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Newmarket Era, 11 Jun 1869, p. 1

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Newmarket Era very Friday Morn JACKS AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER alVK ME TIIK LIBERTY TO KNOW TO AND TO ABQ0E FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY Hie Boole and Jot Establishment It teoprlti LATEST STYLES onrmns tUtdmlHlta paupiiiets posts as BUSINESS CARDS CHEQUE BOOKS BLANK NOTES CIRCUIAKS BILL HEADINGS HUES STAOB HILLS MAGISTRATES BLANKS LEASES le Ac VOL NO- 18 NEWMARKET ONT FRIDAY JUNE 1 1 1869- TERMS IN ADVANCE To I HAIR Notice DR pit Sa or ay t Earn Mont t J I 1 I C ADAMS D H tad F PEARSON Ontario David D College Frontispiece tor Album MRS A ALLEN kitorik S SCOTT Lilt i laiurun IMU fa iir old la y A Boultfaoft Con J ffg Superior Mi i A SUTHERLAND i Ml cuuaafimatrul Mod Tin if Required E JACKSON Coroner County of York he rum ik John T Stokes c C P I I Horace Thome Solid fftftt CWl Or oxmy itnttirtH THE WIFES LESSON Murray Jackca Barristers Ian hotel HOGG A morning bright ly the hill ilic canary answered a voiceless a lull tide f shrill warbling 1 iho cloth gold in Iwiadcnr bud and fan open beams he bad tun an vol -Ik- had never a 1 break down her aparl her cheerfulness thick ft nothing on earth hi ami a very uncor la I of luili thai ho decided as ho gave hit tiro And ho down and a long account of domestic rials and df- to Iowa Wo always Med to go to Mlol for advice us children ho wild lo himself with a half and Mabel knew what Was I dont Crying good lit iho whole I am jlad of that diiturbocJ at ivj Ioom I am a hum i nor hall liovornrocnt under in- given him by older in Council may mi I by warraita tloll li you ho i to laugb or fry captious and tinii- half hour elf daring Mid Mr a little jiiIv the but ho i on or the blur mate lor Ita only way i habit yoc must try and put up Well it it Mrtatnl Ma continued Iloloi Id lhoXicutiovoruor tin- AH the laws in at no of into Union with the hull I North An and fo Mi and ujplo pie order iho Friday when iho con- I iigOtra drew up the door hervlf in a trim with cherry ribbons and infflotl white apron wan waiting I in the parlor to her while I of the iyod months Mr bin proud of her old boy My dear Mr here is sister Mabel iaid And a plump airfaced woman in bo tame into in ami touch her cheek stilly against Helens welcoming lip How jiixily she was Helens And Helen herself there a radical change as lo be wrought in her She lost her temper never uttered a planhg word never allowed lo her inQablo sensation was runola in the perm It I should grow to bo like Ma bel she thought with a My dear her evening together in by the red shine of the iiiy ll to Loan Davison House ACCOMODATION OF GUESTS DAVISON Money to Lend Charged Expense Moderate COLLINS JAMES County of York left at the Em OJlce tttendtdto IS 67 Dental Notice I GRAHAM J JOHNSONS SASH BLIND A Call from Bnildera Solicited is bast EVERY SATURDAY lit Tuuiy of Each Mouth Ltoatiaur urtiiMd sll Rtanth At Mr J ha Stokei i spor tart bc MAIM GRAHAM Conveyancer Ate BIBLE a a Cold what can you expect my dear at thirt of year I am is in here Mi- an down at table without any nt ou lake a cup yourself my lovo her I have no said Mrs Mure on I The I the horrid soda in tioo mi- I knew I could eat no break tirsl thought her very lor lire Helen moment whoa visage and despairing should interrupt the doit yon know very much of late have I But there Tat a little in Helen tone frank ben I should think me I thought she Mid the I do detent lo lie leaned larch moot was silent but was elTccluxilly Jew this would be a line day to tie childrens photographs i I shall not very lately However youll see in a day or two and judge yourself lhit theso reflections crossed her was not unmindful tho duties of moving chair near the lire her guests ringing lor lunch lo be served do you burn coal poisonous hope ihetus a wood lire BBS FOR SALE OF SUPERIOR STYLE AND FIN- A J N PEARSON DENTIST dUd Us AiUrM A GASOMETER Ozyde Gas fee twin sad by las lwlisi It Perfectly Safe a Is si- CkltolrM or Maker Coffins Beady Made MS If GEOKGE WALLACE BABBBR Mai to HENRY SANDEAS0N VETERINARY SURGEON Is l sad from oclock A The Helen think you are mistaken Dr was hero and he would discovered any premoiiilary and her you for your kind appreciation of raj iwlfajtej Mr wi of the most amiable men in world bin his wifes dopreraion him Ho bit lip and ploy link with bis knife and Joseph A Fife PHYSICIAN SURG BOX Ac STKCI I dan lo Ik InatsirDt of BrisipUiB J M International ASSURANCF SOCIETY OF LONDON CAPITALHlsMllBBHirisif do Est UppottU Iks