THE NEWMAllKlfiT ERA NOVll 22 1807- AdTertiMntDO CkriatiM PniiU VrUMr A LoWJ ito7l lacalon Noiic Ituiiu UixUm bon gitco L hr I slliy 111 iiiliaiioii i f b Lsk Hm Ju CkMe7 Ski OWbi KpF OWbi Kprr Oragr Itro f r A Good Chanco Traia Tme Newmarket rumcr aroamicmtnt 107 Tilo 10 ieci 3dC0 p iDcr oeaMtrr d ID frtmiiig itriff nei bar willil ii4 10 defM tht w new Urly aoicr- iaiQd of tbo jbflKBea o ib Baok MoqumI or ih Goarom Inaaoal polMj h Mmiatarial prM 0 ivrtttn pprkheiiMv aiugiinfl for iW nf TuaiJt obtf eon fan howatvr hukt hav prarirrd for Miiiidar of Finaneo toma on hnaa In orjr lo injac o intrtcJ Kriplion lii rr II cmiKT 1 K f Ilii i ci I labKiibr rt ISIIS ryinB in 4n I will rio II c Kil llie llfloonrlliiconifrootjuni1wlib I from llio liuic ihcj lubrcribe in the baraio Now it ilio lime to tend ii nimn The 1clcfal Itlitmnl 1 plnnl of h Dotnioioti i iMrhapa M airoog a 7 33tka j proloaJ eoud ba MjiKtad froi eunault jdnil cauUun ini p nViM ordin 1 Ui miteonoeplio latii eoifiijad In uolaiad hmuiiio or Iwo eulorinx of truth might aiinch of lb caM tiui m Bgsoli of iba Momraal lUiik Urick Kmgiion laltilli Oualpb ford Maryi and ohr filneo all eontlrurd Mr Klioa eonfiiUntiai eau poiiie ordura to OiiCrdn bi U aiiH actad aw rdingir by uiil tba fn Meohaolos lutltutd No ban cooanrtg ii aJvoeatod during iha racitl alal bloliiog out of put ntretJenti r llollajsj iMiinr ilalura wi1 pnbabU bo eonrcnrd in ihc ufac of thrca or four wrcka nuirt lpnlMinin5lksiJlorllll M Ro ill brin on plieJr Jn ill b Bin 10 full prleu- of Couacil Mretin and olhtr jiifiuniflrkrliFrn X of inlrimt iranspirinj in the Kidmp cther with a norral aminrj of or- lonlal o Ficit Claaa cor- ioadent9 bavo bn areored at Ottawa d Toronto and arrsnfaoenta LATKST FROM TOROSTO Commitaionar of Putilie Aorkainda gnno by raauliitif ia iha tnormoua oai nitanding tha oittlueiinn of ibo Parlia- oiaDt and Dapanniental Uuilding at Oi tawa la atill fraah in lha mamcry of lha paopla wbila hi waU knowu viawa en irada queaiir la aa alitniBaled more Mp ally upon lha floor of Parliainant during j imi lawion will iargaly lartd to uapiewD eDd produc ltwbarkt Friday Hot 2Sd 1M7 ettplriod for ioeal enmribqtora ihroosltoni th UiJioir holtld oar fub- Kriplion lilt rralite oar antieipationa the OHTABIO CROWN I4ANDS oe tolnmc will be primed on sew typo i msrS7llCK wivtKD 1 I ruWin Th niily pricLlr A K8 KsrOFE WNr8 p in b IW f J BBT10 OF WCAt LEOI5L4TURE of Ontario la new of the arie we bad and alibough are led to iofer nave renaereu ine psriy aariBj loa pai MKSSK MKPCALt- AND VANCKj W HITTBRS H ERE MiDE EiST from the atplanatioaa of Sir John A icd palronace for ha 1R69 illiiin- iDcdium jnatnl f wmi to in the Irorioec equate the eka for hi U7 i niJiogcireulalin ai it doe tbroab Uonor cvary poktcfio aoj into ererj abool ia U lb Lk1 Lkjtlktarr it Oota- MCtioo rill jira iaiiiMliije li7 of ik 1 rr u CroB Uoij iu Th Nova Scotift Opposition UrtU ruk of tb fr fal ua Mr E Dkllaa U tb apniDUl aakifrvf Tha drbaifl on tha adjreaa wna eonnlu- UaBwk Crrf Taw U rmMOi ed on Thurtday iing of laal wtk and lb IW bIKKU Iii 1 lrrF b Ih K1 lbnli botil Ih tol J Ih iw M ib Nranirktt Cour Far tiuttia aataian Altar cproully reading tha reMart4Ukf ttUo for tl ftllaia prun apeehft of Mr Howb an bra friend iM IIk loi W 3rJ J5 Ub from Njs Scoiia ikaeonvicin ia forced T- ypgj j uuijo in it peeani formation 11 noi netepiable the maj-iri- I ly of the teope of that Proviea Bod ailT rpertl lUi ett ior4r although Dr TiraR declared othr 1- ConfrderaHotJ ai the reeeei F- It XelLalf iiliulT 1 poaatAfBl w nrat Uill Clrik t I election entered into the ooitteat and in- Auaoced ihe ratuU yet the imporuat feel I wta by bim more ihan torecy eJ- I oailied ihat the mMn iiaoe between the iai pariiea was hal upoa tbe Unioa q leaiinn vbkl Sotna eiiieo of atveniean of the lapre- usxuitrt aeataiiTee of that Province tk their pledged to tba OarmBfil kitebB Ob TU aoniBj iba onfir traia of l a diaaiilu uf tbe Confadefatien tb Nartki ra iata a frrifbt r of tka UruJ Act in ao fir aa it apuliri to N Trwk tbe aaj made eooaitUnUa f 1 t wnck NbeJ ban Howl i unJoauiacI a vey clero Oa ib taiaa ij Aleualvr 9twrt a ork tnan and a Q lent tpeaker but tb laa wbo aaa rtpairief a btUiaj fruakia iCta9Ucel 1 h 1 j rtHrMUanfflloabih U aa ftry paruaeiJ bia ajwh will latl to dteoto ikanij JW aaylhirg