Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 18 Jun 1869, p. 4

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THE NEWMARKET EttA JUNE FRESH ARRIVAL SPRING GOODS ENGLISH Field and Garden SEEDS Fresh Importation BR Drug Store New Spring Goods TO TUB TWX8 Bis Slock of Clothing Made to Order G R OCeTi E S Hal Boots and Shoes I tar If- Cape Jn OF THE em who be nnacttu to Ilium always Little MOUar who Io at made f il ear iImiiaril MM M 1 of a The rnent before when Ike Ilia is replied the off ST Atvxt OoSoeJ to For two til tat I h I It l flnJe 11 anil I oalHil 10 il of la frcat by radio tho rot- M 1 in a At tail lias Is I An ex ha- follow ll it that there aro oh tor limn other ofpnAaftsloasal men For the rvfLi iie majority of are men of lino and do to starve body outer Gordon tho great telling lir aid all my might i I be Where upon MM sogers ho ran away with all bis mane I Exactly said Camming A who bad paid more than twenty five Forty Thieves The ticket toiler charged him cents for a ticket the board quietly Keep it tor I dont want to w other thir nine and out ho marched Mr et the best is a capital in buying stock as well an in mar rying If you want a cow hunt up good that the owner wont oil nohow and bid up till he willing loexuhango it lor your help Got smartest man to bo found even if pay cent higher wages A gentleman wan with other in room whore country girl oat bolt upright and ut terly silent Silence indeed fell up on entire party and the first alluded to Mid in what be sup posed to bo an almost inaudible aside Awful pause I guess sir the indignant country girl too if that does great hill of for iiialLbm charged to tho Stat Department at baa boon Sarah Hani residing in Canaan NY hot a follow named Warren who invaded her house and intuited heron She a load of into him wounding him severely A farm labourer tho Villago of Sutton A number of folks will be rubbing up geography to find out where Sutton is located It is in Township of County of York a A New journal thinks that the fact of Mr George having been appointed by ping up youd have awful paws if you had to do all tho scrubbing I does Govern of J prsapti- lb Cottnt of tlavuiap Not Dead Not Sleeping TTAS OS baa J a of FRUITS GROCERIES c l- a for or Farm Produce and Liquors SUPERIOR ALE OS DRAUGHT at 1ri A f Crorkay ami Alto PATENT MEDICINES MILLARDS Cabinet Planing I IIS b a itm lb at I of J ft Co Ja rtwj for sua- V a rattan orders tot rj la lb J A Co Lime L TOOK Mm of Cbkta at tb r La Bronze Mortar Hoar Post Office NEWMARKET Iinlrr he Ounce ONION 18US Larho Rod and PARSNIP Hollow Crowned LETTUCE Mali Turk or Butter llio beat grown CUCUMBERS Early Clnator Long Creen and Ghcrkcna First Class Farm FOR SALE 100 ACRES About Am Miss BURNS ALTER TURN AND DYE and to latoal of lb St Wat of April it 9 C mm in1 I i no tilt Baiting Moving or Turning BUILDINGS J CRONE April Lumber for Sale THRnWr 3 GOOD EVENING FRIEND BROWN to ripen and Largo J Extra Early Champion of England Long Podded Dwarf BEANS weeks dwarf Aspar- Pole also Summer Savory Sago Ac Ac TURNIP SEED larns iinjiruvcd purple top Swede green Gape Seed Mangel Clover Seed Ac All Seeds of the Beet Quality Monuments Tablet Head Stones Posts Crosses dre On Short ft Co- Partners p of A baa Mrs Johnsons AMERICAN SOOTHING SIRUP THE ARTICLE all for lb of aad for tb Car of Cos Prepared only in Canada by DR BENTLEY PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE FRENCH OINTMENT For of Itch Lopra for lh a aad is whisk it has aowcr Itch Ball a a da La Bona Id CbfJblaU all To bo arbotooslorrost OR NEWMARKET J in Canada B A BoUnk Tntaata aJraja a with of Dr a- had of aaadl rail to -bo- Rocky St N June Some ba boon created at Bast- 1 by announeemonL of Marino and Fisher- 1 that henceforth all fish LIST OF in the Newmarket latJoaw I E HI Alt anitily Mrs M Jotia imStaJruaa WM BIRCH VETERINARY SURGEON waters in this particular quarter been reci- will many VBWUABXBT Tick and Scab EXTERMINATOR preparation is tail srofMvoop Ill i will wbu so hp rafslarlTtwk a a sad Tb follow a llbOMflb aeasyaad 1167 JOBS aba V prTMb il and tbss saw Roar Bsirslrd Cos Tsowaa Hill JOHf BINTLBT Si ta a aaad so a Tisk mi vara purpose for whkb It Is roeoraaaodit whohaotbocBro of It laths w do ioaiTrsaSsiT3rdos Baooa ItiCso do Dawaasaav Com est Laboratory PRICE CSNTS PER BOX SK A RON MARBLE WORKS CHARLES io tbaaklsf 1 C05STA1TTLT OK HAND tod for Sal Urn NELSON Maw