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Newmarket Courier, 9 Jun 1870, p. 2

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By Atlantic Cable London Juno Dispatches from Athena elate Hint the investigation into the late massacre Is progressing A Court of Inquiry in every day Minister been sum moned heforo court and subjected to rigid examination to Ills monthly magazines of oil parties denounce moral shallow snobbish- June conflagration has been checked ana THIS NEWMARKET COURIER THURSDAY JUNE 1870 mi have been up firo isolated ta ft of Government after testimony was not public last surviving member of hand or who per llio slaughter has hi Yacht Club will compete on tho for cup The will bo from Dover to back alleged Davitt Wilson wcro again up for examination today Somo of tho evidence is important going that Iho prisoners boon no- lively engaged toirni timo in distributing arms in Ireland and the north of England Government continues its precautions against Fenian violence There in Mill gard to the of land received pri vate information concerning their plan of operations and orders have boon Issued to double the guards all dockyards Q all and lllfrilJ and naval keep fires bonked other precautions calculated l ho of any revolt ihn police possess dctaila of a formidable conspiracy to pillogo arsenals find including Wool wich and have frustrated bo scheme Arrests are expected physicians of Paris report that the practical value of vaccination as a preven tative of smallpox ban professionally actual city during past month Duiiiih June final passage of the Bill is regarded favourably by bo Irish press generally and soma news papers are jubilant over the success of deli oof wealthiest heat built if archives and ho British Legs been saved Juno 7 British Consul at Havana received a telegram that ho armed vessel had called from Loudon ostensibly for Japan really to the Cuban insurrection American New York Juno 2 Ex- Assembly lb Capt and of Brooklyn who went to and forward home desti- tuto been arrested on of being persons BOO Fenians returning the front arrived hud loud in tho denun ciation Starr by whom aay they Br Paul Minn Juno 2 A letter lo 1ionccr from Pembina thai Rid has mado another raid on Winnipeg and appropri ated largo amount of funds contained in Alters to eg writer be lieves Kiel meditates leaving country is providing himself with in Juno In tho lo day Hop Davis aaked leave to report a resolution to Indemnify John lani for detention of his threo steamships harbour of New York by the Presi dents neutrality order which objected Omaha Juno Between four of mail direct from London bound for the South Sea Islands reached hero yesterday being first Station ten OITiyF Mails piadop for Toronto and ado up for tho South dully after ii lrmr 1 in On Vivian and on Mondays iiikI I pm for tie 03d Lett ailed one half bourn lo bo AsutPrH HEW ADVERTISEMENTS 18GuJohn Kerr Cash for Wool Killer Variety Store tof June Bourse opened excitedly in a view of the reported alii between and Egypt A great inaiiy cannon muskets and other war ma terial have recently been ordered from Brussels and New York on the Viceroy account A largo increase in the at disposal of Egypt is suddenly apparent It is certain tho Vice roy is preparing for a strugglo against the Sublime Porte and that will lend her powerful resistance Madrid Juno 3 A riot broke out in notification given by the City of the collection of certain unpopular tax es Troop wore called out and the dis turbance quickly suppressed but not with out some fighting Two citizens were killed wounded and many made The city is now quiet Juno Tho steamship La of the Havana St Line has gone ashore between this city and St London Juno The be gins three new iron clad vessels in the Chatham navy yard immediately One to he called the will bo tons burthen is to carry heavy guns tasto and of General Lindsays address in reference to the action of Presi dent Grant The Daily hopes Gen Lindsays address to troops has been misrepre sented by telegraph General George Napier publishes a fresh endorsement of Canadian courage and loy- shipment of the kind land Nkw York Juno There steamers discharged at the Castle Garden except the which has been reported Thero have been 10531 immigrants landed at tho de pot within four days a number almost un precedented in the annals of the depot Judge today allowed J receiver of the Fund compensation with an equal amount for his counsel tho whole to come out of the fund which was originally Fen is several coasting vessels wrecked lost New York June A Smith who at tempted to walk 100 miles in hours ceased walking on tho completion of the 55th mile He began to stagger tho mile Ho had eaten too much and drank too much At the end of the Ho dip took a cold bath and of minutes when ho undertook to iud the course again but his stre he up the feat pleted55Bi too tho pretence of of customs regulations The the joint protest against this on the part of England and tho United States Mr Ashbury engaged other yacht if ho fails to tho nest June 5 of the YachtClub yesterday the course was from the to Dover The American yachts declined to enter Fifteen started The three first arrived at Dover in following Cutter Orion pm schooner teeth at different points on the route of the expedition to Red River A vessel from Chicago recently brought a number of bogus Americans landed them at Marie and an attack was hourly expected hut no doubt seeing our men so well prepared and to wipe out old they took their departure for some place points numbers are said lo he gathering t is openly avowed that an attack will bo made They appear to feel confident of belter