Our Toronto Ill March that the the Indian and Willi from tin bridge I I crop lor many In a iJclcdhi- gn 1 dissipate hod a plurality l tVMly n plurality of laeoj The Quebec School Bill Iff ami passed it- third reading and Slgaatere tie Hon ljMI-Urf- Will toftlrt era defeated The of the Add bare pamtlon The MM white in atxlaixwerooj A tribe the lion J in riaoaer Havana March In the laLSntunhiv iL i aim- in hi pi Gmnrillo 1 I inn Imu in Of lilt Dominion of Company I loth April lut I tax After all trouble of and Tin puh- ill llnl I I lite I hi- Iitii i an- ISallniinl it 1 lliat a llLW llyy ami it be mi I al Sign tea hopeless to alcalde arrange meal part hut he Lad tO At be MnottoU what bo lw thai with wa Shy partus for uror A dcta-h- wa ltl ot Utdiis iircrvI t the 1- to yet been I it it it- York Ac Society mean a or nil hut a most in tin- body In Canada the day has the be and tan tad by pot one would hare rappoaed ii have leu well bad WOT I the people rarocod ban long been fully lor admit lath all the and right of man Cat la Utbj the dark Mack damn of slavery win thank God ha now been wiped away in the best of ihc learned lecturer then adverted to the ililit an era in the ialmy I Bdom to ii- of bat the their of wan a privttegatl the great of the people without any useful or mental culture lie alaO the fact that from the toward existing it man if the discovery of In thii he observed hat it grand invention bom the human rare wile the floodgate of know which wan to overflow and ir- ricatu the nation and although for a lengthened period the ledge planted hail to many a blight Mill it con tinue to more or lew frutt- Bar anon traced by tep the intellectual made the tall Him general and effort fur ly Mr II IN- mint- Hut IVnnl VufUHnrf tiriM lVrTlirrt Si Colonial By tli8 Cable from have boon rapaived A manofwar tho llriliivh hip Dun Colonial atlaUtar the with l lh rKarched the ill MiNfiiing of an tiny in I prt trick for of from General Sessions of tho Peace uTViwrr It DO Til el il l torn mil rt TlrI to M TIk- UM frrt UtwIIOf hot I I1rwlnc ii A Mr by Mr at TVmriiic mm Uaw durum wan by Mr by Mr Tltat tbla dr Tb iwl Mr aMMlad Mr Tkul an be by World or mn Una In tuna twit that MUatketeay arraftga 1111 llw ar- rrtnUilal Editorial Summary Mr now be lo the Agricultural We To Correspondents Kt Dominion Monthly The April jlBwallic iT Hi Is It True A telegram to tin ON thai meal ha Ahead of the Time The Globe Itiff of the mid refbao wan held at I tbo moll An adjourned Sessions of Peace i letter than Tin of Uk Mia ylrrJay the miliary a by tbo man- far and not A There were precnt Ilia Arthur Armstrong J J It Jama Taylor A P J Mitchell P 1 Scarlett John Terry Ilaniiton I merit- and all mIut i of the Brace Railway boon aul duircft I So this gil elite or a The a named John Smith bo the nee 1 died of Ii heart Hoc in in lie of lidgevvuy made a t id nflo in for into jail a nth While imprimaad 1 tractod the ol the bea be Urn A breach of promia in County Ill in which tl fen lant a man of a up the plea that yotlBJ was of Seven ictitiedthn i lhckwed No l African I although alio iti Montreal tin try generally- people have bocuma abject do oil it bolt of the feoder Phi as me a In her meat and tt wholesome if mat fed and cared A man I ie Alia itnvlfil here by Pol it tho P ArauMtUagJofan atumoU alone by Hull Piaster The minute of lat meeting were read by the Crown Attorney who act a Clerk of the Court and The An lit Committee presented iheir with following no W JirviI8580pad John MeXalh jtiel John Dunn- and 0iD I Some on tho claimed by Mr residing the of the pawed J I laim It Manhall claimed and emion ending in of the claim until the John laluard claimed alter MOM sit ion on the claim it was ruled out ft projierly chargeable to Justice account of the A a to whether of in curtain of obtaining money under pre wore rightly or by ttiia in the matter being left in quo until Tho constable- for the County were appointed the of old ones being retained The following resolutions were mU s T i to rerlas the mm lo bo furnished Konj of the Peace and tltat the Clerk of from Ilia north bare printed what J Committoo That the Clerk of Peace he to publish the constable of of York I JelreTbal the Clerk or the TT Peace bo for Pig fed on of kivine are no hitch- to limn cows or on a charge of bar eminent I fvbruary 2nd those alone ran hi New J that have been fed on flesh In that are kept in town v Ii though they may escape Here and In other place we lielicvo pig are allowed the lit from pork factories They are in fact fattened on the portions taken flroai of their own apeciok TbeM the animals thai are liable infection and the Met is highly baa Urn several year He we I Springfield by name of Trover and committed a robbery and which Qooney was I is now in jail awaiting Weddiso of oV pirneon Welueslay bo well to a I the atreet I bylaw bearing on the Fat- whereat were congregated with pork of that portion of should lie made punishable Ward of Si Jolindeaignaled Hence that life The If not is thereby Physicians was Mis that this is a matter of vital locality named while the importance and that the Ka Bo go to root iheevilm habitant of Township one of the the and it is lv Northern Healthy 1 way ye- of therefore duly of those inrtnthor- jrig Dr ieott did will it in the promisee and impossible for any thing bat healthy two togothor with pork to be ottered for sale or knot The PanrEnrr Paxic at is passed dated excitement ha been in the suburb from the From nnd after that the acres of land running bo allowed for are on ugarfmpffjK from he corner of in hogshead per centum and Illonr street to the Bed 14 per con torn of lb Bert and back nearly a- far the pot weight of where the old blockhouse used lo of pounds stand has been thiown into Chamcry which sugar it imported an at instance of a person named litre shall lttlbjweil to I artB Caldwell at present residing in by weighing one bag out of but who for some pnt has been If in any case objection is tukcnieflj in California From the fact of allowances that ewral residences and the actual tare the Church stand on pro- invoice may allowed potty In legal however to a lengthened character am to by actual weighing or ensue tbo man in as may bo of the original given collector of port to pensioner alter rf of