Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , February 15, 1867, p. 2

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Kw AdvertiMmtBU i Dry QW W Tit Train Xlma JttwmhxM AKnAjMtT 1867- mtiS h 3Ui of loduaS b bw hth printed j bot mt Ute gilhtred thi followion from Uw dUild atal U laid befort th Fitaoe Cosmalt- It he Ff cent amiooa or lb CmdIj OotiMil Tbty may not be liUrJlj ret dollar bat vMr eaootth for all praciiMl pTpoai ia inalUr o dl UlCMa7TrMfTf Ori0lBWJticfr9MOwl 9 J 7a4 2 atkriffuIClfrkflhtrtM- 1 THE NEWMARKET IiRAT FEBRUARY 15 1867 nrrtllandUaJ- mrkt Friday F Iftt 1 FKOM TOffyTO 1 muwicipalbhibery r Utile ABd the Toll OsU snocKiso ci9E3 Of Tbf Toronto Curler Oppoaition to Ritaalifm TMMT Ftbf 14 1S47 n MM Miter of mX m tb cbaff bciUcj aarM U Vawali k- tte It M int rrfcmd te pmal Mk- tM hat M U7 Ud Mt rr te aafatM U U- iwJaaw f rvfrnUd tfca fart te U Writ M M nkfni to U lacarJir fcr iavlatiM It ia iMuUrvIr bf that IW tf r U LmI Mt a tMMMitaliM te tka CM CMaril tW W itkt eMpUiaiag tUt iMcpajffi tratiiH MU lU Cte Ciaptaa B4 te pa a mrj telb a tUat rMUiag Mil rtaBi VW If 4a1 lea iWr aa pkt7 fnte pajrtn Uia Wkia tka cMaty vba imtt a aJaate tha rMila l W vIm vvmUgiaJIj acWa taada d 7 ir Maf ihUm iba gatea vHWal grmaUiaf ParUp Mr L Ibiaka tW Caaat CaaWil wixht ba wA eeUtrad te awUax ipaeial Bii Wanlkip tW Paltca Uagiante la tW CUAa parjarr ea m Head aK boUiai aret lie i bt r iak7 vhoaa a ar iyalkiag firU ma U af rinaa Aa asoaepuafcaJ girl aawnt lUrjr Charwn cilacateJ al 8l rpbi Caavrat tktMgh tba caaaiaf aad HrkJ ai4UU7 afa vaMaa liviagaa Baattea MvJ UarbaU M iadacJ te aaur apo a 4larptaUa cavna UC laatbar jaag tiH fI7 a lrai tate a batea kfpi by Mt ISnka m MaQUI Straal al ipriMl aad ereiWid by a rUiter Bbiaia MCvrMad bar dtari iwg Ua fttU till Priy Uit A avUaf aateb M plajd M Uai WtvM Ut tacoate mi CUan CUW T rM Ui aa mmj rfetety iba rora Wlaf TataMte 7i Cabvarg 32 Tba carlaM a Uii Mj ktt vaa Tr7 satcb U7 bra playaJ tbii TU 0 itef Malrt U Drill 8W1 WadaavUy avtaiaf la ba actaanaeUdaadtbaaa 9paaetf fa Jiktnbatel te Iba aas A Urgaaad Ulaaetial Matiag S Cbareh af MiaiiOT m baU ia 01 itaaa aa YaaKUy evaeieg larf tecal uya abialil bt akaa la pmaat tba iatradacaJ if Bialii ra sywtew Papery isteiirf Kpiv pal Cfearab ia a4a Tatwtt Diati aaaaiaiiy pravailad Tba ball prm by ib Maaaa af tb 134b UaMan ukw piaa Wj iM U aatidpMad TWLr af WadaMOay aa atraaflli of a privMa latter fraa Ifiafua tbat aa Moa ky tert TaUa lack Ml aad aaa aarriad ibaPaUa U WM m fcK a UiA by frw te 70 ia knackh ud mU itmMtm ai avrral ibaaaad tew Tbf aaxt Aaaw Car Torfc rayaam w tba M al April bcbra iba Um W B Tba In laiiae tm iba Caaaty af Paal tok ptaaa at IkaaptMaa iba ISib af aaxtaaMb Rat ach tiaraUiag iaat aaw aa4 trada ii iatbr V Our Hew Headinf Wiib t dayi ieN we eMKe Vl 8ti fit Ibe Era To cMWMaarat ibe ere ve beve precered s m bcd f eed ibecatae ipfvd tbe feppm Ke r tbe paper ibe peat it b beea oer eadctrer te pervee Mb icevrae I aoal bkelf m ear beable ledeaeat te caiiibU e ibe beet iatemt of tbe RWtega4 eeteriai wfm eealber jrcar we i ealr m Ihet ear beat ef firli ibtll be pet fortb te draer redly aiarit tbe ci1y iocrcatta pelroaea Ibe paper w reeetriaf Tbb Kidiaj is caM with otber roottitaaaciea bioaboitt Iba eattrf wHt iberti be calted apoe ta elect He preaalaCrei te ibe Fderl aad Loetl Leiatiwa aad ia ri af ear paat eierta t eaaliia be party ard aieatd plie optaiea a Ibiab ii ael aabii web te rraeat ibe frieadt of tbe party fb lead balpiac bead eitrad tbe Jbaac m be JSr A blla eart ape part Kkg tbe lower frt ef Whitebercb aad the Nertbera peniw tt Oeeriaa arld Mtnay iaeraaaa abaerijtttM bal aad caribaie ta friaia of Qefeim 7ew ia ba tiaa fer Ilea Couitj rinaneos The Isaaaaaaftba Ceeaty wbat it aaa te a ow Saia vbat doa irith tb taiea laried for Ceaaiy ptipoaia Bia sattm aad iaaia fall of iMaraat a tba rate payarK Tba aeeeaata fipaatly kid badbra tba CoMaii by tba Uaty Treaaarar abeviaf tbe reeelyte aad die borsewaU af tb Uaiied CautUa af 7rfc ui M tbe lit r ppOH CMly CaaacM Pablia BailOiH TaUl tOtrn By referriaf to the reeeipti abore irea it 111 be aeen tbe tutal tasee peid tbe Coasty Treaaartr for Coaoty par poeaa ia Yk tad Pttk driS the put year aoMaated l 93061308oa Ihe toldl leried for all parpoaea wat J39ft8cai tad of tbia earn North York eoatrJboiad at folloiri TaaMbipflf Ciag WbJickn flMt avilliMhary IMS t7 NaftbUailUabwy 7M W OaarpM Ml U af tarki io ttaUaad LaaJiag tSS 53 81 U Witb rcftrd ta tbe Torb Ileada we may jaatobeerre tbat tOer payiag e oeaMry workio atpeaaea iaiereM ainb af faad ooet of arbitraiioa