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Newmarket Courier, 23 Jul 1868, p. 2

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Suroeatt IKens BT ATLANTIC OABLB DrotWr Jtdy 16 AooDisioccarrtd ju Montgban today between the Ofa in and Papiste la whi foapf latter we wonndci P July 16 In the cMe rf U Umted States against the ilesn Armaa Ilje boildera pf utofertJfCiir federate Government the arguments for t prowrtiOvn4 4efeo9aW oop- eluded yeeterdiy The Court wiU tender it dcciBioa mthm a ftiuL Nbw Y Joly 17 Tfce Seraii fecial am Sis Boyal Higbneas ice of Wa tpk To- le 5rituh aecompaued by Pjinoe AlfredJuke of Bdmba Yiated the United States ficet onehored at Cowes uadv commtbd ofAimu Fvragat hai Tusday and was reared iritb outt due to th Etatun and day Admiral Farragot left his the frankln and boarded the frigste Galalea and after a roand of spectioD of the vessel lunched the ef Edinburgh her commander Taking leave of the GaJaUa oficeis and men the American Admiral proceeded by request to Osborne Bonse and paid a visit to Her Maty Queen Victoria I JnJy 17 Lord Stanley stated slwt night theH the British Ministry had inlbrmed the United States Government that they were ready to accept the Aeripan view of jiaturalizationj ba the quesiioQ was still under consideration and besides there was not time to pass a bill at this session of Forliament In the House of Oommons lut night Mr Mills asked the Government what disposition was to be made of the Fenian prisoners Warren and Coetello iho were arrested after effecting a ludme in Ire land with the alleged purpcse of exciting an insnrrection and vhether the Govern ment intended tio mitigate the sentences of those Fenians who had airily been tried and convicted Lord Mayo replied that there were no pccuUar features in the case of Warren and Coslello which would lead the Govern- mcflt to depart From the usan course of the law Some delay however had caused in the proceedings owing t ty of procuring evidence froi fl XordKspierwiskmdljcheend 6pr to oolook in U elrfd mSbetfSfcyil family tad tiito pnal fiiaidg and ftt- mondMontroBejAtbrfeEoiburgheAjr gyllBaccleid and Sutherland DaiiJli- esaes InvwnesB Richmond Montrose DowkgefiSEsl Affi6I5Babti Ai gyU Booiti andTSatherland Mar- qoisee Bofmont6rah Lome and TweeddaleiifEarlBiTttkerHIle Had- diogton Mortal Dattouae Dslkeitb Dadlej Dauimre MimJeid MuoU and Zellnid- eoimtesa Tinkemlle Had dington Morton DaJkeith Dndl and DonmorjiSiBoimtsafaitWlan and Hamate iilordslrillo BUn Charles Bmce and Elcho ladies Gol- viUe F BailUa flamiltod SMan MehiUe dittLmpleUBlut3nCiaries Brnce OmglM SootlMaiT Primrose T BliSviOBitf O Ni United States organisation that the accused ted with the Fenian that country In reply to ind part of Mr MUls questioi Lord Mayo said the time had not yei come for the revision of the cases of those Fenian convicts who were now filling out their term of sentences The Morning Standard in an article on the subject of natoralixation says beiore any alteration ia made in the Enilaws much time and the moat careful eodcr- ation should be given to the question of the tights of naturalied citiiens The Standard rcgicU the premature publica tion of the despatches which have been exchanged betweoi the British and Amc can Governments on the question L JuljJ On Thursday last Adnral Fatijltf received through the Prince of wSiwfia was visiting the American- fleet offiCoirM invitation to Tte niarfdayiiiB and the priipaFoftpers of bis roqeded to Osborne Hdnse and were re- n the most cordial m by Her the Prince of Wales the Dnke inburgb and the members of the Royal Coi The 1 the yield of when average of the crops A popular demonstr ty toy in fa IT measures for Church Establishment A proces sion consisting of working men carrymg banneraand wearing green ribbons pro- cceded to Hyde where amassmeetr ing was organized After addresses from seycra qcakere had been delivered reso lutions etrony protesting against the re jection by the House of Lords of the Trisli the meeting Their proceed ings were orderly and there was no in- temrence on the part of the police caetbeode July 19 The American Minister