Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Courier, 28 Apr 1870, p. 1

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nap i A Liberty and Equal Rights to all M STRICTLY IN ADVANCE Vol No 19 NEWMARKET ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY APRIL 1870 Whole No Thursday BY GENERAL 1MNTINQ OFFICE annum If paid In advance ADVERTISING 3m Cm SI 25 2MII0 12 1 aofm OliaiCo Col without written Instructions Till limiild the offic later than AM terms i adhered M SMITH inks attended to in tlie Village or In any THOMAS i DR HILLARY GOLD MEDALLIST c Surgeon in Hip IEcgnlnr Am Mount Albert Sept 18G0 JAMES J HUNTER MD informs liis friends and Resumed the Practice of his ted at his residence CARD Undersigned entered Into SOLICITOUS IS CHANCERY and for the general Practise of the lair MOiiiA TIMOTHY STREET NEWMARKET One door Wat Mr II Smiths EDWARD CAMPBELL BARRISTER ATTORNEY AT LAW N PEARSON HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE To the FORSYTHS HOTEL Where lie amy lie found dally from nine GEORGE DRY GOODS GROCERIES HOOTS SHOES Jf LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of York Snips Attended to on Short Notice ALEX BUDGE BLACKSMITH OPPOSITE MECHANICS HALL HOUSE nil kinds work In hi lino despatch ON REASONABLE TERMS SAMUEL CABINET MAKER UNDERTAKER MAIN STREET NEWMARKET A GOOD Assort on hand MARRIAGE LICENSES BARGAINS in DRY GOODS ORGANS mm DALES DALTON School and Parlor Organs with the latest Land of my Old England And from his Hit yoke The land of the brave And old Dont triumpliIto3 gardening suit thi morning that worked as transformation I He was passing but ho turned back presently ub iu spoil effects hut just to please mo will you put on your gardening array and well a comparison Its a deal of trouble Horry I know Rose Well perhaps it tli while ho stopped short looking at him with Itirn i her eyes do it Han on one condition What may tbi WW and shilling its found lid That a would all might lege and was his THE OLD ESTABLISHED Sliop Iteasonabl HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE to one door north of the Post Office Ma JOHN COOK Clerk of the Division Court Commissioner In B DRS NA8H and NEWMARKET THE above named parties desire to notify and friends and the pu generally that they into copartnership for the practice of Medici Surgery and Midwifery Da J Platter TB NASH begs to apprise the public that 1 NOTICE Stationery Fancy Goods HALL WARE I K E I Or in the of FIRSTCLASS JOB PRINTING J JOHNSONS Blind and Factory IB now in full operation A CALL SOLICITED AGoDdnEfiOrtmontof MOULDINGS B Custom Planing done at ant time rolled along lnxarionsly leaning back upon rich of elegant ear ly side listening felt the gratification or a I in her than tho desire for luiurioua was barely iwcntyono and younger than her years indicated Still she was liberally endowed with will and energy point almost morbidly and other of ft head till quite a Quakcriek effect The face reflected was a pretty one she help that even j down covering the broad hth boots the yet in dipiyiii- advantage the high cL ikndtr toot She glanced out at Harry just hoi To the of the bis clothes their judgiricnt being utterly unfit the undertaking arrayed in and ends of pulled out of certain chests in the garret coat with its collar completely the appearance of his fioe An ancient straw hat with high crown and broad brim com pleted the He grew Rose he called looking up at That owed bitter woman who bad received her the only homo her She had learned from her to distrust tboEQ who approached her as for her fortune two were the Looking up saw the crowd of loungers occupying the piazza the build- The piazza was accessible only by i of a flight of wooden few number but ruinous from age steep withal Then was always this Hi her window he id as a the side door wont you please ask Miss Rose to hurry its getting late A burst of laughter from under the he turned quickly Well Rose I must say youve more courage than most women Youve dared to throw away the advantage of pretty feet Where did you get those boots as is the most of my cos tume Harry and dropping upon the doorstep she held out for inspection a pair of feet cased in coarse leather shoes with broad soles and half heels and square toes a perfect contrast to her usual wear Now Rose what goins to he done we are going to the village to mail these letters after that well Ive not made up my mind Twilight was approaching when the merry pair set forth I believe it is look other than fresh thing was Harrys mental There would have been a deferential of hats a drawing back right to leave a broad spaec for her j even an outstretched bant her over the worn boards in ed She was known personally to many of the village people had a with nearly all Presently he recognized partly voice Leigh Crawford He stood directly in front of the doorway the centre of the throng She took a sudden resolution Dont stop Harry Go to the end of the block and wait for me by tl drug store On the whole Ill go down with you and walk back alone I mail the letters well enough but if there anything in our box well have to devise a plan of getting it Mr Gains not tiDEt our mail to either of us unless we reveal