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Newmarket Courier, 3 Mar 1870, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET COURIER THURSDAY MARCH 1870 tm Atlantic Cable Feb 2LTho Times on in court yesterday at the trial of Lady divorce case or- of the Prince of Wales duo to nnd llio matter of persona which forbidden to royalty example was fault less from Albert will exemplify life- free from semblance of lovit have been attended with of vioMit excitement In both places dis turbances occurred find roughly treated Paris Feb 20 Thorp was a demon stration made by conscripts Lyons on Thursday but it was suppressed without bloodshed Two more editors have been arrested for publishing Oil Feb Pall Mull to Anniversary of Washingtons nays Though Washington was a of narrow views neither wiso nor ho would ho lost in and astounded the of the present condition of affair ho National Capital Feb Tlio concluded today Tho jury rendered a verdict that Lady Mor dant was insane not responsible for her words or nets Paris Feb Political nowa Tho celebrations of anniver sary of the proclamation of French in were very orderly police did not disturb the meetings Tlirco editors of Marseillaise ar rested lor violation of the prow law have been liberated American of the Soma Ao telegraphs from Cairo that seventy lost by tho burn ing the S Louis Augusta Feb The Port land Kciincbeo Railways expect to re- their passenger trail the Kennebec Feb A monstrous tem perance meeting assembled in Hail lust evening in response to a call from the Congressional Temperance Society of Washington SAN Feb A despatch from Victoria stales that the colony is greatly excited over news from Place and that the lower country will be nearly deserted Miners find of gold and lumps of silver in about equal proportions in their sli a firo engine Howard exploded her boiler breaking the leg of Isaac also injuring Albert Smith engineer and scalding several others New York Feb 2C An English assistant of tlio famous London hangman has made application to the Master of the Tombs to be permitted bang Reynolds alias Havana Feb 25 insurgent Col with five officers eighty soldiers surrendered voluntarily today Villa Clara ami took the oath of to Spain wrecked on Ibionga Island October 18th She is a total loss Her passengers the J F Payne British brig Annie Porter Feb There were rages on Chinamen yesterday Itcd Hirer Jonathans Hal ha national revenue of tho United ending 30th Juno 186D do expenditure 550458160 lie debt has been reduced in same period lightly of in modern times with of modern science and engineer ing skill to the sinews which i great a prosperous a free notion is supply hour of its soro need let dm attempt to grasp let him in thought with tell tale figures of United States national ledger reduced to ordinary Br and of counting- ledger in dollars What to in tho way of Hero elands so that whoso runs may road Say four thousand one hundred and million dollars to represent cost of the war for a period littlo over four years or taking the national debt ill remaining amount pretty to what Great has tho course of centuries rue the national debt there is of recent modern at lctst so fur as its into so portentous a total as but it wns not owing noncombative propensities of our or- but to the alienee of I ho lever of modern finance as ap plied to the new conditions of industrial developments accumulated wealth of that this is to bo placed True also that in these times it is to bo essential to the proper of what war really means how cost ly bow exhaustive bow terrible drain JJtUNK EAST fit ADYKtlTIfSKMKNTS Act of city of New York Large quantities of mid 11 ii The been several severe shocks of earthquake on the Island summit of is shrouded in fires in active Port N Feb 28 A por tion of roof of the old bed mines at yesterday Twomiucrs nam ed Martin an Englishman and Lynch Irishman were crushed under three real tax payers tho great mass of the population to insist that each little oper ation like our last Abyssinian vindication honour shall be paid for out of the revenue not left as the wont in tho good old days of Pitt like another Damocles sword suspended ever over the beads of mankind This another of the blessings the British in owes to the financial skill and honesty of tho present premier and from which modern statesmen eve learn a lesson Nor is this lesson to bo or its warning voice deprecated young and growing and ly country like the Dominion of Canada Let us for example take the Red Riv difficulty and the comments of a of the press thereon Why some seem iff the afar off and like old rsca at the trumpets sound caracol paper as though prancing to a Hyde Park review Is there any reason whatever- will any one and calmly inform us what prevents the matters in dispute settled or at nil events a proper attempt being made to settle them on fair just and equitable grounds to the satisfaction of every fair and honest claim that can righteously bo brought forward Surely there is abundance of territory and enough national resources to everyone without giving up aught that could be con strued iuto a yielding from any other prin ciple than right and even expediency Let our legislators adopt their motto Be iat and fear not and it will guide them many a hazy labyrinthine path otherwise cannot be trod without auger or dishonour We trust that the coming to us from across