vfia- laaaoee ataoa tbey hare beo ta peeeai ofCoaoty ibe tghaiaiooert bare liqaidated I6 00 of the liabililira taeurM hair parehaaa and tbare waa liill a balaaee to tbe credit of tba fToaty oa tbe 3 lit ef Dooetaber Iaat of l0745ta i that elearly iadieaiiag tbat by jadleiooa naBtftMebi tbaae Koada viU aborily beeoiae a aoaree af naeb prott to the Coaaly We were terry to obeerre ibit at the laet meetiog of be CoBBly Coaoetl air effrt waf Bade lo opeo the door of faroriltM kjr petition- ilt the Cottei to aUo peraok Utiag 00 tbcM lieea of Road ta sake yearly Qtatioa and by otbr to iIaee Ite toll Keapini ia riew ihe priaoipta toe tod eqoity of lh ratepejera Ihreagboat the Coanty aa aoaad arq eaA be addaed ia aapport of aiiber at ibeee propoaitiioa while te adept tber wooUi be opeoiog tbe door te fa xitUa aajobbery reaaltias a aneb Mtaaliei ia the Coaaeilt aad tarbiog properly likely to prore ef great adraa- lage ta a eoroe of bardet to the Ceoaty W borfore hope tba Reeree aad Dep eoaipaiiag ba Coaoly Coaoeil will itreaaoaaly aet their facai agaiaat every alteinpt made to aiake tbe aaaaieiBeat of tbe Roada be bobby ef dcaigtiag uea to ride ioto ofiee apoo Oat nora aaoo Coflmtaa Thui aiood till IM FriUy oierninf whrD Ibe Deteeiive above alluded to aceompanied by Deieeiive Laraban ware aeen la the village moving roand eome- whai abtrply end a new aeoaatkti erealad Tbey arraaied Johm Moeita ufN arbem th report of Dr Bte eaat wtplcinn oa the charge of being ihe individual who aaulicd Dr Hunter aod loiik him lo Toronlobat bafon leavteguiie t number of partea li ibe ptaee wareeerved wiib aobfaenai ttcmee and rrquiriag their ailandanei bafoia ibe Poliee Magiairaia la Torualo Ihe next day Of oourae they all went bat for reaeoni we have net learned ihi ioveatigalioQ waa poai puoeJ till nei Munlay diaaawhde Moatlt waa par miiiri lo raiarn heae on bii Theti are the aiffjile facta of h caaa up tbe praaant and whaiavar may biour coo vieiinoe ia ha matter regardie the guill orinnooenee uf the parly aoeuaed 1 ie not fer ui lo KprMa ibau wbila ihe kitaaiifatioa pablic will ba made aa i1iy ara ravaetej al the fi lag iatoaiigaii fcla EtfitUr nJy PaWwy tStbB Dflettaa Baq ef Oawaav lU baa aa aataarfva crrdii mi ffcrwHok IwplaMate Aa Ttra- All niaaartflaad aadar adb avartha Mtaai C Matka radii ea apprwad Jolat 11 eab aaaa la iba aaia af iba waa du aa MHftwaat af RaadyIUJa Olag will alaa beefJ Ttima ab tbaa AtkiaMa ibravgh iba aetaaaa of tbU lU priated a iccd im abara Bdittrla1 Stmatury tMr Eli OottiAM jr baa called ap M aad ateiM thai iba ala af pwtaatablp baivaa bia aad Mr Wauica dnrtiaad UM aek la aat iraa Mra Dor ie now eelKag off tbe fVMisdar af bar eterk if WMar miltaary Muttaa aad Paaay 0da Ac a vadaaad yii- aM IW aaib te teaka raaw Ibr aiteaalTa By the AUintio Cabla Leaaaa Fab 9 eveniAs It baa beea by tbe cable will be redaoed oneball iBLiRi Febreatf 9ih evaninff Tbe King of Proaata baa ibe diet Ha Dka 10 thai body for iba cof ittaniled biai and Mroogiy beped for Oeiroan aaiiy He alao ported 1 the naeailv for a perraaneni peace ai tmeanJabroad TheKingand hiaapeeeb rie enlbMiaaiieally reeaivd by the peo- ple rjjfc tTcadera for RlRgiog tba afw Towa Ml aa iba firvMaa Oall kbraa iimm aaab day dari tba yaar baa baea advmlaad Ibr by iba Beform Meetio nil piaiT oaoan zttG Tofiaaat te attce a large ead iaSeca tial aioeliag ef Rcforaet tk place yea tcrJay ia tbe Macbeatca lUM Nawoar- kei Os Bolioa J r WctlIa M P P ealkd la prtaida ever ibe dalibantiea of tbe aaaeably aad Mr K Jtckaoa ap Secretary Uta onaiiag wrgan iiad abtiily after 10 oclock a m Tbe Cbairmaa o taking tbe plaifdm obeened that tba MtiQg waa ao larite at be aaiietpatadyei the bad tate of iba raada bad ne pre rented many being praaeat aad probably thtir nanbcr woaid be eonaid- erably aagmented after 12 ocltick Thoee preaeat bewcvcr were atsong Ihe 8S9SAT10HAL- ilaeatial of ibe Riding He ibareaijbljr tMrorad of b objee of the ctiag aadoadared tbe orgaaita tion of tho Party witboat refereaca tV former diftisetiont abaolatdy eaaeetisl In oonanluBg hi friendt tbroBithot tbe laaficy tbeyaniverully agreed tbal I ehaage frea tbeId Vigilaree 6e abnid be atJe and that ao aigani aboold ba parfaaled BUU A Meeiiag of Kiag Coaaeil akea plMaMAaadBlktKaRUby OavlHwda tbatter vUlladaetbarv aaibat mm- itea prapuwl te raeava aabeeriptlMa baa aid r aaw aabaMibara WbitabaiWi Oaaaait tbe Satarday felleviac at OafartTan Concrtf A grandCaaaerf ii ta- aeaaead te taka plaaa ia iba MaebaaMa Uall aa TMdy awtag aaxt te ba giva by aafaral AwataanfrM Tatoaia aaaiaUdby af Btadfefil aad Mr Jtmei af HtvwarkA