Jl9 iteK crqtweiv OC4T 0 IdwiaSkFwifc tm IMWj BtttUp Kut kMp M id tki nrwtBW Ha iW ted U fte KM Aafrces th cm ttek hati itT Aad kii iliMMbe ttia Ui wbaa net i TAt teiK It viUdA t Vwt bld ao otiur bUKl ttAa icr Or Mrir to vie It I ftt luadi bot wofk u villi ths hit adUpKbvtiMftkiUttAcUaci Aa4 eM 1i k hen chlAM tb Ubt Th4 li ot beeeechtflgi I So vbetar vaak wlih wtfj Or ftraef vHfi jooUit ipeetuM of la uMr ant bMt tb bMrt ThAl wtai my irVf aoeptuo t PiattUanms The Cazxtanferona Fool Tii Bomu being who U etUod Pnvxl- tdged Pcrton u geura k eaUnkeioa fool SometimM mdead the pririle penoa u ao priTiieged bectue of the po seatioo of ioTtlabk quiiUes which miko TOO betf with utythiag h eaja tad do Te when these tn wnio thaj Af ooaaterbtluoed Mabukenos tool firoa whom then u ao actpiog ii thd Qoet pririie of til pri- Tile people No oxttr bow ud prorokiiig he is joa miut jut sor jt ifomttterhowfuui thowTOeghe you mast joat try to smooth him doira ud mtke thioga strtighL If nt into isj iltemuoo or differeooe with the fool yoc are grtadt diadruatAge He hu zko cbtTAcier to lose bui probfibl ture k repottioo for good senae tod ha- moor which la eonspiotioai dmorbuice would duntge Theo ratntioQS of de- cQey in Uagruge ad obodac fetter oa wbi to the fool wht the groeo rushes were to BamBoo You coold oot for yoar life get npiod hat m Joa have aeeo the fwl get up tod roA If taov t mta willlellow like boll if yoa dlSer from him io opinion you just liitn to hU opio- ioo and hold your tongue If you know a dog bitaa yougjrehha a wide berth If a ditoh be very peatifertug when stirred op you dont atir tt up The prin ciple cm which the pri7ilce8 of cmtaoker- ooa folly and illnature foacid ia this that aWe we juit kep out of ita way some- Ume b rather ahabbyexpedicQta Weli after all the deferejice paid to the caatan- keroQa fool is not a deairaWe kfennoe True it ia thai if yoii hae U gei tweWa meo o4r with yew in a pUo for bring ing wiier into tb town of whieh you are chief magiatfte or painting the churtih of which you are an iocumbt making of thaa upcc al tie otl iajuatWauee you treat that impractic able and ciQtanktroug fwrson a you would trftai a baby or an idiot nr a bulldi or a jickaw Tho apparent defertnce you feriJi of the same thio that makes you ooufeaa yourwif a teapot if a rvinj madman haa jou at au open window and ya he will tU you over ULle you forthwiib coofesa yourself a teapot Tig- headed folly id so a ihiag that yoa would do a gwKl deal to kwp it from intruding iUfcif ujxjn Tour rtlucUnt yase aid the cazilackeroua foolettl smoothed down cwmplimeoUid daferftd to i3 truly kth most degraded position a ratiQaal can wjily reach Oh let 0 hi ou hia he is only Soooka the caoUi kerooa foji i Oire In to him a little 1 will make 00 end of a row if yoa dont such af tbi refinAtiona of tiie people who yield to him If he hiA any meaeire of 8eDM he would see how degraded is hia pooitioo what I haoilliatiog thing it ia to U deferred to 00 the terms oo which he ti detrred to But the notion of the aence of sm is eiciuded by the lerma ofhia defiiiitioe For bow can there bf in a cantankerous foul- Leam a Trade hiffl Witi good aiuiameols or an insatiable desire to b at work something whereby an honeat peooy may be tomJ he fin himaelf landed a it were at the flret ebb of the tide slightert rwwaioa of trade depositaa him OQ the shore among tlie veedi of idleneea aed Qnwboteaom vapors beolood hii mind There is eouoey a oun in laaineas but has an experieoe simiiar to oars youDg fximit oootiftuilly cavybg tho privil of workiag n a weUfefloed field tai wiabbg thft like him the haji somlhl0g to ftrikeat These young e geftml with the diji- ofteo ikB Itey themaalre the ar lit seaethbg better this tb eomtaos Tbdrgmt Ctslt