THB liWMABKEr xlftt OXDPr riiUiWAT tli9 uTiaonert ID cTideaee n ooostuoteAtt T pi44ttio trull8w4mUBf QrlWaiit4 KrtknT piOdlo dipuibesC Ri tratSiaflzed abr upmiozTLOi flp weUkM is tie bred vho Irte girt WMWsriDg toPflrgwaiPeiat io Join in pie- aioUii lild tliere to cele TH6 pase bTtbe two Hoo of gr of tlibill ibr t6e proteotion of BPiKajdAmeric oitizcna abroa4vnll36t ceceired s copjroftbo nlnntea of tOotario ftodQQlate Annul CtoWeifiBMi Atte Bplwep Cbvcb Iq CaoAds iron Sv Ur Argoe of vMltHo feinoe- There li Inge unoont of itattv tinctico V iad to eT p of oraiy sj It ia perfoerty mV OM Usi 109s uc i S10 ri 80r4i 6roc1 Unit Stattim ten oially lio ijieir own y one by sarivise truJaQapaintenofBever Ir BoiDATawr Sunday a great nninVer i ORAK3iTRiraK8T 4oCTjyuJ BdjCo pTetliat Fenian 8od i gomei7 Ulf Joluuoo Ur Htitcbion oal aia3bUHKlfiiC notice that the next Conference will New YoA and Uwt lnfiftfiftiinewmbrji 1 aaaiiuuiiij u i tue the 0 tl aliow oomrooil Confederstion Iq the futareethgtwinpanioniegpedaUybyaraham Wednesday Hr4rgfO Society has been tctualljdeteoted though it may be the lluiitsj natural joetice for a natwii to oonaaer a hostiie ti iu Aould yfin oftiie HoyaiAgS re tamed thepameeof exciting beOidiirfiikiItzOTtailte4ta ally made some etir in the States The juM subject of their aoQoired aod the ntriotK 0 atoositioo pf AwenqtM id his been li Ufa 1 ty poliliciana Fjl Hemsekes tw an action on tomoM IJiUca is W wife Bn- AAwiK tip violin ffe Uwof nlJtoM uii of tie Dwoo bpportawty rreseotlife aMnts M Ajajfican cUi condfsmncd by Bnt- lih copitac on the groumj tht they are bUU Britislf sajecta and as now auder goine ponishpient for acta done bojond the limlta of BritLh empire The Irish vote iapffcjlul end neither party iii theablijvoan afford to disregard PolitjolmjDericJiaye therfefoi fctod if believed tHaiejtlie Fenian anraecurate view of what has pass in Irelmd A great deal of iniati h ho exp5cd at the soppb by Uie British Gotern- inent i4hfi rights of American citizen have taken op the matter jrith an aprance of earnest farthered no doubtjbj the Dcceiues of the coming for President The Bepnbli majorityin Ckffljyess pass JjiU decJng that theright of expatriation is ap tial principle of the GoTerpment 4ind cnacting that all nalvalit citizens of the United States shall be entled to and shall rweiTe from this- Government the Se protection of person and property that is airded to nativpborn eitiiens like pitoation and cireomstanQ The arg3 qnestiona Hhich enter it the contest between these two conflicting principles of immutable allegiance and the right of expatriation have been frequently discussed abd we do not know that any thingneTreaahesaidonthesuhject The coDcluioti to which most thinking have come ie that whatever may b moral tie whii biuda a ibeh to tlic land of his birth arid the institutions of his ftthere it is expedient that he be a4owed to divest himself of hii alltance when he has become actually and lona fide an inhabiUnt of ODOther country The old doctrine of permanent and heredi- tvyallegiauce might have been easily re duced to thaabsuid in iiHv age by very probablcinstinces oi ils icult Viutii U utterly nntemble at the time when the politichl divisions of the world are brokenhpand whole popultions are trans ferred Vietoss the oceau to new homes The Irbh and Germans in America the Chinese in America and Australia nmst be held to havtf merged themselves int thehew communities and it would be mai is involved in residence Indeed this woiild 