fi Tr ii 1 1 I e wsppflRi T fsssa Oil T ssmtixu lATingdptf m loT ufimttg3 nSi r- T jontgnlU c2 ofibe hjafimbethirt it i Ho iBSBHtSWB aUiafi7flUvSi Ivilliowad ijmuoiDbUidaiselfif uoa it Bdpff Qxva 9 SpoUoBBftmeK Yx e a a M ThreflMttS jpVfA Burial nfaht 1 tOBphorpa nd pot loaaea pia- M in liiB twitr 7 Tdluane hftswalugioffi- 4ted the pistol at ball inst enterfiw to iritoees tiis phm p nieoeedM m drawing liim mtwithr csTised a delage of water to pom Ub itb aod with it came balunjJmatdie8 Fimiii tlat qoabined prooes of shootiBg oar dW with trees iKiecxiuxed by many of ow fiaWi- great thoioolN thu adorned itiuttMtbatltt mas of pploM towns shooldteninaifiratiaiacW uraai11aiiiuimiablelin belUduDgtheustzoets Thsbty of thoee portit oar faiwajfs which are akiitea in6rizetch rows of staty andsineeoQBoaksoc lnwTcAcn ac- kiinrIedby4iioeawhafiime tbft gratefiil rays in uieir ntmoat n tains into a eool andModrtfmotuwb fte green tKcrWitii Btau Birds in branch nJeriaAie yy ehonld we not baveoontinuons row of eaoh tren planted along the roadade of eeiy farm Why Bhonid not eveiynllaM im planting asaociation a HsMTeeto with the beautifnl tze thU the Bodel ayen Ipf New Epand townB where the present genmtion is eojoying the results of the taste and toib of their forefathers Wonld that all woold taketoihesuTes tbepiy ad of Laird of Dnmbaedjfce on hu death b to kaonr Jowha ye h nothing ets to do ye a tree- it will iw growing jock when yere eleei iog Trees ooet but little ooroparedwit the e bean and yalqe they give V a honaelot pbafe them today and almost before yon are aware they become a oroTO of gjory protecting the foot- paaeager from the Bcorchii Banbeuns and giving relief to bis eyes wearied with gariug on the cverlaating monotony oif red hot brioks bricksrbrioks There ia no pereon who ia eocb a Goth in taeto not to appreoiate the beaaty of hade treee Pleasant are they in epnng when their bnda ue banting oat into leaves flowers in Bommer when they are converted into rolling bil lows of verdijby aonftem breeses nleasan too in aatomn when the foliage like Oie flying dolpl pnta on the richest and varrae coloors ehanjg to a thon- and spfeiidld bn i The most beantifnl cities iQ the Union are oonfeaaddly th that have the most shade tre What H that sodi a ohann aod attraction to New Haven rradering U one of the most dellgh cities in America Not the regdariM of its abwts nor the ele- Solved that he would i ihristn ROnri toBaooeed lbnMer of one of oar leading banks jesOd some time since and the paying immediacy elwted to it of the promotion ia worth knoTO Th bew oaahier 1 Mine mile ontjofeyie bnt t nnmber aod loence of itc elms shading the Hreota on each nd and at timaL with thdr intloaking branohee complete arches aod canopies of verdnye for milee And what bat its venerable oaks and elms form Uie glory of Boston Common f We repeat then let na plant troea New York ezoeptod we have do gitio parka io oar large oitioej bnt wo oonld plant trees In every dty and bo doing oonn- terabk ip way even more ejlMrtm the inaahiWi oooaaumedbv the creeeooa of 90 mDch animal Ufe wilhontita natural antidote of ratable UfQ Seieoe there fore aa well u taM speala tniispet- toDgned in iVvoor of aoinore qf shade frM TImj it Hill Mitably a the siae or the calf aod makee etritagaioBt ghJio s great jevih it ka kgkwe ita AOTIONB words they nre fondly than Hl -r- of haraoter Ll frnit opoo a tne Ihaf the nature of mao while motlvefj Ule tha ap are hidden from our view temper be par9tJlKUVB44t dally ot lEer Bojal ftmUy Intend tovlvlt Oeimnyintheaotomn Ha tahappy wbofe dromnstanoee nit hla teB exeeUen who a V M uan tnat M UAllidCfite Shl TeC- Ho maik igQ the Socltj for Promodng Christian Enow Phydo was my food U my Drags did me no good J children good