Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Courier, 3 Mar 1870, p. 1

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M PROPRIETOR -A- Free Press Religious Liberty- and Equal Rights to all men TERMS STRICTLY IN Vol No 11 NEWMARKET ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY MARCH 1870 Whom No 115 BY a maps officii OMT per Annum If paid atictly BATES TOR nor flno for insertion Tiro per Lino for each a Cards of anil Ten of Ten And tin der per annum The number of to bo reckoned I the occupied measured by scale of All advertisement iliiiild Adhered to a BUSINESS VI BIRCH VETERINARY SURGEON J SMITH AUCTIONEER JOHN COOK of tho Division Court of up in i ill lice ill will be prepared drench of moil wish In PEARSON HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE To the Building OPPOSITE FORSYTHS HOTEL ho may ho found daily from nine ALEX BUDGE BLACKSMITH OPPOSITE MECHANICS HALL it and all of gen id despatch ON REASONABLE TERMS NEW AUCTION ROOMS HOLLAND LANDING Across the Ill niiHs death mo their It- Wide fctrtkhes n Ill I the hand of the Redeemer livery tear la wiped away Mere arc faces bright and sinning THE- FIRE lift head look Tin my lift thy feet I throw To on into light and Joy I You will introduce mo will you not Grayson I dont know aboot that I hardly think it quite When a very looking follow like is pretty confi dent that ho inn fair way to win heart of a lovely nil I dont think he bo bit lo throw in her way handsome dashing young gent you Not much danger of Though the billows Swiftly roe by I Earthly friends a lo With the holy land Slit ami junior For that I will I child I man is falling But live Aye Louisa with your latest he heeded not their words but clasped bis precious burden and gained the mothers Thank God and from her grateful heart and pillowing on her bosom her darling boy turned to on Louisa I give him to you I Bless breath you snail remember me he bit terly murmured Once only ho saw her after her return then turned and fled either frightened by altered or fearing lib reproaches hardly knew which herself only dared not meet felt she had cruelly wronged Many times Herbert turned of tho street or quickly entered store to avoid his former friend But one never forgotten no or words by Herbert me suddenly upon him and when he about to pass with a hasty bow ingv forced me to do wavering Her THOMAS M HILLARY flnrgeou the Regular Army Mount Albert Sent ALFRED you out that is if the- young lady knows your worth at well engaged up Thank you Herbert for your good opinion I am I would try to worths father shall not do to until I can him my capability of porling hie child bo But I hope soon to bo able to do that My isinesa is very prosperous now Yes I II introduce yon Herbert because win you know Louisa you will want to con and spend your evenings with us instead of at the clubroom and public pis her will do you good make you a better man It liaa Thank you I shall be de lighted She is very beautiful is the not I have heard What is her style Sho ia all world to me mother sister friend and dearer than all those You know Im alone in the world and so my lovo is not divided Herbert was disappointed when he saw Louisa and found her not a beauty but a lovable girl he must admit But need not feel a bit uneasy My heart will not yield in that quarter he said to himself after he left Miss How do you like my friend Louisa Grayson now do I him Well I like him very well as answered Butfor else finely True but Well I will tell you He been told these things He knows it too well and thats why I do not fancy In a extended hie hand ill you take my hand I would sooner clasp that of a for you have been to you and you slew mo with blow more deadly than an enemys weapo could deal The one would bo instant and over yours is still hoi until it dealt back aye and doubly paid for The time will yet come when Li Wordsworth will think of me with a dif ferent fceliug than pity est breath she will remember Willard God I struggled but Grayson heeding not hie turned nid left him Weeks and mouths passed by nd Lou remember youll Louisa And catching the hand that 70s put forth he pressed it to his lips at the feet of the woman he hid madly loved Gentlo bands ministered of no avail The frail thread had broken tho saddened life was ended Willard Graysons weary was resting The great deaire of his soul had been granted him He had seen her pressed hand and willingly he yielded up hi for which he had lived hid been gained a revenge one noble and perfect Prophetic were the words Lou isa shall remember me to her latest breath Truly o it was with a profound grati tude and deep sorrow thatshe had wrong ed noble a heart She feels he forgave them Herbert and herself and some time they shall meet hind that ho for ht is never known and love dwelleth foi had rolled wedded life unalloyed happiness for a constant dread filled the hearts of both Herbert could not banish from his mind words and manner when they last met He felt perfectly way he would make them feel keenly d dealt him I passed and still Wil- in Evidence Hull lardr on Was it that he was waiting more perfect revenge to gain that the noble character of the injured man proved firm against the whis pering of the evil spirit that at times gained the ascendancy Theycould not tell And Willard self why be had he not just a bite MARRIAGE LICENSES in DRY GOODS J EL Philips Tuned Repaired ORGANS WALTER EDWARD CAMPBELL A JOH HAS HIS OFFICE NASH and Burgeons NEWMARKET above named parties desire to notify ililO their patients and friend and Lie generally that they entered int