11A Friday Morning JACKSON I THE NEWMARKLT Book and Job Establishment PLAIN AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GIVE THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY aw NEWMARKET ONT FRIDAY NOVEMBER 1869 TERMS IN ADVANCE ORDERS him the Bin tiling here about four It in I looked as if the on il labor changed his looks but it could not change hit ways know bo wo born ami broil ft gentle- man at any rate Bat Im detaining you here sir this way please and he ted the way into the cottage The little building was divided into two room They were and low and the furniture coarsest kind but every scrupubiily neat The tapped at the dour room the own it the missionary stood beside the E2a rye tho United Stoles of 1 1 Sam Nov A few minute pant 9 oclock thin morning the eastern bound train on the Wosl- composed of eight car lulling one sleeping car col lided with the Alemoda Kerry train of four care- near San Both traiim were going at the rate of twen ty miles an hour The engines ftro a perfect wreck and the car smashed and driven through one another Seventeen dead covered from the mated there are have been ra re It in est least twenty wounded scene is described at heartrending in tho extreme There was great difficulty in getting the out of the ruin and many lit long and inter esting At intervals as hi strength could not bo extricated The permitted the dying man related a one man were amputated before portion of his history It was ft tale released from the of sin and sorrow but il was a tale of Bitterly did the sinner his guilt and earnestly J id he to By cling io the offal for par- by the London Quarterly don His name be said was not that uMibasi in it tomtit known ho would I 1t sereral letters addressed to Mrs for be had PPJ l was of ihe latter fmm her l dM and- These letters make it clear boy tin in New York city within the Hell The wife of a storekeeper Byron terms with the that Mrs Leigh acted toward poets hall ster that Mrs leigh acted towards ai hands Ho has been drag- children has eloped with a solicitor There is trouble in the Mormon and several prominent have boon publicly The numerous wolves in Lu ther are deer into Egre- and a largo number were shot there last week oar When bottom of the Great Eastern was cleaned fifty thousand gallons of muscle nnd other tions were removed torn It tor A cash box containing I money belonging Bin tford was i Two Americans bare been an in Montreal by a detective who had of I oney stolen from the Cent ml Express Father Habon has fallen have been owing as Mrs Stowo addicted f l0 Jivory Lady been drawn into donation addicted lK discovery by Grand Trunk ami himself to gaming and when ho Byron of a droadfil intrigue on Railways an and in fh and her talented brother steel rails in KUM world tho tempter not wanting wit to make They are said to possess splendid urge his passions till ho answer she can to the roiUting qualities from victim he ac which must folio her fori wore and plie forged bill to a lge J six marriage license granted in in tuber Attached each e blank io bo filled id led failed and he sank faint- The missionary lief of si of the dead or It ho license tint bitterly for tbo as dead y Hamilton bung ovo her lifeless friend The good clergy felt that the time for speaking words of comfort was not come and sat in pitying silence inwardly im ploring pardon for the guilty and support for the afflicted The officers Eustace gazed long and fixedly at his lifeless bride kissed her pale lips and her calm cold brow detached something from her bosom which ho placed in his own and silently rendered himself to the officers who in equal silence led at they wore tonill hand In- in broken other Melding for tho nued feet It whether I loved and was loved The empire could have produced a I teamed to the I bad ted I had been successful at cards road at with I meant of all as I to engage proves that rid with tight man oat on tie totally lMko Young by all paasoiigor women stuck up their nose- at him and bo bad ft good tune bunion while it is that there no men- nrj man named Death lost my vile vaccination are modern ard for Although various ailni a dreadful accident are h time lost anything by tbe vbl y business jDtl of MT list mil von last week l of by Dr J d icjkl w tobacco lamp office ol lu arraat I Si made Vtar and a frame At length it subsided and he druggitts and at Broadway Y and fenced death My sentence was sUing in governor a young lady or exile It here 1 learned on J proclamation by means of a false threatening to depend for pardonit was l muuiaun- m0Iiy or the fountain that from outrages in Jones brother shoot scoundrel iwi rr h Orange and Chatham coftso 111 I ft proclamation recites that Government which behtThtt Md committed forwarding bugle for tbe use of parti ano toklou in wp and clothing is also said to be on Us way he the public high- wIlT be served t 10 men another officer of Taw toT A from London- ntghL He more except m inr London that Private dwellings have all the servant girl- in that time- entered and the inhabitants tor- honored city look to Canada for their whipped or murdered Color- future home number left been banged and white the north of Ireland lately for tbo pfaco his hands Bury breast and dead His humble iged and remembering bis last request the missionary drew from observe bis he opened bis eyes faintly I F l lata citizens maltreated university Domini of state has boon repeatedly in- The list has boon by band of armed men and managed 1 were only there it the devil to pay generally eleven legal votes in It and yet It look as if tbe governor ought to wore recorded in of have called out tho militia long ago There will not be much instead of tardily threatening to do so however over affair a the after all outrages was porpetraod in favor of a A private letter from Fort is Finance Minister Ot- Garry published in a Chicago paper says Upon hearing that the Co- J Government had appointed a Governor lor the now colony of nepeg the halfbreeds organized blood On satin li case were msrked those to Frederick Concluded Lord El that sot gin tomb is at tbo tloroont and hearing of bis approach GovernorGeneral has just dispatched a foi band of buffalohunters to to its ropsur down to Pembina to prevent a monument is being lloncy from the to Lord They were prepared to Calcutta which consists cross ipol his on a slab of serpentine- at Colonial S fnjm on a lab of granite Ihoatilily of Indian to Con llguroa Canada China fcdamwn and plan territorial d Indta aurmoontl a W m 1 dominion of Chlppawaa at in marble of Elgin tbabv lent the c ad P to f l to I Tin Ml hiur Th Wnoa pot in circulation in bry irticla Some year after a gentleman who want out to a taking arning walk of all hot a woi oat and at the door said another woman who tood ffi hi I VmJSmii I ioVSfe that he will troobla body an and He going bat takan Th t2 B replied poor Canada and reviving the reciprocity cheerful for the workng mpUon I take treaty with that Dominion the ardingtlu- Ins ideas springs of duty and touched tho civilization It made measures of his philanthropy Throughout his whole life bis conduct displayed a purity of character thai A relations reciprocity TheCa- notified our that unless trade between so as be sensible inquired the to be somewhat reciprocal ihey fear miesionary be unable to withstand the Oh yea bo only weak and pressure from all parts of the ftt from his Do you think a visit from mo I be system of fishery license and 15 About would be to him compelling Amcncsvn fishermen to on Sunday morning a fin ho asked What sort remain outside three limit broke out in Peter Fords paper mill person is ho of shores of Canada to establish from this place He would be glad to you air duty on foreign coal so as to giro completely destroyed No In item Canada to The fine louring mill having it 3000 bushels of wheat from I onnayl- 1 jo Osborne of this place Ohio and to place an ox- port duty on pine timber and Ameri- too a largo marks for which now found Canada n their free by the preaent North Renfrew for the local Canadian tariff and return for the takes place on inst last year of bread- on 1st December- arsons who of what they apeak if to speak in any wise Vary A If you uffcj- with the most racking tor- not fail to elevate and refine tuous pain in the head face ears fooling bis generosity jaw neck shoulders arms chest lungs stomach side back bowels hip- thighs knees an- ly always having to say bat always ready to do a good anybody What Is hie name inquired missionary supplied ing tbe paper mill Partially insured hurt the feeblest child tho weak est woman or the oldest man Ap plied free and freely by the proprie tor at No King street Toron to and 208 Broadway York Sold by druggist and country mar-