0 M BINWS PBOPBIKTOB A Free Fress L 1 berta F and Equa Rights to all men TERMB 1 STBICTLy IN ADVANCE Vol n No 5 NEWMARKET ONTAKIO GANAd 1 THURSDAY JULY 23 1868 W N 31 ajottrir BY G U BIRRS GEISRJLL PRIifTIAG OFFICE DP HAOKETT GARBUTT HIL a Advance 12 FOB ADVKBTIgING MARRIAaE LICENSES BAKAINS in DSY MODS BiL8ln Cards of Seventeen Lines and over Teiiiinperananm 500 BoalJieMWds of Ten Lines and un- IThe number of lines to be reckoned by the apacc occaijemcasnred by a scale of following rates will be chrged to mer- Wilh Ihe priiitege of F Alwrlk AdvertisemenU without writ will bo inserted till forbid t Something all should Enow H R LUNDT LD PICTURES COPIED WITH CARE THE PORpEL easant Waiting Roo BUSINESS OARDS J H IPhilips Co H PIPER Co 81 Im ISpleOOM UparI Carriages Ferambolators JAPANNED TIN WARI Lamps Chandeliers Coal Oil c H PIPER E PIPER gpLTBEE Barrister AttomeyatLaw SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY CONVEYANCER kc c SAMUEL ROADHOUSE CABINET MAKER UNDERTAKER e HAI STREET NEWMARKET j on band CofRns Ready Made TEE OLD ESTVBLISHED HARNESS SHOP NEWMARKET SADDLES HARNESS COLLAES TBUKKS And atTij other Artlde in the Trade Tup OF THE BEST QUALITY JAlReasonablu Pricciia Wm ALEX BUDOE BLACKSMITH LOTRT OPPOSITE MECnANJCS HALL VBWKABXET HOBSE BHOEIKO and all kinds of gen- work Inhls Jlno cxecutcd i ON REASONABLE TER5IS Old Bsfahlinlied IVCarblc MAIN STREET NEWMARKET OKT EDWAEDB DOAN reipectfiUly tomitify Uic publio tlial MABBLB AND FREESTONE HEAD BTOra Tomb TcMeSf TablUe Poila jSf At Prices t9 suit the TfmcasL A call eoUeItl before yon pnrclia elwirherc AH Work Wammtied tM NOOE it anything in the Stationery Fancy Booda MALL WAHE LINEI FIRSTCLASS JOB PRINTING Uttle TowHead Come my prattling little pet Twidle here hut do not fall Child the difference between laye pUjthlngs sohaye Qgh they ar sot quite 1 ntbepth of life with tl propose those famous laoiw jmt taLen place amb bago Indians wjd lir Moore who Tmpeleaa s fading fading fat aiiit lumoi Why are the BilUest of atSiJi rVhen Uroins IfS Whatis the chief use ofbrcadr asked chin apparently asloDished at the sin of the inquirj- is to spread butt tfS An old Aberdeen laftds wife other luiies were enriching the teatal broad descripUona of the vices of their spouses said her own was just a gui tempered coDthy quiet innocent drunken bodywi nae ill practiscsabt liTingadgiTC I get Eueh a oosehls Out of the de canter replied tlHtpr iffl- Two men offilhiou meeting alrta- the glass she ihis Out of the de QUEENS ELIPTIC SEWING MACHINE NO HUilfillG- Eeer MtuUie Warranted Perfcct or moncg refunded PRICE STAND 15 STAND 23 TnOS ATKINSON Agent of tho Queens Eliptic liiWfd from you ia all that tfiemamtfacturers itndmgBo Vorthy ariidc tothc liat has comE duller my notccTmleed oropariDg the cost wiUi wliat it will do iu inkers rnay well claim it lias no equal ROBT B JOY INSURANCE CO OF DUBLIl 25001 1000000 FBATURKS noniiHBcs given every iiireo ytars if on losses Tlie Company does notadvocateliiffhiireiniums IoMesnrc ly ild wUJout refercMce to Homo OlWt THE NIAOARA DISTRICT NEWMABKET BEBWEEY muz eUSBCBIBEB HAQ OREAT PLEA X tare lif ootliying bepobiie tbue bM SOMaed tlu Hewmarket Brewery enrely on mi own repondbllli hopes byjrtrlct a to bastaeu ai fumlsnliig j first cUm article t moderato prieei to mmta hare ot the pabUc turot j PORTER AND VJIfEO Oft faand H K uhlPB Dec P7 180 ST AT CATHARINES 2d Class Woc 3 forlnsurancc of 1000 for one year PresldentM Tirtoi Em Bt CatharineB LIFE INSURANOE COMPANY I H 1 protest Jack tiiis place i passage the lane Yes said his c ini Im stopped by cd the lady by U itely Whats the matter cried the cook Why dang it 1 said he there are twelve n em op there who couldnt light tbe gas dthatEnglishdiplomatii Antage of having our capital cltieH kg ccupicd by Frencli troops as some c oneH jury to Bit on do body ob de lit ob dc furtecAXobNovbe by falling from de bridge ober dc ly and turning round began speaking to ime one else upon which tlie Engineer lilnkingho iM not been heard roponted Sir Charles we have taken a ir Charles turned sharp roun tipon him Dd said Then go and take anothcrl 1 KlccimenR of Western onvlory arc ra- lier stale but here Is ft bit related by n rustworthy authority as authentic which as not been in print whcit i npared with America Nowliarl river in the North Island in just above the St Paid La Ci tcol of a chief bagoea named Waub Snake Chief who had twojrr Seeka and fleneekee Both cf equaws were well known up aadifiownthe rivef and also in