THE NEWMARKET JUNE ffcto yihciiisoiiciis Wednesday July ROAD EMILY MAY DIXON BROTHERS KINO I TORONTO Manufacturers of FirstClass Carriages A of Open an Belief Rag Ayflif AwcfKWieer Good Music May be Expected WANTED Pounds of with Bum DIXON denjus DAIRY BUTTER I HAY ANB GRAIN ELEVATOR CASH FOR WOOL I piIK HO lb IIlhot Mark POUNDS OF WOOL woollen MILLS Cf Cloths and Flannels DOMINIC DAY DEMONSTRATION HOLLAND LANDING TOE I Land TUSTIZO NEXT r0R SUMMER COMPLAINT D SATURDAY IN I per lb to attbeLawj i Ill re Figs for Sals Abaft in row coons wool CRICKET MATCH I Coartaailj en aariad aaaort Embroidered Skirts and Spinning Tarn aiTl VELOCIPEDE RACE FOR Catching the Greased cloths and Si Band June 17 191T WJJL1III1JI bom Toronto jr mJ Qaaditua i a ii I BIO I IT 1 20000 ROYAL CANADIAN BILLS take during lh day TRUSSES Newmarket Drug Store ELM A C Notice TO CREDITORS OF JACOB Bay Street Toronto llSSTJJriiECTw to Dec r t A WORTH A Co Toronto Ma S3 kJn Street Toronto Day of July 1869 To an1 by mam Ufa lb if any or In will m I fttttnjs Iron Grand Celebration I ry wrHsSSHSSs T Sports a Games ttw lib inal li- AGENTS WANTED FAMILY fur W A- HI MO I all ft St I tKl1 si above at least three to and tiro to An Fanner Waited f J J ttUHTEB WANTED rf Tin Yak of 0i JJ KM A FOOT HATCH toUM on York I TorcnLigrjt BALLS Procession Ac ror id Insolvent Act of 1864 AMD ON the 18th day of to dr la A THOMAS My UU Rope Walking TIGHT HOP WALKER Professor idouvitsky Dtaliloa A Williams U m a J Tift A amy Ltia I taw Notice o TDK fctrrtofcr iia at Attar la a4 rf Intk A by KDWABD CAMPBELL tkJiADIM The Anatomical Shut at by ail o- A fllkJ I A rfCuljA j j tftJ BSEN1E AIT INVENTION Good News for Farmers LABOR SAVING will ukb1 at Bam op- English Church Newmarket aftat a a Whole Load of Hay Save Your Time SAVE YOUR LABOR SATE CLOTHESI SAVE YOUR MONEY J I A Co Old Doctor Andrews run la J Waal New I GRAND GOODS MRS J wlJ alack uf Silk Lace Lustre and Cloth MANTLES AND STYLES Clieapsst Ever Offered First Class Milliner AND DRESS MAKER Ta atlaal ba LACE DEPARTMENT It in all lb Ha of MOURNING DRESS A STRAW to and SatlaUction APPRENTICES WANTED Ta Mas BOND MILLINERY MANTLE STOCK COMPLETE Among ill 1 ALL THE NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON and Tin Cheapsst Goods Ever Offered North Toionto LADIES STRAW IIATi 20 BACH 300 LADIES STRAW HATS EACH THE PLACE MR S A SS Millinery Mantle Dress Making Eslatlishmont AT FAB IvLAJTMOTH HOUSE raiET NEWMARKET ASTEB Jr Ha 19M IS Sewing Machines I THE Subscriber inli- to old public gun- rally tbal la MWacad ta Hawing IN THE OLD STAND NEWMARKET Machine Needles Thread on band tor WEBSTER lotb LMl bpM AFMALB dMaAjol lb of OARS DR ROGERS add lb food bb tbU V I of I bia la aaJ aaetitlaaca tba pa bile Jaa If SUBROGATE NOTICE TEI of CoaMy by Tavaabip f aid af Tar M Joaapb A aid aba la af ftf Jaaaa l a York La m to any of Ih madlaattiajBloanartafaataaaafayr Kmm f tiv af kvt to appoutti tmf Jo Si2lli a af atid I Dr ASP r MAIN STREET Bowmans Mills I Grist Factory the to do Carding Spinning SMITHS CLOTH DRESSING MILLINERY Show Rooms OF ONTARIO lull ibex A croacn rib and albar ufficiaU titlad to of tray aaj a to North York J J Way IX 1IM tf GRISTING In a Superior Manner and at Price Tint to mm aabacHbar lira apod aauafaa- to bar fro bate It j ludwfcWbarnnaal Yarn Dyed In any Color irtiae bava Of grit LJa Cash far Wool or Cloth Given in TbaannrlnofJajaaailkaaaaEaq la iii id 1ml la to tba that aalia- u a SPOlOBD Imira U Open for the Season ALL TJ1B LATEST NOVELTIES I Oct 18S8 Mortgage Sale ttd by of a power aala La a aMrfaga ill 11 aoU Aartloa by Mr bia aalirooau 3rd July A 1869 At boar of clock boob Tbat lot of kaon toriy tbjioaaiaf of lot aaaabn- Cylinder Needle HORSE HAY FORK PATENTED Aft a norm tba abor aaaily orkd aot at vat af repair a J by Bar lag Price Pnlleye I to aboald aMH I BOBT 1MB J0U lanator irtioJto7 tfl For Sals on Moderate Terms a Ban tba Ton J for aartkafava apply to day Jaw A 1 SAVING BANK St Terento I inura1 oa do- Bead aWpcaaton of larr osau at tba Toroata tfl l7- iNoniGmJaibarjJai FRESH ARRIVAL SPRINGaOODSr THB aabatribar to of that ha la bow New Spring Goods iba m Mlaa aaa aaam baiaf ban am TO TILE TIMEB Ill tuck Clothing Made to Order I aad Baal G R OCERI E S Iba aa MA and For a AboatFiftaaa Fall appl PRICE Call See P Han pa