atigation report ezfHoadJr S tke elbility J roai itehtril fl Jrai 26 A bird oiae is repo orti a msn wmed Pdfe effpr igSh Kmlentury condeom ithm joi foarteen yean and wbo hM saved tweW Oollen lUooling affiur Mien tss re- aerea lo TO The Dort one of flie two oiKfaes sunk the Biitniait hM beoo from CcJmmB sUil Mffirt Hut ou are being stored opfijMte Hat plMe for FenUn porpoaea Tbeeiaminationof McGill Model School faoe throogi breKh mt Mug properly closed and it is thought wdl io hi8 sight Xaer e market baao fofraebUciAon Congtea to lal7jp New Court thought will loss his a silsr JuMB 27 Gamer has heca oommtled for trial at the Queens Bendi oa a charge of shooting detastiTe Calko J 29 A laiRe bam beloiingto Dr Beaable8atMil6End wm homed last night It is belicred to hare beea the work of an incendiary A carter was smutnick on Sairurda Awhile lying oa his truck A telegram from Burltiigton says two car toads of Fenian arms removed from 81 Albana to the back coontey on Wednesday and Thorsday nts Mr Gilbert of the Canada Engiae Works has contracted with the Govem- mehl for rifle rtnAeetWipfete A spedal train of 400 Irish emigita paas up most of whom will AHmto eo wiUe from tiujUver mines of Ibn- ui bttu EenadotHlthgiring11ifl fol- towtDg blaiia liubmA Ua of mine mlfutane io be faldhaded knowing there U wonderM foTlgonting power ia the suns lajfi lact spring threw wj hU bati worked all spring 4tt ttofj co6iaetAthelramoBHf June Pnuxs The JCMifnjiGoremmea are teaUj preparing to JJIW a aqiat take place simultapepusJj on the whole JMtder i bands bmbe ad lbrtotter4ay ji ifcriUnie din that city is stated that t The Inteimtibiial Eafleld Match added the Gnnmakers Challenge Cup 50 and a purse of 10 given by the National Rifle AsoeiatibB t56k Wednesday June lOthundery favour able circumstances The contestauta wore 20 Eob under command of Captain Field of the London Artillery Company j 20 Scotch under the command of the Master of Lovai and 20 Irish- imder cominaQd of Captain Hopkins The fol- ia the result EnglUh 1068 Majority for the English 11 pointa over the Scoteb aad 88 over the Insh The winning score last year was by the Scotch 20 at Wimbledon and the figures were 1086 the Enish 108 end Uie Irish 959 While there is a falling off in the men showed a decided distances 200 500 and 600 yards One of the conditions of the match is that the contest shall take place each year the ground of the winners so that nt theconteat will take plaatWi One Hundred Miles in 23 Hoius hours and had six minute to spare ESd thrcnl Mt was Codicu Ulc uia b phigi etc It will be remembered that dunic ihe latUr part if tKe attempt Sir Sweet iralked In fbjt of a blaz- iegeoo- tbenooineter el 90 He really wdked the 100 miles in twentytwo hoars as he was off the track for sponging chang ing sboesand refreshments about an hour The wonderful pluck and endurance of theaun ealled forth unbounded prajse from aU He bst two bets one of 8350 against 8500 for 22 hours and won on 1250 against on 22i hours and of50anst500oa23hour8 Dur- ing the last half hour the band acccm Muied Mr Sweet about the track playing lively music to keep his spirits up and mth eggs were given him for the same purpose His feet were terriWy blistered on the sereateenth hoar ue Ebo gwe to the last minute The he was immediately the Fteach of N Thoroughfcre but bemme so nenoiu aitheldeaof