pieKewmarket Era Friday Morning ERASTUS JACKSON SXTE OK APVKKTISIXIJ t L aWrM VOL XVI NO 81 tr AND NOllTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER filVE IK THK LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTKB AND TO AIIQLE FRERLY ACCORDINO TO CONSCIENCE ABOVS ALL OTHER LIBERTY NEWMARKET C W FRIDAY SEPTR 13 1867- TERMS J 150 IN ADVANCE Iljc Book and Job EiUblUhmcnt If cpapUwIjr Mv coMprUi tiU LATEST STYLES Of Ptein ud PwylTypeV r of Ut rn fUm dMcHpU tU4 iiit9ttC99 JirJorfl John T Stokes lrSlTKCrA- Canad A BouUbdfl gilltirtR Cr International SOCItTY OF LONDON vrw trii rba 1 Stokes V Kfoa Otrcaori i ildoitt a Dfcfctoi tj E JACKSON ML Coroner County of York I LUL NKWMAUKKT c w jNORTH AMERICAN HOTEL THOMS DICK Tho Queens Hotel UlrIUrcniutl sziozx CI r rt z 3B3 z U Noble M D pnYSlOl rneoB nuELsroup rjUIKs FincClM R B- Joy I Manilla and Millinery VRPPIi PAPIER A E i Orlohr 3Ut I8CC I TO tiiKiYnij t Bvnnisi II I tor I Itotio Chncrj uuTf nrrr Ac m j ROYAL HOTEL va rninuwfwuktrporttj bpencer obhuchcrn merchant tailor ct- II roMfT f n ny nfflf Large New and Commodious nHTKAt Af i OSoe laii Joltn J Landy gRKi5TEtj y D E N T I S T U Y I ff C ADAMS DDC Sfcjpou iH W Kr frnt Cl J McNdb Murray Jackos BnrrislfrsA Allornrys at Law Xir Olnaai ZXotol QFFUFOppiie tUe Rilwul HoUI foliiddd5e Mbu cirJ Pliy toio J WOOWDCK iKil miH the Stall nui TT TU Oid SlamlShnpo y B F PEARSON M D I Surgeon Accoucbeur A i7i Ofiers ih the Cvurt Ili Trni Fh2 IMM5 E Jackson isrER 07 invuaiuii LiccSES j MAIN srnKET XKWNjARkKT DR WOOI jTfieOdawa Canccr nfirmar 1 o T T A TO- A O W iCANCERrCURED oung etiMSidal ibal ihr OtneoD D iupi Nwnarl ri1 7 C4 Blevins Sevora jwmKi urcjrp in- Davison 4 House io HAixsT NKwMARKETy Tilt Ollana Canccr Infirmary fj HE SoWribr rriipwlfiilly jnrDrmi ihp a j ccOM0DAT10y OF GUESTS 1 JOHN DAVISON Crriaia liprfy i Without the Use of the Knife OfMpacjka puilts 1 irb apM rP lMVa IhaM PtM bt iK it M btr o Arwl iv it bt ft bar Fntrr- MMittTrr TlKt lit n ijbt l Tw liUt iLcr aiht reirt FkrBr Marts athrirt ff lut tm w tiem 10 tAka oaaa p- Ml TWfa bM oM MM aBkisJi ibM 3bt l Miliboni khM h ft fia r iW ka 1 brM tW rra rhiftl ikI Uw Utif crt pualal rc4 M Una ut rr7 sifbt kaav lb I vmU oar forjei let my b Ctaad iUIi eabMd gifl but hi Omooh JohntoQ brought iho rmI afor ibi cbureh lU axecllciii jrh eatM Th cbtrre coniaiotd l I Ka TborntOA arn had baan gtlty or sn impropriaiy whwh randarad ipadiaol that ba aii9uld ba diaiaMd tn iha paatoraa 2 ua bad liad in tba Fannj It t Bibe Depoiitory A good mao wa our puior Rar Ajr bme cjr piM- k t b d crims dfT WII i TbortuD Haa and M of 80 ommon J jXrELLRST afomttiM frr TnTHIm I VCh a mlVrVrim Our baat I bdd writtiin our i BRITISH nOTJL rhlcnld Cifpifitarf Our Ministers Trials c p reidc rtrii M rtAwm i Money to Loan WINES Kiroiis METAL D GRAHAM CooTcvaucer See Qiiccnvillo t MostCr TO LKNi aui httitl TRADE MARK 11 do n I rry fv I tt ami rharm lr Blibliai- David L Rogers M D or SaXaftlrirff n V A iacTiEipitil Medical College K T Tvrai c w