our personality Now wait here please Ill be back in five minutes through the window she had seen that her lover within Harry obediently seated himself upon a bench in front of the store and waited Rose back with a step less springing than usual the stiff boots were getting tiresome At the foot of the stairs she paused Two or three moved to give jia to pas grey haired men these the fathers of the town instinctively polite to tiemen of the old school Leigh Crawford path looked ijpereihuly he sunbonnet without stirring little dreaming whose dark eyes were flash- beneath She made a little imperious gesture with one hand a characteristic of Miss she was forgetting her She revealed her thick glove by the motion Ho drove away alone and with furious speed an hour later muttering as ho went an unintelligible sound but to this effect I dont know what possessed the girl nt carry out my plans without her thirty thousand I have to succumb just as I thought the in my own hands Juno evening just a year later Charley Weir wan driving from the sta tiona bright face was laughing up in his had become Mrs the autumn previous and Charlie had transferred the business to the city As usual she waB spending the summei in Milton driving to the depot every Sat in day evening for her husband Tonight they front of the Mrs Weir leaned back in the her face suddenly tho sober face They have with mo an aociation See the trees them and those bruised trodden flowers on the sidewalk it reminds mc of a year lam reminded of a year ago too Rose and the memory is very just a year to Rose Charley Im going to tell you some thing I never have Ive been ashamed to tell yet that opened my eyes You re member helping some one who had fallen on those Yes What of it I remember now an woman or girl I could not tell which That was Bom You Rose side tlie words perfectly audible Too much trouble drawled lazily tracing a design with bis cane his boot The per- may as well go round Miss acted on this on she walked round the obstacle into the office With all her liking Crawford and his fascinating way- she had always distrusted his laugh sin- for her to l he an had occasion and falling mot tightly I fancy Why no replied the hat on this part of the On that pointing to Perseverance inborn weed of En Twine the slender figure beside him It was quite dark when they entered Milton having achieved a two miles walk half an hour On her way Rose bad dercd to Harry a reason for her freak tonight thus Ive always had a fancy Harry that I should like to know just how much of the courtesy I receive in Milton is paid me as a tribute to my woman- id pure and simple and how much is due to the fact that I am Mies AmeEbury wellborn and welldressed young woman with property in You see Harry like the Qi who waxed so confidential with Ive told you all that is in Doubted and Harry smiled down into the Bunny face whose swift blushes the poke bonnet did not entirely conceal just now she had pushed it back for during her rapid walk Miss Araesbury had two lovers Char ley a resident of Milton and Leigl Crawford who waa quite ready to become for her sweet Bake was a druggist and had built up a good business Milton by four years iteady effort Crawford was boarding at be rich and a speculator which name conveyed a vague idea of greatness to the more simple coun try people while another class were less dazzled by his display of wealth and his profession Whatever his duties they did not bear heavy upon him On the whole he was rather popular than otherwise Ho scattered money with a liberal hand His blood horses bad stood many a morning this season at Mr door when chose to ride Or lord that I should test Leiidi Craw- at the same time That night he was weighed in the balance and found moderately He to them what the rules of war no told them that aero expiration of a given tima could not absolve an enlisted man from his a Any open opposition to consti tuted authority before they were regularly discharged would be mutiny and if such tiny could not be quelled tho efficiency of the service would be destroyed Then ho appealed to their patriotism Would they back out and sneak away just as an opportunity was afforded them to face tho neiny The men treated appeals with nd contempt and swore that they would no more duty And it was plain to bo that they meant what they They were desperate characters and fully that there was not power enough on board to overcome them As I half the crew and we knew that the other half could not be depended upon to resist them with Finally the captain told them he would go and see the Commodore and the men ut forward swearing that they would per return to duty let come what would When the captains boat was ready ho asked me to accompany him as the first demonstration of mutiny had been made We found the Commodore just sitting down to dinner and ho invited us join him and while the meal was in the Captain told his story listened very attentively and at its lie said with a smile right Captain I guess thero be much trouble I will come on board during the afternoon and see if I nt straighten things out for you After this the Commodore turned upon other subjects and when a and smoked our pipes we returned