Court of enrj ru of id nil is Ik I got tickets for opera yesterday Helen ho your is going to scats dear as good as any in the house I wanted to go last week and yon not Could not you mean Helen my business would not jiossibly allow of Its way when I par ticularly desire to go anywhere Mr did not attempt tn to argue the matter bo knew it was of no in bis wifes present stale Of mind Didnt I show yon letter I received from my sister Mabel last night the widowed slater that lives in Iowa ho resumed presently dryly enough Didnt I well in my other coat pocket She ia coming East and would like to pay us a visit Shall I write to her to come at once Certainly by all means I am always happy to entertain your rela tives George Mr felt singularly un comfortable as ho went to his down town office that morning Do what be could to cheer up tho domestic at mosphere Helen was always always complaining It soemed to him that she could be i the same laughing lighthearted girl There run bock to and blocks girl said Helen as soon as bed beatewed a formal of them very much as if she taking medicine The arrival of Inncl was a fortunate diversion I am sure you must 1m hungry said Helen hospitably wheeling the little table up to Iho tiro and begin inn o tarn the broiled chicken while Goorgo carried little china cup of frothing lohi able weak green all I venture lo allow Thank you Iho chicken cooked enough I do not think it healthy tocive up a dish which Helen brought hers Helen obeyed secretly feeling if she had more than Alias weight on her boulders A wood fire recently kindled waa smoking and sputtering on the hearth In place of the grate full of ruddy coal which bad always glowed there Mrs looked critically around A pretty room she remarked a hideous carpet Bine I declare the moat dismal color you could selected And win dows front to the east as euro as I am alive The out winds invariably give me the neuralgia I can pat yon in another room week George and I have been lo cast Iroin my life Mabels example hat ojHMied my eyes and I have seen clearly how a faultfinding temper tuny make the fairest poion Ope mi your eyes has it said to her ere lfhcil I her own Well then I may a well iho pert I have been playing and bock my own wrote mo bow miser able home was daily growing nod I iixed upon plan of showing my dour little sister through lite agency of her observation how exceedingly disagreeable n grum bler could make herself Havel was half inclined to I- at first but had been It has taught me a much lesson she said and you shall that I am an apt scholar And now sand Aunt Mabel set to work to the fins impression I have made and leave recollection in their place ncod her that the idol of the little ones and had ouite forgiven her the lUM that bad produced so favorable an And George the husband In all tbo Government of the NorthWest tin- cm Governor under author of this Act Public holding office Dltaakw iho Union excepting at the bead of n ii oi of artaiis shall continue 1 ho public and luncnonai V of the North- West id arlth tbeaame duties and at under ibeAuihWiyortthi until the end of the A Word of Warning Hill just pawed by Main ion Parliament is of to vegeialion All idle persons who not viible means of maintaining without employment all persona who being able to work and or openly exposing or exhibiting in any place or highway any indecent exhibition or openly or indecently the jienjus all jHrsons about and beg gin or who go about from door to door or place themeelves in tho streets highways passagiNt or public places to beg or receive alms all by ljinil ig across tho by insulting language or in any other way or down or defao- signs breaking windows breaking doors or door plates dag walkers wandering it the fields public roots or highways not giving a of ihom- relvcD all keepers of bawdy houses and houses of or booses for of proeliules and persons in the habit of frequenting such houses not giving a satisfactory ac count of themselves all persons who have no peaceable or call- deemed vagrants loose idleand di within toe of ibis Act and shall upon A steamer about to bo plac- on EadCB ran lietwoeu wood and Peterborough in connection Havana They largo enough to wrap an It has discovered tint planting potatoes tho Mil sl greater than if i in the ordinary way ex periment is worth trying It is proposod to an Ontario object being to encourage trado and linen anil to bring a more unit- minion to bear on llie legislation the benefit of Province CAaTAfiCajl The Brock I bad I made from Canadian lead which we over saw Tho lead is from the Buckingham Mine thu proiorty in part of Mr Loo