THE NEWMARKET ERA AUGUST 9 1867 Mtv af Ban A 9alkrUvl f lria Vipiai A HliJw it ttW Tmi ApfKMltM WUM4 W A TiUM Tma TiM Btwaarkft SrMMBB ABRARatMIMT 18C7 iwkM abool 13 lainatn iliffrtMa fro U jtt eonilnf niibin t jaritdwtiuB r 1 Tt AmnlAMci fiotn Tim la Tim iiwiihailiif ajrihinx in ihr Ari Hi litis it tftr LiolmB ivriHw 2 Diivci TclatKin tthm ih Hiumi taimng of Rfiia foi I Tutf 9 1h Roiiiiwiti iletteye Cfftlil fif Ih Pinvinrt Pljf ra Vtvnarket Friday Af- 1867 LATEST r TOROSTO I Sovements of Ministers txcuRsia to n vorat TH ELECTION WRITS ISSUED Taatai AajM Ilk 1147 Sir Joka A Mafilaaalii Md Udf Uft ikli Kir Otuvm M T lut- B kai MMladail ki MliMr7 hbon e kakalf t Ik OaUna CatUa lo tk Boa J 8 MaAloMlA anivaj b Ik T MoodBf kit Aa nrrma fnm tkU cily U Trk d iaM Tan brlb roa4 Iitv flO W ran ef tb v7 hj cara aaJ n b KraatrM Ik Bad Tk 8l 0rxf aaaaal aic UkM plM aat WrJataJaf Tka CMMrraiiM Party ar aakiaf to let tf- U aak eapiul ataiaal Ur Bra aat af tk aid 8t Tnr qafatioa Press AtsociaUon Tbe abfcoet of ha Editor to aUaad lh aDBitl nreling of he PrcM Aaaoei lioB will aeeoant for wtal of alcat to eorrMponlett tad esiaaioo of looal B3aitr tbii ek Bojeod sU rfootbl doabi we may exprct the elcetiooi will iah place ithin a month fraa tbia date aod the da of trial drawi near eseiieaeot iaereaaea ia th eoatlrj It i lo b faarad too maaj eenijaeteir will b carried lb of Ituapiiala Alwm t antt for lit Pinriica a 8 Municipal Iiittiuiiooi i 9 ialnn Tann wa taraU TvlrgiapK aqd of iba Pinfmca ami anjr BliUh alihanh wheUjr I l4tltmenl of Canada li I wl Twooi a nf Cnil4 or foi uiZ4ii of Manias in the nJ Civil fliht ii m ill town Terj aatiy aa be Uatehera feiMrally aaiioni lo miko tbiir par ebavea ia time lo ihip by train tbe mom day which Icatca Newmarket bcffffa 1 oclock Krry fariacr cirly within a railiui df aonic mile might brinR in Mme denpioQ of Slock for aale and ihcy may Jeoi upa It here will be Uaohera here lo buy up CTcrytbtag fit for tho ahaBbob Dur ng this week th Newmarket Pair CfBimiuet hav 00 ot HUla all oter lheIliJiog We Irust lhee to hon ry were addreraed will haT ihe kind aa to aee that hey are properly poated For lb aceomtnodjiion of lhoe living a diatance wc are to Itara ar raDgeinna have been oido fur takinit of callk and otbcr atick on the Fair rounds Tbi provision will enable thoae at a diatanco lo eompele wit ihoac this ioealily lU meibbcr ih date anil pUce Cardweli Wont Have Him From all aecoaole the Itoute of Com- aona ia not likely lo be troubled wih he rcdoobtubly cf South Sitaeoe aa Caid well will liavo noihiiif to do with him i ofaboDi SOO electors in Al lion he oibcr day one of MrFerjuona pated atron hold he cicclors d elared an orrrwhclcnniflit majoriiy asainat him lie atlempied hia brow beating cainc pracliccd riih aueh Siiuro and the Timfs irfUramp ea the fullcwiog aMounl of be cloain j evial l Ml FVrciaiafiiinli ihrrr M no li p uihr lailrr in lbwa CuDili 15 Th tmpoiiiufi of runihmeni by Caaaea of 16 Ceoenlly all Maiteta of a marvly k ea or Piivait Naiure ia ibe Iroviace Coalition Cry of DUlojalty I is aingilsr o noi with what unan imiiy Goternmenl nrgarn are crying ou againat Keformera for not giving the Coalition a fair cial and every Op- poaittoa candidal ia derMuneed by hem aa mtn wh will rut dowo ih Mioialry righi or wrong without regnrH lo 1 character of Ih meaiur submiued This is all Onaana opprned to real I common snae and cry is mad ply 10 rata filk iiies and blind the through party lrif iefloeeeed by lool oiectors Hut whil Govarnmani orgin r eciioaal ccotideraiioos ratber than ajadicioos and earelal aatiBate of th abilitie snd jualificalioaa of tboeilcek- tag tb Borraf4rs of tbe eleiora We have read he rrporla of meetiags pab lisbtd by oar esehangtfe from aD paita of tbe cooolry and we msat Bay we are surprised to fiad so few cowiparaiittly altevpt to dilate cpoa what ibey coflider the best policy for lb fatare welfar Ibis oounlrjr By rcfere4 to tbe new Coniiitotioa we fisd b ipecial matter eonmiited to the Federal aad Lnea Le UUtures clearly deSaed in Rrat meaa art bat moat of th candidaies fail lo tU tboM they seek to represent how they porpeae lo deal and aet with regard ihv t The Commoas bidea baring power t make lav for lb peac order and good gOTcrnment of Canada in lelalion to all natters ao ciaing