the ei Soka waa about thirty years of a grace in appearanoe with a pleasant look and an ixtereatdng race She will be remembered by many thia city she having many of r residencea to sell bwork being always accompanied W ayoung and fioi looking danghter Witfii whit she wai I favourite while with thBiTVinnebagoes ihe was looked upon very indeed adored with all of the fervour Snake Chief was a noted- warrfor of tht Winnebaes and was much liked by hia tribe He was 9 and brawny fellow and when sb peace ful and good natured Whea iirunk he ivaa very disagreeable Cute of iis favour- le pastimes when in this oonfition was beating his wives At sh times the st of the tribeavoided Hip On Friday last Snake CWef had been t La Cixjase and wtorneflto Ha wigwam drunk Sccska waa in tfie wiswamj an the Chief commenced beatbg htr over the head and shouldera with gmt brutality Driven to deration and nnaHe longer to withstand bi brutality Ses drew her knife and stabbed the tirip tbe blade penetrating to the ht ofjtbe war rior who died iDstdntiy vefthe first Qotea of the death song were hiB lipg The affair once criestiid f- senBatton the Winpebahp did no iBTtnaftL nhip and thqnoirtbr a wellknown regulation among the idanSj that when azaan is elai ilative must avenge his death taking the life of e slayer Se- knew this Some of tbe urged her to go from the camp and among the whites but she refused Some of the people at La Crosse learning what she had doDo went to the and also urged ave but ate was still stubboro and would not Undoubtedly she felt that It made no differcoccwhcre she went she would be followed and her life taken and it were better to submit to fate With true Indian resigntioo she folScd hcT blanket about ber and sat down in the wigwam facing the door and awaiting the avenger It waa believed by many that IIcRCekee the younger and favour- to wife would bo the avenger but she cm8to have had 00 such intention She mourucd the lossof hci husbattd buViok ips farther than ta send a runner up the Trompelean where Snake GhiefB rela tives were onotify them of what had taken place Meanwhile Seeska sat in her cabin chanting the death song stoically indifierent to what was goiop on about her ind only talking when qnestions wero fuked cr The Winqebagoeaavoidc the fated wigwam as much as possible On Sunday morning an Indian fVom tho Trcmpclcau made hia appearance in damp Hq was known aa Channonega and had evidently travelled without halting since he learned of tho death of Snake Qhiof Wintering the camp Channonega with out a word walked Boloronly to the place where the body of Snake Chief lay took a long look at it and thco turned sullenlv ftway Nobody fipolce to him yet all watohcd with interest his movements Deliberately loading his gun with back is England England the inlstreRs of tlie sea but what takes the sea The tlissiuippi makes it nd Alt were got to do is to turn tbe Missis Ipni Into the Mammoth Caye and tho Eng sti navy will be floundering In tho mod rKotteremnL lam rosy aflitirs said a lady in parson ButltJsnocasy write good ecrinons inlster the ilitll my good repHed the liidyf hi uld wrilo on you are so long about it J I cou in half the time jf I only luid thi xt Ib all that yon waht saii I win furnish tliat Take Solomon i It Is better to dwell in i nei of a house ton than In a wide hof a bmwllng woman Do vou mnin mo slrl Inquired the lady quickly O my good woman was tho grave response you ever make a seriooniscr yon a- ToMotrow Whateer ths grief that dims ho eye Wbatoer the cause of sorrow We turn us to the weening tky And say Well Bmtle fomortpw And when from thow we love we part From hope we corafort borrow And whisper to onr aching heart Well meet again tomorrow But when tomorrow wmes HIa til A yesterday vUleu of toinoi heai eyelids All toofspMt port rang out through tbe Indian camp the amoke cleared waySee8ka sUU sat there ber arms folded but one side of her bead was blown completely away her spirit had fled and the code of Inian justice waa 8atiafiedWau-kee-see-hoong- er was avenged The mtirderer with just a look to satisfy him that his work bad heen well done ehottldered hia musket and walked delib erately out of camp Nobody apoke to him nobody offered apy interference and into his canoe he pdled to the and diaappev in the woods leav iftgUieWiDiiebagjHlupeficd That day the bodies of 2e chief and wife buried on the island amid muoh Ian n Ibe part of the Winnebagoea who might eafdly have prevented a p of the triedy hod they been so disposed On