luck than their friends of tho ONeil faction recently bad SUMMARY The American accounts of their late Fenian raid give in their the killed at eleven and wounded at 11 hours and York June The French La which put here with yellow fever aboard contracted Prince has gom to where the crew will be put ashore and tl thoroughly fumigated left at quarantine officer most ports Cuban ports disease Eight Our health idimi at Janei that half the crews there died New York June The Heralds Mexico special say a violent earthquake visited the State of Oaxaca Its effects were in tho city of as 103 persons woro and wounded Onethird of the city is uninhabitable who escaped from the United States authorities at alone turned and surrendered himself and will be before Commissioner The ship a Live pool packet was burned last night Mr Greeleys illness is a fever and hi assumed a serious form Last he very restless and slept but little News 010 Ashburys schooner of English London June It is reported that the police are diseqveriog tlio ramifica tions of the Fenian plot in every direction in England and even iu Wake arms and ammunition destined for parties in Dublin apparently designed to be used immediate ly have been discovered Several boxes and barrels of war material have been seized at Holyhead and persons in whoso charge they were have been arrested The authorities are watchful but the is not abated Juno A despatch to indignantly repudiates the end tho brigands of Reports from Central France represent the appearance of the wheat as not promising while a fair age crop is expected in the northern ant eastern sections In Prussia the prospect of the wheat crop mending are good the prices continue steady London June The Commission on Amnesty refused to hear counsel for the Fenian prisoners The transport steamer Crocodile takes out three hundred dockyard people for They were seized on Friday bout miles west of Hi burg by A D Knight Deputy Collector izurocousistiof313- and cases about stand muskets altered The arms are with the Irish win which connect with the Atlantic cable A panic prevails Tynemouth in to the Fenians It was reported tb they threatened to seize he The guards have been doubled and precaution by the town authorities box of havre- box full of cap- 1 of Three or four waggon loads of knap sacks and haversacks were burned neai as they were of inferior qual ity and not worth moving About of tack or biscuit taken The St Regis have possession of a good many guna and a good deal of clothing A good many arms are scattered among the farm houses and it is therefore difficult to estimate the numbers shipped to tho front by the Fenians The material was brought here in charge of a company of Uuitcd States troops and de posited in the freight house of the Railroad where it is guarded by soldiers As soon as the the order given it will be shipped on to the United States Arsenal Troy Co aidedocamp to Governor Hoffman arrived this morning and he has authority from tho Governor to pay the fores homo of the Fenians remaining here it is presumed out of the State funds Governor Hoffman got a good many Irish the last and it is get I three mortally By latest accounts we arc informed that Sir John A is improving fast and bis friends now consider him out of danger although still unable to sit up instant a fire sprerd iiironh the richest part of city of Constanti nople causing great loss of life and proper y The fire originated in an old building a strong wind blowing at the time oon communicated with adjoining all efforts to get it under In a few hours the residences of be English American and Portuguese Ambassadors tho the Naomi Theatre many churches and mosques thousands of houses and richest and shops in the city were reduced to The loss of life by falling walk as fearful The excitement of the people description the self constituted President of the Red River territory not satisfied with the manner the Canadian Government have authorized the Province of Manitoba and is not to all appearances inclined to agree with its propositions In a recent speech to the Legislative Assembly there he said that the Canadian Government in authorizing the Province of Manitoba had by no means settled the existing dis pute The protest sent to the Canadian Government by the Winnipeg Govern ment has just been published Most of the demands of this protest are cove by the Manitoba bill except one that new Province shall have control of public lands Kiel also demands that member of the Provisional Government shall be held responsible for any action leading to the present state of affairs and making preparation for resisting tho pcdillori on to Fort Garry It fa alleged that ho over two hundred under arms in Fort and eight be- ng further It further stated that of May a band of Iwo hundred and fifty half breed scouts to Inko of the approaching It is further averred his Government arc not with the itoha Bill it does not con- fain general pardon clause and will poEO the entrance of the British troops in to tho Settlement to laet It is said hoy will begin fighting troops near tho of Woods Forty Fenians saidto bo already in Winnipeg and arc expected The feeling IhohnlMirwds and Fenians is said to be not very friendly people of Settlement bo about equally for Rich No local demonstration expected until Iho troops were hand Excitement amounting to is said to prevail in ho Settlement Furs wcro plenty but business there very tious Real Estate- was selling for almost nothing a and bloody fight be ing expected The Rebels said to bo somowhat despondent to the ultimate result but think they can defeat Iho troops now on their way Fenian still arriving at St Cloud