Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Courier, 27 Aug 1868, p. 4

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39B iSIZBaMaT4SaiI8T isw vmsa raoMosistairii Jkjut then I e4 H U coortlj elwJtRopK laciir dobl4t ne3u bl lt hootf ad lopl e dolc lfftidrf- Vo ire StJKl TteftUli chill alghtwlndbbwlc Hr ch4etj iw white broU fcctln Tfc oM old rtorr ad aad brief Of heart betnyM uil Ud oigh bKiof loavtA d9plr loalj The CkittaPeroha Tree 8aBtr a lirge Islwd in the IeLsh Ocean hu fbresta of the gutUpei cha tree Isonajidro gutu 6uttAi tlje QAtive Qan ftr gum tad pwka the Malijui esme of a forest tree Th TirtnaB and uaee of this ttw have not locg bttji biown to us Irtrioua io 1844 ita verj name Lad ooibwn huafd iuJinglaod About tiat time an English pbyaiciac wj Wilkiag through a forest whea hg Mw roodmao at work OUerritig that th the sie vraa of qoito an onknown sabstanhe lo liinj he iaqoired what it was niaiie of and was toki thai it waa the jaioc or gnm of a tree which could be moalded eaioe qoit hard On aiajniniog the tree the phyaciaa found the giun lyiog in straight lines down the trook and that bj cutting amaU holes in the tmnk it freelf Sowed oat of a whitiih coloar On hirdeoing it became darker ia appearaxicp In thc irat instance about two hnndred weight were sent to EEiglaad as an erperi- ment ita QtiUty wu soon diacoTered and DOW seroral huodred tona are imported eery 7aar Gnttapercha la largtly uBcd for soit of aboe piping bottles and other purposes where durabUity ia re- amred- It is aJao tamed to account for unar and more omainnta work eome indeed of wmsiderabU banty But ita highest ii is the wjaling it fi trie eablea h dan intagirift lii be well bjown tlirrjogboat the land regarded aa oac of the moat valiiable sub- staocca poascased by man Besidea the the jielda a pleasant fruit a valoable oil and a dng for the cheiciat Its fioffcrs iTO used ly the natives of the Indian pecinauk as food and its wood if good tipUr Flaw Hunters There arc a people whn hav natural faculty for detecting e appearance of tvil in erery mans charac ter They have a fUil scccit or carrion Their memory ia like a museum at a med ical coUeit aiid illustrates all hidfout dis tortions and moDUroua growtlu rerolt- ing diseawfl by which huminity C4n U tronblwl and afflicted TLey thiuk they have a wonderful kLHltdc of buman na lure but it ia a bluoder tg misuko thf Newgate Calendr for a biographical dio tioiiary A lsa tvpe nftha eame tendency Icada wtue pfo to find uppa- rnt fiatiifactioQ ia tlie difcovery and pro- clauiatioa of the dettla in thu habiln c met Spak to tifta about a ma wboao gwJ workj evorjbody admirer an they rvyrtt that he ia ao rough io his mat nei or so sntootb tlml Ian itmpcr ui e iiMty or ihat ij so fond of appiauis Thty setm to hTld a briaf rcquiiug thet U prove the itnpwibiltly uf hutnaji m fectiou Thay dtUKt tKn sUgbtcnt alk in the pure gold of human gioduiai they har an organ they 6ud out at on which arc the poorest spots IfthnylisU to a great speaker they remeraUr nothing bnt some slip in the coDstrflctiga of a w teQcs or the inoonKiatency of a metapiio While their frietids are admiring tho wesJi aod beauty of a tree whoae branchca ed down w 1 r m wSor aeoM ui woaia opaect 9 ad Then tn woaa tft knjwa wSkvA tiger vooid be ooadieM man caiiU meot thAQ cfclf Mtw yowg felkrw wotildUkp to be Kgwlsd a back ttd yoa nifcjieaU dx fatlo Wjt doQt think of ttUing him moose To bfl eUed k doak of aua woald please mmyia lamm m to heart if gooae independent