Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 7 Jul 1865, p. 2

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THB NEWMARKET ERA JDLY 7 1865 AdTtrtlMme8l kM Ft9 lo LpmUni J V Jnnm tkirwJMM r RfHina cl CKiloM- WIIU ifliPDJinorkrt 6rfl tBarkttFridtyJoIj 7th I86 Orasd Fio Rio at Fergufons t Point Om of ib grindMl Pra Nica of th Maen an I perhapa ih larit of liti liiiin tViiT in about lOOO panittp Tha grouoda ara lau tifailj aitMiad o Cooka Dajr Lak Siiweoa itarly opreafi RcU Ewari in ittaTfrnmhip of Nrih Gwntlaibarjr For Pie Nw Pntt it ia cm of iHa k if oot iba tery baal loemtioo Norib of Toronto Tha grouoda ara padially vrgron viib buthjr oMiaraiitUr Iwinad ib if nd bara asd Ibara rorm leg arargraoo arc ha aed romaoiic err riraU vbaro oaiura aaanta to bar doM ka utaiaol to eootribMia lo Iba baau- ij t ail aroond Har aad lhara arr patcbaa abar tba graao anl aflbrda mpta room for tpraading out rafraah- Moola or to aoablatboao who faoeyt lo Utf tba light faBiailie loa ao thai Hogahar wa pronoo Fafgaona Putei Pio Nw grouodi for ail lima lo Wall aa ra aboat lo rHNiik ae- aptiag af iba kiod iariiaiiooa forward ad bf aw Bali Eart afd NorlkGwiiUai barj frinda atUadrd Iba Pic Nie bit Twadar Iba dajr wu ticatdiaglr 6m aa lUl bf airrta oclock bataa 400 ad MO awebbd hatieg arrirad ia prirala eoarafaaoaa aad foot fro tbr rrowidiag eooarjr PrafiJ Iba DaN Ert Propallrr aoaadd bar tbHIi wbbtb aad laadod aboat 300 lara Pie Nieiaaa aad ia tba caarta of aaatbar boor or ao rtlara ilb we- ood load daHag all ibit iJaa Iba Sbaroa Braaa Baad vaia driigkliag tba aaaaaiblrH rd by dttcoaraiaf otl aaaada Wa iboaM alM rcaark that iba people fraa Ball Ewart o board iba Boat pre- io la laBdinf gracird ibrtr frirada aJ Tiaitara oo tba abora with tbraa roaag ebur hila iba copaajr oa tba aborr rrtataod Iba coapliiMat iba Baad pUfiag Yaakaa Doodta aad Ralr DriUiteia dariag tba badiag of ika paacagar Prom tbb tio UU parhapo balfpaai 14 oclock Iba Pie Niciana onjoyarf tb viib plajra rolling ia com paaiaa throogb tba groasda ho wbila Iba crack ol SuoiMa Soda Wairr at tb TarKKM rafroahmaot boolba claarly b- BOMiratad tbo damuMi it bad ia bi-laatli- oatbarand tba ganoioanraa of iba arikla Abnot ibia boor tba tattoo of tba dram broagbt tba cmd tgHbar vbao thr baad plajrd a eoupta of apiriiod aira af- lar bich tbraa JmiDg ladiaa bn namaa a did oot loarn with Mr Laria ie lha amploy of ibo Bali Eaart Cn aang a aong aaiitlod Tba Flag of Oar Uaioa ooa of tba ladiaa play ing a malodaoQ aooompanimant Tha j party tbao aai dova ia gpa aod par- taub of tba rafraahmaota ioTitisg tboaa itprovidrd to joto ihem Tha faorpit ky of tboaa bo prmriHad fur lha oe aM aa bcyoad bnanda and aa i tia aonmutaa aiada it Ibatr boMoaaa aaa ibat all praaaai art boaatifally au- piiad vilb iba goud ihinga of Ibialiti Apaia tba dram Wal aad ataia Ibe arad aaaibUd n froal of iba aracttd far tba apaakcr aad amw I afiar a eapb of laan by tba Oad a Oa aalwa Wh Doan q of Sfaaroa waa rrqarttad la aceapy l ahair aad ia rapoadiag la lha caU oi adlbaba vaa glad la waft o BMay aad Sirtpaa aMwida af lha IJaioa Jock Ha did aol bekara iba Caaadiaa rofb aM baa tba aabraga at ffiaii Ibry bal awf kara aaa year day aaay cbaagaa had lakea fUca Tha AaMncaa prr apictalir had aaf- rd araaa prafidracn partkalariy ia tha daalb Iba aaiiaMlr dratb of Abrakaai la 11 aaad aol itll ihrai ba vaa a a aaiifa Aaaneaa I bat far all Ibat aai ailhtaadiag tba paat ba aa Mt ai tra aad loyal a vaa lo ba Cjiaa of Kafbad aa aaaW ha toaad ia bar BntiJi pwaaiaa Ha vaa finaly af lha apiaioa that Brtlaia 94 Iba Uatlad Suiaa ahaakl ira baad w baad Tbay ara aaa b araai pnacapb oaa ia tha bra af fracqi aad ha Ml that aaeb pibatbfa aa ib era aababtad U da wdi gaod Cbaar AtWMarcIv Mr Lsit vaa tntiodeea aa IW laat pakar vHo aaid b dd aol aipact ba called apeo lo aiAa a apaacb to day but ha vaa prepared la auad aboatdar I ahoaldar ia aap af pnooiplaa of oaioa and brotharbo Ha ad ibcm to day viih baliaga of ibo etmoM pride and glad M aMM ao amiy to jnja io a rebuone oa ibb tba BinbDay a fcifenary of bb aaiioo Il apoba vol mmm nt ibalobralioa oflbe oaiim ibai ailovad iba iba privibae ibav aojoy ad Md todwaiad ic elaar OM bimm tabahb larcaa ibai vbaiavar pilgbl be ibeir diiaraaeaa aa to otmt of gotara- MM Ibay daairad la aailivau aooa bal Iba mom aatoabb raUtiooa Tb ebair- jaas afladad lo iba Idea of plmilng ibe aura aod atripoa om ibaaa groaod hot ba bad barsM hoaa bU traUaaea o Ibb ooaatry ibai aaoiber ig b km ava eoald Oiifbrl tba baaaar of lihar ly Cbaara Aad ba