Mr Bancroft has concluded his negotiations with the Grand Ducal Govern ment for a treaty for the mutual protec tion of the rigbU of naturalized citizens and the docoment has been signed by the Jugh contracting parties on both sides The treaty is ideutical in its provisi with those recently concluded by United States with the Kingdom of Pj fisbet and R 0 bet Hamilton Honourable Meedaraes a94 Misses-rJtti- RobertBrucc Mrs A Mi8Drgiamon4 3 Misses Stuart and Misacs Bonverie 2 Sirs F Grant William StiflingMaxwdl and Bodeiiok Mqtumd Mfdames G G Gordon FarqijJiarBon and Fdrbee Misses MGrr Hamilton 2 Far- qohareon 2 Grant and Nisbet Hamil ton Colonels 6 G Gordon Oliphaut Farquharson and Elphinstone The Queen accompanied by Princess lKuise Prince Arthnr Prince Leopold and Princess Btrice by tiie Lord Chamberlain and attended by the luchess of Wellington Mistress of the Ebbes and thcDuchessof Rtabargle Lady in Wait ing entered the gardens at fivo oclock and proceeded to Her Majys tent Refreshments were served in tenta upon the ground and also in the Lower Dining Room of the Palace The band of the 2nd Life Guards and the band of the Grenadier Guards play alternately dur- Her Majestys private band was also in attendant as were also laiestyn So it that the wish ia father to the thought that these words have been etimes used conventionally but no who passed the royal tent could fail to observe and rejoice over the more healthy and happy- the radiant beaming aspect of the Queen At no poiod of her reign has Her Majesty seemed in heartier qiirits than while she was extending a gracious welcome to her guests on Mon day The delicate lveHnes of tlie Prin- of Wales and the cordial accord bfr n her and her royal motherinlaw and if to some It la stated that Lord bqoqe mark Sas dd tiie AusialtBA abortgf ickdtixdfiedr He 4ied ouiTbxaadaif night of bronchitis N5WStlemjrojjdw WE dislocated bi jaw bj and had to bp lakento th InflnMiy KEmar9n000 pnbttchouBMandilwtr siatoiii if efaui la altne tlr wdeifendlhfayirteife uniV Tm QnaieiB noWibeonly llisin qi BriUin and 3S9B I Irela or little more aim BWaraeial It Is stated in Westminster QaU that th Ei Aha post thS daqMes and cOsUlnctaded A Gmsu aBtaUUgndoaUy lcomg the regular prfce for any perfbrnanoe In London bls a Uttle oQt 6f the Mmswn I JOBI Bailiir id CahlechnellKelMdInW of Jnly enjoying BUmonfigBg on the Bhannon Thi thirtyfoi annual confreztee ofthe Brltlah Lee Mmmenced In the Com Bxchange Preston on Wednea- X lately fell into the sea at an Eng- I andBwamaboutfornlneteen honn i than tn miles In a liah t a distance sbigfat Uoe Ansa rendering hiaok and deflate neatly 00 acres of mooiland the foitht progreBS of the fires on the North Yorkahire moora 1 Wednesday this sia Bavaria and Wurtmbuig L July 20 The Tin morning has a leading editorial finance of the United States The article closes as follows Tho true interest of the Unixed Slates Government lies in its honour and right Heavy as the taxes generally are it is infinitely better that everything should bo taxed than to diale the terms upon which the na debt was created It is announced tod that Admiral Farragut will viat Greece at an early date LordNapicrofMagdala for himself a for the officers and men of the AbyasinL Expedition has made groat aeknowle- ments to both noises of Parliament To their rcccnt vote of thanks CoBK July 20 A gunsmiths shop wu broken into last night and plundered ofits contents by six armed men Tho police are aetiveW engaged in a search for tho perpetrators but no arrests have yet been made ViEKMA July 20 The Baron Von Lederer lato Uinbtcr resident at Ifam- burg has been appointed Jinvoy Ettraor- dinary and Minuter Plenopolentiary of Austria to the United States the Unit Btates and Mr Bancroft is Mpocted at Darmstadt to make the niicca- aary arrangements L0Ni0NJuy21 Lord Napier of Magdala today received the freedopi of the city and a sword from the corpora tion of Indon at GuUdhall and ijeety expired at bis Albans Street Windaor 0 rdyear of hig age force of animals employed in the Abyganun espeditioniocltided 4S elephants imelB 13920 mnles and poiue8033 lectrio organ is being bnilt