Till NEWMARKliT EUA AUGUST 31 IS6C Vcw AdTtrtiNaesU FtoKe B J TKra rh 8irtjr Train Tme Hewaiarket Cc jiiriDinflrkrI Fro Vcwnarke Friday Aug Slat 86 LATKSr FROV TOROXTO I CITY TAXATION Ths Scol Book Qtiestlos COUNTY COURT AppoiafncnU in Perl AIMT 8T0BS9 AKD CAUr EtJCirAriB Toronto Buildings GEORGIAN BAT CANAL th a uih horB uf m ilaiKl aiJ at iha t f Moutil Itnyyl fiom which both ilMCiiy aiiJ ilanI k ihrir namo li ia t the bcaj u ocean savigatinn and IN harbur ta acrMibU by of ovrr 3000 lona urlbn T Uand upon heh ibo ciljr ii bnilti ia abnui Ibirljr loti Mil ten 1tti4iha liirr Oiiawa epl4C into tb 9 Lawrencv I il rntier aud eaArro eBtranUlira- ihe fiirnier a Vim de Mid ib lai ler M S Annra MoitrM aee frrm ila appruacb by aenmtat with ii RKjpatin mouttlaia in the backroond crrt J wih beautiful illaa jrManla a ie iliai inul b teti b lully pteeinlfd Th lirer ffoniag ciindr noirly th milea reaching ffom ihe Victoria UrJe eroaing tlie Si La- rnc la the illa uf llMrbeUa Fur retaiiiirj wbI j f i ai tJtijaiioil of tbe 03f rlhniigh iHiny of he lorgei are bi aca ui Uaibtur ia aluJJoJ wilb are eicAedinfily nnrr ing rot more ihn loeniy feet wide 1 many nf ibrm friMn aixtean in I mdi being rerk ofljily fnrlifiad aitd include wiihin ita niia the Citndel Af Cape Diamond ad tied to be the moai lormidaLte forreai ain fa Coniii lxw I buili ip of land which rQi ind up the aidca hich the Upper i the high grnuad u r aland the aul lid Ft- Johna riindng along the iier to the Pliina of Ara ibe bailai jiptufcl if St Cbarlea a ell oi c The Kfr pr neipil ii Jame Ntre DdKO St Paut laionera arJ McG1l Tbf lini any beig limited obly a few i iiroua pehlie buildingt of iheeity itrd The itnecoaia Mark ko II ill ia an iirpceirtg ftruelure what iKiri tle of archiii taTTw U W raiwJ Uu af b U aM04 51ra TU Carrnt tan 19000 asJ tSOuvO Um jtv tku aeaUrvWl Tke lau ht 1M iUl ktaena SS l 37ft aa tW lUkr A prirn f 100 tauaa ffcU Mrm wt it At lha kalfjwlr cAiaf U th Cueatjr aartl tl PaUia lattrirtiaa Wi t ia 4W Cft B aa WiiUaalay iMt aaalfatr vsrn Aiaeoe- aiM teak b ea Uta Bwk iaiaii TW Boanl rfiril iu aaiwe ia rer of Caepballs Oaaftaphj aatviafalaadiaf U pert aia Matka ttri t gtt lUi aiaM rrranel Tia Ceaaty Ceut tn Ike ralM CeoaliM f Trk aaJ Faa raaM aa Taaoibr eti iba 4ih rrvuaad i tU Onrt Mbrv Uaaor JaJfa IlarHMa XoaKwr kaa ll lht tW Jwaler r t Ceaatiaa Mr Bofd UI ba arpeiateJ Coaai Jodfa far Pad baa arputian tak iaalaa vbiapaml tUt Mr Seatl af Bnaaf I ih tl ing the purpu of a iDarkrt tbe I upper tMM itf Aceupifd by the vaiio city oHicca and ciy Conccrt llaIf- rom capajle uf eoniiiuing 400 p anna T la building coat 3UUOOO We neat proceeded ihrnogh Jacqua Citxlet paaing Sclaooa moou nra tn the Court rixuae nn lofiie edj fije abnul t0 fee oug by 70 feet ii biigbl t thia Luilding the Courta an bcJand it aln citaDa a library of uparnrda nf COOO votuiRea At the back of tbrae proiutM ia the Chtmp do Mara a el kept paraJe gruuttd Paaaiug fro riotel irde I 6t Uw Daria tka ptt aack Urf qwwtiUea Mma aad roap afaiyaca kava beaa tea tkiar raadflaraar raiariaay Baa Mr Havhad ia eipactol tea ii a fiiare called Fiaee end alth ugh not large poe- many nvbin buildiega On tbr ill Lathedrai of Noira Dante eoid rapabie of holding IdiKK peii rrir ia very anperb aitd dcrout Roman Cathojiea may be aeeo from early dawn liil dewy eao going out and in for deeoftoet werehfp It haa two maive towen iiU fct io height it of w bieb viatora are permitted to a- I cant by the paymaat o a amaU fee- and from ia btleMrit a grand ie I ran ba obtinrd inelsding nnbla St lUwrence Vcoiia liridg Nun U laid village of Lprarta end ao uo a da lia r tW LxJ aCCpyaf C TW Ueaaead Uaul Kaepm eT tia la fcnaol aaoial U Madiaa IlaaaaAar a ht lifMi oftlM iaBM U will ka iialti Ta aUa kvytn kaoa baa rala aad tkty Inrt a larn faad aaWribad eM tt M to p7 a njua TW iliia CUf f aav OMkaa Iva tii dally Wtwaca IkU irt ead KlafWa ea- cctiat vbk tk Riijaniaad Eiia ailvay TW afaaoa ef aa admtiatal la