the bor der lines the shape of an immense na tional burden and a taxation character we see bearing on the peo ple of the United States will not he with out its and that our Executive will no step that could by any possibil ity implicate this country in imbroglios of any character other than that of peaceful arbitration the arbitrament of reason am in of brute force The United States balance sheet for tin should be bung up in every anting bouse throughout the land perpetual remembrancer of what an a desolating bitting blighting curse demon of war is when by the of the sovereign of the universe and for correction of nations as well as individuals he commissioned to go forth on bis ruth less track cumulated within the past week the latter part of August ii Luglih isit this country They to bo far superior to doyen made such a successful tour in time ago the morning of the an train took about three hundred visitors from Washington to Annapolis to visit the British war vessel Monarch Among the number were Secretary Robe son the members of tho Cabinet Thornton other distinguished men Tho Monarch proceeded a few miles down the Cbcsapcak river with tho party worked her guns for the benefit of naval The steamer City of Boston has not yet been heard from but the captain of the Calabria a Cunardcr expresses that there is no occasion for alarm Calabria other vessels arriving re cently report continuous easterly winds gainst which a disabled could mate little headway The officials of the steamers also entertain hopes for the safety of the missing vessel ay have broken her screw and is s SABBATH SCHOOL COKVESTION Convention Act again on in ho Congrega tional Church A A Smith in Minutes of ion ifirmed opened tho of No and wed by Mr- well as laymen Hunt Gundy Cameron and also the named find other gentlemen took part A model was conducted by Mr of Bradford Mr of Barrio took charge of tho Blackboard Exorcises giving a few interesting of his method of ex plaining Rev Mr Hunt of Aurorn took part In this exercise Mr Gundy conducted tho model and selected Temptation of Christ his nod nil present appeared to bo deeply Thov Commit- printed littlo took place- in reference next of meeting was Inst carried unanimously in favour of held in tho i read tho Chapter of Isaisli Rev Mr Gundy engaged in grayer Very in teresting and instructive addresses were made by Messrs Irwlii Edwards and Mr Gundy Miss Smith presid ed at tho melodeou At the request of tho meeting Mr IrwiD of Aurorn sang nnd played tho called Your Mis sion with which tlio audience were high ly delighted Thus closed what is con sidered the most interesting profitable yet held in rs we think returned to their localities resolved to take deeper interest in tho and good work in which they Mitchell cad J Aruelt Tho Inspectors re port stated that tho Inspector tho places occupied by the parties ap plying for and had found them eligible Auditors report rend in which it was elated that auditors had found detailed correct and that a of remain in tho hands of Treasurer On motion A J by J Caldwell of parties applying for certificates of license for telling liquor and security they offered was accepted Moved by by J Caldwell that Inspectors report bo re ceived Carried fin account from for repairing bell rope amount ing to was received and ordered to bo paid Moved by seconded by J B Caldwell that tho Auditors re port bo received and laid on for inspection until next meeting of this Council Carried Moved by C ded by J Caldwell that tho for tho appointment of Municipal officers bo now read a time and that tho Council go into Committee of the whole on same Council went into J Caldwell appointed au and following names were filled to tho ByLaw for Inspector Assessor J was here road from Mr Joseph had been received time before setting forth that ho pared willing to undertake the duties of Inspector and Collector for tbo sum of Collector Pound keepers nod Kirk Johnson John Hodge Abraham Corryell and Robinson A communi cation respecting an aged person named was read setting forth that he quired funds to assist him to return to son in England Council could do anything as a body they might how- individually Mr re and cover original eke In each paper tho cattle ever published with it adorns the fust Insula a Thrashing sceno the leading middle and a Eltcet Scene to tho life In a chapter by gives vs a conception of that almost to a A Convenient Dwelling fully described affords many hints who are or improving their Cutting up Sugar Mak ing Implements Fruits Flowers Household Work Nuts for Boys and Girls tho subjects of their engravings in forty fifty in this paper IB Farm Work for the Month In Car House Chapter on Horses fill up the ample pages of jour it one of the most useful tho fo Farm tho Garden the Household Included for City Village am Country Terms per year four Ornngo Co Publishers Veil on I tt half of the Methodist Episcopal I of the bridge nothing definite Council the adjourned Colorado Feb Bill who shot Kinney near Bur lington yesterday wasovertaken by a party of citizens in pursuit of him im His body was pierced by thirty bullets New Yohk Feb 25 It is stated that the officers of the Brooklyn Navy Yard have invited the of ficers of the Monarch to a grand ball and supper to bo given within of- the Brooklyn Navy Yard that and his officers have accepted Brutal Murder place called Hickory Ground