Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 22 Oct 1869, p. 2

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TU NEWMARKET ERA OCTOBER a l cdnwu ill Ml lot of plain ami raised fool Work Some of the do and the together of these Mr I cm on lira HI Reynolds up sOttM delicately work and Sir Doniw Sofa too Miss Sharp exhibits so Useful article Passing en g Co of excellent by Mr Am int Read Work Table Mali and through these Miss Catharine of exhibitors bow m propria- hand when going ird Id not learn tho S Id prist J tout Ijr FRIDAY OCTOBER Our Toronto Despatch of medio and Aliratn Doai n Cudiion of very California wo un derstand From thought It constructed chitfly of bark California Cedar lm Joseph shows a Fancy Run- Let and moro a little further tied Cushion Tatting by Mr llnr- Wool Work M I IVnl and Or- Philip tine instrument Their mil Cottage not only linetoned t tut ornamental a piece Adjoining these -I- i- iivcd and age rgan IfttOIW and Joseph nilyiVr James Ho Next pretty wreath of Fori shown John Roger of thin were Wool Mat and piece of by A on Miss Buggexhihil a Farmers Wreath in front of these Cotton Stocking by Mr Armstrong is another lino specimen of Rustic Work show by Mr Philips The i a Cone Frame by Jackson and following on is a good specimen of Work by Stephen Rogers In front of this Mr II Summers shows some nice On little further and we Fire Screen by Mr Next are several Drawings by Harry and on a little further Mr W Jones exhibited a specimens of Photographs all well executed We next to the lineal show in the transept a cane of lire Canadian Bird by Mr i of Holland Landing Tin display added much to inter- al of tin- show and was exceedingly to Mr Over a lurpMM irli 1 Jnl lolo IMr it MmMmUj Anthony llurfh if I I IlalllnBk- I Irwin ant fcobrt HI MJotm Iml not Ikm In mi ant Jam- rii Sod la 3rd Iindy 1 HI Jm P If lijtr 3rd Jhdm item ItonsEMAXMIIP n J Whitchurch Jutut lUf- tlUI IlLicrUt 2nd rk lut to lie nam Mr- It the id filled io with Car Cloths Flannels Ac permit u to make North York Fall Show Mr li llof ri r eU of Fall Wht North of the Almost park ill si I lb Fruit- Pick Mr Ddfftd n I ttrJBosrSSaauaet il part iv I iihiioii llii- Iipirt n ware rk represent to us by the alavbM ijodgaa us being this department Mr Bond exhibited several sewing llnea and kept running right lin ntartly On the opposite Mr Mill and Mr G of I a creditable On a Thome Crow Mr and A a capital display in leather Clone the door stood Mr Horse Fork and another td by the building in door stood Mr Iimmji Apple a rate thing it is to several of Boon and drcdii Of people watched with boar happy We another p laaa- v Baa I CO nod a new ritn the aJ Mr- 2nd ing entries A J UI Joseph a superior iiiece M1 jj Bag rtjoiaj aria a a Mr marked Indeed that it i- evident die it 1 i- Da Hunter in the of Sows hat but an rvma a and o the in front Proctor ha- a pun t Wove much larger an 1 by the side of it John than usual Grata and Sharp Mr also lot bo well reiwc- Carpet Abow Mr ram ox- aseaUaat Mr how a pply with ILigCaqiet area i ib Bad we never bad a of North enlnng from the Fast The f l And In farmers style Soil bread too there was con- f wrought doubt brought out by liits maJo So the al prize of a Stoic Hi year ware in dairy produce this the by Messrs jr and Dr Hunter brought it Op to on incroaso of what can bo byloatonag spe cial inierosU The forth by the merchant alluded to for two year- pjut ha done more than the laaaipBafcaJ in ran before Not ouly greatf taken in by thin pan of exhibit Ion bat Man- a band ha i prove meat hat taken in gelling up ibis display It and prnj what farm n mAt In market Vho lone at fahj bonaa pnaalnp the