THE NEWMARKET ERA JUNE 16 1865 tV AdmtlMBMU iSrU Urtkd Airrrtl Kiiitiub H Trai Tim VtwMrktt RtpfMa M lIsMlar M1 vm 7 J6 m v2 p ro FiitUy J I8tt IMV roTOTO i DESPA TVIT Coonly Court ia SeMion- A DOSTT DAnN TOBONTO non A J- PcrfnsoBBlalr 1088 OK IIFE IN THEDKS- JAllUlN8 CANAL ToaoKTO JD 15 Tbe CMi7 C0rt CoartoTQQti trr Swi9M m opwi al be Cevntj HsUdisfi M Wcdwdj iut Jadx IlarruM pmidingacd U pr inir villi baiioM Tb vary 1 fendrd caw for Iria belocd t Toronto aad MocilrMl bl Ibo Cosaliaa of York asd Iaal bad o foniab tba JarTiM aod pay baa Year4aj waa a faarfal daatj day ia tbb dy bat tb rain Ua fma ooe aat tied it aoawhat to day Tba Torosto Board of Trada eontan- plalaa eatartaiaioi tba Proriaeial IM- frataa at diaoaf oa Tbsrvday Mit So tba C asaoaaoaa tbia omlag aad ipos iba etltsoM to aaaiat tba Itoar of Trad ia aakiaga big tbiag of it Tba na A J P BUir J ii Tofoato aad oiber oUbiaa bara bca acB dorioK Iba wek Wbata ap T Grbaeba ar dapraeialiag in raloa SoMa aay tkia ia do to katp told ia tb 8tataa EagKab oapilaltrta wbo bobt boada wbea gold vaa qoedl75ad 180 ar ow aaadisg iben back aad lak lag ap Koldaiakiag Urga profit Jrda of 10000 Iba o ebaagn btada i Toreala Mrkat o Wtdaaadaj Nrarly arary fanaer o lb markt bfMicbl ar la Tba prieaa raagrd abaat iSe a 44e Gacral Iradai Rhtir proriag ad Iba bftp tfirtd of a gd crop ac ia prodaciag or coafidaMa aing to cartaia rslaal iba Boa aarkct Tba Cbartb af EagUad Syaod i a Ratiioa brr N A RaMe to tbc by rvpfaaaalira froM Navaarket Tb Hasiltoa Speetator of ycatarday eoataiaa a aeoai of ib eapaixiait of a beat ia tba Dtaiardiaa Caaal aad tb dreiraMg of Uiaa Carria C Miaa Kat Ga Mia Crigbo aad Mr E W C4a Maater Oanrga CraiKbtoo waa alao i Iba boat bt aa Ua lila by iwimmg NrCoUsaa waaaWaitood nriaiaer bat tba Udiaa alaag ae aloM to Liia b oald o bia araa aad tbay all isak togelbar- It i not kaova bara aa yet wbMbar Mka Crattbloa ia ib Uxblr of tb Bar- Mr Crrifcbtoa wbo aaad to ba oa tba NawmrkA Cuwit or ibora all b iaat poaaaaa iiitKrity aad I boaosr Tall aay bagvt adairalioi and a dTa of rap bi hoeor alon bcfEM eoafidMor to a a better word bca prely Eagliab it beget trrtt wbieb after all ia tb Try bl gaaraatc of both pfrraaaeBl aod laatiag Tb biatory of tb b InMaelwe f oar owa rillaga for tba Uai law year iflurda aaipla proof rf tbe tmtb and jo- ioe of ibe ronarkt Mea powaaed it Uat to Urg rxtaflt of th ebaraO teriitie abor iaaetioBd bara paaaad aaMy ibrOBgb tba ordeal vbila other laokia ia ton oo aaatial partiaalar t wbieb w bar alladd bT not be ioiaeaiwfol W do aot iatder deatr to bepraoaBl aorwooM wabtbegbt aafeoliog toward fseb aa bare bao Ibrtanatt bat the coaelotioo which ob- crvalio of tbe cjaroe of arcaU itiu- biy furta apoa aa eaaaet b Tddd however aplatable Tbe MBM rcotftka aiay be itad ia r irarJ lo tb agrioaltarikt wilb tbia ad dilioa that a loor rigid lyainn of 000 oy naat b adopted Tbe taate for iK ported losarie aad prd ut b r prted tb Pior of Poor Rtebard at b nor ODeetiy la niod by lb wire Bd dathtan of oar fansn eaiaely that Silk aad Satiaa pot oat ibe kitehcQ fire It if p faet tbat aire to b iapraad atroagly oa tba Diada of oar popalatioa tbat priB ay ad aot iadaitty ia tbe tonKdiiti easM of lb iaereaa of capital Ibdoe try iadd proride tb tab wbidt paraimoey aeeaBalatae Aad bow aa ibar ia reaaoaabla f roaad for bopiag ihi tbe eoadiliOB of oar affair b aboat takiag a tara for tb b ter w aboald ebap be falar tbe light of tbe pt ftnd frota oar failarw aod dittealtiaa kara wiadoa Our FrocpcU- It ia MW aararal years aise tbi try eatrrad ap dark day i eoi id poiat of Tiew Tb failar of lb erop tb taddea ard eoatiased faQ ia iba prkaof prodooe Ibe axceerite ii porUtioa oTforoif prdeUeoMeqaet wpoa tba iacrtaaed taeia Ut espeaeiva lasarie tbat ba aeisd apoa tb atada of Try oUaa of or eoaaaaily baTa wotiad tb raia of Brly all braaebe of iadaatry 1 aor aid Altboagb tb vnk Uk an have ia a at worked tbir aW cor eiill tb larg iadibtada reallia fra tbaa ea aot jly b abakea of For tba kat foar r fif year tb pradaat aad Ibrifty bai ba gaQy diaiaiabiag tbair UabiU tio aad pboiag tbdr affair