Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Courier, 22 Oct 1868, p. 1

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liieligious Xjibeit and Eq 1 il i g i t r TERMS 125 STRICTLY IN ADVANOB Q M BINN8 PEOPRIETOR Vol II No 18 NEWMARKET ONTARIO GANADAj THURSDAY OCTOBER 22 1868 Whole No 44 djourir OEJSSAL PRINT10 OFFICE mUaadothS wilvertia BUSINESS CARDS J H iMlips Co Br HACEETT MARRIAGE LICENSES BARGAINS in DRY GOODS ALfFAFS ON HAND william hi Something all should Know H R LUNDY PEOTOGRAPE GALLER7 One door soath of Hodges Tin Bhop Kain Streetj Newmaiket whera he will be pleased old pictures copied with cahe the pobcelaik picttjee H PIPER Co Q1 TOSQE STREET firet door 0 1 king Street SAMtLs r u riages geratrs and Water Coolere Celebr tilator and Smoke Conductor Tinware 4c Wholetale Dealers ia Tuba Paila Brooms Brashes Bopes Wooden Ware JAPANNED TIN WAR Lamps Chandeliers Coal Oil tc h pipes e pipei Toronto June 3 1868 24- NOCE rant anything in the ALFRED BOULTBEE- Barrister AttomeyatLai SOLICITOB IK CHANCERY CONVEYANCER o Stationery Femcy Goods Or anything in the ahape of FIRSTCLASS JOB PRINTING SAMUEL ROADHOUSE CABINET MAKER urdertaker ac MAIN STREET NEWMARKET AGOOB ABSOrtmeot of Fumitnre always oa hand CofRns Ready Made AND FUNERALS FURNISHED THE OLD ESTABLISHED HARNESS SHOP NEWMARKET SADDLES HABNESS COLLABS TRUNKS And every other Arlide in he Trade kept WM WALLIS QUEENS ELIPTIG SEWING MACHINE NO HUMBUG Etery Machine Warranted Perfect o ioney refunded 15 tii08 atsinson Doat Orod I thia world e broad e Jta places yon ae the best yot 7ill glisten none th cause it comes in co A beggars tattered d This lorely world was toa th Deteotlye flatted I hid been ft oWk jk tlie Bristol Bank in Providence for eiglReQ years aod had leir boOfa Oneof tbei James Pelrie wbo hd tia abost year before the eyenta happened whtoi I am about ta relate M been oa friendly terms with me and I had always fonid him an obliging kindhearted fellow He m rather too fond of a glass of ftU r and I had frequently warned him that it would injtue him in the opin- of th ofBoers of the bank if it ehoaldl 6 disttorMftd that he so freeV ffe had always promieed me that he woaj efonn and had alwapi failed to do so At last bo came to thebaak one day in state which wotdd oertwniy betray bim be ahonld have to Bpak to the Cashit which he had often to do and I was tirg- ing him to leave on the plea of siekness Wxi and I talking very body doing at the when the Cafihier who P4w caHed him to his room on B0m9 matter of bnsinesa He went and on entering the roomBtumbled chair and fell The Oaabier discovered hia condition and when the Prident arrived poor Petrie Itwaa Q cntom when an employeo left the bank for the President to give him a atatlment of his net while there and what was the lof Hsdiemies Suth a statement banded to Petrie he left the ffioer Hood in describing the mei might and the lion all b A poor ttsn lito tWK being asked by a gentlemftn whether be had remedy replied No i aint taken Qedybut i have taken lota of physic A line in one of Ifoores songa reai shftU be lOBta bespangli rould give Bendbte girl About a year after I was summoned into the Presidents room and informed that I had to start th evening for N imUre He 6Utd that Mr Hardle 1117 the bpij id on a cleric Hampshiijiafei thousand dollare to pay for large apioaiil of property which be had bought there It would have beeo eaqr for Mr Hardie to give a check od the bank for the sum specified hut he had a habit of pang the loney down and he now proposed to pay clerks expenses to Kcene and back ra- ther than dabblo with checks as he qalled I bad been chosen for tho work and telegram was to be forwarded to Mr Hardie to tell him that I would start by the 740 pm train that night The money was ready and I went home to pre pare for my jootney taking it along with I had scarcely arrived at home i IS attacked by a complaint whioh ly protrated me for time nine oclock before I got over th tack and then I was too late to get a ight I did not think how- was of inuch consequence I could start by the 420 alex budge i BLACKSMITH L0T8T OPPOSITE MECHANICS HALL JJ0R8E SnOEING and all kinds of OK REASONABLE TERMS MAIN STREET NEWMARKET OHT EDWARD DOAN BEQS tcspectfttily