atting in a stagebox and ceckiting a aW2ioQir the andience that he odolttoot mostvcoor- age to eater tttftbealebntbeopujDg night T sport of iifigiiing ia about to be intiodlioed into thel TiortM of- A huge cifcQB forthat jrpoee hflS Beia erected at Havre bjr special permission of the Em peror wjll bepened dnrin oational Jtaritime Exhibition abont to be njiJsrJ fin yipldjfdviw opiialjlqos eonkadietory The impresaioo howc ed generally jnacfc bctte than was at Wisconsm paper jeBcribcs a frei of ire In the shape of a perfeef rose in full blosmonanappletief On the same limb tler5 arc ECveral young pies growing Hi lose is the only blc som on the tree Several rodsfrom the tree n front of the hotue is a white rose nsh in fnll bloom and upon comparing the OSC8 upon this bnah with the one upon the of a Started down irfUber- ic with a Canadian who ar- SO UTBB JEifTlD I IM P O HO N S NBWMAEKBT hM nnoted lurailij lat time he experienced no tmeai hatever The result was that In the U he bad a good bead of bair AsdUxtbls he was not aloneeeTerti of his acquaintances who were baldheadtaig ed the same ptan the tunate eoongh to experience the eamexesolt editor adds that a dmilar case the air and smuhine i circomstances stitnlates it liealthy action and trith i tboM glands upon the growth of the hair depends DIED In Kewnmrket on the 30th nlUm JosBFH C aged 47 years M LIE has long been a resident Newmark and highly esteemed by all who Knew ihiii Ever ready as he always was to lendahelp ing hand in anything got Dp for the good o the village and an active member of thi Also would inform their friends and lev have made a lar actios to tiielr Stock of gboq teas TOBACCO WINB8 AND 8PIKITS Which they are preplted to sell AT THE 7SR7 LOWEST PRICES I Newmarket May 20 1868 22tf NOCE- JF yon want anything in the SMALL WARE L Or anything in the thi of F JOB PRINTING forget that Can furnish anything in bis Ineof trade t BURK HAttRl80il Bej tQ U4nie to their MdcuMrtttlilute inpoited direct from CJtiASOW M-AJNOJIBJSIXKB- q Vit- OTHEB UABKETB u v A I4ARGE dTTANTITT OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRESS GOODS AS TBESB OOODS WK BE T FOB CASH A Inported Direct we are prepmdftRd will offer ADVAiNTAGES I Td those buying from us SIGN OF THE BIG T At the sign CFf the Big NPW STOCK OP TI FASHIONABLE HOOF 8EIBTS BUBE HABBISOH Newuaiket Maye18 20f day at two oclock from his reaidenee and proceed to the Friends Meeting House A Cottage to Let j V lefe imbedded i lakcd and the ia rossing and being unable to swim fiad put lis clothes on some floating timlMr and pad- lied across to this side exhausted by cold hunger and fatigue Itetricd to wade ashore A WoMiK BemvxD OF i L IBS was brought to nt 1 Snfialo on Thutay morning The coording ta the Conmereial areas folic u woman named Mary Limbnrger li bout three miles below Lower Black B taken sick alut four months ago notwithetanding medical treatment rapidly fell away to a skeleton On Tuesday last physician fropTijMwdaai tailed- 11 Wheat W bus ing Wheats b bushel rlcyi- bushel IS bushel Dressed Hogs 1 Butter a EggsSdos tend 1 ioasly i iTiag becomc suddenly a eipetic was given her a terwards she was leliey fler casting i tlmt yesU relieve itself c ivoman died in forth Wearefi comfortably adeep HI time of doing the last few miles wa as follows 1310 1200 1310 1340 1300 and 1360 iVew