THE NEWMARKET COURIER THURSDAY APRIL about 10000 today did tailors house painters expected to April agrarian brutality reported county or April City of passed Crook Huron this morning pail April 22TiO Queen and Alexandra narrow escape driving near of Wight their was pursued by a runaway team with a heavy wagon attached royal by a skilful Of management a horses avoided Fenians threatened vengeance against ho Pall Mall account of taken by that jour nal in favour of enforcing law fertile preservation of life and properly in Ireland proprietors of Gazette called upon police authorities protection every night since that lime heavy force has patrolled Craven Northumberland other streets in that vicinity Loudon Times title morning has a leading article on American Affairs It affirms that tbo political system is faulty hut Trade is gaining rapidly of ifAiiiiiibda begins to fail at a tbo cool reception that ha advocacy of Protection to American shipping Other proofs are alto cited in support of ptotcnicnt Legal proceed in have been instituted tbo Sheffield Daily ldajah for asserting that Wales would Boon reappear in tho Divorce Court co respondent in the case of Earl vs the Connie of ship Cattle lioch of Quebec is loading at Woolwich with powder for Canada London April 21 A collision occur red on Great Northern It ail way today cars were badly wrecked and wan fireman was killed Several were hurt recent Fenian panic in this city occasioned by the filing of Information with Chief of Police that largo num ber of had recently arrived from America for incendiary other unlaw ful purposes that together with other buildings the offices of and Mall Gazette had been threatened with destruction by them Tho protec tion askedtwaa accordingly granted The Globe police authorities re cording tho names of all lodgers at hotels boarding houses as a measure of London April Mr under Foreign Secretary stated in tho House of Commons that trio Government had re despatches from Athena confirming 1hc of the captives in the hands of the brigands Greek Government made every effort to save them but in Negotiations having been exhausted moved against tho robbers and drove them to a tower on the coast near they were surrounded On Friday noon offers were once more made to tb brigands but they were rejected and ten next morning an attack was mad on their position As soon as troops commenced to move Herbert and the Sec retary of the Italian were taken out by their captors and butchered and subsequently when the brigands found themselves hard pressed and Lloyd were killed The troops finally carried to the results of I noun march Into at the shortest April of British Columbia bos voted a subsidy to maintain a telegraph system of main land and Ins levied a duty of per cent therefor on all imported li quors spirits arriving- San April Hock most dangerous obstruction tho harbour blown up today with twenty- thrco tons of powder An immense of water was thrown to height thousand feet being filled with and stones Fifty or sixty thousand people witnessed the New York Apl brig rived here today Captain Owen is wife of ship howis Mo burned New 1 Baltimore paper in its account of tho horrible- dor hi Mrs Marsh of her four children hat when first seen she was labour ing under great excitement but subse quently on her way to ho stationhouse spole rationally about calm ly admitting her guilt slaljogtbat wan sorry for it able and allegi closely pursued by tho soldiers Tin are strong hopes that most of the band will be captured in which ease they will be summarily dealt with by the Greek au thorities The British Press clamor for tho punishment of the murderers and d indemnity for the stain from the Greek Government American News Albany April The Robert a prominent citizen of this city who in January was found floating in the Hudson this evening As his money and watch were found on the body and no marks of violence visible it is supposed he was accidentally drowned San Fracieco April Particu lars of the eruption of the volcano of in Mexico has been received The eruptions had increased in violence Lava still in circulation in proceedings nd would recall it trouble in her family relations next has been definitely fixed by the Fenian leaders as time for the inauguration of the Ion can template raid upon Canada Gen Neil held a long afternoon Despatches from Washington id lo the effect that tho Govern- fully posted as to the particulars the intended movement that British Minister has been assured that the neutrality laws will ho strictly enforced this information will have upon programme already arranged is not yet known The Fenian Council In Now York ONcil Congress at Masonic Hall yesterday After all the who had arrived had shown theii credentials and taken their scats the General ONcil submitted re for past year showing the receipts of the order from rious sources during that period The question to the availability of arms manufactured for tho Brothci hood by the Fenian factory came up after a little desultory conversation minor subjects and was debated at considerable length many of the delegates contending that the alterations made certain place by certain persons the jiiihdtction Military Commit tee had not resulted in making the any moro serviceable than they before were purchased Other showed by facts and that they were serviceable and as the debate began to assume a stormy aspect the question was laid upon the table for the time being The Winnipeg hubbub again on the preceding day formed tho subject for quite a spicy discussion between those who a raid on Canada from St Albans and those who consider that the best way to strike home and make the British lion roar lustily is to send or men into the Red River country whore they could fight side by side with Boils men when the tug of war begins This latter view of the projected move ments seemed to have the most support ers will doubtless be the one adopt ed by the Congress although one of the delegates our reporter that remarks knowing well the objectbe thought after oil fcson had to back up his remarks with kind of proof but Ik docs nothing of kind which our rollers can see for them selves without arising