Tiektte U ete Tba aart pwaly a baaava- teat aaa aad a waka aa daabt ill be Ubacaiy Xork Roads The Cosoty Treaa- 5uec bad aw eaa iknaiBl deilara ia bad aa 4baSiat DMrlMt aa aaralaci iba Yark pTiilt aAr payiag all aipaaaaa a latmat adalradMHagfl6M0efdabeaam glraa a tbaiLiribaai Tkta ibava b vatl Iba A dapnaioa ff iba refermtra heedad by Jabfl aii1 apon Mr liladaiaoeio- thi arere filbfuily recaived niai Fab 12- InaHigenea from I ii 10 ibe affect that 600 mare Grah aara hava aairendarad lo Iba fareva of he Parle Kiag Qaorfa ia abaoi ta aend an itagraph laliar to be Emparor Napolaofi laan Victaria and iha Ciar Alavaader king fir aaaiataaee la Graeatf Leaaeii Fab II evaning U ia alaieJ t DtaiBl4 trill prolaee it Fariiameot a plan e rafona le adopted by reaoluiioit M idea v Uiiklutly taeaiaad ia peltusai paaii Feb IIt ia poaiiivaly an- mrxwd hai all Franeh aoldlere H leava aiieo en the 94ih af Fabri LornMp Fab 10 A daepatch from Co- etm ibiy aia likely te be a aMtita af eaaatetlCoaaty ia a my yaara Bl fur which thiAeiiag Ihe ibht Ibaplrhape wf ilofiioui a party erjrani at preeeat eonallluted ey from hi poaiiiaa i log but he aover met lo ibe oljrci fur which called Ml misht petal laioa al ill bat iieeoefideradarfiiooi weaid ariaa ander ConfaderartfD ibai woald nake an orfaaiaaiion a naeaaaity All the great ReforiBa thai bad bca ef feted ia tbt aooatry bad beeo brevjthi aboat by iba Raferai Party eveti to obtaiaiae ReapaaatbU OoveraMvat He bad eoaaaltcd wiib Mr Jeckaan aboat a meaiing of ibia kind and fod ibat gen iatea ready aad witKag o ce operae aad ibe esitsMt of tba artklaevpoB tbe aabjfM ia tba Era ba ita approved of He hoped ibi Berting woald now praeaed to an ortaaisaiiao aocb ai woald praparly repreaeQi tbe great na jority of the Party and thoae wbe tMk pan would act aolely witb refereooe the faare Aph Motrd by B aa by Mr p Playter orgaaiBatiea Im apparalcd ceaipeaed al iwo gaaiteaaa froai erery Baaciialily ia Ibe Ridiag Tbe mreliqg bea aaraed ibe fulewiaf eoBBillae A Riddle Oeorgiaa A UfMelian NGwiliiabafy Joba Terry Jat Parobao E Oiihaibarf Geergr J W Ceflt Wbitcbareb Jeepb Stdct Jebo Frrpaon KDg B RtmAwayOa Friday anraing bat M Mr Taeaaa Ataiaaaa aa 4rllag arer a bridge iba baaiaria afibaOar- peratiea ia XMt OaiUiabary bia bataa laak Mgbt aad abiad awrtmiag tba ratiar Md braakiag iba ibaAa laaaa Tbaa liberated iba baraadaekedaSaia farieMpaaafara aaapteaf aitas ibe abafu dugliag at bia lida ibaa vbaeM raaad caaa dava Baaawd ifaa te iba Tawa Ltea aad wm taagbt abaai baUBtJa Mat af tba viika aat teaeb tba varae far bte Jliax Boet l Tba eattar bewwrer waa ewidarmWy pertoi oppeaed ty lo apaaking of ibe CLiMtBTae iriad ai ib raat Yarii AieiXliMii patitiaaa art ia iiriwiliftaa far tiaifibaaeateaeaaiaeJiba BradM 7awa aya We bare m latwtiaa baeaatji tbe daeteva aptlagial bat we Miare ba Bade bia diibeaarillr ta CUika la ifeaawa af iba eriailaal aMara if tbe act aadar tba aaatia 11 ler Ibe Tatkiab Parliameni Thiainielligancahaa caoaed a liae in Tiukiah luada Lfliinsa Fab II nana Adric ladrid report lhal tbraa aJiiora fi ij tiav baan coodamnad to imp i hard lattoar Loa Fab IB naan Tba ChaMrrtgl ibe aatboriiiae wra w it and tba eatbieali did am aear Bauih Fwb MTba aafaren ui ttmilar io ibat ol Piuaei Ftoanea Fb 13 Tbe Cabinet i icia ef haiy hava all ratgnad itfLMfmb 13 lathe laf aliip St PcTiaoto Fab 11 UeniCAloaal ifnex flha fibaaiaa Amafican Telegraph Caflipany waitbd ao iba Cmpeir la day V laprvaeiiiad tbat tbe iMi Ir Aeiftic da w ba coai aatii Loaoairr tpave tafcaa place at Cbaal ipprwHaiidaffd Ilia any te Tiia iber 1 aappaaVl Ftan a tbat be wu beiag iaipaMd aad witb a tbia era ara tarry te ay bave braa bti te diagfiii aad traatie Tbia ia aaAoM Mawaat m tktm Uk iMa ia aa aaCwiaaal ataWiftbaaywpMbyafbU fcWad w c Irte biw wa aball Uglaa te btw af it a l haaa apprrbaoaioa lhay a Mfi lewa wiihoat Creating any diuiib Baavui Fb I2Prnaia wilt anl plenitMtaeiiaiiaa 10 traat Willi the Ft King c in ragatt la iba dcpeailioo la f hie pirai pmpatij I FaH tTba Cart will Im apMivd tf Iba Qlaan aa tba Mil Hareh t Pwh 12 It ia rrpeitad in Ma liia ComnoMot iaiacd iapaaiog a rorewd laen on Eat Mcaaded P In CorrfSjionknrf New York Correfpoadanee rk 3Mtrr Mmmf nir Jk 1 Pmidemt A wa dtfpoaed to paVnli a m aatidfl ibra cur vUlaga aroald hi apied piMty of material aince iha be- i ginning pf Iacr laei bat for reaaon fe eaoaidered cofenf we bare lefiained J Naitberdo wa rlDg pcn p p jal eoaraa oowUi iimply dil a aaaaiilee ea ergiaixaiiea te iw facta dod leava- aid a lytiTpwt ad whrafora i- be fool for ibl Wa ebaU gire Iha adoptrf rbodalighlNa