Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Courier, 28 Apr 1870, p. 4

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THE NEWM COURIER THURSDAY APRIL Robins Corac a CAM upon top on did plain e In Mil joyous God bless dear old robin My lirri pours forth tills back again thought days Jn dark Bo and foil of pain I became was up Rod down before my up down in that ted mitt mingling with water I effort a great effort to whit it ttw thing bit I did to I understood that it j hook attached to end of ft towered to from deck of Virago far Ill dusk open tho tils km a in tho top of the bell tho you by to hook it I just jnanogcU to hear and they mo with ft wild In Of kingcups meadow making golden A for clover blooms For roRoa all aglow For fragrant blossoms where tho a golden keep tlio again I In the harbour of Valparaifio of war Virago of midshipmen touched mo on and Bald that Lieutenant Courtney want to boo mo I have heard that you something of a naturalist Mr Vincent officer smiling No sir I replied no but I an interest in Oh lieu tenant you Been our i look for curious flub which on previous Jay had been pierced and hilled with a In form he said Cab resembled a a serpent about thirty inches in length and had upon both sides of ilancok ft pi like peculiarity however was greenish colour in tho top of ita head On being by tho piko tho creature had roll ed over apparently dying and then had gone out of sight I think continued lieutenant that a curiosity is worth securing and I picked you out to go with believing that you interested in natural history I bowed acquiescence and went away to make preparations The divingbell was on deck ready to bo hoisted and swung over tho side It was a little damaged but neither Jones nor I anticipated any danger Wo were presently in our places lug All right 1 when tho bell slowly to descend Down down lower and lower Wo glanced around us on all sides but saw nothing of the strange fish Carious looking Bpecimcns of finny tribe how ever greeted us in many directions Wo could tho swordfish dart pi long protruding boneweapon fish tho moonfish bal loonfish and spitefullooking shark swept through tlio clear green waters al most the divingbell with tails and fins air opened stopcock and it out feeling a moment after a fresh sup ply sent down to us through tho india- rubber pipe or hose secured to the top of tho hell was about touching the signal- cord to intimate our desire to be lowered further when wo felt a jerk felt the bell going down rapidly and our horror realised that tho which the bell was suspended had parted from the hook to which it was attached I Away went the pipo at the same mc ment and we only ourselves from instant destruction by stopping up the with a thick handkerchief otherwise the water beneath filled the bell in a very short time We heard the water roaring and log to tho length of though I scarcely till before my blow of his cult with remains of his great ho shivered There no time bo lost I thrust through tlio drew hook quickly attaching it to tho tho bell tho water bubbling over t heads of tho boatswain and and i ho I remember of what I recovered my senses I myself in steerage with doctor bending over mo A narrow were hi words is Jones I exclaimed Here replied a voice sing I beheld the boatswain in a hunk Ho had a narrower escape than you bad said doctor Tho thumb of hill right hand bitten off by a utter after t hauled to tho surface Thrilling Exhibition or on Woman On Wednesday afternoon last at tho for tho Insane at Jack sonville a most appalling exciting and thrilling was witnessed by many up Winn Charity Into the lowest place want wo boo tho beautiful purity of Lei most distinctly but a ball Hint a child runt Iter long It keeps lolling but which ho kicks lilm moment slops makes the least It often tho most useful for reason I prefer a prudent friend to few mortals Insensible thai affections iclr confidence by since their hatred by I impossible to people understand Ignorance for it requires perceive It and therefore ho that can per That which Is good to bo done cannot hi no too soon and if it Is neglected to nj ily I ill happen that III atoll Mamy been ruined by their fortunes have escaped ruin by tho want of for no To obtain It tho great tie great What Is difficulty a word the degree of requisite Tor different objects a bugbear children and but a to men Look on slanderers direct enemies civil as without in humanity the faults u a similar manner Tub full mind a money box that noise but the empty money In It keeps Whoever full rattle that itself to all when genuine Is never jl Its trepldrvi calm and cool It iped from in which had peon confined rushed up tho stairway leaped upon tho roof and dashed away to end of herself of roof and dropped to a or eight feet below Upon a foot wide and some seventy- five feet the ground wild man- walked back and forth for a quarter of hour Men to the roof and