Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 25 Jun 1869, p. 1

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Every Friday Horning AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER SWUM u GIVE ME THE LIBERTY TO KMOW TO UTTER AND TO ABOUE FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY VOL NO 20 NEWMARKET ONT FRIDAY JUNE 25 TERMS IN ADVANCE THE NEWMARKET ERA Book and Job Establishment PLAIN FANCY TYPE ORDERS For say of following or tfwdfOon of 2 connEHiijNilTM wouldnt leave any old bill settled wouldnt it bo re milk till Oh lots Hush children said Mrs ill transferring bcr own portion of bread to the plate of hungryeyed elf before mentioned Surely Charles you wont think of going oat this eold morning with that cough 7 I think the fresh air will do mo good my lovo answered the pallid grayhaired man whoso sunken and colorless lips plainly betokened the presence of wearing organ ic disease probably consumption and besides you know I must see Isaiah today luiali replied wife with a loss of her head Much good it will do to appeal to Isaiah A hardhearted coldblooded money worshipping My dear my dear interrupted poor invalid ho in my brother cant help it sobbed Mr he no heart than a block of sUmC Clara bring me tliLm rolls of work dear Iberia had Anally moored her ponderous length in the back until he reached the hotel down by the hastily kindled tiro of hotel parlor shivering in tho wintry draughts go out and see Isaiah South- SMITH JOHN T STOKES IAS I- Isaiah and I Poor Charley I me is in California I wish bo could have hit old friend fond of Charley doing very been hero to hand I used Thero but one light burning in the little back office dedi cated to Isaiah Soutbmayds special use and benefit ard the clerks in the countingroom beyond glanced fur tively over their shoulders and whis pered to another various private opinions respecting the awful bad temper of their chiof on this particu lar evening Isaiah cross and perhaps not without aon Six clock was approaching and no note had been received from rich East Indian summoning his obsequious relative to attend bis lei- Sow then sir whats wanting 7 A palofaced clerk with a quill be hind bis oar had insinuated bis head meekly through halfopen door If you please sir a gentle I I moan a man wants to speak with man I said I would not se any tonight you idiot Please air ho hes a a re lation of yours Its that begging rascal Char ley roared Isaiah losing all selfre straint in his towering passion Ill settle business lor him Send him in Arnott spare bowed figure wearing jn my mind shortly answered Sir Remington I don t fancy the general stylo in which you address your relations Isaiah Poor Charley always tea my favourite and you know added Raymond gleam of grin is for all my And laiuh retreated that ono little mistake bud forfeited him tho gleam of MM India hoards Ha did not reflect that bis whole fo was a mistake y just down Charley had scarcely crossed the threshold of darkened back office before the indignant merchant gave loose to his feelings Dont a stop nearer sir Are you not ashamed of yourself coming here in that absurd dress to degrade me before all my clerks I wont give you a cent nor I wouldnt if you were starring in tho ified with bound to provide for all my poor rela tions and I tell you so once for all I havent opened your last bogging letter Michael hand ihi person and I return it to yon as a proof that want no more of em And Isaiah plunged bis head in among a wilderness moth lodgers and day hooka that tho had ended lowly without a word and glided through the counting house where the clerks were already turning down the gas lights and ostentatiously pre paring for departure into street A singular welcome a strangely worded welcome muttered Raymond Remington to himself as he asked passed beneath the glare of lamps without and opened the Well will probably bo auf- envelope that bad been given flciently early Tho Iberia comes into bis nerveless fingers by the offl- I at four and of course Mr Rem- clous Arnott Poor Charley I poor will send for me immediately Charley I is knocking at door If it should bo he cross old grocer with bis And wo have no money I it isnt the cross old grocer I said a voice Its Raymond Remington cousin Charley I My boy Im glad to see clinging about his knee pretty Clara crying on bis kind shoulder nnd barley and his wifo scarcely more i If- rest rained Ive como to tho right house at ist thought old Raymond Reining M with new happiness in his heart And when next day Isaiah elegant carriage stopped at the hotel lo convey Mr Iteming ton to bis own residence yellow- faced old genllman overwhelmed rolativo with contrition by drily re linding him of tho office scene tho ght before My iter Raymond ejaculated Isaiah turning while and red bow could I have made such a mistake a very awkward very assented Remington curtly Hut you will accompany mo borne No Im going to set up house keeping with my cousin Charley Hut my dear Remington spas modically urged Southmayd sure- County Council WedkksdaT June In Tho