lik a uranial reiaon for tbi Bartif m flscl ttriar lor ioU a ib lb bjt lair aow1 uiic mpnimia nj oppiwfton ol rcrryt Ssft m tb Ljevn hiroialf and Oieoie t ika yaio cauae rgoiai in Tb Lfdfr aAc iauad aJiaf tba caab which tie aleg lhat ibe trrina of the i I Nova Scoiia io Ihii il dpnvaa thorn of Oar 0ta Detpatcll- the local rvenapa of he Province 1 Mr Ro PiDkice SIlisler NEW MLITI BILL COURT Of APPEAL FOR THE DOMINDN Tlrnibcra I Ottawa NovV 31 find Bolbing urgrd by way of juMficalioo far Ihe daterminatiia rrnt lo give lha ecbeme a fair trial Bjt even ia tbia maiur of rean Nuv Scoia ia m daill wilh lingjlarly from tbe other Province ell are elk ait tha baaia waa auch aa commendad iiaelf Dot only to tba Hrilith Parliameil but lo iheir own ddrgatre To our mind i woula be far better for Mr lowc and hia friend lo accrpl the eiiuaiioo and give Hh Mr Rive baa acpt ibi offlea of I f found Ftoaoea I1iaiir vtcot by iht laiiie work wall frankly acknowledge ii 1 Beat of Mr Cat and gona le lluniiogdon if diiaianagejly faidv and hsneitly le aak bia eoaiiiioni lo raalaei him place their gnevenc before Parliament TbeadJiea ib reply lo lU Speacbfiom tn4tk redrti Wr II of Ooiarb lbeTbionawaapaaeJooTbtirdayeean j hiqni wv erundad lha hay lofiUCC Il ia anderttood ihe oew Miliiia Dill wilt t not be iaiiodoeed till iba llouae maaia liter be belidaya Aa adj9ormaai will lake plaee ia abooi three wek to allow ebon aeeaion of ibe Local Lagtalalataa ia ih epaeiiva Provioeaa A Ceeil of Appeal for the Doninion declined to accept the potiiion wa i but ragarJ hia determination at unfortunate for Ibe iatereala of Ihe Do Abolition of Kew8papr Fostftge Now that the Admtniairaiioo uf Caoa da baa detarmiaed to inirudoce a new poaiaga law we Irwet ihe frteade of the Preaa Aaaociation will urge he arwead- mn auggeaiad by hat bodv at ita laa meeting wiih regard tn impovia on aewa- papera Judgiag from totinuiMNsa in Mtaiaierial prtnia letter peetage ia likely to be reduceJ to 3 ceeta ta all paru of tbe Domiai but do radoctiun ia coe- iamlaied to be made upon ttewapapera inoaeortwoof the Lower Province lb free poetage ayaieoi already obiaiae and eveo our Prorioce eDperane aad agrievitirrat pnnta are allowed to peea ihrougb ib Poai free We aee do good reaaon why ibe prioaple ebnuld Dot b eiiendad for not a weakly paper ia tbe country Kircely but deveiea more or ten apace in every iteu lo lha ver ubjeeia Ibe draeueaiM of wbich the Oov- arimfot leeka to eocnurage by iber diacrtmmattng policy At any rale aewa- pepara abould be allowed to clreulaie free m the Couniiea id wbich ihy are pub liatted and tbe indiraet edvauiaga to ibe ataia by ibua eacouregiag tht aewepapei preae will more ih eompentaie for the toaa of Ibe poeiage feea aow paid true Iba etPradent of tbe Pre Aw citiion Mr Bowill end otiWr pblik ere BOW m the Comafioaa legviber with membera repreaaniing rural ciea Will unite in Ugmg bia maiiar upon he alatioD of tba Puat Mavter enei Should the preeeDi opMMuaty be allowed to pae without effecting a change directioD indicated il may be aome before aoolber law mmendiog or medity ing the poaial policy of the couatry will be broiigb before the ettenlioa of Parlia meat The importaaee iberefore ei preaaing tha change at the preaetit tiM muat be appareni Aeerding lo the boat iaformaia we aao gather from Ottawa the new cotiemplate impoiiog 3 cena poetage on leitera end 30 aarum 00 weakly newpapere pavabi i adfsneen all paria ofihe Domtai d Ii lo Ibe ixptrimaat of Colonial j Anelhar fwtore of the new law and ona BriiaS Amricawhen h obrerv- j decidedly approve of ia that of mak if we would make ibie Cnrnfed ng ell money order Poat Oflieea Savingv Will cat be bad till Hen M Cfflpb defeat artd reaifoaiien of Hei Arebibald bi it la theohl t Miaiatry wiil keep ibe frerib epeo ii after eeefcery Detiaia aacb aa Hia EaealleMy kc Tbe Cilixn ethoe annooocra ibat i Ibe lh praiine will b publiabed it Ottawa Ciiao Book Almaaae fot ISSb HMberto tbia baa bii valued annual lar abueing Hon Mr Browo dating ibe late teeiiea ta ibe abaee of a Ceeniy Jad ebiperaematiiageltbai aort Bat he wi be aaiwfirl wiib wroaiiac aad eeolBae for dead maoU aboea Tbe Ciiy Coeiwil fliiance ronmitt yfwa raieef aeaeaeeeac ef2f ceotato I be 1 yeaie pole lalaad ia beta on beainea oeanecteii al ibejtle el tbe Tbenee ia aoMog the Tbe