1 J G M BINN8 PBOPEIETOB Keligious Xixbert V II No 10 NEWMAROT ONTARIO CANADJ oanr GBKBRAL PRINTlifO OFFICE ittdTwo sob iness Cards Teii Lines per annutn 500 finsSAesB Cards of Ten Lce and ua- l be reckoned by this space occapied measored by a scale of Mlid brerier Th foUoving rates be chiged to mer ch4At4 others vho adTertise by the fear ftnd in no catt ttill izetpHott be tuade Onfl colonm for Twelve moatlis 50 Half colonm for TirelTe months 30 r Three moathi 12 Quarter Colui Wilk tks pmilee ol Four Allentii AdTertlgenients nitiiou6 writ Kill be inrted dU forbid a AU adrertisemenu fffld i IWuTheae terms all cases adhered to id charged a BUSINESS CARDS J H IPhilips Co H PIPER Co 81 STfiEET first door above Carriages Perambulators Refrigerators and Meat Safea Filters and Water Coolers Celebrated Archimideao Vcn- and Smoke Conductor Tinware ic Dealers in Tubs Pails Brooms Brashes Hopes Wooden Ware JAPANNED TIN WARE Pianos and Mehdeons TMtd Sepaii December 18C7 11 alfeed BODLTBEB Barrister AttpmeyatLaw SOLIClTOa IN CHASCEBY CONVEYANCES c c Fancy Soods firstclass job printing SAMTJEIi ROADHOUSE CABINET MAKER UNDBHTAKER Ac main street newjiarket Coffins Ready Made the old established HARNESS SHOP newmarket SADDLES HARNESS C0LLA318 TRUNKS And everj other Article in the Trade Icepi OF TUB BB8T QUALITY jjAtEeft8onablc Pricean wm wallis ALEX BUDOE BLACKSMITH H E SHOEING and all kind of g al Vrork Irt hit lia cxeciitcd and despatch ON BBA80NABLB TBRjMS MAIN8TBEET NEWMARKET ONT BDWABBB DOAl BEQ8 rMpectfully io uoWy the tlia he U amply prered to manuturo MARBLE AND PBBBTONB MOTVXJMEIVijrS Tntn BT0VE8 Tbmb TahleSf Tlets Poila doc IfSr At Prices to Btfttrlhe Times A aolkttcd trtore you purcliMo ewbcjrt All Wofk WarraQttd I tfl NEWMAR BREVET Tbb bubsouibes has great are in notifyfug tii9 pobllo that BeKpeBd the Newmarket Qreweiy oo bit own TeaponsibiUty ind ttopei ttntlQD to biulnesi and fomlihin c ftlfte t modente priceg bfe tb public tavor ALS PORTER AND VlNEi Nwmarket Dec 17 1607 PLEA- tic has mtlRrly OAR tit prie BOM Dr HACKETT ARBUTT HILL NEWMAHB Oice Boun from a to 10 am MARRIAQE lilCBNSES BARGAINS in BET GOODS Sometliiag all should Know H R LUNDY OLD PICTDBES COPIED WITH CARE PORCELAIN PICTURE cet Jan H R LtJNDY QUEENS ELIPTIC SEWING MACHME no humbug IVITHOUT STAND cliascd from you is alltliattbcinanuracturers claim for it and I take pleasure Ju rccora- uending so wortliy an article to the public it is one of tlio most eiraplo dumbic efficient mpact Hnd cheap 1 las come under my nouce jnacec iring the cost with what it will do It 8 may well claim it has no equal ROBT R JOY 5 ATKINSON D AUGTIONEEl Inif Ayenl for the above INSURANCE CO TEATURES Ronusiics given cTcrythn years If no loBsen The Company doi t advocate high premiums Losses prompt- THB NIAOARA DIBTBICT ST IAULST HT CATIIARINEK of 1000 for ono 20 Ctrn Wood f3 forlnaiimoce of 10 TiVMB Ekj St CatJrarlnc- life INSURANOE OOMPANT 1 H dings Toronto Street Torento Oennl Agebt 8 CONHOn Htor aicM at AU the wondrow future Shines is rsiatow dyee And the golden dietanco Fairy arches span While your red Hjw nmnnor liiaden fire or busy feney the castle Ugher T knight was brai roble deeds to plan That will and lutiioii canter will give you ruddy c Lcr will give yon a ruddy nose U has been decided labjiy tluii ite of matrimony is legitimately iti the as it must be admitteii on all hands origin Cain married the danghter of a Nod lJow and it is even supposed that our first parents had a lodge in Uie wilderness An incorrigible loafer being taken to me launess rUed 1 tll you ane in my body but the fact is Kisses says Sam Slick arc like Iti my bosom Ihatji Wouldnt 4 pain In O A theological student supposed to be tlicient in judgment in the course of a class eiammation was asked by a professor Pray Mr E liow would you discover a fool ms he would ask said Mr E ted by somewiBcaere tliat the Friend uleu Thnthy htireoia intyseve aeihing for daiiyraen If w mucrmlkvm ft utabBga turnips Mul- tiply the flakes of snow by the hairs on the cows tail i then divide the product by a tur nip pound of chalk and tbc sum will S- A celebrated vrolinist when vlHitiig lounybrook fnir was attracted by the sound f II very loud violin In a tent Jle entered lid said to the plyer My good friend do Do you play by car then Neveran in iu sirensllJZl tS- Why Rill whats the matter with you You look down intho mouth Well Peter I dare say if youd been through what I youd look bod loo Whats the I Well you know fiaruU Jones