i enjOT his weUeamed laorek and be ble to giTe to theHld the foU beat of hu WHITCHURCH COUNCIL NORTH QWILLIUBUBY COUNCIL yivtAK April 18 1868 Oounca onuat to adionnuDeai All Ha Th E Whfikr avAi VIU ttneX HewawklMi tftFNwnHite in SiAs BT ATLANTIC CABLE L April 16 It was fOBWXire todaj Utat adTic0 had beeo recTi from AbTSsmia to the et that British capdrea at MagrtaU hadbem re leased br King and th the obiectjif the inTading force harag een attained the oTOr Deqatcha from Gai Napier Trere r- oeived at the Indian office late this after DOQerbiiboaghthe 9W8 is to the hopes of the expedition the above mMbnra ue DOV coofirmed Qen Napier reports in his last despatch tki-h94aiilefi- lattt9d29 is posh- Big on in a southwesterly direction The eciin of adnnce was withm siztir miles of Magdi and twenty milea of that dis- jhao jjgfn nfypfrilly fecoEoitered The troopTwere in good gpirjto and eager for f fiV AeMfints from Magdalit had reached the camp which represented tTiat iraii4iaus7 and erideat alarmed dt- 8tely approa of the British tiotips HtS jppeWtO be hesitating as to what enirse to and nothbg w knowns to what plan of action he Dubijn April 16 The Prince of Wales acoeanied b 1 and bril liant partj ook a train this mom- iDg vbero he visited the Otirrh ra Thft Frince was received A the iftceconrse wii great oheering by the immense crowj H Featherstoobsn- of Westmeath one of the wealthiest men of that connty and 9whtf was shot apd ioQed last n onknows man 19 Geaetal Napiei ia eommandifthe Abyman expedition in his last despatch requests a heavy c treasare for ezpeofies gf the annybeseift to him before the rainyeason sets maahe anticipates that daring that eesflOD his commQDication with the seacoaei will be frequently if not wholly intCT- April 19 The Parliament of e North German Confederatjoa has adopted a ceUittion instroctiog Connt Von Bismarck to enter into negotiations ith IbreigD for the purpose of establishing by treaty the absolute neutra lity of privrte property at sea during time ofwar Elik April 20 A grand review of foroes in and around the city toolc place today in Phomix Park The troops wanderdie command of the Dnke of Cunbridge The Prince of Wales was present with a largo and brilliant staff and reviewed the trooS who all clad in new nniforms made a fine appearance The display attracted vast crowds of people- who Oovered the elevated grouads and buildings in the vicinity of the scen L April 20 The trial of thi Cleiicenwell jurison explosion Fenian prison era commenced today Burke and his fel low prisoners will next be tried 1 trill excites much interest T3r Livlngstxine yet Alive It is now precisely a year since the civi- lixed world was startled by the Liringstones death The loss w be irreparable Livugstone had done more than any one man had previously accomplished more perhaps than aU previous explorers tcmake OS oqQt- ed with the interior of Africa The ex perience he had acquired gave us rpson to expect that his latter expToration wonid in point of sacceaa completely eclipse his earlier and that little or nothing would he wanting to perfect our knowlee of th iliterior of Africa His determination ic go forth once more to complete if posable what he hadbun not to unsettle bi confirm wha Ske and Grant had ac pliehed was hailed with nniversal accla mation It was felt that Livingstone was the man to do it and when he actuallyset out the worid bade bim God speed Not many months elapsed however until the Cful intelligence reached xr had been brutally mm his hopeful and useful life had been pre- maturely endeJ andthat all the high ei- pectatioDS we bad formed of bim were dooiped to diBappointment There was no reason to doubt the accuracy of the re ports for they were brought back by some of his own company and the details were minutely given Sir Roderick Murchi- son was the only mau who resisted the general belief By his exertions was fitted out an expedition which visited the cast co of Africa iid followed for some hundreds of mil the Doctors track The iultot tie expedition was such as to encove the hope that the Doctor might rtnl W ive j but many continued tot and the conviction was general tha we