U a tijiBg 0 Mbieve manixood vlthoat serriof a ippnotloMblp to It and they fiqd thesi when they tbod W prmiMd 6t ifo work voodR vut U vUl b- tB4Mtio beeauM Udo irff Rdloe oviotten wtizrm tof eU go Uto tU li tWmwwiJr itilLtba of iiU taken tatow jjte vith Hi prMortiw cc ozjinB ftt opto tt pvtUUr M0QAt4 fofr Wtlkia TV bMfleut to ikA digwti7 oi by tbs ratb j oobaat swtioa U to tbeot asd wbi U eMtULUtebx4intuia healthfdl aettoB It bWBiifltoietioei iodproperiy ddTops mon teaaels thta taj otbw om mode ofezenl Zl aUotaaiii to muI tha dfoolittiaQ of tte Uood Oes gmi otetke lAJkhg ia tfa4 it takes to mooh tios Trea it ttkoi eone time mor as a geaert thh it doea 0 ride but ao ms th9 plisbment of uything dunbte and ia not good baalth deeinLU In the ec4 baweviep it tesajta In tt nrog of time by prpssryiw tie healtli aac the Tigoar of all the physie foiKUooi Ia ao way ia there fo xaoob time wMtod to say nothing of Titality as ia being iU and yet ppJe a to give a little time to Imptag vtli I To obtain the grutoat Amoactofgood ua walk b i t mnA like ereiytjiiiig eia be done rigfiL In tho Brtt plaoJitU alvays beet to hare aome definite object in view when goiog out to walk aome pw- tiCTilai jiace or object of interest to see aoBM porpoee to acoompliah or some friend walk mereJy for the pta- eot can t better walk at The pceitioa of the body wfiiJe walk- ing U of gruat importance The body should incline slightly forward from the hipa if walking slowly and the iofllioaUoQ should ioore according to the rapidity of the walk The head be kept on a line with the body the shoulders and hips held back and the cheat unimpeded ts aotioD by tight clothing or other- The artuj should be allowed to swing frly at the aide The respiratioQ should be carried on entirely through the t through the mou In commenciQg a loog w walk alowly at first and gradoally iocraae the speed Invalids and perwns who are unaccus- omed to walking should begin with short bein careful not to overdo and in- reaae the distance as theif 8tragtii and endurance increafle Any ooa who will practise this prwept navai ride wbi you can jujrt as well wik wiQ obt ooly be more vigorffosand healthy bat wiJlaooom- pliah far more than ho or she otherwise would English CoaL The a of coal eitraoted from the miotar of Great Britiin 10 the year 1866 101100000 tons while that of the e world waa as neirly u can be a- ctrtAtned 17600000 tons our country thus producing eotythree per ceot of the whole ualf the carrying power of Britiih railway is occupied iu carrying this coal whichis the philoeophersstooo of tlie country not beeauao it tunia every- thioginto gold but becauae it make every- chMp doea wj much work and is iinuining power of the nation Thetw reaulta are due to the faot that it pable of producing heat in such great itiiies and heat and mechanical power nverUblu tirma It ut rather a hu- miUftting fact that all the mechanical power dciriog his life ia more tiiau ooTered by the power stored up in one poor cartload of or4l In riot the annual coal prodnoe if the United Kinom is equivaleht he pwer cjert3 630000 WO bon lorkiDK eight hours per day for one ye 1 he work of raiaing this coal ia something mraensf The Great Pyramid ia repor- nkiaed by 100000 men i rauad by about 250000 British ooal mi era in th year 1865 waa about 100000- 000 cubic yarda or thirty Umea the balk of the Qrat Pyramid A Szaart Girl One of tho jud of inn tm hiippea lo ocua dlstanoe from Keat of the asaites some 3 ftall oa a friend at Keadiog where the aa- aiie was held and not knowing hia way back waa quietly jogging along when he fell m with abixom giK on horebk and Inqoiwd of her If ahe knew where he should torn off to go to lieading Cer- tainly said she I know every inch of the way and