i ifo e E JAfKS Tktoria Medical College- TTC Nmkct ak PHYSICIAN SrUJEON tc mis tTtccT slAKtT I AILX swwrkHjaiy ioj Gpoccri WiDciV Merchafll 1ID jduxjooiot 0 mSiaANSUR60J ACCOUCHEUR- Italian Warehonscman U2 V STXBKT y WMJ rKET KEEPS cIatly 0 b Cl rtwira f 30 Pni Of EtiiENCErROiHCnT STREET Spencer Spencer URHTKRS AND ATTOHNEY gciL inChMCcrj 7wtjoerr VVIIOIKS wmarcn Aii UETAIL HENRY SANDERSON V ET E K I N A R Y S U U G EO N NewraartMj Saturday from 9 oclotic A- H hm I- J rsa Uf girtni frfl Tfoin hi lip wheo ha ao7 a7ivab lo eio lu brthrD nd Western Assurance Go HEAD OFFICE TOROyTO Capiol j40l00 President Hon J McMurricb- iap ViilafptidFarm j iViAoMt Talnitj Mftfirii I e gyp wan oit I Relieves Pain Instantly A IIFNDFRSON 1 v7TT7 ABrr VEVFR fflNCK TH Newarliyehfi IM lij w Vfffuiarkcl Evfrj Salurday N PEARSON rrgtdd bim wilh oibar eiuoifoQi ibi Ain- rnll lnliiiy rLsiZwVw c I bar have found a flaw in hi conduct Well tU iild Mn Moaroa iba hae1right wife to har butbaod RCIRXCB OF DENTIST Er ibay ntorniitii suppoaa Mr Havan did ki Fanny Lawton- Sha a almoat oo of tha family hi Uui aaid lUa whewrighl I dotji beiiava ba did kit her Faooy thai ha did raplied lb wifa ipTUa or For aifOin Careful and Skilful Operator tw 01 riiy 4a- bia WtTfiiiMl lo auinttiD lb rfpvta- lioGb ybliw Jr will OOrARANTKE SATISFACTION Best Teeth Material laonlrr u KiYPTIA0Ilci a NOKTII AMERICAN HOTEL Bttwronpo every sat i Kcfftilciicr AiirorT I THE NEWMARKET j7AT7 irr Carriagre Factory psi7 x I91bcnlelob 0 OOi AlfJ TI n LI P DR J M WhLLS Dnrable lamagei 45 dentist Wrapping Paper RCeiVSUk odipply NEW EltA OFFICE tairblms If- Kewmaiket Tannery TBI aWiifMd kariat m Ttaw by Mr rWr III Sorth wriemo WU iaCww Ik pikW tuhr naa- 1 Md Imp awuuirtly aa Uu a mir- j leather Aad Fiudinco W BUT CHEAP FOR 04SB ot CKken- Cafth ftir MllipA Illhmf Bh SiuInlU lOb Bllima lOr mtlCV IJib NmarkH I4b Shiroo I6b n- Boggies DDggies TealDHrte 1 a Soperier Manser bw rparillr to tatirau Ibat ba Fram a aiakla TMkta a oamnM aaiMiQald 1 lu TSS In ddlrT tllibwiM lwfcM SwirOdd FiCL WW Coffios C on Hand t Mth Mtntfttd illiM pal ky lb Ue of ik Ad i j E T 11 K R S P K A Y WITH oa WITHI HEAME t I by laJ Mr throat Bjpiia CU orrt oMM of Uekiack ii TocOucb IA0 Diptiirria for Threat Cfaotrr Bawl Tooilurl iT UN 0L Mmlly itAlaf in It may telrn iBtraally vtlJi I M it U amated to cMtiun i dicMt aatl b a portly TrtU Ejita Uil ia tb Mat ngiaJ uaf tk dirad Srt Frira a eaU aod SO cnta far W ky Drvi nala KactL SrNBbtSS SOiXSlI Planeing Harhine And Door fauli and Blind FACTORY i hamd lo- ba a clioebar to M Monma 11 dvlibaraitiy wipd biafK wKh bia handlierchiaf and wiib i down ca ibougliiful kwk aid much tlovi iBca iban uual h wont to ha wcrk 11a Uni hard y taken lii i hnd anJ bagun to ply iion fid apuka belora Deacon UrQ eana in The daacoo aiood awbta ohewiog up a urftlr k4r fraemant of tiiarnc and talking ha aaid Uiotber Monroe Itave yoti hatrd about our mu iier T Yea replied the brother Tbaa tbare wa not a word aaid foi averal maulra Tba wheel wrigbt luti