M BLNNS PHOPKIETOK- A TERMS STRICTLY IN ADVANCE Vol III No NEWMARKET ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY JANUARY 1869 Whole No he Courier Thursday Morning Dr BINNS OFFICE MARRIAGE LICENSES in DRY GOODS ALWAYS OX BUSINESS CARDS J Philips Co ORGANS PIPER Co STREET first door above 31 Kins Street Carriages Perambulators JAPANNED I N WAKE Coal Oil PIPER E PIPER you vnt anytime in the Stationery Fancy Goods FIRSTCLASS JOB PRINTING SAMUEL CABINET MAKER UNDERTAKER Ac MAIN STREET QUEENS SEWING MACHINE NO U U All by mail will me ATKINSON it Ready Made ALEX BUDOE BLACKSMITH OPPOSITE MECHANICS HALL HORSE and all kinds of 1 in line executed wit ON REASONABLE TERMS N PEARSON I T HEW DRUG All A Voice Within Us lt 1 inM 1 Put your shoulder To uplift the load M died away she turned to Sara who lay white and still on the bed her hands covering her face and spoke in a subdued Sara come here She rose walked feebly across the floor and eat down on an ottoman at her feet j her head drooping lite a wounded dove was confined to The good wife placed her hand among the broken leg broken by a coils of soft brown hair fioor bring Sara it may do for Mr to had consented with tb y illness was occasioned by the band should nm l- for help saying go if you will Jonas but bring me any ignoramus in you want to make a tonight I listened with an i of the locomotive that rapidly to the city then There was a silence of chokingly and the other tooth the of his wife when a Mend asked him how ho Well he think i feel the Letter that little walk Some men arc toon BUokc the fur ilie Tight- way for years hear nothing lint purring but ia obliterated it it joy INSURANCE CO Tjicvmtcs eh iil Home J JOHNSONS Blind and Planing Factory A CALL she slept Mr expression of doubt 1 knew him as Randolph Thome and was my husband The mothers face paled but she an encouragingly His name is Randolph Thome hut we always called Ralph deepened as he met say he was your husband There eyes I dont know some mystery here and I must insist upoi J foolish Sarepta he knowing it seems j Sara then told her story in her pie way of a home made unhappy by stepmother of a loveless childhood and One of voice Mrs youth a fortunate incident led to her to be brought in- acquaintance with Ralph who called him- that child Jonas Randolph They met with- your senses He mothers knowledge who had re- j fused her the companionship of either ses I look Ma- 1 house and friendship ripened and evergreen twiniDg their lengths of green beauty and freshness over pictures mantels and walls Saras handiwork was everywhere visible able to walk with a crutch viewed it all with loudly expressed confidently to her husband that it looked ten times better than if she had twas devoid of stiffness Where is Sara Jonas Ilefther the kitchen ho replied She looked sorrowful hadnt you bet ter tell her It lacked but an hour of Ralphs expected return Mrs Thursby slowly made her way to the kitchen seated on a low stool near the the bright blaze of he burning to work I answered the child 1 a delicate face and an exceedingly With many groans Mrs love A spying neighbour in formed her mother and repeated to Ralph the abuse that had fgllowcd the discovery he urged her to give him a right to pro- a yielded to his entreaties staying in the village mar- indispensable j them a few weeks of happiness fol who proceeded in owed that could not be allayed even by with her duties thij taunts of her tormentor Then defects in the tne story Ralph had business en untidy rooms with away he could not take Sara and chamber linen time but ho would return for In in wrong drawers he had told his parents who hi weary days she was helm and was forced en of her ight be fa room spoke of it Saras palcfacc flush violently then turned whiter than marble she was dusting her head drooped and her large eyes took a look of mortal dread and affright in their brown best I can to please you if you will let me stay All that I can tell you is that I lived far away from hero that my pale ness and weakness are caused by many her would gladly daughter the cavity disclosing the means of her death This knife bore the initials They did not stand for her name nor that of her betrayer It was a costly weapon desk he which wiii luiicnne similar Where did jou I I- roui a of a lads Yes Where is hc to be found liowcJ me direction It was th of a lady of fashion a Cuban visiting i me she showed evident signs of with white lips and a falter- logs throwing a red figure sitting attitude of deepest dejection Come here Sara want you to her and Mrs i n utterance the drew the fair young face down on her bo- detailed the briefly and he tear from the i the inmmal the check bade her as cape and of the dead I for you Saras grief however burst forth in a flood of tears which Mi did not try to cheek When the dreary sobs grew less frequent she spoke to her Sara you think I have been cruel dont you And you have been very patient you shall be tried longer read these letters and sec how you have been both deceived Sara took them as if in a dream and the good mother watched her up the stair way with a look full of love and tender- Mother said Ralph after the usual i-T-Tjllllrn- you said looking round in an embarrassed manner Ralph although Ralph had disappeared room as Sara finished the last letter a sudden fear came over him that she could not forgive him for doubting her She looked up a world of love and trust from the depths of her brown eyes My husband the simple words his wife with a great show of ashamed of her curiosity I will like you just as well The girl tl quiet gentle manner won the Jove- both especially Mrs in whose heart the void caused by a small grave cemetery with Lillie marked white lone Irul inner filled She often remarked to her husband that IS If it was Lillie back after she had grown Killed was allowed by doctor up a short time each day this af ternoon was warm and clear so Sara rolled the easy chair near the window from which the invalid watched impatiently her With liiilettndiiitldenly from Ralph lie at last