rrM tba ive talioea aofiarliag ibe lafa of iba Uaioe Jack aad 0tia and 8tri aa tba tva Ubarty toaian aatiooa en Mnb Cbaara SiMa va taai aai hara iba araa of tba oaaairy vboa binb aeary Awriaaa pteaaal aabbratad iy bid baae cravaad vh abtory m Iba aaa baad bal aa iba obr ta tba paraaa af bar Cbiaf Mag irau aba iMd MB itrickaa daai by tba bud of Hip of had baea guided through frfi penplo and the full force of lha pra- amMa nf her Ccnalitulion could nov ba HrclarH lhai ail man eejoy certain in aliotiabia righia Aa Aiaaricana ihay ooM now bhld lhair enuotry aUvatad lo the miirfardor true librly Cliear tt haa taken ocoena of blwdtbe beat binod of her mnat vnnliy aona at ihe hilla of VirxinM too painfully tall but lha aacnfice hita been inada TiiaBak- ar than aHudrd in tha faci thai Ibey had hren diaappnintad in nol having the Am- crnran Conail aiMmned in Tornnlo preaeni to addreaa ihMn and al Tlioa M P- P- who hadgivrii ii thai iird him albefa ha rnilil ba here lui he truied llie doy would nol be unprofitable aaibey wul4 be iiiiaroMad by tha apaakara lo follow Cheara iaiUMaich Mr E JArKOM waa iniroducrd na onograiuaiiog upon lha auapiciooa- oaaa of tba waaihar attd alluded u i aociabteraM of tha gthariiig and tha kindly faaling thai pervaded lha aoiirt acaemby iitdodaDi of tha ocoiaion Ha enuld noi ay with iba chairoMn ibat ba waa an Amaricaa by biclb bui he waa a Itriiiah auljact a Canadiaa by birth artd adoeaiioo and waa prual tc claim a liila lo Ihr priilegM of lha flg of Old Eaglandprnei of Iba liberty h cnvniry aOordod Il wna baeaiite ol he irue liberty weerjnyad haraiaCan- ida thai wa could ibua eiteod lha rtghi hand of fallowahtp to our Amaricao ida Il waa truly Briliah to attend others the rihta and prWiaffea claimed for hiiaf aad vb b aoiM 1 1 of gaoilemra rtiiartainiag Bniiah MHiK oould aaambU oa ibe Queen a OirthOay ia New Yurk City ear- roindad by aeveral diatinguiahad AmarK ca a to do honor to the name of Eng land and Knglaitda Qaaan be tba praker aa proud liiay oould eaieud a reciprocal feeling in faiua to our Am erican couMoa lie rejiardad Great Bfitain atid tKa Uotiad Stalea aa the two roremoat nutoaa ou iha aanb aad ba belbvad it waa tbair uliiaMa deetiny to nirancbtae aid chriiaaiia the world Cauada ijo waa about baaing lha aehroM of Coaradaratioa inaugural exiaodiag her power aod ioftuenca rom the broad AtUniio VVeeiard beyood the Saakatcbawan Valley aod perhapa to tha Pacific growing up mdo by aide with tba great Amrrtcan Republic liiog in lha ei jiymani of tba fullaal commarcial ialercourae Ha waa glad too that gen- ilamao lika tHoea eompoaing lha fall Ewail Co viaited tbie Provioca wiih thetr naiiM aid eatabliihed manufacu riaa bare aad by tbair waalih aaaird in lha deaoparoeot of lha couatrja r anurcaa Air Jackaon alao refcrrrd to lha fact that lha atrong prjudKa be- ween tha people of Briiwh aod Aneri- an deacrni and ofigin were faat wearing itf roogh eicreaciMea waia being r ad aid mea ware regrdad aa men vnrpntea b Ihe vaaitthlilini of the world Co Hem waa coaaieittrd Ibe great Itkk af carrying forward political aad religioaa frrdia lie roiralulBled Iba peopb la Ibat eclina ia haviag mea of eolarpriae eltle amoagkt ibrm with capital rapabie of darrloping tbe rvaoarceaf the ctnntry aad ha believed it waa U tbe ialanatt a both coaairw lu callivale kiadly relaliaaa aad a aiere eluae bliaiacy Aner few aiure remark Mr Irata eaaeliided aatid bed applaa Vniea of ibaaka were tendered la Iba radiea for Ibe abvndao and vary eieel leni edblea kapplHd oa Ibe oeeanoa abo he Ibll Ewarl Co lor Ihe free ae of heir Dual la H Moore E for Ihe baadaoiae neaaer ia wbieb he aapcMOleed ed Ibe cooatraetiea f the plasfota alaal e lo Ibe Hraaa Uaed for Iba icltent BMte provided ilte rhairiaaa waa thea reqaoed lo tacaia tbe cbair aad Mr W A Spoaaer calbd la Ibe aaoM A vale of ihaaka waa ibea leadered ibe chairaaeaad ibe Baad played God Save tbe Qeeea Tbaa eaded Ibb part uf 4be eatenaiaaMat Pbe pbtforai waa Ibea eleeiad aad for ivo or ibrea hoar ihoae who ao deatred tripped lo Ihe laerry daace whib oibera enagbl otber tao of recraatioa ltbeaabglba Bell Ewarl Mbeireb baowaaatbe Iraatada amaaad a Itrga perlv liH Ihe wea aa boara Jaaed l waa aa eveaiag loaf lo be reaKmbered We aboeM obrva that b breaking ep lha party b the grave il waa anaMmoerfy ibcidaJ la eelehte by all partiealhe aetl Sitb of May b lha aaaie aiyb Ihey had ibb day aela briiad Ihe aaliaaal Uirtb Day af tbe AaMrieaa Repablb a gov loouibj priaciplaa indauetideiii of otbar conaw aratbna fla waa