Blonday when M Sloote left the tribe he says they were still unable to decide what they bad best do but it ia believed t ere this they have broken up theii ip and scattered At La Crosse anc vicinity the feeling relative to the tragedy was strong yet no aetiou wos taken by the whites rarding it MilivauJcee IFij My Wifes Piano ind It came on a dray Six carried it into the parlor and grunted iwfuUy It weighs a ton shines like a nirror and has carved Cnpida climbing up its limbs And such lungs whi My wife has commenced to practice and the first thought itorm The eockroach is a bug at laige He is one ov the luxuries ov civilixation He is easy to domestikate yielding gracefully to ordinary kindness and never deserting those who ahow him proper acts of courtesy Let the learned and polite pull hair az muoh az th pleaze about the ancestral claims ov the cockroach it iz our biui- nesa and duty ae bug Bcrutiniaer to show the critter up u we- find him without caring who bis grandfather orgHuxdmother acktuly was Thare is no mistaking the fockt that he one ov a numerous family and that Mz attachment tew the home ov his boyhood speaks louder than thunder for the tionate and nuaduUerated natur He dont leave the place he waa bom at the slightest provocation like the giddy and vagrant flea or the ferocious bed bug and until death or some vile powder the invenahun ov man knocks at hiz front door he and hiz brothers and iters may be seen with the naked eye er and anon calmly climbing the white sugar bflwl or running loot races between the butter platfs How strange it iz that man made out dirt the cheapest material in market id the most plenty should be so deter- Id the world of every living bug ihe touched the we were in the midst of a thundi id tbe lightning had struck the crockery chest Cat witl a beelme for a particular frit back fenced demolishing a six shilling pa of glass The Baby awoke and the fiti fellow tried hia best to beat the insti it but he conldnt do it It beat hii A teacher has been introduced into t hotiBe He says he is tbe last of Napo leons grand army He wares a huge Qonstache looks at me fiercely smells of t with tail erect took tentiona were yet not one of them moved a foot or a hand or spoke a word against him This seetQed slraogo tho Indiaan having associated so muoh with tho whites DBpcflting tho Chiefs wife as thoy Te recollection of their old and longcBtablishcd custom seemed to have entranced them or perhaps they were stupefied by what had taken place and know not what they had hotter do Mr Moore thinks there wa not ono of tho tribe but fcU tho won iocriftocd still thero dorodtoRoi OhanDniunintrrnpt walked deliberatoiy to tne wigwam ahoro Secska sat she having remained thofo inco tho murder took ono look ai Uie moved to donoto ihti the Ubourtd trader iicr YoiDO aa ine unwumBUDgsNBpea nor Upfl Steady and firm Site knew tnit the ivcoger was befbre liiittat in Mother momoat her ejdrlt would Ime its fll tenement of ofay aod soek that of the chief who bad gone before her yet no look or ludioated that she feared tiie 8ab ia the lodtto stoiolBin and in differetioe The eyevof the tWo did not meet faee of OhaDSonea thero waa a loolt of hato and rei Deliberately ha hum the inuskct shoulder deliberately he aimed at the Tbe Cockroach the consequence Henry aent for and said How durst tboa insnlt thy mouareh so Xatimer replied J thought if I were uefuUifnl to my earthly king how could I serve theKiag of kings The king embraced the good old bishop exclaiming And is there yet one man lOUgh to tell this land European ceptedca The Irbh blood is of purity and diatictioi specially among the females which atrik the population itself No that of thtr Caucasian ei- ompctc with it In absoroing attraction which i bat die attribute of one woman thouaand is here the general type daughter of the poor man as well i fine lady possesses an opal or milki of a statute tlic foot ai ludiess and the bearing of but hin ilf ibt if he could hav his way for six years every personal cockr would be knocked off from the bosoi the footstool and not even a pair ov tbem left to repdr damages with Such is man I The cockroach is born on tbe fust May and the fust of November scmi- nuall and is rcddy for use iu fifteen days They are bom from an egg four from each and consequently they are all ov them twins There is no such thi In Ireland there s physiognomiea as individualitle misery and manual labour have no effect n those native endowments Even be- leath the thatched