Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Courier, 23 Jul 1868, p. 4

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m TeiJOilB dfeaUcgb lbo v When ii8 I IsertiJiar7 WWlUag fladiTry nib ooee bright liope TbftiliVnimgxua EwhdiMm utb fied ecch I grown dim jieiptloir9rr- e FuMnlLltewelLiinrtnothei i I WUbttie ianap coV12iit of detlb 1 lBetfaeBofyIoiilrHl Mr ift 4 Strange AntrmU Th followiog nvTf bre is takoi fheWewrlMagatiite fiye mileB om Tilnirg Mueusqi u aBebeam knows u Bear Creek wl empties Into the Big BUok fUrer 6om time pa fitrftoge Btories liy beea tddtyiAe Aegroea of an extwr nWJr Wkl wiBA iQtdd and I7 thd aorae in anj Biwh Btstemenls Thk erteujjrdioaii CTatOTOiuid oftra saddeiafy lailliQ itg laiflif arlj semes as abont V wp w liis bbiiWtcaghi oaib ai am ax tte hair en ii4 aod TOyreep grouDda8-beioafaandyipai- rear sad brpnt down in o aid of luB angaUrijr funned obest whicl is iMt tonnd or flat but iBaagaUr4ike tlcfiHlTl The liair on tiie body of b is Teiy sti and grow to tbe tear partmg at the aoe oi bieasiboo growing bae aad Tintdng wilib a Btrong stiff gjrprtfi to theBjuiiB wUcb extds back abont one foot like the qilnal fint a or the brisUes m the of boar die hair mhia arms I is pwtfid and grows in the same way I mrtiog a long ttiickbnish on the back of tte arms eiteiding from the shanldera to point of his middle finger Tliesame peeulivi i obeerTable on Us No white pertOD had erer kUa hiin untiT ip- eently irkta he was diaooyered by a hnnW ing prty Serend geatlemep acqnaiii taooes of onraiDBt on last Thureday week with a view of bear hnnting in thu swamp Th were aooompanied by about fifteen well trained bear doio They prepared for thehont early in morning aadJasaVW pQmoii In aa insfaui storiM 0 ooonrred to the pu- ud at oeie ir aMesMWSi lutoed duonghoat the day to fihaoi Satt J5i I gO wd itfe ffiJhwr band Kboy peo eame to se IP J t J 1 -5j5Qia6Xl- mm the Thakpors present appeared to ba OTenome Iw her eolwitatuuaadaaid eome rUvtl a fiel be the oooaeqmoee wW tfc may After iiofywL leas jpppofr boa wsa oSered andluge nnmlioa of pececame thar 5iisde to holy Itappeaktohihiin- derstood this croning 4t tihat the suttee would ts plaott Bar n oinramstaoce oooorred sdRiTli fbr- wspiKiftjtbe r next pori a oinramstaoce oooorred showing Asuinobtai admittanoe at dawn to the hoose aodfiiH ing before the woman addfeased her ssyiiMhaAnee I am mdonblind whra I rsm nt evidently hangfiuOv in the ipaonJons powep with which the iniended BaonSoe was apposed to aidow the victim The woman how- e iho eaten noth for two days ine drnnknothinehiitaomeGangeavater ma posted on this npnit 1 9fter bPg the pie of the honse to hor on ffie prentions ky down for some gasping on her- iSiok H fiidsthot tA0 dyii and U Adviaed a gumqni onrA of her hnhanda to be raven to h say that Ha Krai vu loBgnig for lui htLani by her soiand it rBeetsedtoprodn6e thedeiei for ola8pi ittoJ brillsndHjied tld f it ir ta tttiylMiji ireTiawm Uaiii owiteflnrtlnf to getiU of Ui