with the quick earnest tread that always INSURANCE COMPANY TUB OLD ESTABLISHED HARNESS SHOP A ll K HARNESS every other it the Twliio for rut Ralphs with a feeling of der only of wond however for that they were the victims of some cruel deception she did not doubt Holding the little trembling hand in a reassuring clasp she bade proceed There is no more to tell said Sara quietly my stepmother seemed to have heard the story and her incessant illusions I could not bear One day during her absence I came to the city failing to find any employment I entered my name at an office as a domes tic your husband engaged mo though had I known to whoso family I was coming death itself would have been preferable she concluded her brown eyes irkeniiig as a cloud of remembrances rushed through her mind Mrs forgot to have any against the pile young thing could only think looking at the marks of care and sorrow on her fine face child how she has suffered An inter longing to claim her us her springing up in In heart with her a That night after they were left alone Mr with a sly twinkle in his eye dont you think the room too warm for Sara hadnt I bottffl leave the door ajar Mrs Thursby answered meekly Yes Jonas I know I was very cross but yot didnt- understand and the empty place left by in my heart is filled a tear choked utterance and Mi caress proved that a score more years of wedded life had not left their regard for each other A Frightful Story A IVivday said Mr I had I concluded no no exclaimed I all not mine the sin not deed then me who the man was he lived and the circumstances that the death It from her statement that me weeks before the banker had become weary of this young girl and had aban doned her He had then paid his court her and not knowing his antecedents and juJi fUlinj In held in society she to marry him that the evening previous had been walking with him on the pier Standing n he mi ik had been ap proached by a female clad as this one was and iinryrcpiijaclfti followed the girl in the madness and frenzy of The reached absconded money It that a Milan banker had an immense amount of believed he had fled to country and taken refuge in Now young Italian girl was the troth- fully I could not doubt Hot I sup posed the man was gone heard of afterward and this little memory is all that is left of the wrecked and ruined woman who sank beneath the flood Kicked by a Mule mule There was mile of Ins being The owner of such an animal but was something quite peculiar about the mule He the mule could kick far ther hit harder on the slightest provoca tion and act uglier than any other mule on record One morning riding his pro perty to market Jake met Jim against whom he had an old but concealed grudge He knew Hoggs- weakness lie in g and betting Therefore he sa luted him cordially think Ralph guilty She made reply though under ilowne lids 1 tears tell in rapid succession Do you She mh Ralphs love mother and of his speedy return a graduate with highest honour though through it all the mother detected a deep vein jof melancholy They Sara to communicate the good tili ngs and bade her have everything on his as lie liked to sec it with her areusiomed with them in their joy sympiltiL this oftquoted rub at 11 mum iem- all he know was that their only child named Ralph was away at a collide to grad ante Mr W ger to tell her but Mrs him Here Sara you arc one of it and read what my boy suye A proud hovered around ho mouth Sara took the letter but tlftd rend scarce y a line when die sank to lb floor as if crushed by oue Hidden blow- Mr placed her the bed while head to bis wite 1 ned over her a gradually I L heard to the letter but before he could repent i a of Its pped him a think No indeed she answered firmly Then yon are willing to leave it all to I Together with ft description of the man was a mmiatin Hearty Squire replied Jim of this girl She ami weather line mule you have there animate ivory pictured a face so Will he do to bet on in ita youth and innocence Bet tail Guess he will that I tell you that my dim lieges los the finest trick mule in Paid five hundred dollars Great smash is that so ted Jim Solid truth every word of- of it Tell yon evidently Jim Im Receiving a glad iflirmnliw she dismiss with n kiss bidding her keep a cheerful beau Ml litre her head was lain on the pillow tint night she bad written ex j da in in- all knew Tin reply quietly and as she supposed there was some strange for Ralph had received a letter to conn from Sara in which sho praised in glow tug terms a gentleman lately arrived it the village ending by that had she scn him first Ralph iwmld not have been the favoured one Ho wrote her but it ffould nil bun duly ellltil if Sara had hut proven Hi and a speedy ligation by 1 in whi as Mrs Ihuraby bad idy tint the slepmotlier hud caused nil the all this Sin i km and day drew nigh heard nothing in her lira she thiorhlMiS Ihurshy unkind in her fulfill promise to have it Ihicl bill I As tin husbands for the criminal If here ell taken and his One night report reached the that the body of n drowned it for betting purposes I but lhat he kick a fly off from any man without hurting him Now look She had been hero Squire says Jim dead hut few hours it in said and was- 1 ting but 1 libit y Had and was youii ami Jim lie Dont you alarm but lilt a strange desire to see this gill such lets as them I mentioned Mr I V l11 the upturned face Well body will risk ml the lovely law hair say live All Squire my but the ily I Ye qrllig id I ad full ill its fash to stand at the mules head to order The long lashes Ob dim then dirkly the pile imhrlids Im in Waal ii hut you the ehielhl lips lud lie lost their t a in All Mi mill crimson The soft ijimlli Squiie sally imik olive tint on your dunki ml Mil Mil Id The aljul 1 hi- mule but impel belly eel oniubl he The mule aued his v In ly 1 into tht air 11 1 at like a r this bid Wemao She mut dhtl 11 halls a middy ditch lovely when the tiongrew mo is Tim not have You li been I V Hint up Mo id lh your Let J say anything about 1 i in Idiuself Sold by