goaaip li will be Stw YMfc JaaV 35 1S67 The CbaBbar afCaamcraa aftllarily eaaaidTaUy atateiatd avar tba aew Tariff I aaw bM Caactaea At tba M ragalar vaatiag aaaata afarMiegiaaca a rraaUUaa waaadatMaJ atraagly rreaealratiet agaiaai iu paaMge A B aaniagfartb lbaviaei af Iba Baanl m adapted and erdaiad la bi bat Maeara u W j towafdd Wabiajctaa wa aad Ihe Cheiroua aad A aava la the ligbt diwtba baa raeeatly Ibe foragtceaoi1ee baaaadaby mambered ibat Dr Iluaer wataasaultad oa iha ammtng of tba tb Janoaiy iaat On ibe aveaing of iba eacoad day after a meeiiog of Coooeil wai called wban the Raere waa autborisad to offara re ward of IkSOO to tba coarietioo of iba parly goiliy ol iba aatd aeaadi aod tlae ieainietinf bitt te ampley a Oe lactira tbroogh the Co Attorney i taveetipMe tba naeiier at tba aaae lim tka Ceoiil egraeag to maat tbe aeeta ary aspenaae Wberaupeo iba Reev vrota J UcNaaa Ee Torealo for Datactive who detailed Dr 8TCvsiao for tba aarvioa loMaadiatalr ibaraefta tba latter viaitad Newt CeotrtI tDlka baaii PaKea DapartaeM laapae Mdat- la be dalaetli Amw iaarreat arary iMafibay eaa by baa aalba biggvriba iMaf tba batter Oaedaat Itb pick paebea arc alM ta ba alaaaly aiatd Aa lapraaaiaa largaly pravaib any af tba eaadaa ara ia eaaplicily wiib tMtabe aompoeed of delejcaiaa iba Tiekpoaaei fralafairy frotn Top argaahatioaa Kaah Tbe Bead af Healib ant yaiey wkaa tb Towaahip to foe iU ews loaal otmnlta- 1 aaltery Oaaawitlaa rapavtad aa p ia Ooa Dcllat oopwS Ceotra j tbia dty Tba igara tbey give ia aanrty Contsfltee are If be folle i aradibb te tbaaa aa wttb tba fce King 10 Wbitrhareh 0 Kart Owil fcatiag ap te tbaaaaadi a limbary 9 Vorth QwiWabary 6 Owfi ed abaraafa Thla daamptiaa af triaa glua 9 Newnariet 5 Aror4 If 1 la aea tba alaa af tba war bat rbalcaeedtbaeaaBiilaadaaatay A in kka aat aa Faltaa flteaat Ifa aad faatea it waa aaldaed t tbraa atbar ateraa Tata lea atiaatad at IQLOOO Abaataaa baar after Cbaabara TiaaaParte alabtiabwwi araa aatalapadla laBa aadfea- patf daatrayad te tba aaaaat if fMMO a lead Laodiag 3 Total Kechaniet Institute Oa Friday eraami taaf Mr Brbdix ef Rtcbaaad ililldttvtrd a Ttiy iatrreat iag lactara aader tbe aaapcaa of tbe abcv taotilala Tba tadtence waa aet ai oa p Jill I I- Wllklrm- fo b 11 hi u 50 After tba report bad bean rteeivedl aad read a raaultiiiea waa adopted i by ti We sake ao doabt tbe Rev gea rdanuf tbe Reave lo iawe a draft apo j ilaMa t latpr eaatoa be ba to and aatborkiog iba ee k to aeud Ibe report to tba fir for pablicatioa Oo tba followiag Moadayj tba aawly aleeied Coaaeil took ofica Dr Ilaoier latbaduir Alter tbe oaeeaaery boai- aeat of tbe day bad beeii iraaeacted tba Reeve eIted br ibe readiag of tbe iaatea raiatlag to tba Report of tba Deteetieo wbieb waa it Ia then fed be waa prepared to prove tbai tba repert waa falae lo evary aulerial poiai aad aafcad for a Camiaiatita of aoaify i wbereapoa ibree Megiatrataa of tbe viilega wer appotgted aad tbe pobUealion ef the repert aoapeadad After eeeewliAiioe ibe Jitttieaa baod ibey eoald aet lake eaa laetiewey aad aoUAed ibe Coaaeil ware aot prepared te eater opoo ibe iavaatlgatfea aaleaa be IdUer woald agree to prode All tbe evideaee bat cn4d be eddoeed beeritkg apon be aaaaaU Tbia be Ciaaeil bad ao aMra power to do tbaa tba Jaatieea aad ai a laaat eo tba 4h of fbnury rmtpded iha fMolsiioa I oa aaetbcr acca Tbia eTaoinf ibe Coaaiiiae batiag baaa ditappoata ia aecariag iba avn af Hoa Mr TavadTof wbe ia aaati tieod at preaeat ia coaaqaeece f pi lag eegegaaeata ta caaaectioa with iA daliaa aa Aaericaa Cateat Ibe CeataiUrt have airtaged wftba aaaber ofgealleawa la gtve Betdiaa Maaar Trvai Rrk Atkaabead trwia aad ibe Preaidaat wiib perbapa elbera aay be etpeelad Ad- aiteiea aa aiaal aeabera aad iadiea frae all otbara 10 cit It ia etpaclad Mr CAATWltiaBT ef Tereato wi deliver a leciora beforv ibe laalitale aetrt Friday aveaiag nr Qi Taeaday aeraia Iaat a 9re eeearrad ea Let Ve IL a tba 9ad Ceaar Caat OwUUabarr eaMeariag ba dwaUagwe by Maaara Heary awd Jaaa Crmi It ap paara If r IQteiy araaa abaot 4 edeeli la tba aeralog ae ka wn getag baa beaa that day K la eappaead tbraagb aaaa diAat a beatbiwaf tba MavapiM tba pttmiam tfe Mr lliay Kiiafv aavad part a bia iMakeatdgbaehafcafwbaataad t ef aHareaad t beard wbetWaa afblaalablag Wa bava WOt Tha aatinritka tiaaefaprlaeaadiiaiag tbe Teat r tba iaipriaoaat afanaila aladati actafaaylaa aaadOfadyiwaaftba Adaaa lapraa iwto aaatly aaapad baa Oaabary weea amaed ia iMa aity at Tbetad It a tbabavyieMeryaf Iha Adaaa fcpaaa Oe aaaaaaiba age PaUtiaaa kara akat Ibe Iwpaaabaaat ef