no more of the great explorer and plulanthropist as weD as o of the greatest Scotsmen of hb own inyage From a letter which was received boi days ago in London it appiears that LL inptone still lives that he has successfully abcompWshed bis mission and that he may sn be looked for in London to give the world ibe bfurft of his long exile and the result of his ardtKms toil Hundreds of thousands of hearts have leapt with joy at thelad intelligence and it is not onjost strange to Livingstone himself will be his return I It willbe ifiVom the dead name wi dut of many contemporary records His obituary lovingly wriitea in different laodin different tapgosgee and by pens reprDtipg great diversity of interests bis found a place to Ute annals of he past Scarcely a learned society in Europe or Amerioa but has nnnted its expression of Borrow at his sad ind ghdmelyend It mil thwere W LiviogsoneB privi- Kge to exrcrience wbt few liave xpe- rlenoed befoje himrto know that meij have believed him dead to read what men have Uioucht wd eaid and written of him apd to discover that while many have wept over bis loss do enrioas or Jeftlous mind hu sought to detract from fats fair and wdleamed fame This is true fti The mow is from the BeQviite TnUUigauer Our neighboon acroae the lines boast that their instatnttaos aAnit of the most iliiinitaMo freooiBd is eome leepe concede the point Not merely is the Loveism Nourishes under the fostering care of Democracy and Mormonism like a fiBl leprous sp probers under its kindly protection The Golden Circle became a formidable militajy institution in the South in he days when the ship of State sailed in smooth dear waters- formidable indeed as to attempt to OFer- throw the Government and which suc ceeded in producing the greatest and bloodiest ci war the world ever saw The institutions e so free as to allow a i treacherous band of iiasHinf to parade the streets of their cities with their weapons of warfare in open daylight to make known their beilidi intentions to plot and conspire to ovaihrow a Govern ment with which it it at peace so free indeed as to permit that organisation to d the authority of the Government under which it was nursed into being and oijtrage the laws of the decalogue an organization which their institutions allowed to invde a neighboxiring and un- ffending country and shoot down in cold blood its jonng men and its old m through the agency of which Caj now mourning the loss of one of its fore most statesmen its most talented orator and the worlds son of genius But th chickens are coming home to roost the seeds which they have sown are beginning yield AnoUieri KuKluKlan up under the fostering than the volunteer We with sereral of those in- vdonteer fbrce on the r ojiniou in a large ttftto With them is inkaiBe that theBiU lode8tt ornieatiou as it exists with us and that the Bill in any- thbg- like its present shape will never a wiUj lin efficient militiaMr Oartier ia the debate on the first reading of the Bill boBUhmself much m the lyof higttearore True he is to spend under Air Biil only 8MO060 a and this probably would be a rety reasonable expditure hot it is by no meaoa so if it taorifices our present means of defenec and to provide us with v ifficient snbstite And that ia just th poaition we thk the proposed Bill will place us By j shall spend a ve le sum of in haring a b force withou real and abidijgubstance There will I economyjn the vaunted expenditure ly 89000O a year if we find selves in pointif wJety and preparai ifimtely worBoff than before THE AITEOHA BANNER terrible and bloody harvest political organisation called htely prucg ireofDemt has been the as cold blood of the Hon G W Ashbum of Columbia Georgia a prominent statesman of that State The particulars are as follows It seems that Mr Ashbum lodged ii house on one of the principal streets ii he very centre and most public part o he city About twelve oclock on i light of his murder the Slst ult i lumber of persons with masks ontheii aces and otherwise disguised sarroui the building broke open the doors entering the room occupied by Mr Ash ler either of which would have almost instantaneous death Twooftb