JIavm Gl PaUadium June 22 OP Y The Coroners jury who invest- gated the sudden death of tbe children Geoi and Mary Anne LocockebeforePr Philbrick wr of Bloor and Bathurst streeU winded their labours after several adjournments It was suspected that the bad been poisoned by some indie hascd in the city of which tb bad partakett dealha The contents were analysed by Profes Sps Jlps Ts preparations for war in Franc Prossia keep pace with the pacific assura T tashlon of umbrellas used by e men against the son is greatly cominf vogue In PaHs pmwA June 30 The reguUf and Tolt teer troops here at present nuiaber abc 1600 men all told The volunteers ha been reyleired by tbe Adjutant General JokCHiijuiitlwBnipbjyhMthroi down the gauntlet to McCooIe for 1000 side pay or play the fight to Canada within three months froni the day of signing the arUcles T Urgest sawmill biit one In tbe United Ktates ia located worked by power and when fttmlsb empjoyment for one thousand A PtSTa despatch of June iOtti snys General Elapfca bails the arrival of Pi tween Prance Prussia Austria and Hongaqr Against IIiisHvite tendencies TuvraiyDMuisitiB white firing atthe runningman Wlmbl which IiHdUnon the otbei and U hi roi the day ilntbe Unit I at CUnton Iowa It Is gine of nine buijdrod horse 1 tn full operaloB would Tu9BninMAaistiB Ithascen bund white firing atthe running-man- target at fldend tnt the other thai the scarlet dasslei the eysj and Is faeoce tbe most difficult U t4t rrom leaving red stretk behfnd U in its advance which nnseUles the aim- The grey side was struck seventyfoor and the red only ortytwa times It Is a curious fact too It seems that ho bit fairer tlfto those with grey eyes Flour W barrel July 1 I G 25 is J5 v- 12 0 00 Dressed Hogs 100 lbs each 0 00 5 00 3 00 I 75 e so lood Graft Apples if bus 111 S 11 Wool st MS Newniarkeli April 18S8- PANS FANSlvFANS so it is Aiiii BINNS VARIETY STORE 3Sr PEARSON DENTIST TVER grateful for past favours takes this opening an offlce In Newmarket VOLUNTEERS PORTABLE soda water their stomachs Jroft who found fouij In the stomach of the boy t hemlock a highly poisonous pUnI which the Professor BSfertamMfro6i pcraolciami- nation to he growing abnndantlyone land hereon the deceased resided The symptoms were ilmiUU the boys it iferred as tbe plant is of a Bvrcetisb that both ohildren poisoned themselves by chewing IJ and the Jury icturpcd a ver- dlctaccordingly Id CnracHTJic Koch dale Eng maglsJmWMcentjy decjdfdan extrtordinary case lAoiW before ihcAnby Bev Charles Ueniy Whitehead VlcarofKor- Church against Mr Jamoi Bawstron chwardcn Mr Wiltejicad was at one time a ouratc Ip 6t Pauls Dbndoand bos lately beea appointed i to bis picent clUrg in Kordcn which Is a small vlllag REFRESHING BEVERAGE SUMMEK MOljfTHS FAR SUPERIOR TO ANY SODA WATER HITHERTO IN USB pionic tea parties HOTEL KEEPERS o Should always have a supply on hand ONE PACKET MAKES A pLASS 01 v- SpPA WATER SOLDBy Tfi GROSS AT 8200 Orders by Post addressed to NEWUABEET BBUO STOBK J HACTT HACJKEJXTS OBFIOHJ For the faturs wUI beathls New Drug Store opposite the Davison Housd m ftudC tosVpin Newiiwrkot June 17 IBG8 miles from Rochdale Klscnr- reported that ever since Mr White head was appointed vicar adornments and services have beii regarded by a portion of the congreraUoJjBH4In8 vlctr by elocUng as cburcbwsrdeo Ur Raw bo was