iba IVnHar aad e wbw lapeWiiMa aad riannwii aaas pretty auaag ianeaea la aad af tba Mtar party ara tba arvipil ta tba attp aad tiMy C vary Braay T ttevaaa baa iateadaaaJ a am ftr aiOakliabi law iba tea axdadwl aaCbara Aaaa TUa KQ it la axpaeM tba Praritet wiQ tbia vate W te ha fiaalil tba aaat TliJa le wbat tba Oaaaoate aaart wbiia aa tba eiba baad lipakliaaaa iadigMt- lydaayit fftae alaaa wuTdMlap Ibe pkaa aadiaaaatlaa ef fHayaa 2d iapaab aaetbeaWWpledbelatellwwweabe a I iiiitedwateifc raaaWag fta aaib aatieo Tba tMth aiaaa aaiadly waaU aa witb tba P aod waaU t great m Mty DaBewaU Rertb tba baOar aha af aaa af batb partia aeaaaal iJTSl laaellia lawJy afpedbalbfee WUodaftwbllag Imi55raie aod w lewar Oiaifa Um b il pa iH tbaa laa ak Md tba aat a nlyel other wajri lo rdbe tbe Uber ef ikaat ort and the dotiet ef be iaternal ae traraaa ia lo be remivad from autcb boiea bat tbe ataap ia to ba attached for iba matchafl BoKca or otber packagea nr bttUa atao exeapted where their taxed Tbe oofflnltte propoea la addition te dry auke and barrela to axeapt all otber aa barrch or eiber oooperage incU diu oil iiaev mart cad dbb borrdW kiid eaaki The tax or raw oottea Hw provided by aw rba tax remalnt the aai kr diatilied apirlia bat ba lieaoae Tor dia- lillinc ia increaaed from 1100 to 1500 Tla proviaioo ralatiog to the diaiilU iloa frott erP JpIt and paaeh retDiin ihanged bat brandy Bade fros grapee be bfty eeote a galloa the iviyo lal liabilitie The income t 6M The rant taxre ioeoaia aad repaira if all kiada are to be takes oai of tba ioeoae So it cffect ibe ioooae ia lo be average aaotat of proviaioa f End dad character Where tba preaeot law aaft a Boa or taapriaoaneat ihe aew bill rlate both oo ioted offinder aad wiwre it uya ibe iapriaoaaaot aball not exeeod two tbrea yeara Xbc aaw n providea tbat the iapnaaaSMataliaR iot be Icaa Ibaa bree year ttor nore than foar ticle ia offerad for aaU ibao ibe axoant of lax It tt to ba regard- a priaa facie evidanee that ft haa aot lid ihe tax and ia therefore aobjeet to EDtidng to Seaart BariJtahmev Sttvplelon of ea ing a aotdier o deaeri On Saiarday 7 p HI at tba G W R ataiio OolUn arraaied one of ihe 63rd being dreaed io paia clothee and picioa of aiieia4ing te daeeri I the Tbeetn Atttrioan News SMi Feb 8 Gon Teabody tad a letter to Roben C Wnih r lUmiltoo Piah Diab Mdlraioa ibd nthare tendering aa a gift the aoio of 91 eOM tn ba held o tnift and laieraat lhareof appllad for he procnotion of iatalleetaal mural or Induairial aducaiin ameaig the yoong of vba mora dalaia ortoT if tba Sotth Waatern Siataa niboet nih tttCioQ tbao berr naa and pportuniiiae if eaefalnefli fie olao givaa perntaaioo iu uie from iba priodpal anibm th two yean tot exceeding riy pei He gea Pianar Bank bnnda of tbe Slate of II iniereti haa Uao paid lioce 1840 but the validiiy of wbleb ia tvoeetioi ad Port Uopi Veb 11 A riah apaci ia of gold wa aboro bare to day br a geatleaao of aadoabied reapaclAbtuty who diaeovered ii wbtia hie aen ware ex- eavatioK aoaia roak ia tba ttwatbip ef Htrvey eaat of Bobcaygeon aad it to bit belief ibat ao aeon aa be aaow oMlta goid tU ba foand ia paytag aaaiiiic Aoe Mo Fab 11 Th Mloviag raaolaiioo praoadad by t pri ambe wae lotrodueed iato tba aaaenil lo day ald onterwd be prioil R eulved tb ocr reproarnialivea b equeaiad to oe tbar beat aiortai procoro otieb aid froa il gHten arllla a the of iba Briiab and Nurtb Amerteao railway at ibb aarleat praotioal itme Oaitcbto Texa tl Dataa from tba City ef Mexiao ap lo tba 2ad have bean raoaivad wbih uya ibat rejoicioga in honor of Jtarrx ware goiag on ie Zaaatraoaa Mlraioor aaddaoly ap paared with 2000 froopr whereapon Jaarex avactated tbe eity The fisper taliata have reaamed Iba affaala aid It ta eoBaiderad certain tbat Sda Laia Poloai will again fall ioo ibeir htodi So raporU aay thy hava eaptored Jaares aad bU train with three qnartera of a miUioo ef DoQara ia ailvar Tfea Amrieaa Tariff SilL It woald aea aa if tbo Haaea of Re preaaataiivaa at Waabiagtea woald nol pata the Seeata Tariff Bill ia tba ahapa 10 wbiab it aaaaa froa tbat body Tbe fbl ovinc daapoteb lodiaataa tba ebangea propeeed Tbe aoaarittae of waya aad i wilt probably to taorrev report aa to7 to tbe tax bill It ia baaed ea tbe tbeorrefhe gfttiog rid ef tba ta aaaafactoriag at tba aarlieat poaible a bat iba aaata af tba geaa ataat ibta year will aot oaraHt it e be doao at ooao Haaca iIm preaabie ta U ba graiaaUy pat ta opirattoa T par tially aarry oat tbe eieat tba ooaiaiittei parpaaatloMaptfraai tax X aMUaa wbiek eMr lafgaly ioto tbe eaat of lir log Ibr iaalaaaa aalt