caa grxlda yon Well aaid the iud who wu not a Utile eooei ie aod wlthi foibal rosova for U gmffnew and timaek of uuner if you ajo going that wiy I will eeq jog on with yoa ftf poct oompiay la bet ter ttajiBOQe Tbdidjog 00 entered into eonrersatioD and bvi pWut time of It which W tho oflfcet of dwtroying tho oooaoiouaoeM of dUUco At igtb the Judge felt that it waa time U biTO arrifcd at the point be fd mut ton wblob at tho tinw of bla fint etuoUy the stated tb be aboiit two Uioeeab L iOft w ttkt iUdU 1g9tcf i ww sytfig tp gn q aiia be ber bacrarkr T19 kjMct froa ladU ftatee iaoewat niaeHQed ia Basfal aiae cwifef feed ca4dnbl icvy tothe ctope Wtat narked dUtictloii tbm U b- twea brstel courage and tba iatrepU coa dt 0 priaeipfej yet thay are frosatiy confounded by the ondiacertiln who let dowa the bisitertn for bnrery qwuaB Je a grarel tnln thro4ijh the eaoe bouae at Beverly Haas the let dmoUihIng the building and ervrelf lajuiing ten ntn one of whom Biehard Barrett bad elht rib tookea TxcOT tor Y60 dasia wm girtn at late aaaiaea agVioist the uovula Bafhray Oompeay at tlw rdt of Mn Sowvd whoM husband bad been kiUed by oi defendants Hue of railvar an old Chief of the Ottawa Indiana died rtcently andamedal on hit neck which he hadworrifor ar yeart and which waa prewnwd tc hl ia I8U b the British gorenunent iftwm Ln a jooth seTentwn years of age WW bashing oa Sunday at the Corporation beUj to BTerton wheo Uk jprtboard 1m by iom a hUaplas near the aeck and died ths fullow- ing day reel authoress of Thfl Girl of the Period and of all tb papers on the topic la Satwiiajf riev is Lynn Lyntoa a tably wellkoowo aotellst and a lady 1 supports a iaiga family unaided by the of her pen Ki qoesUca of an Indian goHctirTTary itlng mnch attectloD It 1 lUted thai Oovemaent as a teoUUve meajur lutend to admit iSoglith and Aostrallan soreriins at heir fuU comaercUl ralue without hem a legal tender Qooo Busots An Americn paper gires eaaonj for not poblLshing a poctlc effuiiou 8 followa The rythm sounds like pumpkins olUog oyer a bam floor whiJe some linea ppeAr to have been measured with a yani Thi pcach W4S oHgieaUj arrows and it was for Ihia porpo Porala The trtnspUutatlon ion howcTcr not only remo is qoAiftieg but produced tin that we now enjoy jiaL Wnsria once affirmed ii that no lady aver wrote a Utter potcript My neit Utter l said a tady of hia acquaints t Expounder won after 1 from his fiairdUput Tb PSWho is right no IaiaoiTis n Ncasi A norse has bet rested at QeasTa poisoning saccesafally eight ly explana hile the iauigtr a rtrj ablebodied ireh r waa holding orttj At leogth the parsoi stopped and tried Waukto my Lord A1 phinstooe A grhnt aod then Im nusleep bull wager ys diuaa ku wUt 1 laldlM afore that I wager ye diuna ken yeriol titya Kjtoa ViDtKHo aerer Al ways rally your forces for another aad mor sasauUypoDaderlly If alomnj ind oldMlllfltod lea takes part with your traducert moody and misanthropic or wors to drown ygor onhapploeas in dis sipatioQ Bids your time Disprorv thi dont t slander if yoa ca poverty eowt opon nightwhat thenr 1 like thief in t MuiT is not desperate for XaariiLns Mtioa commercUl Teller who happend to Ure a large amount of money a his poasesalonJoitUfore retiring at a small country hoUl la the Wert took lbepreuiontolook under thj Mtes that 00 Intruder was eonceeled there Ila waa horHfted to see by ths dim light of the ad8 the pfoporttons of a nuire homaa hasri aod shouldirt half hidden among pa ofbdbosaadotberrbbUh Thegeotl oatAoil tiUnoesuoceededi eadUocotndto the trreller that the tUUIr waa leklog de aiB to ahoo bUa 4 be IoiUy b Hy yrlUx bu ptn5 tU report bovie UadIo4 end oUa fiub thegw fol e pUoewkan tbarebber wMOMMi a UwHjetiee dlawwdifce aUmlatbrocM 1UiebvIUVhae forcbted