0 PROPRIETOR and Equal Eights to all men TERMS 125 STRICTLY IN ADVANCE Vol No 17 NEWMARKET ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY APRIL 1870 OFFICII OliT RATES FOR ADVERTISING lw lm Cm ly Hill bo Inserted t a AH advertisement on BUSINESS CARDS Settlors Razor Ground and Set J M SMITH LICENSED attended to In place in tLo County Newmarket Dec THOMAS BUTTON Newmarket June DR HILLARY Surgeon In Regular Army Resumed lie Practice or Ms Profession JOHN COOK of Division Court PUBLIC Main N HAS REMOVED OFFICE GOODS SOOTS SHOES A I A N T A IS for the County of York Hales Attended to on Short Notice ALEX BUDGE BLACKSMITH OPPOSITE MECHANICS HALL HORSE SHOEING find nil of gen- em work line 1 with neatness despatch ON REASONABLE TERMS SAMUEL ROADHOTJSE CABINET MAKER MAIN STREET NEWMARKET A GOOD i of Beady Mode HMD NEW AUCTION ROOMS HOLLAND LANDING mill- undersigned would respectfully day you may forgot me I tiling you I v- dwells subtle power old I you do not fear the way Willi tlioo dear arms about mo And 1 ill my a ted why he talked i replied is an injury to the cheeks crowd greatly amuse of ft wedding a narrow street by two loads baby waggons seeing a door nearly off i which condition it had been pleasantly so long lb you stroke ti A wind off tho keen t reddened of the pretty young iris harrying up l3tnut street una tightened their their plaid cloaks ad Ted sunset glit tered on gaily to each other oat of window oome of world to Bam humoured seemed eh How goes it WhatlhogoodoowB8nmT Bender turned at fife It Joe Houston of fellow who had clapped him on tho back Good news No good news turn- inggrufByawoy littlo fellow would with htm Ho felt terribly alone as never done II life things had reached been flick Do you think Erst man had typhoid body Then he had for a long time no ticed the in Mary how preoccu pied was with something and silent about with her thoughts Ho had not failed to her long absences when ho stilt ill needed or thought ho needed her care The thing had worked a deep change biro Sam Bender not the man to ask questions or chatter oyer bis jealousy or wounded love He only put wifo coldly from him space end waited At the most ho fancied had grown wearied of the room and flick man But when put away from him tho to grow weak in his weak body Thoy had been a peculiarly loving and wife That morning Morris had told him first of the stoppage of his salary Very sor ry Mr Bender glad to have you back again in the works But the only week Very Tut tut Whew But after all whats money boy Can sordid dust make the bosom lord Bit lighter on his throne tapping his gaudy littlo waistcoat theatrically Mot What does that matter I have been saving for years to pay off the mortgage on our house Ill have to take the money to clear off debts of the last three months and tho After all Mary at homo window for him with Jackey door opened was a mo- sots pause and then a mans voice Take carol stairs are dark Give your hand A ringing rich voice as would be long to a genial lovemaking now to a very tender inflection Then there waa a quiet light step upon But rith the habit continuing Oh An homestead Ive been saving ever since I was married to pay off thitt mortgage Mary done her flharo of aaviog J Holland Jan ABSOLUTE DIVORCES EGALLY obtained En New York I CARD Undersigned have cut red I partnership as SOLICITORS IS CHANCERY and for the general Practise of the law A EDWARD MORGAN WALTER DUDLEY SOLICITOR he TIMOTHY STREET NEWMARKET EpWARD CAMPBELL SARRIBTER ATTORNEY HAS BEHOVED HIS OFFICE one dool north of the Post Office Main MARRIAGE LICENSES BARGAINS in DRY GOODS ALWAYS ON HAND ORGANS MELODEONS School and Parlor Organs with the latest improvements All fully Warranted THE OLD ESTABLISHED Harness Shop a Elizabeth that Newmarket June 1 Accoucheur and Burgeon THE above named parties desire to notify their patients ana frient lie generally that they have and the pub- into Km id J OF THE BEST QUALITY Prices- of the benevolent NOTICE you want anything in the Stationery Fancy Goods Or anything in the shape of FIRSTGLASS JOB PRINTING irnish anything In his line of t Nov IV am keeps them poor 0 A before said This is the gentleman but Ill try him and put to a little trouble So the lemnn drew from his pocketbook a five- hat The turned the note two or three times examined it closely id then raising his eyes to the countenance No chance of renewal None He glad of tho to foreclose Too had too bad saody moustache Joe always fidgety and in motion Theres Kitty Stouch coming now Shes a brick of a girl Know her It would be worth a fellows while to cut in there hey If nothing more to say Ill join her Sam his eager face growing as red as his the young lady came near nothing more to say replied Bender Bye then touching his hat and off to the side of the large calmeyed who was abreast of them Her boa- lustrous silk against Sam as passed by When Joe Houston joined her he spoke eagerly motioning bad Sam then they both laughed What Bender to make a confident of Ho cursed his own folly looking after him as he went skipping along light as a grasshopper Yet he used to think Joe was softhearted what did it matter to any man that he stood there ruined today the patient of years swept away in one blow did the world care Or if there wai God He looked for a few minutes idly over tho heads of gay moving crowd into the