tU- Ltdtr fytr ifca patar af ffai Oiylry k- ia br w4 Ur tk aanftwa tW liar- aaaaJ Oauria SUp Uuai a4 all tba wark taaaactod tkertwik k ttmUtd auwy a deri eiT laa Aa ri tW Cawyauy ka aH a aia daUar tw ika rk aa U ia Biidkit4L U I attiaatad ai Cvt ay iUiaa Qaha a aawWr af Ue Hry laft iW tf HB Main Qai WiaUr BaUy Ut niaa witaa t4i eacaa ej Ai the kiiliafd Iriiaaiat i tm titg ea i AOer a brief at t tbe type foutry Iirough ahoaa eatak ware kindly peraiitiad And ffihitg aa prtcedd to ibe Vcfi Ufidge Tbb wmJerfil atrue ipg kill anl itiJuiiitable peraeTerenca rtdrcliag credit alilca spon tbe original deigocra aud buTefa Il rra wpn Va about atid by il Mc I gaina an at hrokao Kallway co lietiun of t106 niUe beside ec too The plara praeent in the lo tm a abirppoinlrii adge to rnii the be of inic ent itrri ich i I af aariHty thMaU nmt Oi O a the tawr Mi May tW aaaaadpaoaTMay wfmiw TW aaaaar ia wMb Ike kM fiUhmi the hM aUrtad apOa dvilnMMaaaefit atlaata UtoOai- r ef Tacanu u lyta la Uwir r W mnj be Voaataac teallcad A li te tba tmtJw fraa Qacbae aaya 4W Oaiaiaat OaaanI kas IrinntAnl te tclaad by Ike Allaalit Cabla fcr aaca tcavpa fcr Caaa- AcTrip Eastward FImc of laoreft- daewkere io lodaye eeoe wa give tba precaadiDgi t iba owettog held by Iba Prvaa Aaaaeiatioe io Moetraai on Wadaaoday af Uat weak aod wa now pvpoaa Datwirtg aoana of tba rla nfaraaf riaired Laaving Newmsrkat bj iba eteniog uaia of tba Nortbaa B R on Moo day iba iut we pracaadad lo To reoto arrieiag abooi 9 acioek Net Moraiag ia oofapaoy with MTen ctbar n e tba Traaa Aaoetalioa pro eaaded Baatward by tba Grand Trunk kffteiag io Moatraal iba eaaia avaoing At Pon Cobaorf Pellatitla Na- paoM Eiageteo DroekviHa rreaciit an- Camvall additiona wara mada le ch na nt baarly wara iit- graaliagi Al BraekaiUe we arara by i aaawtara ef U A aodatiou from Perth atd bera uw wa Mt oar eld friaed ef tba Racordi Mr WyUe happy aod jollyIoekiog aa arar be froM firrnmaianaaa lo wbieb oaad net bow albida waa ttaabla le aia ika Ecearaiaa Al Praaeott wa vara jttoad by Mr JoMe of iba Ouawa aod aibera So omeb for a hefidd from ejpracbiog rain tick- eta cau be procured to paae throagh ibit ilridgo ua fuottlia uolj wy tba grand piece nf engineering akill enn be eeen with odtatnage Al tba enatr u the bndgi it ao opamag ao lbil Ibe a4lr may aaeand to iba topfrnm whieh a TiogniRcent vtew ia oNalBabJe ef lla St Iawrenea At the weatantfeiid of tba brhlge at Point St Chariea tba Kngi neermg orkt t iba Gand Trunk Railway Ccrrpirv ara litdalal and ill pay tJa traveller for a vieiu Tra ara nany nibar pleeae of equal intareat about Munlraal witli tboaa w have alraary afiurMratad but tba Itwit ed auy of iba party proidad Iba poaai- bality of a viait 10 ibem Tba 6l LawMDca aiMi Oiiawa lloula on Ureal St Jaoae Street and loa- ghana Iccated in iba more eaMarly pan to oaceeaitate further remark Bweao aeveo end aight oclock VVaJaeoday evcaiog the nambere of Praae AaaodetiMi with their wi aod eweciheerta moaletad eo board ihe magoficent Steamar Qaebee flying between Montreal and tba aoeiaat eapt ol Quebec To add to ihe iniareat of thia trip il happened that Ilia Eieelleo- ey tba Govarnor Ueoeral wu alao tak ing paaeaga for Spaa Wood The ataemer Qaebae la a aplaodid beat faroiahad iperbljr aod will coia- pera favourably witb any vaasia oa ih lludaoD Shortlr after laaviag the dock a lerga majonir of the paatengera oo board oaaeiLbled io ooa uf tba magnifi eaat alooiM where vocal and inatrumen- tal Htutie aad familiar ebiicbat whllrd away iba boera till iba lii Oa Wadaaaday voroiog tba anaoal Mainig ef Iba Praaa AeaacWiiioa waa Wld io tba MarcaoiDa Library Aaaoei taea IUiildiapiar wbidi iba party praeaaded lo taw iba aigbta abooi Iba eaiy MaMraal it iba argaai aod Moai pofsleaa CHy la BrhiiA North AoMriea It ia plaaaiotly aitoaiad peo oaornieg Bg QLitse About 6 oVIoek nas laoded a Quebec aad ootid lha dio aad eoiifueioa of cabbiaa and cartaro freight agenu Jke du oar party waodad through tba