BepMlera ef tbe Neva Seolia Dl Ogtalatare have rabliabed a dealer- Mie ef beettliiy te CeAederaitoB end pte tael affaiDai ib Caet ef ibeir Haaee el Cea- Meoa aaea heff lakea e aeat ia tbe re deiaJ Prliat be ceaauead laie aa finding fault wiih i A atrong oppoai lion o the Union aehema pruinpied by sectional ioiereiti and maintained from pura aafihnMt ta nol the kind of apirtt o iiaplay if theae Proviocea are to rea- lifta ha advaniaiea tie promoeraof Cofi federation fondly anicipated W4 do am wean by thi bat there may aot be legitimae oppoaiioa to aome of the me furea of ibe ljvertfMot indeed tbia 10 be axpectKl nn the beat ioieraala tba oouniry dpreaad it bet each en e pcilon can heve do aympaihy with dia- uoioa or wiib tioae who aeafc o da- airoy lh new Baiieoaliiy 10 which Con- faderaiiun hat jal fives binb The New FiBiiuP BIinitr Ian Mr Rtec atenber for IIutiag- don Province of Quebec bat accepted tbe poaiitoa o Finance Mioieter iD tle Federal Cabinet eacaat by the re OMot of Hon Mr GaLt Tbia aouoeemeni waa made to he Hoobp of CocDaaoa oa Mouilay eveaiog by be PremterSir JoBjt AMacDukald Tbe eooimeroal and agricaliHral comaraoity ufOaiario at laaai will learn tbia intelli geooe witb niogled faetmp of dieraa regret aad diaappoiatment Oiatraat tiecatue of the wall known protecooaiai viewa of ihe lloa geotlemaa taktbg office Regra beoauee tba puaiuoa wa iui ao- eepted by lloa Mr Uowland anddia appuloimetit becaaae iba Uiaatry did not take edvaniegeo ibeopportuniiy Mr GaLT retirement eflered for leMeniag the number of meaibere coapoaing tbe Privy Couacil Tha Banking Curreoey aad Taeiff Billa are beynod doubi lAe meaarea wbieb will five ibe voveratMat moat trouble i aod coDatderiag be New Fi- naace Miairara anieeedesie we are prooe to coufeae our eaadid opiatoa ia ibat bat geotlewMae preeeoeeio Cabieet eea ol be Dotninioa i aot likaly to eoMribWB eueh lowarde hiftinniiiBg ik Bnki on the plan of ihoae Tbia will aObril a eonveaieD opporteniiy for mechanica aod laberen to depoeit email aume aafely wkb tbe iominioa a aacarity thereby preventing rueb d-eee- trooe oonaeqtjenoea te boee who cea ill aflord te loee a dollar aa followed the fail ure of the Commerrml Bank while ai theeame time it will tend to ealtivaie a provide againai a rainy day The Beeant Bank Panic Murder will oat ia aa old aaytnci and he reeant aiieiDpt of Vir Kino loaaager of ibe Bak of Moniraal to mortWr lb Royal Caoadiaa ia ever day becomiag mare and OMre epparaat txpote made by Mr WoooeiDaa ia a ledar lO ibe eity preaa oa MoDdav laai of tba atlampt Ob be part ef tba Monire al Beak to aSeet the aeieaney of he Sayat reveala a aobeaaa ef deep eid treachery and Tiolaiaa of pligtued faitb ly bMouadiag wbiia tbe pabliabed iDemoraodam fathered by tba Direalora of Ibe OaveraiMBt Baak ieaaed with tbe view to rid both tbaialvBB and Mr Kimo of ba odiuca adaebiag to tbeir totally an- juatifiable oondua ia Boai bttiiliaiDg lo Ibat tba Uireatora aei forth that tbeir agaota dkBradiied ba Royal Canadiao billa from a aiacoocep two ef ordara given by be aaaaager oi ba Uoatreal Beak bat tba facta aa eel fonb by Ur Weoaaiaaa aotirely ooo- ftttea tbia ataiameat After ko paa partially aobajderf aod ibw abiliiy of tba Royal to loeet all ita aegageeeea fully laatad aad after bo oooaeioo of be paaic eeo brought betwa to tba Ba ef Montroal aa tb obtef oaoea tba Direetora of tbia laMr loatitotioa woold fo 001 hi or tbeir Cadi by oodaaeoortog eke he paUke boUoeo ho vboU leooble oooa tbrougb tbo lieoooeip liMi bjrtif aobatdaMtao of f lefMe Kq ill Tvreiitn evaoiti hefoi lha lniiiuie in tho Me- rhania lUil St ji- Thoa II K lar tli evar 1 luU iiuux will 8l M I the liiiitui apicijlly The Tha Whitchtirch Robbsry w Uhrieg mtiicmUrt twfanliBj tht nvvat nhimrrj 1 III Wbitharcb apjwBTvJ IB a WoAr y oaiafortaijiit ajo tba boaaa of Mr Wtlker j 4tb coKje of Wbitcbanh is ibaeoaa y of York u eotrJ aaJ a ra ljt cMitaln iaj lriJa aotta aod aortfapt W tba 11 I Tba Yurk PrMmlir AMocaUa a igi lha laac aiialiai fa tbTjBbis effervd vni I of f arrast af Uta JfTv b 0irtlT Uiabrt Uok ibvauUer Hp asd actcfUed in obtaiaias acb InfonaAiMo a Ird bioi to aupart ta Mswd aai cofctoa br drawn that Mr Ktca cau ion wia tltideraiiMxl nn I iht a premediietn lempt to iiijre rival iiiatiiuimn irrDji ed Ihe iaautiig ofltiTt cotifidantil cau- tbrough