oa a eaoMaieal baaie wbik otbr hopelly iarolred bar baea foaad satia aa4 ban ao to apeak goo to tb wali d ba wdd tat of ctcry Wah of trad aa4 i eater Prbpa lb Utter part of tb laat wtalr wharoHd tb taraisg peiat ia tb tid f t affatn of tbi laat aai olaa Tb praal aaaoa ia OM of bop sad aaeb ft aight ead paenaf ebower h aa arael of tb fafilaat of tbat bop Mi an Uk Uldta ia regard t Batare aw hop alwqr ratia Bat tbn ar aroral laee wbMi aay be learaad Awa tbi eriai la oar ladaotrial Uef ad aoMOf tba OMot obrioo aral Tbe I m b aarriad oa by wbo agaga ia ba ga of oar aotiofl IraM by Eparieae aad babil le llb ditaih f Ibal baiiaaa H OMai b a ada te Jiit pre ioa aad ailKaf No faf emM or f iaet la ibt preaiea or aelliag auet b o raBte bi patTtia too tril- Kag to varrtat Ua o or too laia- pertaat te b paad uaotkd Aflsi 4aal eCate aaac Mi b aiak fer tbe tbt ar paraaaeat sad legltiaate ia tb eeis of bi badaB He aoat sarei bi jWg Mh tp f bi career 4 b rdy aad sbl I ttwj wbatbw of kaowUdg tr My HaM ptfnMd H aa bar bead u MiMi l Prinea Napolaoni SpMch Ib epaecb of Prioea NapoUoa 1 th iaavgoraiioa of Iba Booaapart awoi aMBt at Aceie Coretoe wbieb eteited 00 Hide ftaon ia Erope aad Ud M hi correpoideDea between tb preeeoi paror ef tborancb ead UinIf publitbrd ia eobar eelam of today a fm tb Priae inearrad tba dMpUar o tb Procb OorDaMaL A eorrerpoodeot tb Loodeo Tiaw ay ib peh M niae eelam loag end ecnuiaed 1 hkiorieai tkaub of NepoUon I aa wal political prograaaw Th twi I war iaMroiingled a te aot 4 be aepAfaitd aieapt wnb Ooa paragraph te wbkb tb Eaperor tafc Bepioo rlatc la giviag pri 0 the Moaroo DieriMpropoandiDg ib prtndpl lb ibgoTerBiBBaef E4irpa loel bold ae p ia Km rie Of eovree ihia airike M ib vry ruaodaiioa of iba Preac peliej ht efi dravoriag lo eebliah MaaisMlian ia MaaiAO bene ibe roplor Appropo f th braaeb ia ibe imperial family of Freoe tbe followiag iolerei ing btt of goatip rcadaU TW Eeifww CsfMie aMtl ap bar rani ailad Ibal bw TMas eeatta ih frti LV bUa aiMi am m m 4ak 8 ewaefiha 11 Couaeil wrr uaaniiwMMly of ihr ofiaiio 0 Cir aa w eoald jitg ibat if lb taad faoead bee el eay time baao ddi eaied to ib ua of tb pablie aa a hib way to deaaad iia aarreader No funltor wotk ppriog thCoaD oil aijoanMd noli however lill tb in of ibe Fir aod Weir Coia bad aad tb Bqary aa te wbibr lb deed of s plot of grooad for ngiaa bouM 00 Haio Street bad bea ebialoed aad waa aoewarod la ihe aagative Tb llv etatod tb dd b rady ie a fw days ihal be ad reeriTod iattroeliotw 10 preper iL The Barrie Switoh Tba Berrie Switeb ii to be epad for raCc ae tba 2lal il ast Wadaetdaf wbb aeeaei it i eeppeead ibAat 700 or 800 ralaler will awcrabia aad be reviewed by UajarGearral Napier CB Cheap tevroaa will ra Nerbra IUilrd t Berria oa that daf ad ia Utt sccerdiag la all acaoaati Barrie ie goieg te wipe br fece sad aa her bolidef ettir Big Ibiaga are pro aiiaed aad we aeke a doabt will b rea Used Far oa Ib lUilroad 90 eta TeFartiM and Ezenrsiooi TaaPaniae and aaeerwoaa at all ibi ragjaalpw We give ibe fellawieg fer wbieb baaObillf have beae ia 1 Jaaa 7KiUby T Taa Patiy laka place ia Ibe weeda ef A Webb E Bear KaiiUby village Jaaa21Lejiewa Cireail TaaPanjr Mnnkiaaoi Cbareh ia eo wilb itie Wettaaa M Charcb Jaoa34Uaioo S S Tea Paiir ia Mr HatUy voedt Lat Na 14 In iha trd Canoaaaioa f tba Towaabip af iar tbe bBflt ef tkboal Fea JBa9SMaaiH Albert TeaParty far Iba bMApfli al Iba Baildiag Fund ef tba Cbtaarf Cbareb Jaly lA trand Aaaivaraary Calebrallon af lb ftfft Pfeai Be Caaada la 1607 la laba p Taa ti beiwaaa Whiiabareb aod Uibtidit nar Glaacaw Tbia ie li a graad gala day ia ibal part t lb eoeairy Jsa 21Siaamer Kailv May Eier aiea frani OKlia eelliiif a Beavatloi aaf Jkaeaa Pail te Ball Ewart- ibaaee la Barrie te aaaWa Rieaiaiae ixa a wiiMaa ibe Celabraiiaa af tiia epaainc af iba Ban la ttwiiah fer 11 iraAo aad Mara via Orillia H faad apfaftaav apnaaiad taal a draai ia cal da ran FaUl Accident at Bradford A ead acaideet ocetrd t BrtdTard 8iaiia eaa day hat wart reaalt i tb deeib eraa baal iadaetroaa waa aad Palriek Farley Oa Wedaeeday aemiag be braegbt iw frieada ta