Change of Location I baa Surd a STORE Main- St Newmarket aaoat fa- ENT1EE NEW STOCK J LOCKS MlHof si LOWEST PRICES AIL COMPETITION CHILDBENSTOYS Below Toronto Prices ST Call VILLAGE LOTS FOB tb plot of tar for J a lb MAIN STREET NEWMARKET fiad olirihU sad For ptrtUolara to or to lb Sale THE undersigned for sale Lot ton of sad ad alb Tula I tbo JDn ocSoa or lbs I WM GAMBLE Woods Self- Rake Reaper MILLS SEEDDRILLS PLO RRO Wheelbarrows WEJEDER8 Aod I all bar a shop fall Saw Hills aloof JOHN Chemist Druggist Wins A Ac Pure Wines Liquors and rrainly 11 Il In iliiiaiKl BYE STUFFS aolortbabratqualltr tar itranfth and flaoar Cigars Fine Pipes Rooms Enlarged 8 MainSt Newmarket BROS to kU sad Lisas his Stock or Furniture io port Cab Chain in post rarioty Parlor Chairs Crotr Tobias FIKST F K I and Cabinet Organ SUM laauaaiaala a Ml ala aa ataaaUaa la CabinetOrgans in Plain and Fancy Cases Suitable for Churches Parlors and Schools PIANO CASE and Single Reed Plain and Fancy Portable of all Kinds Fancy Plain Raring- bod ono 6 ipriajtios la aaaAoBvctaro of Piaooa sad iaportiag Their Instruments Received the First Prize Wherever Shown A is respectfully Solicited Every Instrument Warranted P Ports cooataatlT kpt sad PHILIPS COATES I84S FOR ALL PURPOSES Tinware Lamps Ac Shelf and Heavy Hardware FAMILY GROCERIES in all branches and a large of BOOTS ail Cheap and good at Aurora Dec 1808 ANDREWS Cos IT ISA FACT J J HODGE Desirable Promt ofiuiasf i I COLLIlBjl NEW TINWAnf Snbacribcr MAIN STUB Tinware Stove Pipes at J Repairing Dona on Short FIRST PRIZE OR J PECK ilnaorcaehi At do fltrwkh do do part Can Chain Ctatl Also bo i Prices to Snit the Times aaarial First Class Instrument Every Warrantee Founders Engineers Steam Engines Stoves THIMBLE SEEKS At ho BAND HOOP ROD AND BAR I O IT description of HEAVY HARDWARE HARDWARE ESTABLISHMENT would raapoctfBU a a Fob 18cW lri THE Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY TB of of laser Ita loTtossd an a Fir PsBBBaBBj a fair I fort liborslij la to of Loaa- Office Canada Branch Montreal BAHUIL aooaliT Htm April IS TO TRAPPERS The Trappers Friend J Wild aria sac EachM BOLD at Newmarket Drug Store TO AT USB aaaaad A MARBLE WORKS HI ASSET TRsUasrlbrlBiarolsf forth bog roapoctfallj state thai Ttmb Stoirs Marble Ac noil Urns Call and of Work DWBSID 3 3 COOKING PARLOR Oil Lower t Toron Prices New rear time te bar raw STOVES aad alio Copper Tin Sheet Iron Japan Ware ll ASTONISH YOU A call trill satisfy yes tbst tbt offlrn TROUHING EVERY TH1SG WARRAJfTED ar Farm Produce Rag taken in exchange fer Good Place The Brlek Store North of the P 0 J HODGE Newmarket October Reduction in MAIN STREET NEWMARKET LTONES IN returning for past reapeotfoll- inhabitant of tb ooblic at Isix tUt ho baa stad Urge Additions to his EstablishmeiLin listnaeiU Seeierj e First Class Artistic Pictures Either Large Siied Pictures Carte de Visit Ambrotype or Gem Pictures LATEST so- THE PORCELAIN lor la the art na anrdad FIRST PRIZE AT THE LATE FALL SHOW IN NEWMARKET for all tee be a call of the above now on view at his Studio CASTE de Cts L JONES NawsaaxlT Jena ia baa Audln Iflotbe public aahs ha Ml htia bad I a a Bdeeaeia iaKSaa TEETH INSERTED la all I I ana a ia la a a Teeth Filled so to them fur Life i Sawiia TaasS p ft Ma Tbleblaertliythailbalaaalaanj liMaraf I Jlia I Had JIWl rf J allbjl l am ililbaS aa lake him RESIDENCE Order If il Farm for Sale OR TO UK LET UN Can Hall ell Ibalih CaoceaaiooalibeBBl IOO AC Mors Is 1 afar lion Ism happy in Mlaoftoritmado by SB ablFMbssfjj ES THUS J I Retail Druggist TO RON TO Uh Door of Toroalo MSMABQACH a to take of lb who toot ll I or sow speak a of Oils c of or The foUcvinn a list of the Tarnishes he has now on hand Ho Dastar tea Oak Fan Block Ho ins Coach Bo Kb Coach Body AoUoa A fci TERatS J MARGACH Western Assurance Co HEAD OFFICE TORONTO Capital 1100000 PreiidentHonJMcMarrich RISKS low PromiataaosdBtTsri ad Afoot far will AHENDERSON British American ASSURANCE THE Chartered Canadian LOSSES OR DAMAGE Mills Machinery Stores Farm Buildings aud Stock REASONABLE on Isossiod Umbos by Firs Aaaaaos-aol- Vcwrarset March lam THE ON tfUTUaUf LIFE 1S3U COMP PROVISIONAL 1st Joba U Isaac bo Alkbla Wsiartoo Prrtldrat AJtakla Powells Patent LIFT AND Force Adapted for All Depths a si CELEBRATED PDJ all vbara beta I Well Digging Attends far ai Da IIJ A ROGERS A Co Taiiawli

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