TliK Every Friday Morning AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER The newicahket era Book and Jot Establishment IS COMFLBTKLY TUB STYLE I PLAIN FANCY TYPE ORDERS TUB TO KNoW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY i- in tan n Mdhi Card irn tin- and VOL NO NEWMARKET ONT FRIDAY OCTOBER 15 1889 TERMS IN ADVANCE TO I to Meanwhile the little half slarvcdwas trudging Poor thing warm arted through the street of thai gnat eh Sand bar up Ann I wistfully passers It with hear what has to ay out te beg They all absorbed in their aiftboy bad no of listen to her pitiful story twice timidly j I rudely an I in to you down on stop of a tenement was house and began to cry givo a little awing to do Whats the mailer puss que- bo very much obliged Im si tinned a saury looking woman dress- vu respectable people once wife right sbo is too y stationhotisecelf will giro her ono more life Ami that ono more chance ex tende I by the kindly jeweler and hie tenderhearted wife was the of poor little the outcast a- wanderer I Ten year- by day when l CossiTJat torn off on tho her room the impending wrath of ihejUth and October PremiomA up a fringed wonted cap- family and once more wo amounting to will be awarded purue Ahodidso open tho volume other life Walt Mount Etna is in a state of Mlble with a alight It was at elegantly The streams chink iron the long fringes ma A stand of an curing from tho crater the What a that sheened stooping and m the richly cur that A NY 11 There is one thing andtlHtre like a m York paper says excellent ho 1 of molted raUM in the polished grated lated the ring if and On a rug in front of the cheer Port Hope Canadian re sound and teal it ful tin- lav a I bah v of two aftor all What am to do now I itself with the Mb of a Mirer moan young from Mil coral and herself now a brook the other from Port nope why I vcly matron in a crimson morn J Good Templars of hare M in wrapper with her black notified tho that they one In ware bock intend to make thorn lick more can ftwn her brow closely to law with regard r inn low chair The to day ha rich your her life the Liko enough to look enough- Wo ho hail pood farm but whoso Why its Mrs Powers ritng to her feet that the book aba had sobbed Calblccn tell on the floor i XhaSa my name maam lb aid Iftdy I in evident ere liavo you mo A farmer named Cox and his wife living near Kingsvillo were found murdered to their house on Thursday Their wore shock ingly mutilated with an axe Dr J Brvrxt file flu of lwcrpt by A Govxbjiouqip The Ottawa correspond out of the Queboo Chronicle tologrnphs to that paper as follows The opinion is gaining ground that Sir John A will bo appointed by the icnt to some important Colonial rnorship This may bo the key appointment of Sir m Ds bhu lark su prior B hi bill s InsI f fiirslt Ims tomtssl riprra hi bit fur ssa Us Is fcet so mm Is ilb is ruspt smsS rAbis is bit SMSstn a ului bj ir- Misiyki bHM ill put Is me J pssoJ No Kisg Artrt ektrs iml all lad la lfl Hi ssU by I uj aoaatr seizing both bands and crying in one breath dont you remember little who ran away from you years ago it on TOO ant DOC yon- 1 am to I remember cried bewilder- juicls Mrs Powers it was about a gar- now theres a net ring ami I foond ring in my ML A fond wife tbrew a bottle of a that tin worsted shawl fringe afterward at her head aft lady did herself mo and you little Cathloon I which ho said wo must part the but ilr Powers had r I w world I You arc a dye is cast many a lecture on nil sin rich lady and we are paupers well What is the matter with Mr question tbi well I sposeyod wont giro me a bit Johnsons eyes Why he baa In- black hair away from her eyes and of work to do now bis sight by looking through a fast as foot woild allow But I will give yon work thickbollomod tumbler delighted at of lh Cathie ml heres aouiu money if ta promised reward yon woo Bo rende1 Mrs Powers t you call this the Tho clerk in Die jewelry store eyed until can cam enough to bo P the bill doubtfully and glanced comfortable doubtfully at ragged smiling And Mrs half pi half embarrassment as she pi a it sir said Cathie tho leait idea of what it standing on tiptoe to peep j trinket and necklaces d the rustling bank bill on old lie woman into tears She old and callous and hardened in every seUisb impulse but she bad human instincts and the warm kind- old ness and generosity the girl whom the had so abased and ill treated in her to the very heart bad MONEY TO LOAN ftWlT St lw of lh money to perioral is all pans at Miaias aau Tiabrr a Trmtorj ia rorKao it- ruin of Craws n Tork Mr Wars V BIBLE ran had at Mr RAZORS Ac and Set A WALLACE A Davison House TII2 