Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 4 Jun 1869, p. 4

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THE NEWMARKET JUNE inn m Village FOE SALE pFTI taJneijaJ far riM J irlr id jnim 9 For apply lew J NEW TIN WARE ESTABLISHMENT fJlUE U ROYAL Tinware Stove Pipes Repairing Dome on Wrattned net bo A It aw Kk4i ML in that when laj caught Tlieshafl a An correspondent it Riven to porfng wants know when tho Anglo Saxon rare o much talkr1 about is to off What snail I if keep arena a shivering slightly lady J really dont know another areas pin aaid a solemn taking Quaker A firm faith in the heat i good tire tho bent philosophy beat A Good morning Patrick It j wry morning Slippery I nothing A littlo boy disputing with on subject we do no rnnmbur what exclaimed It true for au eagre a and an say MP Pa how long does the Three or months my eon What a they late my son I think Utter retir A newly married couple riding in a carriage were overturned a slanderby said it tea a Tea aidajrratleenat la nee those wedded fall oat It re you bad l an old and Resting an exchange that he bad tranfceending the fibertiea of ft- ureas Pa will you answer mo question Certainly my boy WclLpistheworldroandr Ye of Well then pa if the world is round an end There sow yon can ru wot and A good Lory is told of a shoemaker in Ulica who having made integrity bad doubt made tho following reply to when ho called for the article i iiuU ish not quite done but dor A out r When a girt of years or age a of fortyfive years ho f as tkcae as old as she After for fiftoon years she will he thirty and he will be sixty the husband being hat twice old his wife How together until she do me same ago he aaV A veteran toper has been read ing a aeries of articles on liquor adul teration in New York analysis the liquor average of sixty live parts of water thir tyfive of spirits They dont give spirit a fair chance said the bacchanal theyll keep on fooling with water till it depopulates earth again do you feel with such a shocking looking coat ear said young clerk of id I old farmer looking eteadily with one eye half closed as if aim at the victim I feel ing mam as if I had a coat which a feeling r young mam a- has been f I Useful Rtfcejlpts One pound of sugar and half a poind of butter stirred three eggs beataa lightly of a f with the wine and an tcaspoonful of soda with pound of floor Bake in a rather f tallk TeascMiartr the same teas ef in cream one of raisins Bake Jy in a quick oven An Btnt Take one pound of fino flour rub into it half a better add half of the same of currants a little nutmeg mace and cinnamo attth fire eggs well beaten Make into soma and bake a tree aatovvM when them half done brush them with a lit tle hot Cold Grate rind of a lemon Into a pint of cream or new milk let it just boil and strain it When cool beat the yolks of six and add them to tie above with crushod lump sugar to sweeten it Poor the six and steam for half an hoar Urn out and garnish with currant jot ly or other preserve A Worn Owl Jbe Ohio Cultivator says the following is worth a thou- dollars to era Take ft pound of so pound of tin ski held lime and put a galloa of water boil twenty minutes let it stand till cool drain off and pet in a small jug all your dirty clothes orer night or It Is the DaasalMOea n they are wet through then wring them oat and on and In hotter with water odd 4aw ttaapasjerful f the washing fluid half an boar then them thoroughly la 4km rinae and your cloth look bettor than by the of so