ly worked on aod Ibe deaeM looked ooi uf be wiod- Atlengl Mr Moi Honey to Lend A m Md lB 4a adT tk Fanaiat tMamuity J Aa Clutryed xpeiue Moduate Affiy u JW COLLINS NwaarkH Aall ISM t j BIRCnr Farrier Major ht CoMatiod a all Dtaeaaei of be H O R 3 E lf KIOII QrTilUDerih ibM Ufiiralile Villije Properly fob TBB slwrfxa riwM0BrnDiyo ZotS ik aid at Mi Atr a af Ika ly at HUl partly oapiad at pmMt Mr Airtb Far apply at tkb aOea ae ta ike ltfuaae J W COLLINS 3 W- HOWARD tJ WM H ANDREWS Bookke- per- by SiaKli or loabe Ba try CollMlor or Dobt Ao a REFEBIOCCS A UooUk B W Traai R Sp U 8ilbHa4 Jo i Ca Brfrd Atel Soaicr t R H 5k i Oao HofthoM Saaaal Rod- ktt McMwtar dtXiMkad O At Woo Boyal Hold Newntrket rb sa 1067 lilwnl b kiaf I ngin Aachine ia iba eaan intiott Satkft 1 rt touidiitgi Wintlom 11 aufTei then ha walked rapidly up ihe atroot- Wbai tbii alary aboot Mr Hateni improper ireatnaot to ycng lodie aaked ihe eynieal lawyer Tboaipo e Woodafd the latero keeper Why aaid Ihe mner o aberry cob blar and the drawer ufatrMg beer the paraon ia uo belter ibao oihere Have you beard of PiieeC HafeaN fall V wu tbf quaatioo of one tafldet Ic another Ya ju a I ibooght il wosld be ha ba ba SiinMbipg inual bo dooe wee worda of Dmcoq Brown ami that ac bo Ihougbt bat dtd not apook So fi liM wbtolwrigliia l west to ibo bouaool aQoher deaewo Beoeao JbDon He had heard Ihe elory and boing aa eoemy believed l aad wae deUrmioed o dee The dracooa ealled oo tbe minlatar Paaooo Jobneoo wa apokewMu Tbe BmydaaeritaMa af Carpenter Work Contracted for Baildiap laerr J ai aMrtac apfMiaa te lat Oa Kcaonable Tcrmn K n PUaiaj daM fjr BuiWan aad aibae n JOHNSON iramrY May M 18 U Ij b Aoooant Books O8TRS0E1VED a aew TO JoAe Alee 4i Baoka Poeba t Lad IfevaerlulaaS iaS9 d Haneraadaa itory 1 I full 1 iildV I box bad beard aa aha waa paeaing the araooege Faaay Lawton eay lo oqe of ibe children You loat a kiaa froio yoar fainer by not boiog lo tbe bouae tbie ef- uraooa whea be got borne fro ibe low- village end 1 gA It Mr Haven denied ever having kiezed ibe gtrl end auggaated ibal tbe deaeona tbottld writ lo Fanny who wa teaching acbool aboai iweniy tailee dieiaot eed get at the iroib of mailer dear Bofl did Tbey etepped iot tbe arinie lere eiody end wrote Jo a few dayi ibere eene Ibe reply Vou aak oM tf oo one oeeatton Eev Mr lUvao gaee me e kieewbera wi vareaod wbo were preMBt Inanewa i elate Mr Haves dtd oaa afiemooo white I wa eteyiag al hie bouae aad ia Ibe eiltiog loam give ma a kiee- MO bat oarealroe vera preeeot I Daacoo JobDeoo val eletd etkj e a call rown w Fan ny Lawtone wor doubie It waa ao plain a e 00 mietake Mr r ell we a e wolf in abeep liH Ihe e oould of il eid knew ihet r kisMd the girl or any other Dfki logetbei ftr end the Rev 810 I tbe paaior of the netghoorin rcb waa preeant u moderate the ling Our meeting bouae wa filled The ell preaeni irnted tbe eeoffa of milee wbo could get tbei The church meeting wa duly opetiod d Deacon JobOMo brought forwerd kia cbargee Fnnny wni callai to teatlfy