la the firit ttmaUr liUKftd before Cromvitb Par County Gocm ThetiitingsofthiB Ziutitt bctv tTOidation anr emNewTorkaawellasCaDBda thoS SoldiewweS Urt He onUoaday i danW PrewatM OftTe CnnmDg Doon Dra 7 aeooQded J Hortoo xeqoi tg do riSfWoSrfeT on Bidarwl beeo We 811011 be glad to recei parte of the Oonnencb rtbe Dobun Jaae 6 It i cveral days ago that Mesa tbe editor lOaneS i 3 Snliifaa aad Mr Soilirui wok r leased but the ia tha caae cif Pigot was deQied aad that geatiemait is oonse- qBeatly Jiddiogloga coaflpeaent- Lonqox Jane 6 Despatches hato dorofl of Abyesma and rriaHpd by pier have arriTed at Snoi Egypt home- sited Northootsj Seoretwy of State from India baa received late Intel tears oin all prt Jfnam oomQasieaat wore a boy jacket daric blaeokth white waistooat aodtm liguDoe from the Enish troops ii Einia The dutches w dateday 30 Geoeral Niroier hop to reach the coast of the Red Sea at by tha Xat of Jnoe He parted company with sai hiB faithioloatiTe aly the day before thedateofhisdegjatch them cm behalf of the libe party of Italy 0 discour Oie project Braun Jcnfe 7 CottntVonBiEmvt urges Ae adop the nations of Eu rope and America of treatiea establishing a uniim international stem for the mearorement of the tonmage and capacity of Bhipping He proposes the EngB method of measnreinent as the beat baas of sQch a qrstem but snggests that it be modified by the apfJication of the material priociple The North German Confeder ation is prepared to open negotiations with foreign Govemmtaits on thifl snbject St Petsbsedbg JnneT The Em- jwror of Russia has isued an ufeaM ting free all persons of foreign birth exiled to Siberia and all nativea of Rn sian Poland who are sentence Holes than twenty years eiile Bbusszls June 7 Lt -ArtfnewBpa- per asserts that the ojunion widely prevails in Paris that war break out in Eu rope before the close of next autumn ViESNA June 7 His Imperial High- neffl the Prince Napoleon has anived here from Baden He was received by the Emperor Francis Joseph with whom he bad a clo consultatbn The object of no boy VM firft manum u this oountiV Aa the Empress uldraLtW aexef bom in wedlock on the same day aa her own aasista the parents in the ednoj ion of these ohfldron and will give tfiem 2Ef wIieBty many eh oaosed aaia QBAND TETOKWEST Deari T45k Arrive 630 1150 am 0000 1S46 p ORitnrTBUKlMSagT- GREAT WESTEBN Depttrtitn0i3cM45rSa5 government could find no posable excuse forpermittingthefittingontand departure from tiiis side the line of armed troops Judge Blackburn to the Grand Juiy recently refused to bring a Bill of inictr ment against Eyre of Jamaica is contrary to the opinion of the majoritv of the Court of Queens Bench Bsubsels Juno 8 There have been riotous demoDstralioDs in Luzembuig in favour of Francej which were promptly quelled and th leaders arrested Paeis June i Baron Stookelberg the new Russian Minister ffesented his credentials and had a formal receptioii at court yesterday In the remarks which he made on the occasion he hoped for the continuance of the friendly rations be- tween Frartoe and Ruaaa on tiie baids of mutual interested The Emperor Napoleon made a pacific reply He reciprocated the hope expresBed by Baron Stockelberg and thought that the appointment of an Envoy personally bo popular in Pranoc was a pledge of amity Londok June 9 In the House of Commons this evening Sir Harry Vemyj member for Buckingham made some inquiries of the Government concerning measures for the opening of the teriitory id British North America Vor settlement The right hon C B Adderley nnder SccreUry for the Colonial department re plied that the early colonisation of the lands from Lake Superior to the Pacific coast was desirable but bo long as hz ne gotiations for a settlement with the Hud sons Bay Company were pending no steiw could be taken by the Home Government in that direction A New Polar Expedition wjuou auuut mat jt is iniposaioie to tind a northwest passage inasmuch as the sea extending from Bas Bay Rehrines Straits is impaasablo for ships a daring son of the sea Captain