1i pracUcc be admitted by any Power I Great Britain and the United States wer Bofortunately to be involved in war n BngliahofSwr wonld look upon an Irifih- man aettled in the States as a traitor if be tooK op arms for liM new ooontiy is nothing in the doctrine propounded by the Aiftertoan politicians that this country heed deny or oiipose If Irishmen go to America tliey are at full liberty so far as British opinion is concerned to consider themselves American to take out Ameri ca passports d to comport themselves as Americans should they think fit to re- Tisit these islands If technically they are now held to be British subjects this Is because the old doctrines coneorning iratibnality havenot been overruled in a matter which ia ordinary times is not of much practical importance If it be thought right that in eonseiucnce tfreat displacements of population principles shdl be erpliciUy declare British Parliament and people will way object Provided the foreign citizen- ship is honest and not adopted to evade some duty or to gain some prvil i coimtey will be disposed to rccognizt readily in the case of any cxpairialed tivo of tho empire Whatwe deny however i that law has been put in forcc to the practieil injury of the American Irish iiiawipp mSdts4fl fbrcigti if after iigaihst Bntbhvmt in ewoTOi they oom6heref4jdurry 6a their fiostue THU witiinHm tenjheratiiTeei- Yiiledo9 CamisJwofficwUK renitet nu JvilylfwW the 89Q fld 101 intWbsd Iv is stated that in recognition o hiB ser Vtceaj6preseuiIjqi4lf8pieriifill becre RtiHlVOuiitTbUlitMilrof tljeUnitW King if OT OfiIOE goiig Vtdiiy tgl6 aB WailiJliWle TipfJrtto NbrtTi avj fiJy 4V40 R t fofS ByAttehtic CtAASr sipri Holt Momiv BaVenphoe KeswicU WiIfHedndBeaTertbri Qaiuda that fotargdiQpld be- marr by a want ejbaustloD socceedel in fwtthingber by ofj unanimity amoqg ourselvea inprdsejtottfLoaHythewnft iht sufferers clung I eating and furthering common enterprise to theipiery wreck an uMioxmtlly oig IforthewmBoagood Jim Fete The Naaiviife ennh JYmd fcyfllJfie fflig- active prcpnitbliifd8BLrfnovemeDt We leamfromreliahlvata Murces that- the time ani wusae has Auditl3i Iefch58 irere receivtojay from LMbon Pofto givinglhe detailipf a disaltrouRV in that city lajt evening The brolie out 1 in a newly arrived cargo of cotton in the t publie stores adjoining the custoiu hotfaS i Agteat quantity of cotton brandy other TsJuableSDods were droyed Itis reported that the total Ir vlreaeh 100000 etg Tiere was but little ini sureace bn the property Thie orlgindf the fi b believ tobe accident th Maidstone Welles IS foraerlyj porter at tho Bover railway Btition was j today banged within the yard of his prison for the mdrderof thesthtioninasler The only persons who witnessed this ci the prison officials a Os SatiK pOTidet JlclTOn4 0 Bl8tV Bcetf dii mUetf fiois tfraTjTowii hpi aidmnfiMiT MMS dallyj after tive fronHToXpiitoi i for Piae O BaTWreHOtteholpir w6YiiIflan Btouffvllle at l pi i7lril8 niiiaift tbi Old Covu W S15 MORE FENIAKISM rat private execution which jjas tht taken place under the new law concajjing 1 tpitd punishment j heAveit Paris August 13 Ia Liberie o- the jwi lat a new difficulty has alisep between jf Yalts f n Prcnch Government anda Bjjy ofj kites jiud h- Jiope tliey laigW er p th foiit Tinda of Tunis The Cfcurier publishes the foUowing news from Gaudla A hatljc look place between the Cretans and the Turkish troop ou Uie 29thof July iu which the Turks wqro badly beate London August 15 cvenin ther advices from