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Newmarket Era, 18 Jun 1869, p. 2

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THE JUNE 1809 hop Hi I mm NI oi n MJ Ma OConnor IVrry Iin nil I Ilonn1 Itobltlill I ICvnn JUS II Our Toronto Despatch J- We a t till Willi l lril for lln York County Conn until of inn convened In Council yesterday afternoon aj the War den A Wallace in the chair Messrs Arnold Hull BH tun Cane Canning Chester Draper Lam- ttnntte Hid tell Randall inson Severn Thorno and Webb A communication from the Provin cial Secretarys was re ac knowledging receipt of a petition concerning llie Law Reform Act Tbc Warden read a written opinion from County Solicitor A liar- boundary line dividing Townships of York and The learned counsel J 1 I ash t a arching Mi Two mil known and icii in each Utility lists will bo to go of the agency and- Central Committer Central ommittco will consist of w Toronto John Crawford Ml and attack the febooid who well for tbe ban returned the for if nee and after troops 1 tola sufficient a the I ro iS lly speaking that lined Ihji Me misgiving but Mr be for by ii the evident intonlion lOM of tbe despatch would the Home Gov- la- mired at regard to after con far concerned naval force on our dU Coital the matter Thin j for following by ir hop will and for follow more y dent of Li colleague rep resenting the Won- after ttii- Kitber tbe or tbe is lie done to render it an unit Again instead of a cipher aside tho question up on the tots above alluded l wait taken involves a rcadjutuuiit of of Prov ince to Union and thereby tbe under which tbc Con fjrmel If a mere par liamentary majority can interfere and change tho Union Act at will without reference to Imperial Government and Parliament which gave it force of law by adopting it will bo subjected to continual med dling with wo no guarantee for anything permanent and our consti tutional Clarter dwindles down to dictum of tbe Powers that bo for being Without stopping to discuss the question whether Nova received full justice or not we take it tbe motive prompting ac tion of Government in favor of read ono of expediency and wo vory much question pro priety or wisdom of making changes the Constitution of the Con federacy except in a legitimate way by appeal to Homo ltd is our only only for stability and practically throwing us own resource and will to weaken bond that a people to mother Following this ques- why allow the ivs to appoint a Canadian GororiMr And let this link bo scr end and tbo hut connecting bond will be broken W consider the action of Home unwise and Troops can maintained hero as cheap as and a portion ration alui standing army may as to well be in Canada as in old forts of the mother country their presenco in tbe Dominion would anVrd a guarantee against the incursions of lawless hordes make gain by plundering along our frontier Much now de pends upon the wisdom and tact of Canadian Government in dealing this despatch and their action lo watched with of tho Dominion Day By to our advertising columns it will be observed the pro gramme for a grand celebration on next Dominion Day is now completed Liberal prizes are being offered by Managing Com mittee for tho various field sport of the day while the additional of a torchlight procession fire ball Ac will be a new feature as compared with public celebrations of the past few years prize lady riding is a new thing on these occasions while the addition of cipodo race and a game of lacrosse dearly shows the committee to bo up to the times in catering for the pi sore of the occasion Fashion everything and just naturally as a looks after Waterfall or Grecian Bond so the sporting turn their atten tion in tbe direction of those ainaso- calculated to interest assembled HO Members Voted lb go into commit Scotia rvdnUons and negotiations which led to tin J to Nova Sooths Mr Illako The- Pacillc Railway Parliament had a right to MTIM the it bad a Chicago the right to diminish awl when would Central Pari tic roundly for that meddling cease New announcing that tho passenger fare wick Is coming next with a will bo ten cents a mile Its demafiV for increased subsidy ami to bo just Wo quote l lion and would put There no excuse for any such la their demand The monetary con- rates of fare Iu the place the not 1 road lias not cost the lock- Lie bat vital and on dollar It has baee mercy of a majority of this I money of the nation The Editorial Summary Tbe absence of the editor will lc found on in amendment to the Government proposition to go into committee Um rolntions granting increased to Nova Scotia and virtually is a vole against allowing the to interfere with the original terms upon which tho Union Act was based A majority of the Commons decided to allow tinkering to already with conatitutmn can tell where it will end Wo give names to enable the pub- see who compose the majority who appear willing to sacrifice tbo interests of Ontario to please Sir Knights present ruling the des- of this Dominion House divided on Mr Blakos amendment which was negatived Yeas Nays Messrs Bschard Blake Bodwetl Bolton Bowel I Bowman Brown Burpee Cameron Huron Crawford Dorion Dre w Ferguson 1 1 agar ton Huntington Kempt Mackenzie McConkey Metcalfe Mills Morrison Victoria Oliver Pickard Poxer Bedford Prince Edward Island Boss mingtoo C Ryan Smith Thompson Tremblay Ontario Wallace Well Wood Wright York Ontario Young 07 NaTs Abbott Ault Beaty Beaubion Bellerose Bertrand Blanche Barton Cameron Inverness Cam- on Coffin Colby Currier Gaucher Gray Heath Cornwall Sir J A Macdonald Middlesex Terrebonne McCarthy Holmes Howe Irvine Jackson Keeler After the Money The Warden also read an opinion