iharefre glad Ui meet them upon tbn bfoad platform lo- dey and he trusted ivothing would aver artra to mar lha harmony or disturb the peace 0 happily atirJng betweaa Ibaee two nalMwa Cbeera iaf ShelU of ba Oceaa The Chatroian eaid aur ruera were talking abont epending large aoma of ciMiie to eMlruct loriicaiioAa alooft oar froniiar now ba coiutdered eucb meatiaga aa wa bad loday far kattei then aay defeooae they eoaU baiU for acaring peaca Why aaid be 100 OOO lan if aialioned abog our wbob fna Mr would atand about aia rod apart Laogbter Wa weal more uoily and there will be no daager of war Tbo rhairiaao theo called apoo H Moote Em la nddraae lha meeting Mr- Uooaa after a few inirodaolory remark obaervrd that ba thoocht aacetleai faeliog promplad tba orii poriina of ihie community to meet a ghboura of Amaricaa birtb nd the mora it waa cultivetad aod lol erated tba bettar for botb oocatriea- Wa aptanii from ll aama grant aioek iction and wara prepared lo etwad right band of fellowahip lo oar Aoaricao friend Cheara Aimf March Eia8a Wit4aoN being called epoa mMla a few trite reroarka It might bo conatderad by aome ihal ba waa out of place but wbea coonecting iba prtaci- plea of gnod neighbourvbip with religion ha coaaidared himaalf diaabargiug a cbrtaiian duty to raapond briefly lo tbe call of ba Chairaian llaltgioa taught tbam tu priiicipUa wra paaea o good will lawarda tan Tbb aevar ba lorgUaa by oa aa iadividaab or aa meo in autboeity by goveramanti coauBoikitiaa eivU poliiifel or aoeial Tba a the faara welfare of tbe paopla Ha aaa a Britbbari out aad hb faibar bafbia bim and be Mt proud of hb poaiiioa lodey He waa pioud of tba Ubarty her ineolutiuoa aad bar paapla aaoordad otbar tiotUl tiea and ba cooaUerad tba Britiab ae AmarKan people eoald navar go ta war Tba tbiag vaa iaipaeaibb tba great aio coBlrollMig tbe aflaira of Saia in both eoanuiea ware loo vwa for tbat Naiibar eouatry bad aaytbiag le gain bul much lo loea by war aod ba prayad tbay boib nugbt gofervard in iba aurch of improvemanl aad civiJiMibo till tbe worla aboold ova tbair anivaraal power aad ioflueocaaad fraedoM raign ibraegb ool tba vorld Appbiua Baad Woltt RP IawiEawaatkestbtrodacad wbo saib a Ciw vary aeaaibb aad breibb rearka He had aol the aligblaal idea af ba called apaa bat ba Baal waa pitaiid ta see aa aaay aajeyiag tbe altea aa well Tbb vaa tbe irtt tiaM b bad Ml Ibeta ibara aad in ail bamai prebabibly tbe baf AJtbaagh aa Amar icaa by bwtb 11 vaa Iba firat tiaa be had ever aebhtaiad Ibb day Il a tbag bka fiflytu years abci araagbl to Caaada by hb paraau aad if ba vaa aat a Bolbb eabjact by tbb tbM be oagbc ta ba Laagklar Ua aalar- taiaad tba grealaat raapact for tba Qaaaa af Bntam aad ba aba aatartabed iba kiadliael fealiaga lovarda Iba U Slalaa Ua ag viib tba aai tkat Ibaaa aattaaa vara Jaatiaad ar ftaal Tho 12tof July Thara b to ba a graod aaMbbliag of Ihe brethren of Ibe Orange frataraiiy fraa Nortb York aad Sootb Sinaua iba eomiag 12th at HoUaad LaadtoK Tba fblloviag particaUra of tbe arder af tba day bava reaebai oa aa trraogad at aUta taoeiiag of tboaa baviaf tba order of pr eeediagt ia abaija let Tbera b to be a grand procaaaoa ve preaaiaa at aboat 10 ocloak a ai Kaab Lodga to fall ia tba prooeaaioa ao- cordiag lo tbe aaffbar of tU Warraaia Daaner in froet 2odvTLe Master Depaty Maatar the Master with ffvordtbaDtyvitb BiUa aod Coestitatioa tbertoa 3rd Tba Traaaarar aod Seeratary vitb Wsrrsal 4tb Coanly Men aad Membara two b lite Tyler viib drava award ia tba rear Tbe Proccaaion will fom at MoClaras Hot el Ibeece proceed down Toae Si oa foot to tbe top of Ur Barvbka Hill ibeace dova tba old read lo Ibe Tborch where Diriae Serrioe will be ooadacted by oae of ibe CLapbiaa of tba Order AfWr sanriae tbe prouaaiis vili refinB la ibe eame order as abova aad proeaad to MeClaraa Hotel where tbe difllrreat Maatera and Toaaly OSoera vtll aaoead a platform to be cnatraeted for tbe ooe sioa sad addrei aai will be delirared At tbe cbee of tbeee esercieea tbe bretb raa froo North York aill form ia procaa- aion and eaeort tbe bretbrea fronl SiDcae aonedlatanee oo their retara borne It b eipceied tba foUowlag geatbnaa wilt deliver addrraaa oo the oooAaiao Rera Meaara Raoaay Oabr MeCoHam Rattan aad MeKce alao Thomas R PcKuaoa Btq M- P P aad otbera It b iateaded va andersUad lo Baka tbb deoMoatratioQ ooa of tba moat iapoa- iBK ever bald oo tba 12th in tbb part lha eooary King Townahip Coanoil The above Coaaeil at Habea Ha tel Scboaiberg aw Maaday lat all tbe reaebera preaeat eicept Haebell Esq