Tipperary Ireland have beco receied this evening The agent ol the landlord Jlr- CQUyins notill at fiiot reported Ilii endeavoured on TueJa- to iere mpreejcctmcntDOtic ilon several tenants in the vicinity oftie jityof Tipperary when he wasattaekcd by a large body of them including many and roceeft fo kotlfind ohlid to floe intothe save his life ipesterday he staJ sgain upon the sime errand accopipanicd by a large body of welarmqd poli lijwuiGaeldogthehamofthitt lemUilmon and C lesu oiinl oii tlie lftnfe til ncighlxinrlidod of 20j63 The country has been cited for last few dy by the report vhioh has got abroadthat aootheEiaid of IheoeruSani is imminent The alarm Beems tohavo arisen aihorig the military apthonties as not aware of anytbiog having trans- 1 o telp IT rf beei decidid qolat AKnSfflf Bavld Dftperjtet Mlfchll n Bitfalo dnjmgto moaftjf Angat tlieilrat or L tbcii aH in n U movement mtaieplaiK i forded thewlvDavId jaadtbopUitch 1 tmail that thrt triiw fad ladwith li the Niagara Biver about 12000 u iourMt that jiic luan T7io ifl- remainder will be congregated boat at loachi Point irgM Ogdensburg about 14000 men aUowWlwS wlHchalrg o- to fo to topg will be i A in dTowiiingeojl kud Ufiected with the utmost rapidity and tho puedPeMj6ordW Wl5of n- FortheMkeofhununUyw effected from these two Mints formation which would undicata the dan- thi is incorrect re Cftunot inwgiio j Thpfinnl nrWaHona are now being made companies cause had periled thwgh ahr iC and that we were rid of them for- it is t that reetleefl drela who keep up the flgitationin th- ly lclieve that their only chance iniating a ftiove before tijt lire- Biuentiu iuectpp witn lue nupe mat 111 the panderingof both parties for the lrish j ltcmiUB oUirt i To thyuy t bidMurted m t tiiai liiis iiiyii irW iii tin nciijitour- News from Japan aiampt bclplc a Nashville are eomieUcg 0 i- ganizatioD Last night the first coiany of organized by electing Copt M J Houfr ts i too a soldier in the rtlar annyfor fif- a years and was almost literly rid- 0 literallv 1 fights and d I died with balls in Indian 1 other company will hold an election in a day or two Wo look for stormy times cnian frleuds in a few dajs The pf Uce endeavoured iligpciwithe mh vhen a fierce fighti ensued- during Mch the police- fired nppa theTiotflt several limes the being rtnnied by of the crowd Several of the mob wounded as were a nupibtt of the police SlrlywasBerionslyrwounded andthe pbliccrcdred unablo to mako any 1 arrests at the time The city of Tipper rary is in a high stft of excitement and farther troubles areiapprehended Despatohes received tOday from Cofr stanHnople feratfcthat a prions encfnter took place at Pera two miles from the city between the Greek reoidents and the Turks iq consequence of a violation of thegravedfPrinceMerdetes The troops of the Sultan Sfere called out to suppress the riotapd fired upon the Grodis killr ing and wounding a large number Jlanj ofth latter to the residetvees of the 5ulat illy euppress the soldiery Dublin August 17 Late day afUmoon acoronersiuquestwafl beia on the body of Mr Scully flhOffa mur dered by his tenants inTlppraiy onthat day After hearing a mass of- evidence he jury brought ina verdict of murder but took theoccaslon todeprecatotheoon- ucfariomi schemes There may be some- in this J still ficn what we hajc bood 1 SMn of sir Johjisou- actipus in other j which matters we donpt biliev thai he will stand quiet and let a horle of thes ini- creants pgoin tin- soil of a friendly lujitry