tba eUlioa aad aur takiag bi lv wsi rtaraig itb bi tw liater back ta tb viOag bet while apoa ibe track a hie eavayae be diaerered aa approMhiag aagiaa aad laader allheagb be bad bet prcviaoaly lafaraad by arvaat at the dapat thai oae wa spectad far aa boor H taaa ae parsKted aa ta ba taeapabk f tirtia Tb agiadiivr p b a ws aiaply creeeiag tbe track aad aooU b ot ef tb way a tiae di iteaipt t cbeok lb epted ef bi l tire wbe dly lb eaagbt tba wagoa batwaea tb wbete dclecbiag tbe biad wbeeh frea tbe fort ef ibe waeaerrygdeeaiedabee 200 yarda fraa tbe apot wbcra lb eeavvy aace wa firt atrack aad kilUag bia i Maalty Tba twe aialara ware la eaa diataace aad very aecb bat oee bed Mvaral ribe brekaa ead Ib iber re- eeived mom arere ealieae abeet ibc bead aad aea bat ia aat eaidatd da- gra Abeet twlve awalb ag tb father of deceaad wbtle waiag Ibraogb Bradford ila eaddaaly dra do aad espir- aad oaiy eeoa faw aeatte prwr tiae bia aether accidratally Call I tbe wagoa wbra leaviag Rtafard wae aad waa Ukaa ea ded It addaaly with peralyaie jf atW l aeve aa ba had plaatv of 4a I pai ever tbe Kack efiar b d tk aagia b ba prcdd TbM M th aa feat iby bv ba ceaaaei Veimaet ConncU At a eaaatiag af tba abova C ea Moaday aveaiag Uetalt tb aaaibr war p aad eAr tb aaaI r tioa Mr TrB pra td a prt Grt aad ad Bridg riaaie tMtiag forth tb varioa rid walk lo b laid by leader fcc Tb repo waa adopt Oa owtiea af Mr Ureda a t by Mr 8wtbrkaad tb Rad oad 1 Coaaittoe wera iatrvtd to pravid earteia laabir to tnet gmt4 or Peasd Quite daaItory ceavrMia leak plae wkb rrgord le lb apaoiaf of Oor ha Siroet bat It a epparaatly grad ihai the B aad B Coaaiua bold ell 00 Mr EllGeriMai sad BdTr aeaa to lra or at til aadanrtaad tb Irtt p af tfliirs Tb vbl I Gaaiile Cbmtiaaiiy j Tbeolegy fer tba papof No IV Tbaeagl M Fid Weaai Naaawaa Ha a a Tbia Megastne aa bf tod at Headerieaa Beoh Stare lieeaien frea Bellaad Lendiag Lake Slaree beerd the villace Single Tiekata 7S eta aaeb OMbta Tieket 4m Udy aad Geat tl Faly Tieka 3 Jaoe tOGrand Afpieahar Ksearaiaa fer the beaafic aod aadar the aaapieea tba Nath Vark Agriealiaral tleeiaty Tiekeia fa Kiag Aorera Nawaar llAliflBd Lendiag and Bradf fuliea iBranir tl Thiaaseoreioa will be tlu eieotaiea of Ib aeaaea Jaaa 31 K Sabbaih Sebael TeaPary wlil tabapUee in Mr H Naraaoa Weeda Tih Caa ol Kiof Tea will be ai eneaelaek aha wbieb eddi will bMdaiivered and d raeit ed Tbe Llaydtewa Braa Band will alao be preaaai SaJ Stltr Meaday Jara 1Mr Beehbee baa a mW a Iba Railraed Heiel NawaaikM ef iba Waat aevaaiyfiva Aerwaf Lai N 4 ia rhe 5h C af tba ip of Kiag Tiilaiadiapeiatla a Caab 8a e HMMbaW Feral tara ai Mr T AikioMaS reamf Nawaaarkat eeaaeoeiet ai 12 ealeek leave tbia pafi af tbe eeeary Terai eah Mr fbaaai Aikiaaea Aae- PaMtea baviag ibetr aale bSlta p iaied Ma ofllea will bava ibeir Miaa aeiiead I aava tbroegh ibe ootaaee ef ibia pper ZditorUl SsBaary- The Far WmM bee ag aade I appearaaoe afta aaay aaeib peaaiee tbe aaae aiae aa feiaiily peWlabed bjr Mr 2t aad we preaaae pelitieally will aaioiaia tba hi aa previaealy Taraa m aeoal ty A Te rny fr ib bfit f tb Clitlwtr Obw read Haeet teka plaea aa Om SBUi laali Iba Cbaiab Tba Bbaraa Taaiparaaea Braa Bead bee baea aegieed fer Ibe 1 Bav TlabealSo Beaaabrr tbe AgtieaMeral Et- taiae ee tba sab TWktie nly gl II p yaer Hebau eaata aib SiaOM My a Uatlod aeaba laaead Xi- naiMWa waald da walla aipalr tbaaaalva bara it la aavaaba la da a vUb pwrlahai a Ibe dajr Wa waha Ua aaaaoaeaaaat M pfareetarepetilleBaflba fealfladiagaxpa i Um faar Maali aa eb aura bwd tba m B We r rqatd to atate thai tb Bar J L Toaea Dapeiatiae tmm tbe patallaaal Uataa ml lagtaad aad Wala OaafrafailaMl Oaiae af Ceafe aad Can laiy a lb Oilaial M wlaairy Baaieiy alN baU IHviaa Barvi ia iba OaafMgaiaaal CbaabaTlbla viB eo T wialf praapt AeiBe wgll batf af Iba Mwabaay Baalaiy ripraiHad MrPaMa liUbth Geaa WeaaeTbe Jao Jf7 f Ihia very xeUa paiadieel bae ba d fiai tb eAe ef tb pobliabaa Meeere8uaebaaCeaipeayM LadgaU Hillf Lewdwi Cbriet tb Light ef tbe WaU A rtlraag a OMSerbi Jwich Seeta waraiof agaiaat df TiaJali saatbagbaa Praee Ceepwiliea