V 0- 41ppw itVlfe t 5 luv ta lVt t8tgiBar B iBssasiiiEM i9Y A Sdtfti I SH jUlw adgpae aer FsaeTSie e wwTjyim i fc inu lot i m the itaofi- iBe wScQotODVFnwitbgrcat iaiabi aiafi the word M Mirtli9bottktrilBHy Wereabediteaeaaaidiny i 4fmpe Mdioit9 BOjarignia of 4lba be- amnBement- leemTmili mto btiie 4d F W r lal goaBUlaAnitlielMl 4I1ut acmettWefiintlandyart vaflAjfoJnrFifnKittadeTcadnnid i niai aiioisteied oodialmedidaeej and d- 050168 wift bey pvii i Zav A Wnud aU0i oak bnT allajed tlie oatio awiiagi impeT pfVimw aM oocB mvHk fawds down the nniBt lira wo or Uie Tlmae is infleooie The lotOTofpteaaaretlhMe eouQted by tua of thoniiuidim have mmjaBgtB OT7biioade8fittthr vW5d m ajo eBfimate fiQliriBtareBpt tik- doealtoiy thn the BteeoriOiBlfinrjiQfitrffi SomeezonBetiieic idlene V Wi in theoW BQd iBgoodaime We untaad if creaW afWi of mentil tesSta Tbew promcgudee m th gUe of Tmlehai to tlw Aitt imathe ChamBI ufflld Jjrify day a imm ttmto wh o py oMTOIinie eatne path- aifi oSFjQmZiakue booths and tD and rdens faH teAbvlifiSeis day i iOPrtega of tita Emprew can be crooobed In the duerat and aimOT li look bibit m ed e8WLto tojcrv henelf Uke a acboolgirlj fhittfaw with the ezbAIUU b hmdsiJWrtoMni marrti in hliD iotothisBleore andlipta liAly at the hewfyli Oatfi ssm Tal8 of Oie Typw Ur Am ntAa jm ctw stand hj Ugiontt ibat wottdrona stu iteeoarink haMi4prqe4pg fears its godlike iit leotand deepngSnct tf immorteliW ire than of Oo4 and man we would jattsfSRo Bjrttpsmti nojtowmzio mmd with Deant no rabo to be aohieted are yitOtm tobe riaimedj no teaiis top awiiy- no hearts to oheer no feeble faands49 liflePWd riMurfenad is theMg to be doie thtjmonia east voor awfy on ui i idy ijid ygoplinie oashadojTMitifolute grasp Assume yonr tree poatiop in world Beeam Lead the yak among the gobda Graspthe Jtp6ii ofr pmtt4ttd bemapy 4 against the evils that hold the world in a3 taldTO Layhold oponUie etrenof Godjjuid laboi obo inthati3e ii wbioh BMh man flnds hiiown tn ilTmenir good And aU mn work in bwtheAood and jielSng wlffin they c tMt with iM tnphuuner W Wl llftlilill V4 HlQUUf 7h bear down all oppoation ooiopin CTBU WWSK m to ibm ti teecotimui with ferronr and bnt the milder and qts spirit of wonw oomev ailaiUy and almoqt uMonadooafy to detenainatiwu that Mtf Man mw power and pereanoe Is found gold nwdebjr orderpf OeoTgelV and aentlog U the ori both domeitle and a Urd eoBpontf Oraad and aagmfljifent ai the auortment of plate li our readea will le aatonlibed to bear that 7 HtUo of It Indeed la old itoWyDMtoflhapUiWeilbx finnerBO rerelgoi hcrlBg been melted down and r modelled bjr George 17 t rerj maoh of If hai VeirooriouiHttl irows off without exeon Tbp ikm can oaljhe of time One day to the aboTe raOurfwea dPtof WalM aoa9 I9 mnAir wmv r0tioi X i i linffiMiUEKCEII A Old oler oneSoodaj at t oj of eeift thattii odnrttottheweeiihep ed to goonyTnli to thaJiegtheM- 1 if bis pariahiimerin- grnt agUatibn iled niy deitr yon tatj neyerioMnione wordoftblabeftt Oh brother tiie p son 1 dotfif go of town P i A xonra iadjr matriiige at Woolwkb on UlDglier plate s10bq0 cKeqae under it Sttrelyttie piece most have ben febeaned between and daojri May it be frequent itKe country henceibrtiito look under tbe plati I T foUowng is copied from a Korth England newspaper s Wanted a BitnaiiGn asbouiekeepierbyewWM never taken one of ale or whiskey or anything that came from a distiller except ine throngb dth and the master of the oTue mart be one of the same as none othr eedgpUojhA- A sword of Teiy ifutiqiie pattern eyidently relic of the medlsral period was some days ince drawn up in a netbyafiishennanvbillt Suir oppodta the tower which accoirdii ti tradition was built byBeginald the Dane in the early part of the eleren ntury If is cnisshilted Tery long and irred and folly three inches in width and am iiet Weight H ith be hands atd ioedtO thrpugh merion andaberk In bet no man could have wield it witb one h unless indeed thm were giants in those days weight end in effeotit may be moM potuiBhing considering hoir its soft fibre ash is moreydigested Uoreorer t iziat iAtM flesh of land aaimal tIs iodine I subsce which luy haye a beneflcdal ef fect on the health and teodto pieyent the prodpconojrofolous and tubercular dis- thefonn of pulmonary con- Lption one of the most cruel and tal with which ciTillzed the highly educate ifflic Compaiaye trii le majority