Sherard Osbom is endeavouring to have an expedition fitted out to make further discoveries He elaims that much rcmams to be done that it remains to be decided whether it is 6ca or land that covets the North Pole and is desirous of witneKsing the sublime spectacle of a never setting sun He is willing to undei all sorts of hardships and suffer all the miseries incident to a voyage if he can only be gratified Whe ther he is likely to be honoured in his curions fancy remains to bo seen Much has been risked much has been lost and niany valuiblo lives have been sacrificed in the futile endeavour to discover a north west passage still there are hardy souls left who thirst for a glimpse the gran deurs there to be seen Captain Osbom is 0 novice in the Arctic navigs voyage Gen Grant will set in strict snbordina- in to the orders of- the Commander-in- Chief of the armies of theUnited States in such a care as this and has no author ity to act except under such ordere as President Johnson may decide to give Johnsons iearofthe democracy may le the purchase and munitions of wm but we shall be greatly dipoloted if any of these or those engagrf in concentrating them are ever seen on the other side of the border We have got nsed to waiL alannson this frontier which involve little or no danger of bloodjed and wo should think the would bo on the other side yet it is wise in them to be prepitred for r8t They are ready and if an in come blood wBl 9ow novice in the Arctic navigation for ho shared the hardships of a voyage to the Polar seas yet is ecalous in seeking the aswstance of those who will aid him in trying another and last experiment He feela satisfied that an opci sea exists at the Pole and he is anxious to bo in it 7iprA iRnAiiiirtT Atviinv boigaiucd by Important Event in Fjranoe The taking of his First Coinmunion by the Prince Imperial bos beci the occa- fcion of nearly as much fuss as attends the cinsumcisionof Uie soniiof tHo fiultan the Egyptian Viceroy and other Mahom- medan graodeaa Tbd young lieir to thir Pronch Cropn has been id trajning for a monflii oador rs in tWnia itly aijd refined the afiair for tho last thrco Ujobajds oftui directors niriluaJ Iho elegant witty had caoisi o b prcnarcd for bis use on iLe OGcAtioa tr tTheure pravcr book of the most exquisite porfectioV illoml- nated bv iho clevercat modero imitators of the imiloble work of the old mon other days andlhewboleofthci other days andlhewboleofthcliftperi family fho Diplomatic Crnpa the Slin inlf- taieitBtccanmuiflqn on the simeday with tie fittie Prince and as SjOOO of them cloB at ODW witii the bff6r her ITot to pemlt li li far two teasjM Tte caimoVbe done without an open violatioii isf ooi nsntrality Uws and that the Pdenl cannot and dare not attpfc to jostify Whatever fte sympathies of the American people may be in behalf of the caose of lib in Ireland neither they noiihe cFvemment ca Canada and ti nust follow can posdbly advance the cause of freedom in the Emerald IsU In lio second place the Canadian adyeritire I so mad and suicidal that it wiD bep ented upon humanitariau r no othCT cause Now of Awwing armed fbroes icr the er is made public md ooraathorities folly aware of what is threatened the One of the most reuiorVable cases tha have ever been iad upon toohronicli has lately come under our notice and wc purpose to lay the facta before the public they are On Londn street aides with her step- V TinSii lely educatJ About six weeks ago she was taken danger ously ill with what the family physician prononnced typhoid fever and for some days was so low that all hopes of her re covery were given np She rallied how ever and under careful nursing and skilful treatment she was in a fair way to recov when about two weeks ago she bad a lapse and sank rapidly until tho bret semed to leave her body and she t ronounced a corpsc Her body was pre- ued for the grave and preparations were ladc by her bereaved parents and friends for the funeral when her mother who could not be made to realize the fact that her only daughter was dead to her