A Free Pi est Koligious Liberty and Equal Rights to all men ADVANCE Vol No do y Morning BY NEWMARKET ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY JUNE 9 1870 Whole No 129 GEORGE DRY GOODS GROCERIES HOOTS auctioneer Units Attended BUSINESS GAUDS Ground and Set Ida loin the ACCOUCHEUR the U IS Regular Ann Gill Cou of Willi CARD mm entered SOLICITORS IS A HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE PEARSON IMS BEHOVED HIS OFFICE To lire liuMing OPPOSITE FORSYTHS HOTEL lie may bo found dally from nine So gig ALEX BUDGE BLACKSMITH OPPOSITE MECHANICS HALL nOltSE SMOKING and nil kinds of work in itneniddiitcli ON REASONABLE MARRIAGE LICENSES BARGAINS in GOODS ORGANS I10I and Organi nil THE OLD ESTABLISHED II Saddles Harness Cellars Trunks and aery other Article in the Trade kepi OF QUALITY WALLIS JEST High All said he Yankee NOTICE dont fight afore That Ihclr frngmncc on the mid fid olio John Bright Enid fc lady who has grcit in The Dead Letter have she put up ur bonnet With a worm hand to smooth her disordered li slowly back and look bonnet which I extended toward her without speaking I dilated what move to mate next to her sic wag here in grasp id I ought to satisfy as far an about tlio suspicions which I had conceive I might do her irreparable in jury by making iny feelings public if the aid or inclination of wliicli bad been committed yet re which could hard- unchallenged That hers on Saturday three until an after the was committed the statement of her that fihe van in the city and my find- her in this spot in connection with the to Hid window and the other things which I had observed wcro suffici- to justify inquiry Yet it I alarmed her prematurely I have the less looting upon proofs her if alio bad any would he to lake step for greater safety Anyhow I would make her find what was Your Hint told New York I said Btepp her as turned away She thought so Did you stopping short in her walk mo if she expected me to rest probably feels homo she baa sowed much in tho fam ily I dont know her at all I spoke to her until just now Did you get much acquainted with when in the I never to a dozen times I wasnt at the house raucb She with lier needle and a girl who her own I thought she proud for a she was band and I dTCCkon ho knew it Shes getting thinner had red on cheeks Saturday that I didnt like- looked consumptive Did tha family treat her with It ww near as I cared into words what I was thinking of You know its in tho whole to kind to hose under them Ive known Henry more than the family were going out for a drive to upon Sullivan that yon bad gone here did look like the trepidi mil a til my Thii No I came out for a walk our have led US bo ilinn This place will to many hereafter Interest the interest vulgar It will give them to I hate it I She spoke more than to me while a ray of fire darted from those black orbs the x subsided into that passionate stillness was not that I recalled what her aunt had said about the education she bad bestowed on her decided that the girls mind was one out their stances aspiring ambitious and tb this nature may have led her present unfinppiness That she unhappy if not sinful it took but a Stationery Fancy Goods PI JOB PRINTING JOHN COOK Clerk of the Division Court to LOA1ST SAMUEL CABINET MAKER HOUSE PAINTING C House Painting Graining PaperHanging WHITEWASH CHAR J JOHNSONS Blind and Planing Factory At O I iiilJoircd The Iiritish hl triniiijilni mi have the right tc mourn I the sorrow of that beau tiful lady he was to have married is light compared with trouble that There are those who envy her It was not words as much wild halfchoked voice which gave effect to them she spoke and grew silent that the truth had been from in tbeear of We had reached the gate and she seemed to escape through it but I held i band looking hard at her as I said It may have been the band of envy which dashed the cup of fruition from her lip IIr young life withered never toblooi I can imagine but one wretch in this world greater than hers on is the tin guilty who written en his or he ml A spasm contracted her face pushed the gate which I still held- All the said let me pass opened it and she darted through flee ing along the road which led out around the backward slope of the bill like by the stinging fly Her path was from the village so that I hardly rjected to see her again that day Within two minutes the gardeners wife me the road to the gate She had been dpwn to visit the corpse of her young teg her were red with weeping These be LLibeiaUe Unit aint they My very heart is sore in ray breast but a tear iu the room where he was lay- there like life for Miss Eleanor sot re like a statute It made mo cold all her I couldnt speak going alone I him tell bis mother that the poor girl looked tiredj she needed a breath of a air and a bit of freedom and the kindhearted lady would at son but do as ho just like him But Id everlasting tint ho never look any of her feelings if its that thinking of Mr So would I Mrs There is i can have a higher respect for the eh of that noble young gentleman thi I would resent an insult to memory quickly than if it had been ray- brother But as you Bay there is thing queer in tho actions of Miss van I know that I