AH hcltcve the stringei Tho feeling of hostility against Con federation which ohtaincd in Nova Scotif mnicdiately ohth- nccompHshment of the ctj instead of becoming allayed by seems to inorease iii intciisity and indeed he feeling of nearly tho wbhlc ieoplc seems so embitterod a to leavo little hope fbr the play of a more kiudly and coasou- iible spirit at present Boccntly several mcuibers of tho Government havo visited the colony the hopo aud view wc supposej of brging about a state of fecl- l the Jtilitny caused the preseii fropi the Hiw itiioritiea which have Sax Fkvscibco Aug 15 A report I from Naganski Japan states that 150 I Christian Japan natives hid bSen taken I out from Naganski in a steamer and drowned nutwithslanding the remon- straiice of the consuls at that point 5- MajorGen Bunker had left Hong Koog aftcrB I Satur- considcring iheAmeriCan Irifch aa fofeiCT- trs is the measure of tho injury whWi tliey have received in the lator trials th first plate tho fact thata hiai fogner roakcB no difference In thclcl of levying war agajnrt Uio jri EillisSiSS Wi wbt Bzau VAusual i ia aimnmeeil tonlay Unit tlio OryQrpniiAAf Pwitrlid will flumiiiariJy rqoot diijr pror poea of Franco lookiug an aliii that powor I uit Johnson the American minister who thatcity IIo will probably leave for LoU don thmorrow and enter upon the dis charge of his duties Mr Johnson is tho object of much attention CONSTANTiJiOPIB AUfiTHSt 17 Ad- 7nr8l Faragnt accompaniBd by Mr Morr ri8the minister of tlie United Statcf lind aji iiilerview with jthe Sultan last week at which after tho i0tcrchang00f comli- mcnts and good wishes his Mjyesty in- 1 formed tho Admiral that the would be permilfed to pass through the BardtmelicH to VBtantinople sliTuld the Adminso dceirelr i Ottaeral logratcBjthoBusfciani Ambad- or atOonstantibople week entr taiiicd Admiral iarratand cffiolori of of ZtoX iitilieul Bnd O of aw oicial ititJ tins OUuccU Ifpnchf ifr jiHiisCfl BleIoy bit met- big dit through Irinking ii fuixt uro ctuiK6l ivzily of priissii Hciil It 1 fs nned for rigltffling tbe oinijncntK of ion hj itiul the man linding St lharo took it for GHCiAinciital wtnc ami rank rnongh io kill Mm bcf rnifling ou lilii luisfHko rsT3ecoTovii rAawAv 1 AN- renders wn rheeivftd on Juiy23vii a Sa- nngV foi tb- Xl5fiOiJO i 4 per cents by U ernrmintnd AiOUil rendered for JCJV BlhcliM ili d fp Ibu at 10 ell llfi Vino which ierttlttdfttliiiiortlmll tliricb The pried clrM Fit IOB lit wheat on the Held oh Wl fo fhi iiiilior nil the vniofty iiif6Yteid or flio Vajiii Th- of I it WlmlltHcP8hl 5 lha ij bo biioLrJ JirofHMifylvniuraer rr8 pfibrl ii4clfvlhiJ iadfu i Ub cbujk HUl- noifihVoiloj hi fertwu K 1 t th Leitrin liifi hr ing pn the more favourable to amiuhIflW45jifcjuiiifirJhanew yotcm- but ettccBS docs not appear to hlfVe atteiadcd itlieir efforts Nay the action of their Local Legislature avows thedcteinitiori of the pelple to prose- iii I cute their repeal agitation to the latter end It IB true that with us it is difficult devise the actaal reason for the extreme 2vbitydisplayqil by the Nova Sootians thismatter nor afer tho niost careful weighing nf tho arguhicuts they put forth roid tho convicSon that their ob jections nfo mpre matters of taste than ioundcd on rcaMu It may he and we must fqirt- suppo it iSj that thm is a leeprootetl feeling Bomehow engender in tht colony- against being confederate with the other Provioces e that they demonstrate thocsiBtmpo of itiy real griuvance in connection therewith