Maalea ei praviea sMeliag read aad coa- Srawd aflar whbb Ihe Cbrfc atated ba had vrillea ta legeraol Catporatioa as directed bal bad nat a yat received aa aaavcr He aba bid apoa tba Ubb a aowaaoiaatba fraa the Crrporalba of Cellinf weed aatfiaf fartb thai the iaieraat dae aa debealara of hat Towa bald by Kbg waa depaailed b th e Oaak af Vf- per Caaada aab to Iba arder of be Treaaarar af Kbg Aba from labad Reveaaa lapecter argiaf lha Coaaeil lo aee lo it thai HeteUkeepera did aot sail H0trs witboat a proper lKeae ria Reave bid hefora tbe Coaaeil a eAawMeatia be had racatved from ibr nSee of the Receiver Geaerat Beitiai fnrth Ibat the apforteameat from the Me- Dieipaiiba ar Cbrgy Eeaerve Paad aow awatlmg Ibe order ef Ihe pmptr oibera fatare appraprbtiaaa la Ward Na 5 aed thai Meaara WaU Wiaa aad Tboa Tyaoa ba appojated Cetatabaioaer la re eeire teadera approprbta said traaf aad le geoeraly do wbai ibry tbiak heal aad aoi coadacive la the pabib goad With regard la the order af Maaen Nelieod aad Cart aa Cba Traaaatet for b favar of Mr McFaQ yaarea iitee recommend Ibe aame ba boaared Yoar CoaHaiiiea woald aba recamwaad llai the epfli of Joba Robiaaea for the oflbe af folbclor ar the Soalbtra iviHoe be Irfl over lilt aetl amaliag Ynar ComoMllae bava eoaaidered Ihe aeeoaal ef W C Cbawiit h Co aad snmmead Ibe ume ba paid With reprd ta tbe commaabalioa a Wm Calboaa refardiag aa albdgad aver cittrga of laiea fpreperly ipeakiag aa al- baad deebb lediaad Co yoar com ilee rraommead Ibe mma to be bid Ofer far farther eoeaideralioa eaaidered Ibe sub jeet matter af the comaaaicatlaa fram lb labad Rawaae laapeclor of York aad woald recommead iImI the Cbrk be b led lo aoifylhe Towabip laapector of Liceaaea to lake legal p agaial ail aahcaoaad baaaes b Ibe Tova- abp Tbb aotica Iw bare paid the T ko bava aot paid Iht Tba Coaacd racaivad aad adaptad tbe report Moved by Mr Tboaipeea aaaeadedby Mr Webb thai tha Treaaarar ha aad b hereby aalbnriaed ta pay la Jnba Smith tbe aam of flO for tbe aew bridge areet- edbelwaeaUliSOaadSI ialbe9lhCea Carrbd Moved by Mr Tbompaeo aoeoaded by Mr Maaab ibat whaa Ibb Coaaeil ad- joaraa il da alaad adjovraad till Ihe bal Moaday b Aagaet aetl Ibea la ami al Bella Hotel SKb bae Carried Moved by Mr Webb aeaoadadby Mr Thoapeoa ihat lha Treaarer ho aad b hereby aalbortaed aad reaealad la pay oat of lha blereat aad ae ef tha Cbrgy Raaerve Paadlba aom of tHM to iba ardera of tha Traalaea af the aaverat School Baetieae of tba Tewoabip far Ed acatioaal parpaeea aa aocb haib aad pr pertioa 9S previded ia tha DyLaw aa- ihoriabftha raid appeaprblioa Cirtiad Oa motioa af MrTboepeaaaeeeaded by Mr Webb waaappreprbtedtowarib the repair iba bridge aa lha Towa Lba Soalb tbe TowaabpafVaahaa ippraprbla a aimibr aam Tbe C tbea eatered bla a leagthy baallory coaveraatioa wiih regard la Ibe Jarver of the Towaahip now bawf pro- eoedad artth aad tbea TOala 533 tha Cossmillea of Iba Wbob va aaiii ibem here On motioa of Mr VI abb leeeaded by Mr Tbompaoa lb Coaaeil waat bto CotamHfae ol the Wbob oa Ibe varioaa eoaHaanicalioaa aad docaaMala preaaaiad Mr Webb b Iba c Aftar apeadta aoma time Ibe Cemta tee roae aad a leava to ar agaia Leave graeledaadotf taolioa lha Baaea lafi tbe chair lot aaa boar Commiltaa of the Wbob agab Mr Webb b ibe ehair ta aam- pble tbe baaiaaii aaUrUkea ia Iba fara- aaoa Cossmillea raaa aad reported as foUova With regard to tba petilioa of Jasae Spiak aad atbera deferred from bat met- iaf aakiag for a dimioa ef Sabool gaC tba No TS yaar cammtttaa ara af apia ioa Ibat all that pari af mid Saclioa lybg Sealh ef Lol No 28 iaelaaive ba atraet off mid Saclioa aad fonaad iato a aav School Seelioa la ba leramd aad kaava aa Sebaol Sectiaa Na 6 of ibb Towaahip aad year Committee reoomaMad that tbe Cbft ba iaalraalad by raaolaiba to fire be paHieamteraitad tba aacaimry natiae repaired by bv ta pat tba ssacbiMry af Ibe aav Sabool 8ectioa aferaeaM into op- eratba Wrib reprd la Iba appKaatba of Mr Wabb for a graat af aMaey aa Iba biab vsy yoar Commitlaa ara if opbioa ibat a daagroea placa eibta an Iba Ughvay at Lot No 39 ia tba lOtb Caa aad vaald r tbat aa appraprbtiee aet aieeadiag 7i ba taada ta repair lba It to bt dadacud rott Fatal Aooident Wa r to barn Ibat a littb boy named PansatCK Lavebjtob son ot Mr Oioaoi LawtKacg Bond Haad foraerly of Laakay Kiag mat vitb aa aoaidanl an Tnday af Isat week raaalt iag in death oa Monday avaaiag tba 3rd ioataat Tba Uitb felbv nov past dgbl yeara old io oonpany vttb a aambar of olber liub boys vera pbiag soom db taaoo from