County Council mot today at oclock the Warden presiding Petitions wore presented horn a number of resident of Brockton praying for the removal of the loll gate From CA Wadsworth drawing of the refunding of paid by the Treat for him on York roads account From the Managers of the Girl Home praying for a grant John Howard praying Council to pass a bylaw to confirm A bylaw passed by the Council of the Township of York From Salem praying to bo appointed Inspector of Weight and The several petition wore referred- Cane gave notice that he would at the next meeting bring in a mo tion to pay a portion of the salaries of the County officials out of the York Boons Surplus Fund Mr Robinson gave notico that he th on ties the Jilirpoo for maintenance of th County prisoners for a term of years to confer with the tho city of Toronto for ot effecting i adjournment took Ijoin for the place till ten a n following iu led Statement of incidental m of the County Board Account from J C Daniels stable for costs incurred in interring dead body at here is Charley torn York little ones ii And Isaiah loftily his hat and went out a portly and torn Starring suffering and welltodo specimen of the merchant Breakfast at Charles Soutbmayds coll was a different affair Momma cant I have a little molasses with my bread of commonest of life oh I think Ill Charley His own brother has pulsed him from his door Perhaps said Clara old Raymond salary been forwarded a requisition emigrants from Reeves York King Some of had arrived tho rest soon lie here Chairman of the Select Com it tee appointed to drafts bylaw regulate ho weigh lot bread reported staling that they had examined the Act relating to the matter and found no authority lor County passing such bylaw propriety of petitioning the Legisla ture to law so a to allow all Municipalities to paw bytaws The report was submitted Mr Webb in the chair It was adopted in Com mittee and afterward in Council Mr Stephenson gave notice of mo tion for a Committee to consider the advisability of selling the County Buildings in Toronto and erecting others in a more central position in the County Mrs was still stitching laboriously at soldiers clothes ft Committee of the Whole t molasses Clara who had been oat all Tommy dont like his bread day answering for a without molasses chimed in a gorerness was sotting the lablo for by Mr Robinson and was gryeyed little elf opposite I would a scanty evening meal while the lit- without Council Townships to appeal to the County Judge destroyed legal jurisdiction formerly held by tho Council and gave a strong argument in favour of appointing valuators Besides be fully believed that with one lot of valuators County as a whole equitably assessed Id bo To further elicit discussion bo for a Committee to draft bylaw ap pointing County valuator Mr admitted lhat the cost Mild he considerable It might be certainly not more but the work when done would bo finished for five years consequently cost would bo only a year This ho admitted would bo a now expense to County Tyrrell It would be money well spent Tho Warden thought the intention of law was making valuation tho basis for taxation and thus he eld it likely thai an appeal from this was allowed Ho they would secure greater accuracy but still be was open lion and if the new mode tin to be the most advantagcoi ho would support it Mr ihougbt principle of valuators good frequently township were differently assessed livl and thus township paid more than it proportion for County purpose MrjHarry Prince of two wells at papers give long in old dockings by thrifty Celestials ssn Mrs- Osgood died at Philadelphia a few days as i lhat at of death her woight was nearly pounds Fifteen thousand dollars a year will pass for a pretty loud call lo a preacher even in those day of liberal salaries but Dr Storrs of Brooklyn formerly of Cincinnati rcfuned to lis ten to such a call from a Boston Cburch lately The it intonned by an old farmer that bo MW such Indications of an immense crop of all kinds of farm produce as now present over the whole county of fall wheat is a picture of health and promise is that a woman who lived about two mile Port Col borne and died ago hud t her i husbands all Middlesex and has Committee bod met five husbands difficulty here and ho recommend- Lieut Colonel- Ins mm agitation in Ihe County before Militia ore requctd lo transmit all pondence with the matter was fully adopted The Council resumed on motion of relating to their Re Mr Robinson brought up his in for a Committee to confer the city respecting tho of County prisoners Carried Mr Iane seconded by Mr Reid brought up a motion of which tht had previously pay onethird of through Brigade Major vision who wilt torwurd Of to with such remarks thereon as he may think ISA- On the 3rd intt a little four oar old lad son of Mrs Lew resid- t0 of friction matches to Clerks salaries and onethird of tho of wi out of a blare and retreat of the child third of the work entailed on the being cut off ho was burned to death members and the official of tho through the York