InatniOB aiu at the same time indenbe he re- behav more like a hours If any of Uie clerks vrant 16 away he wasalirayBteayto take their place He oodd ahftys be found arid 8 pfhis besa Aapayine leUef ba wrewjnlfl HejyasOTBnappieh or nrigenflemay Growligjunbg noreaflonable customers could not irritate him HooVmtaidhistimetoaoodt data men who vere belated with their checks Ab caahlirbe is tbe Men disappointed in their diacounta take a refusal from the oaahier with a better spirit than they do an accommodation ftom some men J5e still an hia close attentioii to bua- ne and tfhis lunqh int bis closet as he did wh atnigdiiKr ftr a potdtioD Those who faq inew York or are dMring Buopees b better look at this inoidentaad oopy the examnle JV F Cor BoiUm Jrvcl There is another and 9 better raflon than the gratification of a baffled social vanity tjiat makes a stgoom in Europe deleotable to American womra it is a lapse of care The diffieultiee and depri vations attondiog Uie process of house keeping in the IMtod States are formid able even to those blesaed with the of fortune whereby In other lands domeatiij dnjiefl wn so modidd n diminished A consoientious aqd tasteful lady of wealth nastaKl ehiJdra and kindAd npon h rition of a band of halfdesoiplmed or holly diaoontented aervantip a wer th PXenigbt direo- tioii prpy4fftiit to lion from he veparation T a dinner party to the admiaistiMfotiof frhui from the reception of a valued guest to tbe proper ordenng of the nuraery from the s acy a fkithfol wife mother tu bwuu qa in Aiari u OTurAenedi exr banated or irritated by a oaree and bouaebold olalma aadt tndemeetfo th6 aoBd to adeg and In ia msu prdwnaiblo to thoee wbo bars rimopi the diftrenoe betm the boue- luld methods mean thd maoUnert at home and abroadAwi9or now treated by Fvialan doctois almoot Vz- plnalvelygtlw n On hundred andfiftyfiunlUealeftLon docks on April lth for Canada igiantaiariJghfly liUoluioieiifsJ and other aitisana most received the Bart Avatqwn in Prance a yqang man who dlPpoSia lo lovoj V lti of his employer and knocked to th heof fifty tarreU of wlnajoer the im- pnon tt the content Wotld be Hnffinrat A BAHOL was asked When a ladjr and PfflanhaveaUljcoMi to be ttie fiipt to advance toird a teiwb tal Heranswerwaa Thebehearted and wtsect of the two Bum Intaln pyper as a ma for iU- Speaw to aiw well bUi aod air flefl as lea6i Great has beea eiieotmtere In machinery for trlmtig the eges le belie as the cotttng bdes canndf aharp Psjwr Tradi Co Piicw The crown la no longei go to the Falkland Wands There Qermans Sweds and iri the winter tc barbooT ud amng them tile only accepted U the English piece lid bachelor who had become melan P0Bt5caI TnoteSmeverteBifjrthf tIlWe iaper Ja whleli he wpeaBed tlft jjtetbatthe timo woftid Soon come wheii sshould rertcaliiiiyiklhinaehroad With a weeping wlUow by my j bnt to Ue inexpressible hprrcri it came oa in prtnt len I ahall r calmly within a shawl Witt rtdow b mr id WHoam is wise is apt to aospect and diffident of himself and on that accouit wilUpp t6bwken to counielwhBr the foolish man being In proportion to his folly fall of himself and swallowed np I coiceIt will wldom take an conssel bt bis own and fcr thai IttshUovn A Important Impio ippUedtothebnlidingofyiwhta Tbi reffurrounded U the step and Inilde thi partners with India robber springs Instead ofhebg utonodby wees jtis said S jwtC i MoiaiaB OiTiJneB written by itheii hand oqthb fiyleafof her sons Biblp Kemember love who gate yoij this When other years shall come- When she wbo had Uiy eartiert Us9 Sleeps in her narrow homo tooShtfJdrsto Le And bQ yon keep the gift that wbi The partlrw boar shonid come There might m hope to meet again Jnpeavwsetenyrtlme PAumnoit or rsi Haav Thtoleemts BoneUmet i