a Tbie wwk i diled by Naaea MaLd D D f Ha Majeetya CbapUiaa Cepiee By be hi u Uaadaraeaa Beak 8mi Nwmarkt BaaoaT Maaaxx PMiabd by Meara Straeba k Cet Ldgato Bill Ladea aad edited by iha eeb Tba GatbrfeDD Tb Jaaa Na ef tbia ably adatrd paidicl ba ba re fraa tbe eOe f ib pabUtbaa aad it ie raplet wilb iMel iateraeileg aaiter Tbe ceataaia la partt A leaee cf Trab fraa tb Bfiirsiiea Tiom aitb ill Cnrrf0ionlipnfe XoBftt Albert Cdrraoodaaa Maorr Aut Jb IS 5 SirM Iba dafael of Iba Soatbera araiea J the eeaplaie avanhaw ef tbe alava WW graai aaabata af Canaliaaa bava t ibair haaaa in ihia eoeairj a baeaae t fetal laaparay ialbeaaifb twvnofl Rapebllb Ai leaai m aaya iba Aaariean paparaand f fear we mol ae- oep Ibair Mateaaata ia Ibia pertiolar fer boat bewaver wbo aa now floekiog iberi ia ordar to lake advasiag af a aappoaar beanejr ia tbe labor aaka and when Aaarieaoa call Caaadiaoe ae aBdeebiad lyeiliaaaa wbe beae beaa raaidiag br ihaia laat few jnra la aaaape ihe drah and vaid be DaceMiiy of boeldariog lbii t abava all ber 1 ibe one ia wbieb a aaak tbair feneaea i Ibe Unilad Wbai ibe wa wu alill aad Iba Nanbera Gavwi aal bad iibiira ail a aigbi haodrad ibaeaaMl fioa ibe peacal evaaa lieea ml life ibera waeld Baiarally aneefb be fan preapaet fer foratgnera aea ea abiaia raaBoaiMive aapUjr aani Bi aawiaal wbee tba aball d Hd if Caaads 1 rdaaed at tbe Re fwblia ia iib ta iKnB9ea war dabt aad tiaaa dewa a lead ufiatMiea iba weald rtifhan ibe Fiaanee Miai tore ef Earapeaa daar ii aoraly eaaaet ei preyet be varjr utaeitva 9 cmpttalMi and I ibtuk after a fev BMOibt eiparience Canadiaa laberert he fa ibare M better ihaaeelvea will re tarn eanverta to ibe uma epiaiea At preef ef Ibia aeveral yeeag aea frea tbi part af Kaai GwiMiaMry bava dooe a sU ready They araafd ibe linea few aaaiba aga with tba eipaciaiiaa ef gaiing febelooa wagea hit tbajr foaad tbair bepa ef fertn ta b a mere pbaaiaa af iba iougiMttae Ibal faded awey a Ibeir ap- preaeb- Tbie it la be ragrMied aa ealy beeaei ibe aw prapriata weald prebablji N heavy lata befere racaiviag siwhiagaa bia iavaalmeal bat aa aMoaat af the eili- taaa wba beped te aae It a filed iaeittiea ia te aipraae te Iba taflifrera af a fire ia ef ear aiiisaoa and aaaaa tbaa we irmi the day will be leng ta eeaiiaf that will wiiaew ibe raearoeoe ef a aiailar diaa LO Aurora CorraBpondenee- JaasBb 18B5 Tbe read batwea and Hart otaae CerAera ia eefUialy aa a daligbtfol a Invel ea bridfM dilapidated ad deep Tbata it a Meaieipal Cawail i thai direUao Tbia beJy I aa erodi- iafetavd eppaiot a pareaa a peraoae te keep eeb read i deenl repair it it hardly le be aeppeaed tbat feagaalafiog aad evergraiafal laxpayara will erael Tewaabip te ifeaa ha aarMtlfed hit areae agtia alava Sebeaberg Lfevdtewa aM Baod Heed Evea wjb ailroa Nawaati tJleb va with the of Bliday Ibe defaa it bat iraaailary Oa Waiaead iaaa SlK ibe feaeea Bania Swiub ia te ba pebUcly a It ie aaet lbt Ibii eobjact of yeara af liii- miiae abeekl be prapaly aad eeieaUtiaaaly loaagraiad Let all bar wliaeat ta the indeailabte pleek e tba Nanbera Railrd Maaagtag Oireaa la fifbiiog ibe lawn fer yeant 1 wbee eaaelly coatAad a eaawraw ibe braacb a da n ia aaeb e aaarter aa te eatry with bia ibe graiiiade sad ihaoka ef tbe Barrie pa Wa are praa aa iataresliag law aali ia oeaoeeiioo with iwe Jaalieaa ef tba Paeea ia tbie iaiaediew agbbaerhaed Aa aaiea i beiag b aioai thea I aadartead te taw ihaw qealifioaiaaa Aa I de aet kaew tbe partieekaa 1 abeli deler ayiag aayibiag aero aatil a fatara ace lONOttAMUa NTSThie laitar wae raaeived lee late H laat weeke iaae Ea Hartaaae Ceraa Ceaaea Sebeel aad Sabbatb Beboel ef tbe eaae atcaaa aa Frtdey laat la ibe beaaHel grmaw by Mr A Nerawad Beqaal were it til Iba epepiiieat etaie ef the weabcr I weaU aiaeat vewea te aaa that i aaver aer by aoyibiag eflbe kiad Ibal 1 ever at it beiBg eeed I iba genaioePieNleiiyfe Ittger diaptay ef ediblw the oaaber ef peraaaa pai there beiag beiwaea iwa ait ibra beadred aad tbe vay abte and eaer- leiie aaaaer ia wbieb it wm aodaated by Mr A Wilivei teaebw ef the Ceaaea Sebeel aod Mr R Kaighi