of llrockvillo and la of a Very good quality BO- By an order in Council dated the Mav coal parsing upwards the Canal St or St Anns cral subdivisions or of respectively are exempt from pay of canal lolls ear The oldest of the has gone to iho grave This was Mrs ninety- five widow of Jonathan author of Portraiture of Methodism It is sappoeed no her of body at tiino of Mr Wesleys seven tyeight years ago A Law The legislature passed a law which cornea into effect this month that all persons having no means of support and having no in- ill be committed to jail for months In ipii Such a law would bo very acceptable Ontario A man named Norman ar retted in Kingston on Mooday on a charge of assisting a of the Artillery to desert It appears that he boxed the man up labelling box as crockery and glaav- with a caution to keep this side up with care The ease or box six i of by both being of tho Peace before them made persona hereinbefore do- suibod as vagrants loose idlo and disorderly persons are or are sonably lo bo harbored concealed In any bawdyhouse house of ill fame tavern or board house may by warrant nndcr their hand aiitlsoi1 authorize any other to at any time such house or tavern and lo appre hend and bring before them or a other Justices all persons there suspected as aforesaid Mr Spencer for trying to pay coral days and d The following divestyd of is the Act for the tern- 1 wncorn i J l offlciabraiifd and the Tor when in i tod with Canada j In the Municipal Returns preamble recites the probnbil- Ontario fur the year a ludicrous ty of an Imperial Act passed blunder is continued throughout the for the admission of Land whole of that part which the and Northwest Territory j Municipal census Thus we find at 1st Territories when admitted page under the heading Number shall be styled The of persons in family of each Terri tones BOB rated as a resident for Ottawa 2nd The Governor in Council may That boats King Solomon make laws for the government of not to speak the Saltan of Turkey the Territories and In Toronto it worse via car he may appoint as Lieutenant It is not creditable to have such a lo make provisions for ad- blunder in a publio return signed by of Justice generally John Auditor CitUc make laws aod or- Biding the dinnceanecasaaryforthepeacei der aod good government of Her Ma- exertion employed subjects and orders provided jn that all laws so made shall be laid both Houses of Parliament as soon convenient after the making and enactment thereof n little choice but the sport of wood sawing baa leas of monotony and pays better house offlcoiaV and sentenced to six months hard Tut Jcnoasnir Several names are mentioned in connection with the vacant Middlesex County Judgeship bat we have reason to be lieve there are in reality but two gen tlemen who hare any pretensions to ward securing the position These Deputy Jadge and Won Elliott Esq balance of opinion is in favor of the appointment Of the latter gentleman and unless ha should do line there la a of his receiving the coveted honor London Advertiser IS- The leading religious bodies of Canada wisely cocoas the pleasant leafy month of June for their gatherings Wesieyan Confer ence will be held this year at Toron to commencing on Wednesday June 2nd On the same day tho New Con nection Conference assembles at near Hamilton The Primitive Methodist Conference at on Friday Jane About the middle of the month the Congregational Union will convene at Montreal The Canada Presbyte rian meets in Hamilton on Tuesday June Axoao Swnra The Ham ilton Times says A fearful disease has appeared among the swine in fiinbrook which bears precise symptoms of the leprosy of the Bast and as far known is the first appear ance of the loathsome malady on this continent A sow owned by Mr Chan Harvey three years old the first animal stricken by Ihe and specimens of the including the heart were brought to the city and The specimens are cover ed with white posUilos and present a horrible appearance being supposed to resemble the leprosy as it ha man The BarKiaa Mr Workman of the Montreal City Bank condemns the Banking scheme often Government in unmeasured terms In a letter to the Montreal be says it seems to have been made es pecially for the Bank of Montreal Ho closes his letter as follows a Meanwhile let me basse eh every member of the House of Commons they love their country they hate tyranny and oppression through l would avoid a commercial and I notary crisis over the whole Domin ion as they would shun as certain as daylight an irredeemable currency before many years to this

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