narrow airaau by way H Praacoii Get w beliaf la tha azcal- Ubi boaielry of Mr noMalli whara braakfaal wat io waiting aiDokiog hot Tbie woe a phti bke priotara uadarouad what wa maao Quabae waa foandcd io 1S08 by Cbar lavoii 00 tba aita of an lodita village coi StadaootWt aad iww pnnaaatt a rpalalMO ef abMl 4000 inbabUOIa ie aaeled e a bab aad predptoev prooaoetoy oo tha aaeth ebora t4 iba 8u Lawraooa ta of irianntar brmi with Iba pUioe ef Abrahtat foroihig tbe 6igbt by Wlft ndthe el- 179 Lowar Tiwa ie where til tha ahipping buaiucae of the Port ia eariieJ un chipfly lumber in eiport and every lieacripiimi ofgitode in impori Upp r Iwwn i inrf open end regular end ia aiiunted witliin the walla- betng tr proached Ly a aicep eerpeniine alreei and arnafa wiy with long rugged difbta of winding ataire jtrocred t ler the eliy for objxta of ioteroii We firat brnugfit up at Duihnra Trrraca in tjiper Tuwo ProiB ibie plner a enn- nfiMiiog view ia obtained of iho river St Uwrenca aod of Lower Town alao of of Poiul ievi directly op- poile nnd the termini of the Grand Trunk II R Durban Terrace occu- piea the tte of lha old caiile St Louit liKh waa burnt rntl6S4 and pointing rtnje of lha river below Png along oil Ta Curni we eotei the public gardena ta rrerid a apleridid iwoumi inrT of Wolfe ond Montcalm built io 1827 Thia moaumentia eft feel high anil eonatrneted of cut atone No Ker aludd leavo Quebec without v ibia kteality Wo nest proceeJed Citadal on Capo Diamood oflW weru uc4 e piy IMlaid before IheaMr rUltipa in te CaaadaD pAliamrBt recrircd royal teal chnir aad breime lha law of tU Uad Tbe CitBaktce roai anri reportaft Ihe fol llalU of bethlfaMr hok dilapaltd lowio NMt ea motion of Mr Tbfli eaeagh bi emptird ef ere rytMaf eieep I ioq2hieW aa adopted per1ip ef be drapery aroaad wkera tba ttb rkfMt to the politioB of doh 8faakcr wat woni la be a otbora akknf Ttr Homin CMhulM Iolbora akkinw a ratftr Jihc rrpfr ilia pablie hlganay in Kat SfroiUi lleby your iaiaiMr reootnacndytbat si year aleo c from il wall pnatian to Wait No 3 Il aUu his a that the Bill of C Uarohlcton for rcptr n J V ilaatwoi 1 otber muknf aid o r 1 Drill fhed in tba Village i I of IJojdiown tour oommiilcc recotn alrorlare cipatH irfmor jJfOO be praBted for about ICOO peraona ibe II eondhieo thai a plol o fittvdandrttlhaaatodarpp UanVdnU obuincd and a 1U rf aicfi ground bo tccured to tbia Cot TTnn aa loat ta it may le rfrOi the purpoee let fortb petition and ihai tDiplepwnf be fbmialicd Ibia TooD cil Ihtl the Building httbofo eompleted t cintanftAt ThU fica ia aieated bwrea CarJ trMi St Aen Street and tb liar Arrnea Tpper Tewn Il Iv t baadre udJirg 13 feci loap peaeeaaee a goiH aad will I KOOO peraoM It ittd ta filled upvery a reea 8000 rrcted id 1804 iodecO jeeia ivellera fertiA catioue ia obeut forty acrea and ibe whole front eneloaing lha citadel and Upper Tywn la nearly Ihrea length moontpd with Armeiioiig gan nd ober heavy ordanca calibre Duriig our viait I cellent Hand of the Garriaoi number conlribniad to the y by playing oevi not i i ym rhich tha I Iliuij mal nirt Capa Diamond upon fny taet tn lieighlend drnvea ita name boo the quaniiiy of cryatala irtiied wiin the below iit aurface rae ineki iha wbole apace en Cryatale are collceed by ihlna ef tha city frwt the Cape a it a peHtl to aurround tba earritga M vMier to tha plaio ofiar- apaikling gema for tale traveller aeger to trather me- f le pUea doaa ovar hia I renta witb alacrity and ealta Abnve tbe apol where tJeoerat Montgonwfv wt killad ia now tba h- clined plana funnifig te the tap of lha bank Tt la fiva hadad faet long dia oard y govarrtmani td eoavay tree and other articlaa of groat weight tba forireta Aboat throe quartara of mile Trnm iha eity ara foar Martallo era ef greH ttraagfh fronting tha Ptane ef Arham and Intended la im- the sdraoec of an anemy from tbal drccrtAO Pmm the Citad la tbeae Towen fra aubtemrmn peaaegea ana ivery direction tbe viailur lorn ihlut apeeial cnn