over We qiitioii lost article wo been asked by him or anyone wo sworcd Why does ho not get foundation for his sudden outbursts to rest upon to show his renders that ho is endeavouring to in right instead of floundering about for a week or two and then throwing whero ho starlcj from Ho says Wo fidlcd to answer tlio charges ho pre- retried Wo know of no charges ho lias preferred that not been with and answered and if ho will out his charges wo shall to happy to give him all the satisfaction requires at anytime of tho market and of New ly was bold in the evening the instant called by tho at th request of a number of ratepayers and attended by a large number of occupied tho chair an Anderson acted as Secretary The Government was pretty freely condemned by some of speakers for what they had done and what they had not hi appeared la that prompt and united action was necessary to put stale of things at Bed into a proper shape The following res lutious were put to the meeting in tl order represented below Moved by Rev Canon Ramsay seconded by Smith Esq and of liit ashes from the burning covered the ground and the houses an inch deep The mountain sides and surrounding country had been abandoned by inhabitants Wixkesbakhe Pa April Owing to the strike of miners in the Schuylkill region coal has been shipped from section to points along the Heading road Yesterday tho miners at refused to load the Reading cars and all the colliers stopped work and did not re sume until operators promised to load no more cars for the Reading road The men will not do to relieve the wants of the Schuylkill operators or sup ply their with coal New April 20 The arrival emigrants at this port yesterday was precedently large and the through Castle Garden is greater than St Lawrence to make them Queens Own should therefore notice at once and put their knapsacks The delegates from Chicago in the day and presented their credentials which were presented to the appropriate committee There is a strong ition to their admission and there will certainly he a lively debate on the subject O Neil delivered his valedictory evening He is a candidate for re election President but there it a opposition him The i composed almost entirely of hi soil is thought that the opposition will be defeated The military linking individual- who wcreon guard at the headquarters of them izens clothes l tin their departure on the Hudson Rive Railroad oclock in last i is believed that they have gone to the on the borders Where that the Canadians will find out exclaimed an Emerald moved off but not before day the I th year The following steamer- all from Liverpool brought each the number of emigrants annexed France City of Manchester 812 City of Wash ington Colorado 1208 making a total of The steamer from Hamburg brought emigrants who were landed latt evening New April 21 A Washington correspondent telegraphs that the that the British Government plied for ion to fend troops tin our territory to Bed River country ply a canard There the in the gold reports Washington of iskets We shall I learned with loi A deed wo fully tlt prompt and the prop who justly our of late greatly censured by both press people of respecting ho action taken repel ling anything that might on shape of an invasion by the Fenians there Is no denying tho fact more serious is in plation body than has yet been taken if we judge from Now York and other papers some of which ajjeitd in great glee at the im Ibo had again fallen week or two ago Then tho American pres3 did not appear to think there was anything unusual on foot hut now ac knowledge that tho Fenians mean work and Canadians at homo as well as the troops soon to bo on road to North West will trouble enough on their hands It appears America like to their being behind hand in news happening in and to a great extent bos been awakened to a sense of their duty and the importer of these great conventions and gathering and now beginning to get alarmed unless their Government may not be able to bring force lo bear at tho various points to prevent these me from bringing not only tbomsolves but American Government Into difficulty These Fenians pro American citizens a goodly number of whom served in the American war find they overstep tho mark their country will bo called to account for the act Orders have been issued by the Gov ernment for tho enrollment of volun teer force for Red Hirer and within a few days now tho general aspect of affairs will a very different seeming to what they v present bugTo call will echo throughout tho length breadth of the land and men ammunition and general supplies will concentrated ready for tho departure on their long journey There will be no pressure brought to bear to get themeniutoservico everything will be done on a purely voluntary system man to be of good character and sub to a thorough medical examination d only a certain number allowed to leave each company The ages of the men required will be between 18 and and the rate of pay as follows Colour 18 per month Sergeants month Corporals and per month Privates per month The time of service to be one taiu and two if required but not Free kit supplied to leg for election Commu too long for to allow reasonable cannot low to wiilbeseci firm under head of A Co I favourably in this com 1 there is no the new fair of the public pat full and for tl nee Edward is British J for despatch by the In any other paper- Smut invites attention to bis of Scottish American Canadian Tweeds newest ficls confident Hat the jjicEcnt i of the Lest in every tta than evert to ladies that Ida Show Re Monday by i to report plainly shown tho Institute- was iuoh a low condition as at only twentyfour senior and tickets during the past year Pearson Jackson Kirk Dudley jr and nominated for all declined ho therefore declared President for ensuing Vice tho following nominated P Irwlo ant and A A Smith AH declined A A Smith who that ho would much rather they would hsv- resident of the place gentleman wssnnflnlmouily called and he the office Mr Phillip was unanimously called to of 2nd Dudley jr was elected rctory andTrensurcr men Committee of manage ment Messrs Irwin Ham Hamilton and elect for president of tho Inst do ail in his powei to the position itough 11 to nil 1A rider lho risk I PrnnlogK writing letter Hum affirm that for fu- tho word and to your readers know severity of his in conclusion is Ion How does ho mean to apply It wn who knows i respectfully ANOTHER OLD REFORMER April Mr Jackson to the arrflVigilsncb Corotailteo la sim ply a without color is As there lecn a been a recently about arms of out being stowed away In tbo Fire Hall I lea at the Movements of the ritbo we shall for the navy which has for some time been suspended in the Brook lyn Davy yard is now actively resumed orders having been received from Wash ington to reopen a rendezvouse on board the ship and several vessels now are being hurriedly fit ted up for active service hy John Cook i J and which has been laid up for past is also undergoing repairs and ready with all possible the able The whole force will of Colonel 1 for himself a name and a fame and is looked upon as one of the ris the British army The first army will be composed of engineer iufau try and artillery of the regular force t seems lo be clear that there een on the Canadian shipments and and th ds of the Irish circulating quite sively From authentic sources we learn lhat there is activity among the Fenians in Northern Vermont At Burlington the head of the organization employed teamsters lo carry loads of arms to Fairfield and tendered Irish bonds in payment The carter refused them and brought suit what result we have not learned Subsequently the police of Burlington learning that some suspicious- looking freight had been carried out to a hotel a few miles from the city made- a raid on the establishment and were in formed that the were clothing and ammunition for the Fenians They had been shipped to this retired place in order to and before the offi cers arrived had been taken to Fairfield A letter was found at Burlington in which there was reference to these goods We also understand that since the first of January arms and other military goods have been arriving at transhipment away into the interior The New Herald of Saturday I last says There was the usual outside the doors of the Masonic Hall Thirteenth street where the jraidFeniansare holding their Congress the usual talk was indulged in as to frL of obi his bo the of in the flood a fterUij and most li to the I to been ideas and tfoii ficnlty as to the the of the loungers on of the opinion that was about to be IJ1A and ill te Wo think there is no doubt public mind as to who feels uncomfort able now and it could not be plainly exhibited on what particular points Mr Jackson feels uncomfortable than by the few lines above quoted from his paper of last week There is no at his subscribers finding fault with his everlast ing jangling meddling and he be to find after laugh is over tho transaction has a barefaced and disposition protruding at every side and iNFOltMATiON has been laid before the British Parliament of a daring outrage and murder committed in Greece by a band of robbers on British subject and the people and call loudly for in demnity and punishment of the murderers Fenian Congress in New York city brought is sittings to a close on Sat urday evening Last and although the great est secrecy has been maintained through out the session the impression among those claiming to be well informed is that a war policy has been determined upon kept to them- British Government has received authentic information that a plot is on foot to destroy if possible the offices of the London Times and Pall Mall Gazette and are informed of other projects of an equally violent character particulars of which from the public The stride t vigilance is enforced and fresh from America carefully looked after and there is not a hotel in London Liverpool where strangers are arriving that the Government is not fully alive as he of Assembly at Wash- on tbo Mr Washburn of Wisconsin laid members a statement of tbo condition of the United States Navy and said it was a discredit to his country Referring to commercial iron steamships of England he said that by them what little American com there was left could bo swept from tho ocean in thirty days The United States had no such ships This was a mo statement and ho thought it well to consider whether tho United States Government might not wisely divest a part of the money now spent for the navy encouraging the building of ships that would bo useful in peace and in war On Monday the a single plunk sidewalk besides being a convenience lo big family would amodato others who bad paid faxes for some he allowed tbei by the but the parsons making these assertions could give no reasons for the faith that in them it is safe to presume that they knew as little of what was going to be done or what is intended to be done by the Fen ian leaders as the simplest citizens to whom the organization is a and a mystery It would not be safe however to state that General ONeil unwilling or unprepared to carry out his oft repeated threats On the contrary there i3 now good reasons to believe that the bluster and blather of this Congress there lurks mischief which it will worry the Dominion Government to avert Neil it upon him to something his present intentions the English troops in Canada are mere likely to meet with Pass than a Malaga in their route to Bed River The Congress is a secret body and nothing of their proceedings leaks out which for Fenians is in itself a rather remarkable fact but if the world was informed of their doings it is hardly likely that they be any better in formed as to the intentions of the leaders of the Fenian movement the integ rity of the Dominion Government The work of the in the arrange ments for active service is done outside the and those who are best ac quainted with its secret operations and whose characters entitle them to full cre dit assert that the Fenians are on tho right track this time and that they are or soon will be in a position to pay the faithful rank and file on the hated for all money they have contributed in the past A few days or weeks will tell the story whatever this blathering Congress may do AUCTION SALES applied to illy eli te It Von wiU fully with pieces for