aopaiaiaedeat f Ibe Babbaib Sabaal wba wa aWy aa iated by bia teaebert ell ef wbieb teade a eabanoe Ibe g afiat ef the atrr ta Alta the greaia periiaa ef tbe good ibiage bad baea diepeeed ef ibe eai pM qeaaiily betag diainbatad aaac lb pea ef tbe aeigbbaaibe mm el lb vittiat batak ibeaalvee te tbe aaaaep ewiaga wbieb bad beaa areotedy aeae I erioka aa te fea hall aben te aiSereai oelal gaae aad a lew Krelled weoad be re eieyHf tbe deligbfisl aapiay af tiM aBiggea Tbe ealy tbipf teadiag te Bar we effat ef the oeaaei Miag Ibe aeaappeeraaeaef wSaiaat pakraad aawitbaaadiag tbia 1 tbiak etay pereea weat sway fM toa sad si with Iba paeeedwge ef Ib day Traeiia yea will give Ihia SB iae la year valaabte aelaaMr YareaH hbebaab Jaa 14 U tivsrrmjit vw GMCiisacssa c ia Lafeyatte ladiaaa wa fed at a oanaia br 1 fmUm tb ci ar f aarri Tieiaae ef a libetal fe i bia la spp witb graal p aad t perfera th raa la hie bt yl At tb eialeiea tbe brid a brooa aka preaaed At tb 1hiagfa Crfy electi a Taeeday tbe S taroed at ia mt etra Old e itiig Ibeir ikkct jForfign k Colmial Arvivii ef tt M ef Jeaa 2nd ef Jaaa aaead tbie peiat 1 a laie beer tbto faaaiag Tbe politieal aawa vaa aalapeitaat BraadeieflFlear dell sad irawalar Wheat laaain aad Id a Si Www ler ia- ProdeAib qafet al SBa 6d te 3i 6i fa peta aad paarla Safer qaiet Cufla qnia aad fira Te iave bat atdy Ba qia bet teady LiverpelJee2 Cetlea- Tbe Enkan Cirealar aperta ihe Mloa ef eaiea fer ibe oreek el eae bea dred arMl eight ihaeaad five hee belea Tb amVa baa been baeyaai tbe r Id bifba fa Tbe alee tefay Friday s Beeaea Ayrae baa da- rarageay A tripte aJ- waad baweea Brasil lireiy e 1 aa a length baaees ibe aee aad ibi riaet aye ib Freaeb have iblialad tbiaaelvM aaaar rivafe tf The pttsa wta well feir- ll it aaid ihel ihe awcer ef ibe r Ceoei Lgraof viae te the a wt betweea tavtay aa etgbty tbeaa- Uaitad BiaiM aa tbe qaeaiiea ef iba ia pwbapt aere taporteal ibte 1 TbeeaMMmi Alabai tbe da daeee epaaed not Mr Adaai libattb Onit vUtrary aBfeaeBapt Ibe igbi ef btaektda aad eeareb Tbe Cbeeetlor ef tb Eiebeqwrr dliv atad a apeeeh at Ctmter yoMatday ia rvaar at bia aer wba ie eaavataiag fer a 1 i lb aeit Psrliaaeat aa ibe repre aataive af ibai ciiy Fiuacc It WSI saertd Ibai aevael fareiga aavaya had pra a eatieeiive caaaotiraaee agaloai hi Napeteeet peeeb bet the pwjtci waa freatraed by oaoid jai affiai filaid aad b afieaaive igaloai P Lard Caifejrt deali oaaid ealteeii laperial Ceveraaaai BaaiU The Baiilliaa wMili had reeebed Libea with Rie daiM apte ibe lOib el Mar Lnpex bad weat a far aa te teisa ia ib a Iba part af Aaaaiaa wbtaat aay d- alaraiaa ef war ibe Argaaiaa iietaiea Salia S Hie aqaadiaaa take foreibfe peaii- tiM of Ibe pat ef Caireatea aad twe vm tewa ef wa ae wifbrntraituac bTvea ibeeaad Pers- bsdleadered Ibeir reaigoaiiea aad HanaiPpnniO Asy wataairaet with be farauiaa ef aew biaa Srikia Tbe Capaae ayt iha ataald ibe averaaeat die olve Caograaa Iba party edberieg le ibe libani anwn will sbasio faa takiag pen Tbe Bank ef Fnaee i ebatly speld te tewa Ibe Baak rale Tba fellewiag fe a taaairy ef ibe aaa ahip Ciir ef Leado aewt breeght by Paaviea Tbe Ailaaiieebfe waaap b At Ibe baqaa give by th w all paniee tttaed alidad with tbe great raeelu already abiaiaad aad eipreeeed a aaat a cenaiery af tbe ierpriee beiag al Iba Bad Eiva lietrieibi witbeat pree eareaaba Tbe lapaial Cave aew aekaaw- ledga Ike right ef pnpaty ia lead elgiaed Ibe Hedaeoa Ceapeay aada Ibair 11m eeye ibM tb CBadiaa dale- gaa have etablietad eaaptiti alaiaa rarely bataa aod robbed mgrom Nsw T Jaaa 10 Tb epieie My AHboagb tb TlNBoary Dprtaat ie HbOBt iaa limiiad waaont ef eerti wkb tb laperial fenidtaiiai ef Qeeb finaJr believa tba pwpeted I will be ewried eet Tbe jeeraah eeaiiaae dieeaeafea a te be fate af Jeff Davia Tbe Dailf Ntm bepee aerey will be etteaded aa bet ihu be felly deaarvae naiebaaaM bei bai tbe priaeiple tbe Federal O reprcia ia alraady viadieated aa irieapbMy iba aabiag eaa be added Ne pee itb a aw eeeld be eay giaaia ibea iber awr feilate aad a wieieb ef aerey weald aae ae r Tbe TTaee are Afiatia veryeBla eae laagetfe