itott ia4n9AWo sdtuy K UowlufclliultbiMiiiKitmit eowi i IiB a4TaM M lU tlm H4 HiW tHflfclHyi Mcesstoweiv omspml4hUJ their tflthv nw shade learefpr -ee- ever theb cages tie Sapp etWmentateirtftxeattte postideialile oider ba cannons t ct steel dftMiintoClBaBSlln mlUtaiy adfolnls ttatloa BnsiaIetBg about to ttamfona iha of britrttl rBato mobt V ffBm OurOiAIKt bv4 lnknadeofadoptiag old Ideaand ing Hum ootae ooal They bave fut HJnrented a wine mads from appleg wUeK theJl n A Jowiu In WoKestershfie Ais vlU be considered a de Br eiTor U represented Inthe report of ttte BenfrewflUre Agrionltmal BoeietTs dlU ner in yerterdaj8 paper aa eaying tat lu was aasoclated Tdflith 50iint7 hj r inpoftuit inteiefte ihwlbw otpotaloti For potetoea read poUttcs irrtJk SntM Few wive8powalih9 s 1 theu hnebibdsiao weB loVes her ftpjMds attMHei The- Thakoor yrha had borne the pro- yioM ere i4eoIated histadjiie to ajfiej ajd htoied onl 9 Mve czden for wiibavto bo- out -add- eairied io to the spoti Several mm save ihdr M- nttingaiaryiiigwojdana k fits ooiletinfo oar to the widow iriio detennined to made Uiia to follow lojr44 prooitBoiMWotttaeo iinndifeds of tltt hmgbodiing villagerii ttte fi sod the women in the succeed a band of village mdwians pressed into the seryioe Oft arriTiM at the field the iftittoe ut woman is now called mounted the pyre cm whioh she sat herself erasiflteged aid gave in straotions that sen surald set e toit Thifl Hna yotlth about eiteen yeto of age had brought a bundle of grass Which to set ta the wood sid a wv- as mother ws pared he ffred the gr On thoflamee rising the suttee half rose from her sitHng posture on see ing which the mnnnnt jn dis- sauBfaetiooy biit the Woman inuaety resumed her seat and sied irfth her My A being ap wij arose from us J moment stood ip ntent Ua pon iM thiiay wiy tiy tei sm before Ihe dogs diji wsfl otn- dy oil hewm This idd l tinned r adist with fiary oapftnMed Ifc adied the fomnosl doftti both haodjL nd the exmise superhoman atlsouar stfeogthi buil iW Iqog fsloDs Id the bowllK and UaUy tore dog nao lPl4egthlsUiiutMlre the nsxty and seQt Us two tii throng the sl of ib One the hiut bMOi bystanders threw m more wood th rose and surrounded thd and the saerifioe was consummate The then bront flowers indoS of vwions kinds tiirew cm the enW sd dispersed The adds that diitisaperintrad Ur Chn subeeqoeDtlyarrceted the semindan and other at atteiprmjiBed The eWef oflender howei Um widows son Baha- door who had aoty kindled floral pile on which showas oonsomed had ab sotiided and escarrest Gop4 One It is said t qii dooard of Bi ship of many hottsana tons in boUti sad a iSm ffltitadt bad mm bled to ifitoM aniiditngv vedgeewere knoclced away but the im mease mass remaipsiiQtmueM efbie a eliDgef diarotaMotbegao toin fe itseifa litHTioy rao wri ud speotators I KTTCifc iKSBC5UTElI3 Ai r f AT THB NEVKET OFFICE A PoflBnu mmtter of a fotme Befomed PatUamentobeerv that th girt gf th Arch bialiop of Yorks spfeech aVthe bsnqWt oi Tnesday