of tJj9 miaooma Cll maa pappr asdhU resatit batcaUhimaalTdogiJidyouU if IsiKpfBiato blT7elti boi Tou aay call him a fox or a oooo vith impanitj A man doeaat like to be iliot ftlUw ooiartKit i DitHakUillsu perm weei Eowiuii4lilMtowlioalia a tyoa TOAj calM a ahtrk bat jackass and hell call him an old rat and it is tSj hell aak yea to take BUtlua A man who wouldnt feel eompUmcnted at being called a cormorant would smile at being called a night owl Dont offend by caj ing a aiaa a gosling bat yofl may call him a gay rooster wiihoi2tofea Dotit call a man a fool callhim a clarer fel low which amounts to tha same thing bnt sounds prettier A man would be well pca to know that yoa said he was aa keen isv a raior but would object to your calliog him a Bharp To call a man a stiMe would bo oonridered aa reflecting on his iotfJlectual powers bat you may call him a brick to hia gteit aatiifactioa German professor who was returning to his room after dining witli a friend and as he drew near the house wis astonished to 2 a light burning ic his room Paudng look be preintly aaw himself come to the window glance out betwen the cur- laina draw from his fob the wellknown dfaaliioned watch which the Profesr had carried for many yearn ODdrasa in tha most metbodisai and natural manner put away some boots and articlps in their ao- cussxomedplafeii turn down the bcdolothea and ejttinguijsh the light The Professor in the street having thus far watchel the moementa of the doubla who had thus taken posaesftion of his room decidcd to go elsewhere far tha night and so did not the houie In tio morning on en tering his tdoo wtb hi paaakej there was no trace of anybods haTing been there but thi heaTj oeilmg def the bed had fallenandcnLshedUtoatomi ever the apparition was U bad aai Profeasors life The elaaaof pheoomeaon to which this beloogR can neither be eiplair ed away nor accounted for We inoi another which must be admitted aa tru A mother while sitting in her roor became Suddenly impreieed with a fea thit hpr little son had fallen out of the wic do At first Kbe paid do regard to th thought but upon ita recarreiice with n uewcd vividness alic hurried to the child Uil in another room aod found hici lying aiiiecp aroas tlis windoweill with hia head atlyn fcflectif By what inytrttirious and subtle procea- did the fact of danger induce in her UH apparently random vision scale ofaocial comfort it meat be mainly throiiH hi own BClfreUanco frugality aiuJ forfcthouht Tlitre is no helping a mji who will not help biiDsielf If a per son wiahe to aJccecd he must Mt hiaown flhouliler U tho wheel ond not waflte bin id delujiiro hopo that others will do for him what he ought to rov body ai t1 faTOttn gf tlw eaak ii is kept lo the ioal rlVes a the frama thronh whJci U ortj Tiiapeachaieot of President ohawaia la abjt of a draniA which bu pro- daed ia-TTeV- OrJeaM An acto named Orley C serer lost it may meet with aTUtade flt of lift to tioM on It was bestowed ytrU ertr do4a work of baQty and grtoa tiiKin tui hMrt of 8 giver It lies in thepower oteTaryiodiTtdfcaJ t JmproTe bloisclf and mike himself a roaa worth even If Ud training and tha socUtj- f ld mea has hltlierto dimraed the s is rteitlnf TacTH being founded on a ttck fot boldly dig to gee Ita fonndatloQa without isi bat falsehood befn oa lite sand if yoa examine its fotmda- xorend 25000 of tho city for advertlain k saw iBiihod of cutting or rather divii ing glos baj been recently iayented is pmti in the Urge etabtisl f the aiaM Company