forever noticed that though tho limbs of her daughter were ripd yet the body retained its warmth Physicians were called but tbey decided that she was dead and every attempt to resuscitate her falling it was determined last Sunday to consign her to tho grave and a coffin was procured On Saturday while one of tho neighbors 6nd tho mother was standing by the side of the sopposed corpse the door which had been left open Mew shutwithaloud noise which had tho effect of so acting upon the girl aa to bring her to and set her lifeblood in motion She sprang up in bed and throwing her arms around her mothers neck wept tears of joy over her escape from the horrid death of being buried mt toTOcd upon her side and o all pain disappeared and s ileep as peacefully as a child She lay could thoso who came lu wri wmu near them talk and understand all thoy said ciL sj ije tongoe refused buried Upon two occasions when her mother was alone in the room with hor It seemed as though she loft tho body and standing by the side of bor body ooold lVk down upon It as she oould her mother said she was unablo to dceoribe the foeliop that she oxperieooed apon those ocoasiona When not tortured witb tho fear of being buried alive aKe waa p4rf rest perfeetly bappy and when slammed wbiob brooght hor to d aa tbomh aho wii to use her compelled to oommonoe a bi rk MiuWhitciBDOwioaf Her strong is gaining naiottios we rapidly and from everv inaiot ahoald judge she has a long life b Clferland Plain Dealer Mnf 3t P08T OPPMB NBWMABKBT MftiU miiftnp foK Toronto and Letters Majlimade np foe the Sonth and way SU4 arrival of the moig Vails teie npfor Pine Qnfaardy Hartman Hails Blade for tSewd Thondayg an Satnrdaya at Begitteied Lottert are expktcd to be maUed one half boot sooper A FYFE NEW ADVEBTISEUENT8 Fanat Pans O M Binna J To Let W B Bowden Wotja MMnng Boys WfaeelbaRow6G M Blons mored w attowed to flat ha mij require out fc eleg oirtdf of tto laof1iislotiCrricd OuJ 8 ii4msi to ulloWW to Jo BiSjtaliittIil otIioHIo83 Ikswptk io Jonoiiiatf flie aiteotton Wgi4 ijsteJOiiried ABirVu pMsed iiiaKag Uie fol loimg gijijto amountmg to 8441 on rsnd mjmhtfag wminMoiieia to eid tie iiM 30 i b Aldom acBrrows fffMmaty 34 0CSiltenden 36 Q Wallace I 36 Wight 37 LewUlachappell 0H9yer 42 wnU Jewell 46 WlUIamCoomer Tho Council then adjourned to aiBat Bellview on Saturday tho 27th day of Junest 10 8m THE NEWMARKET COURIER Nc 27 will oommence the now half- yearly vplome We are exmeiy tiiank- Mfop the jeiyliberalrfc paper has recved its commencomifflt and hope oqr friends will use their endeavours to gob op a goodly Jist to oOmmeni new Tolntte If eachBtibrirt4fe Uie- nWe to showHhV CoiBbl neighlar and ask liim to subscriWjwo jnk hewill do so aud flius very easily double our present handsome list Just ti7 the experiment if you please N GWILXIMBTJRY COUNCIL The Council met at Bellview Mhy 3 Jl the members preset The Ree H Draper in Uie chair D Willoughbyj seconded by T Glover moved that the coinmunication from the and others Carried D Willoughby seconded by J Purdy moved that 71 arrears of taxes ehargcd against Lot No 10 in the 5th Con be expended on the 6th Con line and Uw S Mann and G Tomlinson let the wor to J Newbum at a fair value Carrier p Willoughby seconded by T Glover loved that tho petition of Wpi Jewel and others be granted to establish by a Bylaw tho sideroad between LotsNos 10 and 11 ako Con as surveyed by GeoMo- i PLS and that the I 1 by the Clerk CarriL Willongbby by J- Pqrdy moved that the petition of I May and otht be granted to close up a road m Keswii and that the Clerk give the lawful notice of a Bylaw for that purpose Carried T Glover seconded by J Morion moved that Geo Tomlinson and Stephen Mann be aathorijod to buy gravel of Mr ainos to tho value of 26Garrlcd D Willoughby soeonded by J Morion moved that the petition of Geo Hamilton Lots Noss I laid over until the i Counoil Carried aohuuv the work to be done in Road Ditlaon No 16 under P Connell overaeerOarricd J Wlllonghby seconded J Purdy moved Uiat the petition JT Yates Md others