further uian might naturally be expected attend tho enriier political workingout eiMcr 5 for though foreign bo owiefi a temporary allam io tho British Crdira while bd is on Brit ish Bou Substiintially therefore tljo pcrBfl who h4w been convict wic3ier we hold thorn tb boIriih or Americans hare been jtistly dealt with for they un- dcjibly came of their free iill to Ir IanJor EnglaqdBnd there deavoure5 to ral u ipsnrrcctlonjmst the atb- li8h54 doTerninent v Airtt3k liavp prth rociit of charge Wdarhpt comBoor Dulbvmlg if iW A ipofi tokt luiipwo part oF ihii Vritjli mepl The words aiid neB Atousy 15 AnoldvdilopMHtodiiiJuso iii Bdhavijtare8tictW Icavg tlowafinnrtii nuiiyuWBd tAjinjiynonmwife V tp vWt Yir md Tatcr It fli6liairiVeryMfe ia ItMmm iiVooat KpKTjr GWILLIMBTTRY COUNCIL This Coimaitiiifilfit BelhTTrc rccciyc the Bum of 510 in full of all from thia mnilcipftlity Curried Moved by D Willoniby Mtcon1 Puuly that tlio nmonnt of Glrnry money nppo r lasp lw t 0 Brant 0 Idly divi epl i sV rf1 hiis heme of this magpitude Nor in tho existence of tlC natural but not insuperable difficulties eau thj complain of nn iinispOEilion oii behalr oi the Gov- emmcil or tic other Irovloceg to faeili- tato icir- rcmpvalor adjustment wltl all convenient Bjccd andin tho rewt accom- mndnliiig fprit They came into Con- fcdcratino by the action of their own repreaentttivw and wo submit tliat among their oncrttio and pertinaccouB appcaVs to thpjJIoiiM Oovermnent for repeal of tho Act this tribunal has no power what ever to amend this statute of our own don- trivlrig cicccptwlth the conpt of all Uie o Cp i parUo8tOlhpConfcdoratiop This was we Uunlc needed by Mr Brigh wlieii qtctiUng EnglisJi llOuM- Uudcr these ciroum stances it would surely bq far bettor for them to acocpt the andinako thotat jf itmllrd llmt in tiiVriiu4 onf r8orvf to mfHc room for tliiir fti ctocK tW 6CUS0D Tvill W inusu SiMnl 5 defiiUed vith great los It h stated that the I ulich the Iatter jrthei rcferall dil- rei3teoE sottiemcnt to tluihitratioD f England Franco and tho United Stales ind in case tho latter Powctb accept the esponsibility they the prluces will bind themselves for the faithful execution of the arbitrament both on their part and on tie of the Mikado Australian News WiiUcrfjlonnett in the town plot loruuuii iiHh uuo Divl Bro lie ftiipoluUd fern rM I be wled by Mr Briglit i i iHi 110 insi of Jjiimi oi tic tllCir behalf in tho Itoi nhiion 11 lieliw tlio mnoaiil of V I Undor tlioao dcoum Norowi 4m f M t ll p tOI knot feijr tnliei leiicAt JVuioldv of MiiKlnd it cillrl I JoiHit iriin uhlob rtiioriiiwPHt iirxlrl Iiiii li yilh CAjtJHelfa nl Imgedj bri prodiictd tlttljr rtllKpil biifenicnt oHif on Ihi pia hill the nkiioi W fcBctori r V ji- I jwiAhth jfhjw fA5ettlplnrbe0 A Atit firnvhfo fwjo fur penuimt MfetytViw -rf- oetel fljhQdelurqpaiaa ItoiundoQiit orth ths w1Ue Dlloya to oMiirtalie tlw vtyiige nhereridVt yehAiirbieflu liaiv aolofckAiKflflWif0tuilUtMvairableHitibeUvidM rtiir iliitod Aiji iIraaiA01tuka thetniaa ciiun la Uiu lAnicit hycKfMbj5iSvl T i Inuthtonlf T of dicap Blank Books juet iiiUcellrjieous stock of phin now In i ralian advTces July 2nd- and Newiiealand 7th have reached Piuiynm Four shocks of earthquake wCrc experienced On tho night of June 29th on the eastern coast of Australia Harvest anticipated to he abundant A Chinaman has murdered Mr Lee and three children at tho Iron Bank Diggings The Austra lia Joint Stock Company have made ar rangements with tho King of tho Pejeo Iduuds