of Ealcarat tigLly air ia directed from f otht object to be ct which V ought liiughtcni gpinniiJif y His daughters at the gaily drcMed With a mortgage ihow piano in batiu O OyiiOD v oysmr nascEroN Ai Mr y NEATLir EXECUTEr AT THE NEWMARKET COURIER OFFICE lUliU nuartdi JSSP POOR TO Dft BEHTLEIS ORUiliKJ B XE 0C T B A 0B D MILLIJSrEBYI M AlfT XiE ANn flBSSMiKlMQ Keigarst Joae n 18M 8 If K E S E V 1 1 MAIN aiaBEI NEWMAEKBT OJwV Have recelred a Urga Md vwled addition to Uiel toTmei itock 6UUd lo io P4BHEES MECHiSICS BUItDBBB Md ItSwSuT THE BEST CHEAPEST AM MOST VABIEDglOOK OF HAEDWARE AND OTOERY NaiU Qkui and PiUty i MoTiiti and Rim Lockt Bran and Jinobi Latche4 and Door Sandla Cutlery Cutlery I rf H BOOKSELLER STATIONER Fancy Croods Wtn- T Philadelphia Ifomlng I Dlckana while In this city was vc to purchaae Mr James Hamilton enUtled What are ths WildWav Qals Hili KcDt bloQda Jains liamilUit t This is tho way weighed with fruit they hav coveted a politarr bough loat in the golden affluence on wninh nothing is hanging Poor HaiilUt was sorely troubled with them 10 his time liittlenesa hesaid is their element and they gave a char acter of meaaneaa to whatever they touch They creep buiiaiidblowi Wordi WhAt Rallwraya do for Farmers The AynculturUt a oumal of hijh standing a warm friend of the fanniog intereat speaks of the advantage of railways aa follows To haul 40 bushela of core taila on a wajoc woald coat at least 12 for tsm driver and expcncea A railroad would traoaport it for Mat moet Allowing an arera of 40 bushels per adre the rop would be worth more pear acreor 8 pec cntoo 1100 tb relative advantage ia about the for otl ero it ja oteai that a railroad paaage thrwgb a town wixW add U0 per acr to the nlod of thdr farms A tows ten mQea actiare oootaloi 64000 afrea Aa increaae of I00 acra i qaal to t640QOQO bi eAOu io build 200 ipllea of railroad eres If Ueoat 32 000 par laile Bot 200 miJet of naa would ttteQd timt4h twaou townj tea nilas Moare aod ooit bat 10 per aare if tua Dpoo tbalasd TheMflgoretare Barely aa ta llltutratloB If tha uraon had uxad thojiadvea o buUd all tba raiJtoadi ia thU aad gire tbam awajr to atiy eoiqkaoiea that would tock aod rua Utem the BaBnl ioCTMaad valoa of their lajjda woakl bira aQ rapaid ttaoatiajr i No 0 sober atlfdenying and in- d without ihCBO virtue how any condition bj hapy or protrpierous t religioi anpy or stiniraiahing virtuia of every poor man id without them high wa and political privilege are aJUgcthsr valueleea Wo jply perrtuaded that there is a power improvement and sooial elovatioo the masaefl which ia almost incal- it U indeed to a extent because it has not oeu wiwly judiciously spplicd TAeav- Vojranw S self- 3 PecullAT FlBh We have aayaSir Chailes Bell a oorius iaataooo of tba prooudoo of tie ee and of the adaptation of musouUr aotioo io the beaked cliffitodon a fiah wiiioh in- habita the ladiao rivers and iv on the Bmaller aQatio fliea Whea it observes one alighud upon a twi or flying over for U flao shoot theo on the wing it daria a drop of witer with w Bteady an Ida u lo Vrtug te down bto the watr vban U dla ao ay crey will hit a fly at the dlitADoa of from tbroe to six feet Aoothar flsh of the saau order tha teat has thalpmnr of foning ia mouth Into a Utbe cad aqairtiog at fliea so sa to eooanbar Iluir nin and brluK them to t auroa of Um watar Ca teaa ioataaaaa difibnilty will taadUv ooeur to tha raider Boir doea tH fla jodga of poaitko tiaea the raja ofUgbt S rafraeted at taa aorftaa of tha watar