penetrated tbehead one entering betwe the eyes and the other one the mouth taking an upward direction HiscloUung it is said Irare evidence of some dosenball arks The butchering woi seems to ive been entnisted to five of the mur derous gang and the rest were stationed so as to protect the approaches to the building effectually cirtting off all chancj of escape of theit victim and all relief from outside After the crimfi kad perpetrated and the assassins were leav ing the scene of their brutal nights work the police appeared on the opposite side of the street but when ezamin before the authorities these guardians of the peace could throw no light upon the subjeot fur ther than this that the assasabs all wore masks and appeared to be well dresUd It is BuruuBed that Mr Ashbum hat fallen a victim to the machinations of the KuKluxKlan Mr Ashbum was a Union politician and by his advocacy of radical measures had made himself obnoxious to the Ku- KlMfian It is the same party which TlnsleVrockf8tTeet Statloirtcii QRAND TECrsk WEST Depart jl GRAND TEU1 Depsrt e07ljf 07i4f iUKAT WarrBK Depart onSuVionflven IgbT OtilCii NEWUAHKET llailB made up for Toronto and Lette daily fneod for Albert Qneensviile RaveDoKeic Beaverto Orchard Hartman traeEftinmittholiiiL Wednesdays and Fridajs ThotBdftys and Saturdaye r ailed tue of falsehoods hio dity ifSebest policy keti ive eubscriptions for th saithheop Minded man does bethM to work up a local feeling andtajusValm off such a sjieet THE MILITIA BILL the guise oft pectins find Esq is the chair Uis of last iug read aod appowd On motion of Mr Joa eeooaded by r Randal the Council oaniied as a Court of Revtsios Reeve in the chair Heard appeal of H Hutchinson to wit That fas sWd not be aoesed fer inoome tost was expended in living etc The Ckiurt decided on motion of Mr Jonea seconded by Mr McCormick that as ap- pellante inoome or salary aocording to his 0 admission exceed the sum of th iad no juiisction in tiaa therefore appeal could not be ente t appeal y 8 Pat- trial Buder Wadeand other Radi- calsj with a similar fate to that which has befulen the unfortunate Ashburn horrible butchery has suddenly opened the eyes of the leading United States jounials nd the New York Tribune Eluding to It Uis well to hiTB and crowded with Mhieve Bach re- v livied it ii better to have lived to know theflwt iUf williioioaslQeiprei thelu tiuit- the life of this go groat nta be kng so titHba Q17 wide in this way The TrUmm depend upon it that so long as the Unit States auUiorities allowed secret political organisations of one kind to exist withi any attempt I formed also ight that the Fenian organization should be allowed to plot against the British Go- verament and instigate such a horrible butchery as that which deprived us of the lamented McGee What reason has it for objectiog to the people of the South plot ting against the Government at Washing- D and assassinating all those who stand in their way If the oneis right thcothcr is also and while it is demanding the sup pression of the KuKlnxKlan let the Trilmnt also demand the suppressi LIr McQees Family theeyn- neighbour kjs putting his hat truthful shape in one We have had o jeprove our diminut ibit of random assert greatly care to waste space with ajt whose sphere of influ- Ifed but at the rte being characterized either the Bannet paperihe mentions in untruthful- WhaA ouj contempora m suppoi but spells it somewhat but of a surety th the destinies of the the paternal We wrote in a perfectly Aurora for which place ipect a feeling does not share A d tho small mej gladly stir iffCoUBiEH in Aurora tiDTOUTably acomparif would tell flgaii y learn the double id no danger of ilution he so cheerfully on a fortlier compari- of the style and paperSj oiw oirculati Appellant did not appear Council adjourned elaido f Township Accoi of Mr Macklem seconded by Mr McCormick Accounts passed finally audited and the Clerk instrucl- to have them published in pamphlet form for distribution Several petitions for aid on roads add ridges were laid upon the table also irtifieate from James Gilroy for 86r from R k J Armstrong for damage done to sheep by dogs also peti- liramD