within ibe clasaes of saljects by tb laiperhrAei eieneI cxeloatTety to tb Local fiala tares of the rrotaeta wiil bave tb fol lowing rahjecU lo dal with 1 Th PuMie Db and Pinpriy 2 Th Reoaion ef TraJe anj Com A Tbe of fcoy ea lb PaS Oibri OtNceia of tbe Governmeni ef ibe Do BiDteo tf Canada LigLiboa Ao Sea Coaai and Ittland Fibiio IS Frtios blM a Provioe and Briiiab er Foieiga Coaalry m bwiweea Two 1 and Coinage It iMOfparaitwa of Baaka a IS Mvipga Bank 19 Iniereot 90 Utal Teador 21 Bdiikrwpiey and tiMolvoey Si- Piea Rigtit laveaiioa and Dia M Marii eod Divate 37 Tb Ciimiaal Lew eseapl rb Ca tiioiof Caarteef Ciimiaal JariadieiMi bai ioelndiag iba Pracadera ef Ciimiaal Maaagescnl ai Paaitaattaiia It win ba obaerrad that asTeral of thaee qieatioDS eosamiuad lo tb Cooinoaa ar vital inlcrcsl to tb fatva af this aooalry Trade and Coaraa Taiatios ineiod iag tariff aad nciaePaaUl Sarriae Military aad Defeaaa NaTigailoa Coat aad lalaad Fistoiea Baaks aad Daakiag lataraet Baakraptey aad loaolrsaey Pataato ko ibeM ara all iaportaat aad U wra to kaow tb policy oar repraeantatifaa will paraae tb liae of aetioa thay will adept with re gard thereto Tbaa aa lo 1m Tjoaal LagiUatar Maay maitara ef iatarnt are aoamitted aiclaairaJy to their aooire aadlbcfa- iaia of tbia aosatty will be largdy ef fected by tba bias iras by iba IcgiaUiias xf tba ftrai le psftiaBaaty Tba Mb- I snd nvindy in hair bitiar do llii iinsgiaary inlndd aciian ihy seem to forgei ihai Ibia waa iba very eoorse that Sir JoiiQ A and hit Coaluion fJlowera rurued at the im of ihe mem oraba doublrihefflf They did nn for Mr lrias Goverumett t ihey on making tho deleal deciaiva lha vn aick men were carried lo lha Lg ilaiiva tialli lo vote faial giving 1 Tnan pgain we hava th cry a t vuriinniaia aid fOia ona eiid sf ih country 10 Ih other journals axpponed by govrroTirrt pap aka vp ihe vail ai maiixirg every canrfidaa not willing ledg uppri to lha Coliiuii o poae tu Confedaration and tol wilting to giv th naw cQatituion a trial Not an argument do lhy praind vane not a aingi cireumianc do ihAv adduce or point oui to j isify Isss charg Dm what cra ihy ili amoljmcata of tOica era in danger th patronage of lha otn aeema likely in bo iianaferred to other handi snd aomi ihing muft b dona to dcive the peoph It oaa so in the pat iha asme Ihing over egnin Ever airx the day when Guvarnrrani waa firai gaoa 4bi Province bp Tory party iiava harp ed upon ihi cry ho doaa lar ha rproacb of rebel sod eiioniai eaat Uon Refortnar whea ihej drmindrd the Secularissiioo of th R- rvt toi hiw th cry w at furth lhai lha o dangar wLeo metlva Upper 1 ua aai akeJ for t Or who fbrgu ibe charge of cooipua- cy ahtn a Rarorm Couraniioii declared in favor of Uefreentsiioo accnrdiijg tc Population f l iiigiilar 0 say whsn th lida bf public opiiiioo mad thaa Ue- formers popular ib Try party loiidt in deeouneing lhm aa rbr and an nexation bugaboo ware be very men to turn their back upon ha ennaiiiu- iiAti and poaa meararae granting ihem What humbug Tbeir loyalty when rwaatured by tba awaau of office atnka iiilo a aaeundary maiter eid aa for thalr annsxjtitw proelivtiiM tba only aeoking ifittinciiun at preeaiit thai opaoly oviwad each laodaoci or algnad asaiioti nMnifeatooe iniha country eiikr member of the Coaliiioe ing 11 warmoal supporisr A la nr your Simoo pure Lysli who sigmatisa their oppooaats as d loyal I Out upoa thai Moathlr Fain Tb next Monthly Fair to ba bald N uka plaoa ea Wednaaday lb init aad from all w can bear will be far more saeoettfal than tb pre J eoe It will ba well for Dalch aad Drovers as well as tbe farmiog aommaaity lo koow that tb plaea fur boldiag tba Fair bu baea cAiaagad from tba Agricaltaral Orooads to a plot ed jotaiag Iba EagU Ilot aear tbe Depot Tbe Maaagiag Diiaetor of the Norlbera U K bu also gireo inatraetioaa fo tb e of tb aacjaaary plttforn aad dipa for loading aattia to 00 tba ears tho addiag la Iba aooToaianca of all ooararBtd Pamcrs abo aadaaroar U Mill frttk la Ikf weaMr of all Ua older rval- dMti af Wrki aad onaMy Brriiiiaf Bealad Wy Maam Mrtlasraa Loctaaod iko iiapoiaa thai Ikal tarpria cave lo U tnda r lb loekHiy TUd fjilowl U trvcUeaW kla prwal Floarhn Mill aJ Mora rty hU eMaarril maaciioo wiih Mr Beaa taHaf IbM Mr b aa atoal proaiiaeat aBong b raisdMltra f ika loclity Tba