further we hero that White the laUo in the middle of Iran- further and Mr It Butterliold also which need l stool the True articles awarded to tha farmeni his plows throe t- 1 that observer would fancy they wore wrought of more fiilrc Over thftO Mr exhibit ono of the beat of Bead Work at the show a flying Anirol On a little further Mr all ttxhiotU several apocimciutof Oil perhaps the subject chosen were not roost to show lihl at an or- Me yut lie of Hit top buggy shown by and although A bettar of Implements hare seldom at any show in County and although we bail time iVtuale a pcroOlial all lil a run through by llio Hail and wo paMtod Ice bleaa bj Mr Slono aud baited not for was got up in a firstrate stylo lie also exhibited an A No nicely Irininod and well mado Mr carried off a of Next wo come to a exhibited by Mr Henry Thompson well trimmed and wo should say very good article Next wo come a shown by Mr J Brinuon but bail not to oxamino By the of this another Buggy by Sir and to whirl a prize ticket a tachel In front of these Mr David shows an improved Home Hay Fork On a further and cliff A exhibit a On a little further and Mr J Wilkin a Democrat and Dmhlu Wagon come a Horse shown by Of Stood Wo next three Fanning Mill shown by A A and a article they are In front of these Henry Allan A and Myron been alluded hasty way to form an idea of part of the show following the STsiiJjrjiUflil itIi ikU M I v lolt US J IMUv irU 2nd I jkI Hi is- Ivm iTln J tin Sad Ie ivtttii wJ 3rd John Two A Sl- i 1st John Collcy 1st prize A Co M tearing John 3 1st pnxo Colby a oat J A fivo home Best Rum 1st and 2nd prizes 1 prizes rl J Ut 3ndato dnodnIiJtn Ymrllnc Ml TbumuHMi 1 Ins I liar 3 Uriah ri J Mwr lly rd JTii lUm folly tuni Joan Cully 3rd Ami John 111 iki Juim rfti If1li MliU s Mr I mm Ssti Ms Mr lb 1 Ml- iri JT rfhlri Mr J AckwM lM KTillll Ml- Im -u-i- oVVVir Mr nd ri John Ibm Mrfad A T wl lt iil 2nd John 1 John 2nd Jobn lir Woollen Hock Harper 2nd J Phillip John Tno Ewe I 1st nd 2nd prize John rizo Colloj Boat Ham prizo her Lemon 2nd P Ham 1 prizo Both 2nd Selh it J Perjoi len 1st prize Mrs Mrs Johnston Pair Two Yearling K Two K Best two Fat Sheep 1st prize Goo Roe 2nd Lemon 3rd P wards Beet Sow largo breed 1st prize 1st Woollen Terry 2nd Mrs J ting 1st jirize Jas lions 2nd Ornamental Wo pnzo W Walton Discretionary prizes aaanlafi to following persons Miss ft M Walton Spring Mr Harper 2nd Denis Sow largo breed 1st and 2nd prizes John Perry Boor Pig 1st prizo Jas Wells Sow Pig small prize Job Wells E n Smt liiiC 1 pair Turkev 1st gK 2nd Donla TJttSEaflSffiItt Cowling 2nd wnwwfi3 Jonathan Terrv Pair of Ihicks 1st priioJfi 2nd Ml t Ietr Iban 2nd J o7VV At close of the second day the Directors frionds of the Boefai together at Royal lei On the removal of cloth usual loyal toasts were proposed short sjiecches made upon show agriculture in general wo have not room for a report irhirt 111 July lehuTuH and Pair of fowls 1st pnie Geo Dean liilfil Messrs Lloyd Tyson and King Township Show The fall exhibition of King Town- hip Agricultural Society was held at on Friday lost weather being stormy and disagree able very much militated against show but notwithstanding this the attendance was large and the quite a decided success Thp manufacture ladies work roots vegetables Ac were shown in a shed attached to the Temperanco Hall not a very good place to allow name to appear to advantage but for all that it done pretty well There wore entries altogether in the various classes Tho stock show was very good hot the implements were limited enough Wo observe Judges highly recommended the Reapers of Mr J Floury and Messrs Patterson A Below will ho I Myron