ba taen caealated mprrat tha beftolder witb tha ira- nMna atfength afid fbrmidaMeae of tt fofldieattoei of thie aoctaoi lfy Oa latriag lha Ciiadal our parly laok earrisgeafor tbe Uia of Abrabin- hcifty ooeaiaied witb aaeocitiroae in r natioani hialory of the Skoei tntareal g charaetar I waa bara thai Walfa ipeartd at aarly dawa after bia bald eacaat of tha almeet iaipaaable baigbl ha river In baula array in meat lha cearagaoaa Moilcalm end abae oguinary coo fioi On aiHertiig tha IMaioa tba travel atona moaaiDeat ieat- af imala4 vl lw- bitad by ibeaa tapo diatingaiabad miLiMrT rlvak Tba nHamjaot bagiamog te cnimbla at ita baa a Itule It la aretad epoi wliere Gaiiaral WUa ia aaid A driva of abooi eight nilea balow the Clt brotigbt ua lo iha Falla ef Mootmo etwl The road a very pleaeant pave- ng tbrousb tba village of Uaeuport co ba way Tboaa who anticipai tbe graadair of a aecond Niagara wilt be y much diaeppoiaiad t for whila lha tar deaceiida ovar caacada of rocka oa two buodrad and forty feat la height tha alream ia oot Urge and only about fifty or aixty wide aod tfthoogb it almoat makaa ooa faal giddy to look lo Iba tbyat below tba beholder hi oot In- apirad with tba awa alt io geshig at tba mighty Niagara Thia place bewevar ia aaid to ba a celebrated focoa of winter emtuameute Dorieg cold and frarxiof weather tba apray from tba hlla aecurau- lalea to tocb aa aitant at te form a cuoa of from fitly le eighty feat high Seek- ara after amaaemanta carry tobogglna long thin piecaa et wood torned irp at one end and having arrived at the aom- mil of thie ooaa place tbemealvea oo theaa lebnne and alMea down with inmeoaa velwiy Ladiaa aod nntlft- mea both engage ia thia aori plea aura- O the read te tba faHa we bad an op portaoity of obaarviag tba maaaar of farming by tba hMtans Eaarytbing ia ceoductad oa tbwmeet prlmiti ciplea laalaad of oradla and reaping oachio ef Upper Ca wbole fam- lliaa mala aad faamit oM aaaugh to do H might be aaaa raapiag witb the aiekla of aociaot limear baaliaf ia iba crop vitb a ooberaa dray A waol ef aoar IT took ol iidioaoa waa ovarywhara 10 be aaaa LAvit tnriTnairr fiainCI tba city wa viniad iba Laval Univamiy lu library 38KI volumea aod ila muae bracaa apacijnentor alt tha Tarioos ktoda ef wood and mlnaraU of Lower Cadada odfla of Invaatieoi a rara eotlac ilo of Caaatla aiuffad birda fab die rtunMai Itn fiaited Iba aid Parliament Bfliidiage wbara tba wiadem af tba Uoiied IWMoa la daya geea by diipla ibair taeicol peweraatil wborr tov After parakiag of a rery dja aer el the RuaMll abial 6 p m leave ria taken of nar obliging boat aaJ tbe party endvd ibrougb Ika narrow alreeU through the gate down Ibe bill to Ibe dock tbreee bv tbfrrry acrrxa lo iniat Tri tbere Ibe train oa tbe iraad Traolr for be Wckt waa ia waiting to bear tbe par ly homeward Altigetlwr tbe cieartinn rery plraAOt one and will Iog b ibereJ a fraaht with ataoy iaeideat Noibtngcarred of the To r BiiYOCU Manager ol tl Grand Truek Ibe mcaibera of ihe Pr- m Aifocialioaara drcjy inabled for a free paf ibe etilie lrDb of Ihe road b roo- ifoU aod fe add with MMfaelioa ibat Ibe rnpojras alung tbe liar d me all in tbeir poiicr lo coatnbute lo tLo cooirori aad pleaare of ibe partr TLrcalan exrieeced tbe aame kBduea from lU Manaxcra oflbe iortleru Great Veatero Krockville and Uttawa aud rieacolt aod Ottawa linrt The bMitiful greiud arouad tbe ttatioB of the faad taktrfulty laid oat ial d9erirJnf aad tbe cleaUiaeM aud order of U Sutioaa readera a lrp over tlie leid pVaat apd agresable and pcak tatirk for it maiw- grr The Nurlbera i uow fciloein lhi uaiple aid by au liwr aratoo e bpe tbe rdrta at dreorali- bcre aad there alua tba route will brcooic literal More Light for tbo Hcrald- 7tepprtry at Kitkmoad Ili- icuabmg over aome Municipal Re- rat to Oorermcnt foaml a maraa I and white laboring fldr tbe la tioa wrote a Raaln artiela agftt the Coapty Aadiioix Wc poioted opt bla tbe waak alter bat for reaaona boat kaowB