lba vUbga vbaa a aam eame abag aad tba driver gava tbe boys a ride boma vbib in tbe aet of jampii A lba wagon boverar Iba boraaa started aod Freddy fall baekvard to tba ftroaad giving bin aocb a sboak aad iolbtit aocb iajnrbs to tbe book of Ibe bead as affwt tbe braio He beaama ddirbas shortly after from Iba taleaaasoffariog boi Uageriag till Moadsy avaaiag bst vbaa doalb pt aa ead lo bb paia Ha waa a bright iatatHgaal lad a bb kw trill ba aavarely fait by bi paranls Common School FicVio- Tbe BagartTowB aad PUa Oftbaid Comooa SebooTa FbNb aama off tvilb grea da ea Satarday bat Refraeb- aaeala were aerved b he baaatifal gravi oa tha graaada b coaaaetba with Ihe Frieada Meelieg boaw wb3a swbp trrere areeled aad other aiaaaeaMi tered apoa ia Iba waeda adjoiaiag Tbe day waa eiceediagly fiae aad aa a caa- eqaaoee lha atieadaaaa laiga ladeed aai hove w stea at a Cammee ScbeoiPteNb ao smay igr ifba rslrai vara fieatebm aad applied b abaadaasa rsiaelmf graai ert epea Iba ability jodgmeat aad bhar ality ef the ladies hbdTag iai tbeee Sebaol Sactioaa Beaidaa tbe eacbara ve aatbed Meaara J 8 Wibia Jeba WiHaae P W Pby ley Walaoa Pbylar Jid Raelda Jaeb aa Ibgart P Laadayaad dbar r af the aeclieaa It vae a vety aci parly aad meat caalribala mare ebeely beeo kiadly aboold ever eatat bavaaa Teaciera Traateaa aad peopb Wa trel Ibe aobonh abeve alMad ta vil ceab Famexa Sxeutioii Ptuaaant lo aotiaa Iba fiuaaera aaaaal E look plaaa oa Priday bal aad vaa vai7 swoassAiL 8oaM 450 m aad frbada of tbe North York Agirbai tarml Soeaeiy aompcaad Iba par aad from tba tttaaofstartiag 01 wa Ktvnad nuabap ef aay kiad ba le mft Iba pbasara of lba oaaaaioa Mr P W Cambarbad bapaasal Maasgar of tba Nortbara B astfad- ad tbe priribga of Iba Soebtj Ibbyf by allovi tbe exavrsioa to take piaM ftva Kiag iaaiaad ef Aanra aa yaar aad altboagb aaetbar ear a woald bsra added to tita oaavaabaaa of axoaraioaisli ve ara boaad to aay ae blame b atlaababb to tba Oeapaay for scoomsaodatioe vaa fWrabbad fbr all tbe Ag Soebty Oommtitoe aakad Tba Coa- daetor aad otbar aarraab of the Oo did all ia tbair power to aeatribvto to tbe To Capt M ipo Laka Slaaoa tbe Bsaarabebta ova maab tot tba pbsaara ef Iba oaaaaioa Agyaa abb aad oMigiag to aU ever ready to lea Ua ova eeaifaai ftr tbe mto efbb gaaala Iba trip vm laaderad axaaediaglj pbaaul aad doHtfol hj i easa aad aUaatba II b enaeeeaaaryjorie loaBeia totba lay plaeea of iaianal abaf lUa loato ba baaatifisl aea fa bartaf ae aareral p aaaiaioc bal fbr a bociaxaani trip ao other roato ftoa tbb poiat aSbrdi ao graat a variety oi maab saiiiiioa as a days jaaot board Iba Kmily May Wa bad fov haodred aaflbtKjaigfal passeogera oa tbe Usia sod rae addiiloaa at Bell Swart and Beach Poiat makiag a toal of iO aad iha Soeiety ebarad above aU atpeoMa aboat 186 Jad AbMBt No littb aoafasioa aad was eooaaioeed yesarday by the sppearaooe ofJodgeBoTD to bold he Nevmarkei Coort Up to tbo Ua to presa ao iotimaiioa of tbe oaoae of hb abaaoee baa raochad Nevtsarkei Sailora vera very maab diaappotatad saj notbing abort of aa ampb ezetu eeald joatlfy tbe JtMlges abeenee oa tbe oti Had be evaa aeal word of bb iaablliiy to attead sailora might have retorned hooM ai aa earYy boor nc lidiop of tba missjog nan eame to baad Hb apology shoold be msda pablb aad abort of thb be vOt fail io parforffliag what b dnf to Iboas ealbd opon to ttUTar botb loae ef time aod mooey Editorial Stmmary Tbo letal preoeeds of tbe reeeol Ag taiteral KxcoiaioB after peying alles peoeee anmnta M abaot 95 a brgei baa at ftrat aniieipated OAapeeial mMing efihe BMidef Seboel Troaieee vill be held tbb eve t the iUiltoad Uotel cmeaciog atb abek A meeiio ef tbe Meehaoba loaii Me Committee will be haU en Teoeday reoiBg aetl at ibe Raitread Haul eom- loaacg at 8 oebek br tbe Itanaaetieo ol geaar b A fell board bdeeitabb A tagalac moeimg of tba Newmarket Ceooeil takee plaoe iwzi Meoday eveoing rbe CbaiioMo ef the Road aad Bridge Cemmiiteo advetliaee tbb veek for teadera for byiog atdewalka For pariieuiate aee bilb We elalm tba ioduigeoee of oor reedera tbb week a bige portioo ef oor ipeoe being eecapiod with tbe Sebedub ol mvieiieos retaroed to tbe Ubrk ef lb Paoeederioglaatqaarter Wewiiltryaad make op br the leaa ia oor wil imae We are reqaeaied to aaaoeaee lha i Fiiday eeoieg oeit the 14b lnUe aaoaa meetiog ef ibe Nawmartet Bsaeh Upper CaoaJa Bibb Soeiety will be held Mochaaioe Hell Rev T Golo- the uleoted of Ibe Seoloty ad other aietiogoiabed eierioei aod by geoibmaa are espected le addreaa Ibe log Seelarge billa Chair