copartnership for practice of Medici Surgery and DALES DALTON THE OLD ESTABLISHED Harness Shop THE BEST QUALITY ceitcd Well the girls have spoiled bii he is a stranger here You will be kind him Louisa I want to keep him out of wild company He is food of music and if you will sing with him he will be 2d to and not go else said who forgot his own anxiety for his friends welfare so time passed and Louisa be grow very tolerant with Herberts and always we the passing bell we bis hd finely with hers He was so full of fun wit And Herbert cared not to as the noble generous Willard had hoped Those were such happy evenings spent there Never had Herbert Court known such before And he wondered that be had ever enjoyed the clubroom thei uldn that for vrhieh ha vowed Was it that the love betrayed out- aged and cast aside had not been cast by him Did it still live in his heart with its holy influence was pleading j earnestly for and forgiveness How could he slay him by wound- her Did the remembrance of what she had once been to him stay the the belter mood and bis tardiness of action No no Tisnotso more perfect blow to all bis friends blighted but health and sunk under the same cruel blow until ly the shadow of his former self A gentleman tr topped late in the evening about seven short of that town by a with a mask on who rob I- id him if a containing twenty guineas The highwayman rode off by a different road full speed and the gentleman pursued bis It however waBgrowinglateaud already ranch frightened and agi tated at what bad passed rode only two farther and stopped at the Bell a ide inn kept by Mr Brunei He went into the kitchen to give direction for his supper when he to present his having been robbed to the mercy or the court This advice he rejected and when arraign- pleaded not guilty prosecutor being robbed that it being dark the highwayman in a mask and himself greatly terrified he could not swear to the person though ho thought him of much the same stature man who robbed him To guineas which were produced in Court as to the puree positively and to the marked guineas to the best of his belief and that they were found in ho pocket Tho prisoner Mr Brunei deposed to the fact to sending the prisoner to change a guinea- and of bis having brought him back a marked one in the room of the one he had given him unmarked He also gave deuce as to the finding of the purrs and the nineteen marked pocket And what consummated tho proof the man to whom Mr paid the guinea produced the and gava testimony to his having taken it that in payment from the prisoners mas- Mr gave evidence to his having received of the prisoner that guinea which he afterward paid to this last And the prosecutor comparing it with the other nineteen found in the pock et of tbe prisoner swore to its being to the best of his belief one of the twenty of which he had been robbed by the highwayman The judge on Burn ing up the evidence remarked to the on all the concurring circumstances tbe prisoner and the jury on thhj rang circumstantial evidence g out of court brought in prisoner guilty Jennings was executed after at Hull repeatedly declaring to the very moment of being turned off This happened jn the year Within a twelvemonth after lo I Jennings master was himself taken up for a robbery done on a in and the fact being proved tml he convicted ordered The approach of death brought on and not only acknowledg ed the committing of many highway rob beries for some past but the for which suffered beautiful Lor waB He must have been blind it at first How she had won up What a lucky fellow w re secured her love I These wt that filled ind ho had known that on Frailer wore the thread that held hi to earth and felt sure it mm give way and then an intense his soul once more lo st The Old Bachelor you want an Stationery Fancy Goods FIRSTCLASS JOB PRINTING a bitter cold night Unsuspecting Willard loved on worked on for that love till the time came when he could with confidence ask the father for his Louisa darling I am going to your father tonight and then you will make me happy I may soon have you in my own home I hope Trembling she whispered I will tell you tomorrow 1 The fathers cordial consent was given for to win daughter And with a heart overlowing with joy and would speak to With a face pals and sorrowful the fa met and drew him into the library Louisa ill What it Speak Worse that gone Gone I Dead asked WUlard in agony of fear and suspense No no not dead yes dead to you boy She eloped this morning your friend Herbert through the moanin hove a cry that ti of all ire Tire Fire Hotel was of the inmates wei slumber Bear it bravely child I must say she ia unworthy such love as yours As Mr Wedaworths words clearly forced the terrible truth on Willard mind he grasped the nearest for support No word escaped his lips yet plainly the father saw his childs per fidy bad dealt a aye crushed not only hope but life from out the heart which a taw brief momenta before was to joyous of success a bitter blow but it will not kill I have something still to live for That right my boy that is the way to take it Mr Wordsworth who did not dream intent of words who then bis friends hand particular mark that every in the purse he was robbed of was chilly marked and that probably the robberiy that means would be detected Supper being ready be retired He- had not long Mr Bru came into tbe parlor After usual inquiries of landlords of the and everything was to hi liking c ic Sir says he I understand that you have been robbed not far from hence this evening I have And that your money was all marked A