a rope to her and tried to persuade her to fasten it about her body but in vain Below beds were brought and placed to cornice of oil danger oft holding by tho cornice feet touch ed a cap of fifth window when she let go cornice and relate alighted erect upon the cap which was but a foot and four feet long There at that fearful and dir- height stood gazing about for a quarter of an hour Then she seized firmly by lowered to her and leaped into tho air strong arms gradually lowered her and when she was about thirty feet from the ground she re laxed her bold and fell upon tho beds be low and although stunned was taken up tions coma either tho of peril it Is wf Is especially to tho fallen yon suppress tho exorbitant and money curiosity Iniquitous pursuits and wanton mirth what at would there in tho great necessaries of lffb do not occasion at i third part of tho hurry Lies a The Josh Billing Papers warm and bitter about and Ho whobaint on show a friend that will stick to him thru thik and thin Every time a man he a kink out the chain that binds him to life and thus lengthens it Beauty ia the melody the features I alwus bore it in mind that jiet about in rasho that a person or individual proud and they are ignorant and disbeleaving iz an effort the will than understand It iz lucky that dont appear until If they were published while he was living life us before seems less paths look straight- IV every tli What has ill make beauty iitlitivo I iMfiitjiiul willligiif poverty and affliction Into an aul deformity Itself agreeable Im child takes a pleasure in blowing rtn trumpet to itrlf i to others and yet it will pcrverc when ho allows Ids vanity to be in Music Away I Or Worth for 3 of wo from go to CO cents for every piece ley This fl VM money which no can by paying cents for copy of you will get from Four to Five Dollars worth of tho latest and Beit by ss Thomas limited our circulation to would defeatour ends namely thj lie of tho JIubIo In Sheet form Therefore Re member subscriber after our limit of la reached will to pay and cheap at whereas our present Is only per year Sample copies mailed on receipt of cents Backnum- It la our aim to give Pood I llity A wish that not a Up pages for wo no from beyond Intro- Music every page Sheet form and at full price No matter where you tec a piece of Music always bo Hoop Rod and Bar AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OP HEAVY AND SHELF FOUNDRY NEAR TUB RAILROAD STATION The Prices will be found more wtitfictory to the public than any other offer- a your Fa February 3rd people cannot do it iu sound them t undlng praise a light a hand If or else put tbetr FANCY Small Wares i Mpply of tho best Note Letter Paper Envelopes o Foolscap PaperRuled Plain WRAPPING Music Book our and will bo mailed you of postage on receipt of small your J PETERS 108 Broadway Hew York POBox DELAY EXTRAVAGANCE Subscriptions received at this Office or months The Coubier for year and the Monthly monthsfor 325 Anyone sending Three aubeeriptlor ho for one months sulscrlptli NATIONAL Reading Books iht Pull it Inst bound in limp clot Second Book illu Ud cloth hoards Tmnu Book plead irresistibly for its when the dusk evening begins to and deeper upon the on earth both spirit which and enjoy little terrupting another in convert has fully closed No one who does The latter in abruptly bottom of air in our floating poison now be unbearable rot only from its so densely compressed but also from Ion confinement wo glanced at each other eyes protruding from his head looked bloodshot and tiuged with a very strange green colour while his dusky akin seemed to shrink like shrivelled parchment but the most startling change in his appearance was the sudden appar ently supernatural look of his visage A man of fifty he seemed at least thirty years older Presently teeth began to rattle his head his form was bent almost double and he threw his arms around agony as if he were clutching at could we do I could only at him with despair The air in the bell became more stifling The boatswain flew to my and grasped hold of mo in ex treme agony I endeavoured to but only hoarse rattle in my throat obeyed my will My brain began to whirl and I hard for breath A terrible oppression was on my luDgs The boatswain had now released me I staggered against Bide of our prison in a helpless statu my senEes seemed deserting me Gradually to my confused flight a dark red cloudmist to float up all around bell My head now felt as though it would burst Terribly I fell upon my knees and should fallen into sea hut far the boat swain who now held mo- Then all began logrpw dark With superhuman effort I half raised myself and looked around me fcelingliko one think Adam waz the weakest man i ever read He committed the most Bin with the least amount temptashun person history is familiar with Before yu tew change a mans or rcligun bo yu got a one to offer him the world iz chuck