involving tho settlement of the Government aijd ent of a Britisli Protcctorato over tho Fejee Tho terms of tho elmrter occasioned oousidcra- blo excitement among the white settlers and the British Consul entered i protest which pointed out that the king had panted powers to tho new company such as imposi- tion of taxes cto etc which ho could not legally transfer and tho vshole mattet awaits tho viat of tho Commodore of tho AuBthlian squadron Tho Companys agents have taken up 100000 acres of land Tho political crisis in Victoria is Increasing in Importance and ia likely to produca great dislrcsainconrtfqaem tho Ministry refusing to resign ships iliomas Broitn ind 0 airived from Bostop Tho natives ii 1 northern part of Now Zeidand aromprder- ing whites and a forco of vDluiit6ors had n organized to bring murderers to jus- Thcro are fifty newspapers blgand liMle piiblidied in tho colony of VioloKa which doing they would meet tlio cordial and hoart tjWneration of tho Bister Ptov- inocs 8houdttcypW8W in their prcfle It ft n6t unlikely thai ore longft feeling of irritation My sprjng up iri tboio PrOTinoee ilio naiural result of tho initiicaliiptilnin Noto Spbtlajand RUoWa ftlatld jfthlne thoipbpplV ff loyo Scoiio wi ihijnpp longer find theroBolvofl mot In thft flftmo ipjflJOlHindly f6rbinranMhilhortoohB tiWrirtd onrfntfflWaiWWtjiride6a loyal baaiborbo flrifn fcy the f8 of hwd paislonyJnt noh aotlonas Joiul dispptMa tfitTViotjni to 4lfiabily iouUtitOPraiooKtttgry licit how BOOB oithor thsfc or any of wiJKJ folootlon cording coifwlMit d Jtyli dirccioiof uitiiimUtriappo5nted i- tJl purjoiici ODHiosod Af lho luvjHlwrii of thii Council CarritiJ Movndby D WlllopRhby PcondodbyT lluver that I IroMcr boimhl he eutii oV ft for 107 lpad ofgmvtil hyhl mnklug iillda vit that quintUy wnH mcU hy tilm in hie UodDWWoinhh Movid by J Tiirly iifn7 I loUKhby Olii Hio Clerk hvin-lcdtltt- form floaty Truoiwap lhutOioni never h Uen any Hctlon lokcil by tbl COuAcil with rogul Iptha roful crwmlogthe Lot Wo J3 In tho and ConbMl6n i andHhat If it iMti ifiubHo hishwjty U h4 bacOnio ib by f cnprol uiogo b fri ft ahQiml tho tdwn- hlpbtfelirrlfrd at BoUhivoii on UonyihdtMhorNP- temhAr I- To of any kind Bobiwi Oooiii Iay or amtlonory VpnrotilH r boitnpjUibwpji iitf cowiwi lor to thoj poiito Fonylba Uotvl i n ill reViert the mo rV BtrataJiav On Tuesday ovvnln thp foun dry oif MciMfraByVB EtVldso wm eiitacd by some wreone whti blow tho Hfe on and abstfaotj Finding igifiiPilK cnt to the gulWy V Jna SitvJiiiiTiOiT Acting advcr- tUed to ke placoattho IIoubo last irtMay eVoBlng wa Th aoO- wlftVPK hoinnd ilVcpn- mlltee authorlaod to got Hit ot names of pattlBiVflihiDg toVolntothe ahaUBement not making 0 appearance together with thi Indifference maillToktcd hywany opod the mefttiflg nM bftattended in emh m to aay yK of no to the fleWtn jdomwlrttl V l hitherto been dcndcnton imported paper forlhoirti6n6dioalfiippeaFanoev But mow their is aotaly a paper eqIII t work nokr Melboifmo maniilMtaring hat stationers call an article vtoj mttablefor Dcwpafl This is a c6mmeaoemmt of our antlpod and JVirrilishto that ZcaVandcr whbis Bbmo day toeodteiupittol tlio ruins of London an 4dditi6iiil topio of nothor notoworthy ftotiatheopenibgof woocn cloth Qotlopg jud firsli t woolei gQwU ipp inptd Thenhaitsoftowawero eodatodat his fiaooosa thtilAQpfJbw ipmployiatofiBoho IroamjryTotaiitoi plonlo on Satuniay in tKcralilbl grov fnnHiea rcfilattendcdy ncporopaplodijy Bcaj vHbnumnlijttTHlybaiTJsiW ilauyini WH inttnd iuto