and they in active communication with the Brotherhood at Chicago and other points The following general issued by Lieutenant General Lindsay tho of forces who recently repelled and put to flight the American Fenians commanded by Can ada has once more been invaded by a body of Fenians who are citizens of the United States and who again taken advan tage of institutions of that country to move without disguise largo men and warlike stores to tho and Huntingdon frontier for the purpose of levying war upon a peaceful community From both these points invading force been instantly driven with loss and in tho confusion throwing away arms and clothing into tho United States Acting with scrupulous regard for the inviolability of tho neighbouring Territory the troops wcro ordered to halt though in pursuit upon the border result of the affair is entirely to promptitude with which the militia responded to the call to arm and with which their movements the front were carried out and the and shown by well as by the armed inhabitants on the frontier The regular troops were at hand support ready to move had it been lo wherever the main attack Jit be developed The proclamation of President Grant and the arrival of Federal St Albans and late to prevent the collection and transport of warlike an into Can ad reproach of the British Ter ritory and dread of insult and robbery thus beep removed by a handful of of Canadians and not doubt that such services will the of the Impeml Or cut The LioutenantGcncral the Militia upon this of their promptness discipline and training their home Sons Lonely oh Is ho Night Operatic mental Ctrl hands Serenade Variety Mat en Captain my of this battalion has been very In arranging ff on the let of July next between he Newmarket Company Itoullbqo and ten of till company ant seconded by officers of Newmarket Company object In getting up tho match is lo a and honourably rivalry amo lobe hoped It w t with every encouragement by force and the general public It desirable to get op good list as pos sible as there I now little time for Central the committee are who feel favourable to remit their voluntary subscriptions to Cap Belby treasurer im Newmarket meeting of the committee takes place on Friday tomorrow evening at Hotel oclock when tho particulars of tho match will be decided upon which wilt ho fully announced In our We bespeak for the promoters ft hearty in tbla community at the same lime would suggest that our loynl nnd patriotic citizens were so very reluctant nbout cele brating tbo Queens Birthday a more several appropriations lo bo expended un der provision of consolidated No Moved by A Barber recorded by Glover that bo granted to John Mitchell to George Wallace to and 20 to Wm of highways to bo expended In according to consolidated ByLaw No Carried Moved by ii Prosier by J that be expended opposite Lot No in tho Concession and that Edward be commissioner to expend the tamo under provision of con ByLaw No Carried Moved by J by that consolidated ByLaw No 7 be amended by striking out all of the section after the word namely and tho following For every m able to perform a reasonable days per day for every span of per day for every yoke of per day for every horse and cart per day and for every wagon plough cents per day every RAID THREATENED The following Important has just reached us from our Special Correspondent Marie was to Marquette telegraphed to from there 8auxt Juno her Fenian Raid web threatened last night About one hundred men came- upon Chicago oil armed and to bo Fenians Information despatched from the American side that an might be expected Col a largo Dumber of officers were gone to a ball at the residenco of Mr Simpson but were at once recalled by who in cero id of the company and the troop Ho for Dominion lime enough none malic full a for a in dismissing the for the defence of Cai the Bow Bells Young Ladles Join The called out Three corps were to head of tho Portage placed along the road and proper surprise on board th The New York Times on Reforms for Ireland says Mr Glad stones and greatest measure of Justice to Ireland has triumphantly passed through the House of Commons The burst of cheering with which it was dispatched through the last stage doubt in part of the intense relief with which wearied legislators the Bill which has been an other work of the session passed over to Upper House Even in tho Old World history moves swiftly in these days Had I hi Church would and tenant right ratified by he would have been laughed at as dreamer Yet both may bo accepted facts for the Lords are tho to gaol June The Gleason Lindsay of other The Canada furnishes an odd com latest act of British The policy of conciliation has not accomplished much good so far Globe we gather follow ing piece of important news supplied that paper by their own correspondent and from all appearances at present there is little chance of doubt to its correct ness It is lo have been received from a Frenchman a supporter of SOUTH COUNCIL This Council met in hall at Bell- haven on the instant All the mem bers present The Reeve in the chair The minutes of lost meeting were read and approved A number of communications and petitions were presented Moved by A Barber by Glover that tho communication reports petitions o be received and taken up in due form Gamed Moved by J seconded by A Barber that the Statute Labour arising from Lot the East part of Lot lb Concession be performed in Road Division No Carried Moved by A Barber seconded by Glover that Arin Crittenden receive by Prober that tho petition of Rev Ritchie and others respecting the ig the road along lake shore be referred to the Road and Bridge