robber wMooileteledieM flMN lie I in ri 4 or 87SST PBOftXPnOK EXECUTED NEWMAIKET COURIEI OFFICE NEKT DOOB TO DiL SXaOtrXB AII M I L L I N E R Y M A N Xi B S t AND DEKflSMAKINO ihaO Kewmanirt Joae IT iW8 45 SYKES EXVIDG MAIN8THBBT MWHABKBT OUT THB BEST 0HBAPE8T AND MOST VABIBD STOCK OF HARDWARE AND CUTLERY fltllVTEil BOOKSELLER S T TIONER AKD DtALEB IS ALL KINDB 0 Fanoy Ooods Wiires io c Ac 4c IE PURCHASED CHEAPER JN KEWMARKXT OR Lcilert JovntaU i IkiliooktaUtistt Blank Bcokt Scluxti licok4 NU Ihokt Cojiy Ikckt Kcenitf and liookKtejAn Book Timi Icok4 Fooltcap Piainanil RuUdj LeUer Iapfr Lar Medium dSTuiU KrKvtltrpuaU lite rroafed Cofiboori FKAiVe ai ulomd Bookmark AU torU 0 Piaw cmcy and Coltrttrtd IapT Cardt Patltioani dx Bloititi Bin Paper Ltlter fSXtt PcMs Vm FoiMt 61 Bnad Point Pencil Waen 8eaiiij Wax Mucihe Ink Red Bhit and Black InLtCandt Several Pocket hock Iurte IJUulic Ihndi PmrU Painl BoxAijComri flair Pencil Album m Great FanWy Bead AU Site tfc Golovn Bone Wood and Skii Knitting rolehe ana Tatny ShuilUt Pocket Druting and Pine Comi in iriel Buiton PaUeer Ladie Porlolioi Work Bjxe in vriclj HarhieA ilati Scone and China Topi DoUt Toys hhooh lAnet and PloaU BeU Buckle etc THE FOLLOWINQ AND AlL OTIIKU SOOXCS MAGSKHVES BUPPLIBD OH niB SHOUTEST NOTIOB AT L0WB8T PRIOM ow ssu8 loifdoy socisrr s vomsstio fssusb jaoue supdat at uomb youno ladims journal famiir hsrald aukdat maqasins stfauau msohajflo qood words qopbt mms dxmommsr llaaftsfs fkahs lsaub ballotts montbl BOXJND- ORDER t d In North York Among the ttok a Loot and Tieht Joitu Bvta Biitsd Trimningi Olau and Pvtty Mortice and Rim LoeJt Bns and Mineral Knob Bmdt Sert IxUeJit and Door HaadUt fc fo the particular attention of Boildert t Lr Stock of Hu Tr Cutlery atd Duert Knivii and Fofla Pn lwtTr Carving and Kniv Seiffrt and Raton Ulliry A krye itoJe 0 Pojiet Kiv AUo a general sssortmeut of CABINET WARE TRIMMINGS MAHOGANY KNOBS Castors of all kind Escutcheons PUled and Braas Liftings Handles PUted iron Steel Anvils Vices Files Rasps KISMKR SOVKKT VUCK UlIJ TCKfJIiVG CHBEtS PLANE Oeiiero Hnidwaro Coopsaa- ToOM Ad Brd Crpi inf llMp Lrceli tlotU rf COOKING PAllLJlItl Al m t Stean Engines aid Boilers Gearing You unUjind it lo yavr advantage to mil ami tee thU itock borr purrhiintg WATSON WATCHMEEE TVewiiifirlfot Out TV K W K 1 yX A TIT NELSON CORHAM Wooller Cloths of Every Description THE BEST YET J J HODGE Ark RATIHiIKO PROM TflK IVCRKA8K UK THKIIi BUH1NE6S THAT TUB Public uru iuurlaod that tbey itcep tbC iist and iLipSl COOKING PARLOUU HALL A RKDROOM S f 8 r O Ii TJ H IV I T U E TIN COPPER SHEET IRON JAPANNED AND PRXSHSD WASJiS PLAIN FANCY SVOH A3 iretJe11r UoDtds Planished CNjuble Kettles Boaaelled Porvelala TIaaed tad inanli3rltaAoUHelalTeaandOoffee Slack Iroo tacsptuu Wrht Iroa Tuaed duuri rii Bcreen aad ri Wiset Oow lU be4tSlnoQciaMeMr MtZroaPoaiBL Zedfp Black LeM and BUok Lead washw Cwra Iron Ham Bollert AxrltiaJtqral rwMoe Tea Eetttei Bofar Settles Bap Pue a w H AS K B XI 0 0 n Bi B sv 0 f i o s i Dtsh OoretJeUr sioaids riausneo lhjuoio Block Tin anl BritanuU HeUlTeaandOoffee Pots Enjllsh Presd SalTanised and Tinned Iroo Wfsh Ilowls Qalvanised Palls and Dippers iiovp Ladlei Spoons Spring Japenaed Tea Trays 8rTSTBroad8erTer Cash Deed Oake Tea and 6u Boiea Tefi and OolTee Canisters OaadJestloka Baas and Snametled Porcelain Presarrla Lubricating Sl Ooal Olla Lamps Lahteriia BUBPJBBS OIIlMPBrS WIOXB e Alcfwhikthsy wniMllai Chsap aabody else Tbay are pnpand to Ili as Bet Air rwuawaoa the moat loprored PUa Eave Troughing tUme in a Mmwm FartloiiUr atteatloa peld to KrwefV ProdaM 8hen SUm Si Md 9BiaadFewr4kaalaihaacf OadiCAUfcrn a AiJLSPBOIALLT SOUOITBD AND BATim T0U4aBt voaetf Tip nataH- r rmST BU 9T0U KQSTB OF TBf P08T OFITOf WB i