you Pcterl Yes I discarded her yesterday You didl What for Well Ill tell you She said she wouldnt marry mc and Id discard any girl thnt would treat me In that way J- Jones was or bajlcvcd ho was his death and tho doctor calling ho lietd a long and earnest conversation with him about the chouccB of Jjfe Why man snld ibo physician you are likely to die this very hour You have been living for this Cftecn years without constitution luttgs gone liver deceased and all that sort of thing You dont mean to say replied Jonvs that a wun can live fiftarn years without a conatltHtion Yes Ida replied tho doctor and a bright mile illumi nated the pallid face of the doomed r ihen Doctor Ill go in ten years m Uio bylaws Anil lio did A Womans Voloe I wonder Mr liilit Why I cant Imve a vole Andlwilnotbocontntid Till Ivo found tho reason out I am a working woman Uv voting half ii dead I hold R house and want to know Why 1 cant vote instead 1 pay my rates in peron Under protest tho tis true But I pay them and n qnalldad To vote Bs well as you 1 like my naighbour very well Out UM flka rha ftir And paying rate for him to vote ts neither fair nor Muare My compound rte was hoAvr enough Let it do without Uy Pui have my voice A number of jean a tbroQ a wQd port At aamaU lillseet wiUi whom I had Btrack down wiUi others coiming itwaj ii leaving which had thi with Thai bat it private 9 as gre s eooaadrd t dirtknife I thought I find my way dooe Dd9 an English station i distADt Without maku tho daroah I under his chargc I hold him reepoDsible foi And why not yoi rself he agked Because the thieves MA proved too ma for me already I He inquired if I wer to leave which way I now shoald procure mi escort and so forth and jo up angwered evasivelv detenisMdtp keep mv dai to myietmfoF y men worthy of tnwfc Having hy mt inquinea of diffiaeat persons learnt the beat ronte to theb i wished reach I slipped oat of t dark and went to where I climd s night in its branches TbnomiD after a slight repaat ofrasrnpdADd fixut as I bad provided for thjrv I eet forward throogh tiie i eral times the whir of some large bird flying op near me or the sudden d rash of a frightened monkey gave me a start that was anything bat tho act of descending Into dark gloomy hollow where the trees vines and luxuriant vegetation ioterfcr as to make it a matter of some risk and trouble to pick my way through I was suddenly brought to a stand by a noise resembling a scuffle in tho path before me accompanied by what appeared to be human groans From where I stopped J could not see tho contending parties though the sounds told me they were quite nw Thercwore evidently not more than of then I thought it would be qoito safe for had fallen- pn a traveller rayaolf and waa now Btrai ding to the bighest codo I pot done ia hi8 wUdemess You bare be added look up dowD at d sake He jiu ftielookiDg fellow being tall 8tTOgW aDa giioyHwith black hair and anddarkiousifeaturee ly dreesed aftar the faabion of the OOQI aad appareotly armed onJy with upon n vht it would be quite for me to i forward especial as I was well What could itfbe Perhaps some Iliug had fallen- pn a traveller like myself and wasoow strangling hiqi according to the highest code of his ro- ligtOQ That tho pccuUar sounds I heard proceeded from aoylhing but human strife and human misery I had not iho remotest idea and therefore my aurprisc and as- toniahmcDt may bo imagiood when on gliding through a sort of vegetable tunnel I boliold upon a more open and lighter spacc Itlarge monke in the cnils of a venomous serpent I was just in time to witocss not tho struggle but tho deaths tho poor qua- druped His last groanbad passed his lips his eyes- half out of his head were ajready glazed and with a single convul sive quiver through bis oroshed body his life went out at tho womont my mm f upon him The snake perhahearii roissha I Sury oyca out itJ rod fbrkod tongue hlfisod oiit a inaliraaDtdaflanoc and hoo as if knowink it victim waa dead and that ii now had a formidable foe to con- Und with uncoiled itacU like lightning and appeared standing up Btraight before me the most anpaliog sight all thin coHsidered I had ever looked upon 1 hadadvancod witb my rifle upon my shoulder prepared for the necoadty of a quick shot and now impulBiTcly Udtiog a hurried aim I fired odo barrel at Uio bread ugly head of the xnopator For- tuntitely T hit him somewhm about the opok and hp drop ba Vow himsir about with the wdoet ooDtortiona and io a single momont waa at