gro family their employ whom they sent to a grocery store to purchase a worth of pork giving him a tendollar note to pay for the same and instructing him to be careful bring back the change The went to the store purchased the pork returned but on the way back he lost the SO change genuine charged the boy with the money gave him an with a horsewhip break ing his collarbone On the morning the boy started off with the in of having arrested for beating him fearing the result ted in pursuit of the boy accompanied any prejudice against Mr Revels on flc I by one or two others of the family They count of his colour Wilson bd jjtrty from of fan- of Ml Revels Senator from up bis admission denying his Stockton dielaimed A railway accident occurred Friday last the 25th ult on the Mis sissippi Central railroad near Oxford whereby seventeen persons are said to have killed and a large number injured of the accident is attributed unsoundness of the trestle timbers which tted the rails to slip out of their places and thus throw off the cars which plunged into the ditch at the side Amonj the killed was found the body of Colonel Spears of Brandon Mr McDonald the Roadmaster two ladies and two unknown The dor of the killed were principally emigrants from Europe The train with the is a complete which should have train at Hum- being behind been made there addition of pi THE MOVEMENT Wo give below Proclamation respecting tbo discount on silver now this last scheme will work it is difficult present to tell We im agine tho nuisance is more in schemes and defaulting banks than in tho hard cash A short time ions a nuisance tohave hills on Colonial International Upper Canada Commercial and other banks parties who were then fortunate enough to get some of the much talked about and misnamed glad to do so at a discount of it Why not get our own into we will pass at par if this were put into there would bo no need of depreciat ing the coins of other countries brought hero and put in use- in tho pb that jobbery and trickery may be carried on and the country fleeced will of a few and by a Act of the of the with the failed to do bad thi would have been f fUf j which they had dragged their fiendish rage cutout his tougue by the roots after which they ended his suf ferings by cutting his throat from ear to ear and bid the body in the woods The hoys absence was noticed and enquiries were made as to his whereabouts Receiv ing no satisfactory information suspicion was aroused and a number of negroes started in search of boy whose body discovered where the had it Sheriff Stevens was notified of the and ffolrh V be proceeded to the to hold els entered upon his office Senator- Wilson introduced It provides thi reconstruction policy The debate as sumed a wido range on political questions At a vote was taken upon the mo tion of- Mr Stockton to refer the creden tials of Mr Revels to a Judicary Commit tee which was defeated taken upon the question of administering the oath of office Yeas Nays Mr Revels was then conducted in front of Tue Northern Elevator at Toronto was destroyed by fire on the Tuesday last The nightwatchman visit- the premises about eleven oclock but did not see anything amiss A short after this one of the locomotive driv called to him tower of the was on fire The watchman rushed out and found the statement to be cor The alarm was then rung and the ah ere were as quickly on the spot as heavy roads would permit there being a good deal of snow upon them in some places all efforts however proved useless and in a little over two hours about of property lay in ruins The origin of the fire is unknown some how- think it was caused by a spark from sing locomotive as there was a strong land breeze others think It may have been by friction of machinery We the contents of the building were covered by insurance but there will be a heavy lo3 on tho building which was ly partially insured following will fihow the quantity of grain flour in the elevator very little if any will bo saved tie Pro i thie il to t lit day of May which was in the ir luilid mi J iJviy of the weights pod dates legal tender in the eh of Quebec On them in thin our Royal Pro- payment And do hereby further 1 for id U1 of the hereby assigned of iiiiityi nriiJE at Twenty The Mechanics Institute Library has just an addition of sixty volumes AUCTION SAXES in the property a heavy sea running when morn ing broke land was observed right ahead d that the- Captain was apprised of this fact at once but ho did not come on board till tlmo later Bo that it coming from his cabin ho Brand ed the foremast and became of his danger Orders at once given to make but at that time it was too late to wear tho ship dashed at half past seven in morning on tho rocks which surround Harris Covcjf near Cork In meantime the Cap wife had been called and com- i deck commenced to cry every moment breaking over illfated vessel and the took to rigging Fortunately the had the of the ship and as soon as truck put in tho rocket apparatus After vain attempts trie line was thrown over which by this time had parted in two the main mast falling into the The rope been secured to the Captain seized it but after a vain attempt to reach tho he was washed away by the and his lifelefs body thrown a day or two afterwards One of the crew named Michael Alice who lost four of his fingers by the falling of the- inmast afterwards attempted