b lobe iskeo aboat balfpaH 7 ebtk tTbo btiar from AatiHambagatkd rodeoiing aecaowbal opee the oeodoet of loapeelor ef Aarora wba lba mat b we do aat kaew wee received toe lata bt laoe Wait till next Piidey bal w lay io Ihe comme of Ibe mar hat all parey peiaoaai alloaiooe we arike oot ef latere oorreapondeooe and boeld have dooeao la the btter givao lUewbeie bad we boeo at bom wbon ii Ma pe- in type No good b adMted ty ConfsiiDnifnrf Sunday School Fiotfio yV At tdHmr oft K Xra Dsaa 8ta The Qneaa Btroel Uoie Sabbath Seheel il tbair eeveeth aaao TeaMeetiag b Mr Hembya reve i the 2ii h a liimeaad m oaaal waaajpocea Aboat f94 weee roaliiwd payieg ail eirpei aaa A maok brger aam waold have baa ebtalaed however had net a beevy tbea dor ahower paeaed avor jasl aa tbe labba Theg Iblaga bad le bo raiaoved i doable qaick time le a piaea ef ebolter- Alter abooi aa heat aitepeoaa bewave ead a goed wotting b the nargaiat Iba again ahoae lertb the tablaa rie agai ipraad b a meat temptiag r dwpeeed of the totelleotoal part ef tlM oo- ippmpriaio a wall timed reaurk eall- ed epea tbe oebobre v raeile a iamber ef Pialagaei ead ether aobet p Maay them artiaitied tbemaelvee with eradu Tbe meetiog waealae addreeaed by Ibe Rave J Sheply and George Biewa The Petohville Cbeir aa the abb leadebhip of Mr Potob aoiif eoloei pieoee aod acquiuad Utai great credit igtog eoramhteo deeorvod aod meetiaa br t- mantesoodebytbo Afbr Ibe aaoaJ votae ef thaaka the eoi peoy dinporeod at aboot ail eolaek veoiof evideoiljf very r- sdoys LI soibfied with Tears Tralyt WbitobiMob Jaty 1 IMS Daaa Sta Tbe proelivkiM ef jroei aiaaetoal oorreepoodooi wheae looobraiioM periedbaly appear b lha oolamae ef yoor ealaabia laraai ever the aam dsfaaar f Igaoramaa are oberly dwoorwablo a doMel eompUbie e ibo va b vb s fieada bare are gttliug it Aol amd loop la ibb vilbfOt where bo b ae ktkowa IW aaa w at bb aoorbity io g 00 thb oaeetioa baviaw himaalf woe lo bee with etfeodod jaatba le laatify e tba more oatubra- Uag dMCbufa of abampagae amka ta aa aalweaaod heaee b ovmpoay vuh aaetb ar oebNity vbe eely took a gbaa af Giacer Boor viJi a abtbk ia it aad vbe like toeir lodiao ailioe are ae dioeipbe of Doakia bat daatitaie ef tboir obivalrooa Miata at aaao bet viib aoadry wry boea aod gTMoaooe ooa hambly ao bdgha I aod Ibea liotaood eshileraiiag diaebarga ef pagaa eerka- had eaibi draok aad paid rer tbo brbiddeo beverage I Ibe very traoeoooMlly ebvmied po be Illy ebvmied p sMba Ibay bM ia elvtl aad mlliury eireb bd the peer ee rotbor I ebooM eo paouag maab Uv aad bokii diaa alliaa left paid tba flae aad ibaa ralieva tbait noad tiM onl lavarwkeeper of tbo poea- aiary dtOeaky ba vbieb they lad brm iaetead of oomiay eat vttb aa eamaaly vbiaa that Aowg baa laoo a UUaf ot daily aeso aod otigioaiad aaly ia aptia aad mere ivoddb ef a lika impart Tea vill doobibea aftaa vttb ae Mr Sdier thai meo who eooeaioaelly diiok nilbeoaed tavame aM net atwaya ibo m aliabb paniea to gin IboMblie aa impar iberefore will tm ereoder at tba great dia- srapaory batweee tbo soeoool aivao by year eorree Igaoramost or ibe two ladiaaaT and tba aciaw faou 8a fat Item bb autemeot being troe thai ibe latario gatieae ef tbe wbob loKb ware aaalim bocesa Ibe ehiveltaee aetare ef the fadl- aoa brbade them to bod ibeir oid le ooa Viet tbe vaodera the Betmh waa pot la fell poMeaabn af tbo faeia ae to when wbere I froa whom they bad obtain Ibeir iiquariib the qoaoliiy etocored t aad lonber Ibat tbay bad got aod draak beer io every grocery ia ibia villaae TooroorroapoiMbnl aaya there li aity ef Magietratee in Aarara HeebeoM hova added aa of all aaao beat fitied to meka the aiaiaRenl that there ia ee leek ef gragveriee io Aorora There aie aa maoy lombelea aa vacant Iota sod f ro to aay I tbat tba booada may be en tbe Ooa more apeeimeo ef yeer eorraapeo ihta veraciiy will 1 tbbk be qoite iflbbni to oooviaae tbe taeat aeaptiaal of ia alter aarelmbility He aaya that aome ef tha ehargee iraoepired aa long ago aa tbe early part ef May Tba ed wore with OOO aiofie azaepiioa committed en aod after the 34b of May la ibis the eerly pen of May f All the iafarmatieai were bid bv lha la Bpaotr ae early a waa praeiiaabla Tbe aiagle oseaptiM la wbieb Ignoramoa sbibiiod ae ooiMbanMJy hia greet bak of ibivaltyooearraid aomawbat oeriMr aad aa he laapeeter did not obtab lba aaoaaasry obrataiioa br aome time arte ibaeffaoce raa ommifled and afier getting tbe io iimatioaaome fnnhar delay ooanrred bO aeae tbe Reeve woe sbeeat from the illaje aad ibe Inapecior thinking bia