from aatuo to the that tho turnpike gates on the York road need not be live miles apart to lnc of full rate the effect that County Council would bo fully iithnrizcd by 17 chap 14 Of and 3y of Victoria in siipjUmetiting Government allowance to Volon- i by grants was also sub mitted by the Warden The jerk read a written notice from His Worship Mayor of Toronto concerning the tonnina- of the agreement for of tho prisoners in the gaol A longtliy legsl document prepared by Hon Cameron was read wherein Mr Cameron gave it as his opinion that tbo Council could not appropriate any of revenue deriv ed from tho York except in payment of the dno thereon Tho learned counsel cited various sec- lion- of Municipal Act to sustain The report of Mr James Smith Architect regarding the beating mil lighting of the Council Chamber was of the Treasurer of School Moneys reported that they i tO public since the In- yacht titulion The following lb statement up to June task fee ikc ary liini il is not improbable that Mr trip of Hamilton will Ik asked to take his place The application lo Parliament for power t ll is to provide against future gencies but the feeling is vary mm I thinks with ly coat Domini they are worth Jf the Bank shareholders that IV bin lowing up Purlin not anticipate any at ho lime of Confederation Ho believed that if the proportion was entertained by this Parliament would be most dc of the permanence of He concluded by mov ing in effect that it was unconstitu tional to make any change in financial arrangements of Union Act and tat such change could only io imperial Ciineon opposed Mr held it was legally correct Mi the claim of to tho terms in the After several nrivate bills WCV advanced a stage The debato was ilien reiumcd Cartiormailo a Dong speech to prove that Parlia ment hail full control of all money ap propriations Sir J A claimed that proponed were essentially necessary for maintenance of Confederation and that those who opposed them ore opponents to Union and g to destroy it Messrs and Blake followel supporting the After a lengthy debate Um 57t The House By the Atlantic Cable I Jan it- Company built mile of road and the government to it bond to UM amount of M 1000 It has received in ad dition a donation of public land which or over mile In addition to this the has issued to the amount of for which it ha mortgaged the road Tho stockholders have in one way or oilier aj among themselves a very large por tion of this Ma or This distribution of profits has taken place even before the completion of the road In tho the company bus refuse1 or nog- loetOu to the interest on it bonds The road has been constructed in a verv loose manner and the which the managers bare divided should have been retaiired to put the track in condition Hav ing literally made away with the bounty of the nation the manage assuming that they have a monopoly and that travel and traffic must pass over their line now propose to charge ten cents per mile in gold for pas senger faro over tboir share of the road It is an outrage and an extor tion to which the American people will not submit It is the strongest aid which- has yet been given to the scheme of building another and if shall lead to an intervention by the general government in the affairs of both companies and the enforcement of every condition attached lo the grants of land and of bonds it will prove of groat public service Tbe Country knows ha been robbed in construction of this road and that is disposed to forget but if robbery is may be as well in taking had found said accounts correct Tho Council adjourned until Jon The County Council of York met this morning at ten oclock the Warden Mr A WallisrproHid The whole of the present were read from ith esti mate for present year II for the year 1889 The following is he apportionment I Hihie 8331 87 J00 00 liwillimlmry u 0 North Of King Markham fifi4 Scarborough Iff I Vangban Total for County Petitions were presented from Wal ler praying to be relieved from renton So I toll gale From John for horse peddlars license A Just a liberty rhaul affair the beginning and have accounts adjusted strictly If within a twelvemonth from wo have not a direct line of con opened between ibe head of Lake- Superior and Bel River Settlement we ought to give up idea of colonising the Northwest If we are to bo content to accept Mr Gaits views and depend upon St Paul route for an indefinite period we ought to have sense enough left us to hand over whole Hudson Bay property at to the American people even if wo only get half what we promised to pay for it nils theory as theory of the Government will go In with the fall conviction that the Dominion Minis ters have undertaken a task altogether Istyond their capacity and that sooner they hand over the whole con cern to the authorities at Washington the better for the colonists of the North West the better for tax payers of Ontario and the hotter for the credit of all concerned But why should Gaits theory of making the Pauls tho highway into Ruperts Land be ac cepted Why should the Government give any coloring to tho belief that there is to be any temporizing on this great question On grounds of econ omy it is preposterous to plead for delay By Mr Dawsons estimate an available highway fourfifths of it water communication can bo opened up for about or cur rency bringing Thunder Bay within six or seven days travel of Fort Garry That it is true would only servo a temporary purpose but until tho To ronto Company which proposes to build a railway between two points named shall have bad time to organ ize and set to work a Government wagonroad supplemented by slight improvements in long stretches of igation is an