cloudy sky Only a year ago Sam had been church member teaching a class of boys in the Sunday School He tried to teach them to trust in the living to trust in each other himself for the leaching It was not the lose of money Bat that Mary have turned from him He walked down the street with head on his breast Then ho eamo slowly You do not eh Better if you did then said be with a serious look Mrs Bender does I meet them sauntering along in the evening together frequently an attractive fellow No won der women like him for a friend Irish you know gay handsome and genial Too attractive to be trusted with as pretty a woman as your wife Bender if you will allow me to say it I will not allow you to say it Mr Morris You do not know my Mary and are not capable of judging her For my part I am very glad if she baa made a pleasant friend Morris laid down pen than you I know women better They are ignetio especially highspirited del- omen like your Mary if thats her They grow tired of the jogtrot life at homo and the doll daily talks with their husbands They pine for some of the lovamakiDg days Bo they form a platonic friendship Thats the worst I ever suspected of your wife a friendship But if she my wife emphatically I would know the why and the wherefore I am not afraid I said coldly Of course not Oh certainly not a sorry I mentioned On the contrary Im obliged to you for your interest in me But yon are mis- church had a bit of blue chenille twisted in and out of the of her black hair It was many a day bad taken that trouble to look fair in eyes togeiitr in a low urging something which faintly resisted He prevailed at will be there at nine then raising At nine if you will she said gently Will it be safe Oh quite safe He goes to bed early since his sickness Poor Shall I not go home It grows late We may be Whole No 121- for poor is poor lady and rich rich and two are far apart from each other I remember wo were rich once when I aaw the gray and water black and Asher and my old going down to the boat going be the fish had been for a day or and the flour was low in tho bane bit of bacon mighty email said wait until J tbcreB a deary Ill out the victuals Theyll do well go today Bat said be Maggy a coward Im glad your are Were not salt or sugar and tho wont melt Well be safe enough mother said but he looked up at me and he got out of the boat again for wed all walked to the sea as we talked and came back and kissed me Goodbye mother said he And all of a sudden I felt like I cried out Ob I know never sec you all again never never And the boy that kissed me cried out Dont mother you shall see again And and Asher they called He held a moment and still looking after her Bender came the pavement and faced him Hia face that the you 1 J By the way though was odd now that to He was not with Morris though had tried to blind him as he did man wanted to save him and her He did not go home again though be had promised Mary to be back ris he had gone wandering aimlessly about the streets out to Fairmouot at last down between the great wheels over which the slow phlegmatic man not apt to be moved by any sudden temptation He came back to Chestnut street in the afternoon Young Ward met him one of the clerks of the savings bank Hello Sam You told me you meant to draw that little pile of today Banks just closing If you want it come along Yes I suppose go following him Going to clear off your mortgage eh Megabit Well back man drew back and the lips which he was softly humming sunlight fell on his elegantly ire he stood on the fl dsome face with its full reddish beard and hair Sam halted and then went on Poor fellow I wonder whether wo- or whiskey have driven him mad thought beginning bis again a moment after Bender went down toward Fourth St with alow resolute strength the he for Ward the clerk They had been old chums in Ben ders bachelor days Lend me your revolver Horace Ill be done with it tomorrow Mine en and I never bought Of course Ward vanished appeared in a moment What going to shoot Sam rats Bender took the pistol and turned away without speaking He had been deaf and blind to every sight and souod of the streets since Marys voice rung in his After he was gone his manner recurred Ward as strange and unpleasant lb Ill go after him he thought So I tried to laugh too and I watched them out of sight and went back home but I felt as if a great black shadow was hanging over and I could do nothing but listen to the sea All that it would say to me that day waa Well come back never fear But it didnt say it glad like you know lady bat angry jf it threatened me and I knew I should never the three heads the two black and the one yellow coming over the water young fellow forgot the whole The pistol was not stopped at a shop on the and loaded it carefully dark when he reached his Mary opened the door before be could and faint and soft and far id groaning in the air and board of the old creaked a the gale I went outside and water as I dared and watched for I couldnt have seen ft through the spray it had come I have been able to hear them if theyd roared to mo that roaring water but I stood star- id listening drenched through and and knowing all the while that I heard nothing nothing water lady the it all kept saying wts a fierce storm but not a long one it was a by nine it by ten I stood there all the sky cleared off