rrjrtflly inlbrsM tbs sr u as A f Ad If l n bu Hal ilb Ibair a raoriro akan of earjftdesss U Tmh aiut sasd Tim if as si aw if All IrUara sral Brad- Dentistry ADAMS King Street Eaat Toronto to of Tootk all work A ttMUl is all its mm safpij Tsstk s4 bast m XXX OYSTEIIST NEWMARKET BAKERY PEACHES PLUMS I OF to Lend a nwUJnl IBM Young M Christian Association READING ROOMS OPEN EVERY EVENING RE ill LA It os far ss k lirs P Aft is little hands I was back In the Asylum again I wish theyd me away from it If 1 ly ran away eager impulse for escape Catbleen crept to an open window second story but a gnarled old cherry tree grow close to the and afforded an easy moans of to who like was and nimble as a young an instant she swung swiftly out among the groan and rustling boughs slid down the trunk like a cat and darted away with terror wing ed feet her heart trembling and her eyes widely dilated Not until she was in the high road some miles or so from tho brown form bouse on the bill did turo to breathe free again The bonds of her captivity were broken and Cathteoo remembering the blows and erne words the scanty meals and insufficient clothing she had received at Mrs Powers bands for more than a year folt her heart leap within her lighter than a feather world lay before her now and with a childs innocent con doubted not bar ability to win way 1 I can beg when once I get to the city tbongbt or I can ask from door to door if they do not want a handy little girl to tend children and run errands Oh Im sun God wont let mo There ejaculated Mrs Powers as she Hang open the room door nod into bad stolon it else would Lever beckoned to a polite officer as ho and Cathloon ran on before but lady with laco and rings was gone soalsowasbercompanion with the block moustache Catbleen gazed her in blank astonishment I thought it was a mode up story clerk dryly but all shes youug to bo a hardened little list took back to and slid the case before principal Mr was sitting in bis little private office and Yes bad revenge I young woman of seven or eight and and sufficient gave her work and food and clothing and wont away at last profuse in tearful thanks White Cathloon sinking book once more into her chair with flushed cheeks and sparkling to herself Whon I was a wild passionate lit tle girl I used to pray that some day I might day bo revenged on that woman My prayers bavo boon granted but oh bow differently Data what I then hoped and thought she nerersawsoswootafaoe f i instinctively the kept to her ATI I and took bold silk folds of her kVUlliU By the Atlantic Cable iling said clerk shall I send her to gaol What Ibis child Certainly not Mrs Towey why shes a raoro baby Whats your name liltlo on maam I Catbleen what Nothing m replied Pat should say it was leg of a calf fttar Tho latest exploit ol a Now York pictorial is a cut representing a railroad conductor sticking his head in a car and shooting fifteen minutes for divorcos ar Sammy run to the store and got some sugar me ma Im somewhat indisposed this Send father and tell him to bring a paper of tobacco along an Wit An Irish counsel being questioned by a judge know far whom he replied as follows I am corned my lord few plaintiff bat lam employed for the defendant Good Layer An poultry keeper writes to suggest the Groat Eastern should be noweal Great Hon it has laid so many cables and brought up some of herself on London Brilgs than marry young lady replied I would if I thought I could find a husband at the bottom An old Yankoe lady who pts tend to know all about it says tba way to prevent steamboat n is to make the engineers bile water on shore In her done by only T Of the I ran Crown to I bare no maai Mrs Powers that took me Asylum and she beat me and Mr burst into tears Look at the little creatures bleed ing fee John Sorely surely I may homo and giro her something to eat Think of our liltlo ones at home 1 Mr Towey hesitated My dear you are all t board the boat No I am not Job what Christ has lambs and this poor 11 is Hi It mora i fttsrThe Nebraska City Chronicle ays that an Irishman just came to that county bad never saeq a fiddle A man came into the hotel with under bis arm and began to screw it One of the screws slipped aad I a o spit upon it to make it bold and ib i then began to draw tbo bow in- Irishman who was watching f ifaa Mcndir ru- could stand it no longer bat bolted across street to another hotel ex I thought this was a land of liberty- and freedom but take such a land where ye abuse poor child- bad Landlord Who is abasing the children Why a man came into the tarara J alts jas a boy under w and be to torment the lit- tie first he began to pull and the-