vilkdrawoli ikervf of a WM Ilk Mr 8cfaaataB fm iktaetir IraJ of lb pWa la aiacetaly rcfTHUd aJ aati orily hav more efalrraiafft Tb OMra lamrdtat roaUibaliKf lo kia va nnJarataod riag lo ciUoaiva erkaaoa of bel al ikt North hieb aflcaVa fot aoaUd bcftra l- tini it to awrkrt raiuhtaf 9MCO0 aaJ te000 I ia it kiod of iraaaMtioaa lo oblek all prodae dealcta i or iMa iiaM aaJ over vkk H ii aBiliitv feaad iaipoiailM to airrciaa coalrol dr SitHaabB vlU loJ auay vary aaaoy lywpatkiarra ia kia pfoacal ailrraiily aal at- ikotk aoia liltl liwa May rlot4 brfera I tf kia takiaf an ariive part in Iba 1 ovralioea of tb la ycl w tnirt raDtnnU ill TataalIy b MaJ kick ill I kia to rrtaa ki voaunl poailloa Bcaa Jt 8miiaaas 1 iBctd aad rri4 oa by Xtr U bitora I lb aiool txtraatT aad iil vliWr frit ikaa any tk1 baa rtr lakra pUfo StvBarkM U Jon aaaa a kard tr ikalafi year ef laborioua loll aad privatioa 10 bo Ikoo bmft of fwrytkiag and then itfcUiril Uiat lhy Tlio t flon of Capiaiii Kvi onhouixlrdt and Feignon eooM Iripieii aaiii mean lot tiMiioying tiiaorn poapT- an y attCkiii n lh coumenanofSof Mfaia FiffUC hid diapotei tf a I lha agony fnnt and aiiilir- Thai ho kroiily oU tba liflirDlliea ef hia idy I ay I Joabl aa he ha bat bail h been ai indiflrreni aappod ba wmild accepted Iho nominatian for Carilarall ha ertcloion of The moiir7 thaniieiint loeta via siven lor Phillips Swiivai Itl lb Q loen iha ho if which m iTO rhaimrd ih lamba aleng tb aa to iHefurKoaa al Cookawwn ToroBto Tft- Hottb York On of lha beat games of ciick for ib atofl Waa placed eiNb Nwmikei QtoaniJa lai week ThaiMJay balween rievan ftom Tuioa anJ an aUven lecld a vaiiiiua cluba ia Nonb Vk li being btiay Uay we weia onahla to b an the gioood oniitiaM bofjr be cloaa hoiofore oaatia lo gre eommonis Two ima wti pSajrd Ih fin Tooitio and eiglil witket teapai Tb by Noih Vuik wiib even aoia credit t ban ibo nai a aa gained by Toionto Tba a I loaiiig is ibeeoa of tih gamss F1B8T 04MB Iff mniitffi Sad 0 a Roaa b Ueoard r Ptum b Braai 0 k b w kCfoahi SlavanbBaaardaBra- t Paartea k Oewar 9 b UralwM rvaoal i k Craabio ThoM b tral e BoWta k Haoard t Baiaw at lb UfwarU a MalBa S 1 4 b Hn ard Bokarta Perry aiot 6rsI b 0lr and Gaiibaldi expteaaoa lli firm belief in ibe acceao ef tb naxt Bevifinl Vitaaa Aognat 6ih Aeiiea gniia inaara now guing CDrrfoponiifiirp Sabbath Draeeration TV tkt f likr AWatarlrf Er Ur Dua Aia aa pUad to ar tk da- riJd ilaaJ you kTa takro ia yoar taii I aiaal deatnlioa by tbo hvclketa lUilicad Oapaay It ia axcodiatly MraUo kat paUia eralita ferally aad ail koolJ blUi tk cuapl If Uicro ba aaiy ad- vaatagM to bo rWnvad fnxa laW oa bo Lord k SaUstb ba voold to hooviiy old good ekrirtlaa ritin friTd ky aock a rocklna diarrgard e tka l afUod afUr ktad- oflkvra woald iMa a varral aad aea to Ik pao- ahMa ef tka ekr Bat ik Baiboait Cam- good cLriiiiaa citiara aor 1 tka peaca at Hvr Majratya li0ao all iaeliaad o take aoy proper aetia U tka lajMtic ia dwe to atket aod etully dcaarriaf Mab of tka cotaaoaily is aet oaolihy CororUaM amk uaur Kailvay C Iho aio of vbiek yon aojoally eoaiplalo ofaac ia grcaUy afgraiated by Ik act Ikil lk reUoBa coosrigatieaa ct Ik plara were aaaoyaJ ud IMalioa obelkr ikc fricada aflbo o8idr U ridiiy rild jwiito U ill tkapa U brjod la rvtly lUt a iUilrxL la aa iaaiiuti daiaod Jar Iks ac- be txriapt itMi ikaM rslrj opoo odliiary labor Hoi ikc taaMaMcat nitrrii Ik aa ila ap4ifaitk al Ibm yH vkoorer koht vi coaWadhif Uidioaa of tbo SoLbtlk- Tbotrnlk ii Riilrood Caetorrr cr acrleaharM II ia a eias akaa Mr is liaa ba Slk oorld Tkcra aat aCoMy of ika kiad ia aiateaco iki tb Uker ikoald aol iro tb anent of ailaso U McJitliTtarn Q L k F Tuioiif ibus wmoiog with eight wickela fl 8BC05II QAUB Perry b 1 Bnial Urabaa b llard Braa P Pntraoa b lranl s HaWfla if arwr b aad e Bmaat Boaltbr b aad o Braael Ilalliday b hraacl 0 Bavard Ilarrtll k tfraael e Hovard loul 1 r BoUita k OaUr Uaraaa k Oalcr a FOaiaaa Bialaoa b Boalibc tVaeaar Piaoa k BaalikM 0 Loaat k Boalikoa I McOilliriay aM oat R Looat k Uoalika I Ucard b Boalikoa Bye I Ug Byaajl 8I Uajaeit Xovtk Tork M la the llai game iba Noiih Yaik plyTa wer teially anaecaaiomad ta lb paealiar bewliiig ffoa Tronio bat tba an wbicb bay aaot lb ball aver tbo fi lb aocond game ahowad how rapidly ibey get to aaderaisbd their