to open a In the lake Con 0 laid over until the next meeting of this lonnoll and that there bo n committee ppolnted bomposod of Uio Rcevo J urdy nod the mover who shall ascertain what tho probable cost will bo- Carrloi D WilfpughW sooondod by J Purdy moved that ue Kcere be horoby Instniot- dofcQd the ease of appeal of R T on Bgaiost a dooision ortho Coat of wiUi the im of David Blown to ixpended soathof Lot ifo 11 lbNorth mnofl of 0 bo ex- simo time and plooeahd n be appointed commis- tottefiiafD mr of7ic8avmob Ba We undei Bank will he ee Tai Caop8pWe informed the crops alllaali In tWs section of the conntiy never they do hU hoiM fright at the car and I off FergGEOQ jumped from hii nd cniTportd lo hold the horses headabut kaockd kotm Vfith the long Lowaggotndrunover He waghrongbt the NortftAmprican hotel and m aid called ind remained unUl the f iag day when he was removee to hU injorica were principally i the back in what parUcuUr we did npt lean A Friday evening the instant Mr John Moreweather who was i tending a horse hu is travelling and v sfayingfor a time at tho BoyaJ Hotel e kicks hrcaktng t right forearm and i jurcd him cor rahlyal I Boger tho sniTerer who ia getting as woH aa can bo cxpccted On Saturday D Ritchie of QucensviUe was aeverol ked by the horse receiving great li ternal injury Dr Bogere was caUcd to b slanco and we are Infonoed ho la I way of reeorery- WCTBSIOS North York and Whlt- ch Agricultural Bocictics Intend having icuraion i Tuesday tho 23rd In The train wilUeave King 8taUon lu the idrning At 83 lifewnrket 60 Holland tiding 002 i Bradford 013 conveying to Boll Enart Thoy tjien embark on board tho steamer Sn Ijf ifoy and pfoeeod round Lake SImcoe r maSnlng at tl village of Qdllia for ot hoitf and touphing at varions polnU tin affording an xcUcnt opportunity for view Ing the malflcent aconory Tlio Sliaron Band will be fttcndanco wbloh will greatly coDtributo to tho pleasure of Uio occasion Tlcketa for the round trip 186 may be had 9f tho dlreotorii of the above 8octotleaand a ihostatlona aHaded to The ovolus to be applied towards painting the AcnHural ieiy woll attended the Hall being pretty null flUed Tho Preaident Ur n UItH ooDpled the ohftlr and opened jprococdlBja wlthftstort widrftMtrndln- iducodUisiPrbitandtifrDotohDrofti the Ifttr Mng Not for Joseph with foot ahd wMoofll applauded and Piid In deon Mr Edmapdithofl followed wU iryhwmoKmspIece which wai well reoetvcd OoUlnjijaad Monkman aaog Alla oil aocoapasled an the malodeonbyUlai lif9Qlu8an vhlBh was vo7 well rendered ro ilvlnB loud appUuse Mn JksOD fol lowed with 4 abort aeleetlon entitled Oolng to KPDbUa Olnaerf TheUianteOnnat 8 ti7 M Pnatand Mr Bjiteboroft was pleee noaiviog well merited ap Ur Anderson Prinoipal of the Mew market OoQraiainar Beboolroad a piece en titled Tho Lepei Which waa decidedly the imaitorpieooorthe efenlng and waa listened to wllhrnarked attentlpB Thia We believe eetings festivals Coi addrrokdto anUior not however- for publication if dealred otheny a guaranty of goU JBEdUOTcftii9jfewm J yoti invite local ray of correspondence from vari L WM jj ttooney jaowiedg- mg the receipt of a grant of 100 to the House of Providence for tie Ron the Warden of tie Cooiily of VOia PVl Malono and St AJbw Their effecVu FronMioineronndMeMiiJ occasional letter from onr township might be acceRtabJe inasmscbaa w have not hlth been reyresejUed except forsooth by ettetiayonrlastlasue from Pine Orchard rhioh X am sore all respectable people in township and elsewhere must condemn as r invecHve and only such as could anat from a being low and degraded in character as he doobtless Is The style of habased individual is such aa to point without doubt to a man of that stamp Bturbcr of the peace in that lo cality better known to your readers as a ship official His letter gpeaka the character of the man written aa was wiUiont any pretext except wih the W of venting a little private spleen and of nring a prolongation of his term of office by saying some flattering things about two of onr mtmicipal fathers I have