Her tee- imonywae One afternnon 1 ibink nuat hve ben early in March three of 4r lavent ehildreo end invaolf wen lone ip ihe eittmg room their owlhei uid grna to the eewlng circle Mr Ila- en came into iha houae from ihe oihei illege ihe ehilJren met him al iba dooi rbich open from tbe viltiag room Into he ball ae he came in tbey went ou nd he gve each of ihem a kiee ea ihey net him then coming in gave me one A patnful eilence followed Mie La ona leMimony At Ungth Deeeoa John- oc aiked Did he eloae Ihe door before un f I ibink ha did Had a pin fallen on tbe carpel li would lava lwn heard in eny pan of our iarj lud beauiiful eanctuery Then Mr Haven roae ttp and eai I do with le aeata are med wnb red noricca and ive e flaming appearanre There ere Hir window in ihia chamber which loke out upon Maj ire Hill a hill on tle her aide of ihe Ri loaa canal Bach of Minitter hM an oAce which In the head office of each departmani 1 en eleciricul bell cord with n hollow bell et the end containing a apriig wbCh when preaand ring the beii oi the meepgar who aiiend upon tbe of fice Tbe ball ringe hen ten or twelva of ng there i a g lell I mrryiog elobg the dore et break nack paeid I mut nni omit a decription of the Privy Council rerrMbmeni rwom for lo eume of Ihe member it ie an importaiil edjtMci ft ia lo the Irfl of tbe corri dor leading to the Council Chamber end little man who ha otifewad ihe eoubri- quel Iiord St Hill but whoe re l name ia Mr Philip Si IMI No on about the buildig is more popular than Su Hill In tbe refretbmeiK room you eee a table with a number of cbatre aboui It and a cupboard in whtcb are kept tbe I brandie eO cuiieiiluiihg tbe Qo out Into the open air and look et the lot of ground in front of ibe building and you will aee a newly graded ploi lib aaantv graa truggling for enat- ence with ibe atony eoil Thi lot i uaed aa a parade end drill goond whtcb com ainee wiih the atony nature of tba eoil lo keep Ihe graae down Along the front of Ihl ground run e common wooden fence which i to be replaced by a et ne fence with en iron railing running along ibei top of it War i auppliad lo tbe building by email tieam egiae pUced on tbe rivi eide Thi ie tbe only water worke in i aboot Ihe cepitol The building i heat ed by bol air end ie vettlilaied by fat placed in thf corridor V Htrald I aiD no PaUUdaa Nomben of people ihink that tbey eey aomething vary fine when with dcerlaio air of grandeur tbey abrug tbeir ebotild- Priatias ptwpily PA3IPHKTa FOSTERS DUSrVBSS CARDS CIIEQCE BOOKS ULAXK NOTES CIRCULARS BILL JIEADISGS IROGRAMMES 8TAGE BILLS ilAGIS THA TES BLANKS- LEASES LABFLSte To CorrespoDdeals Latter a u tka PaUUbar taaat uil nade lmida of Irelaad ty Ilaymg Daniel ta the lioa dfn iacrie ba juM bees prohibited ia Eog u aad ottjtit to be her Il i reported tbat anoog Ibe ffliay liie aeJ hlfbred eetgeil wtib tba idian IN ibrir alraciiie 00 tba plaio ie ac nRi a grtdeale of Weil poiat wbo la Riide bioMlfcoeapicnoaa by baaetsof utally A DteaRACcrtL OccnnKtircc iTHATroei Sept 2 