for road around Lots 70 and 71 in 1st Concession also J W Hallen PLS for survey of road around Wilcox Lake and th in front of Ist apd 2ud Coi saions also petition of Henry Bowe r tavern license at LemonviHe also tbal application for fnrthef aid of Jas Gormlcy by P Maughan also report of committee appointed to sell timber on highways to wit That they had sold all timber on 7th Concession line from Loi R McCormick ft 819 all hard wood on sideroad betwee 26 to 26 in tho 7th and 8th Coi Simpson for 19 all McKge In the House of Coiuiuvua uu luo ing of the 17th inst the following lutiooB were unanimously adopted RetolulioniThii the annual t 81200 be granted to Her Majesty out of the ConsoUdbted Revenue Fund lo com mence from the 7th day of April 1868 and be setUed upon the widow of the Hon Thomas DAroy McGce late member of the House of Commons of Canada for the electoral dbtrict of Montreal West for the term of her natural life and that the same be paid without any deduotioa what- the Minister of Finaoce of CanodA for the time being in two separate eums of 4000 eooh for the use of each of tho two ohil- dren of tho late Hon T MoOeo late member of the House of Commons for the electoral distriot of Montreat West la snoh manner in the OovenoriaCouDoil ebaii direct The latter Bam It is thought will be put Bt nteiest daring the minority of tho chUdreo Te annuity for Mrs MeOe enable her to live comfortably during the remsisder of her days 8 8roMt4aow 0 the depth of 0 n cbM fell UAnlcbtlo VOTmwket vmj kp peenUtM of eW more ttiiB monilDg We have carefully examined the Bill brought in by the Minister of Militia and aust confess that we rise from its perusal rith more than an ordinary feeling of dis- ippointment We have here in Ontario taken no litUe pride to ourselves at the loyal alacrity with which in the hoi danger we obeyed the call to arms and thefeding is pardonable for we imine untries5f the same population could have prodttced in so short a time anH efficient a body of voli le thai as will ever ha the countries where the whole population is actively engaged in industrial pursuits some difficulty has been fod in keeping up tho forco to its full strength when the cause for its organization seems to bo in a large measure removed or when at least we have ceased to feel the actual pressure of the danr Those who have tflkcii a warm interest in tho volunteer moyement and who believe that our safety lies be hind that force in the presence of real danger had sanguine hopes that the alter ations in tho militia laws during the pre- sent session would take the shape of a further and belter development of tho volunteer force hoped in fact that such encouragement would hate been afforded to those joining themselvCB to andlabour- ing in this organization as would have ecoured the keeping of tho forco numerioal strength To have secured this desirabhi end in Ontario at least would have required but little some few nities and priviles to the men which are well deserved and tho thing was done We tiTo diapoBcd to think that all will agree with us in thinking not only that body of men animated with tho ftelings which have ever distinguished our volun teers is infinitely preferable to any forco which can be got together under system of forced enrolment but that s advaotages and inducoments should be held out to those who cheerfully devote Quob of their time to preparing tlicmsoivcs te their part ia warfare whenever may occur But tbcso views are by so meaoB shared by t0 of Militia for what reason we know oot It ia mani fest be has determined that the volunteer forco shall cease to et Ju cession wo Bupposo to the fbeliogs of Oo- tario tbo Bill does aot in forai diebaod the force but this willbobe net reBult of it euaotmentB if it passes in itepreeeil ahape ProTon ia made for tho estioo- tioB of eompaqiea if cot kept up to thdr strength while the oonaorit eapeB lejrepaper mulcting men of their hard- earned doUaoiuch a farrago of diluted pribblcpraWle He had better li us alone at anji rte os we are not disposed to be schooled one who does not know how to behavMhimsclf As to representr ing the Riding we are not aware tha ever