to noUfy the puUlc thai he jb amply prepared to manufactur jmcotvttmkivts HEAD BTOHSB Tonib Tohlea Tublele Posts At PrioM touit the Timeaf AcaJt KlciVed before you pnichaw eteewlM All Work Warranted tf- INSURANCE CO OF dublin NEWMAEKBT BEEWERt The subscriber hah obeat plb aurc in notifyicg thepubllc that h hu Beopeaed tht NewnuMket tnilwly oa bi own rMponaihillty and hopes by strict aUehUon butiaeM aod fumiihing a oUaa artlclfl afmodarate prices to mbrita ha of the public i JiLE PORTER AND VINEGAR h b simpson Features BonusMB given every years if no losses The Company THE NIAGARA DISTRICT rornALMlSUEAHCECOl ST PAUL ST BT OATHARINES FARMRISKBj 1 r CiAea Brick or Stone 13 W for Jnaurance ofJlOOOforoneyear IhTt Ctaw Wood fa forlMurance of 1006 Prwident ja tavw esg bt Catharinei mtvh life INSUEANOE COMPANY I f ditlo Tho neat day being t itr fftthi cftbbagi Veil tha jaciiatcl the in- Not for JoBepb a bit of gaiety throughoul d chattcd gaily d linrliy aiikciitbts I think I vflll ther parting draio 0h44ld ho I Sjwkcn No you dont my dear felloi you dont get champagne out of joaeph Chorus Oh dearl no Kotqe time ago a friend of n out to dine TTEAp OFFICE for Ontario WbHUmbr ii Buildings Toronto Street Toronto JoBxOuirw General Agent B CONNOR PoiT OmoB ApDuaa Avaota dlrlne e said she such Jot wife and had ily fortytwo my Uy go and SpoWro Malrimony and lotj of mo id a widow only fortytiro well the mc very good but then the wldon- nd now nerhapi i sung ny bods mlKhlinthBcuB Toahow kl aknowtdeant Ught to know As for lnigbf 1 So Iy with Joe Chorns Ob dear Well Steel said the person b this JUT man Yea air was the detectives reply He is quite green pr very deep Has he got the money inquired the Superintendent I left tiie matter of searching for that we should come here replied Steel Then tumiDg to me and looking at the valise in which I had the money be added I suppose you have it all Open iti did as he directed and the bundle 9f was produced 1 observed a glance of satisfaotion paas between the Chief and bis subordinate but thinking nothing of I the oironmstance I proceeded to state bow I had been detained and that I had been crossing to the Fitohbory Depot take the train when Mr Steel had arret dents mesenger that yon started last evening when you did not come by the train spiaed In the meantime I shall telegraph to our people at Providence make inqniries and yoa will have to confined until their reply arrivea J Bteel he added turning to the deteetv you will show him down stairs to I floor below I do nob wish to make his case a public one until we ascertain whe ther there be any truth in bis statemei He does not look as if he were guilty As tho detectife requested me to follow him 1 thanked thp Superintendantforbis courtesy and requested him to ei to let me go oa by the 11 am tram aa x had lost too much timo already He said roald do what he could and with a teous bow to bim I followed the de lve He conducted me to the cellars of the building and after turning several bot aU vu silent u th grave At inter- vals I repeated my enavours to make i myself beard bntno reply came to my calls nor did any onod indicate that I had Bucoeeded in drawing attention to my place of confinement Faint and weary I again bethought me of tl food and grop- e it bad been gone I ate and drank ravenooaly For days and nights thiswearyytanible captivity con- tinoa HowtlmewaspaaBedlcouldnol I had 00 light to let m h I called for help till r hoarse from the continued ittered the floor with my olenohed fiste till the skin was peeled off then I prayed for help till my heart with the nnanswered oiy Lord help and deliverme In vain did I shout in vain did I wildly rush gainst the unyielding door in vain did 1 send up my Heaven No help came and I most tempted to give up in dispair At last there came a time when conecioOEness departed Aom me and at that darkest When I had recovered was lying on a sofa in a bandeomdly-fnr- nish room There were three persons around the sofa two gentlemen one of whom was a doctor and a young lady The eyes of the latter were filled with tears and though she did not know that I heard her she muttered words of deepest sympathy I had again ly eyes and now again I opened ihered mt with me aod telling ild