full liars are iz but few men who prefer tew ten tew truth got bread by intimate They take the following Some young and gentlemen who were taking of the fine sleighing ten obliged to Bit three seats contained two lady The gentlemen of course would the lady to take an opposite fihe therefore sat in middle A night was extremely cold gentleman one quietly passed hand a remark able Email hand by the way into ladys muff the muff was not very lady removed of her hands for tho In a few moments a movement on the other Bide and found gentleman number two attempting his band into the muff on the other side She then quietly drew her hand from the jnuff and allowed him to do What took place in the muff afterwards she is un able to Bay But each of the gentlemen privately reported to a small circle of friends how warmly the lady had returned the of his hand in the muff the lady as privately reported to her had made gentility of their other respects and your distinguish honours that that you ore earth and shall Look to those who were who were Invested with political Whei mA iky- oil a myth comprise relics comprised in into the which is the tho poor which the rich linguish if you can the captive from the strong from weak the beautiful the deformed Remember what you are you will never be uplifted and you foitl you are if you consider self Best The very best wife It is that requires bat a kind w to set it in motion rarely gets out of makes but noise is seldom the will and of any old thin will do as before your fact you may leave house for day nd it will go on working just the abort time after which it with greater vigor ever course sewing machines vary great deal Some are much quicker thai others It depends in a great measure the particular pattern you select If you of a wife for that sings Ont FACTORY AM Cloths of Every Description ALSO IN WOOL THE BEST YET Bono Wood and Steel Knitting and Sewing Needles Dominoes Tatting Shuttles Pocket Knives Pocket Dressing and Fine Combs Clothes Brushes Button Fasteners Pins Ladies Portfolios Work Boxes Hair Oil Perfumery Toilet Soap Marbles Glass Stone and China Toys Dolls Tops Fishhooks Lines and Floats Belt and Dressing Pins Concertinas Card Cases Fifes Whistles Mouth Drums Musical Tops Paint Boxes Camels hair Pencils Beads all Sizes and Colours Baskets Journals Day Books Blank Books School Books Note Books Copy Books Exercise and Books Diaries and Time Books Blotting Paper Bill Paper All sorts of Plain Fancy and Coloured Paper Cards Pasteboard o Perforated Cardboard Bookmarks Letter Files Sealing Wax Pens Fine and Broad Points Pencils Penholders Inks Red Blue Purple and Inkstands Several kinds Pocket Books Purees Needle Books PALACE OF FASHION MILLINERY MAilTLES Em Etc Of thlt Falls Importation At SMITHS Cheap Cash Store J J HODGE SATISFIED THE OF THEIR BUSINESS THAT THE COOKING PARLOUR HALL AND BEDROOM STOVES s of thecountry Select Foundries in the Domic that their Stoves a Bear in mind tl A tiM STOVE Is indisputably the best you can get anywhere They also keep the Best Tin Copper Sheet Iron Japanned AND PRESSED WARES PLAIN FANCY SUCH AS Jelly Moulds Double FANCY GOODS Fancy Goods Fancy Goods A NEW Supply of Fancy Good LOR ORNAMENTS LADIES COMPANIONS NEWLY DESIGNED VASES VARIETY STORE Elastic Bands Pencil Eraser Albums in Great Variety largo list too BOOKS AND MAGAZINES Forgot Place Opposite Forsyths Hotel PATENT TRANSPARENT CEMENT One of the Best Articles ever Invented fo Mending Glassware China Earthenware Coral Pearl Ivory Bone Parian Mar- Rubber Leather Am ber G etc To ho used with or without heat Is Trans Superior Article EXTREMELY LOW PRICE To bo had at the COURIER VARIETY STORE PRICE CENTS PER STICK to Lend TO LEND at Reduced Rates end Apply to J COLLINS MONEY TO A Porcelain Tinned Wrought I Lead and Black Let d Brashes Cast Sap Pans Lubricating and Goal Oils Lamps Lanterns Burners CHIMNEYS WICKS which they will sell as Cheap anybody else They are prepared to fit up Hot JSTEAVE DONE IN A SUPERIOR Particular attention paid to Jobbing Farmers Produce Sheep Skins Old r Brass Lead and in Cash paid for Furs EST A CALL SPECIALLY SOLICITED AND SATISFY PLACE FIRST BRICK STORE NORTH OF THE POST OFFICE THE ONTARIO MUTUAL INSURANCE CO PROVISIONAL J New Livery Stable Subscriber begs to announce to the LIVERY STABLE Opposite the House Where be found everything and Also agent foe J Implements OSBORNE Newmarket Feb 1870 if YOUNG LADIES JOURNAL BOW BELLS PETERS MUSICAL MONTHLY Y WEEKLY N LEDGER Anioll and THIS TtHeIi3Cx SPEAKERS COUGHS COLDS ASTHMA And Light Consumptive Cough Suitable for and Old may bo and Retail at the following places Courier Ofite EVANS CO SON LYMAN ELLIOT CO Toronto THE COMPANYS WORKS Ask for they flto cents per package and the and J BROWN Belleville A KewiaavRet tillla for Wool THE SUBSCRIBER WILL PAT for fifty pounds of wool KELSON June 2nd 18B3

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