ervbae toditpenaable at ba trial delaj I entil Ibe retara o that vartby efflebl faor ihbvreag i ibe pmUie think il iba only aaaraa by vnieb tbe ma- jeety of tbe lav coold be mainiaioed Ignoramo aaka Coi bonoT Tbo brokeohMpod wivaa aod aqealid ehilJrea of Iba draekard will atMwer him belter tbao i een pretend to do Tbe Juaiiooe apoo whom Ignoramoa an- deevoars ia vaio ta aaat lidicale aw Matqoo aa bee eaai aod will with a attaeg band eeaiinae their eflorta le pat dawa theyiaot evil altbaagb it baahra- fated abetted aad apbeld maa who aalairy oclock Una meramg Io the Hooeo of forda Lord Broogbam called Btieoiioo lo tba Ceban ebvetrado id orged the oaaamity ef iocrooeed Io Ibe HMMe of C Mr Griffith moiiea that ihe Soeretary of War ail ia lb Hooeo of Commooe waa aegaiivad Mr Cardwali pbaod on ibe labb papei relaliogte Caaado and giviaglba reeolt ef Ibo aegetieiieaB hotweoa the Gevera meet aod ihe Caaadisa delegalae TheGovernmeot approva tbo Coobd- eratiwfl acbeote aad will c every oeaial aaao 1 viJI looomawod lba gaaraniaa af a tOaa for aarrytng aol by Cuada af the brtifioatiaoa reoemmen aad vill pi vide Ibo aaceeeeiy armasitaal Tbe Geveramaat vill try to ptoea a naval of tbe Raciproeiiy Traeiy aad aommend tearaaieeicc a baa la pay ibe Uodaooa Bay Ceotpaoy aa iadamoity far So NartbWeaiera teftnary vbbb b to a made ever to Caoode Tba Oeverameol doeires le osaiat Caaada Tte Tatas aays bal all preparatioos I geiiitemaa tbe Mtftfate koov fell veil tbat they bave tbo aympeiby and beat VHboa ef ovary reepaetable peiaea ia ibeeemmaoity ia tbek very taodableea tvioika Yoor Ceoeunt Roeder Vta Aoiera Jaly Sri 1SA5 Grammar SohooU deaeo viib Or Ryar Chief Soporin dent of ScboelaiLia with rafereoeo In nia Oflbial Cirealar aod have veoieied to iggaal two eltorairana wkicb weald raiaove ray eetioa Tbe mcobtiooe eaibey t preea aiaml ere both orbclrwry aaa ojott and are qoite ep to aooM ef Ibe atjiMK oootteplaiod aa admiitod ia Ibia vary Circoiar I bare peeled ool ooe grieveoce wbbh waa aot Bvorted to b rer raoont artbia on ibia aetjooi Traat aod iboa render ferlbar dear air Yeara faitbbl Sarrikoa F R Chairmao af 4be Nawmar CtMnmaf School Ttaoia Nowauikei Jaoo4 166 aeeot 7b Um EAUr Ero 8iaAgrMMa ta aaaeasciviat Seheel at BbamlagWe aeaw ad the evaeiegef Friday the aSihefJeae axbiWdae taeh pbaa la aa artiialal rroei evafgreatw heaieaMly flttad ep Ctr the f pmo Itwaea haaelitel eeaaiog ae wied vhawver la diatarh the ghta ee arewa lU valem of Ifca eblldtee fha oaiffhheailMod appearad to hove teroad eet re m axpaet iMf e traat aad dke ware oal dlaappaieied- Toe ijarfiriaaea apeaid with aMpev a aery sppracrtala aaag aUad by a MaUdana m llew iii iliii e aamlae ef di qoark Daelr Maat la aeder aa 1 pW tt Drmmatke p kaewa 1 lilah Tatar aed th Uwnal Bey aseeotlao af wbMi eeM eely ba aerpamail by my arivlea la porleehrlea bet t aee hardly bt lU aeter ef Paddy Mllaa Bay pam vitheala oatiae Bia part thamh digaeh t a aehael bey area raadirad in a maaaer efoa teae iipiriawaad pS At avoey ae treaaa ha waa gvainJ witb tW gtvitwl ap p b lettba wbela lU wia a t aearaM I bava attaadad waey eiblWtleae b ai pleeea hot aevae ait aaa la aay way aoaal la tiM IHiivlagaw C Mwal BsliibKieo Oiria aed Beya a la vw withaaab etfearla aeiiatr uwir parts Fram hecleoiair W ead they weee gvaeted wHT aad ais apflaaaa tba apaakvn Jaeotly hovte tealoptwqelaMeba m i WM aliko eratfUbta le pepUe aad le I a B Weaea thale Taasbar Xvarybedvap peered delight ad aad wwt heme aaiiaad lhat their liata hod beea olaewoify apoet Hoplai that 1 may at aaew wtew daw have tha appor taolty ef ta laitiie fram thaaami aoerae eeodeetad by the mma sartia 1 mb atiba vyaalf- CDlmiittl Avziral of tbo cAai Can Race Jaly 3 vb Aan Bar Srd Tbo Ceoard stoemvbip Ckima from Ueor pool oa Slarday aftarnooe JaaeMth vb Qessaelewa oq Baaday tbe 3iih paesed thia petal at abbt oebek Ibb moroiog roeto to HalifM aad Beeteo Tbe geaaral palilieal aavs b meagre Tbo Biiiab Tbe wbob 3100 mibe of tbo Atbatio Teiegropb eobb was aa beard the Ortat CasOfV asd aa aaoa as the bebooe ef tiw pey sot saasbioary vaa pat ap the wiegrspb fleet voald sail tot vabatia aad it waa Iwped bafara their departara Irem Taleaiia that a Daiiad Suias Oovamaoni etaamer veaM iam them Tbe veeeol wiil piabably bava Ta aa tba lOtb aad arrive at Raerta Co Triaiiy Be abeat the Mih of Jaly Tba Dtra of tbo Compeay bava deeided ae tha Mbwiageaibrm tariff ba- alt pmataal tba Dnited Statae aad Amorba t paal Biitab iwaaty bv 30 warda ar bie aad paaods br 90 ivenU aad aaa pe a abilliog fW each