cabin of the poor pea- ant in the midst of the potato fields rhich yield tho sole nouriBhuient those develop themselvc b Rnr nevercomebackagain He played an ci tracted opera the other night He ra his fingers through his hair twice then grion then cocked Us ees up at ceiling like a monkey hunting flies produced by a cockroach dancing upon the tenor string of a fiddle Down camc another finger and I waa reminded of th wind whistling through a knot hole in i hen coop He touched his thumb and I thought that I was in an orchard liatnf to thedistant braying fajackJ8s N he ran his fingers Klong the keys and I thought of a rattling upon a store box ir a picket fence All of a sudden he itoppcd and I thought something had happened Then oame down both fiats and 0 1 such a noise was never heard s I thought a hurricane had strnck the house and the walla were caving I imagined 1 wns in the cellar and a of cou was failing about my head thought the machine had burated when tho noise stopped and I heard ejaculate Exquisite deuce is the matter linquired Why my dear that is La Somnambnla Con found Somnambulat thought I aqd the Count rolled up his sheet of paper -11- but for tho life of i ake it look like anything than a rail feico with a lot of juvenile liggers climbing over A Sensible Love Letter The following love letter was read in some Court in France nt long since pending a triah- Mademoiselle It was a saying of tho celebrated Jean Jnotjucs Rousseau whose name you cannot very well pro- 3 that to writo a good lovo letter lUght to Ijegin without knowing whatou moan to say apd fiuiah without knowing what you have Now with dl due deferonoo to Rousseaus talents in other rcspcets I may say I do not believe thia aaying to bo true and shall endeavour to writo in opposition to it 1 mean I think about wUt I wriio to Mnry that I may guard against poisoning your mind with flattery or Buy ing anything that may ofTcnd you I wish you to understand tJjat what I say I mean hat I do not writo for writings sake Dor 0 pleoso my own fancy I have I hope a higher aim apd a more honest and a more noblo intention I need not blash to own that my only objeot is to whisper In your oar a pure nnd tender tlo of lovft I entreat you to ooiisidor it AS A symbol of tlio honeslocss nnd truth folncsB of llio writer as a proof of his af- fbction for you and as a bond which shall unite us for over Know then that from tho firal mo- mdnt I beheld you I lave felt a lively tn- torost In your welfaro and vour imago has fTMoently itself to nw mind This will aooountfbrwhftt passed hotwooQ us on Sunday ovoning I liave lovod you for your boauty bat not I hopo Ibr that only Beauty Is but skia deep although it is very agreeable as eveiyono knows It is aot ilblo that I oao know what other qualities you possess bat I should wish vou to havo raKd knowlcdgo of household ioatlQr4 You may depend upoD tt that therft u good deaf of hnjlid ocaa in a wblldreeMd mutton chop ur a tidy bceniteak fbr breakfast The woman who can oook cootrlbutos more to tho real happiness of soelety than twenty wito can- as the goose doth but leaves around loose like a pint ov apilt mustar seed and dont seem tew care a dam whi ther thCT get ripe or not But I never knew a cockroach egg fail tew put in an appearance They are aa V hat43fiian3n as Kanada track and a good day minnitts Their food seema to qonslst not in what the ate as what they tra often finding them dd in my soup at the boarding house I hafro cum to the conelu sion that a cockroach cant swim but tiic can float But the mostintcrting featureof thi remarkable bug la the lovelynes ov thci natures They kant bite nor sting no skratch nor even jaw back They are so amiable that I have even known them tually die To realize the meekness ovthcse complaining little fellers let tho phih aNu- S doKC mouth ackeipg for blood of horrors to tho midnight tcdbi who creeps Out ov a crack nz still and az lean aa a shadow and hitches on to tho bosom ov huty like a starved leech Evry man has a right to pick his play mates but or for me I had rather visit knee deep among cockroaches than to the dicing embers ov a angli rould grow pale before beauty if tho children and in the compact crowd which each day occupies the galler- iea of Merrion Square there is certainly the most magnificent collection of bumau beings it is possible to meet Blondes ith black eyes brunetts with blue are by nomema rare The race is as strong dsome as vigorous as it is The girls of Connemara with their queenly shoulders