On Friday eight il aboat ihrce mle froa Stratford a eaber of yooog maa were baviag a cbar- TBi ever a Mr Wate who got lariird bal dav iby gol very eoi acd mid lake ootig aooey Waiaea neJ bi brat to gi ibeei to care Tbey ouiiaencrd breakiag door aad wiodowa bo Walon fi ad oa iben with a tbot aa and badly woaaded Iwo of tbeai aard MeArdle an Fianigaa MeArd I u aoi Ukaly lo rccovr Watioa wu rmtd at three a n aad locked ia ibe itratferdiail to tht hendv nudde ibtt they would oM or the anyibiiig 111 di with than The I bigh iiher paua and ileaee Tjey have other thing lo leka up ihei wa oppreeeive AH weretoo nieh ibaug They bave ibelr butinee en ad aad either gratified or morffied their pleeiore and ibeir faaiilf eid in lieappointed to move Moet beld certain ml way their rligiontoattefd their breaiha I in end who will may dabble ia ih i lo Fanny eeid our blaeaed miaiaier J puddle of politic ibay wonu All ibii did I ever kiee you ia very fine but very footiaben fer a it ii No paver 1 never eeid you did So ended our ninietera triele true very utriotic talk If il la as 1 they eay theyara neglecting oim of their local duiiae e duty tbey owe thaMelvee I lltefr family tbeIr country eye and even A Look laio the ParliaBiaQt Baildiap to their God aod e duty whtcb any at HtaWk I atderaWe number of ciliaene ia a cottniry cannot neglect for any length of Tas raivTCocNCiLCNAMatft time wuboui receiving and inflicting greet linjery It ball noManae aod eoaaething Ottawa Aag U 67 j worse for any one lo plama upon bemg Tba Cepiiol of ihe Doniniun of Cena- j quite e auperiar person baaae he it eianda in three Mocke of ground eii- poliiieien He migbt jurt a well led on a bill forming a Meff on the credit to himealf for being a reembi nglii benk of the Oitewe rivar formerly family lad feliag no lolrrett in il daily called Barrack Hilliibaviegbeeoamilijcareeend dificulilea ee wall ae in its y pest end now called Govmeat HiM proepariiy aad joy lheeenireblockeoniaJoeibetwolegia- ive chambars and tbe eide blocka aou- UlUTiA OBlfiaAb OsDKM Refer- n the depertmental effieaa ring to tbe approecbiax iaae to tbe Vol To reach Ibe Ugielaiive Council Oban i Qoieer Militia of Ibe SniderEafiold Ri r sew tba Sonata yoa eecead onegs the followtog ioilmcioaa are pub flight of atooe epe croae a Corridor end 1 ibed for mneral ipiidanae Tbe flOf I good e for t1 9 W tbat there ie a greet deel of ecarlei ii Central Fire Caitridgea by removing tbe tin partitioaa witb Ibe Cetflioo of thil bAvecn tbe twealy i thirty rouod If tbe pocjbei are ef tbe old altered 40 roaoda pattern It will be oeoetsery to rvotore tbe iHiele of tbe psr- titioM OSeen eoaaaodiag regimen ta wilt be pieaaed to order that tbe men are alwaja to parade wlihnl tbeir notale topptf whenever aQuanitloa either blaaPor bell te to be seed Tbe aew maiste atoppere will be provided with a sight protector to fit viib or wiiboui e beyoQvt Soap cape ia paeteaaoa caa be made to fit over the piaton by re Ceneda East aod Weet bui will ba limuod for ibt Seoaia