by A Barber seconded by T over that the protest of Robert dick against the pale of tbe 3rd Con cession line to Wm Woods bo returned to him as his objections should have been mado before the passing of the ByLaw Carried Moved in amendment by J Fairburn seconded by that the protest of be laid over for etiiiHknaitin Lost Moved by A Barber seconded Glover that Statute Labour arising from the North I of Lot No 3rd and the South part of Lots No 15 and Lake nonresident be placed on the road lists where the lots are Carried Moved by Prosper by J that the petition of Richard Boyd and others asking for a grant of money lo be laid out on the Township line South opposite the and Con cession be laid over for further considera tion Carried Moved by seconded by J that the petition of Mrs Barnard asking aid on the Side Road between Lota and 21 in the 3rd Concession be laid over for further consideration Carried Moved by J seconded by E that the Reeve and A Barber be Moved by A Barber by Glover that survey of the side line between Lota and in the 2nd and 3rd Concessions of this Municipality ade under from this Conncil bo estab lished and that Iho Clerk shall give the notices of the intention of the Council to pass a ByLaw for that in amendment by Prober seconded by J that the Reeve bo and is hereby authorized to take legal advice in regard to the road between Lots and in the 2nd 3rd Con cessions as to furnish this Council with tbe information at its next meet- The yeas and nays on the original mo hen Ik for by Mr Moved by fieconded by that ibis Council do now adjourn to meet at on Saturday the day of July next at oclock am boat The United Stales in Fort Brady ere called out by the officer in command The Fenians were Been from the gun boat distributing rations or ammunition and a tugboat lying in wait for them On seeing our gunboat and hearing iho sounded they became afraid and Ik- I rot on to Thia morning considerable excitement prevailed here this year in resident in the State of i us the following letter says Globe as a specimen of the operations F Canada are United States Enclosed I send you a so can sec with whit mi 1 impud the Fenian work carried on here N placarded lire the and hid on The 1 besides tbe unters of the re number from additions which appeal They propped effectively The authorities of the United they are for I you will take on Snake Island Sunday last I to of be sold Moved by J seconded Pro of they are hereby empowered for their respective Road cents per load where it cannot be in convenient road allowance Each ad lo contain not less than J of a cubic yard Carried Moved by E seconded by J No be allowed I Road si Carried by v Moved by Glover that the Council of the whole on the report of the Road to the be there shall it the last such thai CANADIAN 111 May ARMS TO ARMS id Irishmen now or never BODIED MEN WASTED To join the Regiment Irish n Army lo leave days Apply Bradys Block Room to t Key An Infernal Clime crime charged against a man named a dealer in picture frames in New York is one that should give bint a in the criminal catalogue for intent boson April on the New Orleans steamer and se cured an insurance on it of one thousand sis hundred and fifty dollars and the bos proved to have with and ivc been set to tho- by a would explode lijht friction was provided for Here then is if tbe charges prove true a man who contrives lhat awful calamity fire on a ship at sea contrives the possible frightful death of twenty or thirty persons to secure tl He should be tried by uprising firEtelass artists will appear me Mechanics Hall on Monday well worthy of blanks with the Carried The Council then went into committee of the whole Mr Glover in he The committee rose and reported the blanks filled with to be expended repairing the bridge am raising the road in Road Division No 2 to be expended in repairing the road where it has been washed away by the lake opposite farm in Road Di vision No to be expended in re pairing the road between lota No and in the Lake Concession where it has been washed away by the high water of the lake in Road Division No 15 to be expended in repairing the road where it has been washed away at bay in Road Division No to be expended on the Side Road between Lots No and 11 Lake Concession Road Di vision No to be expended in re pairing the bridge over the Black River on Lot No 13 Concession in Road Division No and to he expended In repairing the road on the Concession Line opposite Lot No in Road Division No Council then resumed business The in the chair On motion of E Prosser seconded by J the report was adopted Moved by J Prosser that the following persona bee in their respective Road Division- and It i Wathingtot crime of tbe same nature was the shipment of the Mia steamer Washington by Singular Lake which ha title to the Province formed Red Rivet of ill island from which night issues a mysterious voice though there was no real mystery about it On no account will the ap proach or land this island supposing it to be the homo of the Manitobah the speaking God The cause of thia curious sound is the beating of the wave on the shingle or large pebbles lining the shores Along the northern coast the island there is a long low cliff of fiat grained compact limestone which the stroke of the hammer clinks like sleel The waves beating on the shore at the foot of the cliff cause tho fallen fragments rub against each sound resembling he of distant church bells This ph sounds like whispori at Variety Store Church Hymn Services Prayer Hymn tars Wild Cherry The OneoftbemoitintereBl- one per formed Is to watch the change in the blood

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