I circumstance has arisen which leads me to think that I can point out the robber Indeed Pray sir what time in the be dark The time confirms my suspi cions Mr then informed the I gentleman that he had a waiter one John Jennings who had of late been eo very full of money at times and so very extra vagant that he had had many words with him about it and had determined to part with him on account of bis conduct being suspicious that before dark that day It wild night The wind e and that he had he the w he could get no Death or the Children Joseph is a poor man He on Wynockle Mountain on the west side of the Hudson river about twenty miles from New York Joseph in a mis erable shanty but though enjoying a small portion of this worlds goods like many another poor man he has had a liberal of children in his family Three of these children were Anthony aged nine years Warren aged eight and Johnny aged five On tbe first day of the present year thee three children from whose young hearts even biting poverty did not exclude the of childhood went forth from their home for a ramble on the moun tain and in of nuts Their little feet wandered too far and after they found themselves where they knew not and whither to go they knew not The dark ness of night began so spread itself like a pall over them to add to the misery of their situation a cold driving storm of and snow set in A woman along one of the mountain beard in the distance of them lv and vigorously tbe brave m noble work A storm of w it on the building yet the were subdued only for a forth again with a renew intil longer a ho saving the building lied forth terrified children until all wen 11 other cries came one that every parent heart Save my boy I and a beautiful rushed toward the burning building Kind father error of the scene bad clasped in nd saved the child of another then id forward to bring forth hi believed back and sh with him drawn fatal to in hi Already ascending the ladder cheered on by the admiring crowd below a young man Slowly cnrled forth the clouds from the window that he had reached and tbe cries were hushed awed into profound silence as the brave man disappeared from their sight Dark er denser came forth and in its clouds the welcomed Clasped closely in his arm the boy I Another step and he had gained the ladder and then wild triumphant cry burst upon air As ho descended the ladder an immens volume of flame rushed as termined to overtake and envelop the man But he is beyond its reach Many arms were put forth to clasp the child love and hope Plainly the portals showed I with the words he light burned within no more You are ill fainting Give him it had been leaving But he waved them off staggered only the dreary I on to find the That he cry and as she testified at the Coroners inquest simply wondering who had children on the mountain Hours i passed The children were irretrievably nfi he Mr did it The same which he bad given get silver for having perceived a upon this which be was almost upon f death began to enfold their shiver ing and benumbed little forms The beating heart could no longer send the that nevertheless lvLicn commenced matter as Jennings had so frequently 1 his pocket had he not after- wards heard for he was not present when gentleman was in the kitchen relating the particulars of the robbery that guineas which the highwayman id taken were all marked that however previously to his to tbe closing the brief lives of these untutored child- en and it was characterized by a as pure as noble and as godlike is history records They are all perishing with cold Warmth is the one thing need- heard this he had unluckily paid away J to prolong life And yet at this guinea which Jennings returned him moment when they tbemselv feel the icy fingers of death taking hold of them tbe want of insufficient cloth- returned who lived some distance off and ie but the circumstance struck him that he could not as an what do they do The second boy man refrain from in- tales off his coat leaving nothing bis attention and spirit There it over his little brother to irv to the strongest reason for Suspecting Jen- keep warm And then Anthony L marked guineas should be found as thesis coat and puts under barrens head gentleman could swear to them there for his deathpillow would then remain no doubt It was now j Ah Astor 1 with your mil- agreed to go softly to his room Jennings lions with the granite hotel as an his pockets vrere monument to your memory and we and from one of them was drawn forth a trust with some unpublished acts to east purse containing exactly nineteen guineas your passage through became demonstration for Ah Stewart I with the gentleman declared them to be identi- PI now became demonstration lor An outstretched It I PI I which be bad been robbed and peerless glass Ah Peabody Assistance was called and Jennings was rich dead and buried with awakened dragged out of bed and with robbery He denied it firmly belief He was that night a the next day carried before a neighboi Justice of Peace The gentleman angels the loud ell deposed to the facts Jennings having no pro thing but oppose thi the death of tjflso poor mountain boys the spot where in the of that awful night seending and descending be- their expiring hearts and the High of the b which of old spoke to Peter on tho waters saying Be not afraid it is I and the voice saying Suffer little children to unto me and forbid his most intimate frieuds advised them not for of each is the Kingdom of to plead guilty on his trial and Heaven against him that

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