call again in the e When ho left I was glad to sleep for I itterly worn out and sleep I did till oclock when I was aroused to have anotberv interview with the detective whom I found accompamed by the bono jide Steel this time The latter was hot with ire that he should have been lepte- seoted so successfully for such a purp Tliey had discovered that Petrie bad been a cleik in the telegraph office and that he hod isigDed his situation on the day that I had ln immured in the cel lar They had found too that he had been living a very fast Ufe and that tho manager at the office wbere he worked had not been sorry when h left for he had often been nnder the influence of liquor and he was scarcely to he trusted about important work They had further ascertained that two men had taken two fuiniahed rooms in the vacant iouse ad joining Mr Lo Raws on the evening be fore and though neither of them resesv- bled Petrie in appearance they had no doubt that it h been be in disguise They had telegraphed also to New York inquiring whether a person of Petries description either as he really was or as he appeared with the disguise bad been seen there and they hoped to have soma t information for me in the mom- I spent the rest of the evening in eiety of Annie Le Baw and her fa ther and rejoiced that ahe had done me good and her eyes beamed with pity as she talked of the tortures I most have nn- dergone In short I loved her or tincon- louely to herself the feeling wUch began aud bo ia time for the 7 o This fro I carried out without thinking iploytiB Hardio would have the money withm n cw hours of the timo notified by the tele- S- iBdliasI Yon mnetbonow to thebusinc Mr Glover What Wncsa I inquitcd as I turned round and faced tbo man who had addressed mo Thcro was Eomething in the tone of hia voice which mado mc think I had heard it before but on look ing at his faoo I perceived that ho was c kvi 1 beginning to act ho 8id look- ig steadily at mo There is no use jwever trying that on ho continued i You were missed last night and aa you bad such a large sum of money it was thought strange and word was sent on here I have been on the outlook for you Einee and now you had belter accompany me to the office without any dislurbanco What ofiioo I inquired with more and more amazement for be waspeaking in parables to mo J To my office he replic I am deetivo Steel and have to arrAt you on the charge of attempting to mAe off with a largo sum of money from tho Bristol Bank of Providence I was completely stunned Surely I must bo dreaming But no there was tho dotectivo of whom I had bo oflen hfcird with his hand on mr aJioulder and i looking into my faco with calm aatiaiio- lion There oould be no doubt of that And bo must have been instruoted to arrest me Otherwiae bow could ho have known my errand eo aooorately I thought quiet Bubroiaslon w tho beet oourae aa I could eaaly clear up any doubt which might be oMt upon me by tdrapbing to the Proident pf the bank how I htdlieeB preventd ftom atartiog bt I iierefore walked long with bim till we came to a bouse in Ilaoovej aifoet where he said which He left a lamp that he would re- hreakfast to mo he de- parted looking the door behind him What followed seema to me even now ce a hideous dream As the detective loold 1 agonizing gloom would come acrosmy lul as I listened to catph the noises which hear the elighteist murmi the faintest roll of a wheel As timo woro ilock approached I ban t for tbo the dctcctives re- oclock camc aud went and yet ho did not make his appearance At Brst I had seated myself on abeoch which lit my impatience pace from end to end of the apartment chaCog in spirit at the disgrace which my employers suspi- ion had brought upon me Eleven oclock passed away and yet no release Tho ticking of ray watch alone broke thointenEc etillnesa around me and the wflteh continued its sharp click click till I knew that tho afternoon had passed and that night was olosing upon the city Night had como but it had brought with it no prospcctof escape from tho solitary illar in which I was confiQcd For a my anxiety about the result had pre- ented mc from feeling hunger or thirst but by degrees these two enemies attacked mo with full vigor I had oaten nothing fiinco my