Tho Catharines Journal pofbi that grubs are doing more thcy the damago in this vicinity than was at money owing the Government in supposed- Mr Aaron of yoars Tho mover sUted that his Grantham has bad a Held of allowances York Roads fund Mr explained that n Several members expressed the field We before that grubs wore so destructive and imagino that this Is about the first instance In which a of of grain has boon destroyed j Another wheat destroyer has Mr Tyrrell moved seconded by been brought to nolico of tho St funds after the debt was paid Mr favored the distribution of the York Roads After some further discussion motion was put and tost 11 Committee to report as to the advisability of changing tollgate on street in accord ance with the petition of Mr Alexan der McDonald and others Carried A communication was read from the Sheriff of York enclosing an account for the conveyance of lunatic from th County gaol to the Asy lum was the audited account and the communication stated that it was forwarded to tho Council by order of Ontario From tho County Solicitor giving it as his opinion that City is re lieved by the clauses of Law Re form Act from any further charge on account of Recorders Courtroom formerly released from County Leave was granted lo introduce the of George Lee leasee of No gate street praying lor The Council then adjourned until Again several of the members met it two oclock bat as there was not a present at that boar mora were directed to in the at seven oclock Wor ths chair at eight oclock- Mr Ball presented report of Commissioners of County property and the Council went a Commit tee of the whole thereon Mr Draper in the chair The report was taken up clause by When the first was read good deal of objects ingi were much too high Mr Button said be thought such important report as this should not bo passed in the absence of several mem bers of the Council He would there fore move that Committee do rise report progress and ask leave to sit again at 10 tomorrow morning motion was lost and considera tion of the clause was resumed It was subsequently agreed however that the matter should stand over until tomorrow and the Committee rose reported progress and asked leave to sit again at nine oclo morrow morning Tho Council then adjourned played quietly Why dont we have milk and od Cbario lay on the water morning asked Charley worn sofh with closed eyes thinking junior eyeing his cup of cold rather distastefully Committee of the Whole Matthew in the chair Mr Gorham addressed Council sorrowfully of what future lay before length on the question arguing provision his beloved ones when ho should bo Because promptly responded removed beyond all care and trial Assessment Law at the late Tommy the said he Motborl allowing gen bo Marys visited Thamcsford County of Oxford but week brings report of strange kind of farmers of Probably some real- of that plot and grub which has devastated the fall wheat in that locality Our informant speaks of as differing in every respect ions wheat post known to science So complete damago by this now enemy pie that farmers in that been visited by it bare reploughed their fields and owed oats The evil however be local as only a few fields been destroyed ho fur Hut will It not spread This is a question foil of anxiety of the matter The shows the feasibility of connecting Rod Riv- witb the Saskatchewan at Cedar to far above the Grand Rapids Rapid RooheRougo and Cross Lake Rapids by a system of short canals 1st from Portage la Prairie to Lake Manilohah about miles 2nd from Lako Maoitobah into Lake Wlonb pegoosis about or IS miles and 3rd Lake Wlnnipegooais with Cedar Lake an enlargement of the Sasketeb- which Utter canal would be about 3 miles long These canals would be comparatively inexpensive cut and then way would be tut to the of mountains for or boats and the perilous of Lake Winnipeg and for midable Grand Rapids would be en avoided We have not the least doubt bat public attention wilt be di rected to toe development of so prac ticable and easy a communication with the immense plains of ment is instituted Globe Tux Wealth or Though Mr- Disraeli may have overshot the mark when be described the national debt of England the other day as fleabite it doe appear to be insig nificant when compared with the commerce of country The of or seven the South solve at the beginning of this year that ho would try to establish ono now Sunday School for every Sunday in the year and to gather for every mile travelled In less than five months be organised teachers and scholars In several instances the school has more than since its formation and every has increased in numbers of them show conclusively the commercial and monetary activity of country notwithstanding the financial crisis through which it has passed Oo the Stock Exchange settling days the total amount passing through the Clearing House was or an increase of above 100 poverty should exist to such an alarming extent a to create grave if not ah solute panic in soindT

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