THE COURIER THURSDAY APRIL 1870 or April Yesterday af ternoon Mra who her children lived with her Mr at No street brutally licr children then mother Mrs Id her examination net stated oclock that afternoon herself and daughter and three- children of Iho latter were Iioubo Mrs asked her If on no Mrs Harsh Bind had then put want few doors and borrowed a knife then proceeded to tho district No 13 and her aged eight yearn cut lib throat from gar to ear nearly head from his body A little boy named Barrett fame out of school with James and witnessed the mur der attempted to murder boy Barrett but ho ran and She then returned to her homo and wont in back yard another eon Wil liam aged wna swinging little Bister Mary Jane four being J nearby William and cut his throat causing instant death and immedi ately grasped girl and applying the weapon cut her head then went into and out tho throat of child George aged two years and fivo mouths head was nearly peroral from the body She next her mother aged and very feeble throat so terribly that cannot survive The reputation and of Mrs March is to have been very good was undoubtedly temporarily insane faces of tho innrdered children they lay by are placid and calm as if they were composed in Bleep moth er who is confined at Station of terrible deeds BRITISH If no tidings are received of City without cumin to any in Eenlil in tl 1 constitution of in Committee It oted to send a itco three to consist of the will Now bo held on tiro u bust and On Mies Archer ha only fv mi her absence the foolisinn Mid the violent loom bell it lady el I the i ihili and her t The I The tie 1 til- time of herd Saturday UNITED STATES and others aro in Territory i of seeds OF And It A Phillips of Providence It I 80s Genu I hnvo Inst week villi n tin the surface of about three into hillock respectively and ft few but broke fjvi re I have used It tho following Letter received from Deal of who Is a Surgeon of great skill i given 1 ii of r and never knew It fall to cure in a Instance I look upon it certain 1 pop least and Druggists at and sheen to dispose- I II tftlt-i- pointed an of the Inst This la imp l muiiAii to iling that she Is till in fJcmm not in i- ood Inlth hut very in the Hill in the her a pension hut del is unable to account President will send the a others are tho City and Ik Ireland Mr Robert Young to whom the lata Lord Derby granted a of forty pounds toiisiiierntini his literary act vices found At ad in the Deny in of anil with an inmate two months it the of The bonis ftt lioebevter and Oswego as last year Ill lonlit vf to of ex- lit In 1 1 mi lifin Tribune says The is fimiiir the fuel tint by The gaol surgeon lifts represented to the tiiortiiiitfi would attended by ture of rine in tl e St scene drily en Mill not The totality told in the the repeated at a place in Scotland recently when ft gill live a hoy three in tie of iir Dutch mtil Wills in a largo corn chest in a stable the lid and the wen not until they were dead bat a- on Sad Death of Lady in on mn On tho by lb n7 lost at the to MjiaiH a fy to Its efficacy iLn curing Galls Cuts Cramps Joints wclllngs Colic I have had In In omul Up guIaqviiBcmnfa WANTED A OTinpetcnt to tlio common II SMITH NEWEST PATTERNS Scotch American Canadian Clothing Manufactured at very Low Prices All the Leading Styles in FELT HATS Just received from New York April Palace of Fashion I impiTOTiB bo Opened For tte Season I On next April When nil tlio LEADING NOVELTIES Will bo At to Suit tlio Times April Hotel for in TilOn BALE THE HOTEL largo convenient and ircll I rpr The Red Map LAURIES MAP OF THE ma supplies a delc I renewed forFIv the April I that they opened a orders for work HOUSE PAINTING C beg to to rounding place of business hoy will ho happy In any branch of Painting Graining Pit per- an gin fa Ordere promptly executed In the best at the lowest living Country will receive Wanted lTACHnE OPERATOR COAT and VEST MAKER n