can trust your Mrs for I have well spoken of do not say not even to your husband but keep watch on that person if she should here any more Report to me what she does and what spot frequents I will do bo sir I dont think any barm of her She may have been fortuate enough to think too much of thi indoesB with which be treated her I i I pity hershe could hardly help it thing Henry was a gentleman a good many people loved She put her handkerchief to her eyes In a fresh burst of tears Wishing her morning I turned toward the village coring what I do next J Scott was an American woman and on be I felt that she would be the I 1 place at that spot there alone his head leaning his face anxious and worn his brow traded in deep thought As soon came in he sprung up closed the out door and said to me in a low voice Richard another strange thing with friends toho city and I will put police on watch for money Wo will get the number of the largo bill if possible from the hank and I wmJhavo investigations to the of Wednesday on train with James Have you anything to him about your I have not seen him since I made tell Mm if yon aim and do you can Richard for I feel as weak a child When came out of office I en- James on the steps for the first no that day I could not stop to make iown robbery to him and telling him at his uncle to him a few minutes I hurried to my boardinghouse I had barely time to take lnnch in my room while packing a email bag to be Bent to the cars before hurrying back to Mr Argylls to attend the funeral escort to the train and two of the eight pallbearere yet of summon fortitude to enter the the body lay I believe thi had not yet looked upon the corpse Wo stood outside on the steps of the pi only taking our of the fler tho coffin was brought out into tb yard While wo stood there waiting I chanced to observe his and restlessness he tore his black gloves putting them on I saw fin trembling for mo my being seemed to pause as a single prolong shriek rung out of tho darkened floated off on the up of God They were laking away from his bride The next mo the coffin appeared I took my pla i side and we moved away toward paEsingoverthevery I stared at him afraid to I have been robbed of dollars When and how That is what I do not b ago I drew that amour around the illstarred spot I noticed it not only for the momentary confusion into which it threw the line but for and ian her in the duties and responsibilities of lift Wo are in the world to make the world better to up to higher levels of yraent and progress make its homes brighter arid happier by to our fellows oar beat thoughts ac tivities and influences a law of our intellectual and moral being that we pro mote our own real happiness in the exact proportion wo contribute to comfort d enjoyment of others Nothing worthy tho name of is in tho of tlioM only for all oblivions to the welfare of their That only is the true phil osophy which recognizes end works out principle in dally action that to live for something involves tho ne cessity of an intelligent and definite plan of action More than splendid dreaming or even magnificent resolves is to success in the object and ambitions of life Men come to the best results in every department of effort only as they thoughtfully plan and earnestly toil in given directions who have made money acquired learning won fame or wielded power in the world have always in every age and among all people done so purpose in The A private James and I motion of the idea of- death had ef fect upon my companion whoso paleness passed away and who began to experience reaction after depression of feeling He talked to me incessantly upon trifling subjects which I do not now recall and in that low jet sharp voice which is most easily distinguished through the clatter of a moving train The necessity for attend- his last from those under which be hills the Park Bank I placed it in a roll just as I received it in my library desk at home I locked the desk and have carried the Ley iny pocket The desk had been locked I had gone to it had been gone lea every time that How long the money I new it there until about wanted cash for noon trl on fur it roll gone you mislaid it for my cash and I placed it there I remember it plainly enough It has been stolen he sit down in his chair with a heavy That money was for my poor Eleanor i complete her wedding outfit had set her whom his heart adored whose hand he never clasped lips he touched the fruition of wlioe Lopes was cut off utterly whose fate henceforth was among the mysterious paths of the great eternity could not for an instant feel Jit of heart My nature was sympathetic the currents of my young blood flowed too warmly for me to fee wise than deeply affected by My eyes inward of the in of uf their heads bowed beneath the stroke and oh 1 my heart shed of blood at thought of Eleanor behind which had fallen while upon her I wondered that her James could throw off the trouble of others as he did intero tint ii I have said That I neve liked him much hut in this I was an ex the general rule thousands fail in their work want of a specific plan in laying energies they work hard for no cause there is no actual result possible to their mode of action The means