by Bryce- others Co for Christ Chnrch Cam- thol The British residents in Paris presented a congratulatory address to Sir Robert Lord Napier on tho Ist of July pre vious to biB departure from that city General Napier replied in these words Gentleman I have to retam jou my grateful thanks for the very flattering terms in which yon are pleased to address me I am deeply sensible to this kind re ception and to the honor paid to the army ly command for having achieved lyself einee ujB BucwsM achieved over the many diffi- cullies to be surmouoted was principaUy due to tho untiring eflbrts and excellent spirit of the officers and men whom I com manded Hear bear X had the sngu- 1 1 to be placed over an army lar good for ThecerciDon7tobk nJaoe was witnessed by a largo mblage of Udiei and gntlcmeft Tho Ird Mayw prfiItd and made Jbo pre- eph iber of which vas imbued with a determined resolve urmount the difficulties before him B quite true that although the object of he expedition was the liberation of the aptives yet that which every one had irincipally at heart was to vindicato the lonour of Britain and to prove that when she considered heraclf ageved no sacri fice was loo great forher lomakc to obtain redress It has been said that British soldiers are always ready to fight but do not like to work Yet here was a bridge thrown by neverceasing toil and exertioi over a distance ol four hundred milesfron tho coast to Magdala In fact tho groat peculiarity of the expedition was that tho army had as it were to complete a chain of many links tho disruption of any one of which might have compromised tho safety of the wholo undertaking Bot throughout the solfdevotcdness abnega tion and efforts of the troops never flagged In reality tho spirit which aetaatod them all reminded one of that which must haw animated the old Crusaders when every man acted as if tho suoocss of tho enter- pnse depended on bis own individual efforts With such men it was impossible jnot to succeed Onco more gentlemen I beg leave in terminating to thank you MW in the name of tio British army ss well as in my own After a fow momenta ponveraation the dopnUtion took their oavo and withdrew i Tn Iloaaou or Fuii A letter Toulon ayEJgbfAmbB under tho 1 four g4ndarnieg Iiave pawd through thi plara for NIco They were all condemned to ImpriBoomont for f and ar being Ulcon Co the island of 8t Uaiuerit whoro they to undergo their punJih tjrfcUhei impelled by hnng iny repafeta on human flesh They carried off children in pr- irvcd death but he Tribunal Uking the famine Into oiint gate ibem bentfH e8tcd Ua Bai I dt 8 t dlsOint fi Foreign Office he organ At a trial of the reaping machines of the which took plwe near Berlin on July 2th Uiegli8h reapers were dedded to be npericr to those of and toolt the iirnatlonal prize ft gave a grand reception to a distinguished company at the Bday night The Conference Hall is described as one of finest of its in m B hapra yirit his father-in- law General Scott at Welshpool ahorfiy after hia arival in England and the iiihabi- inU of WeifihpMl have reEolved to giye the Brookjinonlder by oocnian went a 4olo Lambs Tanlts Salford on Monday and here drank it is said a qnart rhiskey Be immediately afterwards ill and died shortly aftei wilt be a grand gatherii payer in Lont icfng c ibernext when the flflyguii npof the Associatibn now held by Mr De Vere aadTarlous other priEes wlli It may interest ora readers to know that e box wiich broaght Mr Einglakes easrg Blackwoods is the IdenUcal box in bice the Duke of Wellington sent home bis dispatches from Waterloo i7fl7y Sttieie spollH recently sent home from Mag dala by Bir Bobert Napier will almost im mediately be exhibited to the pnbllc by h ITajeetys ru8e b Kensington md slippers of King extraordinary meeting London on Tuesday night c I Cfaarch I met fGreat Britain prceided Tas Belfut VHtig announces the death oi lexander Mitchell Esq agenUeman who lough blind from an early age led an dive working and succcsefu life He as in his eightyninth year Ho was well Qd widoly known for the invention of th rewpile osed in the buitding of light houses and tho mooring for