ait PRIZE LIST narftG i M Philip Double Wagon by Robert Murray a substantial and by tho side of it has very good indeed In front of these neat ly polished and finished in firstclass style Messrs ft Hendry exhibit several Plows of their manufactu and which to attract of farmers very much Farther alone shows a Next Wilkinson Aows three splendid Plows and side or him Messrs Jacob OyerW 1st IlMrlnff 1st ls Molt Ut prize Messrs W Graham Aa ron John Boddv Bradford and J of Vaughan Best span Draught Horses 1st prize Geo Bell John Colloy 3rd lie i Dean Kntire Colt years old prize Thos Lloyd 2nd J One year old Colt 1st prize James MeFadgen One yeai Colt or Filly 1st prize Jame- Bell Brood Mara with foal by side or evidence of having bad a foal this season 1st prize Samuel Smith 2nd Donald Graham Colt or Filly 1st prize Samuel Si 2nd and Boyn North York Plowing Match A grand Plowing Ifatoh held on the farms known as to tho Estate of lata lv and church on Tuesday next Toe list is tbo moat and hw premiums largest oflerai the Riding The County not a Plowing Match ycars past simply the tors wore- not in a position to tho prizes sufficiently liberal toiadaa largo competition but the I Thos Davis Two bushels of Red Wheat 1st Joseph Roiling- Two bushels Spring Wheat 1st prize 2nd Joseph Two bushels rowed Barley 1st Joseph lanc Stokes 2nd J Robinson Two bushel White Oats 1st prize Isaac Stokes 2nd Joseph Two bushels Black Oats 1st prize J Stokes 2nd J oil Indian Corn 1st T Ross The same as for grain Best half bushel Clover Seed 1st prize Hugh Norman 2nd James Half bushel Timothy Seed 1st Isaac Stokes 2nd J Terry Swedish Turnip Seed four jsiunds 1st prize Isaac Stokes Flax Seed half bushel 1st prize Isaac Stokes 2nd Geo Roc have takon hold of been done creditably the one for Tuesday would be no Such a pan Monday- lost the Board to allow niiTiiNraii their residing with them at boon ft- jslo free All others will fl charged two dollars In order ft9 there may be no iiiisunderstaotaM tnku the opportunity to that hired men wboaronot meadaaM ill not be allowed to compete nana it an entrance fee Then- much rhaiid work about inls being employed Ac that ft as decided not to leave any riling and giro Tho same as for Seeds Best bushel Potatoes 1st prize Isaac Stokes 2nd Jas Va riety Potatoes not leas than of each kind 1st prize John Ross 2nd Ir win Six Turnips 1st prize J Parry 2nd T Six any other sort Turnips 1st prizo Alex Thompson 2nd J Ross Six Man gold Wurtzels 1st prize Root Irwin 2nd J Ross Six White Carrots 1st prize J Phillips J Perry Red 1st prize J Ross 2nd Ross Two Pumpkins 1st prize J 2nd Two Squashes 1st prizo 2nd P Pock of Onions 1st prizo J Ross Wm Brook Two Heads Cabbage 1st prize Brook 2nd W B Haz ard Six Beets 1st prize J Ross 2nd Wm Brooks Six Tomatoes prize Wm Edwards 2nd J Rosa Hops four pounds 1st Brooks 2nd Street Throe Citrons 1st Isaao Curte 2nd T Metcalf Winter Apples pock 1st John Perry- Jonathan John Same a for Draught Genera Hanoi to be shown with Hughe- 2nd John Linn three 2k1 Wrigi tern Grapeslst prize Two year old Entire Ed Watson Pears one peek Coll 1st prize Joseph Wood 2nd rc Joel Lloyd 2nd Hark Two yer old or 1st prize Brown 2nd ii William Walker Entire Colt old 1st prize Jan Brandon I Colt or Filly one year old 1st rriasndapriTassBMliienry 2nd Hugh Brood Mare with foal by her side l ootid MsnurrlorlUK SAd tod I i i Mel Jrit to j 3rd Patent satasaVft Walter to the stores or by Bark A Harrison and Mr I t i than Bui this nor I of a A pride tax cry litdo and all partiii has boon lh and foretighl of ti jn benefitted of the wii of who first diroetion by offering special The should men and we make no doubt will