Every Friday Morning ft nl AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER SITE WE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE OTHER LIBERTY VOL NO NEWMARKET FRIDAY NOVEMBER 12 TERMS IN ADVANCE THE ERA sad Job Establishment PLAIN TYPE ORDERS BEArripn OKAY BUR Is inlicatJoa of it ill- A AID Id MRS A ALLEN irnrit Trito iuik gcorge ioimr MOUNT JAMES Vtrt Hi- III B A Colour lhat Wont Wash Out niti una idward Dental Notice UBSDEN DENTAL NOTICE I li It A II A The Anatomical Shirt I IS DR J M I Surgeon Dentist Cutlers for Sale J BIECH SURGEON NEWMARKET STREET HOTEL AUUOHA a HENRY GRAHAM I Carpets Minings Mats- i OIL CLOTHS t tin AXES I AXESM CHOPPING AXES I The Heavenly Messenger Those remarks her actual tremble with fear and more she concluded fau bail forgotten promise and repaired to bis What calls your husband air from homo thin hour of the the stranger enquired and what tender expression of the countenance and the in which ho ministered to a wants Mm myself prepared some supper fort lie after kind hearted stranger and i folded in and bo following passage marked not to incident gave riaa to many to being a of the thai in time Was it we wonder deject ill and but littto better lie hud received a terrible from bin was profit axtoniidiod at of that lie could meet the met breakfast ho took true ftogcl and no doubt by the and gave him willing and passive in hearty shake kindly for hands who way health reret thai hit liui out to forget humanity and attention to the latter of anecdote that fail not in entertaining lej father came over next r enquire if Mr and was greatly tmrprined tuluol In- and inn i I never learned hi leg e Mr short tin ly gran let Two hear l New Mr fell Into a slumber that know BO wakening but through him from the cold silent growing late and ray rcmuindcror the Mrs Munroo wan lonely gravo near her it that Woo necessitate where now he her bed some time men not by Hi Mr opened hi- value and took from it of God and after a few of toil some bonks amongst them was three j bibles one of which ho pNMQtod his son was another to bfa sifter and who I one to me tho same one you now instrument in the see lMiig there in the and J in be promised ere he took father has been ho wmild present on Munroe Hi- remarks to us occasion were and cloving ho parti tiKfafiac Mrs he I this if yet alive i- rat never fcrrol his vow and ever lived i ulnrly and read and study them reunion in eternity J looked to by Mrs I allowed lo remain with Monro for some and so ample opportunity to listen to strangers conversation During succeeding evening until ho talked long and fervently Iowa a few days ago Judge the court and halted a lawyer in the middle of marry a who bins and couldnt irt adjourned At Ind a few days ploughing Dp i thou of intemperance and I fearful it hud alrly IO ujwn him in illnew of his Q In making his long and earner- pu Mai to By the Cable in eye of the listener Christmas live ho had i reformed Malcon that ho decided luko of total I ZtZ Mersarntsleat of main away I s clock ftiiti tho of the bo HO apology his re away as he stated he was going to our neighbors Mr Then you ho is there bat has taken some other way agitated she replied that lo averred ho had been rsuadod to go down to John where his weakness would cause until intoxicated and he attempt- would be froaen ere he reached home This is indeed sad replied the stranger something must be mediately done to rescue him from fate be remarked that it might prove twelve oclock that night Mrs birth to a child a fine of mi little boy Her previous Indisposition her physical organization that the present cum- completely her remained in a stato of lousuesa for fbnr days and a half recovering upon the fifth day called her boband to her bedside a lit 1 with him She had been previously informed by the stranger that her husband had tot only taken a pledge of total but had also Ins esc ion f Christianity When lo her call was overflow 1H A I HOTEL int stsesiMi TO at it put IMi iiM mJ MONEY TO LEND SIP Or4m fcw fcmj Uair tUtit BIBLE DEPOSITORY ONE THOUSAND TO LEND Approved Farm Properly m Davison House TO lie nuiilj lt SB itfe of Asa las INSERTED TstlS so ptnrti litr litaUi- paid to f disss Tsstk set rims tbfr Jill letuei Hi Wlntioi April led Dentistry ADAMS W King Street East Toronto PAETICPLAR susstios to nf Tsms sll rr i In Us bsst Fillisa sain jiff satin Young Christian Association ROOMS OPE RCL on for fcnilia UrassM Rosa sad sssM- JsJj CUALAUPKA Professor of Music sad to PianoForte Organ a will lion T No no ho said I shall start without delay Further resistance useless and furnishing him with a lantern he de parted on his mission of mercy bat