thai bii authoiii la oayi Vocable iulyaniiyercd Thtres many a glip between ho cuj and thu Up Kcarcely had hs spokun bea wan brought tUat a largo bear waa aylog the vineyard wle The king aross rithoQt ever tasUog the wins I CiQioun WotiDiaaWoader why namaia teepa Bridget at lore from cbarcb to work 11 day and then aa It is wicked for me to lulU my cabblthouw on SuoJay Wonder hy our minister bgught that pretty cans vlth the lloai head oa the t and thea me for my cent te put io tha miadoaary ox Uoat Iwanta iawihup jiisiuwell la Le want a canst Woadar what makes pa telUacb ilfoa ovialtoraabeut lis hfding tha oaats rattan whun fat weak i atxjuihU tunnlog because I tried b as smart aa be was T Wonder wbat Btads papa say thai wkd W0S1 wbea 8etV tka liU ali vrtt tjs papan aa4 th tkpp aj ean tiaoaaaa I odd the tame thhg wMa my kit atrlof ImskaT Wosdax amatli tha othar dajrto tay sh was sat at hosM wfoeu Tommy Day aothsr csilad ao pata aa to M witbawt any sapper arary CANNOT BE PUR OUAED C 11 K A PK R iVMAUEKT OH ANV OTUKIl Lnlgert JounuU d IkujUockJiiaUtizei Blank Shocl Bcokt Nole Ikckt Ctpy Booh Ezcisc and Bookt TimJSocIa Fofluap Plainand Ruled UUer Papar3eMtdnm SvujU En-sthpu- iue4 Icrraud Cardioiird WhUt aru Co low ml jBoo knvx rkt AU orU of Plahi ujcy Uofovrtd Paper Cards PaMihourd lie Blotting Paptr Paper Letter Ilc4 PentfSne Poinlt S- Bread Points PendU PenJioldr WaertSilinQ lVaxMuclai InklUd Blut and Black f Inktlaudtticttralkindi Pozktt Bjki Purm bllutdr Bands Pencil BwdsAU 8iz Wocdand Kuici Button Paste adict Poriolios Work Borts tn vtJnWy MarhUiQlAst Sio Tops DcUs Toys Lsvm anJ Floats IMt BuckUi dx nd Chit AND AM OTHKft BOOK bUlTlteD ON THa EfllOBTKiiT NOTICE AT L0WK8T lHIOKSt SOW DSILS JSi tAUav BiSiAlO WiiiDS UARPMfS LOHDOff 800IftTi SNQLIBUWOMJS VQHSafiC iUUHAV AT UOMS YOVlO lADIHS JOUBNAt 8VNDAY HiQAElHk BNQllRU USOtlAHW QODY MUM DSHORSaT vifdufsr rKStTB BAtlOfTB MOHTIILY book BotnfX rto order N E WW aUKMOBa TpS PLACB i IB ABKBT COURIEB mi the stoc wiu oe aid Tiht Joint BvMt- Blind Trimsjiini Bradi ijcmfi d e dre Bulldtfa to oof Stock cfHousaTrttt- t Snipes and Forks A large sUxJt of Pocket Knivit CABINET WARK TRIMMINGS MAHOGANY KNOBS Mated Bs Liftings Handles PUted Iron Steel Anvils Vices Files Rasps- K-ry-hnU- Mill HaoJ CoiapaM felloe and Wsb 8awa PIRMEIl SOCKET DUCKBILL AND TUKMNQ CHISELS PLANE tAS HA AND UllTB AKS HAMMER8 SCREW ILATLS oneittl t Adzes Broad Hiiigc Dinner Bella Steel Sprlogs AxUs i Uiog flpog ilillouiinj Heidiiiq Crompinu cuW Hoards Ai m m m Stean Engines arci Boilers Gearing Ofvf- rf Milln STafMri ructitc aud Cabiiut UakT Ilanes c yu iiiU find ic to jour adiaitigi U rnU umi se his stock hfurt purKJuiing WATSON rVevmarLcet Oiit JVlOWxM AlMi NELSON CORHAM WooIIer Cloths of Every Description THE BEST YET J 1 HODGE COOKING PAKLOUU HALL k DEDROOM TOVE TIN COPPER SHEET IRON JAP ANNgl Ayi jKS3stp WARBs IlAiy FAKoy sncu AS I Cover Jelly Moulds Planisbed Double KeUle Enamalled Poroelaio- Tiaaa4 kTinandlititannlaMeUlTeaandCoffco r- 1 Pn Spring i Coffes Canistera CandJestJc d Ssl etaiQPrsrvlag Hoppers Oast jUck Zw and Blat ID Uaia Boltera f Mpa Out I tSujatSlBMM8itIt Lubricating Coal Olla iompii batltamiir SVRJfSBB OUlMHSra f i 5f which they wiU eU aa Chp as anybody eUa Thay art pfFUdioU B rortacee da the most Plans r Emie TrmgMng done in a Suipmm Momy r A CALL SPBOIALIV SOLIOITBD AND aAIM YOUBglli aasi rosasT TD sufaiw riWT BBIUK BTOEB NOBXH Of TH8 POW w- Oi0iA DaajabsrfJ ilV i

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