to get on shore by the same means as the Captain id after a severe struggle with the wind ad succeeded in reaching the rocks The rope after this became useless Leach and P Falconer were in the- part of tho ship which remained firm ly wedged between the rocks and contriv ed to swing themselves on the rocks from of the yards but on landing they were caught by huge wave which hurled them further on shore where they picked up by the coastguard who in their power to save the unfortunate mariners A considerable number of those in the after part of tho ship saved thtmrlvc by v rambling on rock beneath which drifted but unfortunately of the twenty men that composed the crew ijffin the Captain only eleven were had been severe- braised and three others of the I- en ore or injured were in charge by Dr Guard who re moved them in his carriage to his res- a few miles from the coast There attention was paid to the te men in the course of sis or seven for to Liverpool by above free of will receive a not The Sllrer Nuisance he Editor Will be kin ts of the ship From thence ho to by the Shipwrecked and on Friday be sailaiL continue to show up the of the scheme it is due the farmer and mechanic that you should do so as the only effect the proclamation will have will be to give the Banks and Brokers an opportunity to fleece that part of the community not be cause they are less intelligent but because they pay attention to the working of such schemes Every in toil Lent person poible by for the Shetland 1st eighteen years of age he has been twice wrecked and on each occasion the- wbole of his effects The people rtiding near to where the ship did every thing in tleir power to accommodate the- men who had been cast on shore Leach particularly speaks in high tortus of the manner in which he was treated to leaving ship be had thrown off his jacket vtat and heavy sea boots with the intention of swimming on shore and when rescued by the coastguard he almost naked An old lady however kindly supplied him with a coat and a clergyman with a pair of boots and he ma enabled whenever bis health was restored to proceed to Liverpool In idea of the boisterous when the ship went ashore it may The PlatHead National Debts isbment by imprisonment for than two years and a fine of not less than for engaging in a prize and half of said to arrest thorn afterwards found Midgeproof do Total wheat COUNCIL This Council met on Monday evening at Forsyths Hotel- Members present Messrs J Caldwell A J tho in the chair Minutes of previous meeting read and approved The Clerk read over the names of parties applying for certificates shop license tho names of tho parties they offered as so- curity Q Davis offered A Hender son and W A Henderson of fered H and Har rison The Clerk then read over tht names of the following their securities applying for certificates of Tav ern license viz security Pearson Harrison Mru For syth security John and Roe John Davison security Pear son and R and A security Dudley with the si- dollar should be should be worth Merchants and discount as long to a foreign market and there of it for its intrinsic value It will be dealt in the same as any other and if the proclamation should have the effect of frightening the disposal of their silver at a heavy discount there will be plenty of knowing to tike advantie of the lake a handsome thing oat of As regarding the probability of the Jovemment enacting a penal law to their scheme it i simply aburd eeds no argument Let the farmer mechanic bold their gold and reduce- their v they will be good when such Holy Land and factoring and Buildiii fore us consists of fortyfour large pages inted on superior paper and arc Technological Education Trial of Steam Engines a published Call and miUiiMiv nth and Sir proclaii quarter or ha the f will have been forgotten mayhap many of the Banks now countenance it will benumber- the things that were Farmer and others heed not he reminded of the failures of the Colonial Upper Canada Commercial Royal Canadian and other Banks whose bills they were glad to ex- e at a heavy discount for their hills circulation Gold and silver money Bank Bills and Government shin- plasters are mere promises to pay that money Common Sen Kingston Feb 1870 of Quebec Ship i melancholy shipwreck which chronicle for some time past attended it been by the total loss of the ship and cargo and a considerable sacrifice of life occurred toward the end of last on the south coast of Ireland One of the crew who has been forwarded to by the Shipwrecked Mariners Society a is now on his way to his island home gives the following narrative of the disaster- Edna was a vessel of tons and owned by Mr McKay Quebec She left that port on the of November with a cargo of wheat ap ples and other products of Canada for Glasgow She was under of Captain Frank Thompson who by wife whom he had tied previous to and ma by a crew of men All proceeded well until the 29th of December when the Cap tain knowing he was off tho coast of lie- land ordered the lead to be kept going wind was blowing At this that of his young wife of his crew were washed two former were interred in two latter in another Ritualist church of tit Pauls Las joined the Church of lry of State for t other has recently the past me who hks manfully stood National Education League John Mac- support scheme

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