ships In liarbor Msitikos or cowpisses The month ol Beplember is deslgnaied Firs 8 tho workman l which is to open at f that month then in the mid- month that of peace at Ben and finally the Students Coogrcss at Li MalincB if the Honso of Commons Mr Sctater Booth in reply to Ur Baxter said negotfv UI1 pending with tho United Btates with rcipoct to the postal eoi n the two countries but they had ilayed owing to the state of buidi The Oovemmcnt certainly intended to place ipanies carrying nails upon thi fooUng Qocsa ViCTOBU sent the following telegram the King of Prussia at Worms Pray 01 CBS to Uie Committee for Uio erecUon tho Luther Memorial my most hearty cbi gratuiations upon tho sifcccssfni cpmpIoUon f their task Prolestant England oordilly lympethises witli aii occasion which unitei Protestant princes and peoples of QemuDy replying to A toast at a dinner given I t James Yoong late Oorernor of New South Wales on Satarday the Duk Buckingham expressed his conTletlon if the Australian Icndffj danger in that He Mw ijjDAY ippZ Rb kpun had witA9 Ooinuu V190Tai0t WT- it rUoiJsflottCE ior to receive subscriptions for the Newnk CniiKB BMUTIPIJIi The foBofl Unw aw copied the Tbey are a very fair sample of Mr JaciaonB style of composition and we tbiiA ifihe Would now spare time aic6 his retuin from Fort WUliam by opcmng classes to instrnot the rismg generatbn in tho use of Ms choice lan- would find it pretty maob filled op in hiinting appreciative pupils and so keep hiaself out of father mischief fioioBODT SiOT By chandB just before ling to Fort WUIiam last week we got a glance t our neighbors sheet of last Thurs day wherein Mr Binng crjea oat peccapi most beantifolly biubbeting out like an schoolboy because some other akked him if his mother knew he was out Tke ra gives bjm the nightmare and makw his porridge torn sour Tho iVw lines we quote above will be found aj the head of the iVa leadmg artfcle up the sourrilouB busing QoUoe mm to our last issue We thought we were correct in upholding righU and intend so to do even tho did hail from the old oounlry Is coming fronl the old county any reason why weehouldkeep mute and allow aman like Mr Jackson to trample down every thing that we may do or anyther per son who feels himself independent enough to go into to his monopolizing brainew here to do bumefland not to be wrangling and quarrelling with the and we have to far euccecd in our buaness a sore thing apparently to filr Jackson espe cially as this old county aippearstobe a great trouble on bts mind He goes on to say Thcfactisno little twopt can hold a candle to him Mr Binns ays tttfahove cit he puts the i him did notsay with hli Ho says be did not tajf so There nooccasion for this everyone who a what he did say most likely understood what they read The fact is he never does say anything ia a straightforward boncet manner there ia not old coun tryman enough in him for that he has to twist evcrylhing into such a shape that it will not represent a manly straightfoi ward attack always leaving some little loophole whereby to creep out tl ing was there plaia enough and just such a meanii as ho wantod to bo inferred which every ono knows full well who the notioo In iquestion tljere being periodical and staVionery store other than thff ono bo mentions in this place Does he mean tho wholo county of York if bo ho puts himself in a falser posiUon than over In the article to which ho much obett wo obargod him with systo- maticolly Baking to do us injury That this is true the fylea of hiiS paper bear ovi- dcnco yet he falsely seeks to gloss over his disreputable doliduot 6y saying bo- causo we look oqwslpoj a ooupio of weeks ago to notice Mr Hendersons book A perusal of his paper the poblioa- tion of tho ConauB will ozposo both his falslly and animus The editor says it is uaWuo that any resorted to by bim in obtainip advortisiog patroQogo Tbb assertion Is also on a par with the rest as we have good reason to inow that trickery has beon resorted to bnt such evils work their ovn ocro in time Mr Jaokson says the only triok he knows of is in presenting to the people of North York an acceptable paper