to blmaaif be Itaa eel ktd Ibe aeat or eoarage tn own hh faalt In itpparmt eonaatoaa indwnoo apain aaka Ibe questloa Wliy ia U ibat tlte il atalamcntof tbe Ouunty aoeooala for tita year 1364 aa aslited by Metera Jackaon and Grabam do not apree vilb tba CouHlg Rnurns lo Mr Lantoo the Pfdviaaial Aaditor We aaawcr -Be- loaa the Retumt aent le and pnbliabed rer the rigaatora Mr Latitoo Protiacial Aaditor tubraoe taxea eol laatad aaJ aipeoditorc mado ofker than thorn motle ly tha CuKff CotmaS mr olfteM frieVd nndcrataad tbbi t Ifaot v4 win put the taalter to another abapc Tbe nuaieipil itataraa palUabcd 16Cli by tbe erdet ef Pailiataajai iaelade takea lerted by loeal muaieipal itief and eoaaeqaeatly have eeeebnae- vlth the aceonola of tha Coontiea Coaaail aadited by tba Coaaty Asdi Tbe aeeomta avditad by Ucaara Jaakaon aed Grahaib eabraee eimply the rtoeipta aod diaborMmenta eftha ITnitrd Ccraa taadeottbiaaof ie mnntotpaliUci Wilieiiaotanporar- ono op tha acta Aad wWbe gita tbia abort pararafb place ia bit paper an that tbeae labtMll Oiler tba aaoae diflWaltj aa hiaiMlf nay perceive t iteeded Ct King Conncil- tiag I ih cll fir Tnir mnntba board of John ilatol- wood a panr and alao 8541 for eiotb Your eemmittea aUo reeommcad tbal the prayi ra of the aeveral petiliona froa hool Scclioo Troiteeg be cranted ao herevitb aubmit a By Law lur tbal pur ioee The Report waa adopted tba By Laa cjlia for tbe following anma to bo leviet upon tbe raapcetiva Sehovl Sectioot it theTownahip Iaie of Aarra aa Klaf tba propor- lin of M 0 SecliM Kv a IW aua of 310 0 n aMouat with plant of aarvey Moydtown waa tbca prvacated from Walb I L S Moved by 3r Maeaie eeootided by Mr Iliilipa and reaolved that tbe Trei arcr be aod U hereby aathoriied aad i atraeled lo pay to Robert Wah or t order the am of 113 that torn beiagdoe hio for aarvejiag tbe aide road betwaei Lola No 10 aod 11 ia 1m lOth Con and bftweee liOta 30 anJ 31 ia tbeai Coo of Ibia Towaabip Carried Mr Pbilip iatrodaced a ByLat ameDdia Ihe By Law providing for io ting Clerfy R moaefa of th VDilup and read a firat lime Tbe Coaocil then went iito Committee of the Whole on tbe a4nMMr Maaaie tbe chair Cacamittee roaa aad ttpor 1 ile ByLaw It wai thaa read a aecond aad bird tinaa and pUMd On motion of Mr Maehell Mr laue Koycc waa beard at the Coaaeil Board with rcpard to aurtay in the aiiih Line between Tott 12 aod 14 tad a loog dia raaaion followed by tba varieoa pattiea iatercoicd By Law waa then intredaeed by Mr Iliilipa ia blaek for tbe appoiat- mnl of t olleotora Ia Commiltea Mr Mac tha ehsfr tfcr Ht b Ity aw were filial with Jobo Leigh for Ibe Soutbcfa ai Wtliam Skea for tbe Nortltcra iSviaion Tla Comoiiltea lb a toae and tbe Bjr LawpaMiH Afl93airwetf ralea tor the ofdiai The Conaeil deefded to raiiae fro fAi raJ ybirr Aaiutri dollart for tbtf par and the ttim waa fllM ia tba By Mored by Mr aeeooded I Thomaoa that wbea bit CotineU qtQoaroa it do ataad adjooraed tilt tbe TfOi of SeplrmW aezt then te mM al Street Hotel oa tbe Liojdteirn Road Editorial SBmrnary Sabbalb 6eboot teaparty iaa oomJ l lake plaea 4 LaeMtlDt tkt IS ef ScpUaUr am BeOaaliwwui I W aarr IS odaek aftr whkb dw aeWUr m i vrtc dial m a4 aararsl taUolei apaakafa Cbacoa fHumUiauUkeapla tkaPaaMUmorrCSrday Krjlwi aarnat b oncjcvj latkia avaaiaf 5510 Tho Cookstown Blfficalty io f late iaaoeefibeSoeth SitttonaAtrwa afloJa lotitrevarliaaifaaliffadf Java UaNi Eq chaiimaa of the maating bookatewn aome live ago at which A meetlor of Ibe abora Ctoancn took cbarga waa pialWrad agaio Iba abarga af aowarde Mr Manaiac bo eoofaaioa ww pUoeoo Moaj Frioo noMqCM T Kiibom AU tbe masibeta praaent- U Baara ta tba abair Miaalaa of taat Baetiag raed and eon- A namber of patitioai irsre tbea pre aeoled by diffareat Cotuwiltora from rari MaSobeoI Saatiuna aakiag lha Ooaocil tary aa ibe Sabool parpeaaa Tba oerarat amoanta will ba foaad bakiw ia the report of tbe ByLew paaaed for Ibat perpoea TW Reafa praeeeted- a patitwa from