneia Iho grand pageant and hear the enlivening strains of music Not a thought of danger was entertained by any one but an awful catastrophe was confusion and he lost control of them and becoming frightened they broke into a violent Upon the side of the tbe of the cage came in contact with a rock with force as the braces and stanchions which tho roof to giro way any further if the icil your Committee Hi- d leave the Your Committee would irrantfoi other t in the to be or an Instant the vast crowd were paralysed with fear but for a moment only and then arose a shriek of agony was never heard before The awful groans of terror and agony which aroao from tbe poor victims who were being torn lacerated by the frightful monitors heartrendering and sickening will bo of ftlt county for the township of Kin or equitable claim 1 for neither Itinand has below a terrible degree up to hinder t t around again it did and we hope f the place killed of his sickness of the camp as with comparative the Crimean War where a if men were got together at very close quarters Between the Rus sians and the Allies there were more than threequarters of million men killed each of them at tbe price of On the other hand the maximum of cost was reached in the American civil war Each of the deaths though this small estimate we should imagine New York June James Kiernan formerly Secretary of the ONcil branch ill 1YUIMl today on a charge of shooting Patrick J Mecban editor of the Irish American on 28th The evidence was conclu sive he was sentenced to the state for 10 years New June A cable des patch says James Fish United States Consul at Scotland who was arrested some days since on a charge of a serious nature and who was refused bail by the Magistrate having charge of tho examination in the case was yesterday released from custody under bonds lo appear for trial The Princess Monies has sued the female brokers for the recovery of a diamond ring and in money to have been deposited op Mexico June 11 The earthquake of the 11th of May was felt at Tabasco All the churches and nearly all the private dwellings at Miahudla were I thrown lo the ground by the shock Near the roads were rendered impas ended at must be reckoned its brief duration to have been expensive Every life cost nearly It is strange necessity which makes civ ilized society expend what would be a comfortable maintenance to three men on the destruction of one Justices of the Peace The following gentlemen have been ap pointed associate Justices of the Peace for of York James llobinson George Cheater John Severn Nelson Gor- Mathcw Thomas Graham Henry Cumberland Thomas John Baxter Gres- Proctor Alexander McMillan Jas Rogers John Rogers Proctor Ashton Edward Reynolds John John Marsh Samuel Henry Hamilton Hunter Cane Laweon Barber George John Marritt John Boyd William John Field William John Abell Neil Malloy James Brown James Dun can Hans Alfred David James Thompson Robert land what in future may be relied upon The question of the North- West is another matter to bo discussed and the right of protection to our fisheries certainly there is a fleet at present on our borders for this purpose but how long it is to be there that is the question The garrisons forts fortifications and bo on now left with out care or notice this is another subject Also a complete view US to how this coun try has suffered on account of raids and threatenings by American Fenians and the we are put to in order to keep a lot of men who are citizens of a friendly nation from breaking in upon at any hour they choose men allowed by the Re publican laws of the to manufacture drill and get themselves ready to rob and murder whomsoever they in their arranged affairs see fit All such as these have to be settled now id we ore glad our Government has taken such prompt measures to have the thing at once Messages and dispatches all very well in some instances but right sort of a message is such as our Government despatched last Saturday and feel certain great good will be derived such a course and believe we shall shortly out that the last Fenian raid rtas the best thing ever happened to Canada In this connection in the Imperial Parlia ment on the evening of the Earl moved that a Commissioner be ap pointed to enquire into the means whereby union between England and ay be perpetuated He considered that the great national and the vast improvement in navies made the question of our relations with the Col onies one of grave moment He argued in favour of maintaining intact the Colon ial particularly on the preservation of the union with Canada pointing out the want of and showed what obstacles of ready reinforcements in He regretted the withdrawal of the garrison from Quebec and unpolitio Earl Gray spoke in sup port of the inquiry JIBE The members of the Newmarket Company will meet this Fire Hall at oclock eh decide with regard to bavin to Barrio at- an early date A full tendance requested Two to in the States Cable despatches state that the Lou don Timet considers that Spain has for ever let slip her foothold on Cuba The Timet thinks in this condition it would be an act of charity on the part of the United States Government were it to step in and end the terrible struggle by interposing its