ef ibe Praaideet we oat aa eager regard tbe iaeae eftbe aleated by tbe pereeual viwa 1 iba aet Preaidea la tbe Haaaa af Ciaaeia qaaeiiea wr atkd by eeveral feafiac aeabaraaa te ibe aperted deaaadt af the Aaeriao Gaeraaaa ea aaaal af the Atsbaae dtpradtiieae Mr Loyaed eaU tba a fraeb deaaadi tftd beat taada Tbe rapiere baweea tbe Eapia Fraaeb ad Pria Nptea Je iplae Tbe Farie wrreapaadeat efth Dailf I grau aapardeaeble ar ia the praeat delieai qrfel- a aya that ibe greu aapardeaeble e I a tba Mvii gdiyiag bi llM M peafaaad tba tta araiea el tba Ooaa weeM be tbe taptaibiVny ef s p Fraasb oo- patiea ef MMie wabeel fear f war with Meliea Ih ebief ef tb Cbil f Mii a1liaahadnived ia Fwfe bd aiae geaete Batil Advieea fiaa Fliraaei elate tbat aegetie liM ar pegaelag hoearably Anirai if Ue SeeUa BAtnr UoME Ja IB S pj n etoaaHbip Seeti Crea Livevp iaaa IH via aeeaetawa Joa 4tb ha paeeedtha poiat Ha adneaa ara tw day lter iha tbe by th lVria Flbr Pia Priaeca f WtlewadltTaradf a hby tb uhBtr TUnfrnm iaoaM ef tb Caadaa delegatiaa i ieeer tb Tirfiriam It i daied aatlierilrfaly that Proaa i abaal I aaad reaforeeaeala la MetiaS- A pebS tabaarfplioa had beea imbft id ta Fraa lad tb tmj niBii COMHBBOtaL Liritroot Jaaa lBreadelaffi tbi aarbel ie daJL LoRoit iM 4 If iaporlaat p hliei aewa M Elaa b isfarai lb lovcr igaofFnae Halgiaa aad AaMris M tb rl ital f Mu Tb CM dai Ibsl M Elata had a iatarvtew wiiB Priidiit Jahaa period by tbe 7rab pop U y b ofh Cshiaet Tb Freaeb Goreraa probibild tb eoae aebariptio t prat Mr iacata with aadsl Tb Pba ia U praviac eeiaad Ihe abari Nopal woe suetod t ftrabM Iba fttb itt Tb Pmu lay Priae Napofeoa b a iatestiea f lriag Fraac Tb Fiaaeelal Coaaittoe ef tb Aaa- Iriaa Bieherlb bed reda bedget by fifteea adlieaa Ra advieee lo tbe 10th ef May etale Ibil the Riae wm eigaed betweea Bra- il Uragaoy aad tb Argaliae Rapeblie Force were oarcbiaf ofaiaat SaragMy It i reported tbt Baao Ajrtt bad delard wsr Tb Timt9 tbiki lhr ia a aM for spprebaaaioo ibel tb wsr will he ilha prooagd gd ittb Bk Foada ra- by tb iUi lavcaroot Ja t Breedalala-Ricb- rdaoa Bp lb Co ad WakefteM Neb di Co rprt ir dl aad fid par barrel chpr f Wotera CaMltla d etS4iuabi93lS5a- Wheal is vay baited reaaat 1 a drliM f iwapeea per 100 lU mhtf 84d to fb Ta I wiUr rd 8a fid t 8 lOd ladaa eora rry dapreiiid wiag ta a prrpci f eerly appba froa Aae sd saot liaa ea 6d t M Iowa atMd aad yU low 27i fid lo S8e d- Americaa Serolntlen WataiiraToa Jao 0 The Mfel Mye W oaa My abaritative iy tbat OovernoMet be poitivly de tenaieed Ibet Davfe ebali b uiad by baal Tbfe qaet wae deed- Cabinet aaetia wHMa tb pea week Where ihe trid wUI tk pic bM aot ba da0idd WMamoTO Jan 10 Tdy4lw 100 aad 900 aaidara id Mri of aaahi oa laaBy tu- offeadiag prao of tb 7ib wrd Tby viaiiad tb diemptbte boaM ad lippllag abope ooeapM by baib oloarad and wbite paaoa iiMeriaiMaly lm littiBf verieoe otb aitregee Tb wbite paaoa idienaiaaely at- tog lb ioaawhrlag tbea wy ikiag fp tbeiitur blpieR3 nlM 10 liIoon rfiW- oi cuj i gradaally de 0prtaat i takiag ap aior aaieroe oonifieaae thea It prapooM lo ieea Tb Ommfreiari pdl aye t Mr Hrtly ba lakM Mr FaUe plaea u AeUiUal tfa af lb Treaaary baa booa Chif dak ia tb Trafary eprtaMa or oanr yre ABOtber ei lrk Mr HoT aa will tek lb peiiio0 of Chat Cferk Tba oenaialy tbat G Lea aad othere have beea in far traeeoa a Norfolk eaaa grat xdteait in Waabiogloa WAMTOII IS Tb rbd Goveraer Baiib bM ar- radrad biomif ad be baa raleaaed oa ba parale WAtantoTOir Joa It A witaoM WM eoDed toy wbo ekew- ed tbat OLaagUia wa wiib bia oa tbe aifbt of April 19 ead aa at Seereaij Staotea m bad previoady hea tatifi New Tats Jaaa IS Tba T Mobile eerreepeideat ripraeate lerHbl atat af affain tb whit thai tlwy ef Ity prfar tar- vaiaa ar bag to work ia ay fera ad va is ibir paary ad wratcbod aau tbM ebnw tb aaet virulaat eplnt ef fmrneiitm Mitttery proteettoa i aeeary gii tbe ditfiieioo cf tb wbol pepabtieo by arehy TbHersIds Beddoa tb rbal Secretary of War Bavaoaeb c Baddoa the rebai Secretary ef iadge Capbll aad F M T Il have beaa iaka to Fort FaUbi fa Tb Hraid Wableftoa pakl Mye It I