city eeasiaa Commerelsl It is with aafeigaad rvgrvt baro o aaaoaaea tka fcilaro af Oaf aia f sracauai Baq ol tko Im of Bvaa St sjfra- taiisa of tkia plao tks dimotalioa of the tra biag aaaaasrad ia oar advtiaia ealaMsa day lHag Ik paa tvalva ar tkirtoaa yaan Mr 8oTaaLa kaabcoatagagadia active kaa- aa in ikia lality aad aoalribated ia ao saall al tnda la yorOi Tork We kavo kad eeoasioa t difw viib U ia Matton ef kcal aaaeam j kat afaet aa towards bis aa a kaalaaaa ftkaplac Wall dersrweeber alt k Colonial By tbe Atlantic Cable FtoBKRCi Aufoat 3rJ William R Robi1 vcio of lha Uadtia of lb rro FDtn moreneni in ibe Ll now ia Nplea where h is raportod 10 iningaing wiib ibe Rtdioal Diraoeraia and mon uf th ptny ol aciion in i lisiy r Fouiaj oulOteak i ooB Aogoat 3d 3 oolack p m icbaa fium Aibei aaaoauoad ti d bMid tba bCaiiltlMeagaioal iba trialuo Grook Goveramoot loimiQoiiaa a daeianng abhma watW FftsTKBbbr tM atidail by pipuiia aia I awiitiagancy aad oftofa bava a beiog nwlo boon iaaitvd salliog 10 tba Kingdom Pet Sb avaaiag Tbadaima af Ffaaea anJ Fiancb aatcu apen Mxi ea aia o b eaiefully lavuad by a oobi which baajaa Oaan appoiaiad by tba day apob Iba laply of Na poiwou la lha ateigu mambareal iba Eap- iot Iba peace m the BaesixL April 5ih S aoloek p B iapatao body- S P Rosaia Aagas Sib Aceoaata irvwi ttuaaia Mata ba graia aiape aia azuemaly Isroarabla aad lodieaia veiy basvy yield Tlkara will ba aa it FiMcaca Aagoal ftih Gaiibaldi baa roBM lo Iba coaaluatao ibat aauaUaiiag all ibe peaaant t Tba wlaulaaia wbiab fiad bagua la 00 loot iiiMl aU porta af Italy 00 wbieh bad al laady iovatUJ tba Pal taviNMy al aavar al ptaoaa wilt diapaeaat bat tba aoveBaai e ooly dalayaOioai abaodMod iarerai Tba prepautiraB fK aseiar giest aav bieadaialla a i- Corri alrirnia whaai I3 91 41 i tallow dS4 I bscn 4 9 2 00 9J I Ohsi iMictai ara ancbaogpd Livaafjoi iojofi 6li 8 uvluck p m iDlf wbai la 101 tt 5 a 5 Id oata 3 I l a 3 1 Ud as 4U 6v a 42 Td Provjiona i heaf I4i 6J a 14it 7d poik 73 laid Ds 31 bacon 43 91 Advifloa fiom laneboeior ara not favourable Ttia mar ol for good and yaina i dull L midnight la iba liooaaofCom- light Loid Sianlay the Sacretaiy III lha Uiiiietl Alultma clatma a In the liuur ol LoiJ to right in aeeoid or lb ihiid liDi and paatcd PiSTii Ag- 6- It iaid thai Kiatnlh out eoiifeiied uHie bim by tbo alecuisvl a4XX Latest froB OttAWA- Cfrrtfio a Chit U G A ffieeing ofCoaocil was hU today Pre Sir Joln A MaeJinad and alt Caiibl and Liigiu lliik Mr tialt ihia fniiiiiiiig Mear Blsir d McTVingall are still abeni Ivtrd Mottrk accompniod by hi Sos- reiarv iudUy arrived by oveaiiig and praceedsd U Uall Noouf ibo Miniaiers whiirf 10 racoiva biin There was pubtic dnMisirwiin of any kind MafdomU ha baan 1 nf lha machinery fir ih aWf ihawjh the 4lt aecion of the Ionian Aci iiye the luual ratiroinK oilker re lo b nployKl yi aa the 4ird aacti in au ihoritea io Governor ieneral to aalecl othr rvidning oRicr th Mrniitry hva of cour rjlvad l uama m general do at tby are b ond t the coiitax likely to ba cioao many conslitoaneiea it is important them O haaa oiaii of that sort It is well iirstood ibat Sir John A is anvijiiatu ing 00 the election to Utificr Cndn a c aa ho i Ineifigtty delav difR- cultiaa io Bruii wick N iva Sciiia and IAwar Canadti baa atnid m the wav Of eHrra ha eJect onv mi ihee piae fa voursbla to th Crrupioiisa will be brnughl on firi Tiie wnia will 11 boar rh aam date but tho for plac wUinh are agiiM the Coaltlion w H ba found perhap aiuck in pgn hnie and m ii1iefa untl il iliOiiglit desirable nr Itrnii g nlTicar ha bi have bi inairuciioiia accordingly Since lb 111 of July wbn th Union Aei wcu into force Sr Jhn A and Mosrs Canier and Gait have baav gagod elecitpnaariagi No Plicy a ra- garda lha TarifT iba Uililie or the tnier coloTiial Rnilway has yet beOn determin ed on AH this hna tear waited Pub lie blainae ta in frighirul chsov as the deparimanis renuiin unurganz snd ye ihne mon who rthibil such a complete nog act of public iITiira sik p rpia la iskr theii on trial for he future Lord Mnnck nil of I st and the Conncil meeting ninrro He nny alao sign th co isiions of lha rsturning bfric Orrawa Augat 7 h 18G7 An esu of the Official Uaxettt ihi m ordaiing a genoial eleciioa to ba Par- Dafaadat ef ibe Faiib To all le brm thea pieienl