usual dinner hour of tho pre vious day tho illness which had attcked ntc having made me think nothing of sup- WT ftTd tho haato with which I had left jProvidenco in the morning having pre cluded tho possibility of my eating thing then But hunger and thirst alike forgotten for a timo as tho night rolled away and another morning found me still a prisoner Tho lamp still burnt but tho flame wm wanin and another hour would leave me in darkness I took tho lamp and with it examined eve corner of the room that I jnight ascertain whether there was any wa of c8cao But though I found no crevice bjr which I might effcet egress I made a discovery when Bonl on appalling thrill of torror through my heart In a sort of cupboard I found three jr four loaves of bread and a largo pitcher of water Ai found them a terriblo suspii mo that I had been inveighled to this den by fiorno clever scoundrel who had known of my having tho money and that bo and his Bcoomplico had looked mo up hero to prevent my being able to give iniormation of the robbery They had Icl mo a little food to prevent my dying for sonio daya j but whether they had made any arrange ment for y final rcleaso was of coureo unknown tome Probably not for dead life After a little I to sit np and tho doctor seeing that I very weak asked tbe other gentlema beconldgivemeaglasBof w Scarcely had he uttered i friend bounded from the Toom and pre sently returned with somo sherry The wine revived me so much that I was able again to speak and to thank them fo their kindness Naturally enough they my yoi thatmj with tbe faculty of MUte hearing Two days ago she re lumed from the country where ahe had been viflitiog and on going into the yard behind tho house yesterday morning she beard a voice as if down In tho bowels of the earth calling for help She listened for a little without being able to di jh from what direction the noise ceededj and presently the sounds ceased This morning she heard them again and aier a little hesitation decided that from the cellars of the neigh bouring house which has been untonantec some timo- back She told mo of th tor- and prevailed upon me for I refuse her nothing tj get tho he ched Procuring a couple of police- i and tho neccssary authority we e tored tbo house and after searching ibcr of small closets at last came to ono where you were c to break open the door key and this wc hesitated about doing But Annie was so euro that she was w as to the locality and I had pi ily got so many proofs of the extrei acutencss of her bearing that X conseot yield to her entreaties and I quietly alot the BtiperinUndent of Police lived from m he wished to get inatxttotlona r- Jle had apmkey by which wished to get lnt gtidieg ne JI had a pk be adoltied himMl and wa want iot room where a gentlMswilylookiDg maa waa writiog aa mere sympathy deepened into love on her part though I did not know it then Two weeks passed before any trace waa found of Petrie At lost it was discover ed that a passenger resembling him bad crossed in tho steerage of one of the In- mere and detective Steel and my- dispatched in pursuit AtLlver- pwl we were somewhat at fault but by dint of close untiring search on out own part and that of a Scotch detective of the name of McLevy wo at lost hunted our prey down in tho city of Edinburgh Having ascertained that Petrie was a common name in Scotland we went to the capital of that country and there we got good aaaistanco Petrie bad dropped the character of a poor man which he had sustained while on board tho steamer and was now eustaining that of a million aire who had made a fortuno in America The detectives pounced upon bim as he was going to church and we brought bim back to this country lo pay tho penalty of ld probably h without osiBtance When ho ceased speaking I turned my Ktatcful eyes upon the beautiful girl who had saved mo and in broken words of grat itude uttered my thanks A woman feels greater interest in a man whose life she ived than in ono who hi reword for what she had doi Mr Iio Bw her father told iwe that ho had heard of my disappearance and tho loss of the money and ho most nosed that he and DrSwinton to tho officers of the bank telling them what had happened to mo At th timo I communicated with tho