tJght appean to lie tn an emmlda tlon of satax which fiftet dinner iroiild hnytt ritltTiTiB wc ihall dweU in the Honse of Lords forever Thi Artaois DnsotdWdi regn rre8pondent iHo has been aferoggtlng with the EngUsh ncwspapetwkushow we can have the to tdk abbot the pnritjand integrity of our inrttotlons when heaa that the whole- Hottae ofConunona M i Ttt Toptope Mwtthe grand ltlme itoiFniinoe ntterjibgntdi acnltmal ihoi f Vr kap- iveqMtt6amoog te cat aUed Biiauits ADUkke fre rm of print- els ink- Let Tom pledgedw6rdever bo aa Nothing la more valuable to a ttn j btesstiuname ofalwadolngashD eFtiitobattl4jnomnt Aatrirt adherence tojh nite gta inn the oom s of half the Ipare fi within theiangi ofVu acqoalntancea A mr weelu appired an advertSse lent from Udysid who has serred foi years In if thebighest oirclea of Eng land Pari and Spain offering full direc tion in the new anS leattdal arf of optheilMse- ey nltfiejnbmiijmt ale withOther recipe standing nnrlvaUed nii wears alipMrp pf Hat afd his tread ta seleu Ths- daya come aofliy dawning aOer another creeping inat the wlnd frefb mornlngjair ao gzafefol to a they for it their mnaio BO hj9 eMdfthoiwhoUatntolttmtilb4 lye we know it a whole lifeofdayahas pos sasion of the clfaelan4 Time haa taken u jtorWaii Thi iUlowlDgare the btutu received An- nnally by the Bcwrelgns of Earope Ale- andern of j Abdol Aais of Turkey iei3a0q00j Nalecn m of France 1040000 Francia Joseph of Ana ttia Wliilam ofPni Victor Emmanijelof Italy j Queen Victoria laabella of Spain XMO 000 5 and Leopol of Belglnm jei80000 United- Stei ita other dty gentleman entered a and asked the price of a piptue which had ten fitncy shUllngs was the answer Thegentleman however naderatood him to aay tWcntyflre poands Oh noniteluifdhe Il will give jm lye mlnmdentood me vas the replj leaid twen-flveiaWll- Oh then I wont have itisildthc gentlesanand hurrlcdlyiefttheshOp- A Jodge that Wo laigest longest andheavleatwire rope ever made none piece for aa inoUned plane haa Just beenooinplet St t woru of John A Boebliog at If It is Intended for the iql QM va Navltloii Company for tiie purpose of UfU cdstoutof thSWybmihgyalley Theload oled np trip consists of ten ooal sighing SO tooiy laden wli 0B tonsof 8Siow rope per hour InollnaUoBorplane 14fl8lnnipofee fope Is TM diameter 0 tito 10 tonsWJHVair iev 1 W BOOKSELLER STATIONER AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OP Banoy Goods Small Wares So 4o to J I rt tSB BS8T tlBSAFSST AifVBKWI VJCD V BTerofftaiioArAiaethtfilocVwiaiBfiAJ MorirndBmMt r wflWZHiwiWL rmfin4MimalJfy4j SraifBmhv MAU ui2 3ow SaiKSjet Cutlery Cutlery ocwori A teye ttock ofFe AUc a general assortment of CABINET WARE TBIMMINGSj KNOBS Coatora of aU kln Escotchecna Plated and Bmae UiUn Himdki Flated andBraaa Butte rA general asmment of Iron Steel Anvilar Vices Files Rasps Circular JroB8nt Back Keyhole KOI aotd COmpa Felloe andVeb firmer socket DUCKBILL AMD TTJBNINQ CHISELS PliANB IRONS BBACE8 AND BITTS AXES TTAmnanH SCSEW