my vQrv ibet I jum book wibwild cry snd eoaiy ooosoiouaof whijt lHu tbruatdown tbe mutilo of my pieb aad d the other barrel ioat aa ho waa o tho Mt of eoialDg It with a venomduB enap flowing his hwd to atoms I I wits Bcorelty returoin baaitfelt thanks fbr my daliTonnoe vh I was again etar- tled by a alight mstliog of tbe uiahea to the lea and bx thQ time 1 oonld drawa ptstt not fctowbiK what I tiikht ooxt haro Ui ebooaoier l Ibaud m jpdr DoofhA- tod dot by bat bBk UBQ Abl well nai ftUowtrtTeUarl be aaid to ve BoglUb ii if bUd divined my DiUvIiiiUglaDoe wo aod iblt to know that iddrefisedmeIdrewmy 8 op with a somewhat haughty reaerve and ooldly demanded who he was and how became to be secreted in the thicket if hts purpose was honest Why to tell the truth he replied in an open straightforward manner I am like ypuraelf perhaps on my way to the English fort and not Uking the appear- aiice of th Jonely path which I feared might lead meinto an amboaoadeof Thngs I turned out to go around to the hill yon- der where the route again becomes more Open but being hot and weary I stopped to rest and there heard the crack of a ri- fle tt assured me a fellowtraveller was on the road that I might join with safety And how do you know I wag not one of the party you feared Because they do not use firearms But I see you are suspicions and perhaps would prefer to go on alone though I think two are safer than one Yon shall go with mo I quietly re plied as I stepped back a pace or two placed my pistol convenient to my hand and coolly proceeded to reload my rifle WheredidyouleamEnglish andhow did you know I was a native of Great Britain I learnt the language of your country men with whom Ihavehad many pleasant dealings as a trader he answered with out hetatioa and I knew you were an Eadishman by your appearance Having finished loading my rifle I felt more at ease j and then I quietly informed my nw acqoaintance that we could not rrt company again on the route but that would accord him the privilege of wofew j in advan Yon I take yoa at your word said I j and if you are what you profess Why what do you take me for hi demanded with an astonished air- A Thngl returned I a highway murderer and robber neither more less I I have hd of your tricks upon travellers away oflf in my native isle but I at least api upon my guard anfthis time your wicked echemc has fulled He laughed btit merely said Have jour own way I am satisfied to hamot your suspicion knowing you redly mean mo no harm and that when we reach the fort and I prove toyou that I am an hon est man you will do me justice Most assuredly I answered Ho then set forward with an air of less indiffereticcjand I kept eloso behind himandmyeycuponcvei7motion Thus wp passed through tho dtfrk jungle and asceadcd to the more open path of tho higher lands without meeting with any adventuro In an open spot beside a clear spring I stopped aod made hi sit beside mo while i rested and ate mj noonday meal which i shared with him Then wo resumed our journey he goin- before os usual and bo fast did ho travel for I was determined not to spend another night in tho forest that whon tho sun wcnt down I saw from a neighbouring hill the cross of St George waving over tho station whore my days journey was to end While orpssiog tho valley to rcagh it however night camo upon usj and favoured by tho darknca my suspicious ucquaiuLance suddenly disappear i got through in safely though received a wann wclmc from- my oouutrynicn and subsequently obtained all tho aid a dress 1 wught Two years after Jjoiog atBcroilly while a notorious Thug was on trl4l for his lifo curiosity led mo to the court room when to my surprise I rccognitod in the prid- oner at tho bar the intical individual whom I had ooupolled to perform aweary jourooy in front of mo lie ws convicted of muraor and coodcmccd odcaUi but previous to his execution I mnuagcd to obtain an interview with him wbon ho fVankly oonfessod that tho incident ef the monkey and tho snake by inducing hite lis tho loader of his party to ohaoge hU nlan was tho principal cause of my lifo being preserved my shrewd susploiou and bold determination doing tho rest Being on tlio watoh for travdlors ho and his oompanioDB bad soon mo on tho road early io tho day and flvo of thorn had tboiDBolvos in that dark lonely iungle in- tODdDg to spring upon ine and do their murdorouB work according as tlioir reli gion touhos by etrangulatioii it not boing lawiul for them to kill in any other manner Tho