of of and Measures port was submitted from Superintendent of York Roads detailed a number of improve ment carried out on the different roads On street tbe York- ville tollgate had been removed and the abutments to the bridge were being pressed towards comple tion The culvert in front of Mr K farm is about to be commenc ed The Kingston road is spokon of as being in a good stale of repair The contractor for Highland Creek bridgo has a quantity of lum ber on hand to commence operations Portions of Street will require repair in autumn of She year Tbe new bridge over the umbor will be pressed forward a report in reference to position of tbe Lake Shore road in front of tbe Howard property Tbo report also refers to bridge and the repairs of the North York registry office latter of which are now al most completed Mr Button seconded by Mr moved that Messrs Pat- tenon and the mover be a committee to report a bylaw to provide for the weight and sale of bread in the County of York Carried Mr Button seconded by Mr Hart- man moved a resolution for a com mittee to introduce a bylaw prohibit ing the running of volocipodos on aidewalks and to prevent running or driving on any of the sidewalk in the county Carried On motion of N seconded by J Severn the Standing Committee on Ivpjalizatior was instructed to so amend its report made at the last meeting of the Council shall make such report conform to and be in ac cordance with the standing provisions and obligations of first subsec tion of section 71 of the Ontario As sessment Act passed Jan 1869 On motion of Mr Button seconded by Mr Committee on County Property was instructed to report opon the advisability of the County giving a quitclaim deed of tho lockup boose in Markham vil lage to the commanding officer of Cavalry for use of an The Council then adjourned lobe Government Notes Banks Bank Balance- Nolo discounted 8146625 11119 10 FOR SUMMER AMD American News Juno Informa tion just received here by parties in inlorvt of Cubans states that two expeditions numbering overt men with anna ammunition a provision- have safely landed in and joined revolutionary fore They are represented as tried oldie all of thorn having been in be ami of war Desertions from the Spanish forces to tho Cubans are in creasing Kvery day hero are collisions between Spanish troops and volunteers and the difficulties between aw represented as Cubans have organized their forces in two strong corps to bo under the command of General Thomas Jordan An engagement is daily expected bo forces of General and those under General Jordan The Cubans are in fine spirit and confident of victory General Jordan has over Americans in his corps and it is Spaniards will find a different class of soldiers from any thing ever before met by them in battle New Juno The ftune i special cays it is rumored in diplomatic circles here that Thornton will ultimately bo super seded by no diplomatic rep resentative of the highest ambassa dorial rank that tho retiring Mini- ler will ho i to Madrid and that new will through a liberal hospitality opening DogotJattooa for of the Alabama question This eminent from tho annoyance of a to confirm or insure a agreeable o be Senate a New potatoes are offered sate in tho lion market at he odest figure of thirty cents a quart is stated to be in bad health so but that the phys whether ho will think doubtful hotel will soon be the Whirlpool Niagara Ottawa Dominion notes in circulation 2nd Jane Payable at Montreal Toronto Halifax Specie held Aurora June 11 Thomas Find ley a brakesman on an extra freight train on the Northern Railway going north early morning was killed near Aurora Ho was not missed until he train arrived at Aurora when the Conductor backed the train about half a milo Deceased was found fearfully mangled his head being nearly severed from hi body Toronto resident of the west and of Jane Tbe Courier organ of the Roman Catholic clergy here characterizes the suggestion of the Intercolonial Railway Commis sioners to give working two yean on the line or acres on tbo lind as a conspiracy to deprive the French Canadians of their right to soil a it says the contractors are almost alt English will natur ally take old country labourers in Barrjx Jane The body of George Burton was found this after noon in seventy feet of water by a squaw who saw him sink and who grappled for the body He had a large amount money on bis body There Is general mourning part of tho townspeople and the Ma sons hold an emergency meeting to night to arrange for attending the its Mailj sd a try Icjti lul Mil Market lVYirruM I- I krt job am Mechanics Institute A GENERAL Ml Mrtntirnnrinptnil AT THE T On Eraung Parcel Found by impart od jln at A en tW abtiiW all Notice o Disso I partaerahip ben Mr Loan ill raaUoa It ill by U Jnno IL lato Mr Asa Posts house three miles west of Whitby at present occupied by Ira Carpenter and Mr Wm Taylor was entered through tho kitchen win dow by thieves on Wednesday night after the were all asleep Mr Taylor brought a largo sum of from Toronto same day but left by train for England same evening It is thought some partioe followed him from Toronto in tending to rob They rifled pockets of all clothes they could see bat only succeeded in taking six or seven dollars although there waa 8200 in a coat pocket hanging in and also in Mr there was They lum of the pocket third pocket bad thou a rfT nWiir I I mux Mat Juo IS AUarMM Da hUOfllMtoiWlimrNmb of I i a but WANTED J FAMILY coatrosinoi I I sxsasa fortunately Some of toe clothes others were taken away Although fourteen persona ware sleeping in the I house not one of thorn awoke at

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