m apiril o jealiiuay ihe Kiyala growing popularity wi buitneea public Al Oniario I hi view or eaa i vary much alrangihaned by fact ihat aftrtr ihe panic hl aubitJ afiar indeed lha anltancv of lha Koval takMii aa parti t0 fuHv dmtaraid lhn it waa bao l i tb affair Tnoac oasol lathy becaiieafrttiedandJjrV I ibiri part Ira L York al raedici tbrr b leic aaflb I lAoiirt U ttM of I bia vbiab tb ro waa ea gratifying il wiiuld liiva hia magitanimuu heart lo aea th II a huniUe euipliaii ai hie fat Ilul M r i ted tb rty bryond tb rwh of mated hi own abiiiy aod preaomad tiU la tbirpcJi n I stavai armLal aa lb niun of ib drt WortOa Ota ahw btw fuUy ihaj trwi jMtiwPaarwBanaa biwbaf aiiMfu ditiHlereUetiiteU uf Ihe Montreal rUnkal Aarora 00 tb Mloiag day Tbte nl- ai apireiatod and maat raiae ihe credit Pit b alaf ba lalfil ia br ib fh K In bibpb ic aa u ta a Ivanoy and jjdicioua rnan- 1 affair tbruaboat in tb aaat akilfal igemant il waa aa followa Thank 1 Mnaer for offer do not require aasitaoca i When Mr Kto tnea hi hatui again wf CotapliraenUry Addreas truat hii confidential caution tot tinaiM will be a Itllle mora aiili Thta whole iranariiiiB however ri n aiae ol thing iiitmieal 0 the com rial iniereaia of Ihe cnumry and loudly for correction by ihoae whoae di the Bar Henry Ward fieactier- T tkf CJitw The NVirawrtrt Era guard the piblie wei pill sing piwrr like that aought lo be at tainad ay he Bank of Muniiral would Business of Parliament On Wedneadsy rvenio laat Sir John A Maedooald declared lo the lIoae what neaiarea the Governcacnt inlead preaaing apoa tbe atleotioa of Parliaseat previooa to tbe adjoai filUa mA TiaitaJ ee tb 13tb iat by UU eratlaaaa Brooktjra York vbicb aasrd raaidrrabl tbaaaUm Msooj e drlioa aad tb imuiry prciinlaariM eipi- l no Mh liar tba aaly oea baura public eo- iiea eoald bgitra ww trnJIfirMt At 3 T iU aa liveca AlCrvl Willaoa Kr ONaiMaJ tba cbair Mr- T II Ditoa iresi M u Ui ilar- Mooiaa aided bjt oar tMlct rbolr Mr IJcbcrs VBliMM b vaa raerivrd witlicrHlap- lv The PoatOSoe Aet 2nd Tbe Inter- ikcbeiriaiatb Cboitw Weknw eolmial R lilway Bill 3rd Tariff and Fi- Sr 0 broa ld ia a abort bat apororUt eiae Law 4th Ctuloow Kesolationa Act Tb 5th Exeiae ItrgaUtioa Aet 6th ilabea Corpaa Suaprnatoa Act and 7b Sopplj Bill Tbia la ba Ooverament pre xramme whalererelae be done most be adaiocd by private moniber Editorial Bamanj- A abootini matob take pii lay ol tb TravflWa llaor laia Raal UvSUiaibery ebfo tarkayi vaa aad fowl 1 U abol for vera mwb f4nur II The friend of Mr raaBni will fa UJ to team b aardaJ laat wk 11 U ao feeeiUri by hia il otMadaot tbet all iaandiaw ilaagtr f A naelios of the Coaoofl of New- arkM ukM place ea Momlay rfBiBcarst All beviag eUiat ofajtM tb Corporation bmid tbMB tbroatb aoaaa iaBbcr ol Mr Tums TKi ba reociv- ad tba 4mej of tb BarUy Mackin Il b oa artiila af aiBcb ntaiwpl ia i Mnetiaa eat euiljr pat aet af erdr aad rcadJy laeraad lo rrt apoe SrvaJFartiaawat Attontioo A Deeiini of the Sew aerkt Vlaatrr Cpeay tor drill will b btU la Iba A Rali 9 MeaJay vetaf bi R far U M braaeblaaJan tb oaean of lit Ca er aaiioaa Ibat rtrj Msbcr ba pmaat et Ibat ecaiiia le eauikr fuUm af ierportoMa Moolcipal We are aatboriied to atale oar pnerat Eavra Or Dffxraa b i ie CiBctaeati vitl Mt be b oaeJidaM far Maaict- pal boeov lb aaaaialariioa W prataoM lb COM rvwark vill ay lo war ibea oa of tb xiMiaf Coaaeillora if all v bar I lr Roya Hotel By refrenoe 10 oqr BiliwtJtiaf celawaa it will b obarrved thai Um Boyai baa baafd prapriMer Il b a eaeeartai by Mr Oae Qoeaiaa as Mr Wooa- JJ D tb iBbabiuet b ptMurl n TiBf In tiaie putTa livwl to rr Ita davn fill TI Iaurvt joa bar takra In tS itr of Itibt4l at tb iwpMoa fivra U tbmb yar ia MrunrstalUT aod JoalA not ttiat lb ffrta fit I lfcU Urba CorrectloaOo he aUeogth of a atatoewat frooi a raiiJiat of Usbra Teweabl tbat tb lajflrin btdj nomtwJ by JiaaPit OevLa Bq bad pvTn Ctlal W or ld te bara tb Utia tikaly te balai eew eeealderid baiai eav oeaidcrd eat ef iwadki Tbe Mammoth We direat epeeia aMaatlaa la tb ad af Mtwvt MeUia- raa Lecaaae TV7 cettaialj bv e Maa- aotb Stack aed art Hltiaf at prioaa vbkh aa- weiah everybody Ia Tm aad Tbrbtwaa Ol- eari tbair iparUtijea tbb aaaaea oaaad fer- Mr yaata wbib tba oibar dffartMata of tbu teaaea aatabUabwael an Tvpleu Sao adrvr- Sadden Death Mr JanrQ Bueraat ia tb Ivt Caa 9t StoM mm te bb daetb vrj aoddaoJ aa tb aifbt of tba t9th ieak B al to bad wU and baaity aitd wa imd a aerpel Iba aat Mvaiaf k caroacr Mht fer aleac itb a w4ieal aaa bat it a eat deeawd advibl U bald aa laqTeet Oaatb b appaad le be beaa laeailwad r alhti74rv FeteonaJ Ur Wm Tatirr for y yeota caetad with tb waraaatib iatar- aelaef lawwarkat bae dii af bb ilara aad laliaaat u Maaws Bcaxa k Haaaooa wba will bM Mr Taan baa da aaab tndeaftbb locality aad aaraed leeiiir af a bf ciraia af friawdo Bb wulbeabUaaUldaaipaal ieianMnlHetboaa tndeeftbb locality aad aaraed fee Uoiaatr tba ae af a bf ciraia af friawdo Bb aac- BbUtaUldt wbe ap tbea ITaw Store Phe Oollingwoed E Wrrwaflaat weak bae tba Mleviac Caaipwfced wba ht tba peat few yaaia kae il abaat la lawivi ta MewaukH wbara ba pw tpie tba Mwaaatib Bei Taatedaybb pa- pUa pnaaaled bl aa addraa aed a kaaibnaii U ll paliiial aal rvicioa liberty pbibaihry abeeora of Ihe iMr Abbott Bavei the adoption of a eommitlee o caquira into and repurt up on tbe natara and yeraiion of tbe lawi of biokropey aod toinlveney now in forea in ibe aeverd provinoea of the Dminion Qob ooaiitHttee to ba eompoped of Meaar Smiib Oray ilunlioctoa rvioe Wood riiraal Caaalt Crawford 8imard Iar rfaon Wotaiao Campbell Maniil Ulake lluh loLoo4ld and tbe mover Cai- ned Mr Bodwell moyed an addreae for all paere and oorrepQndrnee relatiag to the daiitit of the tludaona Bay Co over the Nurth Weat larrtiory pr to tbe aoqalsiiion of the eiritory by the late province of Canada or ibe Duminion Mr Smith moved lor retarna ahowini tho aalariea of pnaliiaaitf aod poeoCoa clerk treaaurera and oolleclora of eat- totcera aod inland revanae aad exeia in the Dominion of Unada aad tbe efleera and employee on tbe Urverameat railwaya in New Uraoiwiek and Nova Sootia Mr llackeDsio la he abaenee of Mr Blake for a retara ahowint the amount remaining anexpendedon tl day of July laat of the aum granted da ring tbe Isai aeaaioB of tha railiament of the Fruvinoe of Canada for aecre viae ania of the amoant raaaiaiag unexpenti at tbia date Carried lr Oliver moved fnr a retora of tie quaatlty of beer maBufaetored and ha quaoiy of grain uaed in aoeb maiiufae- lure B eaeb brewery in he Proviaee of Outerio 8tr John A Maedoaald aald there eottlJ be BO ubiecttone to giving tbe infor motion aoob provided tba bon gaote- wan did not iaiat oa tbe partiea beiBg given Mr Oliver aatd bia objeet waa to dbeer- taia ba exact qaaotity of beer Baaaufoc- or ia each brewery aa there wa a aae- ptcion entertained bat tbe breweriea in the province did not returo onefourth of the qoantity manufactured thua depriv ing the ooantry ol a large teveooe tir John A Maodooald ihougbt tbe hoa gentleman abould co farther and state on what reiaonaUe grouoda thai lhe motton waa alloeed to aland Mr iloltuQ aaid Ufore iha ordcra of ibe day man eallod be desired lo aak the leader of tho tovernrneat wbeiber the neollittana lwhieh refartnea wuaiade iaai week in rejiard to the fillin of tba vacant ofieea in tbegorcraiaaai bad been 00 luded dir John A MaClioaU aaiJ be had a motion lo make wbich would aerve aa a raply o hia boi friend He moved tbet a writ do iaane for be eleciioe of a member for b- eounty of Haniiusdoo vaoaot by tbe aoecpiauce oftbe Hue loha oe of Oalt oe- liie appointment of ibe minister of fnlaBd llevenB Mr llowland to tbe vaeeney That bon oleuiao prefered holdinj hia prcan office wbich waa not aocb an on- vroua ebare a that of Minia or of Fi nnoe Nvotijiiuca were ilteo catered in 0 witb the Ute iiMtuber for Iluoingdno and Ihat gectlea altera CDBaidviable amount of ralooiaoee aod a desire to be aved from tbe aaxicty of ibe ofior yicIled to preaaura 4nd acoepted tbe a- puiqiiaani With respect 10 tbe olber tiffiee that uf llie Secretaryabip for tbe Priivioeea ihtlbad no bn filled and when he aaid the otber day tbit Motia ttona were then uo f ol be hoped arouhl rraali aeeafaUy be bed refrrriMi obI to the ofioe ontieialet of Pimnoo ilolioB aatl Ihat ofeoarae la tbe of Fin lian love Wihrifar hda aad yaerasiat TMiicr af all cl aay Uria yoe aad y Wt tba baaar to telambe Yr tiaerrvly Vy searly a baadnd aaaMa Ur Ueeker tboe fellowfd by ae rloqoeat aa1 piritd re4y wbieb wa uKni varaly rstia aad att0urly liMl U Wa rtM ry aab that ar aot ta a peaitioa W aewd the rvpJy a- tllclaa