disohargo of both barrels at tho snake taken In oonnooUon with my euppoBod natural IVigbt and oxoitemonC lhim to thick he could sooompliah his pnipoM in diflbrent way and so ho ap- pd to taUt oiole and oateh mo off my guud bot aa tho mattor turned out caught a Tartar inatead B keopioe bfl in in my hnds as it were 1 kejit doita his oompoatons and oo I was aiavod I hd befbro thanked hwTon Ibr preservloa me from tbo vonomons MiakoiDd when i the 8to of the murdorous Thug 1 agato thanked hoavon br having soot the anako to preaervBsmq fVom a band of reliyii The Newspaper To teke a newspaper for a leisure hour and bnin with the first column read oarefblTythinghto the last we doubt if I ao will be found either more enter- tainmg inatmotive or amusing than that especially set apart to the advertisine pub lic and h who fl3ecta iu perusal foses many a choice tit hit and mayhap much valuable and practical informatioD A9 a general rule advertiBementa areweU writ ten striking and characteristic but imes they are worded with an uue egard to syntax and sometimes the punc tuation renders them a trifle obscure u witness the following cut from variom papers in our office Wanted a steady young man to look after ahorse of the Methodist persuasioD To Lzt cottage in Newport con taining eight rooms and an acrc of ground Fob Sale a piano by a lady about o cross the Channel in an oak case with arved legs Lost A small ladys watch with a white face also two ivory young ladies workboxes a mahogany gentlemans dressingcase and a small pony belonging young lady with a silver mane an Lost or strade from the subscriber sheep all over while one was black and half his body all persons shall live five dollars to bring him He y A lady recently jiJverlfsed in dcncies and a third party seeks to cover a lost wallet belonging to a gentle man made of calf skin An advertisement of cheap shoes country paper has the following nota I NB Ladies wishing those cheap shoes will do well to call soon as they wontlast tag 3 advertised for competci persona to undertake the sale of a nc medicine and adds we doubt not with truth it will be profitable to the undet laker The following extract from a medical dvertisement is perhaps correct Con- l while yon cm for after yoiiicaoV A Weet paper advertises thus Ron Away a hired man John his noso turned up fivo feet eight inches high and had on a pair of corduroy pants much worn How that nose must have looked dressed up in corduroy pants I Tho advertisement of a doctorwhoW dertakes tho cure of madness brans thus Worthy the attention of tho insane A wholesale merchant recently adver tised Wanted women to sell ot cow- In a shop window in an obscure part of London is this announcemeut Goods removed messages taken carpets beaten and poetry composed on any subject A sign on an Academy out West reads Freeman and Ilugga Freeman teachei the boys and Ilugja tho girls A Brooklyn storekeeper announces Umbrellnsreeovercd here A hyphen after Iho ro would undoubtedly render the advertisers meaning more literally Another class of advcrtiseuicnis cing peculiar characteristics nro 1 found under tho heiid of persontils In city dailies Tnko for instance tho following where the man evidently signs his right Fun and MiUTn- If the ladies Madison Square next to Park going down about halfpat one p m on Tues day who recognised tho gcntlcmim in an omnibus going up would oblige by fui thcr acquaiittance will please address A Donkey Metropolitan Hold How oxprcsbivo is tho next Any pcr- n wlio advanced money on Saturdny night oii a gold watch to a gentleman wi was very drunk will please couuuunict with bo 5051 post ollice See rivard In a Chioago moniing daily qmtc r ntly a young lady advertised Personal Wonted a hand to hold ino own as down lifes vulo I glide wanted au arm to Jchd upon forever by my side Address MisS Emma M Hand- I Chicago P 0 In tho next issue oppcared his answer Personal I have a hand forEmini H tis hanging by my side but willingly with her wfli hitoh and down lifes vole will glide Tlpjx6aib Chica P 0 Tho young man who advertised for 1 boBrding place where hid pious example woul4 ho considered equivalent or board and lodmng is matehcd by tho ladv who wadtaifiouso whece contact with beJicvew would bo an attendant oiroumstanoo aod ooncludos with AddroA Sinnor Saved B poBtoffioo Ono more witlmut commeat bhall closo tho list of personals Dsabkst Lvblinb rShall wonovor moot again Oh dearesi tell mo All will be fbrciven aod forgotleo I have yon