leatber tad tia aartbea pottery aad boliair vara ara al inmpMi aa aee beraa rakatk aaalea til aioan aod betie aa all ga ar water af irost wobd or otber na tarial all wbiog aade froa artlclea aobfeal to lax dravera aad ablrti and oibar aab artielea wavao or bait era aat bewevar axeapt fre tax axaapt ia 0 vVarc A tax baa aet beta pd e tba BUoral Adiwilaeeeate ara to be relieved frea tbe tax Maay OMnafaei wbieb ara aew taxed two per eeat an ba fba frail tax Anaa tbaaa ore iglaa vAraMb aad all afaaa 4nijt aad traaba a0pbiltaitbta9tOO aaail lar raigbtiaf ftrpMwt A aacltOD ia added te aroifl a dopli la ef taxM ao ibat when tbera ia a tx tbe raw naterial tbera aball net be Otber iasoa tbe tDanafaaiored article atiher oo the raw laaleriai afielorad artiaie A large naoiber of viriooa aKielaa to be exeapt front lax beoauae tbe cxpenae ofeolleoitoa ia aqttivr 0 their Canadiaa fanily in Trafalgar near Milton raiaed clay iaod- of length and breadth wa ibonxht light b aa weH to chalonge tbe Pro to beat ara dx boya all eix feet high veiMag rcapectirely handred andnloclceB two hnndred aad iweaiy two boadred and twenty foar two bnndrtd and laeniy two bua drad aixl aeventeea aad one handred aad Biaetynine poenda aaking an aggre gate weight of nf 1 poanda tir an average aboat 1 atones t With lb prograa of aenaarre prpai I gvpg weet a ready lo atari at the time iba irreai waa Wben taking be oldirr aay tbe 4 W R policeman Mr Francia called tbe aergeni back nd tod hia ibaira wa a ireo in tHe room waiing wtir bad eoldiere clothe in hia aaiebl They want in eod fouad priwwsar afliitg fown wiiti a aairhvl b- de him portioo c f a eoldiera piiia haing naibe ihrAogb an opiing in i The man wag arnated and en aaarching ihaaatcliol a pair nf aoldtara pna an array flwioal ahiri a m4iiary waiat bh ware furKl lie wa Uii in tbe police watiua aad an taktmg tlT liia ovar 1 a reJ tvuie ionging to the 53rd lb ibe taainaasd na ber of tbe auldio eady la cnaiudy 810 Miettael Me Carty wb underneMh it PtiKoar appeareJ euiia eiupid a ibe lime ef hia arroA and could give no accoarA of how IM by the aodiera clwtiing- Thi ng la aieiad lO tbe eoun he bad naarket C W that fi eame to London inea fur tba prpOa of porchaoing the freedom of Na a McCarty who arae a cuato of hia Oi Saturday tbey fot 4ba wurae ef liiuir coileetioa of wba niug reaab foan I pnboo oell Tbe a poaipied till Wadi ea- Tba CblMfo lottary lviadl4 Paw people aiQ ba foand opeaty to apbold tbe priaeipla of lotteriet wbM ia eaacntially gambliag Yoi atake a aaall aaooat n aooey ia ibe bepe of a largeraatn Ifyoa win yoa taeelve Ibat for wbiob yoa have not given a fair eiftiiTaleat and oo aaoant of aopbiatry can make ibe iranaoetoo either boceat oi hoaorable People ara bat too proaa te taka abort eata ioaoaipeteify aid vratib Ofd iadactry ta a pcoo hardly faat anoogb for ao age of Atianiic Cablea and loag Mrtdca in baaan aehieveaent We waat to be riab ie a hsrry Tbia apeealativa gaabtieg mania baa len l exhibit ia tbe lata Cbieago leltary Per paUUbed atateaeat we learn tbat 180 OOO iickele wore aold at 5 eacb aad oMkiogatoul Pf0oe0 I be cx- peaaat tad pri an aet down at 600 100 tboaigb ibla la doabilcaa 100 per eoat b ax eaa ef the aaa aetaallr ex peadat By bia own autecat Oraaby cleared 9300 000 The eblaf pnaa wai tbe Obiaago Opera Uodae aoatitally val dad it 000 tbe ether prixca wan aerely paintinga aal engraYingi Jaat tbinkef I80000 people from Maiae to iba Pacite aaay of whoa very proba bly eoald ill afb itaiafciag ibar 6 greeebeaiia Iir ede ebaim aaoog 180 000 ofdiaaiagtbeia booeel Verily tbe age of baabog aod arodality ia ibe lOtb eaoiory Bat ibe eiwy cf tbe Cbiaago iottery ia aot ffaiabcd It trath am tbat Mr Creaby bad ra ptrabaaed tba opera beoaa tba fortanata in aor a Mr Lea fr tba aaa of fiOOOOO Oireaaa ga to prove that Mir Lm ia bat Mr Croa aemt agaat to wboia lot tt waa pre aniagod tba opera b eboad faM Tba diaappoiated 177 MD are af eearaa vary aevera ia betr aon- taenia apoo tba aviodla We can eely ay mtad boa tight May it teeeh tbea lo be eontent aitb nore boeoat bat laaa gKHarieg aatarpnaaa Laaa Jd- or the oaioa of tba Prui ported that eontemporaifca re being made for aoeihai hith wiH hava mwcb irttervet for Caradiane eapooieliy of ibe geetle aea Smitten by iha cliarma tW a fair ont aod povhape impreeard wiih iha Utiteae c the criaia ii ranadian affiira to bit owo haebeUr it aaid ihat tia chief of the Cantdian MiiltyJ A MicooHalo rofo in eani rta vowa of a KNKOiCT In other wurd the report MUM 10 upon aeemintir good ijibority lhal Mr MacaoNAtA tnbnde I btod hinaelf in the bcMtda of