no recol- 20th by way of mlkthrolSontotolWeofS the Ontario Rifle Assciaatiou nm morial praying for a grant of 25 lection ceing t spoken of in any prints n uu fiflyflve other residents oi lut lown- been noUce and t must i raselves highly honoured Inhavlngs ihsracter aa their champion They are h men who are highly honoured and re- icted In their respective localities and we fancy thoy will not thank your correspondent for dragging their names before the public in an abusive and vilifying letter I had no in tention in commencing my letter to devote 30 much space to your kst picce of corres pondence as it certainly coming downtoo ttcar the writers level to take so much notice Df him but as he is proverbial for his deceit ind cunning arid his atUmpts to claim re- jpfectability would ask your readeta to cn- into hia character from those who live near and know him before giving credence to anything he may clrcuaf I fear Mr Editor that tho gaSharbeenplaSd the poblio preo an object trulj pralc JneJlced Tipon Iho ImMing had I andum of fignr realized by the I thoM of last y onnil then ad mZon ay June 9 prew orthyandonewhich tma Bpamng nMtiMvters will ddltttle towards fi Dg X a pardon for my digresal your motto and gladly leave him i profitable subjc r readers itor that the peo- grand things for tho c new order of things 5 expected to result from 1 charactcr have be nay bo tliat too much v 1 the lower provi Tho e leglsUtloi increased the last session rather hoped Wo hear universal- dcnun against Uilitia Bill from tho fac is acknowledged throughout tho country that it will destroy tho volanteor organiiatlor tho old province of Canada and bo a me a further discontent In tho lo oce The very creditable manner which tho volanteor tdoveiunnt was onto by our people nuguVed well for our and evinced a spirit and onterpriso th part of out populace that should have ceived cncoutgenent from our lawgivers rather thanlhat complete dlscomOturo which the Bin olTccU Wo can however congratulate i Ontario on having had quito an ment In the nianogomont of our local afDiirs bythochsnge Tho economical management of affairsby the Ontario government muit be peculiarlygiatifying and may wo not hope 0 chango In tho legislation at Ottawa tho future our highest hopes may b realised and that we may yot build up here a groat and powerful OrUlsh nationality bi tending from ocean to ocean and which from the OJbriatian seal and highmoml cha acter as a nation may bo an honour to I great ancestral nation wUh which It now h tho privilege of being connected a dirent Biouucr owwiers are rarj easaot neighbours bat men oamns H Jves soldiers and liable to iodnSin praiise withoat being subiject to the diS Riddie Robineon SeveJ KT CanaiSL frontier to resemMet Whwer 26 oouiities between-Eoalaad- TW Clerk- leW MBnluiiimltoM ftoo before the Onion deeire e foUosmg parliee i t v 2 Prom 1 of Feel thaC0tt vrrauj From Mesrr Patterson Md HairUon They il deelare W But tte win not he dr8ed inffS Fl-l- PJtponey Prom D IampbeU Ew Bfgistrar ijai abenrd prooeediuge IS PI h anet ly will d sSmthe Registrar of ToA stating thatrtain repair were requiri in the 6 Aaaxilatioa The Warden laid tors report of tb 6 Y Ajugiauu private Ol ure iolil Regiment waa shot dead in Victoria Bar racks by Maurice Blake alao a private of mmlttce of three to draft i trading in York also to repeal ilvlaws ton eoin and 86 of this Council By Mr Plajtcr That he mil on Thnra nJaU bud gfftrwhju f thTinBo of of MrjohnjCrAKSod3 ingajri conneoK the Imbg of No 1 toll gate Kingston road and ltroNTRBAVTnnfis althoneh the hirbeeno land hot by hiecomtado JIanriceBI 1 1 V 1 f J Jl fetnmed a verdict of wilfnl mnrder gaiest ty the latter Several witnesses testified aa laid before tho Counoil wasahatteted by thesamo ball MiSa Tomda Jnne 9The Conneil met hip of mr Jb is expected hre tho table a cBm- edlg of o lgllo for He t a iMo f ft Connty Treasurer re- burthen tas sii oSceij r th w peeling the arrears of Toi of ToU-Oate- TrmitoT d a W fbliowinpTtetitinnswemnijnffti forward She is for duty in the By