h or its great vessels all a remedy for which it is scarcely power of medicine to ofTer altboogb a whplespnie air may eo Ur palliate ae to give a ehanoe to the diseased par if not to re heart vulgarly called a beating atent the beartft aitsea Ikf nfoA freqfuentlf a dk btlitMe atatf of the oprvea a a titlated state of the djgestlvbbtails Tbeheartlia masolB ai U others is itaelf lUbI frSo fiidDlg to ezoesses t remove it the patenfc eannot pbyato wlhe opmpolen aithoggh it will most mate tiallyasriU Alazbeiin6 must lie UftotT and habits of health adopted nonrisUog diet a email portion of rinB early rislnf cold bathing genUe exerpiie and air m ftTEBcBBBT tHRAggT TTiiWlWT ApWa Vr vVrf W I6wa waitiJtWf aKoiuATLTOr imo Gyi talJ iBjfff ifot iiC Iea Xiiyf oii 1 NEATLY EXEGTTTED 0 I J fii 0 s i t I a V i 19Tt0OD 11 r in 1 ii 11 OfTIGE i 0ff5 memmi- 1 S n S i o 0 HA 2 fl 51 0 1 T 0 a 1 ujiaffiai OT JFniiic Orooda Wares 0 0y Susf 0 OArJfOT BE PURCBASED OJiEAPER iNNEWMAatojOB ANT OTHEB PLACE I JovTvaU ADayBofTu aU met Bool Note Boole Copy Book ExertUe TimtBobla FUoajPlainaxd Rded Letter PaperZarge Medium ds SmaU Envelopettifet Peroraled firdboardWhiU and Colour f Bwhnarl All tortt p and Cotoired Pajer Cardf Paskboard die BldtHnii Pajnr BiUPaLdUrJPiU fysPftdBrcadPoUiUf PencB PmKolden HVmSWinj maMudhii Inketands Seoeral kinda PoketBopJa Purwi I ElattiG Band Penal Erater Paint BozetfCameT Hair Petu AUntmt tR Qrtat Vatieiy Boxdt AUSvuACohwt Bone Wood and Stel Knittinff Crotchet and Tatting Shttij PocJcet Dreuing and Fin Comhi Button Fatner Ladie Portfyliot Work Bocte in variefy jfarikCflaM StoAeand CMna Jbpi JMUi T Line md Float Belt Buckle tc THB FOLLOWIHO JBOOXCiS 6UPPU8D OK BHOTSaT NOTICE AT LOWEST PIUOEB t BOW BBLL XfQUDifif BQOtBTY SNQUaaWQUAHSHOUBmO SUNDAY AT SOME YOUNO LADIBS fAMlLY SSaALD SUfDAS MAQAZWB BtfOLlBU MBqaAiflO GQQD WOBi QODBY MHB DBBORSBT BBBB FRAK LBSLlBi w BOOSCS BOtTNt TO OiPEB Vilt W M A B E E i jb 0 U B I B B Deoembor 86 1667 Wl MUyfUtmaiiiPuU roiii j JMtowiAnXodiL It I i I ft Xhti- Vutlery CABU MAHOQANY MOBS Brass Kettles 8teelyard8aairtMHriandfl Patitit StreichedLflatherBeliaatSpd COOKlko PAlllOira AND i Stean Engines aid Boilers Searing OfeverydSKrtpIit for Mills Scrape Carpanifln UtVn Tdu mUJind it greatly to youraovantoge totaRandtu thii tfoii5ifre jwAwng HewnMketimbe 20 1807 a Straw Hats Cleaned Dyed and Altered Trimined Bonnets Trinuit Hats Feathers Bibbons Mantles mm MICLIHER Mantle and Dress U ASBB Iiiiibroideiy Berliii Brd Beads Ladies and Childrens Underclothiiig yiATS0f j WeWTnuaiUet Ont IVEWMAJtlCET NEWMAItKBrr ISX NELSON CORK AIM MANUFACTUB OP WGoller Cloths of Every Description ALSO QBNEBAL DEALKB IN WOOL Newmarket December iseT 1tf TEE BEST YET j J HODGi ABE SATIpPIED PROM THE INCBEASE OP THEIR BUINKSS THAT THE Publle an convinced that thoy keep the Best and Cheapest COOKING PARLOUR HALL BEDROOM country asthey Foundries in the Province thoy are satisfled that their Stoves ae no enriled y any other Inmnd th U no oldi awd Jntha Select as they do old iron I of these Stoves Their TQV E t le IndintaWy the best yon can get anywhere llief keep TIN COPPER SHEBT iON JAPA AtfD PRBBBBD WAJB8 PLAIN WASOTSUOB AM BiftSl 1 tor Block TIB And BrltauUa Utetal TeaandOoffee Pots Pressed Qalvaoised and linnedTon Wash Bowls Qalvanlaed PalU and Dippers BoupLadies Spoons Spring JapannedTTrSemrslBrBerve BtMs and Bnanell Poioelain Preseptng UntJnned PivingPwBfcBedor Smooth Ing Irons Bad wA Oo Stands Wire Sieves Screen wd Jlj Wiraa Cow easKseBt oJw kc Lubrloatinfi OonI Qlla tniiiiiiii Partioatar attsntlcwi paid to Jobbing Cor Bm Lead and Pawter taken tojoxoha OiApsMfcrPWfc A OAI1I8PBOULLY SOLIOli IflW waft foaoati J- FIB8T BBlttK BTOBB NOBTB WTOTOW ifjm December 31 168T lARCHiVES 6F ONTARi llfONTp