All we have to say CD this beiMi thai if the rd its editor had bc aoooptablo to tho peo ple of Noilh Yorc the O would not be able to show he eabsoripttop list it oap do at this day whloh is a flstring tetimpAy aa reg tlie Abpro statemeat Wo woVo induoed theOouBiiB on the repreaieotAiD of Urge and BpeotAble body of men jbd wero disgustod with the vblms aa trlokery of the Mltor Wo think or paper 80 ikf as r0peciUiy ooejmed will bear fa vourable and hope all who ropy get Ihe oiirtiUy doripg the fow ataad to pmiaptpet BithgwiAlSr fore uidenn hope be ende totiaQihsiwiibaiQes8- andiEbedoob JtUMte toattdto thebuineBs of Br Hendenon be is aVeet Uby drowning men oatafa a straws and Mr Binns jealou aMtM fearful hobgoblins to him WelwOTd just say in oonclu- son we are no believer in hobgoblins neither are we drowiungj andaaforoatoh- ing at straws Uie editor of the a ap pears to be the only straw have had any occasion to oatoh at and that Oirough his tyrannical and monopolising spirit Live and let live is our motto and ne we have had occasion to quote before A MAET Wtat has this quesUon It has not been moot of late The has been amply disouafled and its merits eso well understood that iperfluous to enter on the argument agaiti at t same twoe it cannot be de- ied that we suffer in many ways through b having this indispensable need Eup- plied We are constantly enquired of by infiuentifll farmers as to when action is likely to be takea in establishing ket We are now the chief ceutrb of in this part of the country and it behooves us to do ati once whatever may bo necessary to maintain and increase this ipremaoy Rightly or wrongly the far- era entertain tie idea that trade would i much facilitated if necessary general mart for its transaction while the villagers are under a like im pression therefore why delay We be- the Council have the power why dont they use it for the mutual benefit of town and country As of coi litUe difficulty may arise in the selection ite but this will not groweasier of solation Let our city fathers then com- action at once and give us a mar ket in t moat suitable situation they can obtain SPECIAL KOTICK SeoUiiA Jmiriean Journal this week ontain the bpening chapters of a new story from the pen of thexelebrated novelist Captain James GMDPlbor of Tfia Ro- mance of War sfiid to none Rob Boy The Kings Own Borderers 4c c title of the story Frest Lovi urn Love a TiLB or thb Isdujj wiotikt Captain Grant is known all over the world as one of the best if not the best of Uvlng writers of military novels and the very high reputation in this department which be has already attained will undoubtedly be main tained and ext4nded by the work now offeree for the first Ifme to Ameiieau teaderK Th scene Is laid in India during the mutiny ir 1857 when tho Highlanders won for theii countrymen everlasting honor by their heroi defence of Lucknow and established on iirm and enduring basis tho tottering fabrii of the British Empire In tho East A tale Ii which lovers and warriors play the mos ipromincnt parts and ii which the lovei the luxuriant growth of a tropical clime am the war is waged by heroes like Sir Colin Campbell and bin men for their own live and the protection of women and chUdr against licentJoas and brutal savages tl picture being drawn by a consumma artist In novelwriting must be regarded one of the richest literary feasts of the pre sent day This is an excellent opportunity CBOQUSTA O be Bomewood on the Newmarket cricket ground GiOTTrfTA4nAWi wiU bftplred ftn day tomorrow between Bradford and lewket clU Ml the ground of the latter Wlikels pltchM at 10 an Wednesday says term will b iongn be the mourners 0 who fell beneath Ii he Montreal Witiu The present heated mbered formal friends and re It is ns though gagement were going forward and th and wounded were being continually carried by We believe wo today record the death of some ten which happend fi yesterday and even while we of yet others There is something grimly tragical In the very familiarity and compai Uve unconccrn in conjunction with death yesterday evening of the cookon boftrd th Pattport lie had been cooking stakes