to the vessel And Commodore Porter was not far be- bind us At two oclock bo came board accompanied by a lieutenant and twenty being drawn up on the starboard side of the quarterdeck in two ranks mustering upon the opposite side all was quiet the Commodore gunboat lay in the ilia and I was Our captain was a volunteer officer an excellent sailor and a brave man and if he had itwa3 that of overindulgence to his crew Our crew was a motley collection and too many of them were of a disposition to take them and they had evidently shipped with the impression that they would have but little work and little dan- the J Of for us upon Word bad come to us that we- were to run the batteries of there was warm work Grand Gulf Onemori fireroom I found that two of the stokers who should have been on duty were absent and upon making inquiry I heard that they had refused to do any i to me and of the be said la that some of you refuse to do duty know very that discharg ed today And the good of the service will not permit that you will refuse to obey your officers least of those who had appeared at tho answered to their names without moving At length the name of Louis was called and he went forward and when be started these other two who had I followed When the roll was finished forty men had to the forecastle and there they dogged and determined thrill of in dig ig it had followed some dropped her letters into the we red he wanted his him e must until bis discharge laughed at inc and said he would see me make him work after bis time and that I informed to do his duty I observed that quite a number of the seventyone was empty She retraced her hud followed my tokera to the door to find Mr Crawford kinj lh rercxm ami from the oat the way she crept round him w before which were exchanged I was satisfied that tlw Id made defection have her but it was not fortheom- She fell from top to bottom not far but the fright and mortification made her powerless for an instant so though un hurt she lay quite still There was a tardy effort to assist her of that she did not know She only heard Crawfords bis suggestion to a poor fellow who stood by that there was an opportunity to his gallantry Another peal of laughter in which several joined Rose felt herself lifted to her feet with sudden disgust by crazy Tom she supposed her special aversion but she knew the voice presently it was Charley Wiers Though looked iu a few betaken himself ihC it of the know the full made a that I did so I sought the captain and told him what had transpired I know it I know it he said ner vously Nearly half the crew have re fused to do further duty and demand to be paid off and set on shore While we were conversing the officer of the deck came into the cabin and informed the captain that a the of them wished they safely out of the scrape for there was danger to them in the look of the eagle- eyed chief The Commodore caused the marines to be drawn up across the waist facing for- toward the our duty Those of yoi to do so may lay aft Marines At- ion Ready Aim Che marines cocked their rifles and I but J brought their shoulders the best to the huddled pack before I on the Mot of the mutineers well paled ami trembled This was worse thaq the batteries of pursued the Commodore ut his watch I will give you a minute not one second in tie m a ami demand He arose buckled on his d went out In the starboard bout forty of the mm lv a stout darkvisad before be had the office just in blackleg As the captain approached irly earned i he had been to speak bis companions Ho wanted it understood that there was no particular leader in this business but that the terms of enlistment of fortytwo of the men had expired and J in J hurt She found to to be paid off and set on shore from her voice it sounded The terms for which men bad herself had this cry approached him with day but the captain had known that they her for a few yards then to walk still supported by his arm Do you think you are hurt Go my store and I will givo you a cordial She assured him faintly she w fear she tool not be paid oft and he had several days heft with on the bad At that dot danger till they could me home Im tired to death and had agreed An odd looking pair was Charley Tiny bad that would Weirs comment as dm ear round batter way at the land tbecorner but those fellows might have and that Porter would her up remembeiing sin was a in Crawfords fall I wish We 15ii the proje ehu aatltl superb pair of bays red the turf in front of Miss parlor next morning while their i the honour of taking her to lt during a 111 the luU of J upon that was dial of bis water and lily to the fata of n the presence of a roain- iVil Oil few tint I life more dAvjhjjt Bill A and my stokers from the ran and came aft Through the gap Ihuil other- in innouslinei the forecastle was vacant Every had reported for ter put up watch and stepped id as lie came upon llesrot call for imcn They ha discovered what mutiny really meant and had no desire to experiment therein in at least while the broad pennant David D Porter a close barricade of lumber What trect Oh thats to stop the Cholera Ah I have often heard of ihe board of

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