do so In Implements too is a in and the tries year upwards of thirty We act glad of as it indicates an iurreasc interest on Cor Me and the prizes are small but the should bo regarded an the The opportunity for to labor saving imple- Jot more for loss it Butter and ihow The go different samples Next Plows Straw Cuttors Grain Crushers Gang Plows Ac by Mr J Floury Also a Reaper highly re- by Judges Indeed the prizo list shows how Mr Floury was in itrd Clock Cruet Stand best of their via- above prints cost doners a Unit altogether although only at on the list of prizes to the table at North side the transept and we come to a lot of Bead Work Embroidery by Miss well Above were Feather Flowers by A lit tle further along and wo to a interest by farmers vase and Cry by Mrs Horse Separator alnoanoil taey good Next is sorrio spvei- called Little mens of Cone Work by Mrs J Machines high nous by the Judge They were of Velvet Painting by by Mr of Brad- Ileiiry Ven Jtns Boss mo 1st Usury lad Ttonrns tod Messrs Patterson exhibit a Reaper and Mower Reaper I Also a Fanning Mill and Straw Cut- wob s Grain Crusher by Mr J S2TnM Floury was examined with srssibj Mrs Charles Luujy and Miss ford who also exhibited Here ton Miss Kiln Pearson Mrs Straw Cotter Hero toi Harp r Win yd and Mrs Den- showed ftn excellent iilihju axd liana or II ceby M I I Mark tun Ipo excellent Mr Abel Crusher J dawaassr J 1 rli I- I 1st Mow Fall Apples prize ana Perry Variety Apples not Is six of each kind 1st John Linn Thr Phillips 2nd Six pounds Roll Butter 1st prize T m Editorial Heavy In tho case of Mil Deferred The surf I- next regular is Vita ruisnkessiUbsWUeaUsws iMTnat Rev W of Css souS Jul t is isti is evidence of having had a foal this I win 2nd Phillips Cheese season 1st prize Edwards 2nd less than pounds 1st Colt or John Davidson 2nd T 1st prLjaru I Cheese not leas than fifty 2nd Geo Logan P loaf 1st tarn lit prize The same for General Vat Bakers Bread pose Horses Walton Span Carriage Horses 1st prize A J Jacob Walton uese 1st Richard Well Sad die 1st Michael Brown 2nd Richard Weils lloby and Henry Aurora The above Judges highly SUt Mdti posuksd loril It mended the Readers shown by Pot- C Thai terson Bros of Richmond Hill and J IVp of Aurora and also lfc rusi of Fin Messrs If Dean Tecui John BrowL King and Mr Mill shown by J Bradford Best Fat Cow or 1st j a 2nd John bam Grain Best Milch Cow 1st prize John icock Heifer 1st prize ajinas iMruHriurnsraa Mr jj Machell 3rd Plow of any kind 1st and 2nd prizes Bull 1st prizo Wm Thompspn I Allon A Hendry Seed Harrows iron it fcfowilsr aid Heifer Calf 1st and 2nd prizes 1st prim 2nd Allen prise I Best Milch Cow prize 2nd J 3rd T Heifer two years old 1st prize Wm Tliorapaon tor triHs I Yearling Heifer 1st prize John Cob lay 2nd Boll aged 1st rrurinrprT j T m pruts sirs rur- Bull 1st prize John Ferry prut abrsm Heifer Calf 1st Lemon Mrs prises JUfrad SIIKP LKICUTEa John Robinson Best aged Ram 1st prizo Lem on 2nd J A Pearson 3rd John Colly Bam shear 1st Goo Roc 2nd John Col I Cancer Removed One men tad It sow it Hendry Pump 1st fni not known 2nd Hi horn Roller 1st prize Shod Horse 1st prize Graham Hay Fork to bo tested on tho ground 1st prize John Boas jr Straw Cot- tr lit J Floury Palter- Bros Fanning Mill 1st and 2nd prizes Patterson I Same for Implements and Manufacture Best set Double prizo 2nd A Sot 1st prize L 2nd A Pair Calf skin Boot 1st prize 2nd Pair Strong Boots 1st and 2nd prizes a Arnlt Sido Lamb 1st and 2nd prize J A Leather 1st and 2nd prizes Have You Seen It Wei The Now Cometory last trk mi Wry V lltttrJJ tot I K Jr is a ass born bC iJjttl

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