assumed ihis position in terms Wo the teoTjBlEE does it no dia- credit Trulj for our reputations sake we hope thatt few copies of the Bat ner cscape beyond tfle limits of North York inths remove no timber unti pile all brush on road allowance track and properly log all refuse trees by them cut down purchasers to have one rear to remove said timber by them pur- ihased respMtively Signed M Jones R McCormick otion of Mr Macklem seconded by Mr Randall the report of Committee to sell timber was accepted and adopted Clerk presented application of A 3 for a Bylaw to convey to h portion of the 2nd Concessi oad allowance south of Wilcox Lake ieu of laud given by bim for road also copies of notices given Mr H Lt was beard in interest of Mr Mairs owi of Lot 65 in the let Oonceesion ash ing preferential claim on ewd toad allow- ice On motion of Mr Jones seconded by Mr Randall the Reeve was instructed to examine papere io County Treasurer office in respect to the title of road around Lake Wilcox and report to Council next sitting and all questions in co tion with said matter lay over until A meeting of th above Oodnri tiDk place It BeBTieir oa iast AD the membeti iweHUTle Reeve H Dr Bsq Petitions were praettdTmiftom IsMlo May aod othip doee a road is the town plot of KBwio fna James Onnninghani aod other for aif alteration in Road Divi No 21froM Tfizttkir and others Iha aidYo tweeoLota Noa 10 idll Lake Con- oesaba and from R BradiTo tavern UMfor theaMmovirwtl9H dinaD Ala flroa Steien Mapo on a newt along titt le on the table be received and taken up io der Carried Moved by D Willoughby Beoozded T Glover that the petition Of laawMi lud others be received Carried Moved by T Glover eemded far 1 Willougby that the account of George Tomlinson for furnishing Thomas Yoric provision to the sum of 810 be paid and that the Reeve graat an order for the pay- ent Carried Moved by D WUloughby seconded by J Purdy that the amount of that charged on part of Lot No 10 Lake Concession be struck off die Collectora toll as it was not lawful to return that part as non resident when the owner Uvw on the said Carried Moved by J Purdy seconded by J Morton that the petition of J Cunning ham and others be received Carrie Moved by T Glover seconded by J Morton that John Prosser receive the sum of 810 for sheep killed by dogs and that the Reeve grant an ordcffor the payment hearing appeala advertiiejmst in Setnom OoinABfU let at 7M pjo according tc adjournment XL ll MinDteBoflastmeetisgKadanda fhaix Committee present sending iTelllog of tbe toWftr w he aattnt limit of tire Oerpoi- also general repair tff Report adopted After fixing the thne for the first meeting of the Court of Serision the Ccnncil adjourned lUaaa Ootuos 8ome TiUainoo Wed nesday between tvo and oclock entered the Millinery and Mantle ea tabliibment of Mn Bond with the intention of committing robbery Thf effected at the bkoftbe pre window He then proceeded up the tra door into tlie wotkroomaflercuttingJ tbe After opening fife door to make good his escape IigtitiD e lamp Dial Nat Moved in amendment by D Willough- and seconded tlat the bill claimed by John Prosser for dammage done to sheep lambs and not stating which or how many and as the matrates have not given a proper certificate that it be laid ver until the next meeting of this Council Moved by T Glover seconded by J Purdy that the pejition of S Hutchison and others for an alteration in Road Division No 21 be received and that rule No 19 be suspended for that purpose Carried Moved by j Purdy seconded by J Morton that the report of S Mann con cerning the Lake Shore Road be re ceived Carried Moved by T Glover seconded by J Purdy that the bond of the Clerk now Bubmitted by the Reeve- be approved by this Councu aad deliveitd over to the Reeve for safe keeping Carried Moved by J Morton seconded by J Purdy that the petition of Thos Huntley and others respecting the side road be tween Lots 10 and 11 in the Lake Con cession be received Carried Moved by T Glover seoonded by J Morton that Uie petiti and others praying fox a j Medina Hotl be reoer p in due form Carried by J Pnrdy eeconded by T Glover that there be a new Road Division