ksDwo to be Xos Clib- no Sunday moiling diirlng the service Ir JUwstrpn wentupto the clii09 felsed twdbudglksoCfloidu which the vicar was about to place on con munlontabIe and left the vim stondli with tbe empty vases fh hand while he wei onUftbe cbbhtUiroW them Aiiy 7i this offence the vIcar summoned Ur Raw- slrOB to appear before the court at Rochdale There were idx msstrates on the bench j dismissal and the rase was dismissed Fitted up with a iiateria always used and utranceMhe ha 8 Drug Store MONEY TO IcOAN Wht H8 Tbe Subsertber U inftMtfccfoing Axi Wift 1 C 01 Bnle Dolei Hairov best ever mad ibr all kinds of work Ii to covet ay seed no matt tbegrewi rsgd hti the sole right I making them 1 this pa of the eountiy They lire ascbp as a other NBAllklndofto band and nwie 0 Qrier CtUl and irket March or ii9UTt a S O U T E R T R E MAIN STREET NETAIT GROCERS TEA DEALERS MANDPACIDBEB8 OF aiNGEE WIJSTE Orange tonic syrups c CANADIAN NATIONAL SEIUES EMDrGoKS AuthoHud hy the Cmneil FuhUe Iniltue- ion OnUtio t Boos tilth 3j lUustmtions stronslv ltd Ump cloth f ive ceits T Boox 2n4 MUJnstraUong stronc lybonnd In limp cbJtt- Teij cenu FdCSttBooK 45 Ilairatlbni strengly bound in cloth boards iForty cents PTH B 50 illustrations strongly bound Try Souter Trents Try Souter Trents Try Souter Trents Try Souter Trents Try Souter Trents A SOTJTEE Tea Colfee Ginger Wine Syrups Groceries W TRENT J H JOHNSQNS Saslf tad- WgOtY A CAIjL FBOM BDILDEBS SOLICITED A Good assortment of MO U L D I a O S Custom Planing dme at any time SHOP Comer Mill Baglansts NEWMARKET BRITISH WAREHOUSE boys wheelbaerows To Let rjlO be let thatlndeome PTellg House occupied by Mr N Reid Tliere is Saiden llsrd and Soft Water and every pri- Mourning Paper Envelopes OF EVERY DESCRIPTION JttrUip illttVoi BIRD CAGB8 FLOWER VASES WALKINQ WINDOWBLIND PAPER ind numerous other varieties constantly eceiving at BINNS VARIETY STORE For Sate or to Eeiit AFARMi near Iewmsrket l0 Acrc cleared For further particulars apply lOW BELLS AND OTHER MAGAZINES H PIPER Co Q1 YONdE SiREBT first door ave OXIUdoutft Bfoy8AiirLt Rotoii Urbrana of B Oarris Psrtfdliulatiirs I Refrigerators and Meat Safes Filters and Coolers ColBbra Anhlmidoaii Vep- lator Add BrnoM CdodDctor TiDwataAot holeaale Dealers in Tubs Palls Orooms Brushes Hopes WooaD Ware JAPANNED TIN WAIIB Toronto June 3 1868 Buggy for 89 ABECONDIUND DOUBJeEATBD BUpOTCIeap forb lUFOTAirr TO TABHERS I fTlIIB Subscriber contlnncs to iqauufa Ju bis Steel MoQldboara Steel Lnndsidu ap Ij O XJ G- H s t By the thousaild tbODOOS ubt wstf FortbDconvenloneeandtccommoda Uon of M friends and customers in the QQlgbbonrlood of Nowmarkst- where his Ploughs are known to be suMrior to those of otbeTnakoniho has establubed an agenoy witli U madden who will have aiwan onhand a large eopply dff lobgbi which ne will soil at nunuminreiprlfiei merely ad ding cost of trvupoftaUoDi eiiUer for Cash or on Oredlt Oe invites attention to his JUST PUBLISHED The OAMDIM SPEAKER ELOCUTIONARY READBH COMPRISING a Choice CollecHonof Oro tions Dialogues and Poetry suitable k3hool end College BeeltaUonaand Pub- ind Social Readioge with Intiodnctory aika on the Prindpleg of Elocution Edited and compiled by EDWARD HARTLEY DEWART ess PAGES PBICB15CENT8 G M BINNS iwmarket Feb 27 1868 if NEW S aOODS WM AB ORR STAPLE I FANCY DRY GOODS LADIES DRESS GOODS CASHMERES