trai ibat w bar eyd fer aaey a b Al Ib cloae af lb rvply tbrbir cm tba jtiar Baaar afCw wbteh tba Chair- kt ebra Mr IWrcbcr taca wbieb vai Itb fraiaale both by ttweboir aadaadi- ailod lur I aftr wbi the aavliaf ditpvravd Bell Kart 1 1 1 c n arlininfntarg Parliament of Canada Ottawa Not 18 Tbe Speaker took be chair at three ocltak Afer the preamting and reading ct petidona tbera beio- no other businea the Senate adjourned OfTAira VffT 18 Tb Speaker took tbe chair a bra Mr Mavary preaented a peition froa Nova Seolia cbarxiag the lion W Voan Chief Jaaiieeof ihttprovinee with illegal conduct and other oiiedime iora and praying that atep be taken for bia removal from office Mr Smith WealmorelanJ eoquired whtiber it la the inteatioa of the givero ment to inlroduee durins the preernt aee- aion a meaanre eetab iahin a Coart of Appeel for tbe Dominion of Canada Walati eoquired whether it is tha iateftioa of tbe gtyrernmeni to iatroduoe nwaore fot aeeariog la the govramat tbe poaaoaioa of tbe varioua tekicraph liaee witbia ha Dominion and provid iog for toa ataaftitaiseO of ibe lame ia conneetioo witb be poatal iya3ta Sir Jobs A Maedoaald aald ba ov- erameat before atrodasing a meaaura woald wait to aee tbe action of tha En liah governoaat oa ha a4aie cabjeot I4 reply to Mr Magill 8r Jobo A Maodooald aald that ia nmilaiing the aleciion lawa ibepoverB meat woold asaaitne be qualiQeatjcoa of eleaioraexiatiBg ia all be provineea aiul wereiool yet prepered to aay wbetber tbey wooid maintain tba qualifitetiooa aow es iatiax in Caaatia Mr Fopeaoqairod wbetber tbe toIob m to bate tbair aixiacB deya anna- al drill tbia eeaaoo aad if ao whea tbey be required lo commeaoe ibetr drill leteteeUar aad nAaetad oradii m ba taaabar aad abUdrau TUa gaetlaaaa b M tbaaew Im ef SrKAbCvKaaveeeev M Carder aaid tba AdjataDiOeaarmI pMieg eet ia tba Miiia reaantly aaaepiad bad plaoed io hia baada a luimoraadum a u I AH the aobjeat wbiah tba gotarameot ware ooitMa Mr Bak aa a aba Tbair aleak b would be urtdeirhla ta wake any reiMarke ae to bii fttneea for thia ufioe bot tbe bon leader of lha overaiuent would aee that in view of the well known opinioue of that ienileiiiaa Mr Uoee oa trade qweatiooa a developed in the laaiaeaaion lha pablie of ihia Dumiaion would be inlereeied lO know wbeiber the ehana wbieb bad la- ken place in he ptfiomnU of ibat by far tbe moet irsportaal departaat of be CiOV- ernment involved any ohaoxe and if any what change in tbe poliey of tbe U VerO uen70feorae it waa freab io ibe reool- cetion ef every member of tbia Uooae that tn tbe aeaaion ol 1666 the eomiaereiai pol icy oftbe late Vlioiaitr of Fioaaee Mr Oalt bad a eo aofe atreaoena opponent would be aabsiited tomorrow and iba Trade and Navlgatioa reioraeiatbeeoorae Sir John A Maodooald breogbt dowa a meaaage from Hta Exeelleeey to tbe llouae of Cmmooa aa fcllowi I thank you for yoar datifai aad luyal addreea aod lor tbe aaaoraBie that tbe ibh portaat buaiacaa lo be aabmittad to yoa will reeeive yoer altrelioa Tbe iiooee adjooraedatbalfpaatfour areign Cnlanial By the Atlantic Cable PaaiaNav t Theirewpeafibe Frereb rpeJiitenary eerprM Iaiy are eioktnsr pre paraiiooate go tote winter qaarler ai Civiia aocenetl Maialtell Me1ateo Dakeef Ma enia a OvofooiGneial ef Alfeiia and cbiel ef he eeveiub aimy apeerhea in whieh ilkey reHetaieO then pfo againet taejeiiadkuonof tbe lenieil tiie ieffality df ibeir AmefKan Uoveinaieai LnaoiBi Nov 17 The Manrbetir Ob erarr say There ao hope uf repfi or cummeialioo fai Gould aoii Latkin ani ihy willbeaxeeuioj wib lletiooibeiBd Paai Nav 18 The Preach Chamtwr aeatle to day TNm Empeior Napulevi openil ibe aessinn aa 1 cuaieniBy wiib a ipeeeb wbereio be affirmed thai ttvere we- M lonctt any ehjeeiinn te liman eitliiy end eooaoliJatiei on lha pail wf the Prened govainieiB LonooKi Niv Id A dpiteb fra Alexamlria Ntnge tbe inieliaaee liiai verta who bad beeo eviled from ibat eoan Leoooa Nov It neenTbe Cdooial oSotra bave net aav paiiieulara of the air Irfod inktog of tbe lalaad f Tettola ami Ihe dtewniwg ef 10 JOO twpte tn otiawer a telgamaeiti iaeSMtain tbe Weat In- liea The atery le generaMy rfiuiediteU wf er at leaai beltevwd le tie giOAily ai- Qen Viciene baker wa fiard be ether dey at Wloiaor for aalljug bread Tba of Dr- UvioptoDa- Thr fjHnwieg 14 ae rxtrect friiei a letter in