John Barradel and otbera prayiag for a grant of money le aid in Ibe lapalr of and bridge la tbe village of Kettle- b Alao aa aeeoant of C naobleton Ibr plank Baad oa tba Lloydtowo Road amoanliag te ft7te Tba Clerk laid oa iba UUa a aemma niieatioa froat J Elliott Rarj Clerk of tbe CoBaiiea Coaactl faroing meat of the raqaired tazea frost Kiag Totraabip aa fellowa for Cmy parpoaca fSSTO rayawaa vT Ueekara M Uml Sapariataadaala 100 Total 390930 Aiao from tba Seeretary of tbe Volaa- 4Mr MoreoMat Conimtteo aakiaj dona- UoD towarda tba fond lo erect a aaooa meal to tbe aamor ef tbe Caaadiao VeUataan wbo iitll la daCtaea of ti oooatrj Ob moiioa of Mc Pbiltpa amaded by Mr Maeball ibe C jreakwto eoamiitee of tba whole oa the vafjeU doeameaiJ praaaaled and aaeb otb po ftaiabed tnainaal aa waa laid ovyrfrom laat meeting Ut PluUi i Om cbair Tba oommittee after paoung aevedil mat tera OBtad aakad lere lo aei gua Loara Tbe Aaera than loft Aa ebalr Sr one bear ArnvftM9 iRsaxoa aaaa raoBmed and tbe Ceaaeit fcrthtrtUiraeelfed late eoanutlee d ibe whole to fifiab their report ea nuttcra 9 paMad iovg tbe aowardiee I ragaid to lha charge af witb tiakling lha blltel meeey Mr Uaa- aaya Tbera appeara te be juM Itroaed lar the aemplaint Ha than af- eattiiiJifolnaaa tbe eharga pre artad by Mr Fergaaoaa fueada againai Ccek aatl Eoaa of viadietiveaaaa er mallgaitr and proaeeneM tbam tba phanieme of oame aaaaaally fcrtila ima- gieatlon Mr Maanioga letter cioaea aa ibiiowa Mf Coo aotlby wy U daiSac alwoat IW viMl mavtSnt aad t Mat my tea Ui eoadoaa ka aad gaetiamoaly TW aaaMW- livliiiafcai alMaa ta oit Wv taft W kir aeji a a raaiaB er ey Wriag daaaee IW aaaawl Um jtoiaa tkr Litleaacnr UHi aeewrvd to Uih Caok obaaiM Mr CWalmt tad Wyfac ta Wly hha af pwuiaf ta tW awiatMK Ma wky V Ml iWAali ka aaatmnkH Mr ft J van at tW freaV aao tM la tar eaeilewa a3W kaai a liar aad latiwalad atad ta MA W eeald kava tW Wadbf tWt I aaald aat at gq 1 Kcrufso EMnoncKTSeorfi menbert of toe lHh Rtytia beve ma ra fret Ob ieara beea rafaa werk by their farnmr employtra aieee retaraing rem Ibeif receet larm ef toftiee aa W lnB Itk all abaat lea memberi ad rfgintV oilaatiaea aia aah- arqdApee of tbeir aaaaeetloB wM ifee vokatrtr fWae Seek a ea Ibe pvt deploynkld be reprobatad aak wiH aefioaly lajara the veleetaer aarrka tf It Wei earn own 7jbta 11 vmiurorm h vaa flay aa Tattlyi Aapwt a vlaalai by tf i raa Lft MS lal b Wita mmi rae eat mIO bWilJoaikWM biriUajbby i rloAall e n Stavsrt b 3 eWataeabHtew- WJjey fijca SivUaa d ToUl b Wilkwfkby 4 9 J Hrt l WUpraflity bya3widra4 Tetat cla Pari b Ulilay 0 e A V PctraM JlrMtwa cA b iloailbaa 3 cMOoobltWtbwIO tTatano e A b Boaltiea 0 b BaJtW Willwuge Fttaiwla 7bad J 8tMt b BymltbeaSO ma oat LiatMi b da 0 b raarMo Wria4rdb da 1 brwaaa ItmsASn b Boahbee i b BoaTtWa Hyaa 1 wiOaa 1 3 flyaaS idaa 1 i Total Total 11 Aurora tm Schombcnt TUaAutrb vaa piayadoa Friday Aocaatlltb iaofiif 1 U ran Al Uwaa it vaa wry aantiaf t aitaaaa tW oootaataata ia tki bgiaiih 10 bdaitl IlallidayeSalilbkBaad Mcleaad b Jtaad 1 LtaM fc b 9wkli PMllbvUolM 11 10 Total 47 IiUifobre fWitk rva i Tyma b liathiajr Ikwd h tUliday Arac real b Pat Btoriin I rMyoa Oiip b llaUUay faiix bcanoa Hak Maoat IBM to Praric oat af lean eaatnmi inrfoctaol Vtllk aaaeance aa ber nifir forir hae- i5l2rr4 bal part of ICaDaghrMan haf ilaaarrociiim fiainrinnu af uoqpa had been 00 lo the vaiioae tbara riaingt look plv- m Monday evening Ana- 27 In raty of prara aisned at Pragje M wub ibe oiiaaaI peeUmi aariBa tOada tnaiar2iMi Ki0totg in IBO S3tb cf July Tba detail of Jh- Maclraa Ohh I CVSSJJI Maaea of prT Is ltnrt tf ititi rnJc4 be lAle el tk Wflo CaaaT lew ofeoiifderttiea If t tallbarCl voald mrwthit tba wavd logvd from Cm Britiab Nir Alrt Ibereol lie however Mewa Joha JoaMtl CharlttHa- iaa involved tad C H Kiiby of Meatraal I Ang 38 Oaa of Hr Catholi Ut VicePreideel JuBtt Eaq GasfUa Wbitky I Um Ew Btteen Slratftrd Hooorary Sfcretary Saaai Li Post Oiuwt Sri Newmarket