formed including Lots No87 8 9 10 and 11 on the township line of North GwillLmbuiy and Georgina and that David Brown be appointed overseer of said Division Carried Moved by J Purdy seconded by J if she made the least noise and also dee ded all the money in the place She told him there was no money and wiaJied to lamp 80 that he mightaearch for him- thispropositioD he however declined rould MECHANICS INSTITUTE Tho adjourned annual meeting of the Newmarket Mechanics Institute tookplaco on Monday evening the 20th inst Tho President Mr E Jackson in the chair Tho Annual Report was read by Mr W Trent the Secretary and Treasurer and adopted after which the election of offi cers for tbe oDsuing year took place Tho following is the result of the election PrCBideiU Mr R H Smith Ist ViccPrcidcnt Mr E P- Irwin 2nd VicePrcsideiitMr G MoMaster Secretory and Treaaurcr- G M Binns Committee Messrs E Jackson J Mo LaugUoD E Maher Dr Bentlcy T At kinson and S Webfltcr The book due to tho person for selling tbe largest number of tickets last season was placed in the bands of tbe Socretoiy to be given to Mr Graham ho not hoing present The mcoting then adjourned Irish Emigration for America one lofr ibr Now York on tho 25tb ult wit three hundred paBseng9r8 on board and it was estimated that ono thousand would loave by tbo throe oUior Btooniors if tboro bo euffioiont ac commodation for them A oorrospondeiit writing to tho Now York ZTeraW sayfl QnooDBtows waeorowdod with emiwts aod parties nurobeting from fifties to hun dreds yrore to be mat with on tho thor oughfares loBdlDg from tho tennUii of tbo Great 8outorn asd Western Railroad and from othr railroad depots en roul to tho Stotol Netrly aU of these emi- grant are described as belDg between biz- teen asd twwiyfive years ud Tho ro of omigrattoQ is likoly to ozoeed that wbii followed two yeara Bgo attempt t iiwrnrreotion made by the Fenians We woodor If there U asythiog doing at le of this emigration lvcrtUle w Dominion Reeve iu the chair Apellant J M Patterson not being present on motion of 3Ir Jones seconded by MrMacklem the court adjourned un til next meeting The Council then adjourned Mr Randall moved seconded by Mr Macklem that Asa Curtis be Pound- Keeper in piece of A MoKentie re moved Carried Mr Randall moved seconded by Mr McCormick that the Reeve and Deputy- Reeve bo a committee to sec into tho case if P Maughan with respect to the pau per Gormley and report next mcetiug Mr Macklem moved Seconded by Ml fllcCormick that thb Treasurer be author ized to pay S W Hallen PLS- for surveying road as above alluded to tied Geo Sexamith an applicant for license be accepted Carried Mr Macklem moved seconded by Mr Jones that the sureties accted by tho Clerk for Asa Curtis and A Yako appli cants for tAveru licenses bo confitmod as satisfactory Carried On motion tho several potitioDS desir ing aid on roads were laid over till next meeting Mr RndaU moved seoonded by Mr Macklem and resolved that the suretici of Henry Bowen lo keep an ion io Lemon villo bo accepted Mr- Jonop moved aecondod by Mr Randall that R Hewitt bo appointed pathmaster on Road Division in tho 2Qd Conoessloii ia plaoo of A UoKeoEio Carried Mr UoConnicic moved sooondod by Mr Jonos that tho petition of Hiram Dunham for oompensation for land used as road around pond on sldorood Lots 70 and 71 In tbo iBt Cotiooasioo be toforred to oommlttoe oomposed of Messrs Randall and Maokh mooUngOarriod Mr MBoklom moved BOooDed by Mr Randall that tbe amount of damage done to sheen by dogB from tho partic Btatod bo jpaid by Trowuror ou fnd8 fbrthat purpoao Carried Mr Maoklom mov sooondod by Mr Jonos that tlio Oounoil acHoum to moot at Ballantrao on Saturday tho 16th of May as a Court of Revision and for ral buBlDOSs Carriod is BtaUd that negotiatloDi orSa admlielon of nHtiahiColumblalDto the OonredemUonAre In A forward anthat It IB probabk thB file iwl of to j II tho Dominion parllMDent aofWmMeNeal a license for the Mort that the report of S Mann coa- emug the Lake Shore Road be laid ovei ill next meeting of the Council foi further consideration Carried deairei otherwise butas a gu Saratoga Sprii ttprlnpU the liest utry as