fbati coi jieenij Uheraaa we ara diiaoa aod reaolvad aa anon aa majr tw to me our people of our n o Canada and to bara Ibair ad egr loyal will and pUaiora to caH a Iaiha mni aad do roitber deiare ibat by ib advice of our Ptivf Council for Canada wa Wiiia in due iuim fc oatiing inoor aaid Damiaion which Wriia bear date en the eovenib day of Aognl MiBiant artJ 10 ba rainrnabia on iba iwoniy foaith day nf Hemirr n ibaa eor loiters lha Gicai Seal of Catada aHlaed lighi traaty and well balov llnnofliabte Cbailei nrk Daron Mnk aJ I Caoniy ol Wesfoid Gaaaral of Iba DoBioioo af Caaada I lyAtal yoar oi our leigo By Command EDWARD J LAMGCVIN Clark efiba Ccwwa in Cbaaeaiyi Caaada Tbe Fixe ia PetroUa Prra An 4 Th gtmtest fire that erer was in Ca aadisa oiidom oeearred her last aibl eomaeaciag aboot clTo oclock Tbr a maaom aay a boy who stag tba 0x10 at Laoa wall asd it ab tti time for bta to leate wkand for aaetbar to come ea la goiog for ki be bald tbe Isaiarn orar oaa of iba oil taaka for the porpoea of lockiag see bow maah oil waa in it Whil dag tbts b go took fire aad in aa laatanl tb wbola lank wa ia flaBca There ire over 400 barrali of oil ia Ibia task 4 aaelbcr eoqtaiaia 800 barrala wu oioae proximity to it the two betag aboot bt fet aparL I arrired at tbe aoea abMt li oeliek aad worked with will aatil my eyes wmcalasat barat oat of By bead with beat wbicb was of Iba ioieaee deaeripUoa la tryiag KHB oil oat of oa of th Uaks by Baaaa af a pipe tb pip leaked aad the icrrible beet firm too bnraiog tank tlie oil 00 fire on lha p Quick lighlalag Ihe Ire flew back le this taak also and tn leas thsn a moment it offlamci Then esmr tbe 101 of war 1 never saw tach a grand sod awfal aifcht before Dawn tho creek went ihe barnin oil aoroes the road t the King Well lo the rcsr of Noble ily a myieslio aihL Now yoa woold hear a boiler burst and fly up of the tanks would bars and belwera the Are aod tbo people runntos like htinlcd mice it wu a eccne I shsll furgei lo ofder to get a bird of the eoafla I a about Lalf way up iolo a oet derrick Just as I hsd got comfortably acsled ban wont Msrahall boiler some portioos of which fiew peat me and had rather a bad cflfoct en rey oervoos tyslem After sa myself in th derrick down I eame snd wmt across lo Pclcr Taylor well No 1 It was on Are ila laaks bid buraliand Ihe oil was rapidly backlog op Itchimi blacksmith shop I feared the eonscijucneea doecs r inalil3iiioii the provif- Q7 A Minneiots psp ssyi ons with reference It Ihe qaalifijition of I to esiimtte ihJt Ihore w II electors aad eindiJte era posponei Ihsl slat lhi yrar tweaiy from taking effet oalil after the lal of inf wbot wbicb will erjial s an September 18ti7 Tho Aet eoniaint Wbeo Mi nm disiinei provisions with refersace tn the it wai coaaidsred extremely dktf4 qualiSestions of Municipal sod Parliv early iiiiacrs if tbe soil eaptUi It menlary aleclore and also as le manicipit piojociog wheal 10 soy very large mml eandtdatrs aod the first part of this 4i7h tie pplia 10 monieipil M inr Nttri Sir J MiAJ Fl cundialo sua lullowio ih ual I ihe comminj of tb n 1 1 tl of toniltooiion ecorfinf w tlx Cndi iid it i uid in militit Si iniiim a nu It wonld too tht th poiiin lii beta olrel iToT thil Il0 citclon and oiodidalei inciot Sir Fonnick Willim ColWilZ by llii ilii 1 mnnKipil Th w li g er a Iht when finally revised ts final aod Dpaly Quarter Master Geoarsl eoncluire and oo qoeation of qoaifiea- held by Col Lynns ion can be raised al tho election bolof OK the identity only of tbe voter with ibe Sodr elcclor whJae name is 00 the list J leeare from N 189 The RlclMirdioa Hiae- r eepid pnoeipti i dralera 7ke iadvdaaMMc 1 DcLt Aog- 3 I 125000 i U it now a settled fact eraoted by 11 W00 parties that the Ilichardaoo nin aad CO We have rscaivad n cof 01 others adjacent aie exMedingly rich 1 Pr Lm of the EihitHiion 0 18J n Kiperienced mioers fiom Jliutralia Cali k poce at Kingston on ihi1rdj4 I UDdroirt 1 Iron Mjlait 511 i ly by rM I age fro srereeaio tank aod ear well is safe Al fornia and loalana proted long srnee the 3- h iCih and 27ih Sipi the fire wss at its heiht n a exiaicnce of cxtcBsive well defined leJ he world In tha Agneollurai Doptfi breath of wind and about 15 aCrca of of mineral ihrouhont the back country ihoro are thirtvfnur clto solid fianio