wadlok rA tb fair captor ia Iba aiaar ef ona of la Provincial AtdeadrCamp W artain tbe Canadiaoe gwiarally S at St Joan N B Tbera ire eew baildiog at 8 Jobn and la iti eieialty iixieea abipa tbe toe aagaaf bieh i 15970 teaa Tbt aaaallet te 900 aed ibe largtat 1400 toae At Mimiiebl aad otber aonbera porta tbare are fffteoi wnili balag batk loa M6U0to Ofaao vdabaiU tag ta Albert Coaaty aad Mbar diata ia be aaatara aeatioa ef New Branewick tWe ara apwardef 9090 laM abippiog oatbeiteekaBad St Marttae St Jola eooaty aad Aifton Kiaga aoaety tbanA49XI Tbe total teaaw aov baildiag la Nw Braaewiak ia aa lit orar rV- aix ibooaaad dolli Loodoa priipar oaly eovera a little over 091 acree fo Imbard Slrael il baa baM aotd at aearly eg ipir qutra hot or dear X9000 000 par acre Aldbrmbo Mechi Mjra e ffiend of hia llioh ha bad go a ber gain when he pOrebaaad al the rata of 1600000 per acre Aboat 600000 paraona came iota ha ace to do boeiaaa evary brenonfi and loeweagaiti ra the fiemooA bod bvMiiig Satr baa beta fta Waterteo Village where a ceapaoy bat bcea boring for efl fer aoaa liae Tbe briae al preaant ia of aboat 40 per ceal bal grral cipretatioat are held oat lhal la a abort liae ibry wii lap ibe reaervcir ef briae Beaatim while aaK baa beea tlrrady abUiaed froa tba briae Tba veil il 800 fMt deep ba fally realixcd Oaf R A Mwi o Fm Daring Ihe pra ofextioieiabitg Iba firt ia Ike colliery Ciackbaaaan eatr Siciliag Kaihad 185 abeal 9009000 ovbic feel c boaie aeid a ware rrqairrd lo fill the aa rapere kept ip aigbl aad dar ty An editor who waa aaked te m apeod to a lotat lo woaae daaHeo M J be greand tbat womatt itag for beraelf and any aaa wboaada I lo do it for ber viU get iaio traal f Brigbaa Yooag baa baw inapeetiax toan roaad aboat k 5 ioca lie waa ieaallej a ba t woodamaa who propooaded ArteaH Ward a qaaetion direct Hoog motbar leUw r Jib ri r IBM d Ik detia en tba fact tbat iaareae ataataTef ee bavd brckaa or are abeal ta braafe y fwa iboeitraaa aortbMd dnfi ta wttarr aeea wbrre ibey wfl arikl predactag aai viper T 9 Thaw h I raaoar aloet tfeT Dike of fioekioiaa LaaiJ Hut will aoeoeed Lord Mooeb aa OevTr pectationi iodalged In by oer frieada aey Proriaaaa flilL ba fally lealixcdOfl Coo I read- for aboat beea 90yaai ttr Tbe Panian araia aeiced I iramer n Erie Uuialo Oawego and ber poinia en ibe frooiiar bava teen end ibairTalae 9ied al 9101 290 31 and now ooly await tba neeea eary bood of double that amooni thai Ihey Will net ba oaed io violatkm of ibe atfty lawa o be turned ovrr to tbe tcatioa cleiaing ibeev Tbe bond e aieceted in n day or lwo ad the arma diepoaed efai ptiblie ataciion Tbe about oae fKih of of the property aeiced by iht J 8 FenianaUai awm- will beg Tbe Celifomaot era abeet ealib d caaal wbicb wil irrigate orar a aili2K ef wAia laad ta aevrral ef lbr ea of Ibat aHle Tba eaaalotf faraiab a aappty f water aet eely or Ika f land bal will terra abo aa a bigbwiyft caryag tbe pf deeta of Iba te f Saa Fmacice oarktL A bill baa beeo rairedaead I the lodiani Legblatore fortakiofe b OBOvicted ef eociiraaad aay appofwt a nan lanabrtate may raciaa ba rigbta i bowing total abaiiaeoee ty Tbe DuiebNtan ef Wateriea fe A eeli well baa beea etradl Mailai atpiiad with VS9I or WaiOBrTh Do aaya then bava been r ainegglag gooda iate tbe 8 LaltBa At SAaatf- Spagga nf tbe lodiaa DepartMal 1 meatly at Saraiaaad Baetad a aar uf 750 acres bad frea ibe Ckif mt Tbe land iaeladea Iba traetl tbe Ort Wraiera RailMy oatbara booadary ef tba tatf oU The laad w M ba aentfO laitei aad paak 1 aad baa ef LM alaaed wtil prwfe a valoable it tawn aa veil a a baokaw be Ijdiaa fead DvcoViaVayi J t A MAKa BiutKAtsaiaaa before Mr Laaghaa on Teeaday tba body of a aaa wbe bad died i ly and aboaa body waa raa le daadbooMefSt Harjtareta pani Haat tbe aMdicil jpatlentia ia Ih alAtad lba ia aakl hu jMaf eaaalnatioa ef tba by a waa ih boB lly for bringing aboel D aa ibey bava done Cur hi oAiifia le esvae of Colwaial unioa OUawu SrcrHtmi Tbe New Yorb Trthmnt if Tboraday aaya Mr Janaea Stepbena tba lata bead oentro ta aiill aloppiag in Brooblya N6 59 Seeond pVaeev al rtt aon to tbetrary notwilbaianding Vlr Stephen a bowarar aaMng bia praparatiena fir an early departara to tb Sooth of Praoea ak aOok ta tT btbwa over in regard lo bu lata Mr Stephaaaaant a draft for M0 to bb wile by ber biUer Mr GDrgfinper wbe wai in Ne York a abMt tiaie ago in order to provide fer any ronitngentiet that aright oeaar Vlra Stephana iaat pNaat loiatad at Kiapievre Iralaed aad ta pieeaaetly eeeapied ie ahoppiag eta acflag it Iba Utaatadrieaa TwoefMn Stepihaat friends Jefi for