of fish the x- pbitionof soUd maUerthUtmatter which renuUns after perfect dessication or the expulsion of the aqneous pait is little several kinds of butchers polity- AndiJwegiTe at tention to cIB of peopledased as to the quality of food they principally subaiBt on find that the ichUiyophtus class are es peciatly strong and healthy In no clasB than jatof 9hets do we seebyfgfr fomiUei imir women more iobusiactiye men greater exemption from maladies ur OvaTT A man was on trial for n ig a house in Philadelphia in the nlght- testimooy waeclc that he badmade an opening su liently large to admit the upper part of his body and through which he protruded hlm- halfway and stretching out his coitMd 1 theft Ur Obfusticate f adesed the jury What an oufr rige I looking horrified and wiU outetretclj- imbling anns I repeat what an out- ie upon yonr conunon sense it Is for the States Attorney to nek at your hands the conviction of my client on such testimony I The law is against MUr a bow and csp be said to tnttr a house frhen only ont- ii0vVy as to the other half Thtt Judge sentenced the guilty half to one yeas lmi leatlnglttotbeprieonoisoptli to have the Innot bklf cut off or take it idong with Wm lit appears tKat the gold and silver plate at Windsor Oastte for the ue of Her Majesty wev P9 wAilt its value may be roughly estimated at 0000f0 U if secured in stone ohamben idtb taslted ctlUtigf which forms part of the origlosl baiWpg and are thoroughly proofagalnst bI Amongthe plate la single dish not of silver gilt but of solid V i fT- r r I ioJfisJ ji AnuJll BO0WSMER STATIONER AD DBALB IN ALL KINDS OP ilTaiiyi UCods- J Sniall Wares C 3 Ac AWD HCMBWPB OIHEB AaTlCLSB ITIIL BE FOTIMD PURCHASED CHEAPER IN NEWMABKET OR ANY OTHEH PLACE Ltdgert dsDay SofiflUtU- NoU JBoori C BooU IBxercite and BoohKeeping Booht Jnehj FooUeap Plain and Ruled LetleT PaprLarge MediutA Small tuehjarrilltuei i VrorafjfoffcoaW Colourtdi BoohndrTa AUmUof Plain and CohfurtdPaper Cards uUhoardtic Blotting fapery Bi Paper Ltittr FiUt PtntPini Point9 4t Broad PoinUi PencUtf Penholderif Wam Sealing Wax Mucilage JnkfxrlBlveqtid Black Inhttani Sevenl kinds PocJfet BohrPuru Blattic Bands Pmeil Eraters PaintBCamairmrPmeihj AlhumtinGrtat Varieiy BeadtAll Sizes tfe Cohurt Bme Voidand Steel Crotijut irji Sewing hTeedles- Tatting ShufUe- PocJcel Dressing and Fine Combs in varitlg Button Fasteners Ladies Portoliot YoTkBo3r variety MarhletfGla4t Stone and China Topt Dolls Toss FisKhoks Lines and Floats Belt Buckles Ac TpB i FOLLOWO AND ALL OTEK OOZC iAiUfiO MA0AJKIWE3S 6UPPLIBD ON TnBSUORTEST tTIOE AT LOWEST PBI0E8 LOfliON ElfQLIBUWOMANB D0MS8TW IBI8VRB UOUB SVlfDAY AT XOVSG JOURNAL FAXlLTB8ftALD BONDAr MOAZHiB BlfattBa MBOnANK QOOD aiDBY Mks iBKORBBT HARPBRB FRAIfK LBBIIB BAILOUB UOHTULY mP0O1S Bquiwrjp TO OBDBJB MUfflMUIKKT Hv V f t- i a v FOB A SHORT TIME ONLY BEST STOCK f EVER OFFERIri3Sr I -ijip-ii- 10 MTHE QOOOS inrSTSESEEKTOBE SrrBEOUTBDli SIMPLY A FEW 0PTH5MAXrL0T8VHI0g 25 PER CENT UNDER THE EEGULAE TfiADE PRIOT i 7000 yards Homemade Flannel for i SOcwbrthVSc 2000 yards Homemade Flannel for 60c worth QOw 500 yards Homemade Flannel for i 55c worth 86c Summep Tweeds for- 35c worth 55c Canadian Tweeds Cheap 400 Paira Blankets Cheap 80 Pieces Eed- Flannel at 25c 30c 40 60c 3000 yards Dress Goods for 25c worth 370 I 3000 yards Cobourgs for 25o worth 10000 yards Fast Prints for 10c worth 206 10000 yards Cotton for 12 worth 20e 7000 yards Cotton for 9c worth lc 200 Shawls 20 per cent 9000 Cotton Hose and Half do from 20 SOporcntoff 129 Pairs Eld Gloves for Half Price 186TJ6ppSkirfs 1 244 Over Coats for 10 worth 15 179 OverCoats for 8 wwfch 12 162 OverCoats for 6J WojrthlO 12 CIlATgS ASSORTED CROCKERY CHEAPUR TSAN EVUS v 00 Boxes Layer Raisins 150 Boxes M R Ba 70 Barrels Currants BOBagsBioe 100 Chests Tea 50o worth 35o 100 Chests Tea 60o worth 90 30 Chests Tea 76o worth 1 1 Bog of Rice for tl 1 Bushel of Oorrantsfor 91 Best Cdal Oil always on hand AN ENDLESSVARIETY OF BOOTS AD ESOil I PROTE IT Keejyon d in wintry weather- Get a Pair and prove IL BIMPSPN8 BooU eur Watroof Wwm Howier8eTereiaaybotiiertom They Will JPootoB biUa reform 1 QftiaiKiiiq pi9nit SIMPSONS Boots arp ejr to repair T6wthflyrflMgooaMPBwtowMi j Get a Pair and prove li BIMPSOMBlafltiWithMDtfbrltoAetj Art 8iylWBloaUeoandNeati HeiwwHfliooWldwdii lfirTBB PJVi4nFVJiVffS9J MewIDttke p9- 84j97 0 rts TORONTO