ikr box Taisalsiettelsaifaf pc woman should try It aUrA MS ENGLISH Field and Garden SIS IE IDS Fresh Importation DR Drug Store SUJN OF Tire Bronze Mortar the Post MAJN STRKET NEWMARKET Hallow CABBAGE brad Flat Dutch and Win CUCUMBERS Early Short ttreen Extra Early oro ripen and Extra Iv Champion of Lang Dwarf Six dwarf Pole Bcota fiummor Savory TOMATO PEAS beat known Yellow Globe Mangel Wnrteel Seed Ac All Seeds of the Best Quality LOW Dr BENTLEY Mrs Johnsons AMERICAN SOOTHING SIRUP A to all ibt relitf of only in Canada by DR BENTLEY PRICE 25 CENTS BOTTLE FRENCH OINTMENT for Cutsf Ilea Salt Lepra BeraaBealJa Aec Tbeiol- and la eieh fall Lepra BareaSeeM Itfvae VettleRaek pass A Traeata Ska ft etc tie aaad rialeal te had of dealer a literal ilaavadaoa bolaaIpanaaM Tick and Scab fidaatlr if Tics aheef ant abject Ithae tea ii L failed la it iaiandrd arill diraeiieai iaeej a year Yii l He and fall Tae are a few CERTIFICATES Asm awauaxiTOel19C7 BEKTLET atari and owe re roar It to be Trie iheea iHpeatra the Sheep Utter Utter better thai reduce a tod Ceo Rill hare need We- laaJl he bare JOHN Chemist Druggist M Pure Wines Liquors gj il a DYK Sip fy C Not Dead Not Sleeping THUS THOMPSON IT AS a bole of TEAS SUGARS FRUITS GROCERIES Ac Which at low prices for Cash or Farm Wines and Liquors ate ef a flaperior want trial SUPERIOR ALE ON DRAUGHT At A good of Crockery Stove- wart ut4 Earthenware Alto PATENT MEDICINES Frail Leaipa padct with otter awful aad Fane too Lumber for Sale T1TB i prepared of Is IS I MARBLE WORKS iXlhiBkifonba THEtibacrlbe llterilfatroBJ Tomb Marble Table Tops Ac MILLARDS Cabinet Planing TBK are mpadfill that the abort MILLARD A Co aa they do facility for aaaa- aad order for they bar erery fa J MILLARD A Co SDtf SMITHS MILLINERY Show Rooms Open far Season ALL LATEST Newmarket Oct 188 British American coarANT Oldct Chartered Canadian LOSSES OR SEASONABLE KATES en 11 do Vtratrki a cents box J Retail Dnggisl KI1U TOROW Door of MB a to of ite tetter it ottered aeeaa apeak lb4ealiyf Painty Oris c mm can of Dnzl or foUvniy it a tit hat note an hmd Flat rribklta fc- tertlUaaa aua Battle p War la mAj- Till CASH 14 BREWERY rcapoctftlly Inti- HOTEL KEEPERS And in that he baa dot on a rail STOCK ALES And Porter Of ray Superior Quality lit EXTENSILE Firstclass Als and pouter PER GALLON CHEAPER THAN ElSEWHEnE rtatrtTiwarr will flwl to lorlr ad raid for Barlry rttaxuaa SHARON MARBLE WORKS CIIAJILES CniRLBS MciBTODB Is ia Sew tally prawefl esaeala all te Tombs Tahlrts Head Stoma Ac Oa Short ft Tte CoPartaenhip of A teea diaaolrad mm March MM LIME BIT BAUD Change ofLocalion I THE la I for literal trade NEW STORE Main- St Newmarket tea fa- entSe new stock J ATCnBS Ha at the LOWEST PRICES all competition TOYS AlaTzeSlMkwbichwIIteaaMeteap leraa Toronto Price 1 SarCaU ate Uvea tetore Barlag Elate here Every Attention Paid to Repairing Clock Watch Ac Door of Be A Treat April l VILLAGE LOTS FOR fVaiarUuliiolj oath plot of rata J MAIN IadJaawlakU lad Wild Landsfor Bale THE offers for sale Lot Coo of of CO 150 ACRES It la aUoaled between tana aad tmr aaUeapf Ew Craaatng THie at tbe or the TO TRAPPERS c The Trappers by i J the aoat aat a ted Wild fctrln SOc OLD AT Newmarket Drag Stow I Oct I SI Lime ter will datlrer the GOOD EVENI1NTG FRIEND BROWN today I re teea at At la eel Flow a ibi tea- FIRST I bar heard that they are Ye I aaei they are li aet ia with ate thai a hare a real three are all real I I Ala beat Tteir la the teal I ha Woods Self- Rake Reaper ILLS SEED DRILLS