PLATES- I 1 Sliorela and Tong8UfruBarXi da BIrona Hooka and Hingee Dinner Bella Steel Springej AideB itentStfetched Leather Beltiog Lead Pipes fto- a- CooPSBB Toou Adxnad Aza fading 8tavf Cnmp 1 TT m Zev Bowdtydc Tn fOLtOWtHQ AHi KCMEOUa bTHKE AnoiiXg WILL B1 JOlJHji IN BTOOK AMD 1 l- OANNQT BE PnBOEASEJ OHEAPEB IN NEWHABKET OB ANY OTHBB PLACE Ledgtrt JovrtwAt iDatfBooMiaUnxa Blank Boolet Sipql BooJu Note Bookt Ct Bookt ExereUe and BiiokKeng Bookt Tim Bookt FobUcap Plaina Rut Leiter PerfonO CarhoarAynttie and Coloured Bookmarfct AUtorUfif Plainf Fanyand Movred Paper Card BiU Jler PiUi Poiri Broad PiAntt PmMPnhiddtrt Wifh SeaXmg Wa XuciPxge InJJiedfBkkoand Black InktUmdt Several hindt Pocktt Booht Purtet Elauic Bandt Pencil Eratert PaiiUBoxtifComtStHmrPiiMiUt Albumt in Gnat Variety BeadtAU 8wa Oohurt Bone Wood and Steei knitting Crotet Tatting ShulUet Poeket Drttting and Pine Combs Button jPoifeneri Wifrk IMowtinvarif MariktCflatt Sukt and China TVw JOoUt aVya fiAoofct Linetj Flo Belt Bveklet Co THE FpLLOWlQ AND AtL OTHEB BOOIEB aurfMSD OH biiohtesii HOTIOE AT LOVWI PBIOESI aowsMicgi fMfUXiWD OOOlfJIM iocoifi BoaisTT snaiisnwoMAiia doiAitio eHHfiiY AT BQKS rOIWO fMUS J0VIUr4 iSBWDAY moMiKi mouan MtQBjUiKf ooDar ma BxnosaaT IUllSUf fiffowa HOKTBty Oeneial s aHailoiic CiWMri Cut Brass Kettles Bteeljards Badirona I COOmNOPABLOU AJfP OTHER Qf thcil ownd the best makers in the Di stantly for They alwmaniai of the beai and latest patema Tln itirM Wares DdCper Steair Engines Boilers Geafiiig Of every dripticn for UlUs Tint mSJind it grtailto j Newnuiki tj Dumber 9 Carpenters and Cabinet Uake Pls Ac call and SeeMii ttoA horepurduutng w atson pfo leet A TC H M A iSewmairlet Out 9 tfi WEWMiABICET NSIWISIJUU ONr NELSON G OR HAM MANUPAOTR pP Woollei Gloths of Description ALSO GENBBAL DEALER IN WOOL Newntarket December 1867 ltf T H E B EST TBTii J J HODC ABB SATISFIED FROM THE IHOREABE OF THEIR BUSINESS THAT THE Public are convinced that they keep the Best and Oheapeit OOOKINa PARLOUR HALL 4 BEDROOM Foondrlealn ProYtnce ey are satlafled that their Stoves are not equalled by asyotte Poundrtes In the Dominion of Otbada Bear in ntndthwe noid tnnnMw manolkotOTe of these StoyesiiTnwIr iSTOyE lsDdlipaUtlytbebe8tyoocMgtanyWhereJyisopiii TJN COPPER AxopxaaasD wAasai ff t Block Tin IroosA Bowls Qalvaal Pails Sovp Ladles Spoons Bpiiog and Dippers ooipt Balanoei6luwepAo Iron Ham Bmmis BspPaMi Brass and Unanelled PoroeiainFiiBNtTiDg Jo fc me WIOKSp AU of wblott they will asU as ObmKju anybody eUe sMUni to I XCrpnMoipthem9stIpwTedIW m a SigferiwJtamm A OUilj BQUblttSp poit mwirm ruvs FIB8T OBIQK STORB MOBTn OF TRI I ttte Mtr ofthe ooaMtiwfHettofti tadiooBtUKi sBtwitboufc H I7 tiw rep Wdeoui y ii diftagaad ire atesj when btato DOHe mse haps fiw Si S BOXTKUl TO iOJRUWJP fft TSi ITB T 0 0 U E I HV O FI soejtit huaHiM rri FM Mn lyjattBd8diRevleswhir3i iboMee4lcto ao fon fiStUjWi UsmitasMi 4Ketaber3i IW kmayipn eHlves OP

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