Earepe ea atarday Col Halpin and CoL KeU and Sujih eoe aocoapoaiad ibem down ib bay bat rjtwroed io tbe eitv to a pilot boat ibi asae tfVeraooa Mr Stepbena ii enjoy ing etealleBt beahb aad ia altogetbei indUtnrbed by tbe ooide olaaor and foaora in regard to bi Tita 8wp SJIr David Brawairr aakea the folloiiag reaarka reUiive tba atractora of the nn atroog baa bean the belief tbat tba aaa aantot be i habitable worU tbat a ieteati9o goalie aaa wu proooaadad by bid mediea at lendant to be tnaaoe bmaao be bad aent a paper to tbe Royal ia whiab ba maintaloed ibat the light of ha aaa proeeada froa t dboaa aod aolveraal ao- rora whteh aay ard light to ibo iobabi uata of tbe aorftaa beaaatb and yet be at aoeh a dtaunOa alofi ad not to annoy ibaa i tbat tbera My ba abr and df land ibata bitta aiid daUa rain and fatr weather aid hat a ibt aod tbe aaaeaa aoat ba aernal Ua aaa aaj eaaily be oooecired e be by far tbe noa Utaafal babitatioo of the hole In Uaa tbao en yaara aAar ibta appjr- aetlyexiravag 01 notion waa a proof of iBMniiy ii wa aainuiad by Sir Williaa Heracbel as a raiieoal and probebte opiaiee wbiob atgbi bo deda oed frooa bia owo obearralioaa oa tbe atraotan of tba aa RKPAIBIttO THg WAltg or Wab A New Orleans papar baa tba IbUowia in rtferaoea to Governor T 0 M ore of Looiaiioa who baa beeo raeeetiy pcic dooed fay bef faaident The Oovaraar a ndw Oi bit plaattia oaraeatly eoea gad in tba hereaiaaa taak of rapatriac iba terrible d in abieb the late war left bia dace beaaiifar and prodaetive Sbae idmof tbe exieat f tbia deeolaltoB ady be formed hta an V tteeomer raUted abtle ta No OrWaa a few daa m On bit raUm to bU be ew bia groande aad wbea peaKog tba ita btt oaba large aagar boBie start W tbraa dea wbiob weta lylbg ib their beda ia apparent aceartty In tsoo tbere ware bw otort bigbly aaliivatod aad pr9etia aaiataa tbaa Oomaor HJa iaaoaa froa aagar and eettoa aJooe etaaeded 9100090 a rear belaBdandtbeabanadaad blaeb Bnd eeafecteba batldtagt And tot aaid tbe bnra oi Oomaor aad a bia ibiloacpbia baa Ml M werfc vitbabat St lar Tbe rVflKt Wabiaglea gpaglK ra 8ae idea aay be feraed lada prrpettid by aaagglers fraa ibwn perb aol nabbega a claimed to bare beenatnaakj Tiiaooburg The briae in aaid H Hter aa atrongar liiea ibM ebtahlre Saghiaw yoonsot fvas lagglers fraa that a apecul ngeoi aeat U lbirsae le investigate ibea Wat lagcaaata witb teaiytwo caatefll of iw aly three a fied t iea ikal dpen kibdtanee of tbe Both Ibe eeeoaer nd Dr J atoted that i bad abeer brfbn or iad lA aoch a raourkabla airca A BAnwAT Tbey tk of aaa ae long Mai r bantirajv all ialkefabriobbof tbe Nchbataif Reed froa Newmarket te Beaai Wag aid 00 freoeotiy iai il i ikes 49 tamm Wbot ddea Lladl totbaf Beavartoa wbald pradite frou Lindaaybeaadba it oiiU ireet roale ta Uaatreol bdt B iU petroaise tbe Irak Haa tbal j Tba trade of Break wtQ gb td I and that of Cardae EMm aad I Marripoaawill eeae to Brarertdin aaya Liadaay fLimJaaf Ptti DnXADPCb IcMOf B Af have beeo favored iboq ing extraet froa a prirala lalar St Regta 0 B Qfkh tlf aeppow yoa bare baarddf iea above ia tbe 8i Ragin had a very oarrov aaaapaof k ed dowo witb etbera 1 awaAau half paat foor oa Friday iiHiaiiB one poaodiag at the caatea door ealliaTbe iea aoaa I ootaal I joaped eat ef bed down atra not thlnkiagofdM I foand af ia water wkibl iag orar tbe dooreiH Tbe oei orasblag tot wu like tbaadar raabiog of aaar aw aaaa af lMj diaaa aa voom Bd cbih in tbe dark vera fVifbllU- eaiM witbia a fcw fiat ef ear b aa it ataada oa tba babaatg viUaga yea eaa iaagiM tbe aaiiera Ii waa a faaWal Coaba got np tale a traa aai b ibere far brae beast ibi iea k ibe roftf of bia bawo Tbe aaey olbera bad aotbiag teeifli Tbe peer lib id 1 g have loot their aH aod ara Ij witboat any eororing aaei du aiMaetbiog Ar tie i A Cutiova dtosr PRO Tbe Vmil MnU OnMt toaadiag letter beea k Frencb lliairer ef PaW frva M Befie ttba bee tba FreolMi govamsiat ot fraiilr axploratioai la Iniid Peniia Oalf aid vba db AbeabehrBeakrabibra im tbaeaeeaatcftbe Paraiaa OA dboorarW Ba rapbrta la bar M of do exmMlaary a aatift aoeroiiy Uba to rayort her ooaffraatlea TWy exiy baoUaattioMitotla Akwfl riod aad frea ibe Arataa te MB Haapaaka of bariag diaaeeii Sababrit idiaaa faoyMtjMM atUl apofcaa batvaaa Kabair gbaatotan by tbe aeaataia ftho be aodenakca o prv4e that gaagaa ba a aMrv direl vitb tbe Europooa hofaar orii la tbe Penab Or ed atep oap tb eboa tbaoMBBtaada Oraata leer who obMi ire OMatba ladaa tatbe Parat ed according to bk J I talK s Ml ibrtetbevBak kMtii ef Nttfibaa Gb

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