FLOWS Wheelbarrows HorseHoes WEEDEBS Aad dont what ail bar a shop tall of doiaf all of thlaga laeh re Saw Kill trepan Tteeahara I Hank 1SW partly rth For the Enlarged BBa to kit aad Stock or Furniture ia Seated a faa farter Cltaha Baal by a First Claas Instrument a iBtatettoa laUodit infant a- liitraat if Western Assurance Co BEAD OFFICE TORONTO Capital flOO000 Prttident Witt Ma aaoartl TV hi Afwat for A HENDERSON If trek 7 tt SYKES S ELVIDGE Founders Engineers Steam Engines Stoves THIMBLE Ac Ac B AHD HOOF ROD AND BAB daaerketiaaaf HEAVY AND HARDWARE ESTABLISHMENT ataua We weald a YKE Feb 1S Glak INSURANCE COMPANY J a lu arreted art t lu Daily n Ufa an a fcr the Fin Policies baaed to All fair adjaata of Office Canada Branch Montreal o p c SMITH Chief te A THE ON MUTUAL LITE ASSU COMP PROVISIONAL DIRECTORS P B J W ease eAUeata Water loe JaeoU Walarieo MOSES Aw a Medical March IA I8W TO LEND A par Load Baeari CAMPBELL A Ml For Sale ClHJtpx Ota lent Fall N For fartkar and Cabinet Organ ACTOR THE afaerriten are the abort laatraaeate a at ill teretofcrt and weald thoee to large Seek ceapriatsa CabinetOrgans in Plain and Fancy Cases Suitable for PIANp CASE MELODEONS Doable and Single Plain and Fancy Portable Melodeon- of all Kinds Fancy el Plain had IS lathe aaaaaetara aad aad oar raw direct at I rat coal and ban rapteyad bat Ihey ia price teat Tho ir Instruments Re the First Prize Wherever flhown A Call respectfully Solicited Every Instrument Warranted a Parts sataaUy Please PHILIPS COATES 1MB FOR ALL PURPOSFaS Lamps Shelf And Heavy Hardware in all its and a large of BOOTS A SHOES ail Cheap and good at jr ANDREWS Cot Aurora Doc 1868 a IT ISA FACT J J M HODGE COOKING PARLOR HfU ft Lower t Toron Prices I New it tin to bar fair STOVES STOVEPIPES alt Copper Tin Sheet Iron Japan Ware prices thai will ASTONISH YOU A call ill iifr that TROUGHING a ttpirioraioDtr ind deaenpllaa of as thaihartaataatleeaad EVERY THING WARRANTED Farm Produce Sheep skins Rags fa s the The First Brisk Store North Saw PO A J Newmarket October Reduction in Prices MAIN STEBET JONES IN foe put fron ajbraai kt of New ndlkwUioalkwnUukkai wal It his littnaeati Sctitry c with an bit replt nth all lb ttaoaaataj foe of First Class Artistic Hotlines Either Large Sited Arabrotrpe or Gem Pictures LATEST ricrtnux wwaklttatatU Oat lot wax dan a wa awatxU Ik PBDEC AT TBE FALL SHOW IN Aad kaHa tatOitj far axaeatiac all ik Q Specimens of the above now on view at Studio S12 CABTE FOB JONES 3T Motion Feed SHUTTLE STITCH SEWING MACHINE LIST OJf No Rand Stitch Sowing Machine No Hand do do Stand No 3 Poor Kohl motion upper food family do No do do do da da do No do do do do do- Terr Itnprotrmrnli THOMAS ATKINSON Mil FIRST aadUmmaU DR ft J PECK SUBOEON a Br the t iheaaaorajeAaJ he alee lew ia a ill air da d Xhh da a rtvorakill Maple hraach of prafratiea I reara thie theaa ia work rasa ilaelho the aa ihe heal 1 at Ceaaty ha where had grass other factioa t aril j perforated TEETH IITSERTED la all the Laical Ayleaaad Dr Peak te laaert Teeth Cheap Teeth Filled so as to them fur Life Tea I TIBlaWTrilWICDrW Thkt thai 1 had of DaMati toot b I had I A or J tj lit far taha fcl la aklk Ural RESIDENCE Oram Mail A Farm for Sa OB TO BE LIT art for Sal It Hill Coaeeealeaflb IOO ACRE Han at FRUIT Far Apply la Powells- Patent LIFT AND Force Aiaftad ferae am ad ace of The avert thai has here laavetarer Lb tee CELEBRATED la all where 1 l depth f TtJlrr Digging tlioar one A A J

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