llirdpoh lul 0i2hl u Birmi- i fj i tl im Mfcr mil mwini sf III pnpl i St Muji I C i b avoorabie lo lb raforni mvmani which aoa utt Liedmy Bb leeedad all hia format elonbeot efforta and Patatbvaagk Tbe pitea of aieetiag wot d r lenctb tba Lake Spriar8 lerW poted tbe sDreUng afft year in Godttiik if prtbakiyt a pteawra trip tkaM HaUlday Kiaid bmuiaV I 0 blblllky law b r Ktlirii Uya 4 i vidaa 4 barwat wtD aiBiaWt laM Il H po levlaia ik fanber DtWt in tba elaaaea ef Horaaa Ci Sheep Swine ar Poehry far aompati i Provincial Kihibitkm Temei tdeyr ill be tbe la day- la ibe wOlOttia Roota Implementa fee 1 the ISih of Spiaeer foe HertieaharaJ Ladie Work Tina Art Ite Aa KtatnioallaB ofTaaber8 per ipnt to aei i teak plara ia the Orurmm School Hooaa Nawmaikal ea Wedaeaday Jowtoy of tbia week Tbere era 17 candidatea io all I iwelvj tt bfaa Ave for 3od Ctam Ceeiiaaal Jave ttot racaiveit pvtieulara aatajheie lit Bp ta the boor wa ga le preaa Te prevaet cerraapendeace wa laki lia opperlanity to iatiBMie le Traesnraraef awnihip Agrlcoliural Soeialiaa that W4 ill iafurm theio of iba receipt of tbe Gov- nowBtfraataaaeaa aa il raaebea m temm vilkbeaoBaihiogaadaeihalofiaat uir bat probably will reacb dalfar for iMlar itcvLreaat At a meeting ef tbe Board el Oireotora ofEut Qwilliebary Ag CpUani ialy it waa deaidad te bold ibairFalV m tbe Sad ef Ouaber iexi Xbojiiao Mt waa raviaad and aalrgeL PreMaraa te tba extaat af tlSO mora thaa kat wilt be affgiaA Tba elaaaiiyiog eat- la andUwiae iilae tmperuot ebaagemada and oaa tbal competitora will be glad ef T abow ia te be bald at Sharon tTba Fall Shew of the North York Igriedteral Soeieiy will be held oa tba 9b ind lOih daya of eiobr natt Tba aew CshtbiiieB BaiMinga will be ready lot thai BBiod MlheDueeloca oflar a lar ger Futa Uat ibte laat yaw we aatioipata 1 tremandoaiabow Billa eonlaining tba Piiaa LU will ba iaaeed tbe beginaiag o iM anaaing weak A apaeial meaiicg of be beard af Direaiera wUl be beU tbia af- leraaenA at S eoleek JFofpign k Cnlanifll By tho Atlaatio Cable 2t BriIh PolHiea p el auOeient iaeiaat te tele- gmph- LiMSoiMfay SS The King of Prea- aa received a depotatiuo from ibe Chamber af Oapeiiea wbo preaaoioii tba aldAreied ihet body Tbe King made a a m levly ia wbieb lie prO ftfred ta itei araal ay al ibe feaearable iitala of lha Lagraiativa body Loaaev Aog 26 Tbe ele ataiiaiiee of Leedea abow a dacidaae ia tbe Jeaiba Tbe official provieeiat eorteapoadpni lioea the aieriaratien of KapoWn anl hlna bin WMb a dee iaa le aet dtaturb mm ralatiaaa or iateifafvfB German- WbI aad aaaane ibal tbe bepea ef a l earaeier a tram tlie iefiu ebee of oppoafie parttea ta Praaee Tbe artMe biMb that Praaaia will uke alapa ler the tocerporatieo ef tbe eeaqaerad North Getman aiale witbaet deley Tbe Proaelaa Gaveramani httandod lo aa- MMica la Pailiameet ea tbe 16ib the Maxxini haa refoaed to arvep kI by Victor Emanuel a tabieot of tbe Kiny a baiQK rapidly dabandi any millioaa af fluriev ordinary eiperiaeaot tbe lha twvniy Praaaia by the traaiy of peace ToaaJay Aef Hi p mFa aataoL A S8 Taeaday avi ion loll aod decliamx a at id lowar The ralea to dy SnOU baia middling eylanH quotad at ISJI to 13 pet Itb BraadnulN waak anJ arvJiainf Floar and wbaat dfoofuog Caro tud deeJiited 6J per qc ler amf mix Weaiem W waoierf at 3d PMiana gaaBfaUyancaaxt The Press Assoction Wa take lfe fMIowiaj aeeoant ef Ibe maeiiitg held by the Preta Atao from the Montreal TntntcnjH Oo Taeaday aveolalaat the Preta Aw- 08 aumtinaf ovn oae baadred iben arrived ia thia eity from tho Weal ea ieaterday rooraiag ha aaaaa Imloeai maauait waf held in the aew boilding of tbe Jdarcti tile Library Amaeialioi ever which Mr Bowel of the BeUeTtUe ImteiUgncer Tba Mtatiag jh a liit of the oBee- Mi Bwelv intKyrMcer BeHeflfte Ireaidaai TtMrnaa vellaim Edta Moo- treat latVUeraai leat JaaCamrlUi GiwU4f Whitby 2ad Viae Preaidcal W T Cox Jfmnm Goderieh Stcratan aad Treaaurnr V illiani BucUagUiiJaicOittratfci Hoaortry Secretary