Saratoga I or are they man- good as if drank at eonal experience wh regard to yonr ques- ChandJerTfunJonollegO Health The following fa the analysis of the wateta of the Star Spring as made h- Prof Chand of Isaao May and others be lul over aatU the next meeting of tbb Council Carried Moved by J Morton seconded by J Purdy that Jas Critteaden receive the sum of 850 for the maintcnanoe of Meroy Best a poor indigent widow provided that he keep her in a decent manner for the re- maiuder of the prewnt year to be paid quarterly the first quarter to be paid forth with Mr Purdy moved seconded by T Glover that the bill for nonresident iand tax now standing against lot No 6 in the 5th con of NorUi Gwillimbury amount ing to 1322 be struck off the list of non resident land tax as the amount has been paid Carried The Counoil then aourned on motion- of T Glover seoonded by J Purdy to meet again at Bellview as a Court of Reviuon and for general business on the llth day of May next at 10 oclock am Jlps tbU ThDTsday mora now commlttco will take pli road I on Monday eve the luombera are requested t Notioi If you want to get anything in Iho Magailno Book Periodica Stationery School Rookj pr Small Ware line call at Dions CouiUB offioe We have no wo CAB supply the publlo Jnit as well better than any other place In our Uoe of businew I Newmarket notwithstandJngtha urgent dlro of some other party for tha united support of the entire community In the periodical line to go In another dlreo tion We bevo the entire community will tend tonrds the place where they can get suppliea to tbe beat advantage at tlie lowest prioei notwithstanding what nay be said to the contrary bothairegards the Peri odical line or any other A call I ripot lUlly aollcitod W thmt jrou bmj Jiidp Sulphate of Potossa SzES 40765 cubic inches Cftrliijo Acli Gas In a gallon As there are 460 gallons in an ounce It will be seen that a single gallon of this water contains upward of an ounce and a quarterof solid mineral matters noio than tluefiftha of which is chloride of Sodium or common salt It Is tU usual custom among tbe fre qucntcrs of the springs to drink all tho water they can and it is a very common thing to hear them bragging of the amonnt they hare drunk as If it were eomctbhig to be proud of Tho amount taken daily by different persons varies from two qnarts totwogalloBsandup ward Suppose a man drink two gailone of water per day which is no nncoaiion occur rence ho takes into his system more than two aod a half ounoex of mineral matters every Qths time would Amount halfpounds Ifitisuse- driuk such poisonous compounds as day which in to over sis km ful to driuk such poisonous comi this it is useful to Uke into the sysUm the most deadly comunds of the drug shop polMi icrely an accidental leraV lebUiUte the system and e t advise any person to drtok poison vlt sjf iU vitality 1 would not ad mineral waters of any kind whateve be tbe disease from whkh they were sufter ing any more thw I would avlie them to take strychnine But many will say they have been benefltedbygolM them havebutthewatersdidnotdolt Tbtbee fit they derived resulted froi ebange of scene iestreoreatlo7v fron le cares of home er business the onteor lexsiclse and fresh air they received In walking to and from the sptiags several times a darr absence of the still more r- absence or the still more poisonous umgsof the apothecary shop If the water was fectly pure and people would go thire and drink It as they now do It would be of far greater benefit to them That spring li tbebeit whatever Iname It may bear which contains thesmalluit am- onn otimpurlUes There are Immense oaan titles of nuneiml waters manufiioturcd InNev York and other cities and sold throbghoQl the conntry as Saratoga water It con position Is abo utthe same and it Is no better nor no worse than the water that bubblea up from the swampa of 8ant r Stone 01 the New Yorkbbardofhealth Bpeaklng or the proposed introduction of mlnefal waters into Centrat Paxil said We A ofpiwga jf thesi water have wattve effecto batesclally attUa c wltbchw ieprecate at all times iBnes most vcattve emtB bute we are thmtescd A ARCHIVES OF ONTARtOl TORONTO