thr LoeJna Sir by Mr J S M ffil aapecticg bta brutherie law Dr Livibk CLAasMoiT Sept 17 1867 Staa People are iaoaaily atking me wbrtlMr I have girea ep all bnpe rv- poctng Dr LiViaiilnae lare appara to ae ao oeceiiy fjr e to make ep oar roiiidf on tbe aubjeet at pratenl All tbe evidence to Ihe effact that Dr vinglotM waa mardnred by ttie Mafie comes braagb Oae channel naiaely Ibr lulianna iBeo willi M at tbeir bead Two or three dtfTcraat aceeania bare hern given by Ibrae lan and ao one aecouot t eoticiUble witb 1 otberi Rlort bate beeo received Ibrough BBtMls eel oorrobnratiog but ab oletlf ceatradcliog to aecoaet pven by ibe Johaana men Arab tradrra have come fioei the immediate vicinity of tbe pot wbrre the murder ia alleged to have nerurred aad yet bave aOt beard ofaaav- eB which ceeld aot havo failed o caoae orMi deal ofeieiteBMat ikrnitgb an esUnt- ed retina A neai ha been aent lo ta Suliaa of Zaibar by a cbf lolaiHl th Liviogtoae bed paaed b tT ativ and Welt at a poni beyond tbe of tbe aeppoed warder tVbatbaa become f iba Afncanawbo were wb Ltviitgatoae He atarted IrtM the eoaat witb three aorta of people Tbe 6rpoyaoa came backuoaale te bear tbe bardahipa of the climate ad jioraey Ibe Johaoaa men came back with the alary wbwb baa made ao meeh amM ia the rld i bet wbere are Ibe oeirooa ef wboai Bnebay 1 It la aot uid tbat tbey kdled What ba become of them If rviegalone la B tbe ciravaa rotite wbieb lejd lo ibe cnat near Zaet bar be i not likely to fied aay one to carry ba let teaa If a I tbiak qutie p iHltbe ae greet are atill with be hjvief gl an far be woeld aot be hkely 0 reeiB but wed cnlieee hi jouraey ahd I abal4 eo be in Ibe kaat aerpnied if be lutaed ep te aOme moat e quarter My ewg belief i bat wbea Ibe Jn haaaa men foeed tbet litiagaiofte watgo tng iflo a rcgiea loo rewita for their fa- ey what many aervaat blark aed wbie dae before ibem iuk lo hetr bl niee6ne Bib wlieu tbr vxpl rr Wj sleep aad matte b bt of ibeir vty back to Zailber menl amwg tbe negroea eCfUJ IM bji of b k eeiiou eaelinura IVy forty medcal atedeel ff re 10 Ricbieofid for the p ceriBg maieral for dit are aeen ue tbe tri aM more than fifty aileaid uigbl Heretofore tboaiaadthi been prea MoTeEtie Vi2Jor 20 I Ctciltmeit wa creiledt3tllLr 1 tedav by tU errital ef fve car firearmi addreed lo Pt torioea Feman Tbey wmo mt drpM by a poae ef he bad tben remjved for atb WiaTCKK HOG CuortvZl beli- f teem tbal tbe crop e hen S larger than lii yrare bet taeri i be anme apprebeeatoe that be I may aet be awfficiaat t I the atock The bifh price uk I beeo eurnrat for eora wtll deeMW j rn fariDera from feediag it eebSj in former years bet at Ibe crap brea secured ie taHtidai able aL I i mofi probible Ibadbey tbeir iulerrt o keep ep Block and thai w ha ibrefare libvra a inply of bog att oely 4 a pacKieg eaoe bi alai bior spring aod teismcr Tba prev aow aboel lo e o bas bea ia pecia ntparaUcled hy aay af ne eeewrs te poiat efgeeerel eeaieaM Circelar of Heary Mitwtrd ttf Tbe CrowB Priaca aad Pihio Pfuvsia ara 00 a vmi u Eagld lodged IB Beckiagbam Pahi M am dee JoHt MorfAT lin Irom the city of MXie aw late Oct 8 wbo Minlei h with be aod leeident forvgaor oai fail te Bolwe ibal thre prevail aieneg beni lioot eerreraafy be opoipa tba ibia eai eky craity i oe tbe ave ef kiii anO- her civil wer Jaukks h4 eeeeieJ rv electioo In the Pendakcy bet tbe laal paty a ii cal iial ia- otrde pcy A vid pinare of tb- oeet y lagivea la a Mnge seeleoev Wbiebia I vaax tov raraeirr imptivi editor da- abrary powrrti elte eiiy cOiiOraimot aad dianhate i bo bchwaya aaJ aiawd rcbbey aaiht by daflgb la ght of ba capital aud by gh lanacential Iret The Mentieel OotetH aaya and billa it bad diaroonted le ibe Bak of Comioaroe which Baak will djiaod payment for Iham in earrenl fuada aod define tbe bilW of tbe aaapended Beak Tbert bad already been ooaaiderable pecolaiioa ia bay iog ap Comaaereial Bank billa at a diaooant for tba parpeoa of payiag selaa maluriax wiib tbem at tha- Beak Tbe traaafer atopa that ep eratiofl and ae there wae tbe emoani of II 218 979 in eiraalelioa bra tha Baak alofpod Tbi alep ia ooe which will produce caaiderabie efleet ia the oooatry The queatioo ia ooe wbieb ia opea lo a Kood deal af diiaaaai Io ordiaary to aolreacy tbe auialory piaaiple of cat- S ia founded ia aommoa aanae aad joatiaa