hand and annexing the Island There is nothing particularly fresh this week from the troops on their way lo tho North- West The men and stores are have all been shipped from Marie for Fort William all quiet the weather splendid From Fort Garry comes news that Reil protesla against tbe expedition and the St Paul Frets says the Provisional Government will probably dcclaro itself independent of Canada and prepare to oppose tho inva ders of this encloses a copy of a proclamation issued by May 19 protesting against sending an armed force to the peaceful country of Red River At six oclock on the morning of the inst the remains of Dickens were conveyed from his residence at Gads- hill by train to Charing Cross station There were waiting at tho station a plain hearse without usual English trap- id plain coaches In the first coach were placed the children of the deceased Charles and Harry Dickens Miss Dickens and Mrs Charles Collins In the second were Miss Hogarth the and Mrs Austin the sister of Charles Dickens Mrs Charles Di jr and John the third Beard Charles CollinB Mr Owery Colling and Edmund Dickens The entire party were attired in deep but simple mourning without bands or scarfs There was no crowd at Charing Cross sta tion and the procession was driven at once to Westminster Abbey where the remains were received by Dean Stanley and other officials and placed in the Poets Corner the way The coffin posited in its final resting place and tbe funeral of Dickens was ended Upon the plate were inscribed tho words Charles Dickens born February died June 9th 1870 Thousands of citizens have crowded to the Abbey dur ing iho day to where the great novel When in London he livi t Wills Coffe Year H the United S the Queen invited tie Hetoight be Teen at dim than anywhere the landlord He was given and was in life as In most generous of men ich with the Warden of wilt unite with it in committee of the t committee provided a ion the Warden was im ilK of the claim Mr moved and erred by Mr J sec legal proceedings aba Brutal Murder of the country Arthur Pi labourer of this place returned from his work early in afternoon a little under the influence of liquor When he reached his house he commenced abusing and beat ing his wife shamefully with a stick other weapons that he had in the till she was quite dead He disfigured her so badly that she has scarcely the ap pearance of a human being After he found she was dead he took a brush and whitewashed her face and body his guilt would not bo detected Some of the neighbours heard her cries but v afraid to enter house while ho there He attempted escape but arrested at his mothers house and taken to gaol where ho will await his trial at the assizes It is supposed it was he whe murdered two of his own children some years ago An examination of the prison took placo this evening for further evidence Glob tho t band into the awful of the band would extricate themselves from the debris and leap over the sides of the cage to the ground with a wild spring and faint away ipon striking the earth so great was their error But human nature could not stand to see men literally devoured before their very eyes for there were strong arms ready to render every assistance necessary to rescue tbo unfortunate victims of this shocking cat- of the noble hearted proprietor and pitch forks crowbars and long bars of iron d in fact every available weapon was ought into requisition The side doors cage were quickly torn from Iheit and thou sight was presented view Mingled among ho brilliant uniform of the poor unfortunates lay legs arras torn from their sockets and while the savage v green- coloured eyes upon the petrified crowd Charles White arrived at this on gavu in to itiDg the dead and wounded he well knowing it be a difficult and dan gerous undertaking to remove them from tho infuriated monsters Stationing men with forks and bars at available point he sprang fearlessly into the den amid the and com- racing the wounded and passing them upon the outside to their friends He had succeeded in removing the wound ed and was proceeding to gather up remains of the lifeless when the mammoth lion known to showmen as old inon fas tening bis teeth and claws in his neck and shoulders lacerating him in a horrible manner Professor White made three efforts to shake the but without then gave to firo The contents of four of Colts poured into carcase and he fell dead and the brave little man notwithstanding the fearful manner in which he was wound ed never left the cage until every vestige of the dead was carefully gathered together and placed upon a for burial It was found that three of the ten were killed outright and four others terribly lacerated The names of the killed are August Conrad Fritz Chains Gainer fiiji procured and an immediate upon bodies were so torn and lacerated as to be The lions are the same ones which ly White his life two years ago while travelling with the Thayer party and were known to be a very dangerous cage of animal Every atten tion is being given to the sufferera by the kind and hospitable citizens of Middle- town and at last accounts they were all pronounced out of danger roughs colds I obtained a bottle CROCKER Jan Sold by The subject lo cataleptic attacks