and eyes of fire wonld put to shame at this day those diughters of the East from whom they arc lid to be descended Fraich Paper song in tho room jineing or to know that ho was wailing for mi kandio to go oul and for me o pitch into bed In conclusion to show that I aint fbol- ing I would bo willing if I had them to swarp ton fuatelass fleas any time for n sniallslEcd oockroacli and if Ihe fellow complained that I had shaved him in a trade I would return tho cockroach and swaro that wo was even The Truth d hand the ideal i The End of t Horse When the horse faJflhd is bled and his blood is preserved for the use of the dyer The manct and tale are next cut off ipd bow BtrinA fctf the violin the slioea ire taken off for the nailer the hoofs are cut off for combs and various oth portio juemakci iff for he i cellent leather for boots harness c and the collarmaker finds it in its rough state the best material for cart haroeiis The flesh is then cut up for cnrniverous beasts inageries or for dogs an J though ing that they are hippophan without bnCiAA wu a club of horsecatera who regularly ad vertise their club days some of our fel lowcreatures are regaled in the cheap eat ing houses of great cities with delicate bll of carcass in the fonn of pate pretended soup When tho fich and removed the atomach and iutestines are laid aside for machine slrips and strings for musical instruments and are olen sold for the latter purpose as tho best Naples corda the riba are turned into buttons and childrens toys tho irpo round bones serve for tweezers whistles ferules knife hnndles cups nnd ball8domlnoct c tho large flat bone are of use to tW wen fot wiany things- even ho teeth arc useful when polished to the dentist and for many purposes for which ivor is required The hones of tho head are cither consumed iti heating fumnccs or crualicd for innnure Tho remainder of the crcass is burnt and hy his process produces black poot black and valuable manure And from tlie fat is cxtrictcd a coarse oil which is used by mccliauics Sunstroke nstroko is lem- much OS possible tho keeping of A great prcveivtivc to ai pcrance and tvolding a exposure to intense hen regular hours taking oi Rud ahuiming all cscessos There nro two fornw in which people arc affectcd by ex- oessivo heat The first generally occurs after undue exertion and ia marked by faintness or Inability to move The pulso is feeble and tho ekin cool and moiet In auuh cases telicf is afforded by rcmovin ho penou to a cool shady place applying the It is relucd of Latimer that when li oncQ preached before the tyrant lleiify YlII ho took n plain straightforward tot and in his sermon assailed thoae very 8ina fot which the monorch waa notorioui and ho was stuog to the quiok for truth nlwnys Bnda s roponwln tho worst innns j caivnUt or ico lo lho hmJ TOdVdHi qonBOicnoe He would not bend beneath isicrinir brandv nnd ice tho authority of hia God nnd ho thbro foro sent for Latimer and aaid v Your life ia in jcopord if you do not rceont all you sold toay when you proachnoxt Sunday The trimming 0urtierfl wero all anxious to know tho oonuenio of this and tho ohapel waserowded The vonorable man took hb texts and aRer a pause began Vlth a- Btfliloquy thus Now Hugh thoo thou art Tn tho proaenoo of tho ewlhly monarch I and his whole b3y Aibbcd with loo from thy Uft IB in hU i oo kept under doctor o i evidently tho patient Is paatw thee thou lat lo the oreaen of tho Ktna ooTory ord oflor vv ik wiS his breathing short and Bometimea Tulsions set in If aid be not promptly administered death will immediatolv the party should DO removed to a cool place tho crowd kept back hie clothing ahonid be stripped off and his whole bMy Aibbcd with lo head to foot and pieocs of ico kept not suit thyself to his fancies he will each armpit This treatment she bring down thy pay hairs lth bloody to porsevercd in until tho arrival of a the gtvo butjllugh Lawmor bethink of until evidently tho patient is j of kfngfl and Lord oflords who hath told thco Fear not them that kill tho body and then oan do no mora but rather fear Him who oan kill both body and soul and oan oaat thee into hell fbroverr Yes Taay Hugh Latimer fear Him Ha then went on and not only repeated whnt he had before advanced but if pcsaiblo enforood it with greater omphaais What WBS por in idyertieed the Amut ofBoo fbr sa dur ing our absence If the sheriff eaaaell It ho wliVBuroly do more than couW Like A damp perousaion can wo think it tfSII fRSI In ARCHIVES OF QNTARIOI TORONltO