foi several of tho passangers and ono of these passengers was presented with hlfl piato in the foliowlng manner Did you order these slakes 1 did reply Tho man who cooked them is Justdi was the rejoioed WItli what appetlto they were partaken possible to read the long anay of deaths from sanstroke In tliis city and neighbour hood within the last tno days without seri ous ooneern and comm FobL DcsoaiPTioR or rni LoKoos Tikis A very intorBting and complete descriptii of the London Times newspaper embracing tketohes of its history the cxt chlnery and Urge stafl of omployi sa for its datiy produetion and Its manage ment will be given in our next tiiue It Is written by a correspondent of the Phiiadeb phin Mjftr now In England who has been furnieliod unusual facilities for getting thorough insight into an estabiisltmi is peouliariy and proverbially retioei iU liiteror operations The letter worthy of perusna for whatever diRerence of opinion there may be M to the claims of the Times on American remain an object of great interest with all reading men as Journal hat hM oontinaed to be through soveriA generations tha anl most influential newspaper In E it that M I a meeUng of the BeUnlon Committee will take place this Tbursday evening at 8 oclock at Forsyths Hotelj and the regular monajycomiattee t wil take Place on Monday evening t at the same place and hour A full at lance on both occasions requested 4 Cos Circus advertised to arrive and perform In Newmarket on the a9lb inst haa been unavoidably detaloi account ol accident on tiie road bnt will be here on Thursday tiie 30th instead of the 29th Bear in mind the date and also the ascen L the outside of the canvas by Uttl anJobQ Wetland This Company comes higlily recommended by the papers and we have no doubt they will be greeted with good an audience as Cireusei mppoied ftom p hoa loe n ApprebendoDB were ebtMad diMstrow oooflmttioD oiriu to tli of bu Id ttbre and tbe ja oeu the abed bdi ntunted with oil but happily the fin ma extiindied by throwing eartfi opoo it tAet i had extod wUbiajtoJithsoilia the Btort winiiist indy oloee by and the paneiers rid9d ia b withoutVA ptaio The passengers being plaoed ob boud tho lamer Oltaioa amved to Uontml rahig r- The Vessel fa Baftiykuhed in c feet of water near the foofc of tbe Beauhaznois Canal and wUl be broojt Bills clock and 1 day out and its main object the a grand holiday for all who particl- day rathun but With rigard the gurpIuB money beiug applied to the p chase of a Stand of Colours we arc sorry say there is not a surplus worth the mc lion The excursion cleared iUelf and tl is about all We have been informed thot some party or parties took it upon hi that the affair would be a failure and that before the public for anything 1 ind whatever they hav undertaken has been for the benefit of village and ought to be better appreclat Ur Cumberland very considerately threw 10 from the Railroad expenses the cc mittee having guaranteed a certain numt and falling short he undertook very kindiy half the expenses of the deficiency not in a position to give the figures Kelly Tho steamer Mnthian 1 a this mommg In plaoe of Ibe Detective CuUen publishes a statement at the 1500 was given him by Mr svlio Garnets counsel unoondilionally accompanied by an eroession of Some large esUbUshments here have changed hours so as to pennit employees rest from 10 to 4 Ono Burke a fireman on the Orand Truok has been arrested for stabbing fumpman at VandreuU station J 20 Tho number of interments st week was in the Protestant Ceme tery 44 Roman Catholic 165 total 209 of which 162 were children under five probably the largest number on rd exoluflive ofcholera years Thirty- deaths are attributed to sunstroke or apoplexy Prayers was offered for rain in several churches yesterday er named Roach is under treat- the General Hospital for sun- In a fit of delirium be leaped out B story window yesterday both thighs were broken and the body fearfully tangled He expired a short time after Farmers from St Scholasdque and other places today report the roads in some places impassable on account of burning forests The steamer Quebec due