police oi Boston and n delcotivo officer 600n arrived at Mr Lo Baws house to whom I related what had happened to mo This dotectivo must himself bo de tected somehow said tho offiocr laughing It will never do to allow any persoi back to this country lo pay tho penalty of his crime At his trial he pleaded guilty and said that ho bad Eeea the telegram to Mr Hardie as it was being changed from one line to another at Boston and feeling persuaded that I would be the bearer of the money ho determined to make a bold attempt at getting posscssionand adopted plan which was eq successfully car ried out He bad got Vwotbirda of tho money tho accomplice whom be had found it ncccssary to employ having been satis fied with fifty thousand dollars as his share of tbe priie Ho too was captured by Petries description of him and both are now serving their time in prison The cashier of iho bank retiring soon after tho directors were kind enough to bestow that position oameia reward they said for the sufferiogs I had undergone in their scrvicc About a year after my Scotland I paid n visit to Boston not the first since I Lad met tho pretended deteelivo there by any means but I mention this one particularly be- luso theu I took homeAonie with mc as ly wife aod she has since proved her- lf to be tho best and dcnrestwifein Fro- idcnco her only fault being that she oc- isionnlly laughs at mo for having been K easily deceived by Petrio I meekly reply that I do not caro now sinco my captivity brought me the good fortuno of iccting her of th n telle hoped for my mado a comproiniso with oonsoienoo by leaving mo what would kocp mo in life r a timo 1 Those thoughts pased through myj mind with tho weed and overwhelming foroa of a thunderbolt What if I should I never eseapo I And if this should happen not only would I lose my life but wygood name would bo destroyed for my employ era would never doubt that I had fled with tho money The ijickeniog torror that oune over me unmannea me for a time but after a little I roeovered my fortitude and ottering a short for support I Shouted Ar help at tbe pitoh of my volee aod hammerd with my hand ai the door After I had made as much qolae aa I oould I for several mlautea I stopped to Uateo any duo to tho persons who you I oould not say anything definite tho eonviotion had grown upon mo tJie man who had represented Steel Think of all that ho eaid to you said tho detective and trv to fir upon somej particular word aud tbeo reeal the vwoes ofallthepeoployoncanremember Aid Ivolialf sUuted 1 see you have it al ready And ioddI thought so myself for tho man had prouounood tho word money in a peculiar manner aa if it wero mu Doe I stated this to him sajlog that olcrk who had formerly been i our bank had pronounoel U In andUiatwhenl had nv deteeUve I had bad t vague eonvictioa of having hoard that voiee before Ifoa our man I aaid tiiumphantly Now we find him Description plea Tho Voice in Society Cultiv fca rcsion can be cultivated So too can p leasant voicc one that ia irecablo to tho listener toncler in its quality though itrong dear and musical Tlio voiccs of suit in n very great measure jf eultiva- tiop Wc do not mean that they would have been dumb without cultivation nor that they would have set tho teeth of their aolutely painful others still which were naturally strong and smooth and musical would have become thin and harsh through carelessness and ucglcet Ono charm only of all which a womat poBSW is cfjual to that of a iical voice That one charm is a cul- titated intellect to uie tjio musical voioe With wit enough to use them well sweet owanly aoeenta aro woro attractive than pair of eyes or a fair complex ion rlar featurea fall lipe a dimpled chin shoulJers a luxuriant head of or a pretty hand Even the pra- of wit indeed is bot an aggravaUon when it finds eipresion in tones which ara harsh or shrill or thin Every gentic- man reinembors the disappointment wUeK ho has felt on ajiproatbing a bandsomo woman ia a drawingroom to hear an un- ploaaant voioe isde from a beautirulpuc ol lip Evenr other olarm is forgotten one hardly realisea that tha woman is i tolligent and witty aa irell as beaatiAil if her voioe is not agreoablo

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