a bottle of tho fhmcd Bunion Rztraotor Itet it propitiate thoo Thinp op qustavk Tho poetio in advertising is of iippor- taaoo and by no means to bo nclooted Tf entioiog for inataooe ia tho Ibllow- anid torrow ocr thy irow lt darkened Here is snother that sorely requires a lace in the front rank Two wen dressed boys did meet oae day Eh did theoth eye 1 Says BillThi6 SutilughlLt Ill gladly tell you where I purchased it of George Punno Ja notthBtquear What I now say is rue i TUs Suif Yud there last year The next is from a New Orleans paper cloau by my side the fait maiden was LB i replyTisa kisa sir Jliss Mary is a sensible girl just the kind that will make a fellow a god wife and we trust that tho happy possessor of so valuable a prize in beetofring upon her the Eolid comforts of life will not neglect to provide a Charter Chfi Cooking Stove the only real perfect sJbve in the market Here is a call from a oonntrj- bachelor Upou tbc lily foiind And make sucb butter as will sell For thirty cents a pound a Breman Journal has the following a young gentleman on tbe point of get ting mamed is dedrous of meeting a man of experience who will dissuade Mm from the step One man advertised for a wife who rc- nnested each caodidate to eocJose her caito de visite a spirited young lady wrote to the advertiser as follows Sir I do not en close my carte for though there is some authority for puttiog a cart before a horse I know of none for putting one before an Here is a queer obituary which recently appeared in a German paper My bus- band is no more Ho did not wish to live longer aod if ho had it would have made no dirence for gout entered his stomach and wa soop f9lkwed by death I Bhall kiudly attended my late husband I learned thi to trust him Soft rest the ashes of the departed ono whose wholcsalo liquor business I ehall i the old stand The Propensity to Fib Is there such a thing- as an inherent distaste for the truth Judging from the dogg preference for falseho which some persons manifest even on occasions when reason must tell them that veracity would serve their purpose best it really seems so That a propensity to fib some- times runs in families ia beyond dbpute The sins of parents are not only viWfecZ ujmn their children but in many in stances appear to be inherited by them from generation to generation An evil twist in tho moral naturo of a parent is wo fear moro apt to be inherited than a virtue just as physical ugliness is moro frequently transmitted by descent than physical beauty Wo do not believe however that a tendency to ull stories is under any circumstanccs iiicradioablc if taken in time The hereditary diseases of tho flesh wcro once thought to bo incurablu but wo know bettor now and charitable Christians also believe that hereditary moral infirmities arc not beyond tho reach of morni medication But mendacity must bo dealt with in the gristle A mature fulsifier is u hard subject It is next to iinpossiUo to school his vllo iMiosyncrary out of Item With childrca it is nthcnviso The value and impor- taitco of truth may boso imprcracd upon them by counscI by illustratioD by disci pline that hey will never depart from it in ancrlifo The most untruthful child wo arelnclinoil to think may be reformed by a proper eourso of treatiueut Mero flogging however whichis the usual pre scription will not ofTcct a cure Its only suit in nino cases out of ten will be te nder tho reeiplent moro pautidus and methodical in his fubrieations Convioco un untruthful boys reason that honesty of speoeh is the beat poHoy that lying is not ily an offence against God but leads in- itubly to temporal ddaiioh and ruin and you will have his selfinterest pnde and eonscicnce all on your aide and may safely count on his reformation Simple Secret Twenty in aatoretwenty hands a printing office twenty young men iaj irilagii All- want 0 get oloug ip ho world and expcot to do so Oao of tbo villagers will own a farm and live like a- patriarch But which ia destined to bo tbeluekyindividua Luoky Threis 1 luck about it ThothiDg is as certain the niloof hrqc Tho young man who will distance his Gmpotitora is ho wbQ mas ters his biiainessjiwho preservoe liii integ rity wholiveH cleanly and puy who keeps out of debt and puta his mtmej in a ssvioga bank Theie some wyt to fortune that loot aborter than the old dusty higbway iBnt tho staunoh men of tho oomwanltj the nieDwboMhioveaomor thiDRTMjr worh having good ooannmo and nscnno old ag nU co Ilia road j ARCHIVES OP dMTAf