and I moon rise round and large and yellow in a that looked as clear as if there never could have been such things as bright as though no poor eyes looked up to it as mine did wondering whether that days work had made her a widow I Eat down on the sand chilling in my wet clothes and watched the sea A bright traek of silver lay from the moon ti the shore and the ripples caught the thQ But they was it that Morris bad said about their the boat hunger for a repetition of their Is there days Sha put up her mouth to be bring me kissed as usual and when he had passed i hurried in after him taking bis hand Poor old papa Hes tired I Go in Jackey dont worry father now ikilled in deception already thought She leading him into the din- where supper was spread but her aside and passed quietly up to room She him You worn out Why did you in the all day When he did not she drew his head hack on her breast and kissed seemed were coming back to you didnt comfort me I looked at the water where it met the and where tho moon What rose out of it and thought to Ia but dont do It again pes ladies laughed heartily And always give just some one no the door of Saul a few minutea he know and he would not shirk it He did not remember ever to have no ticed tbJU place before It was a seven- storied white marble building the ware- rooms above and the ground floor as a sale department The waa exclusively that of gas fixtures The windows beside one of which he were filled with costly the lofty ceiling of the room within glittered with chandeliers and lustres Two or three of these great gewgawa would have paid home he thought bitterly strange that at that moment when waiting to know if wifo were false to him the Joes of the home should have recurred to him it bad through long years of waiting of pennysaving and a mania with Bender Saul be read of firm over and over The Is were merchant Friends Ho knew their stately house Locust It was whom Morris overseer bad told with meaning a smile a gay follow not to bo trusted with pretty yours Bender It was only this morning that Morris had told him this when he had crept down to tho office for first time since hi three months illness He felt when opened the office door as if it ghost of Sam Bender who was going it the strength so drained out of the counter Sam smiled back at him Then he went out and down to Saul Cromptons He would meet her there worst the evil one whispered that Joe Houston passed People went in and out of the show- of gilt work and coloured He would know him at the first tall genial dark at last He went La Mr in In his private office Will you walk up white and weak ho Ill go into the air You may miss Mr comes down the private often He knew who would be with him Tho door of this narrow there was a fruiters stand to it Standing in the shadow Bender was almost concealed from Half an hour passed The State clock five He moved to go away Are there in it What will this day What lies ahead of me Af all this can they come safe and well in they kiss me again say with voices Weve come back mother And then lady I saw a speck upon the The Story and Did you ever live down the sea maam Maybe you have in grand hotel or that with plenty of fine company Not like I did all alone When they were out fishing I sat and made the nets I knew our boat when it a speck and nothing look at And when the three heads were in sight two black ones Id the little one of Eben and say Lord bless it I I did love him a bit the best for he the baby But then tho old man d been lass and lad together r had a word Aod who was so goo strong or so handsome the life I had a think if full the boat eamo homo with only in ft which could I bear best Not the black head that not the young black head all not the yellow head that was the last to lie on my bosom Ab well I was not asked to choose lady The Lord never tried me that way Now I might tell you a heap you three heads in it the golden between the two black I went down the shore the happiest woman that ever walked and I out My dear loves you are hack again But none of them spake They got out of tho boat and came up empty- handed and I saw that they were all in their white summer clothes the linen clothes they wore a Sabbathday Oh to see you But did I go mad to lay you out your summer a day lie this And I kissed all three and their lips were as cold as marble- Then I felt colder than the rain made me and I began to cry but spoke the- Maggie said he weve keptour Weve come back And the two boys said Yes come back mother But oh said I Im frightened some how Come in and warm ye and eat But said No Maggie we cant come in Weve caught no fish and we must be off at cockcrow Well lie down here until we go And the three laid down side on the sand each head in my I wrapped them in my shawl and never a word more did we And the moon Eel and the stars grew thick and the night wore and then in the grey morning I heard the cock crow And of a that under my shawl fluttered in a strange way and I lifted it frightened and op flew three great white seabirds crying and shrieking and flew away over the water But though they were all else two of heads were black and other yellow They fonnd me the people from the rittingon the sand that down And they seeing it lady drove mo mad But I wnat I tell yon and know that Amri end As her and yellowbaited Eben kept their promise I I