Wheo th burning oil waa The Uichardton mitio boinj now in lull ihe ra and Muufciuring UaparialN ranniog dowo Ih crcek and he whole operation a new iinpotos is civcn lo min aevomeen Mjaare in one blaxe of be Ihen Ihe cur ing operaioos lrufeor UtwayF U Mr Shaw who manafieturrsjkti reel ef air eam rushing ro Voa couMi S of FTosland and Mr WyckolL of New oodar tbe aame of Joblbllinvfaaiaka eel the air braaliing paal yoq like a re Vorkboth practical cheaiits aod asvay jm prepastioa His neat ki ranJoua whirlwind 1 Ue Icavrs of the cr hsve proved beyond djubt that Ibe M IV He aanouocet that i piieesfa trees ev were aH drawn close to tbejraiBcral depoail rxiat in payiog ioanli jmsMoa will be 9 II ey brancHcs and the branehcs cliso lo the ties over a larse area of country Ibey gkt posibly be laooccd lo d aoaat iks trunks Tbe air was rosbins from all fird gold snd silrer in nearly every sosiy dirteiions snd iotho ciolre of tbe vorlex raoging fromtwonty to five bondred doT the whirlwiad look the smoke up 10 thej Urs per too Mr lilsu ofthis city ha rans but Ibe 40 GTk Paris earrepOBdert ef Iks heavens like a roll of wool aid then Lij on exhtbilion lo day speeiineas l oul tske lire preacnting appearsoce yesterday of the mine weigh of SB inuornae firiy Mfpenl whirliag op ing fr fire to Aij poonda in which re a ei ao ettraorditksrr instaae af about ibea hundred feet in ihe sir Thei is distiactly soon in ecveral places hi ilermiin 10 science Olring tbe lait hissin and acetbiog was owlolly grand Tbe Isreet pRCe of quarts fjr valee i two moath ef bts illae Dr Troexaa and ih super hea s gensrsted conaiderod bjr 7 ipomtrd out da Ik o of hieilitf ond the uit would borst or asifl snd ihinz erer producM in Calitoroia tr ianjea iioprni of iiMih eaiped b m iiff From Catifdrnia wa have tbe la formaiion ihst iho jUonirnl Pacifie ftl- road is bring pusheii furwnrd w eaer gy There ere Bow Jfi COO workaw iployed in gredir ihe tnnoal 18 fearful prngrasv to the width of lOU ru Mr William MwKty I7 i j i i II I ik I Chinese hkonifa l Mclinldlihorneeon0hyj sa of work I resubling ihe caunoaade of tillery sans t is hard to e imate ihei entire loea at present bol 1 ibiak ihatj FsAarvL ToaivAon- On inday laat 50000 barrels of oil have been eonstimed I otoji i p m a most faiifnl torndo her wiilr40 OUO worib of property 1 rommenroi on the 9 n ctneeaaioti iSih eompriaiog eotcioS derrick Uoks JLe t ol Ksit Z r and spaRt itasT on Tb effect of this immeos lose will li rraeing tba 14h enneersioD Btb loi send op ihe price of oil rery ooosiderably Aogest Ffulta lloretani Aa order aotifyiag tbo irdrs nf feet long will be ckHnpleiad and road nvar the Sicra Nofoda will be finiahrd Noveatly ground li general cnnvoejnoa rf ihe digo fied Cos gret of Ike Fcniia Drotbbial at Cere land oa Spl 3rd I besu itsued by Vica Gibbona The Net York papera aay lUat a largely alteadrd iaecli nf liiiiiaen wa keld 00 Wedeeaday itigb to orgaaite a nw circle lo be called after 0 ifloran oaa If the eonvieled Femaaa nnw oefinrd la PriitOoville UngUbd tepMl The m waa cabled loardfrbr Mr Cdwaid L Carey Ceatre of Mao haltan wk denied Ikal there waa sa trsihio tbe n aawrBl Feaiai ism waa dead lie aoro ih h wa to orgse fe cfclrata every waidta ib city snd thst he wiicd ne oee I oi wbo aat reai lo tsk lb field folly iippe I In do rt di orgsa ha and had aulB mile iiat lo keep SOOOOiaeain ike IWld for twelve mialk II eic by iiiiottcipg AJr James bhoas of Pbilsdelpkia tba Vice Pre of Ibe Brntbribifld wko aldreaed tbe wrrt n Maj aest ca forwerd acd tlut te waa ab loauoouocs tliai there t eiflrd but one brsai b of Fe a anifra bmb had beta forincd luta ear- ibat lri giib and Scotch drjr bad met Wia R Roberti in P aad btd gitea b fealty There waa aew bu one baad oa h cbrerieg have tl ar will o4 osa ibem I Liail crteaof We wjl GeOial Spear Cap B and oIlMrs ike Al ilw cOaclaMon a very Isrge aamber tf 03r lae csme forward aad enrolled Ibcir aa ai members of tbe ctiele Tbe Prew BB GcDEttcH Aagut 7ib TIm firiater eember of Hie ireabers of the Piera A arrived here las night About co lioidted ladies aad gea From 9 10 12 Ihti frtnoo wit COi pied by drivia abo the Iowa nodar i gaidiBceif l Warden of the Couatj aed iba Msyor ef visitiag the Sail tVeils tl Lake Shore Guabeata CAcrwiaad Prince Afrtd other svpjeela of talcreat