ol tbe IMioiou lU numbar eeventytwo membara kmen are busy iocreaaing tlli number of eeata 10 tba lemletiva Aaeembly low ihe Houaa of Commond 11 on the corridor eud move of the bail log You 6o not gn far for the obamber ie aoruiguou Lirde Here you eea a ecene Ilka that hi the leet chember Mea are buatly inoreeeing ibe number of aeaie for the Common will number I8l mamber ind ibe last bouea bed only 130 Tbe jiforenca ie mede up by ibe Lowar Prov jocattelegatee 4 nemere and the in- ereaeaof fepreeeowtioo for Canada Weet w Onario 17 mamtMre total 51 hich a4dad lo tba oU number 180 akaalSl There era four galleriee in tbie chem ber namely the Speakere the raportare tba ladiea aad tba gantlameaa A y ba preeamad iba gantlemena gellery ie tba worst of tba oor tba Speek- ere end raportera being Iba beat Tbu ebmber I of tbe eama eiae ae tbe Senate It it will b awre crowded Ta go lo tbe Privy Cadl Chamber iba left or eaeiern block pMe ridor aod eecend e flight of etooe aiepa lo tbe right Oa i little mora of tba leather S0r Tbe Hilvaaee iSrfiW tells a etraage eiory aboat a Baaheaat lalalj dieoovered ia tbe Twieity of Oak Craek Wteconain For eooM noBibe tbe far owrs is tbat aeighborbood bad been an noyed by tbe disappeeranoe of thr fowls Doof were opened rooete ver rbed in a soamaiy eod mystertou miBacr aad eooetioMe even lamba dbapMred Tbat tbcae were aot etolea by banti baads wu tboiibt to be erident froa Ihe aarka aroood of tbefovla being ealea oa tba spot Oae foraer deleraioed to eotra the aystary aad eo rifie is band be vatcbad bis preaiaea At aboot 11 ok be diecoverad aa aBlmal of eonie kind approacbiag bis beabo stealthy etapa eometiaes going ibe aoond elory you eea the Oi Oenerale room to tbat of M aida- caoa rooM is a aamp bad aie a hei may be In waiting w baure Turnicg yoar beck upoii tba suita of roome yoc go along a peeaage aad coma to tbe dor privy ckfke room- Thie you go ugh end aiKMbar aod tbeo you or before iba Privy Couiwil Chamber wbicfa le a room about tbiny feat by eisiy A long 4 raae Ibe length o the room wiiB tbirtaan eeau at it eod aa mny ponfolioe upon It Tbe ihtneeo eeata stand is at oiM ida five at the other aod one at each end aad repreaeot tba iMr- teen Miniatere of tbeDoaioion Apert ifroa tbe bead o tablaetaodi a cbaU Aetata foribe Goveroor Oeaarai AU fours aad raetioiee erect He fired and a piereiag ehriek tike tbat of a ba man being ebowed it tbe ereatare bad been bit It aeTertbeUee made off to tbe wooda wbara it wu eaea tbe eabeeqaeal dey bavtag tbe faoe aad beade of a bn- aon beieg and tbe hairy body of a beut Bat tboujb weaoded it nude its eee aad tboagb beeqaeatJy eaes agato not been oepUred all lost aecoaau rrhe MilwaakM SMimd geU tbe ndit of irfhog a neeuy big etory tat most have rery aradoloas raeden Um vbat it eayaBo EtA A Co3tnroaca Why M Tleau Vbte eeUttealty dead aed baried 1 Ba- nM be has baea laid l by a Sestaa- Timti- waterfall cootieue to be ia fsbioo St Niagaa To diiperae a nob moaat a cart d beia to give tbn good advice la Aa Aarefl