aadiretnod tba Jadp Bperkfey wW be Bwdo Fravieaa Oaearaar a Tba Hrald K corraapea- da jr 3ovraor Bokilb of Virgieia i beat to sarriidr b Ncv Y Ja 10 Tb Trihaaa eorrpeadat with tb fleet offOalteelo aa tb tdth Mey ye Galveeiaa wm avaaaatad by the reWb aa tba dy it eppatri tbt a few day prarleaely aaaibar ef prad robot eitMW ver braegbl fraa New CMaaa aad badad Aaoaf iboa wat Oeaoral Wilees vl kaowa ia Tat utd it wm bopod tby woald bflMae ar Tbia prorad to b tbe eM a tb S4ih tba Oalraetoa aanabigly evawtedWad Nsw Tots Jaaa IS Aa arril fraa Baeaee AypM briaf lb eeeaaeaiMt Ibat tbe A RapaWla bae bdBMMiavelfad ia tbe war wbwb ba tar eato dae ba geii betweea Partgiay oa tbe eee aM aad Brasfl aad Urofoey ea tb Mbr I i nforiti tboi tb F witbeai pr dliti9a af war ia- vadd Corrieatea M of tbe Argaadea Stae Mrprieai aad ftard tworaMd riail ead kilkd ia aU blad U tb ra sad ere Of aoaia tbie eel lapitlid lb Aigilia iapaklii to tab part with Braail aad Oraay aad wiU ebaafe iW eeoioe ef vnpoiby vUah M leitiBg ia favor o Faray faiea iliat eoaoiry Nsw Toas J 19 Th Tmm has a epeaial dapaub frea CbittsDoega dated ib lOtb wh aya traiModotte eiploiiea ettd fire carrd tter oa tb ercolag of tba Otb A appMij tbroogb erlite froa a tocMMtive igeitad tbe I powder ia tbe Oidaeae Dpat- aaat asplodjog Mvoral thooMod too ef ijrd a ad leoa powdar Shot end hU war MM hieemg eboat Ihe tewa aod aaoy wae killoi Jodgt lioD of eeiali with Altoraey Oeaara Speed bringa witb biia all th doeuracDte eoa aec with the indieiffieei far traoo af OaM Robart B Lm CorM BwII aod Loagar EsOaroraora Sahb aad Lieheraod Vaigb ef AIDdn aod eboat forty ahr Nsw Yeas JM ISTb WtrLTt FIraae aare My lht rMB aiioa hMtakea place betwaea the Pope aed Vieta EwaeeMl d tht Ibe latter will be eiowaad Eapeior of tbe Boti by tbe ft JAiTUBkjMi3Spkrrirs prty rri yaterdey aeraieg 8 dy firaa Dara They wa aiiyd by Idaa boMlKti Tbe adiM attaek- ad Monaoa traie at Nrlh Pltt era- iaf i kigbt of thea ad at Eagfe Creak autioa a few hear after iby poeeod d kilted d woaodtd AO the iteak leader aad Midicr Garrl Ceaaor k eat troop to tap tb ldia depredatioe ad will kwp th aad roate epoa MAN KttxtoSsAPtMmi J IS A a feU froa tb iprw trai goiaf W BMr Clato ead wm m avaraly iajared Ibat be coald aet gat af tbe track sH Ibe fhl traie gOM Ewt nte ver itliag off aae hie lega aad frMla- tkalL Tber wera ae pepera ee bia paraa le ied bia He bd tiefct frea Taeeto t C Th freight trsi th bia back t CBatoe wh b died aoe after He I oaa af ada height bad s Ioom mU ef black clelb lotb aad blaek feh kt H p- pearad ebt 30 a 33 yeara af age h fibt bdr sad abert beard hal ae whiten Belbe Oei Nueaa Fall Jaaa 13 lra frea ae etwiraly reepoaii aoarae tbai aaa eaOiog hiaevlf P A 8- Low- ae eUiaiag te hv beea C mI aray ie eug aa a aeet Beadere Tefcr Ciay C davearfef kf tbe ollW of large eflaefaay to le peraoaa a go to Waebioftoa te rebat tb iMii- aeay ef tb witaeaaM afoiaat tb aa eiBMoo eeoepiretor Ksv Jea 14 Tb Braiag Aa My of Nitb arrt W iMra that tb rri wu aade ij DeleetivH B1m aad Sldr aa- dr dinetipa of 0aral IKz Ib latr baviag reMlved order fbaa Weibiagtoa to mat Mheb oa th durg ef troaaea Tlpriaaa wu 1 oaM plM oa board s govaraaeat ttl aad by tbi tiiM i prw ea bis way to PortraM Moaree BOOTOS Jaae Iififtyoae aMn rthel prteoaera ware rUed fra Port Warrwi oa tkig tb oath of alWia Tb Boeloa Trsretia an tmm tba war bwa great ttaUoa by aambar of aitiaeaa wl aaMd ta ap a paia to aaak tba ajy ibaaa dariag tbair brief uy io Boetoa TbM rbl frly Mkaowlodg tbt tboagb tby bav tM tb lb ct giaaw tbr iar Ibr tb old Dai ie eel XsmitUa Sepfkr Vi oiisp or Potto urmmAinii Froa lb lavetigioa at praat ea al Haaihoa w iMra th aot yat Mprieted of iwapWdiiT hiedatiea W AfaaJu phy toM tbat llUowl had UI tbst Im bed ba io fraa toa froa Crabbrs Bd WeG I WM dletiv ad b trooU lajL eaythiag aora to do witb aa 1 t I bad oa baad Uaa a Moatreil with aoa prtia weeded oat aoa 89000 good tlxm ilk t0r lhH al a amaf to get aor sad ihak biag th aapp I aril tb good Jffry aaahawa 00 evr eeaaeioae I hn hew tbey aad tb JtirayAiM tb arax aitb wbieb Ibey aad Jeffrey woald go late