bot it ia DOt ao aimple ia tba aaO of a debt wbiob b la tba for of a eiraaUtiog madiaa LatuTT or EiFmaaa Confainra Tbe New York Ihraid reporU Ibe fol- I wtrg imporlaet derilvii A caa wa reeeatiy died ia Brorkyr ia wbtcb a eiprro coapaey eHirio4 a data of ebel we tb eiCBd detlara fer be leaa of a treak aad iia coeieaia Tba defence aet ep wea Ibat on tbe beck ef tbe reee giree le tbe ewoer of the trM il waa aipelaird that ibe compeay weafd oot bold itaelf liaba faajeyyewely eer h aay valoe above oee bitadred dellarv 3ucb pneted notice it weaceelended waa a eeolraei wbieb wbea accepted boead Ibe aweer ef preperty entreeted lo tbeir eare Tae Jedge beid tbel ia tbe berry f railtvay irarrl M weald be pawbW fee every peraoe le read tU pieled lerM be back ef aocb raerifla befer rxcaptrag hem and be tbervfore iealruet- ed At jury te brng w a vevdie wbmb iWy did fer iba full I cUimed Aa ih 1 ilmlaiioD of lha aiisliag tf Puviooea relating to eurooy t ooe if tbe q iaiHo lo be lo keninto eadoreiKn ny PaHaemonl the iirgeiWieof Mr J Formm of Haifao iro worthy of BiteiiNi Thra gentlamar whai b cnlid decimal ater- liog aa lha cerretiry fur the Dimiakm P ihie ayatem tbe avwicgn wKtd pa at 4 tha eriwn at 1 i hnferown al 50 eta ehillK g 30 eta and aixpeitce lOeta Mr Firmaq remarke t AM ibe tioine would then be purely dec fnl Ihat te all iha Bnnah cotna and to Koke il atill more eoneenteni a gold eii of more value than the aoverejgn Oight b teaoed lo paa ei fS AH ihOt re- qiirad wonid boa new copper OID to repreaon the eeii tn phico of tbe haf- iea y of whKfH nw rpreaeni n crown Il ta rrbvi rue thil aueS a vtom f curreoey w uid greatly itOlraie ei- change wiih Geat Uritaio Clflfee A ParaintD Hcu tie Boot A moat ainzular eaaa of petrifaa ioa baa aoe rtfnrd CoBBeatieat liam BoUar wbieb wi ried ibiriaea yaara ago U tbe old North batyiag roaod baa juat baea cthomed fur rsiaUrmenl in tbe Spring Orotm Uematery Oa rraovieg tba bod it wa foood to ba oompletely peirili ebaoged to a aoWtaooe raaenibltng atooe and ao heavy that foar men could witb diftculty oarry it Tbe renoeaaoa Legialatara ted a law making it a crime for eomoMB currUra to make an diaiiaetioo on ee- oouot of raoe or oolor amoog tho peaaea an gfseiise aed Ibai dread d TO COYSUqpTITKl Tba aT MDWAM a fraeef ebaiptUall vha deiua tepmS Ubeelyalb U baMl the bapre every SBSner will Uy Ub paMbk it will roet ibea Mat a JTi-UlL- ing Ploate ldra rv SbVAMDI WlUOir KelSS etbdeaedluWlUiBbi lFOItnATIM lafeeaalloe gnarutsad U pndw growth ef heir epee e bald hmd w ka Bloiebe Srpiiaaa etc a tW eil vitboet ebarg by s I trwalai ERBossor Tonm A Oeellamte wbe aeSsrvd iwymlMlw I ee Debility PrvaaiM lwy ditle freu ef yoelbfel iBliaentbe eill bvatuM rvaedy by wbieb b iag te pet by ibe dwtirs etpwiaesym da so a is perfsn ceaiJmaa JOHN B HHKN 4i Ca inet See Tk R8 WIIVL07Y SOOTHING STRCP Fotr hildrwB Twetbla actl tva the peeee ml wimety eg tle enme redeeief elr leliiemMB will alby Aix Pata and apeaaedbaK SURB to RSaULATE tbe Bflm OoiwecT epow b M will gHetaeb Rellaf aad HaaPh to yoer Enftiab We kavs pet ep and mM iHie eniai Imfm neeaoe femfwa Hae able lawf ifwy tiueta traet 1 Mevae 1 I CeeK eka by aay eM wbeeaK 1 tho eeeirery M bt lien and in erae whatT timaiy aiJ Nree by tho eeeirery M are with ia ifsm i and sk in vrw eh in ibb maUt KNOWeriaeyMrael B Rsreraiios ifeneff fremXaed reW wiAha feee4baeB4rra aeeli bnob Nana rOiea eeiina tbal mite ef URTIS A PKKCISe Hew Xwk m tbeweaaida wrapper add by brigMa ibreecbeotlbeMH tPriet omtg 2S eenfi par Jbofa SIS feltee 9tie4 Sew Terfc M6 Hig Helkan L bgbed 441 rnelHieel MowaetCeaoAk NKWMAKKBT MAULlTt TORONTO MABIKTI Teaewre Kee tL ilfl Fiear3Ba 76a Fell IVbe4ilJD Spiog VVbwiei lOa tlM- Midge praof Wbeatlt2 a tUB Oaia AO a SAe Bye7K3 Mrool34 a Sftr per lb Better 15 a 90 par Ib Tub Boter 14 a ISo Cm Cn- wb 10 lie pBfk- M75af5 75 pei ewL N O RTH YORK M Prote Soelity A SPECIAL MINTING ef tha So CA SESl HOTEL Wednesday JOHN r P W P WbiirbariTi 41 IM7 the 27th Xi Iclork p m lequMsied le ska ANOALL F lVTiKy Oowa Aatrayl STIHEOrQMDNlltfS Hutel Yeuge Uei be 1 I WW Mibh Cuwa one abeel iwaiaaf idndaiiy all whie wtb red aen tereeilbeck boina The eiber red wfib white apela aid areeO t yeeia eW Any iafomaiMO be Heiei Yange Stieei er ibe eeeeiW- awtliimbuiy 13h Ceo- wiM be eei rewarded JOHN GBEBMni Kovi 21 1867