addiliaeal word I be oeaeloded aad charged br ia lba ba forvardad by the tint boi they iaiaad lo pel dew K v eablea oa faat aa paealbla sim tbao Tbe oahb vill bo open br boe as afbr h ia laid aa paeaibb aod all aad Trioily Bay aw stock oft y eeila io L ooe tbeoaaod pooads abarao aell t 66 AzTiral of tba Btaamriiip JMriea Yoai Jaly 3 Tba ataa Awurka from Soatbamptee aa lba 3Ut ef le airived at Ibie poiol a lock 111 tablp I with Aaserioo 1 Ocod OraTi50oCBp flarorod Hioa TwettfyllT Iba Amorican Baroliitioii WAaatxoTOii Jona SO Ito military commieeion raeeatly oa pgod in Ihe irml of ihoeenepirmtors nwl morning and afbr a brief eoaaalttt made up ibeir Aadioge aiui adjoura- ed The resuU will not be pooitively kMm unl ofllciilly proaaolgatod 0 W Gale wbo ia Doeeatbsr ad- irtieed in ibe Salma Dntdk for 1 000000 to proeara the eaeeeeioeiim ot Preeboil Linoolo Wm Savi Alabama for irbL Nsw YtiM Jaly 1 Tba nerolift eorrsspoidoal fross lba departawQls of Oaaorab Sberidan aad by says ibat np to tbe ttrenty4rt of 0 tea iboeaaad mea of Ooaoral Kerby Smiths rebel army bad baea patobd ead loaty neoas of artiUery aad taeaty ioaaeo ataod of armo bM base oa ired Of lba teaeral oftoers of Kerby Smiths srmy aixtoeo or sagtUao bsve baea paroled iacladiag Geaaral Bazaar aad old Oeaml 8Miag Prwo of Mbooa ri Oeaerab Sbclbr aad Mspadar bava takee refaM la Masioo trilb tbau bodor Kerby Smith The ifaxtoao Imperialtsb of Matamo arse have reooaily boea vary maeb ai- otlad over a Joport that ibara trtU sbortly bo soawvbare aboat oevoaty Iboasaad Uailad trooM aloag tbo Rb Oraa- b on tbo Tetis side A tsel of transports earrylB tba 4ib irmy oorpa daaliaod for the Be Grasdc pamad New Orbaaa oa tbe oad akiaM Tbe ooptarod eo bilvaea tbo rebel Geaaral tad ibe Maxicaa Impsrialiat Oaaarsl Utgb abotrs dAHy ibat tbe trade ia eottoa by Ihe rebel O vas raoogaiaed iy la aad bW ealboritiee aad Ibat aboat tao mlllba dollars vortb of eoltoa 4 aerosa be Bb Qraada to Maxiao ibroagb tbe eoaaivaaeo ef tbe Mexbaa aatbMlios aabaaqaeat eorreoder of tbo rebel fsmtonl Kacby Saitlh If oAxal onqmiy proroe tbe wnortasm of tbb lapor ear Oorora- akSQi will ao doabc damaad ito laatora tioa Waaatirrao Jaly 1 Prssidenl Johneoae baehb b almeel oatirely raatored boi ba will iMt again raeaive v ouil Widasedey aasl rotary Seward has raturaed to Wahirgieti aod waa tbb taorniag at the Siata IbrtmetM eaattdiag lo Itapor- iinoee wbiab bad a daring bb ibiiaoe Lbot J A Peaaall has baea I from tbe navy a enortoaertial baviag foandhlm gailly of having iaflietod ille gat poniebment SftUl la at Ar Far OmmmtoL Wabiti Jaly l oaeeaiivi b deliberating oa tbe rardiel of tbe Mil jury Cotamiasioo aad will eaamltte the vabmiiwae leethaoay atoeoly before reiMbriog a dsciioa II h onderolood Ibat the Praaidant b by do meene p at tba ly iaposad epea bim of ottdoreiog the proceadiaga ttad it b ant im that bo awy qaeah the effair a anbr a new trbl by tbe dvil eotwia All Ihe prisoiMra vera foiMd ail by Ibo Coari WAamitOTOll Jaly B Tba P baa aet softebatly corered hb health lo jeetify hb IravaHag le Gettysbarg la be preeael el Ihe eere- meaie te morow LeaC L- staff will however bava hare lib afbr- aoee b e specbl ear far Gedjabarg lbs bearer of a bller from lba Preeideel e be read on Ibet occaeioa Ha vtU ba aa- compaaia by Mr Goediag 0 8 Hai ilmll for Ihe district of CefambbM a rep raseaiaiive ef ibe PramdeaCa baaily aad several breiga Mbblara Tbe bcalb oi Mr Fred W Sevard coatbaee to improra Ua vaa abb to nda eai to dsy Irqvot Aa laqaaat vaa bald by tba Coroas Dr Bamaay bal Wadaaaday t HavkabDaa apoa vbv of Iba bodi el bd aaawd Joba WlEaawoa AAar OBfafU aiaasiaaatba of lba Mto lba jnry brobt ia a vardiot of Aaaidaatal Daatb bf Dtowmtg togoOm viib an aaprstoioa ef sympatbr fcr tba aad beraafameat thai bad blba apoa tba Cwily of be dnasaidJjr Tot Yosktillb Woltav Cmnca RoniD Oa Moadn aigbt ibe Yorfc viib Woaslyaa Obataa vaa bra aaa aaampe aad tba aamm aarriedoff Tba poiba ara Mdaf El after tba robbert XaaAr Qood Tini ABE C6MIH0A11 R SIMPSOK Eaa Jasl Reeaira perEi4taew SM IKl HI fiOGO Tarda SeLat4l Warxh lie ar lOa pav yard 7000 Tarda DelaJii J 6021 Yards PriB Worth tSa Ibr Ue Cotton wide with 1 ALARGB LOT OF At Xow AND WOULD CA SPECIAL AHEl made to 01 n i Eiperieicei CiUer tt VFROM LONOONI LooJos Paxlm- Vw CaixaAiati Btj AU Work Wa MD A PERFECT Fir BOOTS CHEAPER THAI Tbe Cbseeet GOODS AT Tin C Presemtday JS Bold At SIMPSONS STOft OOMMEIiClAI BLOCi Oalland ba Oodt N B100 Itt0tfi00 Dos Ko W WW ty lA

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