apeakieg rwrJ ood sAid il woald lst for ever aad bar loog tiae after ikai tyi biker bM iavaetej a eew kiad of featt Il Bikei bead so light Ibat a poood of il ooly watgb tea oeeee CHTl 001 ficToiinrj advAitUie 7 0 ye ba I eodda t tbiek of iskiej adraniage of yow atber tS040b0df btViag aad lo Jerrold 1 bse jest hwl oae eair lail eoap a wl leptied Well exireacs do Beet Pat you are weariog yoer atock- wrong de outward Ocb aad et I koow il to be ure tberel a bolt I the other ide tbor it aIoa netgbbonriag rillaga a prielef weigbiBg 1 10 lb was aarntd toe woaaa boiC weight is emet 9 Ibe His feP low lyp- eoratuUted bin of6etieol a fat take womak RiiiRni Tbe folio I- laitioe of tbe Hghta of woaaa ia gitee w Vermottt paper t To leve ber lord rith all bi beai tad oar baby a beraelf aBd make god breed tgT A ioBeai heotckeeper tbat wa rfva beatd of ewd lo meep ber ebianey by lelliag a lope dowe wb wa feat aed roeod tbe lrg of a gooae aad fell tg tbe goose after it gA fatbioeable bet igaoraet ladyde iroes el parcbaaiog a wateb waa ahewo rery beaalifal oca ibe abop keeper ra larkieg thel it went tbirtyeii boon- ledced ia ooe day r ebe siked tAo old lady fell eff a hoeae ia Lia Oabeirgiakeaapabeeppliedber baed to ber pocket with tbe roaaalio ob tervatioa Meba I voadcr ie aa pip broke I Have yea aey liabboni boaael r iqeired a very aodl aia of a abopkee r Aay whet T Aey limbben taa nelat Anyyoa aeae legbera Tba yoaag lady was broegbt too by Ibapropef raalorailvea JoabBUUapoa Taterfini 1 raibar like watarfall I kaet Ull why eay sore Ibae I kaa tell why 1 lev castor lie fer laiieeM ia tba yaieta doet Hke Wteets of ao sertarei wail aiikcter lo be lively netlbisl1 fgrraa to ay parpeee I like waurfallt Ibeyare ao euy eed aaterel Tbey eltack ell ibe aex Seaa Iba etiack wiib graU lary while itbere iWyapproecb likeaaKb workiaf P loly I aaw ooe yeterdsy It waa ao bigger tbaa t itooll FraacV It anackrd a eaall woaea ef oaty 9 wai fall ofreereatiM ted bea tba iMHied aloeg ibe side walk tbe waterfall bialed ap sad dowe le ee oeeillatieg aee- r retaabhag awsb lb spertive tetaia of a bob tailed Uab ia a gieat berry Tbe cCecl waeparely eloeUc i aa apotber pretty eooa wbicb ba Inaed loaaatareaatroa She Bgbtbave area 75 laaaera bar lir waa a wbte at flser bet the watar- n wss bbck I asked a bjetuder bow be coald m leat for Ibal neeetdUwaeyoaetar I alto aaw aaoibar pretty eooi wiseb I tbe prof eny o a neiber She was 19 years old aad az ripe o a 2ysar eld peaeb Sbe iwept tbe aUeele rTie t tbag We Mea alopt te gexe a ah ptst aed pat aaewcdoftbeeeo Lrftile bay peaketei their aaarbUe m aee Her wsurfell u iboat tbe se or kora baaket terad iaida oat U wa iakloetd ia a coaaea akrapt aet eed ell kivered wlib blafta dUaoads av ft ehoee ia Ibe frtdry eaa Uka Iha liw doae t parv m Court Heaa wbera tba sa- Bet 1 rstber like waterfalls It bat beaa aaid tbey weald raa oat bal I thi i ibtak is aa error for tby doat I ae leek yet le Ibe bagwgt f the exptriM Ci ladiaa aa oar evrtberh roatiar I eey- Viva Bagatale