At two o the Aiaoeiaiioo met ia Ibe Coart hoea a elected the fullowiog ofie b Pres A G Camp bell Eq WkUly OasHte lal Vice IVcMdrat Mr Cei of ibe JJuron Hignal nd ViecPieaideal Uoyle of PictOB TinUt Mr Jaek af Ibe Em Rrco Ur Belch 01 Ibe S Mary At lloa Secretary Execelire Coaaiiti C H lioll Wm Nicbsiaeo Mr Mr Ho sod Jiiba Camsraa 11m Mayor aad Corporation allcadcd aaJ preaeatcd aa addieas of welcoaio At z p mer Ci bo ol the Anirneaaa lesiiog then QailifluGoa of Yo Tba f abstract of th eleclion Isw ha beta pr b an le gal aatbority and will remove eome doubts wkieb bite beea started by sever si correspondent The qualifisatioa of Parliamentary elector tl deSaed by the 8Ut aeetioa of tbe Aet of 186G to bo u fol The owner or oeeapaot ef real proper ly of tbe aetaal Taloe Io cities of tOOO In tuWBS of 400 In Ttllagee of 3o0 la totraabipe of 209 Oeaidea poe th roqaitiie prep erty qaalitioo tbe elector most bave beea entered oa the lui revised aaaeea meat roU from wbioh the voter list i prepared la moaieipeliiici where tbe asseeameat roil of 1867 baa been rerised It ie tbe dou of tbe Clerk lo prepare tbe roter liat from tbia roll and if complei ed by bim aad fried wiib the Cierk of the Peaee oa naoMM btbt A tlatt of th4 lot had WO cows bei BhJ 1 sheep killed three of U barns rotnoved j from iia a ifta boards alHpped off le A labte hiaVea mid ia ftrsiiegk Ihe roof of his b csrrieJ I f 3 cleinawsy J- UcLeod llih con ce lOth lilt loa tho roof of hia 1 ha msiertal m eleeiro pUle pe bor SI O be aoder aarfaee la srabea Wbere this has aot bee dooe ths voter list il be that pre from ibe aaaeo meat roil of 186d Wbetber that aboold bare beea ptepered 00 tbe old qualifisa lioa er 00 iLe ae ri to a qaee dwrl M Sr and balding were carricl away and lodg ed emniig iho Irea tops in adj liiitng woodi James M Ksy conce lOih lot iHHt of lha chimney of hit dw 1- iiig lb tin railed cp in a kCrull anf larg gate lo hi pra twiatod olTiia btrgrt Tha tornndo thea pa into Mr Cot woods and took every tree in its war levelled to Iho feel io diameter wss broken ofT at ihe rout and earrioJ in ila vart position for upwards of f n riids sirikiiig ihe gro about every aa fei mskitig s Isrge ho it every I uiitiKi one barn for John Uooald on ll- 12ih cancamion took the roods oil Pigiits houea an bara Pencea tree grain and m ila eoura were broketadowa blown away and da ilr may ba oih avff rer unnoiioed in thia ro but the above are all th particula w wera able lo learo Il Sefitime im A OsspcruTS ViLLUX We hare to reccrd the fonrth attempt al eacjpe of ibe aotoiiooa bora IbeH The Greea aioee bi arrest on Cbaieh atrret Gorl oa Sa orday ereaiog tbo 8- Jaoe last Break ing off tbe baodie ef aa old tree apot be cariied ia bia a leg H jigged rod be sawed a bite ibruiijb ibe iach ai abaSf ee Sior under Im bed bead abovi 2 n 3 te ia tiae He alan eat tbe 7il sad came apaa wbat be evi deatly did aot espect sad wbicb muai bare iioopla biis aome a aoliJ bed concrete baid at a rock H alst tried Iba stil aoder tbe wall and perred sreaad iaevery directioB Taio acekiag a pregaabia pari He waa ibaa preveated fiom earryiog bit scheme iata edrct b eS waa dottbtlesa make a aubterrstwan paM age ttjder the wall Tb culliog of tbe lGr wat bid by iimpy reptwiag the bed bni ih lc areb icaatltog aol joialt belweea iliC ll aud ereU tbere it aol esoegbreaa lo stow ai- Iba dirl which would ba dug out by sacb an eiperioaeat l- la lbia ad iplid aaoiber maimnrre 11 coiaalaiaed ol ropture aaJ by tb aal of aa eawora pair of paata realized moaey lo bay a day nd aigbl treta llreakiog offsa ead igibeniag be diovs it a block of wood aad ao iatprottsid a Kiewdrieer With ibteaie la be acioatly took lo pieeea tba lock of the aext ccH so a to oblsie iagresa at p Bie aad kept il in sacb god sppereni ike tarakey lie cut Ikroagb tbe 0 el thia ccIl a- and wit aakiit very good headway abea Mr Cairac oa Friday BOOB discovered bia work lie waa at oace baadcoffed placed ia tbe wowea ward until the damage is repaired aad oaw icKka filed apoa Iba door Greea baa j gsiaed bis laaj aad is 01 of iSe ooldeal sad moat d villass ever act foot ia NYeliiagiea lie wtll tried lu September aext at Ibe Qaarltr Scaaioaa for aiealiag a brrae aod bajgy fiam DiaadOa at Fergas aad elbef offeacsf Gwffi Adrrturr aegalived Yeaa 19 Nays 123 ihr