are not adjusted to the end and failure is the in evitable result Live for something definite and prac tical hold of things with a wili and they must yield to yoa and become the ministers of your own happiness and that of others Nothing within the realm of the possible can withstand the man or woman who is intelligently and deter minedly success A great action is always proceeded by a great purpose History and daily life are full of examples to show us that the measure of human achievement has always been proportioned the human daring and doing not always yet at least often Be practical Deal with the questions faeii A life a- they really are What an be done and is worth doing do with despatch what cannot be done and would be worthless if it could leave to the idlers along the life Discard the idea that little things are and that great occasions only worthy of your best thoughts and en deavours It is the little things of life that make up its happiness or misery its joy or its sorrow and surely nothing is trivial that bears no questions so vital and The father and mother are just broke How is Miss Eleanor this morning The Lord knows She doesnt do anything but sit there as quiet as can life a bad symptom to my waters run deep Theyre a the hour when theyll have to from the house theyre afraid her go No no I answered poring Eleanors powerful to he unstrung shud is too fine and by a blow around the bend Was it that girl Do you mean Sullivan Yes sir Do you know her She mighty queer to my tbinkiu She out here in the sum rhouse all alone till the rain begun 1 I gUtSi li cot me I didnt much a Saturday and I thought likely she in a holiday ores many Who knew of your having the No one that I am of except iy nephew He drew it for me when down the city last Wednesday Could you identify the money Not all of it I only remember that there was one five hundred doll the package a fresh issue of Park Bank of which possibly they have quite city money of denominations think of but one thing which see by some professional thief who obtain the money and kept an upon it waiting for a suitable opportunity until it was deposited in the desk The key is a common one which could be easily du plicated and we are so careless in thi quiet community that a thief might enter at almost any boar of the night Perhaps the same villain dogged poor Henry it hopes of another harvest You forget that there was no attempt to rob Henry True true Yet the murderer may Lave frightened away In which case he would haw as the body remained night It may be so sad heart and chase all its sadness A pleasant word is a small thing but i may brighten spirits and revive th hopes of some poor despondent soul to give up io despair before the conflict Live for something then reader every day count something to the world because you are in it with kind feelings pleasant words and noble offices Write your name upon the hearts and memories of your fellow beings by doing all the good you can Life is short but short as it is you may do glorious work within its narrow limits If the tors chisel can make impressions on favourite At least he marble within a few hours which distant please and win the for hail read and admire if then he exerted himself to be dec Was and well modulated- such a voice as should one hear it frc another apartment would make him the secured her interest in return be fore she knew Henry and had myself that it was one of two her flue per- existence she was had consciously led her to a true estimate of bis qualities This day I felt less affinity for him than ever before as I gazed at his dark thin features and met the light of eyes brilliant unsteady and cold That intense selfishness which I had secretly attributed to him was now to my perhaps too acute apprehension painfully apparent In my secret heart as I listened to his light remarks and per ceived the rise of spirits which he hardly endeavoured to check I accused him of gladness that a rival was out of the way and that the chances were again open for the hand of bis beautiful and wealthy couin At first he had been shocked as we all were but now that he had time work in life ilia speak the triumphs of mind a thousand years hence then may the true man alive to the duty and obligations of existence do infinitely more Working on human hearts and destinies it is his prerogative do impel ihable work to build within live for something every hour of with the dignity being and the grandeur of our future future I believed that he was already culaling the results with regard to hi own hopes and wishes I turned from Urn with a fiing of aversion After neglecting to reply to him Falsehood That species of lying which fibbin- or is peculiarly repre hensible It has all the guilt of without the plea of urgent necessity These petty deceptions arc cowardly and utterly needless It is said that they are harmless They may or may not be harm less to those around us Rut to the con science to the purity of character to our own manliness they are as deadly as black the dimensions If anything is to he palliated it a bold big profitable lie told deliberately and for a purpose Rut those told without need ever witlO I hour for no good id unpardonable may be may shiver i