VELVETEENS SILKS REPPS BROADCLOTHS EMPRESS CLOTHS VES TINGS EXHIBITION CLOTHS TWEEDS DOESKINS cte c dc dx a large stock of clothing HEAVY STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES emOOEHIES Acc wo will Sell Cmup roa CiSii SOME VERY OHBAP JOB LOTS IN STOCK Tno reasons why W A A B O ron and teill sell Cheaper than houses giving long iredlta First We buy for Cosh In the beat markets Second We sell for Cash and need o large profits to cover losses We not tbank our friends and CQstomers for the veryllbcml ikatronago shown us and Frill strive doubly to merit It this season WIOLESALE Newmarket and Sntton March 30 IBC8 DOUBLELEVCR OANO PLOUQH 7be superiority of this Plpngb over all other Gang IHouglwcaB boreddllylien Thebead fit the fioMh li QiiQiQDbmBQflrbn otbon li leiinift to ogtbiMd tsattoM- ly braced It has two levtnHine can be zalfed X Inohes out oi driven from ode fi danger 0 breaking Plough regnlaied to rldra The loven toi that tho can be glODMandthnc another wlthoul iBOTTBBPILD V n4 a- xjm rv A lAROB AND VAAIBD A0SORTUBN1 OF german window cornices OUIl7JlN BAr9P9 XCNOBa also Another Lot of Cutlery Plated Goods AND A VKW 8ETB or Tm ammNE hoohestes oooPmmusa Botips i 1 Oaae Patent IjooUS oils PAINTS WOppWAJlE o OtTR STOVES tinware 1 WITH BTILL BXOBLS IN QUALITY AND OnMAPNEBS ANY IN TaS DOyiNJON Ifjf Be kind enough 0 cull and ascertain prices belbn pnrchaslog TIM SYKBS BLVIDQB Newjjiarksl March n W88 Money to Lend BY TO LEND at Rednced Rates 1 nterms made advantageous to lenses Moderate Apply to J W COLLINS SUALL WABES FlSHinQ TACKLE FIBB WOBKS AC THE BEST OOUGU BISOICIKE I Dr JOOINS FRENCH COUGH LEVERS SHOULD bo resorted to in all cases of Brochltls noarsenees Catanh Coughs Colds Asthma Shortness of Btcath and nil disorders of tho Throat and Lungs They a sjfeakcr Singer 3 School tend ily tested e better t Tho raqtice and with 1 any similar medi I inirouuccu o inc public READ THE FOLLOWING LXNBNOV 16 1867 Jodina French CoUgl md have little hcsltatlei and sore throat I much prefer them toeUbe W- C BMafulU Bryans lithe RWOh iiflO qfaTmplau I navo nseaur joajns rrencn uougn Levers with great satisfaction and can conB- dently say after testing them for weeks in special services that I tbink tbembetter than ny other X B Ci4UB WetUjan Toronto Februry 28 1668 1 have used Dr Jodina Pren9b Cough Levers with great comfort beforo and after speaking Some of my friends tried them also there Is but one dnlnlonvlsi they an invaluable to lingers and public speiUccrs IconslderyourLeTersthobcstremedylntho world- for boarsesa throat djsordcrs Please send mo one box more Ttaovis UcMnuur Asnt and Ltetunr t rt Aea Temjur TboM Levers are prepared wlUi tho greateBtareas tecieanliness being onUrely free from grlUy eabstances BLAEKlTf vSLKirVOS Tboy are Justcelebnted for the only vegetable Innedlents he most won derful cures bara been eflected by them and tbby excel all etbera at present known u child flfleea months old passed 6 I after takliv 7oar v Mb J BLAOIIT BlrI bave tried nur Terintfbge Candies several tinqs and fouad them the best ever nade to eiMl vem i lesldei tbey are eo pleMtant 16 the last twi 4he mosl delTcate child wpi take them Bsifon IfH-JVfaa- iMAsrViM eMirffi For sale at BealNy Soiiter OoajMid O R BlmpseniNewmftkeLand lUl glil4thronghoullhe Domltuon rchlVMf archives of qntarto l toronto j