ffor dl oa ged w P aatil m ap tb ky sad pt tb iaaaa fSaastioa I m ao iWa ibeM popl teO a IbrM attera bat I a im 4 boald tIl ae tbe tratb baa qaaiatoaM I bad fcraied vl than p it wa to tbir ielrral to 14 J tbe poBcaa tby eaU drMS A hum WM prodad ia lb tloa addreeeed te B 1 OBriaA iaapiator f Aaria itiaraaa aie froa W A CbBdi ia wbaaM Arawtraaf wm workii Aa My Wht aay aNM to yes taaiii tbey teld bia tba wt pelata4 dee aad Teroato la aplil wM OuilbUbtra He ay tb r aet Aariea refagaa mi jS dkr bat rridato r Ib FiS ad f lbB 9i rpalMi MiA Oa bra i d m hM ry i ad eae pateat a fip b ia tba gog Mesetsos AiiIosCoaiL aet rtfraa fraa ia f ad ay aaa si ViiHPraidaM Priry C I aneat to prf f ay fmadebip ad cadaNl I hoped tbat year pre yea eiit ftad year laagaeg weald leitfrirl aaiea wkah reigM ia ear fe4p Mi pelit pre wbieb yea fhiTj der tb agi f tb EapaarenM arr tb liaa f ay OeevM r jedeati tvbich I eaet t dd aeliaeate f htrd wbiA Mfftoordy Te apply tbii b gapra to tb pr ae tiae R Bi eery to hva paeM lhrab iriel of reepeaaMWty aad power Mill r wa raaOy e ar of apprcitiaf at Mi graM biiterieal figm of bsir Tobk Jaaa liTbe Tiaea priata Mead aad BbrideaS reperl f tb operstiea eariaf Lm arrder By 9wida nwrtit ia oted kaeva that Warraa wM tud sad Mat to the rear fr tardiaaa aad lk of aer b Meaiia frdr It aba Oea Wri dliBed to ebej ader aaifl diratod e to do by O OraaL Sbarida iiort b auiiiagly ialeieotiag aad tb a 0 aof aete ba datafe tbair rfUity ef tio ad tfcoivaa ar atoaikj aipMr tbat b bad bat oa idM fr verr oaaaaat f tb pa sadtbtwaaiebNak4 piaaaMI sad eaptar Lm aray ia tbb idM it b Tidat that b wm ia adraaM ef 0 OfoatbiMbir Nbw Tosk Jaa 18 Tb iW TaeCres eaneapoedeaM dtd Jaa lei Mya Tbe Ubati batv darfeg tb laai aeaib tbaa tby bav bat doriaf tb bet yar 0a NCTto tiU beldi M Sallilb sad tb a alia ad th aaet Tbe sttk oa Matanrii Calbd ewiag to tb tbralcalBg pcafiloa tak to tb nbl t Di ba tb X a M wbob 8ti ef TaaBpe witb tb ueprioa of Tapbe d Htaaora b ia the baad ef tb LIbrls Ia lbQlato ef Miobaeeee ibeOoaat lia Portir bM ba Try badly hatoa W tb Libial tra aader Gaer StotM f Tobeeeo aad CbpM aet e FroaboM a lapaUIiat b to bo TbewbctMbaeasltolbaaatb of Yr Or txoM rb On laada Mtlb lalhfam fMlMa f tb Jakfbto Tb Fraaeb bar aew atfrly dM paired of paalfyiaK tbe eoaotry aalaa Cy U DiiiaiaOaaail ef lat State f 8aa Cb Darao aad Teaeaiipe Ovar eigbt Ibeoaa Fiwaab lwf te witb Wa to tbe eadl aad brtify tb ftaotar girfaat lb nidiag iaearaoM ol tb droedad TleB Tb fiaaib AdirdbM aetrpaeto paisHi MasiaiBaa lyiag at Haa wbib be b eealdaat ba out dfad the eeasi agaieal tbe abate Aairiiaa HItb B ai fiidieg a ibo B Ja- aatie Aeyhia the fbioil ef tbat city b Wdl Ibe abiif aeabat ef that leeily He ha ha eeafiaed there fer aaelsea resrs a period abab eeaef witb bb diwppeama free Iba State M w eatr tM Ihe lida 1 tight heaee the ieiiBfl CrdggtiM aad lhdwaegfaMfq t wht b cbar I th yM afen 4 I prvMl aarky b fhraid laiay f Ira tb Eapera had tahUd f feoMly W afterward b hb thi aevera dieeipjia wbfab 00 Will aed eae atia faih dvit frea th ae del wh Mair 1 1 pray God to hav yee b hb I K- Sf WifOt PriM NflM W M Unl reply to lb laipariat easa Pmf WM evlaaiv feveard dicaeat Tb f b lb I Stss Ia e ty bttrr f I twa ia lb JMiatirtr flMai ra tb Vlat Paaidiaay 4 I aeii aad aba lb Pm Uairaral EtbiMMa Accpt Sba A haaoga f I iaoed Md t atlaaf wbbhlafyar MigMly fl vetedeeaoia W NAPOLBOHJ Phbi Bayal Hay S7 IM fdaittae MathadfM aittiagbth Brk8rtC a tba girafig Jas M J pnya ainieglW a bar etodedhyriMd Tb Rv Jha Devi EdRa f lb Cbrbtba Jpi aaaaleteMly il PiaMM very ayp oddron i f Baias TkaT f Lat Sra M a Tb ether iltar ed ted aad tb repi riaadbtrbu wre Ceaftreaa tj I IM 1 bat a ratert wM ibew aa a iaiM a aaibarabip ab cborab haadbga ad Ikat R praaeHf tbe reKgieo raieta O- Tb OM WM Spriep whab fw barrJ pr dy eaw paafsB CTFraa Triaidad rgw hd baa li iii aerfct Tbirly4 Bar af aaiptad tbe b toar the Datreitf 2aaa UmI rieit Eigbed gTbe aaaher f ay iitiad al danag th hto bMa aafated f 000 m Drt fc WITWM J Ita Tntmrf u ft firliM Df Om T Dit wye i 44 aw Jf Ditiif rai im m Mm TV ItintW eellw WW wb M r