yesterday aming did not arrive till this morning consequence of smoke on the river- x The Prince of Wales on the downward trip from Carillon ran ashore at Point aux Anglais and did not arrive at Laehine In several haut returned todjy from dozen camps of Volunteers in tte East- n Townships and spooks highly of the ontier corps in respect to steadiness and latch was played betwcc C Todd b W Dudl W Thompson run out J Barrrb W budiey W Ough not out Major Peel b Bo Dyes 0 Wides 0 1 0 Todd b Bouitbee WThompson b Boulthcc J Bsrr b BouUhee c Harding D McDonald b Bouitbee c Pe il Graham run out B Arnold b DouUbee o W Di H David b Bouitbee THaminb Bouitbee MftJorpeel Byes 5 Wides 1 Leg Ryes 1 E Dudley b and 0 David W Harding b David 0 Lount b David 0 McDonald A DouUbee b Thompson L Atkinson b Thompson c Todd T Bentley b David W Dudley b Barr JfituSpSrc E Dudley b David Q Lount b David c McDonald A Bouitbee not out W Dudley b David C Lockard not out J b David c McDonald Total CaiOKirToaonvo vs PnttiDiLrm match was played on the Toronto gro Tuesday ly tho above dubs which resulted in an oasy victory for tho rhiMelphla eleven Tlio foilowing are the totals PhDadelphia let innings i i Tntp 1st innings 01 3nd JOi PhUilBolplila winning in one innings and nnmi to spare Tni Montreal Oautit fontradiets mour that Asiatic Choiei prevails fn t city Some cases of Canadian Cholera 00 ourfed caused by parties drinking buttermilk and toewater to wash down an indigestible fnT of sumroer unripe fruits cucambers and other vegetables J P Albxahdsb called the CatUe King of IJllnoti owns over fceventyflTB thousand rtoMolKiW CIKI ITV won wall foH toayOieviL ilons agaisat the puoe aod al Btroy the property 1 U Croigiiipl ElfSju BtwrAio July 1 der ooourr about DOr of which I Niagara Falla 1 an axe and with FroffOttawa JdIiT 18 Judge Wilraot is gaietted eutenantrGovemor of New Brunswick LiG H Simard John Roche and J J2 Glugras are appointed Habour Coonus- sioners for Quebec Jos Hamel of Que bec isappointed Wurdeu of Trinity House Quebeo Robert Dcnuistoui of Peterborough isgaietted Judge T H Stevenson of Toronto gives no- that ho will apply for a divorce from hi wifv formerly Ann Foolen tho ground of adultery A notice appears in the Gauite today warning subjects of Her Majesty to pre serve neutrality in tho war now going on in Japan A heavy storm of rain haa fallen this evening and the mercury has fallen to75 drecB although it ranged over 90 de- grees tolay July21 HowosTronsatlantio CircuH and Driesbachs Menagerie have exhibited here during the past two days to crowded houses Besides the attraction of the wild animals and the troop of gymnasts several novelties are introduced that attract great attention Theperformanceof the French poodles is ve much admired The Cir- cus reaches Toronto in about a month Minister of MiUtiaj who comes from that section himself If Is said tho Montreal Volunteer force ia to be disbanded and re organised Nov Bnmswlck ing tho lato storm The chimney of Spykardssaw mill was struck by lightning and iojured At Nashwark 12 sheep wore killed At Waeadie on the north shore a lad fifteen years of age was killed Aooounta from the Interior say refresh ing rains have fallen and all along the val ley of tho 8t John tho oropB arc looking iplondid Northern Railway PioNlo On Saturday last tho annual plonio of the omployeeaof the Northern Railway Company took plaoe at Aurora and passed off with Duoeeas There were nearly tbreo thousand pjuaona prmnt of whom twenty- two oar loads went from thia olty jolood by olevon oar loada Ifrom the upper portion of the road and by large number of roddeata of Aurora and rkolty Though the diy waa ezooediogly hot did not did not appear- to iptofbrd to any great extent with tho pleasone of tho party Shortly after roachthg the grounds the aw- of the afVemoon and oooaatcHiing mw endtoment and amusement lor allpicaeat After the games dandng wa partiolpated in until the hour of rtumisfc the ftno band of tho 13th nussars Ai muaio Rvorythlngpaasod off iiitbe pleasant mnnneV poaribleiM TcU X partpl ARCHIVES OF QNTARK TQRQNTQ

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