Mr Cumming from AuLw Clay- levSfl Ti ftip ni1tmnfirAr inaa oevGral of the Volunteer corps here sre ant of to be under orders Ime for the By Mr Jnckes from Gcoio Lee to the middle of the flowed for loss in collecting Tolls at Qato No 2 Yonge st is lo bo divided into thrco parts first lullowinp moiiftnswfm mnilft IowcrCanada seoond Ontario Toronto ro- Bv Mr C Bocondcd hv Archipiscopal See Mgr Lynch MSlemTl n ZlfbelSted aBvUw SictyeompWn that tbo to SZ a dnTr ind o eeajed vfithent notice the ehari Whitchurch J Kiujo BY Till Oaas brabeiman on out of tho timber tralna of tho Northern Railway named Noil PUxton a rolalivo of Mr Q Plaxton and well known la tUtaoommunJty aooldontally fell between tlte cars of hii tnln lait Tucsdi night andtboVh tho whU of tlio tralndll not come In cohrtt ilph jnen ovwuu mail iiu wm for on order directing tho County Treasuror to pay to tho Treasurer of tho township of Sjarkham a sum of piouoy lying m tho hands of tho County Treas urer to the orcdit of that township The Connie acMmed until too oclock am on Wodnosday Fenian ToUy If thoourront reports that propam- tions aro making fbr aaothef Inroad upon Canada by Poniaos or by marauders oall- ing tbomBolves Fenians havo a sorious foundation tho goyoroment should lay its hands upon- tbo guilty partios the instant It is furnisbod witi prooft suffioiont to warrant thoir arrest Tho wouldbo in- vaders havo so bettor motive for disturb- tiiem ncyutbui UJI9 irasurr s account 01 BJ Mr Jke from Thomas Jctan fff tne tovm- Englands heart nd TTTrjjg and Mtere ofrtirtomrp of King pry -rE- prntnZSS No 1Dandasroad as knocked down i notices of motion were Govema Bvm f Down TW I il tsvepnvate information that the Fenians pyiaw to pjace Eimnltaneously on the whole border toward Rousos Point and that arriving at every point NormanMonk a boy six old s The Metropolitan held a gcoeral ordina- Uon at the Cathedral d yesterday admitted too ing i Nob 60 and 86 Carried jna By Mr Bntton sceonded by Mr Bnt onhnS nThatthoWardendoobtalnthe lOTl isiS j no n i i- opinion of the Connty Solicitor whetSr l ptal frTextTHlt I f f By Mr K coondcd by Mr Sto- opinion be otainedt tt too ta renSr bH52bh ok m Deteetiie granting further aid o oreot sed snpsed to be an American mthe untyi and that he wUl SlJcSiSluf 0enjy vw ui tho assassin of DAroy MoGoo had tbr their cowardly to- ttOns Theyoannotoxpeqtcaadatoftnr render to jlmdnil of morganued men nor Ireland to bo freed In oonseqaenoo of fS Kaio Tho pro jAted attaeli do not rim to the dlgSlty ofaoiUltaiyoperaUoq II wUl endSiiS predoocoaon have ended In tho elaufthler of a oertMa nnmbw of in the aa f 1 in lrandijo ilentcerl and n force onUWo tlie reauit torletjf for tho ofllocrs The wily leaders ipplr M means of aeoonoUng Ibr the ftinds onlroBted to them by thoIrorflduteuscouQ liw G thard The whole party were coming along Notro Dame Street CuUen and a policemen walk- ng beside their prisoner and Bonohaid proceeng them a few pacea When op- posito Dr Pjcaults prisoner warped Cnl len that bo prisoner had s revolver and would ahoot bim and Oolle soaroely had timo to reply when prisoner drew his re- Yolvor SDd fired Wm the ball entering tho lower part of the abdomen jusl above the right groin Oullen dropped opra knoo and fired hia own revolver at pri- sonorbntwithonleffbot Prisonerdasied away bht was diortly afterwards tn turod HoissboakSOyearsofage He bolopMd to It gang ofbuiriira who li in a fine house in Berry street and hitd tho Snoet set of tools ever oaptored Tho gMg wore jusfon the point of leaving ftp Endand They have aU been arreted Oullen was takea to hia owo house and pnt under the best Qiedieal treatmeol The ball oould not be iirever and lo the oonrBO of the ftrenoontbe doe- tors gave np hopes of U reooTery aaf hia deposition waa taken by JndM GonrsoL The ganboat ARmtrd leA tUa nbnl fbr her sUtlon ai Oomwall Two civil engineers from Inland airlred 1 8t jQhni Newfoimdiaad lately to snnei lorontoofthoppoied raliway across th iland j i Qouso has raised 318 for the Mcqse Tei lARCHIVES OF QNTARIO TORONTO Sa