propoailioo tbal Womea abo abare wilb tbe duties aad respontibilities of Voters at Eleelioaa Tbia deciaioa was pcoceded by aa earacil protrxcted die c la wbicb the right aaJ expedieo cy of exteadiag Ibe Electite Fraacbtae to Women were moat eloqeeaUy arged by Mr George W Carti aad let elabora tely by several otbera Tb iedgemeat piaeoeoced yeateiday by tbe Coaveaiioo aasi be tbcrtfere b regsrJcd tt fiaaL Y B- le statialieal rcp Taikey wt a popalalioa ef iweaty five millicaa bad ia l86i 15000 visilrd by 600 000 cbildre la Raasia With a popalalioa treble that el Turkey there are esty 20 000 seboolt wiib from 800000 10 900 OOU pepiU It i reported that Iba Natieaal Baak at Uaad ie Oi Coaaty Neia Yora be failed with UbiUtiea aaii to eaat to 8200 000 Tbe baak w c tered abojt W jesra ago aaJer ibe Safety Faad lew of Btate aad abeut yeara aiace it leek ii Nstiosal char aeter wiib a capital ef 150000 acd pow er isercBscd tefSdOOO nd richty enrtved wiih repreaistiaai fra I sad fi iwera Tb b dr ceaaiih ig ef iaeJcliatert of frei aad fiiwae reel gilt ix of very b M dega IV aae of the work it twj thoaMB4 hundred dellarf Aogutt S Last night 4 meeting was held by Maars and Ogilvia ia St Lwrenoa alrsft whore th populnioo ia chiefly FrWlu but prie hi ih maaiiog would not at- ipeak Suiiia aoJ ret Kb eggs wera flung a Mef e ald bd 0 hera 0 ihavhad to retreat Ths pa 1 e f ire r alJ a help ihem SbmeM V the oITeade- sia koOirn and will it U siJ ko procatlieynAl 7U4 B0 Under the Penny Poatag eystes the rceeipt of rfaw Uriiiala PeOfid have iaeresesd la the ss timate of Post Office Kereooe ia 137 lalely sabmiUed o tb lioaa ofCoob mona by the ChaaeeBor of he was eel down at ihs probe ble aam for tho year an from tbe reooe Relarns for Iba Joaeqasiierisil- published it sppeara that tbe antietpalsAlf iaoome is bke to bw folly realised tbd qusriers receipU being ao Icn thaa I 7oooa CJ A ana nawi Oaorse Uartia wa mardercd near Portree Moaroe e tba- 34tb last by soother man oaoard Ge Smith It appeals that a eriaraal iaU maey had existed for sooae irie bctwen Msrtio sad Smiths wife and tbe sttaa tioo of Saiib bad beeo oiUed to ibe Csel r f Oo goiag home Ibat niht unexpected Smith foond Martin ia bed with Nrsk if Smith aad imaiodtately atabbed Jtim Itt tbe bean Martin elaggered iaie aeet er reom bere be fell deed ijmilb sl rendered hiaiself lo tb pcdwe aad ae locked Fxaoraoif Girrrt9cjtaBA Tea Ferguaon begins lo see bia rhaoss sr all up with him In Ctrdwe sod B C 0 sirngthn bifnerofl th er of the eNciion tugit4 that lootbff psekeJ eoQveoiiin ahiuld b sre plessed lo leero ihsi Or PaiUip eleciioo itei certein ihil by th adiU uf his aomerous frienda he bai refiHol have anything to do with a onveatiea ihai would as before be picked by TinslsmM TVaars Baaspea 1 Geik BuiieiaeommitieeM if vesiigato tbe asaawinaiioQ ef the lfe Pretil Unedo met oa lha 33rd aad J waa divided itwe stib oommiirMi mA 4 plsn of opasatioRaagreed up ItaM aulcrmmitteB will begin work al eaeek aeacon Thia ia deairad partickdarly lbs Judiciary C win repoel ew ihe impe ea ih first day ofsaxt seoeioo sad it is daeirovs lo b bolW reporu go before ibe c logeiber OrriwA AHsat 3 A e af Iks Ceaaeir mk place ereorag PrteeaC Sir Jae Cirtier Ca aad Laa a qaorsm Tbe old 1 coriaplioaixt have evcrylftiag ia Ibeir baadi Meatrt llowtaadaod UcDaegaB pielead tbal Ibey are oisg to eser great railoeace ia ibe aJm ef public aflairs yet al fi at imperfiar of CoetKil Mr tlo ea preaetl aed to be lef Ibe eiiyt le Mr Carter i iapesl qarsiieaa eagsgiag tbs allsaliea ef ib Csb Ml GiU Adrioe from tTtab ssy tbal as rep discord baa Mokeo anaoag lb Saiata aad tbal tb prebl ofMora wiH eoon toT iisdf Namb of aalipelT gamist bar Uft Utah booad for Naavoo IlL Br Yoeag ie beJag boldly denooaewd by msay of bis follawer aad tbe aeet it comiag rapidly damoralixed Tve ae three oeaday ego Toaag ia a eers St Cottoawa deaoaaoed Wb Howari a distiller who immediately rose ie ibe sadieaae aad breaded Yowng sUtems as fsloa Voaag ib ordir Hovarl I be rk e ef the b whiA va aad told bis besree to I dews Howard bouse aad distillerya which however Ibev failed to Jo- A if or two afterward Hevstd aeat VMefe letler demaadieg a letraetioa of bi fUi or he woald beU w MraouaTy reepoaxibie It is eali Y e laieada 10 more lo the aevly dieeeief goM aiace