tling manfully with the wind As he plodded onward ring the house cov ered with snow looking noble and selfpossessed A generous look ir- fold blessings to us in so many He has soot ibis stranger to firmly Uf bo the consume We him that bad lot been there that night and the direction to be again set out My father did not know bow to interpret the actions of stranger and asked oMrsMu she waa soon beside Mrs Monroe endea voring to console in my own childish way waa suffering un der a severe nervous shock and haggard and vacant stare paused me many bitter I had boon about an boar when a noise al the door arrested oar attention The door swung open and tho stranger bearing on his back entered the room Ho bad found lying in a large drift of snow a few yards distant from Ball ins where he bad fall a few min utes previous to the strangers arrival and but for bis timely aid would have perished with cold The stranger immediately applied restoratives to revive him and extract the frost from bis congealed hands and face Mrs upon first seeing bar husband imagined him dead and fainted With the assistance of Mal- sister I bora bar to her where aba proporly cared for waa shockingly intoxicated and as toon as ho sufficiently re- As a but frequently and fervently bad ho exhorted his wife and her previous confession of was now enhanced into perfect but bifb ti belief in rod and she now enjoyed of How thankful you and I bo to Almighty God fcr saving you from a dishonor- able and early grave and preserve wifo and lab- I depart bat never forget to gentleman with the greatest gratitude and respect mind the pledge that have taken before as and before and nevermore touch resign you your a over I hale iufa pray tin him and fail i honorabte and hen tho rears ill dawn t wssa if his mother how she died trusting in God that she woulJ ini your late comradea of their rani course to ruin snatch from terrible death thai awaits them and leach ibem tho way godliness and honor I can now happy I you recoucilad to to your God and bis truth and after a little time wo shall meet again where grief or pain we shall never know nor over shed a tear Tho same night spite the earnest Bets he el has ilvcr has been movement t ranger of all took his leave hoping they all wonld ere long meet other in Heaven Before leaving he presented a the m his arrival and no one knew from whence ha came or whither be went All that is known of him is that he to that once disquiet borne and during bis stay rendered it a perfect tea bo small fruitcan was thrown surface can was kick d a couple of days whoa A f men came along who bad it and it seas in iloM I woman confined jn jail in la the other day gfivo twins a son and block aa lb and the son is as white any of tho descendants f the landed at Plymouth long ago Or JohnCoxofGoorgetown ued as a remedy for and about a fortnight ago his jaws hard rigid and are firmly sot together that liquids not bo introduced into his slightest the body throws him in spasm SKAS IM EXT Of THE following is Iron Army of the of the Royal Rifles and the Capo Mounted both of which corps will disappear from Army List at lb commencement the financial year Mr A case of trespass waa so tedi ous at th London Assiza that an adjournment took place When jury was recalled James John Ryan and Geo Norton three of the members of ft were found to be absent Chief Jus tice became angry censured the High for letting jury of building and lined tba threo absentees each Finally through the intercession of the Bar his rcmittod the fine ZajtO Ills iuiLortittA profits of the Hi are said to amount to Varioai prices according to style quality were paid for palm leaves which bad touched lie case that contained of St and his followers These leave ware eagerly bought up ami after the jirocwsion was over they were taken to the abodes of the pur- chaser as momentous or perhaps charms Our Inforxaaot says are to go Pope Sea The old mefV depth of the sea has always been considered trust worthy and all sounding over a mile in depth have been regarded doubtful A self registering instrument called a bathometer which promo to be great value has recently been invent il by Mr Sidney M rsc of New York Is from objection of the old method It also mora rapid while they r uired make a sound ing within thirty Till The oldest on record in is said to bo a cypress tree atSomma in There is to be- that this tree was in existence tho time of Julius forty two yeas before Christ and therefore one thousand nine hundred and years old It is one hundred and six feet high and measures twenty feat in foot from tba ground mads great road over the bo de flected tba it in order to avoid injuring iLia tree