fWeaNlagoeer tbe roll ef mamberf tbe fbaad to be ie atieo daaee R Mtlbeaee Ckrtmicltt Oil Spring Avtatte Mitrbell ward Otirer Paciv C B Rtbiatoa Ptmt Ltadaay J CL KaaaAa Pott Ltadaayj A Mclait FrttMitri CdrawaH f Midgvly 7Wn Woodd Neilea Serd do A MeClerigbaa Tkaarr do i R 8 Biieb do do R Carsiaa Fiteman do J II Bryaat do do T lieaBenger Saokeat CaMoaU P G Laahe iZeeorcf WiadtH W Gdleapie Hamillee Wm A SWpbcrd JnttiU- yettr Bellenlle A lleery SUtndard terih R B jl TVnra Pictca L Slntlwi Enminfr Peierbera W li Fltyd Sur Ccboarg W C TembW Eajmitor Braoifard E Carapbel Setffae Cafaga J W Uarria TVna llaaultoa J M CtWoe de de G W VaratI 2bair Juard Slrtlhroy J Vf Carmta Brititk American Kmgaloa T Carmae Biptu NapaeA W Ktily CaaoMM Sitacee B Roauiae Arvirie Peterbore H C Keeaedy Cburwr Morriabarg C J Mmemger Prettt 5 J Tall ChmiicU MarrickviMe Jakbtea a lewmaret TbO bcelt Spo titor IVta D KeKicbd de J S Laik VintUcator 0btwa W R Cliiaia Slatftman Bjjrmanv3e J Klag Et Bfriia S U Coager GttUe Peten T Qeemaa Ezpftm Napaeee Ja liaeee Aoijr Newt KeMtoo Rer J 0 Oaww OowoiaBville 8 L Robertv Stalir Straifiad yV McADiaMr SeatHrW Caboarg j J U IVadl Ckvrtkman Kwgtaa H lloogb WaM CobeargJ Mckiallea Jhmor lit oek- vitle a O Jaeea PoM Ottawa Jaa Leodoo TMier Braaplae W 5 Jbe alee Giabt TtKoete J L McIatOb fJSkrMtofr Od 6HlagiobB Doagall Witfuu MotMretl Ctoa Ueavjaeg Jaraet H Wood CaniaHy J fi Jibaoe G Port llopejiaaNa Uotdea 06wer Priaea Albert R Matbieton 9batlOfl M- lee i W Miwat Siratford W Nkbol- oav Barrie WOPewall iSW StmnJunt 81 MarytiJoba CaoHrOo Advirliter T igbtm Btacbn tMntferd Wm Haly oroolo JaOiet loara Vrrvy Garlpb P E Uyer Ckronl Waierloo pie pKioai A J Bekb ilrgiu 8 ty Tbe Mayr of GtlvetMilMA bbited Ibe tale of waienaclaai aadJl lit witbia ibecily limita ty- Ilof ebotera i arttia frarful txtpat ie Waat drom are dying Perk gai Tbeboperoprd tbtStal yrh Will be belter Ibii aaaaaa tin ea for many previoat year BTbe cattle diteatek bn re iafeetad tbe bofUoaa oa lha p many are found dead witb ae tt A conamajcatiei ia Xe I itea Ibat ibare are aboot 8 000 r luadM ie ObiMgo aad that Ikay kftabliah a Freeeb paper WkM oTin caal wtHcb Witb a ebarge ef i beadred aed frly peead poe ibrow a ahol weigbi elevaa j laraoAag 28 Tylori wbo ceomilled tbemarder atari Uat werk Waa taken rrm Macoa Ittt eibt by a arab 1 T Itlea Faaiaat raaMntni iami9u beoB y M moath oa teooaatM ina aotltad Caaadla talhoritJet bat Ibat tbt drell xrCttattfegfa BepMMlM atrong led by UN aad Diiic 1 W H TUaaH the Loadpa TCmat with Ike Aai aiy refceviet a aalary of atd b expert Mr ilaoa daat ot tboMiiaal U Pre qnartera haa a A reoeal IMUe pepr4gJ ba foar Fcaiaa oficen wba ktf aloppii at Niapra Fatl far I mnatb cnteVive rtceired e- Three el tbemjre ordered It aad tbe olbar tl tl farther erdan aad Ualeetiva E Jtiee bawlwg if beieg eaeeraad tkaM tba pneoaar ware bcM fa tlT Tbawvcaepeadeat ef thai Ttmra tbe onM HribaWi ra aet eqd te KUKi irmed fv abil a eampaiga a b1l dertakea Eack maa aboeU ba i a brejcb aad bo tia Tyreleaar to fibtiaf eaW hoek bet- deiifa that Uwd Kimba li repreeatti Uae Vajeoly at Pada V eat expertewee ace iuiaf Um than any one elae nr that pott at tlia jnnetara and dani Coag of ab Kaoepa vbiaK Mi HI deairaa lo aaftlai t Wbdema werkmtava i tbe daiajeal ebave tbeOaoar al Ilecbei4ir na Tortday lv rry dam Mlraclad to aid Mk Way Oaa aua ler Ibe Middle FaCe aod wBi wedged ia betHa gtirt aad W dfbri eftha da Dvvr a boar Wfori btt ptrilopa peeiiioB Aaetbtf wa awept aadw tbe Wad gatm nc wba vae ever the damtt 4f a tibf oa iba edga ad tbo 1 Om iTtd r GMtt prepartlieaa made for Ibe Doeglai it aiea at Claeago ea tbe 8ib 0MWI All ibe railroad IaOdIagiaoCI9 ajraad tearry pamcagen aa gattvred m tW Wrt lideat Jeba aad laite I eagagrd A lUceptaoo 0 aW aatoon obcra are wHraOllTc IM Rice aad a amber aftbepria efCbo liWmalafiiab eBl to t be Proaideet aed T al eober of Coegr if iW Ua4l Sulea Safraftj W Miyort of flitiet totted ieg papers aad leQoa-