SMITH rmnrkct April 13 IBM 121tt I GOODS CHEAP GOODS 1 1 Worth of DRY GOODS Boots and Shoos o All lor Casb and for Cash wo nil look Price Goods AND SAVE HONEY ONE ONLY St Notvninrketl WILLIAM Holland ARCHIBALD April Indlgcslion Ague or Appetite Liver Complaint of Stomach General Debility James Cordial iriiilb rciu- in tl who a JOHN Chemist Druggist French Brandt Old Cramp f lUlhni aim aii i i ft All are pore not with standing the recent ad ranee In duty will bo sold at reasonable prices by the Dye and of Bui Quality FRESH GROCERIES Teas lor Purity Strength Flavour Cigars Fine Pipes Cheap for AUCTION SALE THOMAS do ill I i- lt Hid- ion Sheep CANADIAN has gome ftr ii lll- t It 1 Enalloffcd with the lGlh t on fire the children out of tli fitory Her rushed through floor whence he The girl perished hut the fourth in the by ndied on the folio- IJii the old German IU ill iMilii tit- to p- im v- t- Lfgd evcpt ft he The Hi tilti lid pretend to he a i lobe to of Ontario not ice of hi to appeal ficahet in New and in the the to twenty feet above water mail tho follow Valuable Farm Being composed of the centre Fifty Acres the west Hundred and Fifty Acres of Lot Three Seventh Con of the Township of East In the County of York CONTAINING ACRES will to sold at the HOTEL VILLAGE OF NEWMARKET Good Frame House and Oul Building Yeetlj- of Canadian Securities Reported by Ostler Brokers No a NEW GOODS SPICE HO Recoived and Opened Up Dissolution of Partnership THE Partnership heretofore be t ween David Campbell and dirrolvtd a Die ronit of the said Burl this eighteenth dnj A FULL ASSORTMENT GARDEN SEEDS J TORONTO SEED WAREHOUSE DAVIS GROCER Horses Cattle Sheep JAMES Condition promotes splendid condition Cures Concha Colds an Cattle and of the THE KIAQARA DISTRICT Spring Millinery Goods HENEY HABRISOK NOTICE The Undersigned having entered into tl- ami fim of HARRISON Go the stand of Harrison sign f the Big Millards Block Newmarket Newmarket HENRY HARRISON The European Mail and SEASONS MANUFACTURE SOLICIT AN Style Price Cannot be Excelled I April Usual Births dirriagcs ana Summary Correspondence Court 1 Foreign and Colon- Parliament Ireland he lusi j hprcial A in iieril Not- Certain of Sight H SIMPSON CHEMIST DRUGGIST SPECTACLES Elyerla3es The LENSES of which are GROUND from materia iIIy OPTIC parpoies It is PURE HARD AND and as near as can be produced the aid of and costly THE MOST PERFECT SPECTACLES ever manufactured They assist the eight most brilliantly Confer Ease and Comfort on the Wearer cause a continuous abiding Improvement of the- Eyes requiring to he changed So the CHEAPEST as well as the REST MORRIS Co mill ovlneo ii t now carried on and divided into t and distill t branehes or closes to Ii lil for only snch to Let on street Apply f alo id TllldlLj in jr li- 1868 MRS BONDS SHOW ROOMS NOAV OPEN And all the LATEST NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON Inspection Respectfully Invited A GOES DOUBLE AND S1SOLE LITTLE WAGGONS WHEELBARROWS Childrens Gabs FANCY GOODS COURIER VARIETY STORE Opposite Forsyth Hot RED TO BE AVENGED HALL Sign and Carriage PAPERHANGER WHITEWATER inforais tho Inhabitants of 1 Copartnership Notice MR having purchased the remainder of the Stockin Old Stand r Company no v idcnt Tlieopolis Hack Have made the required deposit of TTEAD OFFICE for Ontario Whitiemo J Toronto Agent for Co Lamps Wicks Blacksmiths Stand to Rent ae r For terra apply to iso lllm L in he nt viIbuhie in premises lately by JJr A J Auctioneer Holland Landing Jan ES and large lot of Bibles Tctaraent an Books which will be old at Rubber Bands for the Hair PLAIN AND A COURIER VARIETY STORE SdConey to SALT AND FISH A LARGE QUANTITY OF EXCELLEST IN BAG BARREL A lot of Lake Huron north shore WHITE FISH and TROUT CO- VERY LOWEST PRICES INSPECTION Shades Goal Oil NEW AUCTION ROOMS HOLLAND Important to Farmers MILLERS TICK THE ONLY CERTAIN- I CALL AND SEE TESTIMONIALS WISDOW PLAIN AND FANCY PAS